Well, he doesnt take responsibility. He cant imagine why maryland, tennessee, illinois, michigan all reporting an increase in poison control calls. Lets just remind everybody exactly what he said at that briefing. Right. And then i see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do Something Like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning . That dangerous and bizarre claim caused aides to try to prevent the president to back off the daily briefings, just dont do them. But the president tonight was back at the podium. Jim accosta is live outside the white house. Jim, what are you learning . The president was on twitter saying these arent worth my time, the briefings. Then hes back. Whats behind this on again, off again situation . Reporter erin, perhaps he just cant quit us. That may be the explanation. I expect the explanation that makes the most sense is the white house wanted to get this testing message across, they are trying to get a handle on testing for the coronavirus. You heard the president say testing is not going to be a problem at all, as they were laying out this testing blueprint for the country. But, erin, back on march 6, the president said anybody that wants a test can get a test. Those were his words. The Administration Never met that test. They fell millions of tests behind where they expected to be. And even in this blueprint for testing for the coronavirus that they laid out this evening in the rose garden at one point in the documents given to us by the white house, it describes the federal government as being, quote, the supplier of last resort when it comes to testing materials. So there is some burden shifting going on. The administration wants the burden to be shifted over to the states. But if you look at what a recent harvard study just concluded in the last couple of days, erin, it shows that more than half of the states across the country have to step up their testing in order to be able to safely relax their stayathome orders. Yes, you heard the president take some questions tonight. He was asked as you mentioned a few moments ago about na bizarre suggestion that americans could inject themselves with disinfectant to fight off the coronavirus. And he said he didnt take any responsibility. But really, erin, he didnt answer many of the questions that were asked in the rose garden. He was taking questions. He just wasnt answering them. But in terms of the press conference that we saw take place in the rose garden today, first the white house was saying they werent going to have they were going to have a press conference, then they changed this morning to say they werent going to have a press conference. Finally they said that they would have a press conference. Its sort of a haphazard Communications Strategy over here, which is kind of baffling given that you saw this Important Message that they wanted to get across this evening. But i think perhaps the best explanation as to why the president held this News Conference was summed up by a trump advisor i spoke with earlier today who said he just cant give up this captive audience that he has every evening between 5 00 and 7 00. He knows people are going to be tuning in. And as weve seen many, many times, erin, he has tweeted about these ratings. Hes well aware people are watching, erin. He has tweeted about that many times. Jim, thank you. I want to bring in david gergen, dr. Lena wen, and don king. He tweeted these meetings werent worth his time and effort. That didnt last. He was back out today. His allies have been urging him to cut back. They dont see things like that disinfectant doing anything good for him. Right. What do you make of what we saw this evening . Listen, i think its a form of addiction. Addictions are hard to give up. But beyond thats correct, i do accosta was right. They wanted to get the message out about their testing plans. They finally have a plan. The governor has been looking at that. The testing plan as you said so adequate, you have to be net negative as well. Dr. Jah from harvard, well respected, they move from 150,000 tests to 200,000 tests a week. What we need at a minimum is 500,000, and thats the bottom of the spectrum. Thats the minimum, minimum, minimum we can get. Overall its astonishing he keeps bragging about what theyre doing. When the president when the country has just suffered one of the worst months in american history, as you report, almost 56,000 died, more than that this past month, more than we lost in vietnam. Thats what were heading. We have another 26 million americans who are unemployed. Thats nothing to be bragging about. Thats something to be trying to unify the country, which again, hes not doing. Dr. Wen, i want to the point david says is astonishing, what is your make your take on this testing . Dr. Jah was saying you went from 150 to 200. Thats directionally good. Thats good, but its not a good absolute number. Hes saying you need to be at 3500 a3 500, and some say im conservative. 