Puerto rico in her shortterm path. Cuba and florida unnoticed. They best get ready. This morning the nations Hurricane Center upgraded to a category 5 with winds up to 175 miles per hour. Its a big storm. I talked to the president last night. The president promised me all of the federal resources that we might need. And congress is back with a parked consequential month ahead. One overer riding question, can the president do business with his own party after spending the summer attacking them . But i said, mitch, get to work and lets get it done. They should have had this last one done. They lost by one vote. For a thing like that to happen is a disgrace. And, frankly, it shouldnt have happened. That i can tell you. We begin with the major breaking immigration news and talk about passing the buck. Candidate trump promised bold immigration changes including ending Obama Administration protections for socalled dreamers. But he took more than seven months to make his decision and left it to his attorney general to break the news. Im here today to announce that the program known at daca effectuated under the Obama Administration is being rescinded. Our nation is comprised of good and decent people who want their governments leaders to fulfill their promises and advance an immigration policy that serves the national interests. We are people are compassion and we are people of law. But there is nothing passionate about the failure to enforce immigration law. That was last hour. The attorney general announced dawni daca, immigrants brought here illegal by parents. Democrats call it a shameful decision by the president. A lot of ground to cover beginning with the major asterisk. Enforcement doesnt happen for another six months giving congress six months to act. If it wont or cant, what happens on march 5, 2018, six months from today . Just on a call with the department of homeland security. Tell me, how will this play out . Reporter john, six months for people to renew permits, nothing will change. Not taking new applications after today, but those with current permits the last two years will be able to renew them by that deadline. I asked the question, what happens when the permits expire and these beneficiaries become, again, fully undocumented immigrant . They have no type of protection. Will they go after them because they have all of their information . No. They said they are a low priority. And six months, renew permits and involved parties to be able to clean house. Six months of uncertainty for those who think at the end of the period will have to leave, many going back to a country they never knew. You got a good sense of this, carlos, when you interviewed the Vice President where this was going, right . Reporter yes. I had the opportunity to asked Vice President what would happen with deferred action. John, elections have consequences. Seeing it today. This is what the Vice President told us. Hell make that decision as he said with big heart. What the American People want and what the American People supported in the last election was a president who was committed to the principle that a nation without borders is not a nation. Congress tried twice and havent been able to do it. The question, will they be able to do it by six months . Patienting the reporting and insights. And Jonathan Martin of the new york times, jeff zeleny and julie of the oesassociated pres. And start with hal. The president s Signature Campaign issue in the primaries. Immigration, immigration, immigration. Now the white house tell us the president was tormented by this decision. Sorry. Hes the president. Why the attorney general . If this is so important, this is 800,000 people plus the domino effect on families, plus the domino effect on the kms economy, the business people. And doesnt want to be the one to take ownership of this and to your point, if this was something they had deemed clearly unconstitutional and wanted to fulfill this promise so badly, on day one, the president could have done it or could have sent Jeff Sessions out to do it after Jeff Sessions was confirmed. Instead, there was a long period, this hamlet act, hemming and hawing. The only reason anything was done at all, i think the president would have liked to have the status quo continue. The only reason anything was done was that this deadline was imposed by the conservative attorneys general threatening to add daca to their lawsuit. Otherwise, you know, this administration issued 200,000 daca permits. If they thought it was unconstitutional they didnt have to do that important point. If youre a trump supporter, immigration is one of your issue, listen to what was just said. The president would have preferred to leave this in place. He was forced to do this and the attorney general is the one who said, mr. President im not going to court to defend the obama add madministration. Tell me what to do. The president you say preferred policy stay in place, wishes he had a magic wand. Right . Apparently, as big an if you can get. Cant even type tit on a piece f paper. Announcing rekrinscinding of th policy, the attorney general, uses the term illegal aliens on a couple occasions. And executive