Elements of Robert Muellers report in the final articles. We knew and thats why i said its a conscious vote. Good saturday morning to you. Top of the hour now. Im victor blackwell. And a im amara walker in for christ a kristi paul. Three people were killed and several others injured when a man started shooting in a classroom in pensacola, florida. I want to get to cnns natasha chen about the latest. What are we learning about the gunman and any details on a possible motive. Reporter well, the fbi was specific about not wanting to talk about any possible motive, at this point. At a press conference they gave here last night, they talked about the fact this is a large crime scene and they have a team that has been working overnight to process the evidence there. They did say that its possible they may release more information about the shooter today. More people are dead, including the shooter, after an attack on a Pensacola Naval base by a member of the saudi military. Officials are working to determine the motive. Theres going to be a lot of questions about the individual being a Foreign National, being a part of the Saudi Air Force and to be here training on our soil. Two Law Enforcement sources tells cnn the shooter has been identified as mohamed al shamrani. President trump relaid a message from the king. The king said this person in no way, shape, or form represents the feelings of the saudi people who love the American People so much. Reporter he was part of an Aviation Training program on base and weapons are not allowed. Eight others were injured in the attack that began just before 8 00 a. M. Eastern time in a classroom building on base. Among the wounded, two deputies from the Sheriffs Office who exchanged gunfire. The two deputies that engaged the suspect, one was shot in the arm and one in the knee. Reporter the fbi is leading the investigation and authorities cautious its still in the early stages. This doesnt happen here. It doesnt happen in pensacola. It doesnt happen to our friends and neighbors who are members of the United States navy. For now, were here to pick up the pieces. The Defense Department confirms with cnn that al shamrani had been here for more than two years. He would have finished the training in august of 2020, back to you. Natasha, before we let you go. What is the status of the base now . We know throughout the day on friday it was closed. Is it still closed . Reporter well, were trying to confirm exactly what the situation is. I know that late yesterday through the Naval Air Station Facebook Page they were announcing in waves how people could come back on base, if they lived there. So in the Late Afternoon period, i saw a post about allowing residents back from the west end main gates. It looks like most people are back at home, if they do live there. Well confirm what the official security situation is with the base today. All right. Natasha chen with the latest. Thank you so much. We get to james gagliano, retired fbi supervisory special agent. On the phone with us, good morning to you. I want to start with the investigation and how this investigation will look a little different than what were used to seeing because this person is a Foreign National and this is a military installation. Give us an idea how it will look different. Caller sure. First of all, good morning, guys. I got to tell you, this is not i think, for the american public, many people are surprised to have Foreign Nationals that work with our military. I served in the United States army, and the same thing. We had Saudi National officers that were going through our training and doing maneuvers with us. This is is a common thing. We do it with our partners in central america, we do it with partners in eastern europe, we do it with partners around the globe. In this instance, you had a saudi officer who is going through basic naval Aviation Training. Hell have access to the training, hell be working with his u. S. Sponsors. This particular individual had been in the country for two years, victor. So had time to get roots in the community and understand the nuances of the base and, you know, this is a base with 17,000 uniformed personnel and 6,000 civilians. So absolute tragedy this happened. I was struck last night in listening to rachel, a special agent in charge of the jacksonville office. She was very careful and measured. They didnt want to release his name last night. They have still not made a declarative statement leaking it to terrorism. Theyll cross the is and dot the ts. Im assuming well hear Something Else by way of another updated press conference. This is a man who had been in country for two years. Very familiar with the base and the nuances of the base, as you said. What struck out to me was the fact that the weapons are not allowed on the base and somehow the suspect was able to bring a gun on to the base. Can you talk about the security regarding that. Also, does it say this must have been a planned operation . Caller sure. Well, theres a little difference in Naval Air Station than, say, an army post where i was assigned over the course of my military career. If you have an infantry post, you have rifles and things like that. This being an Naval Air Station, there probably would have been limited weapons use. They have them. Theyre secured in an arms room. The only people allowed on post with weapons are armed Law Enforcement personnel like yesterday