Transcripts For CNNW Inside Politics 20160726

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This november when we go to the polls, that is what were deciding. Not democrat or republican, not left or right, no, in this election and every election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives. Trust, you could hear it there, trust a key word from Michelle Obama. Unity a key word for Bernie Sanders. This election is about which candidate understands the real problems facing this country and has offered real solutions. By these measures, any objective observer will conclude that based on her ideas and her leadership, Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States. Team clinton was grateful for that. But it was not all kumbayya. The comedian Sarah Silverman responded to cheers and jeers when she said its time to rally around Hillary Clinton. Unity, unity, unity. The bernie can i just say to the bernie or bust people, youre being ridiculous. That one of the many priceless moments on day one. With us to share their insights heading into day two, julie pace, Jonathan Martin of the new york times, and cnns nia malik henderson. Lets begin with the conversation on Michelle Obama. I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. And ive watched my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women, playing with their dogs on the white house lawn. And because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take more granted that a woman can be president of the United States. Dont let anyone ever tell you that this country isnt great. That somehow we need to make it great again. Because this right now is the greatest country on earth. How about that for a notsosecret weapon . That was quite the convention address. It had everything that i think you want to accomplish as a speaker. It was emotional, it was powerful, it was politically pointed without being over the top in terms of mentioning trump. She actually never mentioned his name. And for Hillary Clinton, i think she did something really important, she was speaking to women. And she was saying, think about your children, im telling you a story of my children and the future i want for them. Think about your children and who they want to see in the white house. It fits in perfectly with the voter that is Hillary Clinton needs to swing in this election. And i think that a lot of democrats would like to see Michelle Obama out on the campaign trail for the next couple months pushing that message. Another thing she mentioned that i thought was really interesting is how her kids have had to listen to some of the birther attacks. Let me stop you there because i want to play that. Youve right, julie, did not mention donald trump by name, but she left no secret about this. And thats one of the reasons both obamas are critical to secretary clinton. For both obamas it seems this is very persisteonal. How we urge them to ignore those who question their fathers citizenship or faith. How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on tv does not represent the true spirit of this country. How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you dont stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high. Thats pretty skillful rhetoric, too, because she was not actively denouncing trump, she was sort of casting it through the objective of their conversation with their daughters. Totally. It sort of dulled the knife a little bit but not too much. So i thought it was pretty effective. And its easy to forget that the kids have grown up hearing this and they had to address it. So youre right, it was a good construct to address trump without ever saying his name. Such an all hands on deck moment for the democrats if you think about it. Elizabeth warren, well get to Bernie Sanders in a moment, the Vice President was in the hole, well show you anymore a moment. They think Michelle Obama goes to the Africanamerican Community but out to the suburbs where most president ial elections are decide in the suburbs. When you look at what shes done so far in 2010 and 2014, she was in wisconsin, for instance, she was in nevada, she went to georgia in 2014. They very much feel like she can play with young people and africanamericans and latinos. And with suburban voters, too, suburban white women. If you look at the strengths of Hillary Clinton so far, she is she looks like shes benefiting from something of a real lineman in terms of College Educated white voters shifting to the Democratic Party. The loss is among nonCollege White voters, but it looks like shes gaining ground among the College White educated voters and Michelle Obama will be helpful in pressing that case. Team clinton was thrilled in not how she said it but what she said and how eager she was to be a part of the campaign. Bernie sanders i want to get to now. Before i get to bernie, the Vice President will speak tomorrow night. He was in the hull doing a test run. He says theres frustration with the bernie people. Some of them are having a hard time. Joe biden says give them a minute. They are going to be fine. Look, they worked hard. We want to show a little class and let them be frustrated for a while. Its okay. How long do you think, Vice President . Hey, they are all going to end up voting for hillary. Do you think any of them are going to vote for trump . Raise your hand if you think any of the people protesting in here are going to go vote for trump . Some say they will. No, come on. Then they didnt support what bernie stands for. Its not every day you get to be down on the Convention Floor with the Vice President. He was supposed to be in wilmington and decided to come up to the convention. I want to show the energy in the hall last night, 40 to 45 of the delegates are Bernie Sanders supporters. They are all wearing their tshirts, buttons and signs. Some of them are moving in the unity way, but they want to celebrate one last time. Look at this energy last night. