It looked like the trump tellall fiction at the bookstore might need another shelf. Donald trump will do anything and everything within which to win. The president s former attorney, Michael Cohens memoir, disloyal, coming out on tuesday. President trump and his loyalists are strongly pushing back on the atlantics report rg that he insulted americas war dead. Now a former Senior Administration official is confirming the story. Personally and institutionally, its deeply troublesome. Beautiful shot there of the statue of liberty as the sun is coming up on this sunday morning, september 6th. Good to know that youre with us today. Makes us feel good. Thank you for being here. Im christi paul. Im Martin Savidge in for victor blackwell. Breaking news from overnight. 224 people have been rescued from the raging wildfires in california. But more could still be stranded. At least a dozen people have suffered serious injuries from the creek fire thats burning north of fresno and the Sierra National forest. Last hour we spoke with ma dura county sheriff about the mammoth area of the forest. Situation only can be described as hellish conditions for those poor people. Is it the Arnold Meadow also of concern and people trapped . He so we did have a bunch of people in vehicles nearby Arnold Meadow. That he made it up to where a bridge was being repaired and we to use fire engines to pull them across the creek at that area. Just some amazing work going on by deputies and the u. S. Forest Service Agents and just a team effort. Were grateful for the help from the California National guard. It is its a joint effort. Go ahead, christi. When youre talking about 224 people rescued, are there still others waiting to be rescued and are the helicopter rescues continuing right now . So the bulk of the large group sheltered in place that you see these amazing heroic images and videos, those have all been rescued. We do believe that theres still other people out in the wilderness. When daylight breaks, well be continuing the rescue operations to try to find them and get them to safety as well. Certainly best of luck. Thank you to all of those National Guardsmen and the people trying to get the folks to safety. Also, theres a group of camper that is captured the stunning video as they were trying to escape the flames of the creek fire. Look at this. Oh, my god. Holy just keep going. [ bleep ]. Oh, my god. Keep going. [ bleep ]. Oh, my god. We did it. We made it. Im all right. Very close, isnt it, those flames. A general with the California National guard tweeted out this photo. It was taken from a chinook helicopter involved in the evacuations. You see most of the trees covered in orange embers. That fire is not even close to containment at this point. Its grown to 36,000 acres in a couple of days. Want to go to cnn meteorologist Tyler Mauldin for more on what direction the wildfires could take next, especially based on whats happening with the weather and whether thats going to determine that direction. Tyler, what can you tell us . Yeah. That weather played a huge role in that 620 increase in the creek fire. You can see right now, we have a near live shot for you this morning of what the creek fire looks like at the moment. This is about as close as current as you can get. This video right here is updated every 15 minutes. You can see the fire is still raging. It is one of 74 large uncontained fires across the west. This one specifically is in Northern California to the north of fresno, to the south of yosemite. It is impacting the Sierra National forest. Weve mentioned all morning the mammoth pool reservoir. Thats located here in the Sierra National forest. Unfortunately, its a popular recreational site. I say unfortunately, because it is Labor Day Weekend. 36,000 acres burned. Zero percent contained. The entire red shaded area here is the area that is being affected by this creek fire as it continues to move to the south. Now, you can see it very clearly on the satellite ima amagerimag. Sacramento, reno, nevada, areas north, if you see haze, its directly from this fire. Poor air quality in effect for the entire area due to the smoke. In addition, were going to see that this area will see the smoke continue to billow, the fire continue to increase. You can see it on radar actually. When you look up to the sky, youll see a cumulus cloud and to the ground, very scary images like this. Very, very scary there. The conditions for the next 24 hours will be pretty dry and windy across portions of the area at times. Temperatures will be in the mid80s here around the creek fire. Elsewhere, guys, we could see temperatures well above the century mark, no rainfall, dry conditions. That is just fuel to ignite more fires. Its really hard to imagine worse conditions, tylerment thank you for the update. Also breaking overnight, the first detailed look at the book by michael cohen, President Trumps former attorney. Its called disloyal a memoir. It adds to the growing list of insider accounts on President Trump and what focuses on his character. Cohen details his former bosss alleged racist view of black leaders, especially barack obama. He claims that the president s disdain of his predecessor once drove him to hire an impersonator to belittle and fire in an apprenticestyle video. This is a photo from that shoot with