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Safety. Good morning, everyone. So grateful for your company. Youre touching on all of those stories. Im christi paul. Of course, my colleague Victor Blackwell is live in orlando. Good morning to you. This city, orlando, is still reeling now nearly a week after the attack at pulse nightclub. At least five funerals today for some of the 49 people who were gunned down at that massacre at the nightclub. Now talking about the investigation, authorities are still on the scene trying to piece together the killers motive. Fbis analyzing Surveillance Video showing the shooting rampage inside the club. One key detail as investigators say the shooter paused several times to use his phone, even posted on facebook. Heres one of the posts. You kill innocent women and children by doing u. S. Air strikes. Now taste the Islamic State vengeance. Also a final warning here. He says in the next few days, you will see attacks from the Islamic State in the usa. Now these posts prompted a friend to call him during the attack. Now that friend is under intense scrutiny as authorities try to figure out what was going on in the killer he a mind. I want to bring in now appaolo sandoval. Start with the phone call between the shooter and his friend. Reporter gunman had plenty of time to make several phone calls including to that friend. We are told by investigators he called to essentially say goodbye. Police and investigators have actually spoken to him. Have not released a whole lot of information based on what he told them. However, he was just one of at least four phone calls that were allegedly made by the shooter as he was hold up inside that bathroom. We do understand that he called 911 dispatchers, we do understand he called his wife. Also a producer on a local television station, then his friend. Obviously going to be very crucial to get as much information from them as much as possible as they try to build a better idea of who this man truly was and who his acquaintances were. We heard from federal prosecutors they are looking into the possibility that other people at least had some knowledge that this attack could have been in the works. So again those witness statements are going to be crucial for investigators as Police Continue moving forward with the case. Lets talk about the Surveillance Video we know thats being analyzed by the fbi. It will just show a morbid scene inside this club that went on for showers. Specifically as it relates to the investigation and usable information as they try to piece together this motive do we know what they are looking for . Reporter yeah. His movements inside that club that night is going to be something that investigators are taking a close look at. You have an individual who basically took his time when he was inside that bathroom, inside that club as well so police and the fbi will have to take a close look at that video. We are told theyve been analyzing his movements inside but at the same time they have not released a whole lot of details. The head of the fbi was on the ground here yesterday basically to meet with First Responders. That was according to director james comey, his main goal was to shake as many hands of those First Responders that they can to make sure they know they have the support of the federal government. Its already been nearly seven days now since this shooting happened. Obviously they are still moving along with this case. Lets talk about the medical response as well. After the shooting the local hospitals, the orlando Regional Medical center, Florida Hospital in orlando, flooded with those trauma patients. Were hearing from some of the surgeons what was going on there while they were actually on lockdown. What are we learning from them . Reporter yeah. Its been seven days but we are now beginning to here some of the stories of just how tense those moments were only a few blocks from the pulse nightclub itself. Remember the Medical Center was really just down the street. Now were getting to hear from medical responders and how they were concerned not only about saving peoples lives but also about possibly again possibly having a gunman inside that medical facility after several reports began to circulate. Take a listen. We barricaded the doors to the trauma bay and kept caring for the patients. I know these guys here were we were all feeling that pressure and dr. Gola was tasked with rolling a patient to the operating room and did so thinking that there might be a shooter out there. Obviously was a very real concern for them back when those initial shots were fired. Now investigators are faced with the tough task of finding more answers. For the people in this city, just finding some sort of solace and peace. Polo sandoval this morning, thank you so much. We are learning new details about the killers really dark past and some of the details are disturbing. Some things weve learned actually make it seem as if he was a man preparing to die. And now his wife, his friends, the places he frequented are all under intense fbi scrutiny. Our drew griffin has more. Reporter Law Enforcement sources say in the weeks leading up to the attack, the killer made numerous preparations, including making sure his wife had access to Bank Accounts and adding her name to Important Documents like his Life Insurance policy. He bought his wife an expensive piece of jewelry and transferred his share of a home where his sister and brotherinlaw current will you reside for just 10. Fbi agents visited the mosque where the orlando shooter prayed. Mosque officials telling cnn the agents were looking for anyone who knew him or know pi one he associated with. The fbi director visited the crime scene in orlando for the first time as his investigators continue to examine what omar mateens wife knew about this attack and when. Cnn has learned the couple communicated during the attack. According to Law Enforcement sources, noor salman called her husband multiple times after news broke of the shooting. At around 4 00 a. M. Two hours after the shooting began, he texted her asking if she saw the news. At one point she responded telling him she loved him. Police notified the gunmans family, first knocking on his sisters door at 4 00 al. She called her parents breaking the news to the rest of the family. Sources tell us if the weeks leading up to the attack the gunman spent a significant amount of money, including money spent on weapons used for the attack. And we are learning more about the gunmans background. According to School Records obtained by cnn, mateen was disciplined 31 times in elementary school. One report from third grade called him verbally abusive, rude, aggressive, much talk about violence and sex. In high school, he was suspended a total of 48 days. Among incidents are two that involved fighting with injury. Meanwhile, in orlando, officer omar delgado was one of the First Responders to pulse nightclub and pulled several victims from the club. I had my flashlight. We kind of look around. Somebody yelled out a persons moving. Reporter a coworker told him one of the victims he pulled to safety was in a press conference at the hospital. One of the ones that helped you get out of harms way. Reporter the two reunited on thursday. Oh, my god, it was amazing. It was a feeling that you just cant describe, cant put in words, knowing that you helped save someone. Reporter drew griffin reporting for us there. Well send it back to you in atlanta an continue our coverage here from orlando throughout the morning. Again, five funerals of the 49 who were killed here almost a week ago happening today. My goodness. Certainly thoughts and prayers with all of those families and their friends. Thank you victor, so much. We appreciate it. A group of veterans, many of whom have served in combat, say, you know what . Enough is enough here. They are forming a new gun control group. Youll hear from them. And why the nra says theyre going to oppose this group. Also, new momentum building for the anybody but Trump Movement. With a month to go now until the republican convention, a faction of gop delegates seem to be looking at changing the rules. Reporter the Iraqi Government says it is well on its way to victory in fallujah planting the nations flag for the first time in the citys center for over two years. Im terrible at golf. He is. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. 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Donald trump says the Republican Party, as you heard there, they like him. One group of gop delegates says not so much. Theyre mounting a new effort to block trumps nomination next month at the party convention. The factions looking, as i understand it, as changing the rules here, freeing up delegates bound to trump to vote for whomever they want. This was the subject of a call thursday night. One person on that call was a cruz supporter who explained these talks of a coup at the convention. This is about saving the Republican Party. I want to say, this isnt about dumping donald trump or never trump. I was never part of that. It is about nominating a candidate that will support the values of the Republican Party and defeat Hillary Clinton. Right now donald trump, he made it very clear in his speech tonight, hes going down in flames. He looks like hes taking the Republican Party with him. Cnn little bit kpolitical co Maria Cardona, and well as scottie hughes, a trump supporter. Ladies, so good to see you. Sk scottie, rnc Communications Director schahawn spicer seems be batting down any talk of a revolt there is no organized effort, strategy or leader of this socalled movement. It is nothing more than a media creation and a series of tweets. Thats not in line with what cnn is hearing directly from some delegates involved. There is a plan to unbind delegates and allow them to vote for whomever they choose. Speaker ryan is telling members in the house they should vote their conscious. The last thing i would do is to tell anybody that would do anything thats contrary to their conscience. Of course i wouldnt do that. Believe me, chuck, i get this is a very strange situation, this is a very unique nominee. But i feel as a responsibility institutionally as speaker of the house that i should not be leading some chasm in the middle of our party. You and i know what that will do. That will definitely knock us out of the white house. This is coming after Donald Trumps reaction to orlando, that really ruffled some peoples feathers that made them very uncomfortable. Poll numbers that show him behind secretary clinton by six to ten points. At the end of the day doesnt he need these delegates and what can he do to sway them, scottie . First of all, this phone call that happened was a very small minute number. Im hearing maximum two dozen folks. Once they actually get to 1,237, then ill worried. This is the latest hail mary pass that like all the other attempts are going to turn out to be just fumbles. They are not having a reality check. Going into the general election, this socalled Republican Party is already at a major disadvantage. If tu look the a the actual electoral college, the republicans only have about 102 votes compared to the democrats in the blue states with 242. All of this is doing all people are trying to do is help Hillary Clinton. Maria, i am more than welcome to give you Steve Lonigan because his actions are helping you a lot more than they are anywhere near to helping the Republican Party. Maria, when we talk about who needs votes, we still have Bernie Sanders out there. He hasnt dropped out of the race. He hasnt endorsed secretary clinton. One of his top supporters, congresswoman tul ccy gabbard, thats shes not prepared to endorse Hillary Clinton. How important are these voters to her . Bernie sanders voters are very important to the campaign for Hillary Clinton and to make sure that she wins in november. But lets remember that the Democratic Party process just ended this part week with the primary here in d. C. And Hillary Clinton won overwhelmingly 80 of the vote. And as we know, she and Bernie Sanders had a meeting. It was a very good, positive meeting. Bernie sanders came out of that as well as Hillary Clinton with the commitment to make sure that they both Work Together and that the party works together to defeat donald trump in november which is the number one imperative for both Hillary Clinton, as well as Bernie Sanders. But it is very early still. We have a month to go until the convention. Weve already seen some of Bernie Sanders super delegates switch to come over and support Hillary Clinton. Shes gotten the support of the aflcio this week. And so everything is moving in the right direction. Bernie sanders is saying the right things. A lot of Bernie Sanders supporters are starting to support Hillary Clinton. So we feel very, very good about where we are with the Democratic Party, about what Hillary Clintons message is, and you focus on the big contrast which is going on in the Republican Party, and we are in a very, very good place right now. It does seem from the outside to seem that way, no doubt about it. The New York Times, scottie, is calling george w. Bush an unlikely savior. That was their headline. For Senate Republicans facing these tough reelection