And donald trump says mexico will pay to build a wall on its border with the u. S. We will build a wall and you know who is going to pay for the wall, mexico. But parag khanna says the next president should do the op set break down borders between north and south and form an allpowerful north American Union. He will make his case. Also, islamic radicalism in pakistan has always been worrying because of that countrys nuclear arsenal. Pakistans charismatic politician imran khan tries to explain the anger against america in the muslim world and why he says its actually lessened in pakistan in recent years. But first here is my take. After Donald TrumpsForeign Policy address this week, the chairman of the Senate Foreign relations committee, republican bob corker, announced that he was very impressed, extolling the broadness, the vision of the speech. The wall street journal said it was serious. The national interest, jacob hybrand opined, that the candidate was more restrained. Clearly we now consider it a wonder of sorts that donald trump can spend 40 minutes in front of cameras during which he avoids vulgarity, refrains from bigotry and reads from a teleprompter. The speech was in fact an embarrassment, a meandering collection of slogans. That were mostly pap pablam. We must make america strong again. Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction. It did not contain his most absurd and unworkable suggestions, building a wall, stopping people from sending their own money to relatives in mexico, banning all muslims from entering the United States, and a 45 tariff on chinese goods. In that sense it was an improvement i suppose. The most striking aspect of the speech was its repeated contradictions. We will spend what we need to rebuild our military. Washington already spends more than the next seven countries put together. Almost in the same breath he talked about pinching pennies because of the crippling national debt. Trump is against humanitarian inventions, but he implied that we should have intervened to help embattled christians in the middle east. Which is it . Trump put americas closest allies on notice if they didnt pay their fair share on defense, a complaint washington has made for at least four decades, he would end americas security guarantees to them. We have no choice, el exclaimed. Then he assured them that he would be a close and reliable ally. Trump promised to be consistent and yet unpredictable. Is your head spinning yet . Mostly trumps speech was populist pandering masquerading as a strategy, but one theme emerged, donald trump is a jacksonian. In his book special providence, Walter Russell mead explains that Andrew Jackson represents describes a populous style of american thinking which is different than the country other major ideological traditions, it is antiimmigrant and nativist, in Foreign Policy largely isolationist but if and when engaged abroad militaristic and unilateral. In trade it is protectionist and on all matters deeply suspicious of International Alliances and global conventions. Jacksonians are exasperated not so much by enemies, but by our allies. He they want to abandon the world or utterly dominate it. What is exasperating, in fact, intolerable for them is engaging with the world, working with other countries to achieve incremental progress, manage conflicts and thus solve problems. Unfortunately, that happens to be what the bulk of Foreign Policy actually looks like. If we want to defeat isis, for example, what is going to make that possible is a complicated series of military and diplomatic moves, but trump has a better idea, a secret plan he says that will zap the group into o oblivion. He wont tell them or us what it is or when it will happen. In 1993 the scholar senator Daniel Patrick moynihan wrote an essay entitled defining divancy down. In it he explained American Society was quietly accepting as normal behavior that would be considered abnormal by any earlier standard. Welcome to the Trump Campaign of which his speech on Foreign Policy was openly the most recent example. For more go to cnn. Com fareed and read my Washington Post column this week. And lets get started. Ive taken part in several debates in my life but none quite like the one im about to show you. My opponent was edward snowden, traitor to some, hero to others. He joined remotely from moscow where he has been given refuge from american authorities. This was Edward Snowdens first ever debate. The topic was one that is near and dear to the former cia employee, encryption, more specifically should the government have lawful access to any encrypted message or device . Its a subject that reared its head after the San Bernardino attacks. One of the attackers, syed farook, had an iphone that the fbi wanted access to. The agency believed that the phone could hold valuable investigative information and asked apple to help them break into it. Apple refused. Listen in and tweet us using the hashtag fzgps to let us know which side you come out on. Barton geldman, who is writing a book about snowden, was the moderator. Imagine tomorrow that bank of america announced that it had a new product, lets call it an ivault and bank of america said this is a vault, a virtual vault, in which you can put all your bank information, any Financial Information you have, any other kind of information you want. Remember, all information is now digital so it could be your tax receipts, it could be your will, it could be receipts for travel, it could be whatever it is you want to keep secure and safe. Now, imagine that there was a guy, lets call him bernie madoff, who embezzled billions of dollars from poor Workers Pension funds and