Going home and explaining they had failed. The folks will still have to be accountable. Lawmakers will have to be accountable as to why they didnt vote to get rid of obamacare when they had the chance and the chance is today. The democrats will vote no and hope one result of todays drama is to voter anger over health care switches parties. They may feel damed if they dont. I think i tracked that. With us to share the reporting and their insights. Julie pace of associated press, Mary Katherine hamm. Well start the conversation in just a moment. But, first, we want to get to capitol hill and before we do that just a short time ago at the white house, President Trump yesterday said im done negotiating. The white house already trying to say this is the houses problem now. Thats what theyre saying privately. The president has enormous stakes in this. One reason tensions are high, listen to how short the answers are here. Mr. President , the Health Care Bill fails . Well have to say. Do you think it is going to pass . See what happens. Did you rush it . Well see what happens. Should paul ryan stay speaker if it fails . Should he stay as speakerer if it fails . Should speaker ryan stay on if this vote fails and the president said yes. Oneword answer. Lets go to capitol hill where the drama is unfolding. Dana bash is there for us. You have been through many of these. Any with the stakes so high for a speaker of the house and a very new president of the United States . No. No. Because so many of these votes, first of all, they havent happened with regard to pressure on the republicans in eight years because you had a democrat in the white house. The last kind of vote like this that we have seen that i saw was the Obamacare Vote itself back seven years ago because the pressure was on the relatively new democratic president and the democraticled congress. What is happening right now is that this is 100 up in the air, john. I mean, they just have absolutely no idea if they, meaning the white house, and the Republican Leadership, are going to get the votes. And what they are focused on right now and have been, obviously, as we have been reporting day in and day out all week is the conservative House Freedom caucus. And although after last nights meeting when the white house gave an ultimatum to all the House Republicans saying do this or its going to be on you if you a obamacare remains the law of the land. The Freedom Caucus leader said okay to his members, which is 35, 36 members. Okay, youre on your own. Theres a feeling from sources i talked to inside the vote counting mechanism of the leadership and the white house that they didnt really necessarily mean that. And the pressure is still on. A lot of these Freedom Caucus members to vote no to stick with the quote unquote conservative ideal here. Which is that this doesnt go far enough and really repealing obamacare and bringing down costs. Having said that, the development weve seen this morning is you saw a little bit of a hint of it with the president s tweet this morning that Freedom Caucus specifically talking about planned parenthood. What the Republican Leadership and the white house is trying to do is enlist the conservative groups that are for this bill. Conservative groups who are reminding these House Republicans that if they vote no, they are voting no against Defunding Planned Parenthood and they are voting no on something where it will hurt their prolife rating with these key, key groups like the national right to life, susan b. Anthony and other groups that they really rely on for credibility and help back home in their really conservative districts. That is happening right now as theyre working the votes and trying to figure out how to get to yes. But i can tell you point blank, they are absolutely not there yet. Im not even sure how close they are right now. The kitchen sink strategy. Throw everything you can to get your lastminute votes. Moderates out there, dana, conservatives out there. The president is making calls. The speaker is making calls and everybody up there who has a stake isli wrangling some. Does this leave obamacare in place . Democrats say yes. Does this strip away protections for guaranteed pregnancy coverage and Mental Health coverage. As these house members who will watch this play out, youve seen it before, dozens of them will be in the back of the chamber hoping the speaker doesnt come and grab them and say, i need your vote. If they need to vote no for the district, they can do that safely. How much will this factor . Democrats thought that they were casting a safe vote when they were voting for obamacare. The democrats lost 63 seats in the house and 6 in the senate. In the 2014 midterms, the democrats lost 13 house seats and 8 senate seats. Over the course of those two, first the House Majority fell in 2010 and then the Senate Majority fell in 2014. Not fair to say it was just obamacare. Especially in 2010, we were still in recession. But obamacare was central to the and how worried are these republicans that they will cast a vote today and come back to hurt them in a big way . Its a great question because it is countered to the argument that theyre being bombarded with by the president himself and the House Speaker and the other leaders, which is you cant vote no because you are going to be responsible for thought killinot killing obamacare because thats the here and the now. A lot of these members. For example, you talked about the moderates. Charlie dent on the left side of the spectrum, congressman from apennsylvania. Hes no because he feels confident at the end of the day he will be able to tell his constituents that he voted no