the brave sheriffs deputies, and then usually military police and sometimes the Naval Criminal Investigative Service folk. Youre in the allowed to carry a personnel weapon on post. If youre stationed on post, you have yours secured in an armory or an arms room. So, really, for this to happen. This individual, as we know, secreted a handgun with additional magazines on to post. How did he do that . You go through security. If you have a badge, you dont get your trunk searched. Thank you so much for helping us understand from military and Law Enforcement perspective. Good to have it, james. Caller thank you, guys. Were learning that three members of the Minnesota National guard died thursday after their blackhawk helicopter crashed during a routine maintenance test fight. According to the cnn affiliate, wcco, a may day call was put out an hour and a half after it was missing. The u. S. Army Aviation Center is sending investigators to determine the cause of the crash. No participation. The white house said it will not send anyone to the hill to defend President Trump and the impeachment hearings. Why they say the entire thing is a waste of time. Plus, a temporary win for the president from an unlikely source. Supreme Court Justice ruth bader ginsburg. And the latest on a storm that is bringing a trip l threat to the west. 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They rejected an offer from democrats to present any type of defense for President Trump during the house process. Yeah. In a stronglyworded letter. The white House Counsel called the proceedings baseless, reckless, and a charade. Joining us now is kristin holmes. No one expected the white house to participate. So no big surprise here. Reporter thats right. We have to keep two things in mind. While President Trump and republicans have been saying this process is unfair because the president doesnt have representation, at the same time, we have seen the white house stone wall these investigations over and over again. They will not turn over certain documents, they will not allow some of their aids to testify. So, again, youre absolutely right. Its not a surprise they arent going to participate in the process. I want to read you part of this letter here from the white House Counsel. You mentioned it is strongly worded. This said adopting articles of impeachment would be a reckless abuse of power by House Democrats and would institute the most unjust, highly partisan, and unconstitutional attempt at impeachment in our nations history. Now right after that, this letter quoted the president saying we want you to hurry up in the house and move this over to the senate. That was something President Trump has tweeted. The reason being they believe this process is going to be much more friendly in the senate. Republicans that, is, because the senate is run by republicans. One thing i want to note here, while all of this is going on, democrats are having some of their own issues in drafting some of these articles of impeachment. This has been something weve been watching very carefully. Here is what it boils down to, again, articles of impeachment. Those are the charges brought against the president. There is a group of moderate democrats who were voted in in swing districts who want to be careful, want this to be a narrow scope. What theyre concerned about is whether or not democrats are going to try and include any elements from the Mueller Report into this. So take a listen to what two of the moderates had to say. I was against going through with impeachment. So with the understanding im not going to entertain any hypotheticals, i was very serious when i came out and said that. Very serious. I think we need to stay fo s focussed on ukraine. When we wrote the oped it was about ukraine. Thats what im ready to vote on. We heard some of the moderates are frustrated with the process because they havent been able to get a read from the speaker on what exactly those articles are going to include. It will be fascinating to watch. One person i spoke to said there could be a situation where democrats split the vote. They would vote yes on some of these articles but not on all. Thats not something the speaker would want. They want to show a sign of unity, at this time. I have to ask because were expecting to get the articles as early as next week. Do we know what the republican strategy is going to be . Well, it depends on which part of the strategy you want to talk about. So, theres the strategy on the ground. Behind the scenes strategy. I talked to several republicans who are aids on the hill who essentially told me theyre not going to change their strategy among members. Theyre going to keep unifying them. Theyll keep having weekly meetings. Keep trying to attack the white house here. Now the other part of the strategy is what theyre going to do in the hearing. We have heard from representative doug collins, who is a big advocate of President Trump. Hes a Ranking Member on the judiciary committee. He sent a letter saying they wanted about eight witnesses. On the list is adam schiff, hunter biden, the unknown whistle blower. We know democrats said they will not call those people as witnesses. So well have to see how this plays out. All right, kiersten holmes, i appreciate your reporting. Thank you. Well bring in crystal hayes, u. S. Correspondent for usa today. The moderates who are concerned about potentially broadening the scope of these articles of impeachment, how persuasive are they . Take us inside this disagreement within the democratic office. