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Dont give yellow lights. I am back Bernie Sanders proved that you can run a Grassroots Campaign and win in an america where we almost thought it was impossible. Good sunday morning to you. Im victor blackwell. Im amber walker in for christi paul. After facing releaptless bipartisanship criticism, president abruptly cancelled plans to host the g7 as his resort in florida. Lawmakers on both sides of the political divide sounded the alarm. Cnns learning about this aboutface . Reporter good morning. This is a very rare move for President Trump. When the past rhas refused to bw to any criticism. When the acting chief of staff announced this foreign summit was held at doral, he said the president expected blowback and forge ahead but not the case. Pull up these tweets for you here. Bear with me. They are long and i will paraphrase some parts of it. Here is what he said. Now a lot to unpack here. Ill start with the fact we know this wasnt just democrats and the media who is attacking him for this. We have heard from several republicans. Here is one of them. Why, just why bring on the controversy over it . It just avoid the perception of any impropriety. Just dont do it. There arelots of hotels in florida. If he is getting down in the weeds that much, boy, he has a lot more time on his hands than i do. Reporter clearly there an important republican senator slamming the president essentially for making this choice and she, again, was not the only republican to do and to do so on camera and on the record. I want to know one other thing here. This announcement, this particular announcement about camp david really seems to undermine his acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney who stood up there and slammed camp david, which is where President Trump had held his g7, his foreign summit in 2012. Excuse me. President obama held his in 2012. He said it was too small and way too remote saying nobody liked that place and President Trump says we are looking at that. This is not the first incident we have seen of President Trump undermining one of his Staff Members but certainly is interesting given the fact that was also the same press conference where mulvaney had to retreat, recant his statements about a quid pro quo in ukraine. We appreciate your reporting. Thank you. Lets dig in on some of these specifics here with julian zeleny, a professor at Princeton University and siraj hasmi. Julian, let me start with you. An element that kristen just mentioned. This is acting chief of staff Nick Mulvaney just on thursday. Watch. Listen. The president , we know the environment we live in and you know the environment we live in and he knows exactly he will get these questions and exactly get that reaction from a lot of people and he is simply saying, that seventynine im willing to that the same way he takes it when he goes to other places. He got over that long time ago. We believe this is the best play to have it and we will have it there and folks never get over the fact its a trump property. We will get that but we are still going to go there. He is willing to take the pressure and got over that a long time ago and still going there. Why is this different . The millions of dollars that the u. S. Government and foreign governments have paid to the trump properties, why did president back down from this . Its a reality bites moment. Everything that happens now is happening through the prism of impeachment and so when he does things that he has done before, now he has to consider what does this do to republicans on the hill . And there was pushback from senate republicans. They were very outraged about this as a violation of ethics, if not the of the clause. The president and his team understand they are in peril so that is what youre seeing with these kind of pullbacks. Kristen mentioned camp david, siraj. Here is mulvaney on camp david on thursday. Put it aside and deal with a Perfect Place. Who is here the last time was at camp david . Was that the Perfect Place . In fact, i understand the folks who participated in it hated it and thought it was a miserable place to have a g7. It was way too small and way too remote and i understand the media didnt like you had to ride a bus an hour to get there either wam. Th. That is the mulvaney on camp david. Is the president saying you dont want to have it doral . Ill show you and take it back to camp david where nobody liked it. Is he trying to make it as miserable as possible now . A good question and im not sure and wonder why the white house camped down on press briefings because you expect the statements the white house puts out to be undermined by the president in a tweet later on. While trumps message might not be the most tailored and polished, he is, obviously, the most effective communicator this white house has and holding a g7 at doral versus camp david, it might be like cutting off your nose in spite your face to stick it to the washington establishment and to the White House Press corps who actually have to go to this event. The president has bigger issues on his plate and, julian, turn to the impeachment inquiry now. The president s former chief strategist steve bannon, said this. This is a president who is on his fifth Communications Director in about a thousand days. The neiay sayers have long gone. Recognize this from bannon will the president s ability to stay on the script and you choose your analogy. The president doesnt stay on script and until now, that is his method and his advisers have been happy with that, distract, create chaos and try to control the