because this wouldnt help them with, lets talk about beyond the votes. As personal as it gets when it comes to legislation that affects real people. Their health care, their Health Insurance. So, he is an example of somebody who is taking that long view, he thinks. Looking at what happens to the democrats who thought they were taking a good vote in favor of health care for everybody effectively, at least insurance. And then it came back to bite them because a lot of people wound up losing their doctor and a lot of the promises the president made didnt come to pass. The current president making some promises, some pretty intense promises about premiums going down, about people being able to afford health care. If that doesnt come to pass, the people who end up voting no will end up looking pretty smart and the people who end up voting yes could get hurt by the very constituents who are saying right now repeal obamacare. Our chief Political Correspondent dana bash on capitol hill. Enjoy the next few hours, well check in as developments warrant. Obviously, a big debate. Lets come into the room here. This is uncertain. Which is a big deal. 63, 64 days into a new presidency, which is a big deal. You hear this is so important for President Trump. If he loses this vote it undermines him when it comes to tax reform and when it comes to trade and infrastructure. Open the flood gates of Republican Opposition and undermine the presidency. You hear that this will undermine speaker ryan, if it doesnt cost him his job it will weaken him dramatically. This is civilization is at stake today in washington. How much of that is true and how much of that is hiprbly . I think this is damaging to ryan, if this bill goes down and its damaging to trump if this bill goes down. Trump made the choice to embrace the ryan legislation, which he didnt have to do. But the white house decided that that is what they were going to do moving forward. For trump, he made such a show of being a dealmaker and being the guy to come to washington and get things done that other president s could not. This could be a sign that that is much harder to accomplish. But i think you have to put this for trump in a larger context. He is essentially asking some of these House Republicans to walk the plank for a president who is not that popular. That was a hard vote for democrats to make back then. Obama was more popular within his own party and independents than trump is. A lot what they were considering at the time is more popular than this bill than republicans are considering now. But i would argue that trump, you know, probably has less to lose than ryan in this scenario. Because if you listen to the conservative groups who do oppose hca, tea party patriots, people like heritage foundation, theyre not going after trump intentionally. I think they are predicting and maybe accurately that come Midterm Elections, the electorate is probably more likely to side with trump, the personality, the president than with congressional leaders. So, even though they oppose this legislation, they dont like their arms being twisted in this way. Theyre not taking that and going after trump himself. But is that just because they dont want him to tweet at them or attack them . But you still have, americans for prosperity, tea party group, Heritage Action as abby mentioned, the conservatives. There are all these conservatives out there saying, vote no. Which is, yes, they dont mention him. But which is vote against the president. Thats what theyre telling them to do. Emphasizes a lot of republicans are being asked to do something here that they fundamentally, idelogically dont agree with doing. This is still providing health care with government subsidies and messing around in the Insurance Markets and doing things that republicans on a really basic level would rather not be doing at all if they could choose to do. I just dont buy that there was any way this was going talook eato look easy and clean. Mythical strategy where you were going to do this. There is a myth that theyre going to address it later, closer to the an election. We have this jenga tower frankenstein that was distorted in the 30s by wage and price controls and giving favors to employers to subsidize health care. We have not severed that. No one is going to sever that because it means a lot of people would be disrupted. Obamacare, many of the reasons that people are unsatisfied with it, im one of the personal stories that was affected by obamacare in a bad way. Winners and losers. The president said there would be all winners. I applaud the Republican Party for not making that argument because its not true when you make any change to something thats complicated. His team is mumbling under their breath. He and the speaker had a 45minute call last night. The trump team is mumbling if this goes down, its ryans fault. He messed it up from the beginning and ryan didnt reach out to the conservatives. Essentially the paunshs pilot routine. Lets move on on a tax reform. But how does donald trump, if thats what happens today. If they pull this vote or this vote fails, how does that donald trump say this is not my problem answer to this donald trump . Have to repeal obamacare and it can be replaced and it can be replaced with something much better for everybody. Let it be for everybody. But much better and much less expensive. For people and for the government. And we can do it. So, ive watched the politici s politicians, ive dealt with them all my life. If you cant make a good deal with a politician, then theres something wrong with you. Youre certainly not very good. That was his announcement speech. That was day one of trump