500 is probably too low. But they are bragging about 200. Yeah, weve been behind on testing this entire time, and thats the reason actually why we had to close everything down because we dont know kparktly where all these cases are in the country. So we had to use this blunt instrument which is what social distancing is. Now, the time that we can remove that blunt instrument and go back to tracing each individual case is if we could be sure of our numbers. And were nowhere near that. And were still nowhere near what the administration has planned. Im worried theyre still not acknowledging why widespread testing is needed and what levels that we need to be. They are also not acknowledging the role of the federal government. It just doesnt make sense for there not to be a National Coordinated effort at this point. And i hope that the administration is going to spend more time Going Forward on, not on justifying why more tests arent needed, but instead on what theyre going to be doing to help states, and particularly those on the front lines, patients and doctors, to get these results. Theyre saying theyre the supplier of last resort. Thats the role they want to be, last resort, not first goto. So, john, king, the president out there talking about testing. Also came up sort of the person who used to be there, who is not there any more when it comes to the briefings, would be the health and Human Services secretary alex azar. Early on he was sort of the main player. He was in charge of the task force for a brief while. Downplayed the impact of the virus at least publicly, similar to what the president did. The president was asked about azar today. Heres what he said. I think its a very unfair question because you have many great professionals, some of them you have Great Respect for. And you have many people in the other party. You mention alex azar. You have many people in the other party who said more thing with even more confidence. So a lot of people didnt get that right. I was, i was very fortune, whether it was through luck or whatever, that we closed the border. We put a ban on china. Obviously 40,000 people came through after that ban. But, you know, whats your reaction to that, john . Well, hes right. Other politicians in both parties did under estimate this at the beginning and their constituents have every right to ask them questions and hold them accountable. They have every right. He is the president of the United States. He has access to more intelligence, more experts, more Global Intelligence than any person on planet earth. Secretary azar did under estimate, the president did put that travel ban on china. As you noted, it had some loopholes. The president said in late january to cnbc, no, this will not be a pandemic. He said after that, were at 15 cases. Well soon be down to zero. I could go on for an hour, all the things in february the president said in late january and early february that proved he was either underestimating or refusing to take seriously or at least refusing to publicly acknowledge that in his reelection year there might be a big global and national crisis. So the president , yes, he did the china event. He wasted february otherwise. One other quick point about the testing, erin. The briefings are surreal. Did you hear anything in the presentation you havent heard from dr. Wen, every time you talked to a mayor, every time you talked to a governor . They have been screaming for this house. The white house comes out with this briefing. If its the only thing you watched, if you hadnt watched anything else or listened the last month, look at that, a plan. It tracks everything the mayors, the Governors Health officials have been screaming for for months. The issue is there is a difference between the show of the white house and then the tell. The tell is what those mayors, what dr. Wen other experts tell us after the fact. Lets hope a week from now were saying the governors are saying this time it worked. Were getting the supplies. We had a problem, theyre answering. That simply hasnt been the case in the past. Dr. Wen, over the weekend dr. Birx said over the weekend on meet the press, we have to have a breakthrough in innovation and testing. Again, dr. Jah was talking about that saying he sort of interpreted that as shes hoping on innovation because shes basically realized this administration isnt capable of doing what is needed on testing. Do you think that that really was that sort of an admission from dr. Birx . I dont know what her true intention was, but it sounded like it was justifying why were not producing enough of the tests that we do have. I mean, we do have the ability to produce existing tests, this antigen test shes talking about, it might be a breakthrough. But, look, there are tests we need to be doing right now. People need to know if i have symptoms of covid19, do i have this disease or not . Currently were not able to give every patient who wants to know that answer. And were not able to tessa symptomatic people. We know that asymptomatic transmission is a big issue. Were not able to test people and find out what is the true rate of covid19 in the communities where they live. Those are existing tests. We dont need to wait for a breakthrough in order to manufacture more of these tests. We just have to have the political will and the determination from the national government, from our federal government in order to do that. You know, i guess to your point, even in new jersey, one of the main Testing Centers it still says no symptoms, no test. Certainly the state of new jersey doesnt want that. Theyre in that situation because they dont have the number of tests to provide asymptomatic random testing. John king, is this what were going to continue to see from the president . And by the way, i should note not only was the briefing off, then on, then off, he did it in the rose garden where he could give a chance for the c. E. O. S to tout them and their relationships with him. Right. We have seen the tension inside the briefing room. He often has tension whether its with dr. Birx, even more so with dr. Fauci where they say one thing, the president disagrees, the president says something, they have to disagree. Look, the president has a very healthy ego, to put it mildly. David has worked with several president s. Thats part of the trade. Every president has a big ego. Every politician has a big ego. But for this president , what did he do today . Changed the script so a parade of c. E. O. S could walk up to the microphone and tell him how great he is. That is the most important to the president of the United States in the middle of a pandemic. We are at vietnam numbers in terms of the deaths. 