amnesty. Its a National Security threat. Taking the jobs of americans. Completely at odds and not with what Republican Leaders in congress are saying. Paul ryan speaker of the house said it was a loss. Immigration rift in the Republican Party is split open once again here. And the big question is will this basically nonaction by the white house force congress to do something . They havent yet. In the Bush Administration and Obama Administration on immigration. Will donald trump be the unifying factor on immigration . We dont know. He could. Theres a Fascinating Press Conference this afternoon between dick durbin, democrat of illinois and Lindsey Graham, republican of south carolina, if there is going to be some type of immigration bill on the house has to be bipartisan but the house of representatives is the biggest problem here. The white house, see if the president speaks on this later today. Jeff sessions going out there, someone the president basically is out of favor with, a copout in one respect and also a sign to his base that, you know, this is i just what is the sign for the base . Reminder that yes, rescinding this policy but didnt really want to. Congress steps in and does something, we really didnt mean it . A reminder again this president more than any principle or ideology is driven by one overriding factor. Coverage. He does not want to receive bad press coverage. Thats what is his overriding impulse and he knows the coverage will be brutal of this. Especially on cable tv and doesnt want to be the face of this. Why sessions went out there today. But i think theres real peril here for the republicans if they dont pass something. Fanned they do pass something. Theyll pass something that theyre going to motivate a lot of folks who dont completely show up in the midterm elections. If they do pass something, think about this next year for conservatives. Asked to go to the polls support a party that gave amnesty to thousands of undocumented kids who came into this country. I mean that is a real problem for the right next year if they have not fulfilled one of their biggest promises with daca. A challenge. If things are easy and clear, issue a short statement. Two full pages just released by the white house, the president of the United States, would not go on camera to announce the policy. Left it to his attorney general. He says off the top, per spectly understandable. Legislative branch writes the law. What the Obama Administration, they think its unconstitutional. Many think the president should not do this. Its the congress job. Congress has the opportunity to advance responsible Immigration Reform putting american jobs and security first. Also says i do not favor punishing children most of whom are now adults for actions of their parents. The president of the United States is leaving the door open here to signing legislation that lets the dreamers stay. In the meantime, hes saying in six months you have to go and punti ining it to the congress, giant if. And fascinating to watch if Congress Comes up with something how does the president play into that . Is he going to go out and publicly encourage people to back lawmakers who back this change . Going to sort of be in the background . His next move on this, hes clearly punted to congress, but when they do some sort of package, hes going to have to weigh in one way or another and thats a difficult position for him to be in again. And the question is, again, if they just brought a clean bill that said, these 800,000 people can stay, you could get overwhelming support for that. A lot of conservatives would vote no. Democrats went along if trump got behind it, it would pass easily. The president came out said, clean bill. I view the Obama Policies unconstitutional. Delay this six months. Send me a clean bill. You could get that done, but the question is, what will he do now . There are so many competing proposals in congress. Some say thats the way the president gets his border wall money. Democrats say, no. We will not attach those two issues. Others say the way to get quotas on illegal immigration. Democrats say, no. Wont join those issues. How do you get it done . Wont take a leadership role on it at all as he didnt with health care or other things. This is one of the things on an extraordinarily huge list of agenda items and microsoft issued a statement a short time ago saying that immigration should take priority over tax reform. Youll hear the Business Community saying, do immigration. So to jonathans point, the president didnt want to be the face of bad news largely because ceos and others, his crowd, if you will, are largely against this. The Business Community is against this. Thats a really important point, actually. The Republicancontrolled Congress is coming under very, very heavy pressure from the Business Community. Thats a voice they care about a lot. You have heard paul ryan starting to go out on the limb on this issue. Weve always known where his heart was but never wanted to take ownership publicly. You remember when comprehensive Immigration Reform passed the senate the house of representatives wouldnt put it on the floor where it would have passed with mostly democratic votes. Put the dream act on the floor it passes. Albeit mostly democratic votes violates a stated principle of the speakership. But it would happen and with this pressure from the Business Community, they stand to lose thousands of workers every week if daca suddenly goes away. And they care about that. And timing is important to know. Continuing this conversation. Timing important to note. They need to raise the debt ceiling, pass a spending bill, controversial for republicans. Now drop immigration on their lap with a deadline. If they dont get it done this year, only 12 legislative days left, work harder if you wanted, congress. 