for president. If he cant make a deal with politicians on this issue he was talking about when he just made that point, is there something wrong with him . Is he not very good . Think about this. He is essentially saying this is the message out of the house last night. If you cant pass this bill, were done with health care. Well walk away and deal with other issues. He is two months into his presidency to put health care aside and say were not going to deal with this again is a pretty extraordinary thing. If republicans and this president believe that obamacare law is so detrimental to the economy and to Americans Health care, then that would be a real problem for him. I dont know how you message that and i dont know how you practically deal with that because there is a lot of uncertainty in the marketplace that will come up next year and essentially making a bet that democrats will bear the blame for that. Im not sure that is going to be the case. Or theyll be in power at the time when that happens which is another gamble. I dont think that health care is trumps passion despite the fact that he was speaking about it. I think this is certainly something more that the house is interested in than trump is. He has gone to the hill and fought for it,er whi ewhich i w surprised by. But there is a part about knowing when to walk away. He said, look, guys, this is what you get. Vote yes or no and well talk. Interesting question, though, if this fails can he walk away . Youre taking the engine out of the car that has fueled republican energy, repeal and replace obamacare. We tried and now were going to move on to other things and still have that base behind you. Big question. Big question. Ahead more on the lastminute health care wrangling and what it tells us about the president s negotiating style and skills. Next, though, deepening partisan distrust threatens one of the investigations into russias meddling. Os stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Heres how xarelto works. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least six bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective. 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Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia welcome back live pictures of the debate on the house floor as we count down to todays dramatic. At least we believe there will be a vote. As we keep an eye on that another big drama on capitol hill. President trumps former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort has agreed to be interviewed into russian meddling in the president ial election. Remember, before joining the Trump Campaign Paul Manaforts clients included players in ukraine. Hes one of several Trump Associates whose russian c contacts have raised questions to hacked emails last year. Yesterday the counsel for Paul Manafort contacted the committee yesterday to offer the committee the opportunity to interview his client. We thank mr. Manafort for volunteering. And encourage others with knowledge of these issues to voluntarily interview with the committee. You are hearing the voice of the House Intelligence Committee devin nunez. He has agreed to testify or be interviewed by the senate Intelligence Committee, as well. Lets go to our Senior Correspondent he is coming in as a witness comes as open distrust between the democratic Ranking Member. No question about it, john. The chairman of the committee went to the white house this week to brief President Trump on information that he received suggesting that some Trump Communications may have been picked up as part of foreign surveillance. Now, this, of course, blindsided democrats on the committee. They dont understand why he went to the white house to brief President Trump. They dont know who his sources, something that mr. Nunez has not revealed. Theyre questioning whether or not this investigation can go forward. Now, today, john, after mr. Nunez announced that Paul Manafort would come before the committee, he also canceled a tuesday Public Meeting where several former intelligence officials including john bren r brenner, john clapper and sally yates were planning to come forward and testify in a public hearing. This infuriated democrats who were trying to believe that he was squelch public and open debate about russia and any possible coordination and contexts that occurred between Trump Officials and russian officials. After mr. Nunez made this announcement, adam schiff the top democratic on the committee came and briefed reporters and said he was displeased. I asked him specifically, do you believe devin nunez should step down as the chairman of the committee. Take a listen. Are you, do you believe that he can still run this committee or should he step aside . You know, ultimately, thats a decision that the speaker needs to make. And i think the speaker has to decide just as well as their own chairman. So, thats a question going forward, john, how does this move forward . Right now democrats do plan to participate on this committee. They do want to interview these Trump Associates and watch for Paul Manafort. That date it be announced some time soon and im told the senate Intelligence Committee also interviewing Paul Manafort and moving forward on that, in that area. Will manafort testify in a Public Session . Some progress getting witnesses in, but also a lot of partisanship. Lets bring this this one to me is stunning. If youre a republican and youre hopeful that this turn out to be nothing, that maybe some trump people had a bunch of meetings during the campaign that they should have admitted to. But you should be worried that your chairman is viewed as a partisan. Before briefing