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knows the perils for these moderates. They are the folks who flipped districts and gave her the speakership. So shes been keeping in close contact with those vehicle folks. And the whole caucus. She knows where the caucus is on this. Shes going to be careful, i think, as this moves forward. You know, its not even just moderates. A number of more progressiveleaning folks said the same thing. They want to keep it sort of close with the focus on ukraine because it is what democrats say is their best case forward. Thats going to be such a huge discussion as things continue. Especially over the next week. We could see a draft of articles of impeachment as early as this week. Thats the expectations. So we read a little bit of the letter that came from the white house, but we got this letter that was released from House Republicans. They sent the wrong letter to chairman nadler asking him to call, among others, house intel chairman adam schiff, anonymous whistle blower, hunter biden. Highly unlikely the democrats will do that, understandably. What are the signals, though, coming from the senate that potentially would they be on a witness list . Can they get a majority of republicans to want to call the bidens or others on this list . So far the senate has even some of the president s closest allies kind of signalled no, which is interesting. And, you know, you can probably see it shift a little bit. Weve seen a lot of pressure on quite a few members of the senate, including lindsey graham, which is the South Carolina senator in a close ally of the president. Last night, the president s son was tweeting about him wanting to get adam schiff, the house intelligence chairmans phone records. Well see a lot of pressure on the senators. Usually the senate is kind of this simmering down from the house. The house is kind of known as a boiling tea kettle and the senate is where things seem to cool down with the partnership and the impeachment inquiry, its pretty clear the president wont want to see that. He wants to see partisanship and, you know, things more geared toward a republican trial. More about biden, the whistle blower. Right now senators dont seem too keen on bringing in those folks. You brought up senator graham, he and two others, senator grassley, and senator johnson, all three republican chairmen, they requested documents from the National Archives and the state department to try to get to the bottom of the potential ukrainian influence or interference in 2016. In is from their joint statement. Is said the inquiries unrelated to a uncorroborated theory that ukraine was behind the hack of d. C. Servers. U. S. Intelligence officials and special counsel robert mulerss investigation found that russia was responsible for the dnc hack. And certain reports of collusion and the interference involving ukrainian officials have not been sufficiently examined, and the few answers that have been given are inadequate. Is this what it will be . Its a forecast what we can see happening in the senate trial along with biden. I think theres going to be a huge focus on him and, also, this as things move forward. Which is exactly what trump wants. In the senate, Mitch Mcconnell will be weary of a number of moderates including susan collins, lisa murkowski, and mitt romney. Mitt romney, in particular, has been, you know, kind of the leading force against the president in some regard on this ukrainian scandal. And, you know, even with this theory about ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election, hes been one of the opponents point ought that, you know, intelligence does not tell us this happened. Yeah. We know that democrats, republicans, as well, will be working through the weekend. Well see if any more comes of that. Good to have you. Turning to a storm hitting the west coast today. Its bringing new threats to a region still recovering from recent wild fires. Theres concern heavy rain in Northern California could cause mudslides. Meantime, heavy snow is moving into the mountains. Meteorologist ivan cabrera is tracking this. A lot of areas dealing with some rough weather, ivan. Yeah. For the last couple of days, victor. Good morning. Good to see you. We have an area of low pressure just to the west of california. Its basically acting as a moisture conveyer belt, if you will. On the southern flank, all sorts of moisture will get pulled in resulting along in heavy rain along the coast and valleys. And talking about Higher Elevation snowfall. This will be an event throughout the day, the rain will continue to be quite heavy, at times, as waves of moisture begin to come in. As the air will get clocked with significant snow. Were talking feet in just the next 24 to 48 hours. But amara may have a point. We have lots of burn areas in california. This area is particularly vulnerable to any significant rain. Were going have one, perhaps 3 inches, thats going to be the range. That will be enough to provide us with the danger. The wind gusts not terrible but 30 to 58 Miles Per Hour. Here is the low as we put the forecast in motion to see it continues in coming on shore bringing the heavy rain and snow, as well, for the sierra. This is what were expecting when its done. Talking felt of snow