50,000 plus this month. The president in late february said it would go away when it got warmer, it would be gone in theory. And the most important thing to him today was to prove to the press, yeah, ill still come out even though i said it would be a waste of time, but first im going to have a parade of people come up and tell me how great i am. All right. Can you imagine thank you all very much. Next, the governor of texas saying he will allow the state to begin reopening up this week. The number of coronavirus cases, of course, is still on the rise in texas. Is that move going to be the right thing or too fast . Were going to talk to a Dallas County official who says it will too fast. Plus, the World Health Organization warning antibodies dont necessarily mean complete immunity. What do they mean . What is the value of knowing youve had it . And President Trump says he knows the status of kim jonguns health. He said it today. So what is it . If you have a ga, weeds are low down little scoundrels. With roundup sure shot wand you dont need to stoop to their level. Draw the line. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to pinpoint those pesky bedfellows. It lets you kill whats bad right down to the root, while comfortably guarding the good. Draw the line with the roundup sure shot wand. Roundup brand. 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This does come as the number of cases is still rising in texas. Ed lavandera is out front in dallas tonight. They warned of relaxing social distancing too soon. Some texas medical experts say testing is not where it needs to be. But Governor Abbott thinks this is the right time. Whats the rationale hes put out . Reporter well, look, the fact of the matter is the governor is under a great deal of political pressure across the state to reopen the economy. And you get a sense in hearing from a lot of state leaders they expect some perhaps or prepared for some uptick in the number of coronavirus cases here in this state. Were standing in the middle of a parking lot of a popular Movie Theater here in northeast dallas. Completely empty, and the governor says that places like this, Movie Theaters, restaurants, malls and other Retail Stores will be allowed to reopen on friday after the stayathome order is lifted on thursday, but only at a 25 capacity. The governor also says what is not included in this next phase of opening is hair salons, barber shops, gyms, that sort of thing. Those wont be allowed to perhaps be reopened until mid may. As you mention, erin, still a good deal of concern about the testing and quality of testing being done here in texas. State Officials Say by early may they expect to be doing 25 to 26,000 coronavirus tests per day. But theres a lot of question as to whether or not that is enough at this point to really get this virus and to prevent another spike in cases breaking out here in this state. What is also interesting, erin, is neighboring louisiana, the governor there this afternoon, also extended their stayathome order until mid may. Erin . Ed, thank you very much. I want to go to Dallas County judge klay jenkins. Judge, you voted to extend Dallas County stayathome order till may 15th. You had 100 new cases just this morning, 3100 in total, 84 deaths. You obviously think that the governor is moving too fast by doing this more than two weeks ahead of where you thought would be appropriate. Well, yeah, its faster than i would like. And i think what ive done is ive taken that document that we didnt get a preview of and ive given that to the Public Health authority, and he is meeting tonight with the heads of epidemiology, Infectious Disease for local Hospital Systems and im waiting to hear from them report back. I think what we know is that when you look at other sciencebased plans, Movie Theaters are not one of the first thing thats opened. And so i think its going to be incumbent on the residents here to use good smart decision making. And just because something can be open doesnt mean it should be open. And just because something is open doesnt mean you should go there. So how does this work . Obviously the governor has the ultimate authority in the state, right . So you may not agree, but it supersedes, they can open if they want, 25 capacity. How does that even get enforced . I guess in a Movie Theater, that would be easier to enforce than in a Shopping Mall frankly. How do you even do a 25 , and how do you enforce it . Reporter well, so, the governor says 25 , but then the ways that people go about achieving that in his open texas book are completely voluntary and up to the business. Well look at ways, well work with local businesses here and well look for rules that we can come up with so that the workers and the people that go to these places, if they go there, will be more safe. But i think the question people have to ask themselves first is, given that most public Health Officials and scientists in the United States say its not safe to go to a movie and places of substantial spread like we have here in dallas and down in houston, do you really need to go to a movie right now . So, why do you think Governor Abbott did this right now . Because i just want to make it clear, the white house model they keep citing for when these would reopen, the white house model itself says texas should not relax social distancing until june 8. Its not as if Governor Abbott is going with the white house model. Why do you think he is doing this now . Well, i dont want to speculate on whats going through his mind. Ill tell you that what i am doing, what i hope others will do, is base it completely on the science. Were not experts