Knocking on heavens door the Nobel Prize Committee is absolutely looking for bob dylan. Like so many times before music to wake you up there on a sunday morning. Im christi paul easement i. Im victor blackwell. The ncaa finals are set. Women are up tonight and men play tomorrow night. Coy wire is live in glendale. Good morning, guys. The final four action last night was incredible. Ive played in nfl playoff game in that building and it wasnt even as hype as it was last night. The National Title game is set. We are going to talk about it, preview it, show you the best moments from last night coming up in the show. Trump administration is gearing up for a very crucial week and it could bring a big win for fem them if judge neil gorsuch is confirmed for the Supreme Court. Mike pence says the obstructionists will not stand in their way. For the sake of our Supreme Court, for the sake of our country, for the sake of our constitution we will overcome the obstructionists and the United States will confirm judge neil gorsuch one way or another. Meanwhile, more revelations about a former member of the administrations ties to russia. Making it hard for the trump team to move on. We have new details this morning about previously undisclosed speaking fees paid to their former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. All of this as the deadline for a budget deal looms. If you take the recess into account congress has seven working days to reach an agreement before the government runs out of money the end of the month. A senior report and errol lewis and political anchor for Spectrum News is with us this morning. Good morning to you both. Errol, let me start with you. We have this disclosure now from Michael Flynn of we could put up the detail on the screen. I think we have the graphic there. Of money coming from rt and other outlets there. On documents there it says exceeding 5,000. Democrat in the house say its more than 60,000 in total. A lot this white house did not know but we are still hearing from the president. This is a witch hunt. He tweeted this weekend this is a scam. By their own administration, they havent done the vetting to really know what they have and dont have on their team. Well, thats right. We have heard over and over again, victor, is that there is some political motivation behind this that nobody would want to know or care other than the fact that democrats are embarrassed about the 2014 election and looks implausible as a motive 37 the relate there is smoke here. This is not sort of a blind witch hunt for a nonexistent witch. We have a problem here which is that many multiple high official and frankly members of the Trump Organization and trumps own family have financial ties that have not been disclosed. So the nature of those really starts to matter at a certain point. If you are paid for and you have financial dealings or if you have financial partnerships or if you owe debts to people in the kremlin or people close to the kremlin the public have a right to know. I believe on the 22nd, sean spicer, when he was questioned about former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and his having worked for a russian billionaire several years ago, his defense was we didnt ask everyone who they worked for in the last decade. This was just in 2015. To what degree is the white house having that is there anything else we need to know conversation with the white house staff . I think this points to lax vetting of nominees for cabinet jobs and other jobs. The National Security job is not a national job but it does raise questions about why the white house didnt get this stuff out and whether the white house lawyers actually knew about these contacts before people like mike flynn. But it also speaks to the fact that the white house has found it absolutely impossible to get out from all of these russia revelations. Every day there is a drip, drip, drip of questions and reports and that makes it impossible for the white house and the president to focus on the things that he was sent to washington to do on trade, on jobs, on his quest to dismantle regulations. Politically, this is a problem that just will not go away. And these extra revelations about mike flynn, you know, he is not in the administration any more so in some sense not damaging but the constant drip, drip, drip of these revelation makes this a huge problem for the white house. Errol, do you see anything to Stevens Point there than the thickening of smoke does this have any real value that could cause additional troubles for Michael Flynn . It certainly puts a little bit more heat under this question of whether or not he is going to testify with immunity because he has a story to tell. This also partly might explain why he is loolg for immunity. No lawyer would let their client walk into a highly charged setting, especially if they have got sort of paper work and undisclosed information floating all over the place. The reality also is that steven is right. There are things that the Trump Administration cant do, specifically they cant do what was promised on the campaign trail which is change the relationship with russia, maybe collaborate on certain Foreign Policy policies like the battle against isis and all of that is on the back burner at best. Lets turn to the Gorsuch Nomination. We know the Senate Judiciary committee is voting tomorrow and potentially his nomination is going to the full senate on friday. Lets put up on the screen the ten Democratic Senators who have not yet declared how they will vote. We see two here in red who are being watched, especially closely, joe donnelly of indiana and steven tester of indiana. We know they are trump states, as they are called at the white house, democrats. They represent taste that donald trump won in 2016. The republicans already have two democrats on their side. Do we know where these democrats are potentially leaning . Not yet, but this is symptomatic of the choice democrats face in this