republicans or ranking democrat. If youre a democrat and something here in the end Ranking Member out having a debate every day with the chairman and suggesting there is circumstantial evidence of collusion and there is enough to go to a grand jury and maybe not a trial. How do we get both of them, forgive me people at home too, shut up and do their job . Yeah, theyre still politicians. I dont know thats thats going to happen. From the beginning of this, like when we heard there is an actual fbi investigation, i thought, great. Thats their actual job to investigate these things and they know how to do it and there is an end in sight. That is healthy for everyone. Whatever the conclusion is, better to know exactly what is going on instead of have the leak fight or the open fight that are both political. This whole thing is so far gone. Nu devin nunez is a former transition official of President Trumps. I mean, just the premise that that can be the foundation for a nonpartisan education. Democrats will say, ahha. Because of the fact who devin nunez was and how he behaved in the early stages of this administration. So, were going to be moving forward like this. This is the ball game. This is literally what democrats and republicans want. Democrats want to be out there every single day talking about how a real investigation isnt happening if they can push this into a special, you know, a special investigator, that would be a victory for them. But even having the conversation. A real banner week for democracy. A lot of people have been baffled as to why nunez has beenhaved the way he has the last few days. Part of the explanation, not the whole explanation, which is a little hard to follow. Part of the explanation is this is all partisan. Everything here is partisan. The democrats are partisan and why are you blaming devin nunez for appearing to be partisan. There is an answer to your original question, john. An example of a different way to do this. A Different Committee investigating this. A senate Intelligence Committee. Ive told they have begun interviewing witnesses from the various intelligence agencies and they will go on from there and very happy from what i heard to have no part in the news this week and not to be making any headlines. Theyll have a hearing in a few days and supposed to be very low p profile. Notably, we have not been hearing from mark warner and chair and vice chair of that committee. They are, i think from the beginning getting in these public back and forths a legitimate hearing, it was going to be in the senate. This has played out in a way we all expected. In fairness to nunez, it is part of his job to oversee wrongdoing in the intelligence community. As a libertarian especially on spying on american citizens. I think its worth bringing that information out and allegations and looking am to them. A better way to do that. Explicitly conflicted information. Trump transition officials who he would not name and he does not have the complete picture not related to russia were picked up in some conversations with somebody. Somebody under a legal court order wiretap. Theyre talking to somebody overseas or some foreign entity. And their names were unmatched. Made public in some of these reports or at least it was clear who these reports and hes mad about that. He might have every right and reason to be mad about that. Couldnt he pick up the phone and say, hey, mike, i cant talk about this publicly because im the chairman of this investigation, but you might want to take a look at this yourself and tell the president. We wouldnt know about it. We wouldnt have to know about it. If he did it quietly and polightly, it wouldnt be improper. So many things happening in this that are a little too coincidental for my taste. White house officials on monday when this investigation or the hearing on the house started were pushing this idea of improper unmasking to journalists. So, to hear that coming out behind the scenes and then suddenly devin nunez has information land on his lap in that exact point is coincidental in my taste. The president s role in this as we wait for a vote with an uncertain outcome. The big outcome on repealing and replacing obamacare. The House Speaker paul ryan is where . Not lobbying votes on capitol hill. Got a minute . Not for me, for you. New aveeno®. Positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial. Works with steam to reveal. Glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. Try digestive advantage. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. A defining day for the young Trump Presidency and a defining day for speaker of the house paul ryan. They are together at the white house. The house is scheduled to vote this afternoon on a republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare. The president of the United States has backed that plan and is urging members to vote for it. But, the vote is supposed to be this afternoon, we dont have a firm time because they dont have enough votes as yet to pass it. So, what is the speaker to the white house about . Jeff, just a point of order. I dont think there are any votes to be had inside 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Do we know why the speaker is there . Is he there to give the president a mathematical update . Does he have a list saying, i need your help with these guys . No votes here at the white house, but several people here at the white house who are, you know, republican members of congress on speed dial today. I am told by aides by both sides as speaker ryan arrived here just a few moments ago and called here by the white house to come give an update. A facetoface