in science, we elected officials. We have to rely on the Public Health, Infectious Disease, epidemiology experts to tell us what is the best way to keep you safe. Because job one is keeping you safe. And thats the best way well be able to open our economy and keep it open is to keep you safe. So what do you say to people in dallas who are debating what to do . There are some people, no matter where they are in this country, but certainly this is how some people are going to feel on friday. Theyre going to feel like the thing to do to help build their communities is to try to support those businesses that are reopening, right . But they dont want to do that if theyre going to get sick or get anyone else sick. But there is going to be immense pressure from a patriotic point of view to try to support those businesses. Well, the political decisions may change. What you need to do is focus on the science and listen to what the Public Health experts say. If the Public Health experts tell you something is not safe to do, even if its legal to do it and even if theres a business that will allow you to do it, dont do that. And we have to realize that when we make these decisions, it has an impact on the rest of the community. So the idea that those of us who want to stay home can and those of you who want to crowd into a restaurant can do that. Or a Movie Theater can do that. The problem is that we all live very close to one another, and the decisions of one may have a very bad impact on another. And so i think as i talked about early on, its operation protect nana and grandpa. We have to keep making those good decisions. Thank you very much, judge jenkins. I appreciate your time. Thank you, erin. On out front next, almost a quarter of the people in new york city have the antibodies for coronavirus. Could that be right . Im going to speak to the experts who have been studying this virus from the beginning. And young coronavirus patients with mild conditions suddenly suffering severe strokes. Im going to speak to one expert studying this alarming reality. Why is it happening . Navigating these uncertain times. Whether youre caring for your family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. Were working hard to answer your questions. Like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. 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Out front now, two of this countries on leading epidemiology. Stanford university and mark lipsich, epidemiologist at harvard. Youve been focused on antibodies. Uchlt been involved in a study on them. Ill get to that in a few moments. Do you fundamentally believe the presence of antibodies does mean some level of immunity . Hi, erin. I think that some level of immunity, yes. Perfect certainty for immunity, no. Antibodies are like a surrogate marker. They can tell you that most likely you have been exposed to this virus and there is a very good chance that you have immunity, but many people probably have been exposed and may not have the technical antibodies and others may not have been developing antibodies for other reasons and vice versa. Its a surrogate marker. Its good to use it to get a sense of how common the infection is in a given community, in a given location. I think its early in the day to say it can be used for individual decision making, and i would not say that we should use it as a passport of immunity for individuals based on what we know so far. Meaning, you have the antibody so youre good to go, you can go to the Movie Theater because you have nothing to worry about. Mark, from your perspective, what is the greatest value of Antibody Testing right now . Well, i think as john said, the value is to figure out in a population how many people have been exposed. And also eventually to begin to understand this relationship between antibodies and immunity. If we dont if we cant test people, we cant figure that out, relationship out. The trick will be to design the proper studies to figure out both of those. So, doctor, the New York Times is reporting on the study of the antibody test. They said 14 tests they looked at, only three had reliable results, and even the best had some flaws. I mean, how do you get around this . This has always been a difficult thing to understand because were told if a test is 99 reliable, but given in a population where only 1 of the people have been exposed you have a 50 chance of getting a wrong result. Okay, well, then, people say why cant you test that blood sample against the population where a whole lot more people have been exposed . Its hard to understand why these things seem to be fundamentally unreliable. Why are they . Well, antibodies are a test, and any test needs to be very thoroughly validated. Some of these tests may be pretty good. Some might be excellent and some may be horrible. So you cannot generalize from one test having pretty good performance, avoiding false positives and false negatives and other tests will do the same. Each of these tests needs to be thoroughly validated to reduce performance and exact certainty of that performance. So, mark, im trying to understand there are still so many that said, look, this is the key to the economy. The point that dr. Ianedes raised, the issue of the passport. People from an economic point much view, if youve been exposed to it thats your passport. We dont know if youre going to be immune for your life or two to three years. Theyre betting on a vaccine, its good enough, you can go on out there. If these arent going to be that reliable and we dont know what theyre really telling us, it would seem they are not a replacement for widespread testing of whether people actually have the virus. Is that true . Theyre not a replacement, theyre a complement. And what they do is, especially