12 legislative days left, youre into next year, election year. Good luck. And two hur karens. Hurricanes. Continue the conversation. Embracesing for irma. Emergency declarations in place as the dangerous category 5 storm approaches. Florida could be in the path ahead. At whole foods market, we believe in food thats naturally beautiful, fresh and nutritious. 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It puts people like me into the pipeline for deportation and that is owned not only by him but by his party. Thats the voice of one of the many, the 800,000, young people impacted by todays decision on what is known at daca. The Trump Administration saying its up to congress. House Speaker Paul Ryan among those saying this is wrong, mr. President , saying congress will step up. Business community is mad. Apple, chamber of commerce said wrong way to do this. John mccain here, other republicans here. What does this tell us about the president , number one . This is i keep wanting to say keeping a Campaign Promise, but im not sure it is. Temporarily keeping a Campaign Promise . Also had a way as a candidate and still does of sort of promising both sides of every issue. Promising to do, to take care of the d. R. E. A. M. Ers amend rescind daca. If the d. R. E. A. M. Ers are taken care of by congress he will, i guess, have gotten both sides of that and seems to have way of getting the worst of both political worlds, right . Hes setting himself up to be blamed for ending daca. Which is an unpopular thing to do. We keep talking about pandering to this base, but even among trump voters, the vast majority think the socalled d. R. E. A. M. Ers ought to be able to stay in the country. The president putting out the narrative, personally tormented, he emotionally cared about these people, he has then portrayed himself as heartless for seeking to end this program. And molly talks, pictures of denver, colorado. Relatively small protest but demonstrations around the country against the president to rescind in six months potential d. R. E. A. M. Ers. And across from the white house, another protest, as this plays out. My question now is, every time, go back to mccain, kennedy, bush. The george w. Bush administration. Every Time Congress tried this in the last 10, 12 years. No, quicksand off the rails, cant get bipartisan agreement. Is there any indication. The speaker said its important, democrats would love to work with republicans on this one, but for all of those words, is there any indication or hope given what weve seen on this issue for the last decade plus what weve seen out of this congress the last seven months they can do this . No. I dont think so. Back to what molly said at the beginning. So true we wouldnt talk about this if it werent for that lawsuit. It really put a deadline on the white house to do something. About an issue they clearly didnt want to touch right now. Look over to congress, theyve got a long list of things that have to be done and then you pile on tax reform and tax cuts and still getting back to health care at some point. I dont think Congress Wants to touch this until the last minute possible. Then you get into next year. The last moment possible, and were already talking about midterm elections. The president wants the house and senate to own this. The only different die naming among the immigration debates from the bush and obama era is President Trump. If someone prevailing on him he should lead on this, the Business Community prevails on him or other advisers. The west wing is split on him leaning towards doing something. The only different dynamic. Havent seen him yet want to get involved in the duty of legislating here. Im skeptical as well hes the only different dynamic here. And would have to not punt it to the attorney general. Have to look the American People in the eye and say during this campaign ive called for amnesty and now changed my mind. He would have to look house conservatives in the eye and say im going to campaign for you and going to give you air cover if you vote for this. And if you have a primary, and guess what . Im going to comment and help you win your primary, because im going to sign this bim and stand with you. How this gets done. It gets done if the house conservatives who fear a primary more than anything else in their lives have cover from trump. The senate is pass it easily. And im not sure, even if he promised that, invested in it, that they would take it as a strength. Sit tight. Continuing the conversation. Turning to another