in the sierra and anywhere from 1 to 3 inches across portions of california. Keep you posted on that. So far, no reports of significant flooding yet. Im sure youll keep a close watch. Ivan, thank you very much. Breaking news in morning, an american prisoner in iran is on his way home. The president s statement announcing his return leaves out something really important. Well tell you what that is. He is an admitted criminal. A congressman said he wont exit office until after the holidays. Want to brain better . Say hello to neuriva, a new brain supplement with clinically proven ingredients that fuel five indicators of brain performance focus, accuracy, memory, learning, and concentration. Neuriva. I am not for ignoring the first sign of a cold. I am for shortening my cold, with zicam zicam is completely different. Unlike most other cold medicines, zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. I am a zifan for zicam oral or nasal. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® [ dramatic music ]ing ] ahhhh ahhhh elliott. You came back breaking news. An american held in iran since 2016 is headed home the president announced in the Early Morning statement that a princeton graduate student was freed from iranian custody. The president s statement made no mention of this. That irans foreign minister said wangs return was part of a swath and the United States agreed to send back an iranian scientist arrested for violating str trade sanctions. We go to kristin holmes. Reporter first, i want to start with who this american is. This is is a princeton student who was studying in iran. He was a history ph. D. Student. He was essentially detained. They said he was a spy. Now we see this prisoner swap. I have reached out to the white house. I havent heard back. The only confirmation we have is from the Iranian Foreign minister. We did just get a statement in from his wife. Essentially says this. Our family is complete once again. Our son and i have waited three long years. Its hard to express in words how excited we are to be reunited. We are thankful to everyone who helped make this happen. So clearly a joyous day. I want to note, there had been some skepticism we would be able to get americans out of iran. We have seen roughly a dozen, at least, of prisoners who have been released under President Trump. He has made this a key part of his administration over and over again saying he wants to get these americans back on american soil. Those came from countries like egypt, north korea, turkey. This was very different. There was a lot of skepticism they would be able to make a deal with iran. So right now still gathering the details on what exactly happened. How this played out. We know this american is coming home all right, thank you so much for getting on that breaking news. Congressman Duncan Hunter is leaving congress but he says hell do it after the holidays. The California Republican changed his formal plea this week to guilty admitting to fraudulently spending more than 200,000 in campaign funds. Some of the luxuries he and his wife splurged on include a 14,000 italian vacation. He spent the money on everyday items like groceries. Until this week, he denied any wrong doing. That went on for more than a year. A House Ethics Committee told hunter on thursday to stop voting on legislation. From the holiday commercial about bikes to one about boos. How the actress is making best of it. And a tick commonly found in the south is making the way north and spreading illness. Even being blamed for one woman developing an allergy to red meat. How Climate Change is contributing to the spread of this bloodsucking bug. Mike bloombergs never been afraid of tough fights, the ones that make a true difference in peoples lives. And mikes won them, which is important right this minute, because if he could beat americas biggest gun lobby, helping pass background check laws and defeat nra backed politicians across this country, beat big coal, helping shut down hundreds of polluting plants and beat big tobacco, helping pass laws to save the next generation from addiction. All against big odds you can beat him. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Ewm Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Keurig kduo brewer makes any occasion the perfect coffee occasion. Family brunch just add Ground Coffee for a carafe, or pop in a pod for a freshly brewed cup. Good strong coffee. Our french roast. It was a decaf for you, yes . In your favorite mug. There we go. Have you ever worked with dr. Francis . Oh yeah, hes ok. Just ok . Guess who just got reinstated well, not officially. Nervous . Yeah. Yeah me too. Dont worry about it, well figure it out. Ill see ya in there just ok is not ok. At t has americas best network, now with our best plans, at our best prices, starting at 35 a line for 4 lines. New from at t. At chevy, were all about bringing families together. This time of year, thats really important. So were making it easier than ever to become part of our family. Man thats why our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. The chevy price you pay is what we pay. Not a cent more. Family is important to us. And wed like you to be part of ours. So happy holidays. And welcome to the family. The chevy family get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. Welcome back. Authorities are monitoring detroits drinking water. The facility produced radio active material during world war ii caved in last month. Yesterday investigators from the epa were on site. They were doing some testing. According to the epa and michigans department of environment, previous inspections found no abnormal radio activity at the site. Now, it is unclear what caused the facility to collapse. Theyre trying to get an answer to that. Pacific gas and electric have reached a multimillion dollar settlement. The utility giant announced it would pay 13. 