as the number of people exposed like in new york city or in other hot spots, like chelsea, massachusetts, as the numbers get larger at the population level, they give a more and more Accurate Answer even if the test is not perfect. But for individuals, as d dr. Ionedes said, we dont have the data to make the individual level decisions. And we need to test to get better and we also need to do a careful set of studies, what are sometimes called sero protection studies whether antibody is a predictor of not getting infected. Those are hard studies to do because the risk of finding false relationships is high for all sorts of reasons. R it can be done. So, dr. Ionedes, the swede not Public Health department were estimating for every person who tested positive for the virus, 99 others have had it and that would put him at a third of the people in stockholm have actually been exposed. You did a study of Coronavirus Infection in santa clara. You believe that the numbers or study shows the numbers may be 50 to 80 higher in terms of the number of people who have been exposesed compared to the official count in that county. In new york Governor Cuomo is saying 25 of people have had it in new york city. Do these numbers seem right to you . Do you think were looking at a world where in major metropolitan areas, whether stockholm or new york, that youre looking at 30 . And i ask this in the context herd immunity could start as low as 50 . I think that these are different pieces of the puzzle and theyre coming in at a fast pace and this is great news. They seem to be pretty consistent with each other. And, of course, the ascertainment problem is different depending on how much testing has been done in each area. Santa clara probably has had less testing compared to new york, so probably we have a larger iceberg that was not visible compared to new york. But even new york has a very large iceberg that is being revealed now. Its hard to say what is the exact percentage that you need to get herd immunity. Mark has done fabulous work trying to elucidate the problem. The percentages may vary. I think we need to track that theory carefully and we need to see how different locations perform, how these numbers change over time as the epidemic, first epidemic wave is maturing. So, mark, what is your view on this . Do you think the numbers are reasonable . You look at new york like Governor Cuomo says, its 25 . Do you think its reasonable to say herd immunity could be 50 , therefore as you relax social distancing, youre halfway there in terms of your exposure. There is a way to look at this as a positive. Does that logic add up to you at all . Every person who has been infected and has antibodies and has not had a bad outcome is a positive. So in that sense yes. I think there are a few things to consider. One is probably herd immunity threshold, the point at which the virus cant spread is probably a little higher than 50 , 06 or 70. We dont know yet. The other issue is its really important to go from these sort of convenience sample studies which is what everybodys doing at this point, for good reason. Its the easiest thing to do where you look at someone on street corners or at a drivethru place and move beyond that to random real random sampling. For example, the new york city ones were done in super markets. A person in a super market is probably more likely to be exposed to coronavirus than somebody who is sitting at home sheltering in place. So we need to be very cautious about the sampling and that will give us better answers. Thats a very fair point. Dr. Ionedes, before we go, you early on said it was possible this coronavirus would end up with a death rate at the end that was less than that of the flu. In part because more people had it than we knew about. But as more data has come in and as we see 56,000 people dying in the past month and in major metro areas outpacing cancer or heart disease, do you still think that it is possible that the death rate could be less than that of the flu . So, my guess at the early stage based on practically very unreliable data was that it could be anywhere from 0. 05 up to 1 . That was my most plausible guess that i had suggested. The data suggest that we will get numbers within that range, from the lower bound to the upper bound. The infection fatality rate is not like a constant, like the gravitational constant of g. It will be different if you have a population that has Excellent Health care, the hospitals do not crash, you have young population, very few people who are disadvantaged and very sick and elderly. You protect your Nursing Homes and people get infection. Conversely, if you go to new york, if you go to queens, hospitals got overwhelmed. You have lots of infection. New york had lots of Nursing Homes that were massacres of lots of deaths happening there. Youre likely to have a much higher infection fatality rate. So its not a constant value. Its up to us to navigate the waters and try to make it as low as possible if we just have very young people infected, it would be less than the flu. Sarcomial infection in elderly homes, it would be a disaster. Thank you very much. I appreciate both of you taking the time again. Thank you. And next, 60 of job losses in february and march in this country were women. Why the shutdown is hitting women hardest. Plus President Trump says he knows about kim jonguns Health Status, but he wont say what it is. Were finally back out in our yard, but so are they. Scotts turf builder triple action. It kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds so grass can thrive, guaranteed. Our backyard is back. This is a scotts yard. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. 