nomination. We have already had two democrats senator manchin from West Virginia and senator heitkamp from north dakota have come out and say they are not going to oppose gorsuch and clearly from trump states and the other two senators you mentioned are from trump states and they have to weigh their own political interests is best served going with the rest of the democrats and opposing gorsuch or allowing voting to confirm him given the fact they are in states that the president won. But i dont think its possible to overstate the anger in the Democratic Party grassroots, the rank and file about this nomination. Not because people dont think gorsuch is qualified to be a Supreme Court justice, but because Many Democrats believe that the nomination was stolen from them. We know that Merrick Garland didnt even get any consideration, president Barack Obamas nominee for this post by the Republican Senate before the election. So many, Many Democrats feel that perhaps this is a fight that they have to have just because the power of grassroots anger about the Gorsuch Nomination is so acute. So its a very difficult choice many of them have. A lot of people in washington believe that the democrats are going to are going to go ahead and filibuster this nomination and that is something that can change the character of the senate, given the fact that it will require a change of senate rules. Errol, of course, a single win is not a panacea for the problems we have seen the last 73 days or now but what would be the impact of the confirmation of gorsuch at the end of the week . Well, its a political win for sure. Lets keep in mind its not just that President Trump needs a political win. That would certainly come in handy but he also needs a fully functioning Supreme Court. The immigration land looks like its going to Supreme Court sooner rather than later. The questions about the well with mexico he has proposed could end up in the Supreme Court as well. Rollback of epa rules the administration is talking about and that, too, could end up at the Supreme Court. Not just a matter of politics but a practical matter this white house wants a fully functioning Supreme Court. If not neil gorsuch they have to find somebody else and have to do that a week. A crucial week ahead as if not every week of the administration is not crucial but this one especially. Thank you both so much. Thank you. Thank you. The president s Team Continues to talk at the Freedom Caucus this time with a specific threat aimed at ousting a michigan congressman from office. Plus, we meet Donald Trumps supporters in coal country hopeful that Environmental Policies will bring jobs back. Energy is amazing. How we use it is only limited by our imagination. And at Southern Company were building the future of energy, for you. Knows how it feels to seees your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. Invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. And in most clinical trials, the majority reached an a1c goal of 7 percent or lower. Invokana® works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. Its not for lowering systolic Blood Pressure or weight, but it may help with both. 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Ask your doctor about it by name. You get to do the dishes. Ed. Bring em on. Dawn ultra has 3 times more greasecleaning power. A drop of dawn and grease is gone. Kevin, meet yourkeviner. Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. Kevin, hows your mom . Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. 14 minutes past the hour. The Los Angeles Times has just published really a scathing editorial on President Trump, calling Donald Trumps trainwreck presidency, that is the title. The l. A. Times characterizing him as narcissistic and demagogue. What is your reaction there, brian . The l. A. Times editorial trying to make a big statement here running through it says is a list of troubling traits President Trump has. Here are three examples from that editorial. Number one, it says trump has a shocking lack of respect for those fundamental rules and institutions on which our government is based. It goes on to say he has an utter lack of regard for truth. And he has scary willing toness ahlright conspiracy theories. They are saying he is a trainwreck presidency and wondering how is it going to end . The editorial is designed to motivate people who are weary of President Trump to take action and to protest, to vote in local elections, et cetera. I think what is notable here, we are seeing all of the biggest papers in the country, whetherl street journal, the Washington Post all of those have all, in various ways, taken these antitrump positions. The l. A. Times being bold about it in this mornings paper. These are all reflections of elite resistance to trump and also reflections of urban concerns about trump. I was in l. A. The last week talking to the editor of the l. A. Times and saying the biggest concern we have is his stance on immigration and what is he doing about immigration given the melting pot that is l. A. We see left leaning reaction to trump but the wall street Journal Editorial Board is right leaning and it recently had another scathing editorial about trump about his resistance to the truth. We continue to see the big city papers line up with concerns about the president. A lot of his hardcore supporters dont care about these controversies. Listen here to an interview with a panel of people who voted for him. Lets listen. Reporter you give President Trump an a already based on what . I feel that he is trying very hard. I feel he is already getting stuff accomplished. Reporter such as . Well, i feel that he is trying to, like, loosen up the restraints on business and i know he is trying to with the health care but i know that didnt work out as well as we had hoped. Reporter what grade to you give the president . An a. Based on what . The tpp, the keystone pipeline, the Dakota Access pipeline, the travel