races, largely because they say of donald trump. Do you think the last republican president should be out campaigning for the presumptive nominee as opposed to for these other senate races . It would be nice. Obviously you would welcome his help. George bush didnt really help jeb too much either. Either way, weve learned that this election cycle is not about what politician you get out there to stump with yourself. For all of those senate and house members right now that are waerd worried about their own seat and dont necessarily want to link themselves to the top of the ticket, my question is are you representing your own self or the people of your district . If youre in a district that overwhelmingly went mr. Trump, the problem is not its not mr. Trump. Its you if you are worried about your own seat. Remember in 2008 john mccain at the top of the ticket, we lost major. The democrats got the super majority with john mccain at the top. That didnt obviously work for the establishment guy didnt work. Lets try to go this route. I promise you if you have roevo right, voted conservative, more states like the south that are known for being red and known for being conservative went for mr. Trump. All of these folks that are saying they are trying to save conservatives and save the gop, they are a very small faction. I agree shawn spicer and Reince Priebus who actually travel with mr. Trump this week. We are a unified party. The squeaky wheel seems to be getting all of the attention right to you. As mr. Trump says, just please be quiet and let us win the white house. Thank you both. Maria, youll be back with us back hour. The way shes chuckling, i think she has something to say about that. I do. Nice to have both of your voices here. Thank you, ladies. Were following breaking news out of iraq this morning. Isis has been nearly kicked out of fallujah. But this is a crisis that is still ongoing. Wait until you hear about whats happening inside that city. Stay close. vo you can check on them. You can worry about them. You can even choose a car for them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. announcer vo love. mom were ok. announcer vo its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Ah the freedom to watch your directv with unlimited data from at t. Its a steady stream of entertainment. Your favorite shows. Streaming on. You can just keep streaming. And streaming. Hello jim. So much streaming but id really like to go home now. My arms are very tired. Seize the data get unlimited data when you have at t wireless and directv. Switch and get up to 650 credits, per line. Olay regenerist renews from within. Plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. Your concert tee might show your age. Your skin never will. 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What im seeing is almost all of the houses and buildings on the edge of the city are either completely destroyed or severely damaged. Now i can hear the thurms mps o incoming artillery rounds within the city itself and occasionally the crackle of small arms fire. Even though iraqi officials are very eager to announce the city is nearly liberated, it does appear that there are battles ongoing. Now we were told that it was mostly the southern and central parts of the city that have been retaken by the Iraqi Government. But we are on the outskirts of southeastern fallujah. It really appears that perhaps the liberation of much of fallujah are [ lost audio ] ben, can you hear me . Are you still here . Im sorry, i think we lost ben wedeman. We will get him back because we still have questions about the humanitarian crisis that the u. N. Is talking about inside that city, and also whats happening with the mosul dam. That threatens nearly half a Million People if it collapses. Were wondering how secure that is as well. Hopefully ben can join us again in just a bit. But again, the news this morning from the iraqi Prime Minister is that the city of fallujah is nearly free from isis control but there are still small pockets there within the city. You heard ben wedeman say he did still hear small arms fire from his Vantage Point in the southern part of the city there on the outskirts of it. Well get him back and get the latest as this continues to be a developing story throughout the morning there. On the heels of the shooting in orlando, several combat veterans are now saying, assault style weapons should stay out of the hands of most civilians. Gun control again at the forefront. Well talk about it in a moment. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant. You rely on frontline plus. Because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new flea infestation. Its protection lasts a full 30 days. No wonder frontline plus is recommended by vets for killing fleas and ticks. After all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. Frontline plus. Vet recommended flea and tick killer. Welcome back. Im Victor Blackwell. Our top story this saturday terror in orlando. What could be learned in the wake of the shooting that left 49 people dead . After 15 hours of a democratic filibuster, there is no you a vote on a sear risz ries of ame that could take place as early as monday. It would prevent people on the fbi terror watch list from purchasing guns. It is unlikely to pass but it is a prime topic of conversation on the campaign trail and in homes across the country. Maybe youve been part of a similar conversation. Military assault style weapons like the one used in the shooting. Along with the handgun that the gunman used. Lets focus on this assault style weapon. This is one of the many variations of the vietnam era ar15 design. These types of rifles are also used in the attacks. We know at the aurora movie theater, sab dsandy hook elemen school, San Bernardino attack. So should these weapons be restricted, should they be banned or at least closely regulated . Now there is a new group thats adding their voice to the gun control discussion. Its called Veterans Coalition for common sense. It was started by general David Petraeus and retired astronaut mark kelly. General Stanley Mcchrystal is also a member. In the New York Times this week he wrote about gun violence and said this this is a national crisis. As a combat veteran and proud american, i believe we need a National Response to the gun violence that threatens so many of our communities. Our own cnn military analyst Lieutenant General mark hurtling is a member of this group and he is here with us. Good morning to you. You agree with general mcchrystal on that point. Absolutely, victor. Those of us in the military have been attempting to lend our voice to this for a very long time. Combination of astronaut mark kelly and Dave Petraeus to pull this together and certainly Stan Mcchrystal stepping up, one of the most honored soldiers of our time, has been allowing us to pull a lot more people together. Were building quite a momentum using veterans to address common sense in terms of gun control. Not from a democratic side, a republican side, an nri side or special interest group, but from an american side. So then what is the proposal . Restrictions, banning the weapons for civilian use, or regulation . Whats the proposal . Well, most of us are gun owners. Im a gun owner. So we believe in the Second Amendment rights but we also believe that there has to be some additional rigor in terms of the way these guns are purchased and the actual sale of some types of weapons. We also are taking a look at the bills actually being looked at on monday, the terrorist gap measure, but also the registration bill are two very important ones to kind of get these things under control. We invited the nra and other groups on to join this discussion this morning. They declined that offer. But heres what a former navy s. E. A. L. Said in a video defending the use of these type of weapons by civilians on the nra youtube account. Heres a portion of the video. I guarantee if the Founding Fathers had known this gun would have been invented, they wouldnt have rewritten the Second Amendment, they would have fortified it in stone because they knew the only way for us to stay free was by having whatever guns the bad guys have. This firearm gives average people the advantage they so desperately need and deserve to protect their life, liberty and happiness. The firearms gives average people the advantage they so desperately need and deserve to protect their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You say what . I say that the combination of saying knowing that the Founding Fathers would have allowed these kind of things, thats illogical. Victor, ive been around weapons all my life and im also a tanker. That would be like saying, hey, the Founding Fathers didnt realize we were going to have m1 tanks. Allow them on the street, too. Weve got to combine the safety of our citizens with the democratic right and the liberties associated with the Second Amendment. Having these kind of assault weapons on the street, knowing what they do, is just illogical and it lacks leadership to get them away from people that might use them to kill innocents. Another portion of that argument we didnt play but i will explain to you. Said the ban i am paraphrasing here only stops law abiding citizens from getting access to these. The criminals will still get them. Where there are major bans on sales of weapons chicago, d. C. , all the way to paris and brussels, the criminals get them and it wont stop terror attacks. Thats illogical again and doesnt apply to leadership. It would be the equivalent of saying, hey, requiring someone to have a drivers license only stops legal people from driving. No, it doesnt. It checks you. It makes sure you have the qualification to use these kind of weapons, and it keeps them away from people who are the equivalent of drunk drivers or people who have constant accidents. Thats what were looking for. Just common sense. General hertling, thanks so much for being part of the conversation. Well have the other side of the conversation with someone who is adamantly in support of civilians being able to own similar owns than the ar15. Back to you in atlanta. Good conversation. Thank you so much, victor and general hertling. A lot of gun control advocates complain that it is just far too easy for anyone to get their hands on guns. So cnn studied up on this and heres what we found. In all, but handful of states, there really are no hoops to jump through. Believe it or not, it is easier to get a puppy than it is or a gun, rather, than it is to get a puppy in most cases you have to be 21, show i. D. , you have to be asked to provide personal references in order to get a pet sometimes and in some cases, the Adoption Agency may do a home check before they hand over a puppy to you to get a gun, you dont have to worry about references. You dont have home visits. You have to go through a lot of hoops to get your drivers license. You know how this goes, dont you . You have to submit proof of your identity, past vision and written tests, drive around for weeks on your learners permit. Take the driving test and pass that. Some states even put you under a probationary status. For a gun no test. In most states you dont even need a license or permit to buy it and there is no probationary period after you get that gun. Lets talk about passports. First you need to prove that youre a citizen. Submit paperwork and a photo. Go through a background check. Usually takes about six weeks. A gun . Takes just a few minutes. If you buy from a private seller you dont have to go through a background check at all in most states. Lets say that youre ill. Youre going to have an easier time buying a firearm in some cases than you will cold medicine. There is a limit to how much of certain cold medicines you can buy every month. Reason for that is the active ingredient in those cold medicines is a key ingredient in making meth. So they do pay close attention to that but there is no federal law that limits how many guns you can buy. And finally, for those of you who know what this it like, divorce. Ending a marriage can take up to six months. For a gun, most of the time there is no waiting period at all to obtain one, even if you do have to wait, its normally no more than a handful of days. Just some things to put that in perspective there for you. Meanwhile, i want to switch here to a story that has really gotten a lot of people very emotional this week. The alligator attack in florida. A father says a alligator stalked his son. Video shows alligators just inches from theme park rides which has a lot of people asking should disney have done more to protect its guests from alligators . They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. When you cook with incredible thingredients. Ato. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients, stepbystep recipies, delivered to your door for less than nine dollars a meal. Get your first two meals free at blueapron. Com cook. Im terhe is. At golf. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. I have some new information we want to get to you thats coming in to cnn. A 5yearold boy has been attacked by a Mountain Lion, were told. This happened last night near aspen, colorado. Local Sheriffs Office say the boy was playing outside with his older brother when that animal attacked. Want to show you some video of the type of Mountain Lion that were talking about there. This one involved or the one involved in this attack we are talking about this morning was hunted down by authorities and was kill, we understand. But the mother did pull the animal off her son and he now, we understand, is in fair condition at a denver hospital. His mother was treated for minor injuries as well and just released. Good to know that both of them are okay this morning. Its just another example of animals and children and this conversation weve been having all week about this new attraction for visitors at the grand floridian today i want to tell you about. Temporary fencing. Look at this. Installed along the edge of that lagoon where the toddler was snatched and killed by an alligator tuesday night. This is happening as other guests have come forward to describe their own terrifying encounters with alligators at disneys resorts. Take a look here. Hes kind of maybe in ankle deep water looking around. Then all of a sudden i am looking over his head and i see this alligator that i would estimate six feet, plus or minus, minus, bee lining for him. I quickly grabbed my son out of that shoreline and brought him up to safety. I looked to the left and another alligator caught my eye and that alligator was maybe five to eight yards away going for him as well. So lets talk to cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney page paite. Does disney have a bigger obligation to guests here . Theyre living in this environment where alligators are indigenous. So what are disneys responsibilities . Well, this is not something that should have been a surprise to disney. Given the location, the fact that theyve seen alligators on the property before, the fact this theyve had encounters between alligators and other people, they should have at least warned visitors that alligators could be a lagoon. It couldnt be very difficult. So no swimming wasnt enough. No. The kid wasnt swimming. Is it the risk of drowning or the risk that youll have a large reptile come out of the lagoon, grab your child and pull him back in. I think they need to be specific about the type of risk a visitor may encounter when you go out to the lagoon. Other question is besides failing to warn about this risk, should they have done anything when they recognize that there is an alligator in the area. We know that they have had alligators removed from different areas they have done that. Absolutely. Ands it easy to do. This is a large corporation. It is a large property but they are aware of the risk and it is their obligation to keep people safe. With that, with that said, do you think the Graves Family will sue them or do you think it will even get to that point . I cant imagine. There is not going to be a lawsuit here. There is just going to be a big check. All disney will want to do is resolve this case. I think as quickly as possible. I dont think the liability is really debatable here. And more importantly, the press. The public is in an outcry here. They expect when they take their family to a place like disney theyre going to be safe. I think disney will want to settle this and settle it quickly. Thats my question. As i said the a the beginning, alligators are indigenous to this part of the country. Disney is on a huge property where they naturally live. So how does disney from this point on in your estimation and from a legal perspective, how do they protect themselves and their guests moving forward . Well, they cant guarantee safety. They cant guarantee that theyll never be another encounter between an alligator and a visitor but they can do the best that they can. They can take reasonable steps, number one, to warn people about the risk. Number two, to mitigate the risk or try to prevent Something Like this from happening when they know that there is an alligator in an area where small children are going to be. So if there had been a sign that said alligators could be in this lagoon, that would have protected disney a little more than it did this time around . A little more. That answers the first question about should they have warned about this known risk. The second question is were they negligent. If they knew there were alligators in the area, should they have taken affirmative steps to go in and remove the alligator. It is really two separate legal questions. Page pate, we always appreciate your insight. Thank for being here. Coming up hes been taken down hundreds of isis members twitter accounts and replacing the content with pornography and gay pride memorabilia. Our tech reporter speaking to a hacker whos taking over hundreds of isis social media accounts and posting images of gay pride. This of course in the aftermath of the orlando massacre. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov by switching to xfinity x1. Rio Olympic Games show me gymnastics. X1 lets you search by sport, watch nbcs highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. Im getting ready. Are you . X1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversals coverage of the rio Olympic Games. Call or go online today to switch to x1. Welcome back. Im Victor Blackwell live in orlando. Social media accounts belonging to isis members have come under increasing attacks since the orlando nightclub massacre. As you know by now, the shooter pledged his allegiance to isis during the attack. Hackers sympathetic to the Lgbt Community have been trolling hundreds of isis accounts and posting messages of gay pride. Tech correspondent laura siegel of cnn money spoke with one hacker about why he is and we should say this breaking the law and what he hopes to accomplish. How long does it take you to successful take over an isis members account on twitter . Once i get the information i need, i can be in an account as fast as 60 seconds. Reporter isis has been waging a cyber war online. Then there are the folks fighting against isis and these guys arent doing it legally. Theyre hackers. One of them ive been talking to for months goes by an alias. His latest movie is hes been taking down hundreds of isis members twitter accounts and replacing the content with pornography and gay pride memorabilia. Im going to call him up and ask him why hes doing this and also how easy is it to hack into the twitter account of an isis member. Hello . Hey, laura, how you doing . What exactly have you been doing with isis accounts . Lately, we started hijacking their accounts, taking over their accounts. Basically just to troll them, to annoy them and make fun of them, and take screen shots, phone numbers, ip addresses, the whole nine yards. I have all that information on all the accounts ive ever taken. Then we had the idea others had the idea also of spreading porn through the accounts. Why porn . We thought naked images would offend them. Im sure it has offended other muslims but that wasnt our goal. Now this this horrific tragedy has happened in orlando, you guys have been also putting up gay pride messages. Can you talk me through that . I saw the news and you had all those people, those innocent lives that were lost. All the people everyone was mourning. I just felt there was something i could do so i took their images, their flags, and i left a message on a lot of the accounts in support of gay pride. You dont believe that the government is doing enough. You dont believe that the social networks are doing enough. If social networks were doing enough we wouldnt be out there doing what theyre doing. I get beheading images. I get threats. Were going to kill you. Were going to do that. And thats great. Because theyre focusing in on me right now so that means theyre not able to do Something Else. Why is it so personal to you . Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in if you want change, you have to make that change. Even if it means doing something illegal . Even if it means doing something illegal. If the change is for the good, its got to be done. One front in the war against isis. Our thanks to laura siegel there. Victor, weve got some new information want to share with you today as we talk about some things happening overseas. First of all, russians should out of the Olympic Games. Let me emphasize that we have never supported any violations in sport. Russias president there reacting to his countrys track and field athletes being banned from the summer Olympic Games due to allegations of doping. But cnn getting word this morning that host city rio is claiming theyre out of money, declaring a state of emergency now. Whats that mean for the Olympic Games . If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. 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I am everyday people we are everyday people. Visit farxiga. Com and ask your doctor how you can get farxiga for free. So now im not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of 548 whoo i mean, whoo. Opening ceremonies for the summer olympics. Think about this. Theyre just seven weeks away. And now troubling signs part of brazil wont even be ready. The city of Rio De Janeiro where most olympics are located insisted it is not prepared. Areas outside the city have run out of money to finish critical projects. The governor warns failure to meet the august deadline could lead to a total breakdown of security, health and transportation. As we talk about whats happening with the olympics, dont look for russian track and field athletes competing under the russian flag at the olympics there. Theyre band from International Competition has been extended due to persistent and widespread allegations of state sponsored doping. The iaaf says some russians may compete in rio as neutral athletes if they prove theyre clean. Cnns Fareed Zakaria asked russian president Vladimir Putin himself about all of this. President putin, let me finally ask you one question about news reports about russian athletes. There are now two major investigations that have shown that russian athletes have engaged in doping on a massive scale and that theres been a systematic evasion and doctoring of testing and lab samples. I was just wondering what your reaction to these reports is. Translator im not sure i understood what this meant. The program had a change in the samples that were taken from the doping tests. If the samples are taken, they always move to the International Organizations and we cannot affect them in any way. They are never stored in the territory of the russian federation. Theyre going to luzon or to some other city, i dont know. They cant be reopened and rechecked and i believe experts are doing that at the moment. The doping problem is not only related to russia. It is the problem that is relevant for the whole sports world and if someone is trying to politicize this error, it is a big mistake. Let me emphasize that we have never supported any violations in sport. We have never supported that at the state level and we will never support this. We will never support any dopings or any other violations in this area and we will ooh cooperate with all the International Organizations in this regard. Be sure to watch Fareed Zakarias gps special sunday morning, 10 00 a. M. Eastern right here on cnn. The chasm among republicans is widening. Im an outsider, and historically they dont love the outsi outsiders. Hes going down in flames and looks like hes taking the Republican Party with him. President obama is trying to make terrorism into guns. And if we dont act, we will keep seeing more massacres like this. Reporter thousands who fled fallujah wait in this camp while the battle rages nearby. Disney taking new steps to protect guests from alligators. I quickly grabbed my son, grabbed him out of that shoreline and brought him up to safety. All of those stories and more coming up with you and were so grateful for your company, as always, on this saturday morning. Im christi paul. My colleague, Victor Blackwell though, has the very latest from orlando this morning. Good morning, victor. Reporter good morning to you. Good morning to you at home. Its been almost a week now since the worst mass shooting in modern u. S. History happened here in orlando at the pulse nightclub just a block over my right shoulder here. 49 people were killed in that senseless attack, dozens more injured. Some still in hospitals. Authorities are still on the scene here trying to piece together the killers motive. We know that right now investigators are pouring over Surveillance Video of the club. The shooter at times posted messages on facebook. His friend who is a medical professional were told called during the attack to discuss medication. We dont know many details of that conversation. The fbis now questioning that fri friend. Fbi agents also spent an hour at the mosque where the shooter used to pray looking for anyone who knew the shooter or know anyone associated with that shooter. Polo sandoval joins us now with more. New details we are learning makes it seem as if this was man preparing to die. Reporter there seem to be several red flags here, at least several different suspicious behaviors investigators are taking a closer look at. Weve now lrnd the gunman had actually transferred over at least included his wife on his insurance