cohen. Cohen gets into the president s ties to russian president vladimir putin. We spoke with Brian Stelter about that last hour. What stands out to me are the details about how trump operates his businesses and how he wanted to use his Political Campaign and his run for president to benefit his businesses. Thats been a theme, of course, of the Trump Presidency and cohen does have new detail about that in this book called disloyal. As you mentioned, it comes out tuesday. Its a best seller on amazon for weeks. Theres a lot of interest in this book. Even though cohen has a checkered past. Heres a key quote from the book. It says by ingratiating himself with putinin, this is trump. By hinting at changes in american sanctions policy against the country under a Trump Presidency, the boss, thats donald trump, was trying to nudge a moscow trump tower project along. Thats one example of cohen saying trump was trying to use his political situation to benefit his business situation. Trying to get a big new building built in moscow, in the in russia. Thats the kind of storytelling that cohen shares in this book now that hes an a vout antitrump person. All in disloyal. Its so interesting how close these two were at one point when we think about it. And where they are now. We did hear from the white house about this book. Their statement from press secretary Kaley Mcnerney says hes a disbarred lawyer and felon who lost all credibility and its unsurprising to see his latest attempt to profit off of his life. You mentioned it yourself just a moment ago. This is a man who does, at the end of the day, have credibility challenges. Yes. A liar. Someone proven as a liar in the past. And in the book disloyal, he apologizes for that. He accounts, he says, for his past sins and says the country needs to wake up to the danger that donald trump represents. Cohen will be out there on interviews this week saying hes worried that trump wont give up power if he loses the election. The most dramatic turn you can take. This is not the only new book coming out tuesday with new details about President Trump and about russia. The other big new book on tuesday, its called compromise by the former fbi agent peter struck. Struck was in the room as the russia probe was unfolding. Hes been tarred by the right for various reasons. His book is his account in his own words of what was going on in 2016, this probe into trump. Heres a quote from the interview with struck. Why is the book titled compromise . It suggests that you believe the president is compromised by russia. It doesnt always mean there are manchurian candidate or a spy willingly recruited. I dont think trump has a task list from putinin. He said he is unable to put the interests of our nation first. He acts from hidden motives. Theres leverage over him held by others as well. Leverage over trup. Thats in another theme evident trump years. It relates to when the president lies people know hes lying and they can use the lies against him to have leverage over him. Thats a claim from peter struck. Thats a theme of this big book, compromise. You have two books on one day after labor day. Both damning for the president. Its one of those things, what will affect him, what hes going to react to. The allegations merit attention and then by the way, wie week from now, perhaps the biggest book of the season, bob woodward has a new trump book coming out. Inside the Trump White House paced on a dozen interviews with the president. We know that the president is concerned about this book. The final stage of this election, a fuller and fuller picture of the president. In the case of these two new books, his ties to russia. Brian says it remains to be seen what impact it will have on voters. Joe biden and his campaign are you married on similar story. Theres a new a majority of young adults live with their parents. Its as high as it has been since the great depression. The coronavirus pandemic is likely the reason why according to new analysis. Public Health Officials are concerned because its Labor Day Weekend and of course, we know that previous Holiday Weekend gatherings this year have led to more Coronavirus Infections because younger people are going out and celebrating together. Of course, theres concern they could take that back to their parents. Want to go to natasha chen. Natasha, what do we know about celebrations around the country this weekend . Reporter yeah. So the concern is large gatherings. We saw some of that happening over memorial day weekend. After that is correct the sevenday moving average of new cases gradually crept upward all the way through midjuly. Now its come down a bit in some places. But the concern is that this Holiday Weekend could create another increase like that. Dr. Anthony fauci said going into the weekend said its okay to have smaller outdoor gatherings and its okay to be on beach but stay socially distant. Heres a snapshot from saturday. In asbury park, new jersey, in ocean city, maryland. Virginia beach, virginia and in georgia. Any of the stores you go in, you have to wear a mask and all that good stuff. Theyve enforced the social distancing. In galveston, textexas, the beach was less crowded and heres the view in jacksonville, florida. Heading into the Holiday Weekend, dr. Fauci advised people to wear masks, maintain social distancing