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Now he earned that. Bernie sanders earned that. He was a pt vote against a battleship i used to say during the primaries, and the pt boat made a dent. He understands the skepticism among his supporters. Here he is this morning among the california delegation, sanders is trying to make the case again. As you see, there are skeptics. What we must do or forever look back in regret is defeat donald trump and elect Hillary Clinton. It is easy to boo, but it is harder to look your kids in the face who will be living under a donald trump presidency. Thats some of the toughest stuff hes said. It was off the cuff there. It may have been better for the party to say that kind of thing last night to millions of people instead of this morning at the california delegation. I think the Vice President wanted to let his people let off a little steam last night. Yeah. The emotions in that room, if i didnt know any better, i would have thought i was at Bernie Sanders Convention Last night. There was a sense from the Clinton Campaign they needed to let the sanders supporters have monday, have Opening Night. Hes the headline speaker. Elizabeth warren is a favorite of liberals, a keynote speaker. They added extra sanders supporters to the lineup at the last minute to give them more of a voice. I feel like they can now move on. I dont know if the sanders supporters feel that way. But it was right to let them have part of this day. Bernie sanders for a year now has talked about Hillary Clinton as being captive to wall street, captive to the 1 , taking money from big donors. I mean, she was the enemy of the sanders supporters, those diehard folks. Now he has to unwind that and hes only been doing that for a while. It could take time. The question is how long does it take . We have a photo from the floor last night when you were talking about the energy. It was quite amazing. They are excited to be here, some were disappointed and crying when bernie came out. I think we have a photo from the Bernie Sanders people. I also found a fabulous tweet, a Des Moines Register reporter with the iowa delegation had a sanders supporter who said, bernie gave us mt. Dew for months and now is telling us to go to bed. You cant put a resolution back in a box that easily. Youre storming the bastille. Youll just go back to your house that afternoon. So its difficult. I also want to point out to you but republicans want to say, disarray. Is it disarray or they are talking about the sanders all of a sudden, look at them, they have been betrayed. They are going to go to trump and not vote. So the concern from republicans has been funny to watch. I really think this is different than what we saw in the Republican Party last week with the convention. I mean, optically, you do have the whole Democratic Party here. You didnt have that in cleveland. But i also think that some of these sanders voters already when you talk to them say, i dont like her, i dont trust her but im going to vote for her. You are seeing that movement happen. There are a lot of republicans in cleveland that dont believe trump belongs in their party. Many say hillary is not liberal enough but dont question shes a democrat. Right. Two fast points, the polling reveals there are more sanders supporters to support Hillary Clinton than this time eight years ago than hillary supporters who said they are going to back obama. Secondly real fast, a lot of people in the hall arent event democrats. Its important to keep that in mind. There are hardcore bernie people there who have no label to the party and dont care about unity. They are there for bernie only. Bernie became a democrat last night officially, i dont mean that disrespectly at all, he was an independent, a lot of democrats questioned his commitment to the party, they dont today because of what he said last night and this morning. Team clinton is thrilled with what he said. The question is will he bring the supporters along. Day two, the Democratic National convention making history. You wont want to miss this, bill clinton makes the case for hillary. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. L when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. And we leave out corn, wheat and soy. For your pet, we go beyond. 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Tonight, make no mistake, this is Hillary Clintons night, shell make history. The Democratic Party will nominate the first woman major Party Candidate for president. And i told my colleague, maybe he has his vermont delegation at the end after sanders gets a move to nominate Hillary Clinton. So clearly unity tonight and history. I think that is really important to remember. We are in this election cycle where everything has been so heated. And you can forget, especially with Hillary Clinton who has been in our lives for so long, that shes making history. A woman has never crossed this line in politics before. Its really an amazing thing. I think she feels more comfortable with that idea than she did in 2008. I think youre going the see her and others embrace that over the next couple of days. And i think she also hopes that reminding people of that may be will generate excitement lacking among her supporters. And this will be a night where people are