policy as well as actually gave her access to his bank account. Theres also several indications that he had planned this when you look at his history closer to home which is his hometown about two hours south of port lucie, florida. He bout level three body armor and also ammunition in bulk. We have since found out the owners of that store initially called investigators when that happened. That investigation didnt actually go anywhere since the staff at that gun shop was unable to provide any more information at the time. Again, this is all different red flags, if you will, all suspicious indicators that investigators are taking a closer look at to see if anyone could have seen this coming. There are some other elements as well, polo, that i know investigators are looking into about the gunmans past, some violent elements. Are there any direct connections being made now between the suspicious behavior and the attack he carried out . Reporter not quite. We did hear several days ago from his exwife who described their marriage which started relatively normal, then quickly took a turn, a very violent turn, even getting physical at times. We are getting a side of him here that involved some violence. Were also hearing from some of those who may have known him in grade school, even teachers and some of those who actually were classmates of his telling the story that he was not only rude but also very violent prone. That just again provides a wider picture and Something Else investigators are considering right now, victor. Lets talk about the medical response. We know that of course dozens of people rushed to local hospitals in the wake of that attack. Were learning from the hospitals what it was like from those trauma surgeons what was like inside the o. R. S while this was happening and those hospitals were on lockdown. What are they saying . A reporter of course you have the First Responders, but you also have the individuals at the hospital. That was not far from the nightclub itself. There was a lot of chaos, confusion and there were reports there was possibly a gunman heading to the hospital or possibly in the hospital. But question t but yet these doctors continued to perform to save the lives of these individuals, including one senior resident surgery who shares his story, something he feels that is something that will stay with him the rest of his life and paints a better picture of what happened that night. Ive been wearing shoe covers obviously to keep just for hazard protection. But, no, again, i want to remember them as they are. Reporter just to add a little bit of context here so we really understand his story, too, victor. It is a remarkable. The senior surgeon surgical resident says he basically wore those shoes that were relatively new but today they are bloodsoak. I read a Facebook Post of his almost immediately following that shooting. One of the most powerful things that i read since the shooting happened, saying that in the fibers of those shoes was the blood of dozens of people and he had no idea of knowing whether they were gay, straight, black, white or hispanic. What they had in common is that they all arrived in his hospital on this way of suffering, of screaming, and even death. And i think that this is really the other side of the story that really we havent talked about too much is these individuals who really went above and beyond to save the lives of so many people despite those reports that there was possibly a gunman either heading to their facility or even there already. Heroic work. Heroic work at those operating rooms by those trauma surgeons. We actually saw the reunion between angel colon, one of the men who was shot six times, and the officer who pulled him out. Hes now praising the doctors who saved his life at ormc. Polo sandoval, thank you so much. Now the second round of funerals, those continue today as families mourn the loss of those killed in the nightclub shooting. And now there is an outpouring of support. Many looking to help financially. The largest fund in the wake of the pulse nightclub shooting is the city sponsored one orlando fund. It now stands at 8 million. Joining me now is the Senior Business reporter for the orlando sentinel. Paul, thanks for being back with us. There has been a bit of a shakeup essentially from the time this was announced that there had been some changes. But a shakeup in just the last 24 to 36 hours. Right. I guess it is really evolving as the city a week ago they didnt know they were going to be dealing with this and a little over a week ago, and so they are kind of on a learning curve. We had the fund by Equality Florida set up on the go fund me website, but then the city came in and announced theirs on tuesday. At first they said it was going to be aimed at supporting other nonprofits in the community. They immediately heard that it is that there is a more direct need and that somebody needs to be giving directly to the victims. There was the backlash from the families of those who lost people in sandy hook and aurora and the boston bombings who said this money should not be in the words of one of those vifvifr survivors the united ways payday. Shouldnt buy the new senior center, and then they made the shift that the money is going directly to the victims. According to the city they realized this at the same time that the mass shooting Network Group was putting out their statement. They say there is no causation here. There is no they say that they had also realized because they were over at the stadium dealing with victims and their families coming in, hundreds of them at this point, and that they realize that they needed a more direct mechanism right away. So the money is now going to the victims. Now this was supposed to be facilitated by the Central Florida fund in collaboration with the one orlando fund, Central Florida foundation, i should say. What now with the Central Florida foundation are they leaving . Yeah. They sent out an announcement friday saying they would establish their own fund and that it would be directed more at the other nonprofits and other needs in the community, hispanic and lgbt support groups. Again, the people that i talked to with the mass shooters networking group, the support group, they said again that they dont like it when they see fracturing of funds and a lot of different funds going out because thats when they say that some groups in the past have started raising money for their own causes. One person told me basically on the backs of our dead children. Do we know when any of this money will be starting to go there . I mean i believe that some of them are already. But i mean the city is still they are still perfecting the way that theyre going to do this. Get their hands around that. Right. Theyve flown in a national consultant. Yeah. This is ken feinberg, the man who helped hand out the money after 9 11, after the bp oil spill. There are also last i heard, seven people will be here beginning monday meeting with victims and their families. They dont have a formal agenda that they have told me about yet but they are going to be contacting the various different organizations and working with victims and one of them told me hes a 62, 240pound comfort dog. Sometimes you just need a little comfort and someone to listen. Paul brinkman, Senior Business reporter for the orlando sent knel sentinel. 5 of 49 funerals that will be happening over the next several days will happen this morning. Back to you in atlanta. I hope those families find comfort in the fact that this is such large chunk of this country is behind them and keeping them in thoughts and prayers. Victor, thank you so much. Meanwhile of course, this has brought the calls for gun control to become even louder. But there are voices who say assault style weapons should not be banned. Youre going to hear from one of those people. Also, donald trump launches a preemptive strike as some worried republican delegates consider waging a convention revolt. Legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Ugh. Heartburn. G ] sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. They give awards for spelling but everyone knows cheese. S. Cracker barrel has won awards for their delicious cheddar and they put that cheddar in a new macaroni cheese. Can you spell delicious . Delicious. D. E. L. mamost of the show. 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Well, tell that to a number of gop delegates who are trying to active live stop him at the convention, to which trump says that would be an illegal move and would disenfranchise the millions of people who support him. The party is doing very well. The party is the party is actually liking me. You know . Im an outsider. Im an outsider. And historically they dont love the outsiders. But i think theyre starting to like me. Maybe there will be a few reporter rnc chairman Reince Priebus has been privately working behind the scenes to find out how large this antiTrump Movement might be. He also sent out a tweet saying any reports of discord are pure fiction. But once again, trump saying that any move to try to stop him at the convention would be one that would be illegal and again would try to disenfranchise the millions of people who support him. Jason carroll, thanks so much. Cnn political commentators Maria Cardona and jeffrey lord both with me now. Maria is a Hillary Clinton supporter, jeffrey a trump supporter. Jeffrey, we understand this is a small faction of delegates but does it reflect the mounting anxiety inside the party about trumps candidacy after this week where a lot of republicans balked at his reaction to orlando and polls that show that hes down six to ten points to clinton in a general election . I mean is there anything that donald trump can do and does he have any responsibility to turn this around somehow . Well, hes in the process of turning it around. Christi, this is a handful of people. 14 Million People voted for donald trump. Hes going to be the republican nominee. Not coincidentally, they dont have, as it were, a horse here. The last time i can remember, not to date myself, something remotely like this was 1964 when at the last minute the powers that be persuaded thenpennsylvania governor bill scranton to get in the race against Barry Goldwater and the race was already over. But there is no one like that here. It is just a handful of delegates complaining to one another. Thats it. So i want to talk to you, maria, about some of the unfavorable numbers we are still seeing out there. 54 Hillary Clinton unfavorable, 66 for donald trump. Both camps seem to have the same mantra here. We cant allow either donald trump, or we cant allow Hillary Clinton to become president , just insert whichever name works there. Is it disconcerting to you though that the driver or motivating element here seems to be the dislike of a candidate as opposed to the support of one . Well, i think thats disconcerting to a lot of americans but i think, also whats disconcerting to a lot of americans, and increasingly to many republicans, is the possibility that somebody like donald trump would actually walk in to the white house as commander in chief. If you do want to look at the numbers, donald trump is in an historic hole with unfavorables. You talked about 66 . There was an earlier poll that said he was up to 70 . And he is even tanking among the people that supported him during the primary process. Hes tanking among independents. His numbers are actually lower now than they were a month ago among white americans without a college degree. These were the folks who were his base, who are his base. Whats more, donald trump is doing nothing but alienating additional groups of demographics that he needs desperately in order to win the white house. He has a more than 90 disapproval among africanamericans. 89 among hispanics. High 70s among women. If he is doing nothing to try to gain the support of those groups, there is no viable path for him to get to the white house. But maria thats the problem that donald trump is facing. But when we talk about low numbers, or high numbers in this case, twothirds of the people, according to some polls, say that they believe Hillary Clinton did something wrong when she used her personal email server as secretary of state. I know that that is a topic that just will not seem to leave her side. And when you consider twothirds of the people believe that she did something wrong, what does that say about her . Well, i think what well see is when the fbi process comes to an end, which it will here pretty soon, i think that will be put to rest. Is she going to interview with the fbi . Yes. She is. She has offered this since last august. Were just waiting for that to be scheduled. But the problem here is, even be that as it may, christi, that is not reflected in the poll numbers when you have the contrast between Hillary Clinton who has 30 years of Public Service devoted to helping families and helping working class americans versus donald trump who has dangerous rhetoric, dangerous policies, who will do nothing but divide us, degrade us and defraud us if he gets to the white house. That is a message that is really sinking in to the general electorate which is very different from the primary electorate that actually gave donald trump the nomination. Jeff lrey lord, 15 seconds. You have the last word. Maria is in fine form this morning. There is no fbi process. There is an fbi criminal investigation. Two, when it comes to the polls, Michael Dukakis in 1978 was eight points ahead of george bush. The polls that will count are state by state polls once we get to the fall election. These polls that youre seeing right now dont really mean a great deal and donald trump is doing well in some and not so well in others. This is going to change a thousand times before we get to where it counts. I agree with that. But hes going in the wrong direction. Jeffrey lord and Maria Cardona, we appreciate you both taking the time to be with us today. Thank you. You know, today could be dangerously hot and i mean dangerously across some parts of the country here. Allison chinchar is talking about record breaking heat here. Thats right. Were talking about impressive heat for portions of the southwest. The other problem is, it is also helping to fuel a lot of the fires in california. Well take a closer look at that many coming up. Stomer service maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. 