and avoid large crowds. We want to make sure that all over the country, particularly in the vulnerable states that are start to go show an uptick, that we abide by the Public Health mandates and rules we talk about and not in essence have the same kind of surgeons that eve seen following the fourth of july and memorial day. Its not just super spreader events like holiday gatherings. Its family gatherings, too, that can fuel a rise in infection. At least 147 covid19 cases are now linked to an august wedding reception in maine, a state cdc spokesman said saturday. Maine center for Disease Control and robert law told cnn three people connected to the outbreak died of the virus. In new jersey, the borough of mantoloking has pulled all lifeguards for the remainder of its beach season after one lifeguard tested positive for covid19. Theyre worried if they were in touch with the lifeguard need to be tested. In new york, the state continues a 29th straight day of a covid19 infection rate below 1 . The university of washingtons institute for Health Metrics and evaluation estimates that there could be about 220,000some additional deaths by the new year given the current trend. Now, experts do believe that that number can be cut by more than half if theres universal mask wearing. However, that estimate can also greatly increase if government restrictions are relaxed. Christi, martin, back to you. Natasha chen. We appreciate it. Thank you. After 100 nights of protests, the message remains the same in portland. Demonstrators calling for an end to police brutality. Well give you a look at what happened last night. Plus, a former senior trump Administration Official confirms President Trump made disparaging comments about fallen u. S. Service members. The details next. Just press firmly and it continuously eliminates odors in the air and on soft surfaces. For 45 days. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My wife and daughter had been killed in an automobile crash, and lying in the bed were my two little boys. I couldnt have imagined what it wouldve been like if i didnt have insurance to cover them immediately and fully. 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Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Speaking from his hospital bed, jacob blake had a message for his supporters. Look at this. Your life is not only just your life. Your legs, something this you need to move around and move forward can be taken from you like this, man. Every 24 hours its not it hurts to breathe, it hurts to sleep. It hurts to move from side to side. It hurts to eat. Please, im telling you, change our lives out there. We can stick together. Blake was shot seven times in the back by a Police Officer. His three children were in the car at the time. The shooting left the 29yearold paralyzed from the waist down. It was the 100th night of protests in portland. Lucy cavanaugh reports. Christi, martin, good morning. Its the 100th night of protests in portland. The largest gathering weve seen. It was here at ventura park. There was about 400 people gathered around 7 00 p. M. Local time. By 9 00 p. M. , Police Declared the area a riot. The announcement youre hearing hoefer me right now is the police yet again declaring this area a riot asking people to leave or threatening to use nonlethal munitions like tear gas and flash bang to disperse the crowd. Things did get heated. Once the kraut dcrowd dispersed were pushed back by police. Another thing we saw on saturday was a rally in memory of aaron dani danielson, the person shot in the chest by a protester. The man accused suspected of shooting him he was killed on thursday in a confrontation with police. The demands have been consistent. They want racial justice. They want a change to the policing system here in portland and also across america. The protesters are not going to go home. Theyre going to stay on the streets. With the election heating up, we could see the demonstrations continuing through november. Christi, martin, back to you. Thank you so much. We want to take you to new york. We know a grand jury will investigate the death of daniel prude. Heres cnns polo sandoval. Reporter it was a fourth night of protests here in rochester, new york. Peaceful demonstrators returning to the very neighborhood where daniel prude encountered police back in late march with their message demanding justice and word spreading quickly among members of the community here about the attorney generals announcement she will be impaneling a grand jury. Of course, that could potentially mean criminal charges as part of this investigation here. Speaking of many members of the community here who believe this is a step in the right direction. They also hope that this is just a start. I think its absolutely a step in the right direction. I think its what the community wants. Me for my own personal perspective. Its unambiguously murder that happened. Im beyond excited to hear its going to be expedited, shes taking a lead role on this. Youre going to have justice behind it. Local officials reacted to yesterdays announcement including a county official that took to twitter writing, we have all been left with too many questions and not enough answers. The attorney general announced she will move to impanel a grand jury. Its an important first step in getting the