reminded what a fighter Hillary Clinton is, everyone talks about how shes a fighter. There are going to be stories from people in her past to talk about that narrative exactly and reintroducing Hillary Clinton to the public. They might not know. She better be a fighter because as you talk to the democrats here, they are not involve in the president ial race, they are involved in senate races and helping super pacs, i was polling last week and did focus groups last week, trump is on the move. Hillary has a fight on her hands. Every second matters. We saw that in the poll released yesterday, a sixpoint bump for him out of this convention. Youll have to check again after this convention. But they got some work to do in terms of Hillary Clinton. An article was written in the new yorker wrts where he talked about the hate hillary movement. He wrote that in 1996. So they have work to do in terms of reversing the core ideas that people have come to feel and think about Hillary Clinton. I think they are going to try to reintroduce her the best they can and tell stories about her that arent that broadly known in the country. But lets be honest, the next few months for her campaign is going to be about trying to define donald trump and making him totally unacceptable to the broader electorate. Thats what Michelle Obama was doing last night. Thats the tenure of the campaign from here to november. Thats interesting, how do they deal with the trustworthy and honesty numbers which are bad. But i thought it was interesting last night trying to build up other balances, the counter balance. You can trust her, shes a mom, shes a steady hand, tenacious. One of her achieve character witnesses tonight will be her husband. And this is his own piece of history. A former president of the United States standing up there saying, my wife, my spouse should be the next president of the United States. Now, bill clinton, this will be speech number ten. Speech number ten to a democratic convention. I was standing on the platform back in 1992 when he was a democratic nominee. Thats when a lot of americans probably remember bill clinton. He was a new democrat then. Boy has the party moved to the left since bill clinton. But heres a little flavor, 1992. Embraced by her struggles but never challenging alone. With family and friends with endless dreams, a country that once again lifts its people and inspires the world. Let that be our cause, our commitment and our new covenant. My fellow americans, i come here tonight where it all began for me. Bill clinton, i had color back in my hair back in those days, too, thats 1992. The obama people will tell you despite the testy relationships over the years, in 2012 bill clinton came into the hall and made a better case for the president s reelection than the president did. Heres 2012. We simply cannot afford to give the reigns of government to someone who will double down on trickle down. We believe that were all in this together. It is a far better philosophy than youre on your own. Im fascinated by this moment. They call him the big dog. He likes to talk about himself and hes gotten into fights, if you will, debates with black lives matter movements and protesters. About his own legacy. But hes not here to talk about himself tonight. Hes here to talk about her, what is the test . The clinton people will tell you he gets that. This is not a speech about bill clinton and it is not about relitigating things in the 1990s. It is solely about selling Hillary Clinton, not as a politician but a person, the woman he knows. I think think this will be a fascinating moment because we have never seen this happen before. He was handed a speech and went off script and really got the crowd going. Been there. To keep himself from doing that tonight, this will be one of the most fascinating moments of this week. He should read anne romneys speech from 2012 and Michelle Obamas from 2008. Thats his role. Melanias. If he reads Michelle Obamas speech thats the same as melanias. Hes the one here to soft tennessee rough edges. Well see if he can do that. Michelles speech was ten minutes, if he can keep it in that range, god knows he wont be able to but you played that clip from the 2012 convention, i was struck watching that because he was making such a conventional familiar case to us that a democrat makes against the republican, right . Sort of standard populism. Its different this time around. Its personal. Its much more personal. And its not democrat republican really. It is democrat trump. Trump doesnt fit the republican mold. So how does he respond to that . About making the case of and for his wife, does he move at all toward the prosecution of trump . Keep in mind, trump has said tough things about bill clinton in his personal conduct. Can he resist taking a few swipes back at trump . Or is it all about hillary . In 1992 when he came under the character assassination, i suspect that will be about tonight. Donald trump tweets his scorn for the democratic speakers and today he rebutts critics to say he lacks the criticism to be commander in chief. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. To discover what we its learn on the track. 