story closely following. Forecasters watching every move of Hurricane Irma now a dangerous category 5 approaching the caribbean. Whether it hits the u. S. Is unclear. Florida calling for a state of emergency. Feel may may have to be forced to pivot and help other states even as it deals with southwest texas. Meteorologist chad myers from the weather center. Whats the latest . Reporter irma is heading towards south florida. Whether it makes that righthand turn before it gets there is anybodys guess. Truly our own hope for a miss to florida, a big right turn. It would still be a devastating storm if it hit cuba and then florida but only a cat 2, not a cat 5. Give you ap idea. Category 5 begins at 157 miles per hour. This storm is 180. So if there was a category 6, wed be pushing it. Doesnt exist, but you get the idea. This is a major storm. There have only been six other storms this strong in the Atlantic Ocean or the caribbean or gulf of mexico since the Hurricane Center has been tracking this stuff. Six. This is somewhere up there. Were going to see antigua, bermu bermuda, damage tremendously as it moves directly over those islands. If the storm stays to the south and hits cuba, that will be a devastating effect for cuba, as a 150 mileperhour storm and then turning up this way. If it misses cuba it will stay strong and then turn to the right and possibly miss america. Those are our two best guesses, two best options. The models have been going right towards florida, the island straits and turning right hitting south florida. The latest brand new model just out is now taking this storm and brushing miami beach. Missing east coast of florida, and then turning it back towards georgia on tuesday. So could there still be some hope . So youre telling me theres a chance. John . Well keep in touch, chad, over the next several days. Appreciate it. Up next, President Trump, Mitch Mcconnell meeting facetoface First Time Since that contentious phone call as Congress Gets back to work facing a big pile of controversial aissues. Rco. polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. si . Polo marco. polo scusa . Ma io sono marco polo, ma. Marco. playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. Si, sono qui. Whats not surprising . How much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. Ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo entertaining us, getting us back on track, and finding us dates. Phones really have changed. So why hasnt the way we pay for them . 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Perhaps this is not surprising given that there are three investigations happening on the hill and little communication between the three different committees on the hill doing this investigation as well as special Counsel Robert Muellers office, really kept top lawmakers out of the loop during some of the Key Developments of his own investigation. We have learned that after Paul Manafort met privately with the Senate Intelligence committee in july to talk about that trump tower meeting from june 2016 with donald trump jr. , after that meeting, muellers team tried to get a copy of a transxriped interview, a transcribed interview. Because of a deal worked out between manafort and the committee he was not allowed to get that transcript. And still asking for those documents and also muellers team employed rather aggressive tactics in the raid of manaforts home in late july. Actually obtaining documents covered by Attorney Client privilege. Required to return those documents raising the question if they saw evidence not entitled to and comes as the Hill Committee is bringing in big named witnesses this month include be donald trump jr. Expected to go to the Senate Intelligence committee and bob mueller also interested in talking to him as well. Interesting. And all matters about the investigations. Appreciate the reporting. And congress enters a crucial stretch, President Trump meets with the big six including paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell. Today marks the first meeting with leader mcconnell since their summer war of words. A heated phone call, remember, early washington between the two sources a conversation that quickly evolved into a shouting match. President trump expressing frustration over the russia sanctions bill he didnt want to sign and, remember this our new president of course has not been in this line of work before, and i think had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process. Tick, tick, tick, tick. Didnt sit well with the president and didnt take long. Hammered mcconnell in a barrage of tweets during the summer recess. Remember this . I had excessive expectations . I dont think so. After seven years hearing repeal and replace, why not done . And this, after hearing repeal and replace seven years, he failed. That never should have happened. None of us are invited to the meeting at the white house, unfortunately. We make light of this because of political theater and drama but you have harvey relief, irma coming at the United States, budget deal, the quicksand of the debates, immigration, congress may or may not turn its attention to, could go on for