answers that mr. Prudes family and our community rightfully deserve. As for the Police Officers, they remain suspended by the city of rochester. Polo sandoval, cnn, rochester, new york. Protesters march for the annual running of the Kentucky Derby in louisville. Thats where Breonna Taylor was killed in march. Jason carroll is there. Reporter the demonstration ended where it began, at a park a mile from churchill downs. At one point their numbers were in the thousands as they got to churchill downs, marched around the perimeter and then just as the race got underway, they stood, they shouted, they voiced all of their concerns, voiced their message, which is trying to get justice for Breonna Taylor. There was some concerns about whether or not this protest would be peaceful. Whether or not it would be nonviolent. We spoke to one of the organizers who said this was a protest that went off just the way it should have. Me talking to you right now was a part of our plan. We wanted the world to see, we wanted everyone to see and understand that were not happy. Were not satisfied with what the attorney general is doing, what the mayor is doing. We want justice for Breonna Taylor. While that race was going on, people were forced to Pay Attention to what was going on outside of churchill downs. We did so nonviolently. Were going to continue to do this. You didnt have the thousands upon thousands of fans who would normally ab at the derby as they were leaving. No matter to the demonstrators out here today. They feel their point got across, to make sure they werent letting up on the demonstrations until they see justice for Breonna Taylor. Jason carroll, cnn, louisville, kentucky. Democratic Vice President ial candidate, Kamala Harris is worried about fast tracking the vaccine. Dana bash has more. Crest gum detoxify. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Crest. That selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. Recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. 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A former senior trump Administration Official has told cnn that President Trump did refer to fallen u. S. Service members in crude and derogatory terms. That former official largely confirmed details from an article published in a magazine. It cited sources who said the president referred to Fallen Soldiers as losers and suckers. The president has forcefully denied that report. Kevin liptak is at the white house right now. What are you hearing right now from the white house, kevin . Reporter vehement denials of the story which is turning into something of a political crisis for the president. Denials being met with reporting that seems to bear out a lot of what was contained in the atlantic article, including that former Senior Administration official who told cnn that the president used derogatory language about american war dead at the cemetery in france when he visited there in 2018. Were also hearing from people familiar with the president s views that hes questioned why americans go to war in the first place. Hes asked why americans who fought in vietnam didnt find a way out telephone. Of course, the president received a draft deferment for bone spurs. The president has also asked why those who served in iraq and afghanistan went to those wars. Asking what did they get out of it. The president s denials are being corroborating report g reporting, including cnn. Its credibility for the president and he faces this crisis. Listen to the way the former director of national intelligence, James Clapper explained this on cnn last night. If this is true, you know, its really represehensiblrepre. The problem is, it is believable given the president s past behavior and statements he made. Most notably about senator mccain. For me, both personally and institutionally its deeply troublesome. Reporter now, this does come a at a moment of tension between the president and the military leadership over issues like sending troops to u. S. Cities and the renaming of confederate bases that were named after confederate generals. It also seems to be like an issue that will turn into a Major Political one on the campaign trail as we enter that final twomonth stretch. Former Vice President joe bidens into the a democratic aide tells me to expect biden to continue to raise this in the weeks ahead. Speaking of the campaign trail, both the Vice President and former Vice President and President Trump will be on the trail this week. Where will we see them . Both campaigns see labor day as the kickoff to the campaign in earnest. The president entering this final stretch as the underdog. Facing a polling deficit against biden. He doesnt seem to have received a bounce. Youll see him hit the road this week. In florida on tuesday for an official event on conservation before heading to winstonsalem for an airport hangar rally. Its the second time the president has been in North Carolina, since the ballots are being mailed. On thursday, he heads to michigan for another campaign rally. Thats one of the states that helped to power the president to victory in 2016 but where hes currently running behind the former Vice President. On friday, hell be in shanksville, pennsylvania to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the september 11th terror attacks. The Vice President , joe biden, will be in shanksville, pennsylvania on friday. Its not clear whether the two will encounter each other or whether theyll be there at the same time. The president is scheduled to deliver remarks. Guys . Kevin, appreciate it so much. Thank you. Lets talk to cnn political commentator errol louis about this now. Love the tie. Very sharp this morning. Thank you. I want to bring back an article that i found in the Washington Post yesterday. It was from november 10, 2016. In it they broke down the military votes swing states after the 2016 election. Ohio, North Carolina and florida specifically, the polls suggested that veterans voted for President Trump by a 2 to 1 margin about. Heres what they said. This is after he made comments about senator mccain, of course, not being a hero or being a loser and that the president said he would do a better job defeating isis thn the u. S. Generals. Heres what the article said. The numbers also mean, that 2 to 1 number, that a number of controversial remarks on veterans and foreign policies did not significantly damage his support among military families. It was said he has an uncanny ability to control the narrative. Do you still think thats true . Well see if he can pull it off again. This is a case where hes running around trying to shore up his base. At this point in the campaign, in this final 60day sprent to the finish line when early voting has started in key state, youre not supposed to be shoring up your base and assure them that you have gravely insulted them. Youre supposed to be trying to seal the deal and get the biggest turnout that you can. The trump team is fighting from behind. Its also worth pointing out as well, christi, in a lot of these counties, its referred to in that Washington Post article, Montgomery County where air force base is in ohio or in north florida in the panel handle, an area i know pretty well, theres actually a fair amount of disver at this among those. Countries that split from obama to trump in a lot of cases. But keep in find it was obama biden that the counties used to go for. Id say its kind of a jump ball. Its not necessarily that the folks are so enamored with donald trump, because clearly they voted for obama and joe biden, in some cases twice. Well see how it works out. Youre so good. Youre leading me into my second question. Also in that article, in these exit polls, they said some expressed anger with the seemingly endless words that continued from george w. Bushs term in office through obamas time in the white house. Hes touting his service in the Obama Administration as hes in this fight to get votes himself. What does that tell you about this article tell you about residual feelings or potential problems that biden might face now . Well, this is where it gets interesting. Is donald trump going to make that case . Hes been saying all kinds of things. Hes been doing the juvenile nicknames and calling him sleepy joe and that sort of thing. Hes trying to demonize the protests on behalf of police reform. Hes been all over the place. The lack of message has hurt him. If he decides that the real enemy in this case is Jeffrey Goldberg at the atlantic. A fine journalist i know pretty well or if he decides the problem is the Washington Post and fox news. Have all confirmed the reporting by atlantic, hes going to miss the point which you just made. If he wants to talk about endless wars and the Foreign Policy that he promised to bring about and to a certain extent made good on, if you cant stand that point, hell risk losing forms of support. Michael cohen, bob woodward books coming out this week and next week. The narrative from the right expectedly is going to be this was timed. This was planned to undermine President Trumps potential reelection. But in 2016, remember, the Washington Post published the access Hollywood Tape on october 7th. Less than a month and he won. What do you think the potential is with these books impactwise . That. Keep in mind, in a prior election there was the swift voting of john kerry in 2004. It does work both ways. You know, we dont know, never know what kind of a narrative is going to take hold and do damage to a campaign until we see how the public responds to. I dont know about you. Im going to read as much of these books as i can. Theres a lot of other stuff going on, including a pandemic and unemployment and a lot of other stuff. Well see how much this really does do damage. The point, of course, christi, is goes into a narrative. Thats the thing very hard to turn around in the final days of the campaign. Errol louis, always appreciate your insight. Thank you. Thank you. President trump is pressuring officials have a Coronavirus Vaccine ready by election day. But some are skept al, including Vice President ial candidate Kamala Harris. She tells us that shes worried about politics influencing health care decisions. Do you trust that in the situation where were in now that the Public Health experts and the scientists will get the last word on the efficacy of a vaccine . If past is pro log, they will not. Theyll be muzzled and suppressed. They will be sidelined. Because hes looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and hes grasping for whatever he can get to pretend that hes been a leader on this issue, when hes not. Lets just say theres a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it . Well, i think thats going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that i would not trust donald trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever hes talking about. I will not take his word for it. And coming up this morning an exclusive interview with democratic Vice President ial nominee senator Kamala Harris. Hear how she and joe biden will take on President Trump. That will be this morning on state of the union at 9 00. You know, the coronavirus pandemic has made it harder for Homeless People in america. Well, were going to meet an officer who is going to be on the call of duty to make sure theyre taken care of. 