narrative of the media through saying what he wants, tweeting what he wants. Now hes in a very different position and i think someone like steve bannon who is very savvy and understands the president , understands when you are in this moment as a president , you need a team. You need a team to coordinate what the responses are and what the legal responses and political responses are. The president doesnt have that. So his tweets, so his statements, so the miscommunications that happen on a daily basis, each one puts him in more peril and i think bannon is sending a warning to his former friend or freenemy. He says the fake news and witch hunt stuff is not working. The quinnipiac poll the last week shows no change in the percentage of people who believe that this inquiry is legitimate. Is that essentially good news for the president , considering all that we have learned over the last couple of weeks . Regardless of where this impeachment inquiry moves, youre going to have two americas that believe that its legitimate and one that believes that its not. With respect to this idea that the president of the United States used his office to withhold aid to ukraine in exchange for investigating joe biden and his son hunter for sitting on the board of a holdingsings, there is a transcript but some people believe there was not a smoking gun, and that is probably the issue. Now if you want to talk about his comments that he made in front of everyone about investigating biden through china, that is probably a little bit more damming because he just said it out in the open. Again, one of those things he could be just spoofing, he could be rip be off the cuff. We dont know because we dont know what the full intent of president of the United States is. Julian, republican congressman francis rooney, on friday the first House Republican to say he is considering supporting articles of impeachment. I think he is the 19th House Republican on friday to say he wont be running for another term. This this would had been third. We know the loudest critics of the president have the coat on and looking for the car keys and heading out the door. But what does this happening in such quick succession do for the president s support in the house . Does it solidify that support on one day youre considering that this is something wrong that should deserve impeachment, the next one you decide you dont want to stay . It totally solidifies his support in the Republican Party and sends the message if youre a critic of the president and open critic of the president no room for you in the congressional caucuses of capitol hill. Until now at least the president has been able to preserve that. So a moment like this is a reminder to all of the other House Republicans, dont come out in favor of impeachment, dont come out against the president , and similarly with the senate republicans. And that is what the president is depending on more than anything else, more than how his base perceives the story. He is really just in need of solidifying that support on the hill. We will see if it sticks together. Julian zeleny and siraj hasmi, thank you both. Thank you. This week is set to see another round of major closeddoor testimony in the impeachment inquiry. On tuesday, acting u. S. Ambassador to ukraine bill taylor is set to answer questions. Taylor was named a key figure following the release of his Text Messages he called it crazy to withhold Security Assistance for help with a political campaign. On wednesday, acting secretary, phil regan is expected to testify. He had concerns about far right conspiracies spread about the former ambassador to ukraine. We are expecting Michael Duffy to answer questions on wednesday. He is the associate director for National Security programs in the office of management and budget. Now the wall street journal reports that duffey was to keep aid to ukraine on hold. Two depositions are scheduled for thursday. Laura cooper, the Deputy Assistant secretary of defense and alexander vindman. Then expecting a Foreign Service officer stationed in kiev so sit down. Her job focused on ukraines energy secretarier and the countrys stateowned naftogaz company. And then another hearing on friday. That would beimothy morrison. He succeeded fiona hill at the National Security council. Bernie sanders had a big crowd as he returns to the campaign trail. And then a football coach who disarmed a student with a loaded gun speaks out. And one of the best endings you will see. The world series is set. Its three times concentrated liquid formula coats and kills bacteria to relieve diarrhea. The leading competitor only treats symptoms. It does nothing to kill the bacteria. Treat diarrhea at its source with new pepto diarrhea. The russells travel to swim meets every saturday. But now. Its thursday. Good thing they discovered gain flings with oxi boost and febreze odor remover. Gain flings. Seriously good scent. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Cologuard colon cancer and older at average risk. Ive heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. Im not worried. It doesnt run in my family. 