restriction, fantastic. Reporter wait a minute. Hold on. The travel ban hasnt gone in effect. Its been shot down by two courts. He took the initiative and did it which is exactly what he said he was going to do. What grade do you give the president . An a. Paul . I give the president an a. Thons to be honest. To be honest, if i had a marker i would put a plus by the a. If all of this we are seeing in the newspapers, if it really matters, does it sway anybody to think differently in any way . Thats what opinion columns cant do and what editorials cant do and what talk shows cant do is what allison was doing with that focus group and listening to voters who have backed the president. I think what allison found in that focus group this week, her focus group is intended to be fascinating. What we have also seen in polling. That the most loyal supporters of President Trump are not wavering and if they are, they are only starting to have second thoughts largely around health care and other policy matters. Its not his tweets. Its not his reckless comments on twitter or at press conferences or rallies that are concerning tho those voters. They are concerning to the opinion columnists and Editorial Board of the world. One example may be sort of a big city or elitist reaction to President Trump versus voters in other parts of the country. A lot of people who are just sick of politics as it was and they wanted to see Something Different and knew they were going to get something digit with donald trump. I want to read you from the art of the deal from donald trump. Ed you cant con people not for long. You can create excitement and wonderful promotion and all kind of press and if you dont deliver the goods, people will ooeve eventually catch pop is tax reform going to be President Trump delivering the goods . Does he have to get a w, a win here pretty soon . You wonder how much people in the focus group will care about tax reform or he is doing more to please the traditional republican base, to please donors more so than to please the people that we are hearing from in the focus group what i think is the most interesting story when we hear from those voters that allison was interviewing or when we hear from the viewers probably of this program, the people who do not care as much about seeing a reform of the tax code because that is going to benefit wealthy americans more so than its going to benefit the average voter who turned out no november. Brian stetloer, thank you fo your time. The white house appears to be taking a stab at the heart of the Freedom Caucus. Attacking one of its most vocal members on twitter. Senior white house aide called to the electoral defeat of justin amosh saying, quote. The congressman shot back. Trump administration and establishment have merged into trump establishments same old agenda attack conservatives and libertarians and independent thinkers. Ben ferguson is with us host of the ben ferguson show. Good morning. Good morning. What a war of words between those two. Yeah. So lets start there with this twitter back and forth here. Now a mash is using this as a fundraiser. To go after its own party so early in the administration, a conservative, nonetheless . Yeah. Ive said this for a while. When you come into washington you got to understand the landscape and realize you may not be friends on one bill but might need that vote on another bill and if it becomes personal its hard to count those votes. This twitter war is probably going to help this congressman more than its going to help the white house because he is liked in his distribution and hardcore conservative and say he stood up to the establishment and i think that really both sides here, the Freedom Caucus and the white house would be advised to dial it back a little bit. Otherwise, the democrats are going to be in an amazing situation where you actually have to go and recruit some of their votes to get any of your legislative agenda done. I just dooned 73 dant understa in what youre gaining from this. Four years is a long time. This isnt just one business deal as i described to somebody this weekend. This is four years of a plan that you got to put together and you need every ally you can get your hand on. I just dont think this is going to work long term. Lets talk about the next bill that is coming up that is a necessity, the funding bill at the end of april. Just as the president round out his first 100 days. I mean, im going to ask you now, ben, to solve the problems of our political system, if you dont mind and you can do it in 25 second . Sure how does the speaker put together a piece of legislation that he is can send to the democrats that likely need to pass it and doesnt have to abandon the president s priorities, including the wall . Well, it is a very tough sale. You also know that both sides would be hurt by any type of Government Shutdown and i dont think the democrats have the appetite for that or the republicans and that might be really the thirdparty at the table that makes everybody kind of play by the rules here and say, look. We got to move forward with this. Im willing to give you a little bit here and there but we also won this white house. We have the house and we have the senate. You guys can compromise in a couple of things and get this done. Both sides have to understand a Government Shutdown would be horrible for the country. It would be horrible for moral. I think both parties would actually probably be blamed for this equally. Remember, the white house always has a bigger microphone than congress does and if you remember the last Government Shutdowns it works well for them because they are the ones that people are following the most easement but leader pelosi and democrats will not support the funding. Billions of dollars for this wall. I think the first request is about a billion dollars. Can the president signed a funding bill that does not include money for the beginnings of this wall after health care didnt get a vote, after his