a while. How much dysfunction between a critical player, the critical player in the United States senate and the president of the United States, how much does that mean . I dont know if it could gi they worse. Left out the favorite tweet. The mitch, get back to work one. And already not doing anything to help advance their agenda except be a republican president in the white house which is a factor. There are many of these issues that the reason they were so difficult when obama was in office was because you of a democratic president and republicans didnt want to give him a win. With a republican in the white house, as cynic as that is, they will be more eager to raise the debt ceiling as demming flipped on the issue depending who was in the white house. What youll see is a sort of divorce between capitol hill and the president , where capitol hill sort of goes their own way. Not expecting trump to really help them do the heavy lifting. Just hoping hell sign the stuff they put on his desk and the question as always is going to be less a rift between trump and republicans, but this, the divisions between republicans that weve seen so many years. And first time republicans control all all levers of power in washington in ten years. It would be much more productive and time much better sfent thpe they were working together. And i was told earlier, look what you were saying. We are sort of operating separately but members of congress will get the legislation done and give us things to sign, because they know that they need to. Theyre on the ballots next year. The president s not on the ballot next year. But it is very, very unusual, the fact that these highlevel name callings, but no doubt, Mitch Mcconnell is probably the one republican in washington that President Trump needs. What will they give him . Its their job to keep the lights on. Theyre having a hard time passing a spending bill. The government runs out of money end of the month. Have to spend a spending bill. An increase in the debt ceiling with that, has to borrow more money, needs to borrow more money to pay for bills already incurred. What happened to tax reform and infrastructure . Candidate trump said all three of those. Republican party wanted obamacare to fail and mr. President on infrastructure talking harvey aid, debt ceiling, keeping the government done. Are any bigticket items . Do they have a prayer . A daca dynamic as well and the president going out to north dakota later in the week to talk about tax reform, ostensively tax cuts and tax reform. Feels so much else is going on now and again, to introduce another very complex issue just today, its going to be hard for him to stay on message on these agenda items, and then you are right back in the spot where you saw the president before the Health Care Reform debate. Where he doesnt quite know what to say. Doesnt quite know how to talk to his base and others about whats going on in congress. And keeps fighting them. His own party. Yes. And that is making this all the more difficult, but i think this exposes that he basically is not part of the institution Republican Party. Right . Closer to a thirdparty actor than sort of leader of the gop. I think that reflected when coming after mcconnell. I think theres hope, not necessarily in tax reform but for tax cuts. Heres why. House folks have to have a run on next year. They cant run on the d. R. E. A. M. Act. Not what the house guys want to run. They need something to hold up to voters in the fall 2018 when running for reelection and also anything that the gop knows how to do its cut taxes. Okay . This is their dna, man. But why they exist, a lot of these folks up there, to cut taxes. Theres hope for that i dont know what it will look like, but some tax cut. And also to repeal obamacare and didnt see that. And up next, putting one official back in the big spotlight. Youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap to friends at more banks than ever before. You got next . Chase. Make more of whats yours. The hope, of course, after the big weekend drama is for a deescalation in tensions between the United States and north korea. Were not seeing it either in rhetoric or developments happening on the ground. Today the regime in pyongyang threatened to blow up the u. S. Mainland and annihilate the wolfish u. S. Imperialists. One captain saying if provoked theyll hit back at the north and bury them at sea. Will ripley is with us from tokyo and hearing reports a large north Korean Missile is on the move. What can you tell us . Reporter right. And the thing we need to keep in mind through all of this is that, yes, its likely according to south Koreas National Intelligence Service that north korea will be launching another intercontinental bliallistic missile possibly by saturday. A missile test. Like all the other mitchell launches and like the nuclear test. The dwrits whUnited States conde than 1,000 Nuclear Tests when testing. Russia more than 700 Nuclear Tests. Yes, they gain scientific knowledge, disturbing advancement for the program. North korea the only country thats tested in the 19th century. Provocative, reckless, not a warning, potentially puts planes and