it turned out he had one of these ivaults and the government is trying to figure out exactly the extent and the scale of the crime, they need evidence for it, they need to find out what else he might have embezzled and they go to a court and ask for a search warrant, the court provides it, but bank of america says, no, this is encrypted digital information. In fact, our whole sales pitch to our customers is this is encrypted so you cant have access to it. How would you get around that problem . Because after all if apple says you cannot have access to the information in an iphone because it is encrypted, why does bank of america not have the same right . Why does any institution, frankly, any company in the United States not have the right to encrypt the information it has . This is relatively routine software at this point, and then argue that it is in a sense created a zone of immunity in which no laws can reach, no courts can reach, no government can reach. Thats really it seems to me the heart of the question here. Now, i know what youre thinking, you dont want people to see whats on your iphone. Neither do i. But i understand that within a democracy if you have rules, laws, you have to sacrifice liberty for security at some point. This is not an absolutist position, i believe in strong protections for those liberties, i do not want the government abusing its authority, i believe it has, but you cannot have an absolute zone of privacy. Now, youre going to hear a lot or you probably have already heard a lot about the dangers technologically that this now produces, that it might mean a master key that unlocks all information everywhere, that it endangers all kind of encryption everywhere. Im not a technology guy, but i thought it would be worth listening to what a technology guy has to say about this, somebody who ran the Largest Technology company specializing in software for two decades, bill gates. So here is what bill gates says about apples request the federal governments request of apple that it unlock an iphone. Bill gates, apple has access to this information. Theyre just refusing to provide the access, and the courts will tell them whether to provide the access or not. You shouldnt call the access some special thing. Its no different than asking the phone company to get information or bank records. There is no difference between this information. The government comes asking for a specific set of information, and the bank can say its tied a ribbon around the disc drive and says dont make me cut this ribbon because if i cut it this one time i will have to cut it many times, unquote. As i said, i worry a great deal about what the government might do with all this information, which is why i believe you need laws that clearly demarcate when the government may have access to information, when it may not, what it can do with that information, but you cannot have liberty in the absence of law. That is the rule of the jungle. Thats welcome to haiti, welcome to somalia. If you want to live in a Democratic Society that has rules, the laws, the rules, the laws, the authorities have to have some recourse to lawful court orders. Look, i love this phone. It is the coolest thing that i have, but theres something even cooler, the United States constitution and it has to be possible for a government of laws to operate in a way that Legal Authority has the ability to access this kind of information. No one in america can withhold evidence that is relevant to a court. Not the president , not the worlds most powerful company, not any individual, not even the most shining and alluring product, not even the iphone is above the law. Thank you, fareed. [ applause ] ed. Lets start with what tonight is not about. Fundamentally, tonight is not about politics nor is it really about the law. Its about science. And for that reason it doesnt really matter whether youre for or against surveillance because by the end of this debate well have established that the proposition is not really a choice between privacy and security. Its rather about more security or less security. Here is the problem, were in the midst of the greatest crisis in Computer Security in history. One of my greatest critics personally, director of national intelligence, general james clapper, said just months ago a lot of people find this surprising in our post 9 11 world, but Computer Security bumped terrorism out of the top spot on our list of National Security threats. Now, let me underline that. Our intelligence agencies say Computer Security is a bigger problem than terrorism, than crime, than anything else. The backbone of Computer Security today is encryption. Encryption is the thing that keeps your money in your bank account rather than in a criminals. Encryption saves lives. Encryption protects property. Without it our economy stops. Our government stops. Everything stops. Now, my opponent hopes that somebody could perhaps find a way to make encryption work only for the good guys, but encryption is a field of mathematics and no matter how much we might hope otherwise, math is math. It works the same for Mother Teresa as it does for osama bin laden. The Scientific Consensus on this next point is absolute, lawful access to any device or communication cannot be provided to anybody without fatally compromising the security of everybody. And thats not my opinion, either, thats the formal conclusion from gathering of the worlds top computer scientists and computer experts at mit to study precisely this issue. Now, the fundamental problem of the science in this space, is for the government to unlock everything there has to be a key to everything. Now, we can pass a law to