two attempts at a travel ban went nowhere because of the courts . I think it would be very tough for him to do that but i also dont think that youre going to see this taken out. I think this is a core principle and a win that the majority of the American People voted for donald trump on. Remember, what made him really become the frontrunner in the primary was his hard stance on Immigration Reform and also building the wall and putting in a balance dollars this year and two billion next year and getting this started i cant imagine the president is willing to compromise on. The American People seem to really have an appear tied for this wall and National Security issues. I think he is going to fight hard for this. I cant imagine him saying im willing to even take that out or put it on the table. Ultimately, that is where your plan of really big game of chicken looking at democrats could do you really want to shut down the government over this . We are in charge of the house and senate. This is a core legislative issue we are going to get. I dont know that the polls necessarily show the level support that your espousing and say the American People have for the wall and for the president. The selling points for the president is this. You look at Illegal Immigrants coming across the border down 60 since he became president. You fly around the country in air force one and talk about that the manted of americans are willing to listen to you about the wall. Even if he has to repackage it he seems to be standing on solid ground on that issue with a lot of voters. Again, he would not be the president if it wasnt for that core issue and then, obviously, health care would be sec. Understood. The approval numbers are still depending upon the poll, somewhere in the mid30s or so there. Yeah. Ben ferguson, good to have you. Good to be back. See you guys soon. Certainly. Congressman adam schiff is a guest today on state of the union with jake tapper and dont miss it here on 9 00 a. M. At 9 00 a. M. Eastern. General electric ceo has something to say. He is upset with trumps rollback of environmental regulations. We will tell you what he said to cnn. Not everyone is upset about the president s new Environmental Policies. Coal miners say they hope to bring back jobs. What if we could bring you better value by having better values . At blue apron, we work directly with more than a hundred family farms. So instead of spending on costly middlemen and supermarkets, we can invest in the things that matter most making farmland healthier. Cutting down on food waste. And bringing you higher quality, fresher ingredients for less than you pay at the store. Because food is better when you start from scratch. Get 30 off at blueapron. Com cook may not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. 7 30 on a sunday morning. Youre awake . We are glad for it. General electric ceo is speaking out against President Trump. Jeff immelt says he tries to stay out of politics but he thinks its necessary to stand up against some of the president s policies. I want you to listen to a portion of what he told Cnns Fareed Zakaria about the president s rollback of environmental regulations. You have done something unusual in the last couple of months, though. You have twice, to your employees, come out essentially in opposition to something the administration did on the travel ban, you expressed concerns, and on Climate Change policies you expressed concerns in a memo where you essentially disagreed with the Trump Administration and talking about how crucial it was for the u. S. To continue to be a world leader on Climate Change. Why did you feel the need to do this . I say, by and large, ceos should kind of keep their head down and do their work. And in many ways, i agree exactly with what President Trump is doing. But we also are stewards for companies and for brands and for people. On the travel ban, look. We have a lot of people that live in the middle east. We have a lot of people that travel. Its my duty to stand up for them. Clearly, you want the country to be safe. But its also my duty to kind of stand up on their behalf. On climate, look. For 12 years, we have been investing an initiative called ecoimagination, which is really talked about driving Energy Efficiency in everything we do, and we have been doing it consistently. We have booked over 300 billion of revenue in that initiative the last 12 years. I think its insincere to not stand up for those things that you believe in. I dont think its something we should do every day, but i do think we are also stewards of our companies. We are representatives of the people that work with us. And i think we are cowards if we dont take a position occasionally on those things that are really consistent with what our mission is and where our people stand. Be sure to watch the full interview at 10 00 a. M. Eastern here on cnn. Speaking of those rollbacks. Some people who are optimistic about what donald trump has done thus far in that regard. Some of the folks that support him and his Administration Believe that they are going to bring jobs back and Miguel Marques talked to some of those folks. Reporter kingdom coal mine number nine. In red fox, kentucky. Back in business. How rare is it to reopen a mine here . Its pretty rare. Reporter shutting down last year, the mine once employed more than 120 miners. Right now, we have 20 employees and we probably taking 260 to 300 applications. Reporter this is three miles into the kingdom coal mine and they just started moving coal out of this mine this week. It is the first glimmer of hope this area has had in a long time. That glimmer, starting with President Trumps procoal agenda. Its made a big improvement. Reporter youve already noticed it . Youve seen it . Yes. We probably wouldnt be working today. Reporter cheap natural gas and automation and government regulation forcing a steep and rapid decline in the coal industry. We are going to bring the coal industry back, folks. Reporter