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Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant. You rely on frontline plus. Because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new flea infestation. Its protection lasts a full 30 days. No wonder frontline plus is recommended by vets for killing fleas and ticks. After all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. Frontline plus. Vet recommended flea and tick killer. 50 million of you are under dangerous heat advisories today. Cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar is showing us whats happening here. This could possibly be life threatening, allison. Indeed. Yes. We arent just talking a few degrees above average. Were talking near record breaking in a lot of these areas and it is going to be for several days. We have heat advisories for portions of the plains but the real oppressive heat is going to be down towards the southwest. All of this pink area here is an excessive heat warning. Unfortunately thats also having a problem with a lot of the fires theyve been trying to battle in california. Were already off to a very bad start. Last three years, 2015, 2014, 2013, in terms of millions of acres burned. Were well above, in some cases over a million acres more than weve seen in the last couple of years. Thats not a good start. It is due in part to the temperatures. What you can see here, we are talking about the temperatures in this general area. Look at these highs. Las vegas, 103 today. 109 tomorrow. Tucsons going to get up to 117 by sunday. Yuma will be 119 by the time we get to sunday. This is very important because of the direction in which these go. Again all of this heat in this general area is going to push in to california because of the high pressure. Notice those winds going in that motion where theyre pushing it from places like arizona into california. Thats what we call an offshore wind meaning it is coming from land and going over water. What its doing is it is taking all of this incredibly hot air and pushing it into those areas where theyre having some of the fires. Phoenix doesnt necessarily have the fire but we are still talking incredibly hot temperatures. The area around Santa Barbara which is where the shea fire is located, again we are talking about incredibly zero chances for rain, low humidity and, again, all of these incredibly hot temperatures. That hot, dry air is what pushes and helps fuel, unfortunately, a lot of those fires. All right. Allison chinchar, thank you so much. Sure thinking about all of those folks in that area. In defense of assault style rifles, why one user of an ar15 says just leave us alone. First, Mortgage Rates inched up this week. Heres your look. Heres what we were thinking. What if you get a mortgage on your phone . Wouldnt more people buy homes . And wouldnt those people need to fill their homes with Household Goods . And wouldnt the makers of those goods have phones from which they could easily secure mortgages of their own . Further stoking demand as our tidal wave of ownership floods the country with new homeowners, who now must own other things. Anyway. Thats what we were thinking. And youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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A new reality for this community and the response to the shooting that left 49 people dead. Now the vote could come as early as monday on a bill that would prevent people on the fbis terror watch list from purchasing guns. Its only happening after a 15hour democratic filibuster. Now this bill is unlikely to pass, but it plays into a prime topic of conversation should military assault style weapons like the one used in this shooting and others be restricted, be ban or possibly closely regulated, or more closely regulated. The voices in favor of gun control are being matched by those who say leave these guns alone. One of them uses assault style weapons, the ar15, to stop wild hogs from devouring farmers crops in south georgia. I know because i did a story with him back in 2013. Heres a portion of that story from march of that year. Tragedies happened but the weapon didnt create these tragedies. Sick individuals used this weapon, this tool, and they did something destructive with it, something ugly. Hal shouse joining me now. That was before, of course, orlando. That was before San Bernardino. Has your opinion of whether civilians should be allowed to own these semiautomatic rifles changed . No, victor, it hasnt. Frankly, thats kind of what pisses me off about this whole situation. We shouldnt be talking about that. Thats not going to solve our problem. Our problem is a Mental Health crisis. If you want Mental Health and youre not wealthy, its very hard to get. And if you dont want Mental Health and you need it, it is almost impossible to get. The guy in San Bernardino was being seen and all of his friends and family knew he was off, and they even sent the police to do a Wellness Check on him and he breezed through it. They dont have the tools to deal with the Mental Health problems that our society is generating that you can see is at a breakneck speed from religious whack coackos to abor wackos to people who just cant get laid, want to kill everybody theyve seen. No question Mental Health is part of the conversation, hal, but is it also part of the conversation that there is one common denominator, whether the motive is terror, the motive is hate towards any specific demographic group. The motive is antiabortion, that these individuals all have the same type of gun . Its a great weapon for what we use it for. Its meant to kill people. Its meant to kill a lot of things. But its a tool. If youre not going to go at the root of the problem, these peoples Mental Health, their stability, then youre never going to take away enough tools to save everybody. You just cant. Were either going to keep having these conversations. You could get with me in 2018 and there could be 15 more of these. If right now congress was saying lets have for every two churches lets have one Mental Health facility, if they were trying to get veterans in at a higher rate, maybe sending them to civilian places at a higher rate, you wouldnt see the massive amount of suicide attempts or successes by military folks. Were not handling this. Literally any weapon you take away fy were to give you all of my weapons, all of my magazines, my ammo, give you all of that, youre not going to be one bit safer nobodys going to be one bit safer because im not a crazy person whos hell bent on destruction. Anyone who is will find another way to kill you. Let me jump in here. There is a delay so i hate that if it sounds like im cutting you off to the viewer, there is a delay from my being in orlando and you being in albany, georgia. There is this group now Veterans Coalition for common sense that has jumped in to this conversation. I want to read for you a portion of why they have created this group. Lets put up on the screen, some opponents are closing these gaps in our laws will continue to argue that dangerous people will obtain guns in our country no matter what. Thats your argument. And therefore taking steps to make it harder for them is fruitless. This is both poor logic and poor leadership. Your response to that. Poor logic, poor leadership. And this is coming from general Stanley Mcchrystal, one of the members of this group. This is not some antigun radical. This is someone who is a member of the military. I was watching bill maher last night. He had a colonel on there who said straight up that he didnt feel that civilians should have military style weapons. I think hes crazy. I mean the reality of it is, just because youve been in the military for a really long time doesnt mean you cant be a dumbass. The fact of the matter is civilians like us, like you, like these folks in florida, they had to deal with a terrorist with a semiautomatic assault style weapon. Its not an assault weapon. Its a semiautomatic weapon. Lets get that clear. But the fact of the matter is, if a policeman needs this weapon and a soldier needs this weapon, im going in to potentially the same people, same criminals, the same terrorists. Theres really no reason i shouldnt have it as a normal sane person. Because if you ban it from me, they might just get some fertilizer and some diesel and kill 200 people. Youre not going to stop sick people by taking my weapons. You need to we need to deal with the Mental Health crisis. Id like to see celebrities and politicians and comedians talking about how can we open up our Mental Health clinics. How can we get 200 beds for a city of 100,000 people. 100,000 people in albany, theres like 12 freakin beds. That is part of the. Conversation. But, unfortunately, as we continue to go through these situations over and over, whats highlighted is that the death count here is 50. If you did not have this type of weapon that could use in quick repetition, in quick success session this much ammunition, the death count would not be as high. We had a conversation with general hertling in the first hour, we had the conversation with you this hour. Hal shouse, earrings that so much. Back to christi in atlanta. Thank you, gentlemen. Cnn is just outside the city of fallujah this morning listening to the gunfire as the iraqi forces are declaring the city nearly free. In rio, one State Government leader warns of a calamity because there is no money to complete critical projects there. Defiance is in our bones. Our citracal bones. Easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. Defy bone aging with citracal maximum. Our highest level of calcium plus d. Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. 42 minutes past the hour right now. It is being hailed as a major victory in iraq. The countrys Prime Minister saying fallujah is nearly free from isis control this morning. As cnn found, nearly free does not mean fighting is over. Listen to how ben wedeman describes what he sees and hears from just outside the city limits a short time ago. Reporter were at the very edge of fallujah. What im seeing is almost all of the houses and buildings on the edge of the city are either completely destroyed or are severely damaged. Now i can hear the thump of artillery, incoming artillery rounds within the city itself. Were also hearing the occasional crackle of small arms fire. So even though iraqi officials are very eager to announce that the city is nearly liberated, it does appear that there are battles ongoing. Cnn contributor and coauthor of isis inside the army of terror, michael weis when us now. When you hear what were hearing from ben wedeman and what were hearing from the iraqi Prime Minister, what is your assessment . Look, it is a huge victory for the Iraqi Government. Remember, this was a battle and operation that took about four weeks. People thought it was going to take much, much longer than this, myself included. It appeared in the early weeks that isis was digging in. They had had between 50,000 and 90,000 civilians trapped inside fallujah as humid shields. They had been sniping those trying to escape. Surprising that theyve melted away. This is not tikrit. This is the hornets nest of the sunni insurgency going back to 2003, and 2004 during the first war in iraq. It was the first city to be severely contested by isis in early 2014. This is the last major strong hold they have in al anbar province. This is a victory Prime Minister ab abadi really needed. Were not paying attention to the political tensions in iraq. It is essentially a civil war led on one side led by al abadi and the other ali sistani, and the other proguard militias which are becoming like hezbollah in lebanon declaring a political bloc for themselves to try to take over the country. He needed a victory like this. As you noted, the iraqis are always quick out of the gate to declare 00 victory when theyre still very much involved in mopping. You operations. If ramadi is any indication, isis probably left ieds and boobytraps in their wake which can do untold damage to civilians coming back. We all know there are pockets in