Means and what it will do in terms of dividing or excluding and king is is big because his part of the party is fundamental. Ask him why he hasnt deleted thretweet. Well be watching. Thanks very much. Cuomo prime time later tonight. 9 00 p. M. Eastern only here on cnn. Thats it for me. Thanks for watching. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Next, trumps victory lap. Whats next after his Major Supreme Court win today. And can democrats do anything to stop him . Senator booker is outfront. Plus, House Speaker demands an apology from Maxine Waters. Its amazing how lacking any such demand has ever been from the speak whern it comes to the president and the president calls it a crisis on the southern border. One border town mayor though says its anything but and that mayor is is our guest. Lets go outfront. Tonight, trumps travel ban. Secelebrating the Supreme Court decision to uphold his third version of the travel ban. Tremendous success for the American People. And for our constitution. This is a great victory for our constitution. The division was a Twided One Wurk the president was on the the winning side. Getting a promise into law. We were having problems with muslims coming into the country. We have to look at the muslims and do something. We must find out what is going on. All right, measured by that, this ban is not what the president promised. Its not a full muslim ban. As he so infamously promised. It applies to just five countries. But it is still described by its detractors as big religion ban. No amount of Disguise Iing can remains an atoemt ban people based on their faith and when this third version was reloueas, a tweet, a ban was released and were not fooled. Well, a third try was the charm because trump got his ban and tonight, hes trying to take this big victory a step further and do it fast. Second after taking his victory lap, he aimed for his next big agenda item as a win. We started the wall. Were spending a lot of energy and a lot of time and started up in san diego and other places. Its under construction now. Zpl. The wall. Perhaps the president s single Biggest Campaign ise. And now he is set on it going into the win column. Because after all, if you heard anything more than a wall, you heard about how the president loves winning. Were winning. Were winning like nobodys won before. Let me take a guess. Youre still not tired winning. Winning is such a great feeling. Isnt it a great feeling . Were really winning. We know how to win. America is winning again. And when it comes to devicive issues, trump is talking up some big wins right now. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get the son of a bitch off the field, hes fired. The nfl cannot disrespect our country. They cannot disrespect our flag or our national anthem. In my opinion, nfl has to change. Or you know whats going to happen . Their business is going to go to hell. He won. The nfl caved. Mr. Ronger goodell announcing quote, all team league personal shall stand and show respect for the flag and anthem so, the rules have changed the president won and when comes to russia, the president has intensifieded his assault on robert mueller. Witch hunt. Witch hunt. Your witch hunt. Witch hunt. Witch hunt. Phony witch hunt. The president s attacks on mueller have surged. The word witch hunt has Surmged Asurged and its gone in step with the Public Opinion of mueller going the other direction. The percentage of american who is approve of muellers handling of the veinvestigation is no41 . 44 in may and 48 in march. The president is not stopping. Hes trying to turn his biggest promise into another win. Were building a wall. The fwraet border wall. Wing e were going to build a wall. Well have a wall. It will be a great wall. And today, he is even more. With this win, he wants more money for the wall. We have 1. 6 million, but were going to ask for an increase in Wall Spending so we can finish it. Quick quicker. The president seen today as a huge victory and though the band was not his original one, it is his ban and he did win. He did. Theres a sense of vindication here in the white house. You heard the president going after his perceived critics. Theyve been covering this all wrong, but he was relishing what he saw as his victory today even though this is the same third Vir Vegas Of That Travel Ban the president said was watered down. He criticized the justice department for changing that ban, narrowing it a little bit so it would have legal muster, which is why it was upheld today. Now the president focusing on this as a viktdry, saying it justifies his hard line immigration tactics. What we should work toward now is how this propels the president going forward. If it affects his policies on the u. S. Mexico border, but for now, the right . When he gave his opening remarks today, you know, celebrating this victory, he said im going to ask for an increase in Wall Spending. His words, quote, so we can finish it quicker. Is he going to get it eventually and are you guys going to have to pay it . Not if i have anything to do with it. I dont care whether its defending religious freedom. Whether its defending what i consider moral vandalism, which is not just a humanizing and taking away the dignity of people trying to cross in the our country, but assaulting of her americans. Ly fight him in every way possible. When you talk about standing up for what you believe in, to the president and fighting, there are others trying to do that, but people are doing it in different ways. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, you know what she said. She called for The Public Con Fron tag of anyone who works for the president. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at gasoline station, you get up and say to the crowd and push back. Responded to waters by say iing the chairman his quote was this is who she is and this is who she will always be and our country is better because of it. Where do you stand on this . It not american to call for it or is our country berth because of snit. Look you know, i dedicate my life to living a certain way. My heroes are people like Martin Luther king and gandhi. Some of the most ferocious fighters, for those being oppressed and for the highest e ideal,ch is love. We need to create a more Beloved Community and i think often what we say about others or treat others says more b about us than those people themselves so my purpose here to get us back to being a country which sees each others dignity, which affirms the best in who we are. It didnt shy away at all from standing strong and fighting the hard fight for our values and our ideals, but at the same time, we have to be a country that can still find common ground. Still find points of agreement. Everyone seems to be playing to their bases and trump seized on this. The emails come out. Specifically mentioning what waters said. A Virginia Restaurant Asking Sanders to leave. They are laid out specifically. It is helping the president raise money. Are all of these things just playing into his hands in the sort of spiral to the bottom were all witnessing . Well first of all, hypocrisy, these are folks that were trying to allow for a big owner to deny someone the ability to come and buy cakes because of they were gay. I watched on tv, i wasnt a senator yet during a State Of The Union speech President Obama was heckled. Talk about disrespecting someone in one of the more important moments of america where millions of nonamericans are watching us. You assault the presidency, not to mention the president. None of these folks were calling for a sennture or a person o step down. This has to be a time where all of us, not just people in office, have to decide how were going to conduct ourselves. I do not believe we as a country can drive out Darkness With darkness. That we have to be light workers in this time. Doesnt mean we dont protest or dont stand up. Stand strong, but god bless america. We need some patriotism, love of our country, more now than ever. Thank you for your time. Thank you. And next, paul ryan, hes calling on Maxine Waters to apologize, but why didnt he f do that for the president . President trumps description of the southern border today. Crisis of illegal immigration. Illegal Immigration Crisis on the southern border. We inherited a full fledged border crisis. One border town mayor outfront saying crisis is absolutely the wrong word. A Breaking News. Polls are closing in several states. Its a big primary night. Could a convicted felon and former republican president ial nominee make big comebacks tonight . Thats why she wears dr. Scholls orthotics. Theyre clinically proven to relieve pain and give you the comfort to move more. Dr. Scholls, born to move. Forward Benjamin Franklin Capturedkey Lightening in a bottle. Over 260 years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, were not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, were storing it. As the nations leader in energy storage, were ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it. This is our era. This is Americas Energy era. Nextera energy. Let with one a day womens. A complete multivitamin specially formulated with key Nutrients Plus vitamin d for bone health support. Your one a day is showing. Look for new one a day womens with natures medley. Rewards me basically aeverywhere. Om so why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite . Or wearing a fullbody wetsuit at this spa retreat . Or sliding into this ski lodge with my mini horse kevin . Because hotels. Com lets me do me, right . Sorry, the cold makes him a little horse. Hotels. Com. You do you and get rewarded. Youre wearing a hat. Thats funny. Paul ryan is calling on Maxine Waters to apologize. The president who mocked her what he says is a low iq, this after she called for protests against members of the Trump Administration. Theres no place for this. She obviously should apologize. When we in this democracy are suggesting that because we disagree with people on political views, on policy views, on philosophical views that we should result to violence and harassment and intimidation, thats dangerous for our society, for our democracy. She should apologize and theres just no place for that in our public discourse. Of course he has never said any such thing about the president himself. Waters is not taking ryans bait. Shes actually refused thus far to respond to him. Now, steve cortez, member of the president s 2020 reelected Advisory Council and angela rye. Angela, paul ryan says waters should apoll swriz. Based on what she did, what she said, is he right . Absolutely not. If anyones offering apologieap it should be paul ryan for failed leadership for not step dou downsooner, for bringing the Immigration Bill to the bail, which failed because its a horrible piece of legislation. Its devicive. He should apologize for not engaging democrats in strategy to ensure that pieces of legislation that are compromised upon are actually brought to the house store. There are a number of things he can apologize for including not being courageous enough to take on donald trump during the campaign so we didnt have to deal with this nightmare right now. The only person out of the two people you mentioned who should be offering an apology is speaking paul ryan himself. Steve . This might surprise you, i agree that he should apologize, but for different reasons. For being an incredibly ineffective speaker who sold out to lobbyists and has the support of the president s agenda, but regarding waters and the question here, the real question. Should she not only apologize, she should resign. Shes a disgrace to her office. Not at all. She called on Peel Who Support President Trump to be hounded and chased out of the the Public Square. That is a opposite of what weve ever stood