but even with the president rolling back obama era environmental regulations, no one expects coal to come back the way it was. At the end of the day, it comes to the market and whether the price of the market is there. So we will just have to see if the price goes up, then they are going to mine coal. Reporter President Trump promises to bring back jobs. Do you think the price of coal in the industry will come back to where it was ten years ago . No, i dont think it will ever be back to that point. If it would just level out what we have got, i think it will be good. Reporter not county alone population 16,000 lost about a thousand high paying mining jobs over the last several years. Ancillary jobs like trucking also disappeared. This thing firing back up helped a lot, so its pretty big deal. Reporter as coal declined, Business Owner dion sloan closed one of his Convenience Stores and cut operating hours on his remaining business. How big a deal is it that a mine is actually opening in this county . Its great. If you can put a few hundred people back to work, that means the world. Reporter so is there a trump effect . Coal mine we visited was in the process of reopening long before the election. While many here in coal country are grateful for the president s support for coal. They dont think coal is going to be the academic driver it once was. What they want is a few more coal jobs for now which they think they will get so they can diversify their economy and hopefully join the digital age. That is much more difficult to do. Miguel marquez, cnn, knott county, kentucky. Turn to a story that has gone far too underreported until now. Lawmakers are planning to discuss those dozens of missing africanamerican girls and women across the country. We are going to talk about this with the president of black and missing foundation. She is joining us live in a moment. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Hes a nascar champion whos shes a worldclass swimmer whos stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. 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Right now, there are dozens of africanamerican girls and women who are missing across this nation and congressional lawmakers are planning to host a town hall this month hoping to do something about it. In washington, d. C. Alone, for instance the Police Twitter feed is inundated almost daily with pictures like this. Young black and latino girls that have disappeared. And they are vanishings have sparked nationwide outrage and prompted calls for a federal investigation now. The president of the black and missing foundation Derrick Wilson is with us this morning. Thank you for being with us. Good morning. Thank you for having me. Reporter good morning to you. Your organization reported, i want people to really wrap their heads around this number. 64,000 black women and girls disappeared nationwide back in 2014. I know the latest year we could get full staestistics for. The d. C. Police chief on missing persons has said the following. Even though that is the case in d. C. Help us understand how profisk is this problem . This is an epidemic that has been going on for years, which is one of the reasons we starred the organization started the organization in 2008. In 2008, 30 of the missing persons were color so we need to see what is going on. I actually applaud lawmakers for taking a stand. This epidemic that is going on, has been going on for year, has awakened everybody across this country to the issues that are really going on. Im a parent. I dont care if my daughter is 2 or if she is 20, i am in angst if i cant find her. So whatever youre doing at home there, please watch your screen here and take a good look at the pictures that we are showing you of some of the girls and the women who are missing here. Derrica, back to you here. I want to ask you. Do we know what is happening to them . Are they being taken by people that they know . Are they running away in some cases . Help us understand. You know, there is so many theres so many ways to look at these missing person cases. They are vanishing because Mental Health issues, they are disappearing because of domestic violence, they are disappearing because of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multibillion dollar industry that is happening right here on u. S. Soil. So rather these girls or boys are running away, we need to find out what are they running from and who they are running to. And so it doesnt really matter the circumstances as to their disappearance. We need to find them. New jersey congresswoman Bonnie Coleman said several things are contributing to the issue such as academic disadvantages and poverty, mistreatment of missing black women and girl by law enforcement, and a lack of public awareness, she says. We do have to kind of look, do we not of how this happens . Because isnt that where we may be able to start to turn this around . Absolutely. It is the responsibility of law enforcement, the media, and our community. We need to make sure that these case are being taken serious. There has been many times where families have contacted our organization because they couldnt get a Police Report on file. And, of course, when it comes to missing children of color, a lot of times they are classified as run aways so they are not receiving the amber alert, more importantly, the community, we need them if they see something, we need them to say something. It is all of our responsibility. We need to be pro active. D. C. Police tweeted this just last month. Said there isnt a spike in missing people in d. C. We are just using social media more to help locate them. Sorry to alarm you. So for all of the negatives we hear about social media it seems one area it would work wonders. Could we even expand the effort there to educate and maybe reach out to some of these young women before something happens . Yes. Being pro active is the key. We have had say many times, social media, it is a