that city where isis is still hold up. I want to get to some other news this morning. We just learned that belgium is on alert after government officials were threatened there and that a dozen people have been arrested in antiterror raids there. What have you heard about that . Yeah. To be honest, this is sort of an ambiguous threat. It reminds me of the kind of things European Security services do whenever there is a major event or International Sporting competition, rounding up suspects, people who are on the radar, not necessarily planning or thought to be planning any kind of imminent attack. But look, the fact remains, what ive called the group of isis inspired terrorists is by far the most significant and profound coming from trt west. These are the guys responsible for paris, for brussels. As i have reported relying on what isis defectors and info informants inside the organization have told me, the Intelligence Branch or cia of isis, if you like, the head is a french national. There were reports last week that he may have been captured by the Turkish Military fleeing from Northern Syria into turkey. But this is what isis is trying to do now. They are putting a lot of emphasis on bringing the war against the west to the west. So as they lose ground in syria and iraq, you will see them revert to more of an insurgency or guerrilla terror style form of warfare. They cannot nation build anymore. What they want to do is blow up cars and kill civilians. I want to get this in to you the cia warned this week despite the loss of territory that isis is stronger than ever and they are trying to get in to the u. S. What do you know or say and i have to be very brief here. We dont have a lot of time. But what do you know or what can you say about that statement . Because it is alarming to people. It is alarming. Ill leave you with an ominous note. I got wind from the same sources who told me that isis in the next three months was planning something in minnesota using the soma somali group there. I passed that tip along to the fbi and they never got back to me. So i wonder why things like San Bernardino and the omar mateen massacre happened. Michael weiss, we appreciate you being here. Thank you. When we come back, an incredible story to share with you about a mother who fought off a Mountain Lion after it attacked her son. Stay close. avo after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. A car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. When the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. Not toyota. Not ford or any other brand. Subaru eyesight. An extra set of eyes, every time you drive. When you didnt know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. 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The perfect form. Beat yesterday with fenix 3 hr. From garmin. Well, a fiveyearold boy is in a denver hospital after being attacked by a Mountain Lion. This is an attack that happened last night. The local Sheriffs Office says the boy was playing outside with his brother when this animal attacked. The mother ran outside and pulled the lion off her son. Shees been treated for minor injuries. The one involved in this attack last night was hunted down, we understand, by authorities and has been killed but lets talk to wild life expert now. Just wondering how common these types of attacks are. Yes, thanks for having me. And these kind of attacks in the last 20 years have been not uncommon. Apparently there have been 20 fatal attacks between 1890 and 2011. 14 of which were actually victims under the age of 14. And so what that points to is the propensity for these big cats to hone in on targets that are easy prey and the big cats will look for the young, the small or the weak and of course this child was five years old playing outside with his brother and interestingly enough, out of these 14 fatal attacks that were on kids, in the last, you know, several decades there have been no parents present and so its an opportunistic attack by a big cat thats looking for an easy prey. This cat underestimated the mom in this case because she pulled that lion as we understand it off of the boy. Any mom goes yeah, thats what i would do, but wondering which is our approach supposed to be if we or someone else is attacked by a Mountain Lion. The Mountain Lion is generally a very calm and quiet elusive cat and its its not really its not really likely to attack when theres an adult around. On this, again, its a case of easy prey and you know, generally, if one is very bold and makes oneself big and almost runs towards the animal youre likely to ward off an attack by a Mountain Lion, but if you run, you are then identified as prey and that will, you know, that will signal to the animal that you are its prey and it will run after you and at that point you have very little chance. We appreciate you taking the time to talk to us this morning. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Of course. All right. So we learned something there this morning, didnt we . Turning to sports in addition to all the problems that rio has had preparing for the olympics, theres a new one. Melissa has a new one. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Ork fd dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. Gomery and Abigail Higgins had. A tree that bore the most rare and magical fruit. Which provided for their every financial need. And then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. But with their Raymond James financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. And they danced. See what a Raymond James advisor can do for you. All right. Ill leave you with this, waiting to watch the olympics in 80 days. Authorities in rio now declaring a state of public calamity over finances. More on this latest try crisis. I actually took my calendar out. Seven weeks from yesterday when the olympics are supposed to begin. Brazil is dealing with the worst recession since the 1930s and hosting the olympics are not helping. An executive order declaring a financial state of emergency. The government warned, quote, extreme economic measures would need to be implemented to successfully host the Olympic Games in august. The order is meant oopen the door for more funding but theres no word on where the money will actually come from or how much money is actually would be needed. However, a rio 2016 organizing Committee Says the games are guaranteed and will happen. Now, this is just the latest in a long list of problems leading up to the summer games. The zika outbreak has hit brazil harder than any other country. 200 physicians and scientists signed a petition arguing that the games should be postponed or moved to another location. Water pollution has been a major concern in the bay where the sailing and rowing competitions will take place and add in the crime rate and the political Corruption Scandal that stripped the president of her powers, the games are set to begin on august 5th and run through august 21st, but a lot of concerns right now. Okay. Thank you. Good to have you here this morning and so much news to talk to you about this morning your next hour of new day starts now. Im an outsider and historically they dont love the outsiders. Hes going down in flames. President obama is trying to make terrorism into guns. And if we dont act, we will keep seeing more massacres like this. Thousands who fled falluja wait in this camp while the battle rages nearby. Disney taking new steps to protect guests from alligators. I quickly grabbed my son, brought him up to safety. Were live in orlando. We have so much news to talk about including breaking news out of falluja where iraqi forces are making major advances. Planting the nations flag for the tifirst time in the cit center in over two years. But first lets get to the terror attack in orlando and the investigation. 49 people were gunned down in a senseless attack. Dozens more injured. Some still in hospitals in this community. This morning president obama again calling for action in his weekly address. So this past week ive also thought a lot about dads and moms around the country who have had to explain to their children what happened in orlando. Time and again weve observed moments of silence for victims of terror and gun violence. Too often those have been followed by months of silence, by inaction that is simply inexcusable. If were going to raise our kids in a safer, more loving world, we need to speak up for it. We need our kids to hear us speak up about the risks guns pose to our communities. President obama there in his weekly address. Authorities are still on the scene here at pulse nightclub trying to piece together the killers motive. Heres what we know right now. Investigators are poring over Surveillance Video. Authorities are also questioning a friend who called the shooter during the attack. Investigators say that friend who is a medical professional saw the gunmans Facebook Post calling for an attack on the u. S. And according to one official one of the things they discussed was medication. Fbi agents also are scrutinizing the killers past and any connections he may have had. Some things were learning make it seem as if this were a man preparing to die. Reporter Law Enforcement sources say in the weeks leading up to the attack the killer made numerous preparations incolliding his wife had access to Bank Accounts and adding her name to Important Documents like his Life Insurance policy. He bought his wife an expensive piece of jewelry. Fbi agents visited the mosque where the shooter prayed. Mosque officials telling cnn the agents were looking for anyone who knew him or anyone he was associated with. His investigators continue to investigate what his wife knew about this attack and when. Cnn has learned the couple communicated during the attack. According to Law Enforcement sources she called her husband multiple times after news broke of the shooting. At around 4 00 a. M. , two hours of the shooting began he texted her asking if she saw the news. At one point she responded telling him she loved him. Police notified gunmans family first knocking on his sisters door at 4 00 a. M. She called her parents breaking the news to the rest of the family. In the weeks leading up to the attack the gunman spent a significant amount of money incolliding mon including mon for guns used in the attack. Mateen was disciplined 31 times in elementary school. Much talk about violence and sex. In high school he was suspended a total of 48 days among the incidents are two that involved fighting with injury. Meanwhile, in orlando, officer delgado was one of the First Responders to pulse nightclub and pulled several victims from the club. Somebody yelled out, hes moving. One of the victims he pulled out at a press conference. One of the ones that helped you get out of harms way. The two reunited on thursday. Oh, my god. It was amazing. It was a feeling that you just cant describe, cant put in words knowing that you helped save someone. Thanks for that romplt report. James, hearing this new information about the moments and the days leading up to this attack, what goes through your mind . Transferring property, buying expensive jewelry, making sure his wife had access to his financial accounts . You know, as days pass we learn more about the shooter and its clear that this guy had everything planned out and absolutely knew that he was not going to exit that building alive. So lets talk about this phone call that came from a friend during this attack. Now, he saw the posts on facebook, but were told that this this call came during the attack so its between 2 00 and 5 00 a. M. That this friend calls about medication as an investigator. What do you glean from that . Thats the weirdest part about the entire time span between 2 00 and 5 00. Why is he texting about medication . Hes certainly selfish at that point, either many people laying dead on the floor, but yet hes reaching out concerning medication. Very odd. Its just unhinged. Yeah, that friend being, were told, questioned by the fbi. Again, this friend a professional who saw the post and had this discussion with mateen about the medication. There have also been these reports about his disciplinary history in grade school going, you know, not just through high school but all the way back to third grade. Whats the relevance of those reports of a man who was in his mid20s . Thats a sign. Every bell in the world went off. Youve had many people who came across his past who said he was violent and would have these outbursts of anger and no one did anything about it regarding Mental Health. Now, we know that during the shooting he called police pledging his allegiance to isis. He also mentioned the brothers responsible for the bombing in boston. Does this sound like to you and correct me if im wrong, someone who was determined to attack, was just looker if a reason, looking for a group to connect himself to and with . Yeah, its almost we dont know if hes a true isis sympathizer or is he a want to be, for instance . My concern is the same mosque that hes attended, there was a bombing suspect attending the same mosque so was he part of isis or was he just trying to fit in most likely like he was in the gay community. He visited pulse many times and we heard on