5 billion to settle claims from several fires between 2015 to 2018. The wild fires killed dozens of people and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses. Last novembers campfire alone killed 85 people. The companys equipment has been blamed for starting some of those fires. The agreement still has to be approved by a bankruptcy court. In cities around the world with, protesters blocked streets with their bodies, banners, all calling for immediate action on Climate Change. Portland, oregon, new york, madrid. A lot of protests were lead by students. From extreme weather to rising sea levels, experts have warned about the wide spread effects of Climate Change. Researchers say Global Warming expose the millions to a smaller threat, as well. Ticks and the illnesses they carry. Cnn Health Reporter Jacqueline Howard joins us now. Explain that connection to Climate Change and how is the worlds climate driving a rise in the diseases and where were seeing them spread. We cant ignore that Climate Change is one of the factors playing a role ear. In the United States since 2004, weve seen tickborn disease cases double. Thats something to keep in mind. What is happening as we see the climate shift, and as we see longer and hotter summers that allows ticks to move into regions where they havent necessarily been prevalent before and that allows for more tick activity. One example of this is the lone star tick. We know the lone star tick is typically found in the south, but in recent years, weve seen this type of tick in the upper midwest, in the upper northeast, and even into eastern canada. And thats different from, as you can see on the map here, where its typically found, which is more in the south. As we see more tick activity, that raises the risk of tickborne disease. What are some of these and how dangerous is this . We know about lyme disease, of course. Even after treated with antibiotics you can have lingering effects like pain. And we know about Rocky Mountain fever and a red meat allergy may be linked to tick bites. Thats something to keep in mind, as well. What scientists are looking into, though, as we see more tick activity, that raises the risk of new and emerging diseases coming on the scene and thats something that scientists are really kind of keeping an eye on here. Its a bit concerning. Is there anything people can do to protect themselves . You know, of course, when youre in wooded areas keep your exposed skin covered, check yourself for ticks. One thing you might not think about, if you have pets, like cats and dogs, they can bring ticks into the home and they can expose Young Children and even babies to ticks. Thats something to be aware of. At the end of the day, raising awareness around this. Being aware of the increased risk is important. Thats really the first step to prevention. Thank you for making us aware, jacqueline. Thank you. Thank you. Well go to North Carolina now. A town cancelled a Christmas Parade that features a confederate group. Why officials were concerned this could have turned violent this year. Plus, its championship weekend in College Football our coy wire is live from atlanta for the biggest conference clash for all of them. The sec title game. Coy . Reporter yeah good morning its lsu and georgia right here in atlanta i dont know if you can see smoke billowing over here but were already tailgating this morning. Well have a talk about these championship games coming up after the break. Searching for a way to help stop your cold sore . Only abreva can get rid of it in. As little as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Abreva acts on it. So you can too. groans hmph. food grunting menacingly when the food you love doesnt love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. Tum tumtum tum tums all right. With one weekend to go in the College Football season, its a question of who is in and who is out. That question is a little bit easier to answer this morning. Coy wire is hunkered down at the sec championship game in atlanta. Good morning to you reporter yes, good morning to you. Last night utah, the number five team in the nation, they were ready to fly into the final spot of the College Football playoff. If theres any sort of shake up today but it is not meant to be. Number 13 oregon playing spoilers in the pac12 championship last night last night in santa clara, california. Check out out run. 70 yards to the end zone. He clocked in at 21 Miles Per Hour this summer. He ran for over 200 yards and three touchdowns in the game. The ducks demolishing the thirdranked scoring defense in the nation. Theyre heading to the rose bowl. And heartbreak for utah. Theyre knocked out of the playoff contentions. More conference title games today. Deep your eye on the winner of the big 12 championship. Baylor or oklahoma could find themselves in the final playoff spot if georgia loses today. Thats here at the sec title game in atlanta. Just a stones