require a key under every doormat in order to make things easier for police, but the problem is that every other person in the world can find that key, too. And they can use it. You might be saying, oh, well, thats all well and good but what about National Security . This is a legitimate interest. The former director of national intelligence, two directors of central the cia, the director of the National Security agency, the nations former top counterterrorism official have said despite their sympathy for the fbi our nations Computer Security is simply more important than yet another surveillance tool. In fact, that nsa director former that i just cited, michael hayden, said this, the fbi director, jim comey, is wrong. America is simply more secure, america is safer with unbreakable end to end encryption. Now, i look forward to exploring the details of all of this tonight with you and mr. Zakaria, but i can promise you, ladies and gentlemen, one thing, if i am Standing Shoulder to shoulder with a director of the National Security agency on something, theres a damn good reason for that. Thank you very much. [ applause ] you just heard our opening arguments. You will hear our closing arguments when we come back. Well also tell you how you can see the entire debate. Back in a moment. If you have allergy congestion, muddling through your morning is nothing new. Your nose is the only thing on your mind. And to get relief, anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. Powerful relief from your most frustrating nasal allergy symptom ,all day and all night. Hasnt your nose been through enough already . Try new rhinocort® allergy spray. Muddle no more® im in vests and as a vested investor in vests, i invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. Or not in vests. This is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement i need to keep organized,ause anything that makes my life easier, im using. 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He joined us remotely from russia, the topic was should the government have lawful access to encrypted messages and devices like the now famous iphone used by the San Bernardino shooter . By the San Bernardino shooter. Listen in. This week as the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear accident, that accident spewed more radiation into its region than all the radiation that emanated from hiroshima and nagasaki, the two bombs the United States dropped on japan. The reason i bring this up is this is the kind of problem we might face in the future, it is not a hypothetical speculative point im making, there is ample evidence that the perpetrators of the brussels terrorist attacks were initially or at some point planning to try to explode or to cause an explosion at a Brussels Nuclear at a Belgium Nuclear power plant. If they had done that you would have had an absolutely catastrophic fallout both in terms of the radiation of course, to thousands and thousands of lives lost, tens of thousands of people displaced but also politically. There would have been a dramatic shift in the attitude of publics in the western world everywhere toward this whole debate that were having. I think thats the point i really actual is important to understand. We do face real threats out there. This is not the figment of somebodys imagination. There are people out there trying to do pad things. It is much better that we figure out what the government is allowed to do, what it is not allowed to do, what information it can have access to, what information it cannot have access to before you face one of these terrible events because once they happen the public will react with fury, the government will be given Carte Blanche and they will be able to do many, many more things than mr. Snowden or i would want governments to do. Thank you, fareed. [ applause ] ed, your threeminute closing, please. First off id like to say, you know, those are important thoughts, but more generally those thoughts, important though they were, did not address the proposition, which is not should we consider the powers that government could have, but what powers should the government have . Should the government have access, lawful access, to any communications or device, even though we know it would cause fatal harm to the actual security that we had. Now, the fbi director spoke on this saying things very similar to what mr. Zakaria said, unbreakable encryption will allow drug lords, terrorists, even violent gangs to communicate about their conspiracies with impunity. Upon which Law Enforcement depends, to successfully investigate and often prevent the worst crimes. The fbi also said if we didnt get the kind of lawful access were discussing right now, in three years wiretaps worked by the fbi would be useful, only 40 would provide anything and a few years later they would provide nothing at all. The problem is thats not from 2016, thats not from 2015, those numbers are from 1992 and the laws did not provide an encryption back door, despite the fact that in 1992 we did not change our laws more in 95 to compromise fatally the security of every american product and device, Law Enforcement is in a better place today than they have ever been before for means of investigation. The nsas unclassified documents, what they dont say in public, say that we are in the golden age of surveillance and they are right. Computer security is a real threat and i must thank mr. Zakaria for joining me in this very important conversation tonight and i want to thank you all for spending the evening with us. I hopefully learned or i hope that he learned from me as i learned from him he is a master debater and this was my first so it was very helpful. But i would say lets remember ultimately that saying the government should have lawful access to any encrypted communication is identical to saying that the government should mandate weak security for all of us. Mandatory insecurity might be convenient for investigators here or there, no argument, and lets not forget also china, but the cost of doing so would be fatal. Thank you very much. [ applause ] again, those were just the highlights, you can watch the entire debate go to debatesofthecentury. Org, thanks to bart bellman for moderating the nyu wagner, and the Century Foundation for hosting. Next on gps how in the world do you help Homeless People . Well, you could give them homes. It actually works. When we come back. Muddling through your morning is nothing new. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. 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Homelessness has reached its highest level since the Great Depression in the big apple according to the coalition for the homeless. Seattle, portland, and the entire state of hawaii declared a state of emergency last year because their unsheltered populations were so high. Los angeles has considered the same measure. But there is some good news. A bipartisan consensus has landed on a solution for this problem, to simply give Homeless People homes with few or no strings attached. S you sigh you see, if you can get someone off the streets immediately the idea goes it becomes easier to address the problems that make a person homeless in the first place. Drug addiction, mental illness, unemployment. Sounds crazy . Consider the experience of utah. This reddest of red states was the first place to adopt the socalled Housing First approach statewide in 2005 according to the National Alliance to end homelessness. The effort was led by a conservative who had worked for the mormon church, lloyd pendleton, no fan of free government handouts. Utahs chronically homeless, the most serious longterm cases were given homes but also held accountable, overseen by caseworkers and required to pay part of their rent pendleton told us. After a successful small Scale Pilot Program the state pledged to end chronic homelessness by 2015. Utah nearly met that goal housing 91 of the chronically homeless since 2005. The state says. Part of that dramatic decline was due to changes in how the homeless were counted, pendleton says, but the states efforts were still impressive. Whats more, utahs Housing First approach actually saved taxpayers money according to pendleton. The old way of addressing homelessness, providing only temporary shelter for those living on the street, leads to more instability for the homeless with more trips to the Emergency Rooms and to jails, but giving the homeless a more permanent home helped break that cycle saving between 25 and 40 per person per year pendleton estimates. Studies of similar efforts elsewhere also show big savings. Its no wonder that many other conservatives have supported this policy, including most prominently the george w. Bush administration which encouraged other places to adopt it. Nationwide permanent Supportive Housing units have grown 69 since 2007, according to the National Alliance to end homelessness and since 2010 homelessness has dropped by merely 12 , a decrease the alliance credits in part to the Housing First approach. Theres still much work to do, nearly onethird of todays homeless dont even have access to a shelter at night and combating homelessness in Salt Lake City is different from fighting it in new york city, but if we are willing to be innovative, to embrace solutions that work, these are problems that can be solved in the worlds richest country. Next on gps, donald trump doesnt like globalism, but my next guest says like it or not it is growing every day and he has the maps to prove it when we come back. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. Thats why i run on quickbooks. Details. I use the payments app to accept credit cards. And everything autosyncs. Those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. 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Well, the author parag khanna argues the opposite in his new book, connectography mapping the future of global civilization, he says the United States needs to break down its borders, especially with mexico. Listen in. Great to have you on. Thank you. Great to be back. So Bernie Sanders and donald trump agree on one thing which is that all these free trade deals have been bad, they are all calling for them to be reviewed, rejected and the whole idea that globalization has gone too far. Right. Almost the founding premise of this book of yours is you aint seen nothing yet, right . Its very true and its because of the Global Connectivity network we are building, think of the energy corridors, transportation, high speed railways, we are just beginning a new phase of history where we spend trillions of dollars a year, more than double and triple what we spend on defense and military we are spending on all of this infrastructure, it is connecting every society, every city across the world across borders. It makes trade, commerce, the flows of people and technology easier rather than harder. You cant unwind that by saying im not in favor of nafta or not in favor of that. Of course, what they get wrong is america benefits from these trade agreements. Its not hurt by them. You say if you look at a map of north america what you see is actually, again, far from slowing down, youre going to see a massive acceleration of the movement of goods and services and people back and forth. Does the 49th parallel between the United States