ships in danger, hypothetically. Because theyre not told to stay out of that area. But this is about propaganda, and, in fact, there was a statement from north koreas ambassador to the u. N. In geneva calling these gift packages. These missile launches and the Nuclear Tests gift packages to the United States. A portion of it, the u. S. Will see more gift packages from my country as long as it relies on futile attempts to put pressure on the dprk. End of the day, this is sending a message to the United States. Not about north korea trying to intentionally start a war. The concern, though, that there could be a misstep that could lead this region into an accidental war. A lot of times thats how wars start and the real concern. Russian president Vladimir Putin expressing that saying that were headed for a global catastrophe if the u. S. Continues trying to put pressure and sanctions on north korea he says are useless. Interesting to watch, john, hes hosting an economic for um starting tomorrow and a north korea delegation there mostly absent, the u. S. And china. Could putin actually be trying to play the role of peacemaker here . Talking a lot about the issue on the korean peninsula. K50eep an eye on that among many crises were following. Big test for the Trump Administration and strongest language heard during the standoff came yesterday from the american side. The United States ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley, listen here, speaking bluntly at the security council. For more than 20 years north korea has defied our collective voice. I must say, enough is enough. We have taken an incremental approach and despite the best of intentions it has not worked. His abusive use of missiles and hess Nuclear Threats show that he is begging for war. When a rogue regime has a Nuclear Weapon and an icbm pointed at you, you do not take steps to lower your guard. The United States will look at every country that does business with north korea as a country that is given aid to their reckless and Dangerous Nuclear intentions. Should we be surprised . Are we surprised . She emerged as such a strong spokeswoman for the administration on these Security Issues . Now a general white house chief of staff, general as a defense secretary, business crises, nikki haley the goto person. Surprises me looking back to six or seven months ago. The republican governor of south carolina. Who was not on the inner circle of the trump team at all. A trump critics. Absolutely. Emerged as a power center and part is because the president , im told, respects and likes her. Likes her on screen, on camera, on television. Also shes in new york. Also is not sort of stuck in the, you know, the muck of things in the west wing there. So it is interesting, though, she has emerged as this voice and is speaking for the administration there and in some respects speaking with a more succinct message than most others if not everyone. The way nikki haley stands out, the om politician. Anyone whos cover her as a politician and governor knows she is savvy, ambitious. Well spoken. It makes sense in a way she is presenting the best public face of this administration. The most articulate. The most well reasoned. Shes impressed a lot of people, but you have a secretary of state who seems to be flailing and has no appetite for being in public. A president who doesnt seem to be very interested in the sort of Foreign Affairs end of the job and even the generals, even someone like general mattis, they have not been in politics. Have not been in a situation where it was their job to sell something to the public. Nikki haleys done it a lot. Doing so well, shes taking in what the president is saying and sort of saying the same thing and translating it into a more traditional context for people across the world to understand. Shes not off message with him at all. Saying it in a more she has sometimes been off message. Seems to be pulling him sometimes. Yes. To a more hawkish, more traditional two things. A vacuum, right . An administration of entrepreneurs. You free lance because theres no rules, no checkings do what you want to do and taking advantage of that. Trump likes her on tv and also catches attention and draws these sound bites we play back because shes a hawk. Because she will say that out loud in a way others wont. Tillerson comes to mind. So i think thats why that she more memorable. A test. Is she effective . The United Nations has not known read through all the north korea resolutions. The United Nations is not known for doing stuff. Talk about a lot of stuff. Some is graphic, remind you, nikki haley going after the assad regime and also Vladimir Putin. We saw rows of lifeless bodies, some still in diapers. Some with visible scars of a chemical weapons attack. Look at those pictures. If russia has the influence in syria that it claims to have, we need to see them use it. We need to see them put an end to these hoar terrific acts. How many more children have to die before russia cares . Its known as a rising star in the party anyway before this. But its changed the conversation about her in washington. Speaks with force, with clarity and to your point speak as more