the radio the other day he was trying to pick up men. We know he was crazy, but he was trying to fit in somewhere and i think he may have used this isis term to fit in. And we know as investigators try to piece together this motive, that may be what it is. Not singularly terror and not a specific group. That work continues here and across the country. Thanks so much for joining us this morning. Now we can really only imagine and it ma be difficult to imagine the horror of the attack inside pulse nightclub almost one week ago, but for survivors who were there, we understand that its difficult to put into words. My next guest lost his best friend in the shooting. He joins me now. First just let me express we are sorry for your loss. Before we came back from the break i asked you about being here. This is only the second time youve been this close to the club. What are you feeling now . To be honest with you right now im getting chills standing here and hearing the train pass by actually. This is a devastation like, it really is. Its almost like a nightmare that you dont even want to begin. You want it to end quickly, but as you can see im really shaken up about it. Understandably shaken up about it because you lost your best friend. You said he was holding your hand inside that club and and he saved your life. I feel like he saved my life because i feel like im here by myself without him. That was like my righthand man. That was more than just a friend. That was like my angel i want to call it. I dont know if you know it or not how it feels to lose someone that you just were talking to and having fun with and, you know, partying with and having a good time because you were in your safe heavens, you know, and just like if you were at church and someone came in and shoot you. I always call it the boogie man. But there is no one coming. This has been a busy week for you. I know youve spoken with others but there are undoubtedly those quiet moments where youve had time to reflect and i call it digest whats happened. Take me into those moments. Ill take you into the moment of this morning. This morning coming here, knowing that i was going to be this close to the crime scene and knowing they would see my friends car still there in the same spot where he left it kills me and i cry at night because im not going to get to touch him anymore or go out to eat nichl or to talk to him or get that phone call or say everything is going to be okay. Im waiting for that moment and im never going to get that. I lost somebody that meant the world to me. He was a brother, not just a best friend but i can only imagine how the other families feel at this moment. Yeah, you said that youre not going to get to talk to him again, but let me ask you an unorthodox question. In the last week, have you talked to eddie . Have you said anything in those moments alone . Yes, i feel him around me, the presence and always tell him, im going to do it for you. Im going to continue to speak out and keep your name alive because my friend was a ball of love and joy. He wanted to be everything he wanted to be, you know, and thats why i started a foundation for him in his name. You know, to keep him alive and to make awareness, to know that hate is out there beyond just a gay community. Its in our own community, black, white, chinese, everywhere. Its just a hate crime. And you have to overcome that hate and fight it with love. There are two schools of thought what should happen with that space. Some say that terrorists will not stop us from living our lives, we will continue to enjoy one anothers company and dance and love here. Others say there should not be a club there, there should be a memorial. Having survived that shooting what do you think should happen to that space where pulse nightclub is now . Im going to say this. Standing here and living this moment with you, i wouldnt go back to that club, not just my own personal thoughts if they rebuild. I understand that it has to build jobs for other people and i understand that but i personally feel that it should be a memorial site. I could never go in that club because i would think about those 49 people that lost their lives and my friend was in that bathroom so to me it should be a memorial site but understand why the owner wants to rebuild, to keep to say that we will overcome this and if something can come out of this because as a whole we can pull together. And maub ybe rebuild it in another place. So rebuild in another place, i agree. Thank you for being here. Just one and weve heard from many here who survived this shooting but lost someone so close and this is a community that ive learned over the last week that many people are connected to someone whos in this club. Going to the gas station, going to the mall. At restaurants, earn hveryone a story about that night. This community is still reeling, but on the path toward some type of healing. Never closure, but healing. Back to you. Very good point to make and such a touching interview. Thank you so much. And from there we have to turn to the political arena. New momentum building for the anybody but Trump Movement with months to go until the republican convention. A faction of gop delegates are now looking at changing the rules. Also ahead a senate vote on gun control measures. President obama voicing his concern. Chris is here. Reporter this morning president obama is calling for just more than just talk about reducing gun violence and the senate is set to vote on the subject next week, but will it make any difference . Well explain after the break. To win at the Olympic Games, Allyson Felix needs to. Be quicker than everybody. To win at home, she needs to be quicker than. Allyson chloe thats why Allyson Felix uses bounty. 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The iraqi prime ministe declaring the city quote nearly free from isis control. Ben, what i understand and correct me if im wrong here, you actually went into the middle of the city to see what was happening and came back out. What are you seeing . What are you hearing this hour. Reporter thats correct. We went inside the city and we got ragt to the middle of the city. What we saw was that even the iraqi Prime Minister says this is nearly liberated. What we saw and heard was intense fighting on the inside, lots of small arms fire, lots of big explosions and now were on the outside of the city again and were hearing outgoing artillery. So even when we spoke to the soldiers inside the city, they said that definitely their battle is still raging and there was still some waves from actually seeing the liberation of the city. What we didnt see was a single civilian. Not one civilian in the city as far as we could tell, certainly in the areas we were in. A lot of damaged houses, lots of rubble and wreckage in the street. Were hearing airplanes overhead as well. We saw lots of signs of what was clearly air strikes on the roads. The soldiers saying one of the big challenges theyre facing is of course ieds improvised explosive devices left behind by isis as well as car bombs so its a real tricky venture going inside the city and i think its going to be quite some time before they can declare that isis has been totally crushed in town. They told us there are small units of isis fighters, Still Holding out. Theyre fighting to the death. Theres been almost no surrender by any of these isis militants in falluja. Thank you so much for bringing us the latest there just outside the city of falluja. Ahead of mondays senate vote on gun control measures were hearing from president obama. We have the latest just ahead. Also, goodbyes and remembrances today for victims of the orlando nightclub shootings. Funerals beginning in a little more than an hour, but of course there is so much pain attached to this as a country watches these people say goodbye. Every day, you know you try to get some sleep. You try to maybe rest and hope that the next morning when you wake up its like it was a nightmare, that youre hear a voice say im okay and it hurts because it doesnt happen. My belly pain and constipation . They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. 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We saw a heated rhetoric all week long over how to stem gun violence in the wake of these terrible tragic Orlando Shootings and the senate is set to vote on several gun proposals next week. Thats the good news. Now the bad news. None of that legislation is expected to pass. Democrats and republicans have competing proposals on how to prevent terror suspects from buying guns and on changing how background checks are done and all those have been rejected by the senate in the past. Theyve agreed to bring them back to the floor earlier in the week. And president obama weighed in again today in his weekly media address. Ray long side the stories of bravery and healing and coming together over the past week weve also seen a n renewed focus on reducing gun violence. Being tough on terrorism requires more than talk. He said terror suspects should be barred from buying guns and announced he would meet with the National Rifle association about that issue and while republicans and democrats are split, you know, i have to point out, i dont know if you can see here but i am styling with my Victor Blackwell pocket square and i need to give a shot out to victor for keeping me cool and collected and together because i didnt get a shot out last week so i would say victor, thanks for the pocket square. Victor is in orlando right now. Well make sure he sees it. He did notice it last week and you both are very styling. Im one lucky woman to be sitting here with all these men. Thank you. Take good care. Do you believe wereless than 50 day from the beginning of the olympics in rio and there is a state of emergency now. The nation is strapped for cash. Why it says it needs money and quick just to pay for these games. And of course we know now that the people at pulse nightclub on saturday night, sunday morning were here for latin night. There was latin night because some in the Latin Community are not accepted by their families in the Lgbt Community. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. 8 31 on a saturday morning. Our top story, the terror attack in orlando. More funerals today for five of the victims of last weeks shooting. In all 4 people were killed, dozens more injured some still in hospitals in this area. Authorities are still on the scene trying to find out more about the killers motive or motives as this picture is coming together. Also pouring over Surveillance Video from that night. Thousands of people lined up to give blood in the hours immediately following the massacre. Actually tens of thousands for days. The local blood bank drew nearly 20,000 units of blood in the first four to five days after the shooting but its the people who gave before the attack who helped save so many lives on sunday morning. What happens at our blood center happens across the country at every blood center and it is vital that a ready blood supply is on hand in everybodys community because in an instant it can be needed. Blood donors are the Unsung Heroes in our community. Blood recipients are alive today because of the selfless act of a blood donor. One blood employees are working around the clock, literally 24 hours a day to process all the donations and are doing it with heavy hearts because one of their coworkers was killed in that attack. Coming up in just a few minutes youll hear from roadie i thats what they called him, his coworkers and one of the survivors thanks to what the blood bank did leading up to that massacre. This sparking conversations on gun control, Mental Health and one of the top you cans, whats it like to be gay if youre black or latino . Remember this was latin night at the club. Were joined by charles and raul, i want to start with you with what you wrote on cnn. Com. Lets put it up on the screen. The irony is that we latinos value our family ties so greatly that the stakes are higher for latino youth who come out to their families. As a result some lgbt latinos stay in the closet afraid to risk the rejection at home. Right now we are really at a transformative moment for both the lgbt and the Latino Community. Im not sure people can fully wrap their minds around this, but you have to remember that someone that is lgbt and latino theyre somewhat of a dual identity. They feel distance from the broader Lgbt Community and feel distant from the latin objection community. Thats why these places like pulse nightclub in florida are important because they can feel a sense of belonging. And this week for many will thens latinos, we see our own lives reflected in theirs. And charles, i dont know specifically for the latino kmubty but i know as a black gay man the similar struggles are happening and have happened for some time in the black community. Right, but i do want to back up just one bit here and just focus on like most recently available data, because i think this conversation can easily veer off into historical stereo types about what it is like to be a minority and lgbt and it is not necessarily the stereo types do not line up with the most available data. So in 2012, gallup conducted the largest ever survey about who