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[ male announcer ] youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. See why millions of people have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Dont wait. Call now. Welcome back. Live at the scene in philadelphia, this is the Democratic National convention. Donald trump and mike pence both spoke down to veterans this morning. You did not hear them talk about isis, they dont want to talk about it. Because in a real true way they really established isis because of weakness. The people in this room know better than anybody else or anybody else what i mean by weakness. But because of weakness, isis has been established. Our v. A. Is broken and this builder will fix it. And it is extraordinary to think that yesterday in philadelphia 61 speakers came to the podium and not one of them named isis by name. This man will name our enemies without apology, and he will defeat them. Now, mike pence may have a point, but yesterday was day one. Democrats say, well get to isis, well get to security and make our case. And Hillary Clinton did mention isis when she spoke to the vfw yesterday a day before donald trump. But do the republicans have a point, or to flip the question, should the republicans, should the democrats after what happened in cleveland, knowing donald trump made gains, was it a mistake . I dont know if it was a mistake to not mention isis on the Opening Night of the convention. I do think that more broadly democrats need to recognize that people have real concerns about security here and what we see happening overseas spilling over here. But democrats just have a very different picture for what this convention will look like at the end of this week. They do not think that this is a country that is gripped with fear and dont want to present the image of a party that is. And they dont want to overreact to trump. So this is not the day to judge them, but by the end of the convention they have to answer cleveland. To quote the great philosopher john edwards, there are two americans, and there are two conventions. They reflect two very different americas. My goodness. You just watched last night, compare it to cleveland the previous week. They are talking to two very different audiences. And they recognize that this is a campaign about mobilizing their bases and thats what theyre trying to do. Thats why the republicans are talking about immigration and terrorism. That is not what drives the democratic activists. Its not. You saw that last night with the latinos on stage, the illegal immigrant on stage talking about her experience, the daughter talking about her experience. So yeah, they are doubling down as jay mentioned on two different strategies. You see that in the polling with donald trump obviously doing well with a certain segment, nonwhite or white noncollege voters. And then a broader party for the democrats. And most of this will fall on Hillary Clinton thursday night. But this convention ending with the candidate, i do have to answer this, Donald Trumps repeated criticism to look at her record as secretary of state, dont believe her when shes says shes ready to be commander in chief. Why did hillary get rid of her middle name . Huh . Hillary . Why did she get rid of it . Hillary rotten clinton. Hillary rotten clinton, right . Thats not the sound i wanted at that moment. But well move on to that. At the v. A. He raised libya and tried to raise judgment as secretary of state. Lets move on, she was crooked hillary. Now shes hillary rotten clinton. Now its more of the name calling. They catch on but this is not appealing to new audiences. This gets donald trump voters back in the game and loving that hes making fun of her. But i dont know that this is the same donald trump we have seen over and over again. And a little part of the establishment Republican Party just died again. I think its a part of donald trump that turns significant voters off. These were the same voters Michelle Obama was talking to yesterday saying when they go low we go high. I do think in terms of the democrats and isis and the fear of crime, they do have to figure out a way to talk to that anxiety or talk to that feeling. I see we probably too often see obama meet some of this criticism with data, right, he talks about isis losing territory or talks about the crime rate being at a historic low. I dont think that is going to cut it. They have to figure out a way to feel voters pain and meet them where they live. But who has historically being good at that . Bill clinton. What do we make, you heard biden at the top of the show, the Vice President saying, come on, none of these bernie voters are going to go to trump. But trump hopes so was tweeting last night, sad to watch Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. We welcome all voter who is want to fix our rigged system and bring back the two jobs. On those two points, theres a lot of skepticism among democrats. One, im an outsider, and two, trump consistently tries. What slice does he need for it to be helpful in michigan and right here in pennsylvania . If he gets 8 to 10 in michigan, that is surely significant. It was funny, i talked to two longtime political figures last week, roger stone and roger wright, a big liberal supporter in the clinton cabinet. How was your therapy after that . It was engrossing conversation. They used the same language. It is not about conservative or liberal anymore. It is about establishment and antiestablishment. That will translate some support for trump from bernies people. That said, so much of what trump stands for in the eyes of the left is racial resentment. And i think its going to be hard for a lot of the bernie folks to get past that. You may a key part, the old party orthodox is voters dont process it anymore. A democratic strategist close to bill clinton years ago said which side of the barricades are you on . On the elite side or the other side . Donald trump says he can make washington work. But the message from speaker after speaker after speaker here is love your neighbor, they say donald trump doesnt, and they say watch your wallet. You tell your Insurance Company they made a mistake. The check they sent isnt enough to replace your totaled new car. The guy says they didnt make the mistake. You made the mistake. I beg your pardon . He says, you should have chosen fullcar replacement. Excuse me . Let me be frank, he says. You picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. 