blessing and it is a curse. While we are utilizing social media to find out missing, these predators are utilizing social media to recruit them. So we encourage parents to monitor what their children are doing. Look at the apps they are downloading because there are so many predators preying on these children online. How many of these children have been found . How many of them are able to come home . Help us really absorb the gravity of what is happening in families today. Every single day that a loved one is missing, it grows slimmer but we want families to continue to hang on to hope. If you look at relisha rutt she has been missing since 2014 and aleak harris missing since october 10, 2010 and Pamela Butler since 2009. We need to close these cases and every day, like i said, it gets slimmer and slimmer but we want to maintain that hope for families that they will have a happy ending like the elizabeth smarts and jaycee d eee dugard. I know your organization is holding a 5k run in june to help these girls. Tell us about that. This year we are hosting our fundraising event. 100 of the fund go to these families to help them in their quest to find their missing. So we want them to know that they are not in this by themselves, that they are rallied around a community that love and support them and they are also rallied around families who have found their missing loved ones to give them that additional support, because that is what they need. Derrica, thank you for your time today. Thank you for having me. The underdogs in the womens ncaa tournament are going to the championship final tonight. The mens title matchup, that is set as well. Coy wire is in glendale, arizona. The championship matchup is set. North carolina versus gonzaga. We will show the great action from last nights action and preview the upcoming title game coming up. A dragon boat is 41 foot long. You do what the person in front of you and the person across you from you does. If you can do that and the boat goes straight and it goes very fast. Its the cardio. Its the constant motion. Youre constantly its like a short burst of energy. I recently retired as an Orlando Police officer for 23 years. When i come how here i forget about everything. This is like a zen moment. For me its about getting the heart rate up and getting some exercise in. Charge. Lengthen your stroke. I like being out in the open rather than being in a gym. I have a lot of core strength now. When i first started i couldnt paddle for more than a minute at a time. Now i can probably do an hour continuous. All right, lets take the lead the worries of the day just kind of melt away. Fun in art class. Come close, come close. I like that. 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No cameras allowed and did not special to the media. They had he created new poetic expressions within the Great American song tradition. Just two left now. Just two ive got one on my bracket just two left. Go ahead. You were so low last year so im letting you ride this one out. Baby College Basketball National Championship, that matchup is set. Coy wire is breaking down the biggest moments from last nights action from glendale. Coy, how are you doing out there . Reporter you guys dont know how it tibleckles my fancy that victor is getting excited about sports good morning to you both. Look. I played in that stadium behind me in an nfl playoff game falcons versus cardinals. These games last night were as rowdy. Two games decided by a combined five points. North carolina in their year long wait for redemption is almost over. 40 minutes that separated them from the National Championship that eluded them last season. This went to the very end. Oregon kept on fighting but the tar heels fought them off onepoint win 77e6. Tar heel nation take on the gonzaga bulldogs to their first championship game. First timer South Carolina 7773, gonzaga won. Mark few, no, you are cool. Check out the handstand and here he is talking about it afterwards. Are they calling it a handstand now . Sometimes they are a little weak. I didnt see it. I felt pretty good i felt like i stuck it. You know . Reporter on the other side of that spectrum you have the devastation. No one wears their emotions on their sleeve like South Carolina frank martin. The former nightclub bouncer broke down in tears and talking about his team will miss so much in the journey they shared together. When you get beat to travel across the country by the masses because they believe in what you do, its powerful stuff. And they have impacted our community in ab unbelievable way, which is worth so much more than the score of the game. Reporter coaches are so much more than a coach. Like mentors and a second father a lot of these kid so you see that raw emotion from frank martin. Keep your chins up. A shot at the National Championship in the lady game. The lady gamecocks face off against Mississippi State in the championship game and their third meeting between the two schools. Carolina won both of them and tipoff is after 6 00 eastern so see if the South Carolina gamecocks can get a win after all. Have a great time out there, coy. Thank you very much. I loved seeing them celebrate. If gonzaga wins, i want you to videotape you winning. I certainly will. Thanks for watching today inside politics with john king starts after this break. Can i get some help. Watch his head. Im so happy. Whatever they went through, they went through together. Welcome guys. Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. 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It could be about billing, simple questions like changing the phone number. Sometimes, they want to upgrade, downgrade, but at the end of the day, you want to take care of the customer. One of the great things about comcast, theres always room to move up. Of course, it depends on you, how hard you work. Former National Security adviser Michael Flynn wants immunity for a

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