update to the president. Now, a lot of talk this morning across washington which is very common. It happens in these kind of things about blame. Who is to blame for how this is going down. The president and the speaker im told by aides on both sides had a very positive, friendly call last night. About 45 minutes long or so and have not had a chance to speak yet this morning. He is coming over here to give an update. The president is scheduled to have lunch with someone else. Another member of his cabinet, steve to talk about tax reforms. That is also part of this discussion. Urgently the Health Care Reform bill. I asked aides to both sides what is the speaker going to brief the president on . And i have not gotten an answer to that question yet. But the bottom line is, john, not a lot of good news to share in terms of, hey, we have 11 people who switched this morning. This is a onebyone process im told. The Vice President decided to stay here in washington. He was scheduled to travel to arkansas and tennessee. Hes staying here. Its all hands on deck. But this meeting that is happening right now, john, definitely is going to give us a sense of where this goes. Youre right, the bill is not scheduled for a vote. No specific time. People still think it will happen around 5 00 or 6 00. It could not happen as we saw what happened yesterday, john. Normally catching the friday afternoon flights out of town motivate Big Decisions here in washington. Jeff, a quick one here in the sense that we had privately a number of white house Officials Say well have this go south if this vote fails. Its the speakers fault. The speaker didnt handle this right from the beginning and his math was messed up. The president tried his best. If it failed, he couldnt get it to the finish line. Understand that is what theyre saying privately. Do they understand what a blow this would be to the momentum of a young Trump Presidency and the signal it would send to republicans they dont agree with this president on trade and infrastructure spending. Do they understand the stakes . I think they do understand it but so much preemptive blame placing and finger pointing here this morning because they want to isolate the president from this. But if you ask a lot of republicans on the other side of capitol hill, on the other side of pennsylvania avenue, this president owns it, as well. This is his hhs secretary, his budget director. People who he brought onboard to do this. And he didnt sell this as aggressively as, you know, as its been reported. Hes made a lot of phone calls but going to go around the country selling it in peoples districts. John, i was on both of those trips with him to louisville and nashville, tennessee, last week. He barely talked about health care. He doesnt love this bill, but he owns this bill, they understand that. The victory to the president is more important than what the substance of the bill is. As we know, of course, those things are connected and linked. A giant countdown under way in d. C. Jeff, thanks well check back in. Lets go back into the room. You covered the white house every day sean spicer from the podium yesterday guaranteed there would be a vote yesterday and the president would win that vote. Okay. Set that aside. It happens. We have these dramatic votes. This is not new. We have seen it during the Obama Administration and when the republicans have been trying to get things through the congress. This is not new, but new for this president. Its new for this president and i think there was a great point made there. If this doesnt get through, he loses any sense of momentum that he may have had. He already was struggling to build a sense of momentum. This would essentially halt anything that existed. You have to imagine the discussion happening right now at the white house is a choice between putting a bill on the floor that may not have the votes to pass and not having a bill at all. The white house officials have been pushing this idea of put it out there, lets see who is with the president and lets see who is not with the president. That is his preferred strategy. Ryan would like to avoid that embarrassment. I think its important for people to know that for trump the blame gamp is as much a part of his strategy as his tweets. He is not the kind of president that has a, you know, the buck stops with me approach. He is going to look to point the finger at, if not paul ryan, someone on his staff. The Freedom Caucus. Someone else will take the blame for this. Tweeting this morning, the g guys, 29 of them. Conservative districts. They had never serve under a republican president. I think most of them, if not all of them. He tweeted this morning the irony the Freedom Caucus against planned parenthood allows planned parenthood to stop this plan. Number one, that doesnt factor in what might happen when we get to the senate. But, number two, why on the morning of a key vote are you poking the people you need in the eye . This is the thing. I mean, lets all remember this is Donald Trumps first time at this. Hes never passed anything that looks like a bill before. And he,er and i think there is a miscalculation here about whether or not hes going to need republicans to be on his side in future fights. Yes, he could move on from health care to Something Else. He gets zero democratic votes today. I bet thats exactly. Youre going to need republicans. Someone watching this debate tells me that the bad thing about moving on would be that you sort of empower the dissidents on the hill. You empower the Freedom Caucus to say no. To sort of stand up to the president. And then when we get down to tax reform, who knows what is going to