throw away from cnn center. Uj implications here. The bulldogs have a very impressive track record this season. Coach kirby smart and his bulldogs have knocked off three teams this season in the top 15, but they have not yet run into a team like lsu and that highpowered offense. They are scoring the second most points in the nation. Averaging over 48 points per game. Look at that. Theyre lead by Heisman Trophy frontrunner joe burrow. He graduated undergraduate in three years. His coach, ed ogeron, said hes a solid leader. Hes a solid leader. He does things by example. Hell step up and challenge guys. Hes a fierce competitor. Hes very focussed. Hes mature ahead of his years. He brings a lot to our football team. Reporter these games mean so much to these players today because a lot of these guys are seniors. They wont play in the nfl. It will be the last game they ever play in their collegiate career. The games mean a lot to me today, too. Were tailgating for the tums ultimate tailgate. This is the size of the po boy. We have chef julian here. If i dont make my next hit, youll know im probably in a food coma somewhere. Oh, boy, coy. What do you know about a po boy. Reporter im about to find out ill bring you some. I have a good feeling about that. Try not to finish the whole thing. Thanks, coy the actress, you probably heard about this. Dubbed the peloton woman is back in a new ad. She is. This time shes trading in the exercise bike for something much different. Youll see next. Lactaid is 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit wat t. Rowe price, hundreds of our experts go beyond the numbers to examine Investment Opportunities firsthand. Like a biotech firm that engineers a patients own cells to fight cancer. This is strategic investing. Because your investments deserve the full story. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. At humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you. 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Video of the speaker went viral h this week when she snapped at a reporter who asked her if she hated President Trump. We have more on the fingerpointi fingerpointing encounter. Reporter a sevenword question that stopped nancy pelosi in her tracks. Do you hate the president . I dont hate anybody. Reporter she did so much angry pointing it made her face fame point directed at President Trump seemed like a minor wag. She marched back to the microphone. I dont hate anyone. Reporter buckle your seat belt james rosen. So dont mess with me when it comes to words like that. Reporter she turned and stalked out. Wow. Wow. Reporter it was the tirade that launched a thousa thousand dontmesswithme. Not all catholics took the high road. Speaker pelosi is a better catholic than i am. I hate trump. Every bead of my rosary. Fans said of pelosi, shes magnificent. Critics said this woman is a line. President trump tweeted nancy pelosi just had a nervous fit. Yeah. I think thats going to be a historic pelosi quote for decades. Reporter her latest quote resurrected quotes about her. If you think a woman cant seat donald trump, nancy pelosi does it every day. Reporter it brought forth the most famous gifts. Donning her sunglasses, wielding her giant gavel, clapping back at President Trump, earning her the snl nickname nancy clapback pelosi. What a stupid question that is. But i watch you a lot. You ask a lot of stupid questions. Reporter speaking of hate, would you hate to be him . Dont mess with me when it comes to words like that. Cnn, new york. [ laughter ] the actress featured in the holiday commercial going viral for the wrong reason, really, is making the most out of some unexpected attention. Yeah. In case you havent seen the ad. Here is is a clip. A year ago, i didnt realize how much this would change me. Thank you. This holiday, give the gift of peloton. Anything wrong with the ad . The ad is for the indoor exercise bike peloton. It shows a woman watching a compilation of her yearlong experience wririding the bike a she thanks her husband for gifting it to her. The ad has been getting roasted online with some calling it sexist. Now the actress dubbed the peloton woman or the peloton wife is trading in the bike for a cocktail. Youre safe here. To new beginnings. To new beginnings. There we go. Its going to be a fun night so the new ad was posted by actor Ryan Reynolds for his gin brand. The caption exercise bike not included. I dont know what one has to do with the other. Basically she could enjoy her life and not have to be gifted a peloton bike. I feel like a commercial actress took two jobs. And were trying to put this together. Look, social media loved it. Theyre saying Ryan Reynolds was a hero for saving her on this. All right, well, social media often knows more than i do. Stay with us, the next hour of new day starts after a quick break. 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Theyre looking into whether it was related to terrorism. Its a horrible thing that took place. Were getting to the bottom of it. President trumps legal team will not participate in house impeachment proceedings. A new letter from white House Republicans tells all but tells democrats to get lost. Speaker nancy pelosi, sources say, hearing all corners on the caucus on whether to hear elements of Robert Muellers report. We knew and thats why i said its a conscious vote

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