hawkish, traditional Republican Party. Sounds like a john mccain not a donald trump. Talks to himastic, in fact. Close to john mccain and Lindsey Graham as well. Filling a vacuum. The question, does she have an impact on the policy of this administrati administration, specifically if theres a military decision . Not so sure she does but leading them in a public message setting frchlts theres a theme to the policy so far, somewhat over the map. If theres a theme it is they have viewed much closer to a traditional republican line than you would have expected from the president s Campaign Rhetoric on everything from israel to afghanistan. And i think nicky haily is ginding that. Seen criticism from the outside. Now on the outside, steve bannon, corker saying who are you surrounding yourself with, mr. President. And writing a book. A lot to say about donald trump and also about Bernie Sanders. Fresh and nutritious. So there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. We believe in real food. Whole foods market. Whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. Type in your idea. Select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clickseven from your. Mobile phone. The internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. [ livin thing by electric Light Orchestra ] sailin away on the crest of a wave, its like magic rollin and ridin and slippin and slidin its magic introducing the all new volkswagen tiguan. Higher and higher, baby the new king of the concrete jungle. Welcome back. Yes, 2 shg yes, 2016, the song that never ends and seems Hillary Clinton will continue it long as she can. An excerpt of her book shows it wont be short on grievances plenty directed at Bernie Sanders. Dismisses him as a disrupter merely wanted to watch the Democratic Party burn and inflicted lasting damage on her campaign. Clintons book likened senator sanders to the hitchhiker from the movie something about mary promising the same thing only faster. On issue after issue, kept promises fourminute abs, magic abs. I get it. I get it. A bruising primary campaign. She thinks it hurt her. This is cleansing and closure, or further dividing the republicans fractured . Spent a lot of time talking about that . Further adding fracturing to the democrats . President trumps going to be thrilled to have Hillary Clinton back in the conversation. Look, i think shes right that senator Bernie Sanders hurt her. She doesnt acknowledge, see if she does in the whole manuscript is that they were her decisions that Bernie Sanders seized upon. Her decisions to make the paid speech, do the private email server. At the core of all that, yes, hurt her, no question, in states like wisconsin and michigan, but they were her decisions he seized on. He took advantage of political openings. Didnt create the openings. Guilty as charged. Yes. And in hillarys defense, she couldnt do this book and not account for the bernie factor. Sort of had to, at the same time, bernie and his lingering effect on the party is such a raw issue on the left right now. And for her to come along and do this. At this point. Yeah. Its going to reopen this wound that actually hasnt totally closed yet. Not helpful. Read this part before you jump in. When i finally challenged bernie during a single debate, when i changed a single answer or vote he couldnt come up with anything. None the less, hi attacks caused lasting damage making it hard to unify progressives and paving the way for trumps crooked hillary campaign. Because bernie couldnt name one . Bernie didnt take millions of dollars for paid speeches . Bernie didnt run the Clinton Foundation or set up a private email server . I know. Feels so uncomfortable to relitigate this over and over. Same time in ways, get the book out. Its well before midterms. Gets 2016 out of the way. Obviously wanted to write a book and has something to say about the Democratic Pa erty. We know from covering it is a mess right now. Whether this book helps break open more wounds to heal or serves as a diversionary tactic, well see. Two separate wounds in the Democratic Party this salts. First, bernie supportered still feeling mistreated by the dnc and the policy issue she points to. The desire of the base for more a berniestyle platform she never seems to have come to grips with. Good reading into 2020. 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Its 1 00 p. M. Here in washington. 8 00 p. M. In moscow. 1 30 a. M. Wednesday morning in pyongyang, north korea. Wherever youre watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining us. Breaking news were only moments away from the White House Briefing as protests erupt over the president s plan to end the d. R. E. A. M. Er program. Lawmakers back in session facing an epic month of deadlines and agenda. Plus, begging for war. The u. S. Claims kim jongun is gearing up for a Nuclear Fight as we get word north korea may, repeat, may, may be right now moving an intercontinental ballistic missile. And florida on alert right now as Hurricane Irma barrels towards the United States as a category 5 storm. The brand new track just in. Well have that for you

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