happen. The whole thing starts to chip away and that chips away not just at momentum, but actual votes. You name dropped out of the deal earlier. Let me do it, again. Its sort of what we all looked to signature book and signature moment. Most deals you end up walking away from. They look great at the beginning. Can you do that in governing, again, on an issue that is central to the Republican Party for six years now repeal the replace part came in later. Repealing obamacare partly because he promised it. Look,er i think he ei think he and no carrot right now. He may care very much about having been snubbed about this. People might think youre joking about going after fellow republicans. He loves to go after fellow republicans. Paging ted cruz. An element of that, no, seriously, i could mess with you in real ways. The other thing, on the issue of blame, look, i think he probably is more passionate about tax reform or nafta renegotiation or infrastructure. He didnt pick those as his first thing. Yep. He picked health care. Another point. Jeff pointed out that he thinks that often victory is more important than the substance for this president. But there is substance. Millions of people who are affected by this and this is a bill, that according to the Congressional Budget Office doesnt do what the president said he would do with health care during the campaign. He said he wouldnt cut medicaid. Not going to cover everybody and said it is going to be cheaper. Maybe some time but nobody knows how precisely and it might be the kind of thing where if youre a president already running for reelection you have to give at least a little bit of thought to whether youll keep the promises you actually make. If you like your planning, you can keep it. On that point the art of the segue, keeping an eye on the house floor as the vote nears. We think, they could pull it. Much more next, including as steve was just noting, what is in the bill and whats not. My insurance rates are but dad, youve got. Allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. No one burns on my watch try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. Enjoy the relief. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . 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Supposed to be a vote later this afternoon on the signature republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Phil mattingly live for us on capitol hill with details. Phil, this emission to deliver good news or the other . Definitely the latter, john. A lot of alarm bells went off when we heard the speaker was heading to the white house. He is heading to the white house to brief the president on what they the vote count right now in the news that the speaker is bringing to the president right now not good, not good at all. A recognition as we have been watching this day play out despite the optimism after that closed door meeting and budget as the votes just arent coming. The concessions they made to the Freedom Caucus while they thought it softened their votes, it hasnt brought anybody to yes and the bigger issue right now and ive seen this first hand in talking to lawmakers over the course of the last couple hours. Theyre not sticking around, even those that they assumed would be with them. John, the chairman of the House Appropriations committee is saying that hes right now leaning hard no. Thats majorly problematic and thats exactly what the speaker is heading to the white house to say right now. I think one of the big concerns that if you put this bill on the floor without the votes what the president said he wants yourer not going to lose this by 16, 17 votes. Republicans will vote against it in mass and go from a bad defeat to a very, very bad defeat. Basically, decisions need to be made now as they try to figure out what they want to do next with this vote,er john. In a word, wow, Phil Mattingly live for us on capitol hill. Lets come back into the room. Just imagine sitting in the oval office, the speaker of the house tells you, sir, we go forward, we could lose not by two, not by ten, but by 15 or 20 votes or more. That would be humiliating to the speaker and i would argue despite his efforts to wash his hands of this, embarrassing. What do you do . The word from the white house last night was let me see who is with me and who is against me. That is trumps instinct. He wants the people to lay down a marker here. I think that ryan, for his own sake and also for members of his caucus will advise against that. To phils point there, you will have people cast a no vote who would have been yes under other circumstances. And risk the rath of the trump tweet and they dont want to be attached to a bill if its a losing effort. If they do continue forward with health care an avalanche of no votes on this bill would really force them to start over and thats not what paul ryan wants to do. Theres a certain willingness to kind of keep tweaking around the edges until they get to the right number. But going down on mass really torches the whole thing and it creates more problems. If its 12 4 right now that this news is coming out that doesnt seem real good. There is a chance those votes start falling the wrong way for the house and for the president. Yeah, this doesnt look great at this point and conservatives want to start over, right. But im highly skeptical of the idea, again, that you bring Something Else new, you take the time to do that and it gets you closer to an election, it makes this vote scarier and this vote was always going to be scary and hard. Especially with the president around 37 approval rating. In the Republican House districts and then you get over to the