and canada really define the relationship . Of course not. Do you know how many freight rail, we have dozens of freight railways, and olympic pipelines, electricity grids that are powering northeast United States by electricity and hydro power from quebec, for example. And then the u. S. mexico border, the American Energy companies and bank are investing in the Pipeline Infrastructure and gas industry all these things across the u. S. mexico border. Why would you want to close yourself off from what economists consider to be the hot emerging markets, mexico . People say that this north American Union is getting more integrated and more productive than the european union. It is, because its only three countries, first of all. Theres all the historical similarities and integration thats already taken place, the demographic flows between the three. This is how you build a geopolitical superpower in the 21st century. Not just your own america but imagine uniting the resources and demographics of canada, the United States and mexico, it is a continental super power on an unrivaled scale. You have this one striking chart where you talk about the countries that have the Major Trading relationship with the United States versus the countries that have the Major Trading relationship with china. Whats strike to go me is there was many more with china, the number one trading partner for many more countries is china. Is the message that china is more connected and therefore more competitive than the United StatesGoing Forward . Connectedness is an extremely important way of measuring the leverage that a country can have. How can you influence something that youre not connected to . Whether you have a military base there or youre trading with them, but connectedness is a form of dependency. China has twice as many countries for which it is the number one trading partner than america does, that means its dependent on importing Raw Materials and things from that. It doesnt necessarily mean it is therefore more influential than america is, its also more vulnerable because america has a large internal market economically it doesnt have to as much on trade for its gdp as china does, for example. Its a mixed picture. Yes, it does tell you china is extending its influence in all of those places and those countries depend on china, too. Why was africa and latin america grown so fast in the last 15, 20 years, its been exporting so much to china. Its been winwin to have these tighter relations between themselves and china. So you are an optimist, you say ten years from now there will be portrayed, more travel, more openness, more globalization . Yes, im certainly optimistic. Right now the World Economy may be a funk, it may be stagnant, it may be up or down one percentage point, about but our capacity to be global, to optimize land, labor, production, capital is expanding dramatically through all of this infrastructure and thats what we should want. Always nice to hear optimism. Pleasure to have you on. Thank you, fareed. Next on gps, a healthy majority of americans support the u. S. Drone program in pakistan according to polls, but my next guest, one of pakistans most popular politicians, says that program and the rest of americas war on terror created a lot of hatred towards the United States but interestingly he says antiamericanism is now lessening. Why . The answer when we come back. S. So it can do more for your business. When work takes you across the globe, your unlimited data travels with you to 140 plus countries and destinations at no extra charge. And thats not all. Because with tmobile theres no overages. Ever. 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This former playboy and cricket star is now leading the charge against pakistani Prime Minister cherif after accounts held by cherifs children were listed in the panama papers. I sat down with imran khan for my documentaries why they hate us. Many of you know it was meant to air this past weekend, it didnt. I have good news, its been rescheduled for may 23rd at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific. Set your alarms, dvrs, iphones, androids, whatever. Imran khan, how would you explain why in pakistan when you look at the polls there are really extraordinary high levels of antiamericanism . Why do Pakistani Muslims hate america . Fareed, you know, the antiamericanism was much higher than it is right now, in fact, its coming down. And it was the war on terror that had a lot to do with it because the masses perceived it not as a war against terror but war against islam and if you did any polls thats how it came across in the beginning. Recently this is not the case because as the american presence in afghanistan has gone down so the people of pakistan are no longer perceive it as a war against islam or american war against islam. So its not the war against terror which wasnt the case when it started off after 9 11. A lot of people look at pakistan and say pakistan is a highly radicalized society, if you look at the issue of blasphemy or honor killings or the way in which politicians are murdered by these jihadis there seems to be a very virulent strain of jihad afoot in pakistan, mostly killing pakistanis. Why . Fareed, let me first say one thing. Religion has nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In any Human Community if you see a breakdown of a Human Community you have liberals on one side, you have fanatics on one side, but the masses are always moderate. They can temporarily move towards an extreme when there is some extreme situation. For instance, in the u. S. If you look at if you ask the average american all of them want peace, but 9 