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Trumps entire campaign is just one more late night trump infomercial. Hand over your money, your jobs and the great trump hot air machine will reveal all the answers. And for one low, low price hell even throw in a goofy hat. Senator Elizabeth Warren there. But some of the more powerful thumps on trump were professional and not from the politicians. Donald trump has shown us who he really is. And i honestly feel mad that anyone has that much hate in their hearts. So when it comes to donald trump, how do you tell your kids not to be a bully if their president is one. Trump university cheated me out of the money i received after my husbands death. Heres a guy who was born rich and who has all the money in the world. And theres nothing wrong with that. But then he decided to make himself even richer by cheating working people who had nothing to spare. What kind of man does that . These personal stories, critical in the democrats plan. Well see if it works. Critical to the democrats plan taking away the bounce. You say, trump, i think i like this guy. They are bringing out the people who say, dont you dare. They are going right at his Business Record which is what hes running on. Look at these people who have dealt with him and come up emptyhanded. Youll hear that a lot because shes not the only one. It was effective to put Cheryl Langford in the middle of the highprofile speakers, basically forcing people who were watching this convention to see that speech hammering that message home. Democrats are very good at this piece of politics, of taking real people, showing how the rival has been affected by them. They did it so well against mitt romney and say this is like romney plus what they are doing to trump. Romney plus plus plus. Well see that last clip in a tv ad coming shortly. It was very effective. I just loved that phrase, it was very powerful. And i think that this is key for her, how do you puncture trumps populism . And how do you raise questions about his commitment to helping the little guy . That was the catch line from his speech. Im your voice. Well, how do you raise doubts about that assertion . 16 republicans did it and didnt do such a good job. Well, they didnt. But i did think this was much more effective because it was every day people. And some of those folks had a relationship with Hillary Clinton, the disabled woman, for instance, talked about meeting Hillary Clinton in the white house and how she inspired, how she was inspired by Hillary Clinton. In the end, they all echoed the other speakers. Jason collins, he echoed some things Michelle Obama said in her speech. The disabled woman echoed the ads that are running in some of the swing state that is are apparently real effective among the swing voters that either of these candidates need to win. In talking about the children, that effective ad with the little kids watching donald trump speak, i think that will be a common theme we see over and over again saying, look how this affects your children. Thats the play for the womens vote and mothers. A key vote for the women is the mother of the movement, the ladies call themselves, and the africanamerican women whose sons have been killed by gun violence, some killed in shootings, some killed by police in incidents the families say were irreconcilable police behavior. And one was trumps law and order. The democrats want to talk about criminal Justice Reform and talk about Getting Police at the table in these communities where africanamericans say we were persecuted by the police department. The question is, how do you strike the right balance . The mothers will be here tonight. Last night Elijah Cummings from baltimore who is the chair of the Platform Committee he tried to strike what he believes is the right tone. Our party does not just believe but understands that black lives matter. Also recognize that our communities and our Law Enforcement work best when they work together. Hes mad at trump. He thinks who is donald trump to talk about what happens in inner city baltimore. And i think that is a problem that trump is going to have. He has these lines that sound okay in front of a Republican Convention audience, but i think actually taking that message, if you were to follow through and go into an inner city, might be problematic because when you talk to voters, they think this is more of a system attic problem and not just a law and order problem. Let me give you the flip side, we dont live in the traditional american. The republicans think they can turn out their voters. But is there a risk for the democrats that if you say no trump, youre wrong, this is about compassion, this is about criminal Justice Reform, this is about sitting police down with the community and figuring out how to make this work, can trump come back to say youre not tough enough . Absolutely. Thats what hes doing. Thats why you see the numbers moving in his favor. I think to a lot of people the phrase law and order has a racist undertone, even Richard Nixon when he mentioned it in his 1968 speech, he said a lot of people think its a racist term. Its a libertarian police state, but this is a tricky thing any time youre