for in america and heres more important point, erin, really, i think waters is so ridiculous that she can almost be discounted and written off, but there are a loft respectable people out there echoing her sentiments. People like Donny Deutsch on msnbc. Elise jordan on nbc who said if you vote for President Trump, youre a nazi and the social shunning of Sarah Sanders family was okay. So its not just waters who quitely is crazy, a lot of those who are supposedly respectable who are also voicing, im very much disrespecting her, who are voicing these now that were this this world where its fine to just personally malign people, but thats the world were in. Steve part of the reason were in this world is because of the man you come on here and defepd. If youre saying water should e resign, fine. And youre seeing the president should. Hillary wants to abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I love the old days, you know what they did to guys like that in a place like this, theyd be carried out on a stretch e, folks. If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them. So, steve tstion is, how can you say she should resign, but not he. How can paul ryan say she should apologize, but not he. Him, sorry. I dont support Political Violence of any stripe. I wish the president hadnt said those things. I think it was a mistake. To my knowledge, he hasnt said anything like that as president. What about the tweet to waters . Theres a big difference, when somebody shows up at a trump event and causes a problem, theres a big difference if saying they should be treated imploitly versus saying lets go out into the Public Square and hunt down people who support the president and lets make them unwelcome. Lets make them not be able the get gas, to get food. To participate in american life. That is a crucial difference. Angela. Yes, i think the big difference is what regularly happens to congresswoman waters because her words are so pow powerful and for whatever reason, the republicans and apparently, some democrats are threatened by her power and her courage, her words are not only taken out of context, shes misquoted. There was nothing about hounding people. The things she said, i have it written down, theyre going to harass them. Shes talk iing about what peop will do. She also said create a crowd and push back on them. That is what shes always been about. Angela, shes been called out by Jackie Speier and Chuck Schumer. Shes going to be the first ever Press Secretary to get full time Secret Service protection. Sarah sanders is going to be. Does that bother you were in this place . What bothers, erin, is is that people regularly take her comments out of context. She has clarified that shes been abundantly clear about what shes calling for. She is asking for Trump Administration officials to be held accountable for what theyre doing. This isnt about some simple policy or political difference, erin. This is about people who are separating families more than 2300 children at this point with no plan to reunite them. This is about policies like the muslim ban that was just upheld in the Supreme Court today. Im not done. I did not interrupt you. Let me finish. My point is is very simple. I demand that people stop requiring congresswoman waters to be to behave in one way while others can do something else. N nancy pelosi says Lets Make America Beautiful again. Steve, at the beginning of this program, said this isnt america. What america are you talking about . Childish gambino told you what america is and what it looks like some f us see a very different america. The fact that Chuck Schumer called what a black woman said unamerican is problematic and this is the reason why democr democrat it has everything to do with the fact this black woman is is intimidating to some people who cant handle the truth. It has everything to do with it. It has nothing to do with thats what you wish for, max. Donald trump responded to that. Come on, erin, theres time an time again we can look at trumps tweets. Hes intimidated my frick edric wilson, it has everything to do is race and thats why i schumers comments deplorable and offensivoffensive. What america are you talking about . This is the america of lynch mobs, too. She didnt call for violence. Trump did. Steve, the last word. As a hispanic and minority, i will adonald trump not only has our best interest at heart, but has absolutely zero, zero semblance of racism in his heart. The idea we dont fight, if the fikt is about policy, which id like it to be, the way we fight on policy is through words, persuasion, not mob rule. Thuggery. Thats what weve seen. Particularly women who support donald trump, which i find interesting. A lot of thuggery, where people show up, intimidate, harass, menace. Thats not persuasion. Lets negotiate in the Public Square our words. Something we tell little children. Dont lash out. Use your words. Start off steve, Would You Ak No Knowledge the president not ending a tweet to waters saying she had a low iq. About the thuggest thing to do. Its a downward spiral. She accused the cia of starting the Crack Epidemic in the 1991 0i9s. The truth hurts. Do you just try to defend he just tried to defend it and used the word thuggery three times. Thuggery. Like where are we . All right. I want to move on. The First Lady Melania Trump about to take another trip to the border. The mayor of brownsville, texas is outfront. The mayor rules against Paul Manafort again. Is the president s former Campaign Chairman now out of options . Theres little rest for a single dad, and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. s a pill that treats s differy. 