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So, when the pandemic started, we noticed that there was a high incidence of covid in patients presenting with stroke. We noticed also that there were a lot of young patients with no risk factors. So as you said, 40 of the patients were under 50 years old, and overall, 50 of all the patients in the study did not have any risk factors for stroke. We also noticed that the pattern of the clots were different and there were sometimes multiple vessels involved. The clots were on both sides, arterial and venous sides. When you said they didnt have underlying conditions leading toward strokes, these are the very same people who were told have very minimal risk for coronavirus. Did any of them have Underlying Health conditions that may have been a factor, aside from coronavirus . No, those young patients did not have any other risk factors, no risk factors for stroke. And 50 of the patients presented didnt know that they had the coronavirus. So stroke was the first symptom of coronavirus in those patients. Wow. So what youre saying is that they may have i mean, would you go so far as to say they were asymptomatic or they had some symptom, asymptomatic until the point they had something indicating a brain clot . Exactly. The majority of them, they werent symptomatic until they developed the stroke symptom. And what we noticed also, that some of the patients are coming late. And this is really important because patients are scared of going to the hospitals and thats why we have a small window, a short window to be able to help those patients and to intervene. So any patient with any stroke symptoms, they need to call 911 right away or they need to present to the emergency room. And especially young patients that are confined at home with a diagnosis of covid, those patients specifically, if they have any stroke symptoms, they need to call 911. So, you know, we hear this and we hear now youre saying someone can appear to be asymptomatic and the first sign would be a stroke itself and this can happen in young patients. As we are also finding out, possible brain impacts from the virus. Obviously we learned about smell and we learned about taste, nerve damage, kidney damage. Does it just does it shock you that this virus could be causing such widespread damage within the human body . Yes, i think there are a lot of things that we dont know yet. And at this point we need to keep our eyes open. And if we see any trends or anything unusual, we need to report it. We need to investigate it. So we can see a lot of things, i think. What has happened to some of these patients in terms of their ability to recover from these strokes . So, those patients unfortunately 50 mortality in those patients with strokes. So in general, the mortality after a stroke intervention is around 10 . But in those patients it was 50 . Despite the fact that we were able to retrieve the clot and open the vessel, those patients ended up dying either from multiple organ failure or the lung injuries they had, and some of them ended up having strokes elsewhere. All right. Dr. Jabour, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. And i hope people can be aware to make sure they are aware of every possible thing that can happen here so they can do the best they can to get medical care as quickly as possible. Thank you, sir. Thank you for having me. And also tonight, the president s Economic Advisor kevin hasset says the United States could see unemployment numbers like the ones during the Great Depression where, of course, unemployment peaked at 25 . And that unemployment so far is hitting women particularly hard. Women, in fact, account for 60 of the job losses over the past two months. Young law is out front. Reporter this is charlottesville mains Small Business. Seven days a week 7 00 until dawn. We were on the verge of something great. Reporter single mom, owner of popped fresh was catering awards shows and movie premieres weeks ago. How long can you keep going . Really not much longer. Its so disheartening because i thought this was going to be something i had for a long time. Starting all over again will be tough, you know. Thats a lot of people to compete for jobs with. Reporter 26. 5 million now out of work, especially hard hit women. 60 of job losses in february and march were women, exceeding men in nearly every sector of the economy. Coronavirus gutting retail and Leisure Hospitality where women make up the bulk of those job losses. And women own just under half of all american Small Businesses where the initial blow of the virus shutdown has been felt the most. I mean, its life or death for us. Reporter latrisha left a lucrative korm sales in radio to follow her passion, fitness. Opening a heart pumping studio vibe ride. She hasnt been approved for the Small Business loan from the federal government. The married mother of a young child watches numbers in her state get worse. This week a quarter of michigans work force has filed for unemployment. Its just a day to day, hour to hour thing. Ive had so many highs and lows. But i refuse to be a victim in this. I have to believe that we will survive this. Do i know how . Not today. Target, pose. Nice. Reporter not knowing whats common among so many Business Owners of this crisis, summer davis, mother of two. I might be in shock. We literally have no income. Reporter davis owns a los angeles and International Touring company. Demand has evaporated as travel ground to a halt. I even thought, should i sign up to be a delivery driver, you know, should i work at the grocery store. Reporter she is now joining more than 3 million californians. This is the unemployment application for sole proprietors. Reporter filing for unemployment for the first time in her life. There it goes. Reporter so what might happen to these womenowned businesses . Well, if you look at recent history, in the 2008 financial crisis, women and businesses owned by people of color were more likely to fail than businesses but in the recovery, in the immediate years after that 2008 crisis, erin, theyre the ones who led the recovery adding in 1. 