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In the meantime, a major setback for Boris Johnson brexit plan. The plan was to leave the European Union the end of the month but talks went nowhere to johnson was to ask brussels for a threemonth extension. I submitted that request and then immediately disowned it and called it a bad idea that would be corrosive. It leaves eu leaders confused. They say they will try to sort it out the next couple of days. Bernie sanders is back on the campaign trail three weeks after he suffered a heart attack. Thousands packed the event to see him receive a major endorsement from new york congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez. It was two weeks since Bernie Sanders held a Campaign Rally so he wanted to return to the campaign trail a big splash and he did it with unof the help of the biggest stars in democratic politics. Bernie sanders wanted to make one thing very clear. To put it bluntly, i am back reporter sanders, a little more than two weeks after suffering a heart attack, returned to the campaign trail in dramatic fashion, packing queens with level of energy and enthusiasm designed to show despite the health scare he didnt going anywhere. I am happy to report to you that i am more than ready to assume the office of president of the United States. Reporter adding reinforcement to this new stage of his campaign . Holy cow reporter progressive rising star alexandria ocasiocortez. She formally endorsed sanders and made the case that it is the sanders brand of politics that will beat donald trump. No one wanted to question this system. And in 2016, he fundamentally changed politics in america. Reporter prior to his heart attack, the Sanders Campaign was stuck in neural struggling to keep up with frontrunners Elizabeth Warren and joe biden, but far ahead of lowertier candidates. His heart attack drawing in new questions about his age and fitness for office but his supporters said they werent worried about it. He is okay. That is the last thing im thinking about. He will be around here at least another 30 years. Reporter sanders is working to solidify support from the progressive left. In addition to locking up ocasiocortez he picked up the endorsement of omar and appear later this monday with rashida tlaib, freshmen female members of congress. I am in the United States congress now. And that is a long, long way from being sexually harassed waitress in Downtown Manhattan one year ago. However, in this new historic freshmen congressional class, in overwhelming amounts of them, now reject corporate path money. That is thanks to bernie. Reporter a force that brings with it energy that helps sanders draw what his Campaign Said was the biggest crowd so far and inspired supporters like peter mo davis. Aoc saw bernie almost on hs s death bed and still thought he was the best candidate for president. Reporter the promise sanders made to those supporters . He is in this race to win. There is no doubt in my mind that not only will we win this election, but, together, we will transform this country thank you all very much reporter and hoping to keep the momentum going for this reinvigorated campaign, sanders will now head to iowa later this week. The caucus is more than a hundred days away and sanders will keep the momentum going with a hefty war chest. He has more than 30 million cash on hand. Ryan nobles, thank you. The president is saying all week the troops are coming home. The troops are coming home. Well, the defense secretary says those troops that are being pulled out of syria are going to iraq. Now lets talk about the ceasefire in syria. This appears to be failing. We will have the latest from the turkey syria border next. cos i know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams here i go again on my you realize your vows are a whitesnake song . I do. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Puberty means personal space. So sports clothes sit around growing odors. Thats why we graduated to tide pods sport. Finally something more powerful than the funk. Tide sport removes even weekold sweat odor. Its got to be tide. Breathe freely fast, with vicks sinex. My congestions gone. I can breathe again ahhhh i can breathe again ughh vicks sinex. Breathe on. Here, hello starts with hi mple. How can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Out of syria will head to iraq. This image shows some of the u. S. Vehicles on the move. Their new move is help defend iraq and counter isis. And told overnight it seems to be holding despite a report from turkish officials that one of their soldiers was killed in an attack. This is happening as House Speaker nancy pelosi is in jordan with a bipartisan delegation of lawmakers to talk about the Syrian Crisis with the king of jordan. Lets talk about this with cnn military analyst. This characterization from secreta esspeaker area ceasefire seems to be holding and recommend what you see on the ground from the kurds and turkish forces. Reporter lets set the scene for you here. Right behind us is this Turkish Border down town and behind it in the distance is a syrian town where much of the fighting during the turkish incursion and operation was focused. Since the declaration of that pause in fighting since the announcement, you dont see or hear that kind of intense fighting that our team here witnessed during the operation. Yes, we have heard the crackling of gunfire from time to time here but its really intermittent and its nothing compared to what was going on on in past. Look. We have covered so many ceasefires in syria and they are trfragile and guns rarely fl silent and it is hard to know what is going on. You got both sides accusing each other of violations. Turkey saying up until this morning, there were 20 violations they say and one soldier was killed. Youve got the syrian kurds pushingbide by the terms of this agreement. The ceasefire seems to be holding and not seeing the kinds of violations would indicate we are about to see the collapse of this ceasefire, but something very important, victor, to keep in mind is that its not just about