senate, even if they passed the bill in the house today, we havent gotten there. This is chapter one. One reason the moderates are running. To phils very smart point, when youre losing a committee chairman. Members of ryans leadership team. Hes losing one of his brothers on this vote youre in trouble. One of the reasons the more moderate members are fleeing is because they have given to the conservative members taking away the mandate that a Health Insurance policy must cover what they call essential health benefits. You must have maternity coverage in there and Mental Health coverage, hospitalization and what the conservatives are saying is that states can do this, if you want. If you live in massachusetts and thats what the voters want, great. The governor can have this. What the moderates are saying, you cant take this away from people. I cant run if you take this away. I want you to listen to this morning in the rules committee. This is not just politics. This is a philosophical difference, but also within the Republican Party. Listen to this this morning. Pregnant women and newborns need Health Insurance that covers Maternity Care and not a fund that may or may not be used for health services. As the only member of this panel who has ever needed and used Maternity Care, i would like to point out how crucially important it is for women and mothers to see their own providers and when the state mandates that those who are not in need of care actually have to purchase care, the result of that is in many instances women not able to see the doctors they would like to see for their own care. To my friend from the federalist, thats the argument republicans are trying to make. That these should be state decisions. If their problem is, number one, the employeebased system creates a structure hat makes it hard to do it and, number two, obamacare passed. One, there are mandates on a state basis. That part i think we need to make clear. Conservative states like texas, for instance, 60 plus mandates. This was another layer that is a federal mandate and the argument from the right of center is that federal mandates are not the only way to get people care. In fact, mandating a really heavy set of benefits that has to go in every single plan allows for no flexibility on a state level. Allows for no flexibility for people who want to buy a more lowmaintenance plan, not a bare bones plan because there is not a world in which i was on those bare bones junk plans. Turns out they were okay. Moderate from a district, from a district carried by hillary clinton, you may even agree with that intellectual argument. This is why fighting obamacare the first time around was so very important to conservatives and to republicans because once something is in place, the idea of taking it away even if in theory its going to create a better and cheaper situation is not pleasant. Lets remember, also, you said cheaper. This is one of the few really clear ways that explained how this would make Health Care Cheaper for people is that you would be getting less. It would cover les. Is that really even cheaper . People in the middle class, especially in the individual market who have sky high deductibles who basically have unusable insurance they would like to buy something with fewer benefits and buy something that is more catastrophic anda doesnt exist any more. More on this fascinating high stakes debate. Including some of the language in this town that may make no sense to you out in america. Hes a nascar champion whos shes a worldclass swimmer whos stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Heres how xarelto works. 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To help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know. More details now on a dramatic breaking news story unfolding this hour. Speaker paul ryan is at the White House Briefing the president on trouble with getting votes to pass to repeal obamacare. The speaker was delivering not good news and more now from our chief Political Correspondent dana bash. Dana, fill us in on the details. What is the president hearing from the speaker right now . What im hearing is what the speaker specifically is going to do is show the president where the votes are right now. Meaning, the votes are not there. And to get the president to say what he wants to do based on the fact that the votes simply are not there. This obama care repeal and replace bill trying to figure out how to deal with it and also maybe trying to put the ball in and budget director who announced to the House Republican caucus last night that he was done negotiating, it was up to them to decide whether or not they were going to go forward with this or effectively break a Campaign Promise for several cycles now, election cycles to repeal obamacare. Its simply not looking good for republicans right now in terms, thats just the bottom line. The question, i know you mentioned Phil Mattingly just came on before the question is whether or not the president is going to look at this as a deal maker and as he has been so successful in business for so long to say, you know what, lets just do it, lets roll the dice and see what happens and that they will vote against it, they will pay for it. Or the way that we have seen this movie before legislatively that if they take the vote and if it looks like its going down, it might just not go down by 20, 30 votes. People on the republican side arent going to want to take a tough vote for no reason and it could be defeated overwhelmingly if they roll that dice. Dana bash for us live on capitol hill. And again i just want to say wow. This is not the Zoning Commission saying mr. Trump, you