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The coronavirus pandemic is making it difficult for the Homeless Population to find shelter and resources. One Connecticut Police officer, jim barrett, is going way beyond the call to help serve the Homeless Community. Take a look. Hes just one of those officers who became a Police Officer but didnt forget that hes still a human being. So he knows what its like to struggle and be in the streets and hurt and not have anybody there to help you. I have approximately over 850 homeless that i monitor and maintain in the capital city here in hartford. When they see my truck pulling around the corner, its like the ice cream truck. When they see the Police Mobile van, all right. They know that uncle barrett is coming. You need clothes, right . Supplies that they need. Im there to take care of them. You need socks, underwear. Spread the word. Within ten minutes, ill have 30plus people migrating towards my location. Take care of yourself. You want a tshirt. I made a pact to myself when i joined the police force, to protect the community and serve it. I did 21 years in the army. I try to use that core value, living the creed. You dont leave a man or woman behind. I incorporate that with the leadership that i developed in the military and i try to bring that into the streets. I got socks. You want small socks . I see what they did. Address the critical need. Basic hygiene equipment. Tshirts, pants. Take two. Food, water. Youre welcome. Just the basic stuff. To you and myself, its not much. For someone that doesnt have it, its something huge. Due to the pandemic its hard because most of our social services and our programs and churches are closed. So doing what im doing is very critical. You got my card, right . Hes doing a lot more than just standing out here giving waters and tshirts. Hes really giving to Homeless Community and the addictive community a chance. I gave them a sense of hope, moral support, im a positive mentor from their life. Officer barrett, he looks at us as people that are in need. He has helped a lot of people. He help you mentally and physically. He just give you advice that motivates you to keep going. Thank you, officer barrett. When i see a woman r a man that ive been working with that got out of the homeless and they had their own life now, their own careers, you cant put a price tag on that. Good talking to you. Thats what its all about being a Police Officer. Give them a sense of hope and belief. See that smile . Its all worth it. Wow. Officer jim barrett, thank you, sir. Still ahead, shes only been walking for a few months. But this morning, meet a 2yearold who took a 28mile journey. Theres a purpose behind this. Now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter. Every bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. 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And forget it. Talk about some human kindness here, this 2yearold you see here, in scotland, 28 miles she walked, according to the daily record, she was born with holes in her heart, and the medical teams at the Royal Hospital for children in glasgow helped save her life. Jessicas mom tells the newspaper 28 miles is the distance from her home to the hospital. And eight months ago, she start walking for two miles a day after just starting to walk for first time in her life. She raised the equivalent of more than 800 for the Hospitals Charity to help other kids like her. Wow. Thats impressive. Just wanted to leave you with a little bit of a smile this morning. I know sometimes its hard. Sometimes its hard. Marty, so good to have you here. Thank you. It is a pleasure as always. Good to be with all of you. Inside politics with john king is up next. This is decisi. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. 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I do like to do it in person, but i dont want to take the chance this year. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. To our viewers in the United States and around the world, thank you so much for sharing your sunday. Character again is a Late Campaign question for donald trump. Four years ago it was a recording in which he bragged about assaulting women, now a damning new report that he called fallen American Military heroes losers and suckers. It is a disgrace that somebody has allowed to write things like that, it could have been, you know, a lot of times the sources arent sources, they dont exist, sometimes the sources are just people that are disgruntled, former socalled employees. Confirms what most of us believed

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