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We inherited a full fledged border crisis. A border crisis. Is the worst its ever been. Now, tony martinez, the democratic mayor of brownsville, texas, which is home to ten facilities for children acce separated from their parents. You heard the president. Right, specifically. And repeatedly saying this is a crisis, the worst its ever been. Youve been mayor in brownsville for eight years. Do you agree with that assessment . Crisis . You know, i cant agree with that at all. I think some of you have asked me to speak out and basically what we have is a crisis thats being manufactured through words and its totallyive lived here close to eight years and our streets are safe. Our community is moving along as it should be. We have a lot of Great Projects going oond none of us are fearful of our lives. Because of this immigration situation. These immigrants are coming over here turning themselves in. Because theyre fleeing for their lives. I mean i think its a bit insidious to say the things theyre saying, but you know, the discourse going on and the conversation thats going on is is very troubling for mayors across the nation. Im curious though, mayor martinez. According to dhs, more than 50,000 people were arrested crossing the southern border. And that was just last month, so when you compare that to may of the year before, its an increase of 160 ch theyre getting close to a tripling in just one year. Its the third month running weve seen more than 50,000 arresteds at the boarder. When you see numbers like that, it can sound like a crisis to a whole lot of people watching. Why is that wrong . Well, the reason its wrong is because theyre coming over here not as might be indicated by the language and rhetoric theyre using to seem like theyre coming over here in droves to try to fig your out how to get in some gangs or cartels et cetera. Most of these people are running away from the cartels and most are from central america. Weve had this issue for a long time and weve tried to deal with it. Unfortunately, politically, its been unable to be solved and addressed and i think the American People should know that. Ive talked to you know people from honduras, from guatemala, el salvador and quite frankly, theyre fleeing for their lives. Theyre going to die whe theyre at or die trying. Last thursday, Melania Trump went to texas and spent an hour meeting with staff and children at a shelter. A spokeswoman said shes going to come back for a second trip this week. Down to the texas mexico border. Are her visits help fful . Yeah you know, i welcome anybody to come take a look at it. Weve been down here with paul ryan and weve had senator cruz and Senator Cornyn and most of the people that weve spoken to really it doesnt really move the needle. I dont know why not. Because it really does break your heart when you see Whats Going On down here. And i think we need a problem and we need a solution and thats the problem that we have. Is that nobody, everybody wants to talk loudly and over each other, but nobody wants to tuck about what we need to do and thats what we as mayors do in our cities. We have to have a solution for our problems. Well, mayor martinez, i appreciate your time. I want to go now to mark preston. Interesting, crisis is not the word. Right. Not denying the numbers. The numbers are numbers. But saying he thinks crisis is being manufactured by r words. This is something weve seen since 2015. Since President Trump or then donald trump was a candidate. Just stop and just take in what we saw from the mayor there. Very calm and collected. Somebody on the front lines explaining the situation. Not the hyperbole were seeing in washington. Not the attacks just because someones a democrat or a republican. Somebody who has to deal with it day in and day out. Yet when we come back to the in your opinions, what caused this embroilio, the especially ration of families at the border, when are they going to be reunited . Obviously theres not a cloer and easy path to that. Right and the president hasnt shown us a clear and easy path. He has muddied the waters with his rhetoric, Which Dont Match his actions and what we hear from his administration. So i dont think we have an answer. Quite frankly, we do not have an answer. The last thing we heard from the doj was they were going to stay in deteng if they could keep them until everything was processed with their parents and their parents were deported back an they would be connected back up again. Clearly not a good situation. Easier said than done. Then you have a real time clock ticking. Thank you very much. Next, Breaking News Losie Ining Last Ditch attempt stop mueller. And President Trump calling out Harley Davidson. Call out their bluff. Is he in the right on this one . We are at Harley Davidson headquarters tonight. Dependability award for its midsize carthe chevy malibu. I forgot. Chevy also won a j. D. Power Dependability Award for its lightduty truck the chevy silverado. Oh, and since the Chevy Equinox And Traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j. D. Power Dependability Award across cars, trucks and suvsthree years in a row. Phew. Third times the charm. For my constipation, my doctor recommended i switch to miralax. Stulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. Now available in convenient singleserve mixin pax. your heart doesnt only belong to you. Child bye, grandpa and if you have Heart Failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. 