dealing with race. And this contest is all about race in a lot of ways, at least a lot of people think that. A lot of the fear that some people have is fear of trump. I talked to a lot of africanamericans who fear what kind of country we would have if donald trump were the nominee. But on the other hand, i think donald trump is playing into a different kind of fear. So its a tricky line to balance. What is striking is watching t thecumming speech, the black lives matter was met with booming applause. But so much of the speech was obscured and at times drowned out by the bernie people. Heres a respected africanamerican member of congress, and it was a great illustration to me for how disconnected the bernie people are from Traditional Democratic politics. They dont really know who cummings is and care who he is, they just want to get their message out, probernie. But just like a lot of the trump people are not connected to republican politics, we have the sort of weird moments at the convention. The challenge for trump is to marry the two. Well see if it works out here. A big night ahead. When we come back, the reporters share from their notebooks including a look at Bernie Sanders summer plans, vacation . Lets find out. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. 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A nice moment here in philadelphia. You probably cant see it, but just over my shoulder, jake tapper, having lunch with his parents. Thats a good thing. Lets close, well ask our reporters to share something from their notebooks. Julie pace . The democrats say they are starting to see signs of Something Interesting in states like ohio, florida and new hampshire. Thats ticket splitters. This would be when voters cast a president ial ballot for Senate Clinton and Senate Ballot for republican or vice versa. Political operatives dismiss the idea of voters being strategic, but they say in focus groups voters are talking about making the Strategic Decisions in large part because it makes them feel more comfortable voting for a president ial candidate they might not like so much. This would be a way to put a check on them. So in this unusual election, this could be one of the outcomes of having two candidates at the top of the ticket quite unpopular. Voters playing chess with themselves. Okay, jackie . We talked a lot how Bernie Sanders is trying to unring the bell of his supporters. That doesnt stop here as he takes the show on the road this summer campaigning for Hillary Clinton. And its not its about not having these voters vote for trump but it is also not having them stay home and get out for Hillary Clinton. So hes going to be making a big effort insummer on that front. There goes that summer vacation. The split here is not between the sanders and clinton backers but with the families. I saw a congressman from chicago, a big clinton supporter, he told me my daughter is on the floor right now from illinois, a sanders delegate. He said hes having a hard time getting her to come around. Shell be there eventually, but to me it was a fascinating reflection of the generational challenge that clinton folks are facing. Even the children of some of the most prominent supporters are still feeling the bern. Once this Convention Wraps up, clinton and kaine will go on a bus tour to hit harrisburg, pennsylvania and pittsburgh. To democrats in many ways it is sort of the firewall of the midwest. We all know that Donald Trumps chances of winning the white house go through the midwest. They want to keep this winning streak going. It was 300,000 voters that separated romney from obama in 2012. Won by five points. I talked to a democratic trat ju strategist and a gop strategist, they say the difference maker could be president obama. John kasich said they cant win his state, the republican governor being antitrump. Maybe the republicans can scoop him up on the bus tour. Ill close with this. A tip for you at home trying to score which party and which candidate has the most successful convention this year. Watch the right track wrong track numbers in the polling and whether theres a noticeable improvement after this week in philadelphia. Thats what happened in 2012. A nearly tenpoint boost in the percentage of merges who ansed right track after the democratic convention. Romney campaign insiders believe that boost sealed their fate and think it was bill clintons 2012 speech a big part of the optimistic mood swing. The right track number is especially bleak, profoundly bleak right now. Only two in ten americans answered write track just before trumps convention. Check that number in a week or two. If it is up noticeably, good news for Hillary Clinton. If it is static, the vegas odds on donald trump will go up. Thats it for inside politics. Thank you for sharing your day today. Hope to see you from the hall tonight. Well be back same time tomorrow. Hope you can join us. More from this big day in philadelphia ahead next with wolf. We are the United States of america. Our best days are ahead of us. And together with Hillary Clinton as our president , america, we will rise to the bernie or bust people, youre being ridiculous. Hillary clinton must become the next president of the United States. And i am proud to stand with her. Shes been fighting for us for decades and now its time we fight for her. We are not going to be Donald Trumps hatefilled america. Not now, not ever. Dont let anyone ever tell you that this country isnt great. That somehow we need to make it great again. Because this right now is the greatest country on earth

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