8 million jobs. Erin . All right. Thank you very much, kyung. Outfront next, President Trump just added to the mystery over kim jongun and whether hes alive or not or something in between. Plus, jeanne moos on how a nation is paying tribute to the men and women on the front line. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. Find yours at letsmakeaplan. Org. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. When bugs move in we stress out and spray. And spray. And spray. Well, we used to. With new ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier, one simple application kills and prevents bugs in your home for up to a year without odors, stains or fuss. Its the modern way to keep bugs away. New ortho home defense max. Bugs gone. Stress gone. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Breaking news. President trump revealing tonight he knows about the health of kim jongun. The north korean dictator udict course, hasnt been seen in weeks. Didnt show up at the crucial anniversary for his grandfather and cnn learned u. S. Is monitoring intelligence kim is in grave condition after his surgery. Heres what trump said tonight adding to the speculation. I hope hes fine. I do know how hes doing. Relatively speaking. We will see, youll probably be hearing it in the not too distant future. He didnt say anything last saturday. Did kim nobody knows where he is. So he obviously couldnt have said it. Kylie atwood is outfront for us. The president is doing his part to deepen the mystery. Theres a lot of mystery on kim jongun, whether hes alive or or and in what condition. Yeah, the bottom line here, erin, is President Trump did not actually provide any clarity today when he spoke about the Health Status of kim jongun. Now, as we have reported at cnn, the u. S. Is monitoring intelligence as of last week that kim jongun may be in grave danger after undergoing a surgery. And President Trump said today that he does know the Health Status of kim jongun relatively speaking and that that terminology is actually quite key even though its not very descriptive because there are many layers of intelligence that to get to the truth here and the u. S. Isnt monitoring some intelligence, but it doesnt necessarily tell the whole picture. We have south korea saying theres nothing to indicate that kim jongun is not, indeed, in fine medical condition. The other thing that President Trump said when he spoke today is that we may find out in the not too distant future about the status of kim jongun, now, obviously, he didnt put a timeline on what he meant when he said the not too distant future but it does indicate that he does have a reason to believe that we are going to find the answers to these many questions about kim jonguns health sooner rather than later. Erin . All right, kylie, thank you very much. And now to the front lines and those fighting the coronavirus fight. Heres jeanne. Reporter tributes to Health Care Workers have sprouted like spring flowers from lawn signs to celebrityled singalongs. Lets sing our song. Reporter Tony Bennetts statue is even masked these days. As san franciscans paid tribute to front line workers. Heart in San Francisco reporter but theres another location where the tributes are more concentrated, where images are shared of medical workers with angels wings grouped among other masked superheroes. Photoshopped with an added cape. Courageisbeautiful bubbled up when dove soap made it its tagline in a video that went viral. Showing the marks made by the protective gear medical workers wear. Dove donated some 2 million to the cause and paid to promote the hashtag. Now relatives of front line workers are adding their own images. My daughter, my beautiful niece, my cousin, icu nurse in indy praying before shift with no n95 masks. Tributes shared from a shared montage of exhausted Health Care Workers to this sand sculpture of a medical worker holding the world in her hands, created by a new jersey couple, john goudy has won prizes in sand sculpting competitions, but those cant compete with the emotion that went into this one. New orleans artist Terence Osborn didnt know his painting front line had been shared on courageisbeautiful. Ill take it. Mine, thats nice, of course, thats what its about. So the piece is a nod to the rosie the riveter piece, you know the piece from world war ii. Reporter though rosie didnt face the dangers medical personnel do. The next time you hear god bless my home reporter leave a piece of it for those who wear their mask in marks even when they take it off. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. And thanks very much to jeanne and thanks to all of you for joining us. Cuomo prime time star start r now. I dont usually get to hand it off to you, chris, but im so glad youre doing better. Take it away. What a pleasure. I loved watching you here at home. Youre doing great job, erin. Appreciate it. Im chris cuomo. Welcome to prime time. Finally, finally, the white house is saying that it asked states what do they need to get testing right so we can reopen safely . Two months in it took them to ask this rudimentary question. So now here we are at step one. Planning to get on the same page about testing. Trump and pence celebrating, telling you to be proud of this miraculous moment. Lets think news and all the trump applaud. This show is about the reality. We have a governor tonight who is on that call with the truth of how we got here and where

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