11 pushed them a bit for a while of wanting war or wanting revenge. So extreme situations such the people a bit towards extreme, but on the whole human communities are moderate. So this idea that religion is nonsense. But there are lots of people who argue that pakistan has a radicalized society now because for decades, its military of the and ruling establishment have funded and supported and encouraged the use of islamic militant, often very fanatical in kashmir for as a proxy in afghanistan, the former pakistani ambassador has detailed in his books the degree to which the Pakistani Military has used militants and that this is the frankensteins monster that the state, the pakistani state created which is now, of course, killing pakistanis. Well, i agree to some extent what youre seeing fareed, after it was over, we trained these groups, including al qaeda, cia and isi trained these groups to fight jihad against foreign occupation. These groups should have been disarmed. When the americans came to afghanistan, these same groups then turn against the americans because you couldnt you couldnt tell them that look, fighting soviets was has had but fighting the americans was terrorism. We had these groups which then thats you quite rightly pointed out, thats when pakistan steered had a real problem on its hands. When you look at the attacks in europe, many of them have been inspired by cartoons that made fun of islam or the prophet. And youve said some things that seem to suggest that you know, that the problem is that people in europe are trying to insult islam. And i guess my question to you, maybe thats true but is the is the response is the appropriate response which you seem to be condoning that people should go out and kill the cartoonists or the editors or the writers . Fareed, how can any person who has being human, how can they condone anything like that . How can you even think or say a thing like im condoning beheading the people and extreme measures these extremists take. Its very painful when you know a muslim has committed it. But then we know that in just like in any human society, there are extremists now. The worry i have is that the more the backlack against muslims in europe specifically europe, the more modernized the muslim communities get there and modernization is one of the main reasons that causes radicalization. So the europeans should be careful. There has to be an understanding that they have these muslims living in the communities, young population, and if they get modernized, theres a good chance that few thousand of them will get radicalized and you dont need many people to create terror. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next on gps we recycle paper and plastic and milk cartons and take out containers. How about recycling beer after we drink it . Think about that and ill explain when we come back. Shmorange. And it rhymes with the color of our bottle. Hey, baby, make it your first word sfx baby speak not even close. Reach for the orange, its 100 shmorange dad, yoh no, ill take you up to me off rthe front of the school. Thats where your friends are. Seriously, its, its really fine. You dont want to be seen with your dad . No, its. No. This about a boy . Dad stop, please. Oh, theres tracy. What [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad it brakes when you dont. 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Weve heard a lot of scary things about the zika virus in recent months but theres some promising news to share about one mosquito born disease of the on world malaria day, the w. H. O. Reported malaria fatality rates have decreased since 2000 and 21 countries be expected to be malaria free in the next five years. What percentage of the worlds population remains at risk of malaria . 14 , 24 , 34 or 44 . Stay tuned and well tell you the correct answer. This weeks book of the week is robert worths a rage for order. The middle east in turmoil from Tahrir Square to isis. It is the best book on the arab world today. It is also the best book of foreign reporting i have read in a long time. Deeply intelligent and beautifully written. Well have him on the show soon but dont wait for that. Go get the book. Now for the last look. Refl revelers celebrated kings day on National Holiday in honor of King Alexanders birthday. Millions played games and listened to music and enjoyed liquid lie bagss at the biggest street party of the year. Amsterdam decided to take advantage of the large crowds. What do you do of thousands imbibing a lot of beer in your city . Collect their waste. The dutch water board collected 23,000 liters of urine at kings day parties this year. The plan is to send it to a factory to extract phosphates which help plants and crops grow. With the minerals gained from this kind of waste water amsterdam could fertilize 10,000 soccer fields a year. This isnt hollands first attempt at collecting number one. It seems it is likely to be repeated. Repeated. Get it. If you find yourself in the netherlands, drink up. It turns out it will be good for the planet. Of the correct answer is d, 3. 2 billion people, half of the worlds population still remains at risk of ma laylarimalaria. Thanks for being part of my program this week. Ill see you next week. Hello, everybody, nice to be with you, im martin savidge. The drinks and jokes were flowing at the annual white house correspondents dinner. The socalled nerd prom. Its washingtons yearly meeting of political insiders and the press and it was president obamas last chance to skewer the media, the critics and even himself. Its not just congress. Even some foreign leaders have been looking ahead and anticipating my departur