cant build a hotel there. The speaker is asking him do we pull this vote or do you want to lose. Do you think losing is in your interests. Please all jump in. Number one, speaker doesnt want this to be just his decision. Weve heard all week along about how theyre working hand in glove to pass this, will they junk r jump on the sinking boat together or will they have a splooit spl split . And is trump willing to walk away completely. Paul ryan has to shepherd his members in to a Midterm Election potentially not having done anything on health care. That is something that is a really big decision and i think paul ryan probably is trying to find out okay, so is the president really there. Is he really trying to just get over to tax reform and infrastructure and all this other stuff because that could be a big problem. If donald trump walks away from repealing obamacare, isnt he walking away from the Republican Party he just took over . This is an opportunity how much was he really walking with them . This is the thing about trump on health care. He is not in the weeds on the details. He did not take office with a firm ideological vision for what he wanted. But he still campaigned on repealing and replacing the law. And he still cant get anything else done without their votes. They are the Majority Party in washington. One thing if youre paul ryan what can you say, can just pretend you never said the ultimatum because youve done that with many things before, pretended you you never said it. Is this something that can wait until monday or tuesday . I dont know that, but one possibility. And again, hesen a unpredictable actor. Does he make them take to the floor and bush them because he wants to know who is on his side or not. Or does he do as trump has done throughout his life when things have ghoone his way is to just move on and pretend there is a clean slate. And what is his political standing . One of the many questions throughout the day. Stay right here. Thats it for inside politics. I hope to see you sunday morning. Who knows what the news will be then. And then back here on monday. But cnns breaking news coverage, speak her of the hous delivering very bad new to the president ever the United States. Our coverage continues in a moment with wolf. Sean spicer maybe a little late, but stay right here. Success has always been measured in zeros. But shouldnt it be about firsts . And seconds . How about adding a third . 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Meanwhile chairman of the House Intelligence Committee postpones a key hearing on the Russian Investigation despite serious objections from the senior democrat on that committee. Well have much more on that in a few moments. But first, the fast moving developments on health care. Youre looking at live pictures from capitol hill. The debate is under way on the republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare with a vote expected later this afternoon. Youre also looking at live pictures coming in from the white house breefring room. Todays briefing with the press Secretary Sean Spicer scheduled to begin any moment now. Well bring to you live. The Health Care Bill certain to be a major tonipic. Sources say President Trump is frustrated over the vote, but earlier today he sounded resigned to whaeftever the outcome. What will you do if the Health Care Bill fails . Well have to see. Do you think it will pass . Well see what happens. Did you rush it . Lets see what happens. Thank you. Thank you. The House Speaker paul ryan arrived at the white house just minutes ago to update the president of the Health Care Bill. A republican source says hes not there delivering good news. Our correspondents are covering each new development as it unfolds. The white house has warned House Republicans pass the Health Care Bill today or you will be stuck with obamacare. Our chief Political Correspondent dan that barb a b joining us from capitol hill. The speaker is with the president right now. What are you hearing about their discussion . Reporter im not sure what happened in the discussion, but i can tell you that what im told from a source and what our colleague Phil Mattingly was told is that not only is the president going to excuse me, is the speaker going to deliver bad news to the president , that bad news is that at this hour just hours before the vote is supposed to take place, they dont have enough republicans to pass their Obamacare Repeal and replace bill, but that im told from one source that the goal going into this scramble of a last minute meeting that the speaker just took off in his car and went down to the white house for an unscheduled meeting with the president , that he was going to say to President Trump what do you want do. We dont have the votes. How do you want to handle this. Meaning do you want to take this to the floor, roll the dice, hope that at the end of the day the votes somehow magically appear because of the fact that the ultimatum came from the white house last night, you got to pass this, you have to vote for this or it will be on you if obamacare remains the law of the land, or whether you want to take a breath are and figure out if there is another strategy here. We dont know what the answer will be to that question. But everybody is on pins and needles waiting for the speaker to get back to figure out what exactly they will do. Do they go forward door they pull this bill. What are you hearing from lawmakers up on capitol hill . Reporter well, the obvious is that nobody will say that the votes are there or even close to being there. I spoke to one member of the now

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