the pause in fighting. The pause in fighting is supposed to be that time period where the fighters withdrawal from all areas and we havent seen that happening yet and the warning from president erdogan here once they hit that deadline on tuesday evening if they have not withdrawn by that point the fighting will return. That is a concern and turkey moves in on this area. To you, colonel. The secretary of state mark esper was reiterating the plan that the u. S. Troops withdrawing from syria will be repositioned to western iraq and in contrast to what President Trump said about this withdrawal. Take a listen. Its time to bring them home. We have done our job. We have defeated everyone that we were supposed to defeat. The current game plan is for the forces to reposition into western iraq. What was it . The ones coming out, right . That original 1,000. What do you think of this plan . Again, fountain u. S. Troops are not going home and being sent to iraq, what do you think of this strategy, especially considering its this u. S. Withdrawal that is leading escaped isis fighters back to iraq . Well, i think a real problem with this. Obviously, the president s promise to bring the troops home, the last time i checked, iraq was definitely not home. So this flies in the face of that. The other thing we are looking from a military perspective, i have to say [ inaudible ] maybe the wrong word to use but its good that they are at least in the region to potentially do some things should they be called upon to intercede somewhere in northeastern syria. But i think that is a real stretch. Its a lot harder for them to get back into northeastern syria and also going to be hard for them to do some things that would otherwise or would be able to do in syria to stay there. So this is clearly some political maneuver at the expense of military strategy and i think we have to be very careful going forward, but we are certainly not we have to leave it there. Thank you both. A massive teacher strike happening in chicago. What will it take to end this impasse . We will talk live with chicago teachers and even the Vice President. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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I think we have put on the table excuse me, a structure both on compensation, around class sizes, around staffing and a number of other supports that have the outlines and framework for a deal but we cant bargain by ourselves. So here is what the city is offering. A 16 raise, 1 million to hire more teaching assistants to reduce class size and 400,000 per year to recruit ners and social workers and counselors. Join me is stacy david gaets Vice President of the chicagos teacher union. Thank you for joining us. You dont think this offer goes far enough. Why is that . For, one, thank you for having me this morning. We have 30,000 people fighting for the School Chicago students deserved and something we have pledged until the still the last ten years. We have been at the negotiating table the last ten months. On the south side of chicago, meanwhile, 40 students in the kindergarten classrooms and 40 students in three separate third grade classrooms at Beasley Elementary School on the south side of chicago. These are things that this contract has to ameliorate. We are looking for something that provides transformation, a seismic change so the offer on the table right now does not offer the changes that you want . I mean, the city has been offering a pay rise, 16 over the next few years and they are promising to add more support staff is a the Teachers Union is demanding. Tsouth side and west side of chicago are littered with broken promises. We are looking a way to help our students get the best type of education. Listen. All over this country, parents have been asking for smaller class sizes, wellresourced classrooms and in chicago we feel we should be able to have that so you see the people fighting hard for what they deserve. What is your message to the students who likely will miss school again come monday . What other prospects or what is the outlook for a deal and the time line . How far apart are both sides . Ill tell you what im telling my three children. I have a kindergartner, a third grader and fifth grader. I say we are fighting for the librarian no longer in your school and telling my daughters they deserve a nurse in their School Community and what the adults are doing right now. We hope to have something that he ares the best for our children. We should mention the mayor was also saying that there is not enough money in the budget to add to this offer. We have to leave it there. Best of luck to you. Thank you. Still to come, the newest employee on the San Francisco 49ers payroll, Carolyn Manno is here. The newest 49er has a lot of heart. We will flougs you to a puppy making hits in the nfl for all of the right reasons. First here is a preview of this weeks episode of declassified. They applied the same standard that hitler did in world war ii and we could not just stand by and allow them to get away with it. It was so horrendous that the United States went to the nato allies and said we cant allow this any more. They are saying we have been in office two and a half years, its horrible, its continuing. No more president clinton made the decision i am not going to be president of the United States and stand by and allow that to happen and it was, at that point, as chief of staff, where i realized if the United States doesnt lead this effort, its not gapting. Going to happen. It was suspected some of these people would be indicted because they had done criminal things but president clinton understood before we could bring them to justice, what you really needed to do was get a peace plan and stop the killing. Declassified the Untold Stories of american spies airs tonight at 11 00 p. M. Eastern only on cnn. 