identifies as lgbt. A normal survey is about 1,000 people to be scientifically legitimate. This is 121,000 people surveyed. The margin of error is tiny. They found that black young black men were the most likely to say they were lgbt followed by hispanic men, followed by asian men and the least likely to say they were lgbt were young white men. This flies straight many the face of what these constructs we have of what it means to come out and in the face of the concept of what it means to be lgbt. And i think that its really important to put the layer the data on top of these stereo types. The last census found that let me ask you and i hate to jump in here, but youre saying this is the result of a survey. A survey is not filled out in front of ones mother and grandmother and family. Thats a document you hand in to researchers so there is an important point there. One may personally identify as lgbt but its a much different thing to do that in front of your family. Well, let me say it the other way then. This is not a survey you filled out. They were calling people and this is a random stranger calling you and asking you this question and that these people responded to a ran don dom stranger that they identified more than lgbt than did young white men and it wasnt a small difference either. Young black men were 56 more likely than young white men to identify. Young hispanics were 49 more than white men. Young asian men were 23 than young white men to identify as lgbt to a random stranger. What i am saying is even in the context of whatever kind of home phobia we may say exists within those communities those young men are doing it in spite of that. They are exhibiting even more bravery than less and i think that its really, really important to to put in the context of this conversation. And even in the last census when they were looking at the number of lgbt people raising children it turns out that most of those families are actually in the south and that black and hispanic lgbt couples were twice as likely as lgbt couples to be raising children. What im saying is that we have to stop the kind of new york, san francisco, l. A. Centric view of what it means to be lgbt in america and realize there is something happening on the ground among young people many this country that is happening outside of those realms and there is a new reality there and by some measures hispanics are more open to being lgbt than other people are. Well, victor more open . Would you agree with that. I would certainly sha say that within the last 15 years or so there has been tremendous strides in the Latino Community in terms of the embrace of lgbt people. Part of that has had to do with the Immigration Reform movement because they have spent the last 15 years building coalitions and on the other side, the Lgbt Community has been building coalitions as they both have been pursuing same sex marriage, Marriage Equality and Immigration Reform. But the fact is, so there have been important strides. We have increased visibilities of latinos in the media. People like the orlando cruz and when we look at the statist ks in same sex marriage in 200650 of latinos were opposed to it. We have now 52 of latinos in favor so things going in the right direction but there still remains enormous progress to be made. Thank you so much for being with us this morning. Back to you. All right. Thank you so much. The family of the toddler who was killed at a florida resort, we have learned has returned home to nebraska as disney is making moves to protect guests from new alligator attacks. We have a live report for you and a message from that family who is speaking out this morning. Dawn helps open. Something even bigger. Go to facebook. Com, dawn saves wildlife. Youll enjoy consistent comfort with the heating and air Conditioning Systems homeowners rank number one. American standard heating and air conditioning. A higher standard of comfort. 44 minutes past the hour and the family of that toddler, that twoyearold little boy killed by a gator in orlando is speaking out this morning. Theyre thanking everyone for their support, asking for privacy as they try to reconcile and deal with the death of their twoyearold son lane graves. Were follow the story from nornd. Good morni orlando. You said it matt and melissa graves are back in their home and what an unimaginable task they have ahead of them which is laying their twoyearold son to rest in this horrific understand dent that happened on the Disney Properties and theyve received so much support from their community and across the country and they did speak out in a statement and i want to read part of that to you. It says melissa and i continue to deal with the los of our beloved boy lane and are overwhelmed with the support and love weve received from our family and friends as well as around the country. And they also ask for privacy as they continue with this coping and dealing process in laying their son to rest. At that same Time Walt Disney World is taking steps forward to make sure that this is not happen again. Workers are actually putting up more signage around water bodies of water on their properties beginning with that seven seas lagoon where the little twoyearold was cragged into by an alligator and some of those signs that weve been saying danger, alligators and snakes in the area. Do not feed the wild life. Theyre placing that signage where its necessary. Were also told disney is going to be talking to its workers, talking to its guests and trying to sort of reenforce the importance of how to interact with wild life torks stay away, to make sure that everyone is aware of the wild life that could be on the property and also again, to make sure this does not happen again. Thank you. Listen, as the world prepares to come to Rio De Janeiro for the summer games, the State Government is warning theres not enough money to ensure Public Health and safety. We have a live report for you from Rio De Janeiro. Just ahead, stay close. Nutrition is a word getting thrown around a lot these days. But do you really know what it means . No. The answer is no. Because its complicated and sciencey. But with my nutrition mixes, you dont have to worry about the science. You can just put it in your pie hole. Mmm peanuts, pecans, cashews. Ill have another helping of science, please so whether its energy or heart health youre after, start optimizing your nutrition with my specially mixed nutrition. Planters. Nutrition starts with nut. Mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. Its on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle. And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Even when im on the move. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. Ugh. Heartburn. G ] sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Race to cleegs completion here, the governor of the state of Rio De Janeiro has declared a state of emergency over Public Services. Hes warning there is just not enough money to ensure health and security now. So nick, help us understand what is the risk for travelers in this case . Absolutely. What a state of crisis with just under 50 days before the games here. As you said, the olympic projects themselves, we see the stadiums, we see the extensions from the subway from the beaches to those parks. We see them rushing to complete and potentially going to meet their deadlines and we hear officials saying this demand for extra money suddenly unprecedently asked for isnt necessarily going to affect those projects but what a backdrop it gives for people coming here. Weve seen the hospitals in rio, the universities, the Police Forces talking about the lack of funding they have. This state has been in a dire condition for a number of months now because of the economic crisis brazil is through. Relies on oil being sold, relies on tax revenue that has fallen through the floor many the past months. Late last night we hear the announcement declaring this calamity across the state. The state of emergency means they can get away with doing things much more quickly without going through certain checks and balances, but at the end of the day theyre looking to the main brazilian federal government to pump dollars into the games. And a 5 billion deficit in rio state itself, that is going to make many people concerned that they can get theyll be able to get you to the games, but whats happening around you when youre there . How the police force provided security, so a lot of questions here and this massive announcement has got many people concerned there may be many more problems lurking beneath the surface here. Officials dont want to admit to these things. So ill ask if you have any knowledge into this. Do they have a gauge of how many people of the influx of people theyre expecting for the olympics . Reporter it isnt necessarily clear at this point. Ticket sales as far as the number well into the hundreds of thousands or so. Theyve sold 76 of the tickets so far. Now, a lot of those are to foreigners. I think theyre expecting about half a Million People to arrive here in the olympics. It doesnt appear to have changed but its all really about what actually turns up. Hotel occupancy here said to be about 90 for the Olympic Games themselves, but it comes down to these last minute signals. The zika epidemic, athletes worrying about their health. The political crisis, and now suddenly we have a financial calamity declared by the very state where the olympics are supposed to be hosted saying were struggling to provide basic Public Services. That doesnt build confidence when theyre putting on a multinational, multibillion dollar event. The real question is are there going to be basic failings which detracts from the olympics and the nations who come here to compete . Thank you so much for getting us apprised of whats happening there. And an emotional reunion for a survivor of the orlando nightclub massacre and the Police Officer who went beyond the call of duty to save him. Its coming up in the cnn news room. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. 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Oralbs rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. Im Victor Blackwell live in orlando. Consider this. More than 13,000 units of blood were donated in the first 48 hours after the orlando shooting. But for the local blood bank the crews there who pulled out all the stops literally working 24 hour as day to help save the victims, the massacre inside the pulse nightclub became tragically personal. There was a mixture of gunshots, a mixture of cuts, there was a mixture of everything mixed with the cuts because i was dragged over the glass. As he was being dragged he was not sure he would survive. He had been shot six times. I was surprised i didnt faint. I didnt pass out because i lost so much blood. He was one of dozens of victims rushed to the orlando Regional Medical center. Trauma surgeon was in the er that night. We had one patient that went through almost 200 units of blood just in the first 24 hours. One patient . One patient. Anticipating the hospitals need the team at one blood rushed over more units. We needed to pull all hands on deck and bring everybody in. Testing and processing and shipping those donations to save the lives of the pulse shooting. Everyone working except adolfo. I called him hoping he wasnt there. But he was there when the shooting started. When he didnt pick up i hoped he ran for safety. Hours went by with no mention of him. I knew that some people had passed and i kept looking at the list just hoping that his name wasnt there. Reporter then on monday, there it was. 33 years old, his name added to the list of the dead. I felt broken. Sorry. I felt hurt, and just sad that it happened and it happened this way. What is this space that he now leaves vacant here . I understand he had a big personality. Oh, my gosh. No one can fill that. He had a big personality. You knew he was there. More than 20,000 people donated blood. So the workload has been heavy. We cry, we go back to work, we cry, we go back to work, but we cant stop because its a lot of people that went through this tragedy. Reporter one of them, angel who for the first time is hearing the story and see the face of the man who saved so many lives. Hes an angel. Reporter a hero who just days before he was killed was shipping off life saving blood to help save the lives of the people of a shooting that he would not survive. Im glad we were able to save other lives and i know hell be happy that we pulled together and made this possible. If he was here he would be doing the same thing. Reporter when i tell you that this community is reeling its not just the loved ones and the friends, its the colleagues, the neighbors, the people that some of those who were killed on a regular basis just at stores, so this community is trying to heal. Thats just one story. 33 years old. Great story, victor. Thank you so so much for bringing it to us and were going to be back again at 10 00. Smerconish is with you now. Im mile cale smechael smerc. Its been a week. Ill speak to one of those senators who proposed new legislation. Maybe the courts will have to do what congress has not done. One of my guests won

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