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Com Houston Astros punch their ticket to the world series in one of the most dramatic finishes im told, i didnt see it that they have ever seen. Carolyn manno is in new york this morning and what a way to move on. Reporter good morning. I got you covered, victor. Agonizing lows followed by the highest of all highs all ending in a trip to the world series. Far from a sure thing for houston fans who were buzzing in the top of the ninth. The astros up 42 with a runner on with dj lemahieu stepped up to the plate and delivered deep to right field. A tworun shot. You can see just inches over the outstretched arm of george springer. Like that the game is tied. Houston, do we have a problem . Not when you have jose altuve. The pintsized superstar crushed this pitch deep to left field. A walkoff home run for the alcs mvp. Madness at minute maid park. Altuve sending the astros back to the fall classic. I cant remember anything. I blacked out, honestly i couldnt believe he sat on a slider 21 count and hit it out like that. The man is unreal. Reporter this is the astros second world series in three seasons and they face the nationals who are playing in their first. Game one is back in houston on tuesday night. In the meantime, a scary moment in College Football during the oklahoma game after coming onto the field for a touchdown celebration, the teams mascot, a frontier wagon taking a tight turn and flipping over. Thankfully no humans or horses irm hurt. Still a rattling moment for everybody involved San Francisco 49ers are employing a creative new idea to help players who are struggling. So is a 1yearold frenchy who is now proudly serving as the teams emotional support dog. A first for the nfl. Defensive lineman solomon thomas came up with the idea while grieving the loss of his sister. The dog had been comforting the team ever since. As far as we can tell she not t the biggest football but she loves balloons and that is okay with the team. A little dog go have some fun and relax and refreshed. Zoe will be happily waiting for the 49ers when they get home from washington today. The team is undefeated. They might have a tinysize the good luck charm there in San Francisco. Ive wanted a dog for seven years. Id love to have one. Carolyn manno, thanks so much. A football coach jumps into action after a student brings a loaded gun to school. I feel like i was put in that room, in that very moment for a reason to protect those kids. Hear how he managed to convince the student to give him the gun. Ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. So dad bought puffs plus lotion, and rescued his nose. New puffs have more lotion. And soothing softness to relieve. A nose in need, deserves puffs, indeed. So chantix can help its you quit slow turkey. Cold turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. 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Stos tto see the story, go t cnnhero cnnheroes. Com. A High School Football coach disarmed a student who brought a shotgun to school. The coach talks about what led to his quick thinking in that moment. Cnn has more. Reporter angel deep arizona walked into his northeast portland, oregon, campus, last may armed with a loaded shotgun and a single shell. This surveillance camera shows us what happened next. Keenan grabs the hand for one hand and reaches for the stricken 19yearold with another. What follows is a consoling hug and allowing police time to respond and take control. Coach lopez only discussing that moment publicly a few times, including this interview with gma after it happened. I felt like i was put in that room in that moment for a reason to protect those kids. If i end up getting the gun from him and getting the gun with my right hand and holding off with my left hand and calling for a teacher to grab the gun from me. Reporter it likely reassures parents who feared the worse on that summer day. By the grace of god, no one was hurt in this one so im thankf thankful. Reporter diaz pleaded guilty and sentenced to three years of probation. As part of the deal hell get Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment. The judge confirmed that diaz never intended to hurt anyone other than himself. The d. A. s office said he will not pull the trigger and giving the coach to act. An incredible story. He had the instinct to run towards danger and then to hug him. Yeah. We should also say that Security Experts and police say that the right thing to do is to run, hide, escape, if you can. But, obviously, this worked out in this case. Stay with us. More news coming up after the break. S any occasion the perfect coffee occasion. Breakfast in bed just add Ground Coffee for a carafe, or pop in a pod for a freshly brewed cup. Exactly how i like my coffee. Youve got your carafe. Ive got my light roast. 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I am back Bernie Sanders proved that you can run a Grassroots Campaign and win in an america where we almost thought it was impossible. Good morning to you. Im victor blackwell. Thanks for being with us. Im amara walker in for christi paul. President trump pulled a saturday night reversal and abruptly cancelled the plans to host g7 summit at his resort in florida. Republicans and democrats called this a poor choice. Cnn

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