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[ sighs ] Louise Dustmann [ ding ] brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. When will it end . [ ding ] not today, ron. Quote, you dont really care about mr. Manaforts bank fraud. You really care about getting information that mr. Manafort can give you that can reflect on President Trump and lead to his impeachment. So this appears to be b a big turn around. Sarah, what does this mean for Paul Manafort now . Well it basically means hes goeng to be preparing now for two trials. One in virginia and one in washington, d. C. As we saw today, this was a judge who said the most sympathetic things to Paul Manafort and towards his play out of any of these motions hes made to get these charges and trials dismissed and that did not work in virginia. I think one of the things that was telling was that it was warranted for the counsel to be looking into this work Paul Manafort had been doing for ukrainian politicians. Thats something the government said was well worth looking into to see if that could have tied to the question of whether there was collusion between trump campaign officials and russians. Those arent the charges Paul Manafort tis facing. Hes facing charges relating to foreign lobbying. The oh thing the judge said, people could be looking at this, at the notion that the Special Counsel is using this investigation as a political weapon. We saw a judge who was very cognizant of how public sentiment could be playing into this. The judge decided to allow this trial to move forward, but it gives you a sense of the environment were in and the environment that frankly Paul Manafort has been hoping to capitalize on by making all of these claims that the Special Counsel is acting outside of his mandate. But for manafort, who is in jail, this is yet another blow. Of course been in jail now for many days and has not yet cave d to the pressure. At least that we know of. Now former counsel to the u. S. Assistant attorney general,carey. Last month, this was a big story. The judge questioned whether manafort was trying overstep. Ellis said i dont see what relationship this has with anything the Special Counsel is authorized to investigate. Its unlikely youre going persuade me. The Special Counsel has unfettered power to do what he wants. They basically said give us the memo. What are you allowed to do and they gave it to him. Judge rules against manafort. What does that say . Well, the judges consideration of this issue was the same consideration that a judge in the district of columbia also gave because Manafort Hadged the same Special Counsel regulations in the district of columbia. And his conclusion came out the same as the district of columbia judge. He found that on the actual merits of manaforts claim that the prosecution is squarely within the Special Counsel regulations. That looking into matters that might arise from the russia investigation is appropriate prosecutorial behavior and so he did not find any grounds on which to stop the case at this point. He also similar d. C. Judge, said that theegulations themselves Dont Confer Rights on the defendant. So both of those were consistent with the District Court junl. What was different about this opinion from judge ellis in virginia was that judge ellis has a deep skepticism of the powers of Special Counsel as sarah was describing earlier and their predecessor. So, you know, sarahs talking about Paul Manafort, hes been in jail and i mean, so far, at least as we know, that has not caused him to cave, o turn to cop right, but u does a reeling like this today as to the pleasure for him to cooperate or say look, i could be look at The Rest Of My Life In Prison . Based on facing steep penalty, if he were to be found guilty, of his counsels choosing, he is fighting this case in two districts. That was manaforts Legal Counsel and his decision to want to per sewer this in two different venues. So he now, he does have to face trial in two different locations. Thats a burden. Thats difficult. Thats expensive, but he might take that risk. He still has the right to go to trial. And be tried and he can take that risk and he also does whats different about this situation is theres always that Pardon Possibility hanging out there because President Trump has expressed a willingness to use pardons and his lawyer has said that potentially he could do it at the end of f these cases, too. All right. Which of course makes him more likely to spend these nights as hes been spending them, in jail without cooperating. Next, President Trump going after Harley Davidson. Making threat against a company he once embraced. So we went to Harley Davidson today. And youll see what we heard. And Breaking News. Polls closing. Crucial contests in terms of the midterms. Tonight, big primaries and one of f the Big Questions whether a convicted felon is going to actually be able to go back to congress. Puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Can one Medicine Help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk . I asked my doctor. She told me about noninsulin victoza®. Victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. While not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. announcer victoza® is not for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing, or swallowing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. So stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. Tell your doctor your medical history. Gallbladder problems have happened in some people. Tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Chan the course of your treatment. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Tonight President Trump slammi slamming Harley Davidson. Here he is. I have been good to Harley Davidson and they use it as an excuse. I think the people that ride harley, are not happy with them. I wouldnt either. Long before tariffs announced hence they were just using tariff trade war as an excuse. Bill weir is out front. What is the truth . Reporter well, actually, the president seems to have kind of a thin grasp of what is happening if you judge it by the tweets. The true story is while i bought my Harley Davidson because i am from milwaukee, the truth is harleys are made in brazil, and india, and it is all about profit motive. Abou a mon after this company got a huge tax break, they still closed the plant in kansas city and moved the jobs to york, pennsylvania. But a net loss of jobs 350 or so. Might have convinced them they wouldnt need to open that plant in thailand. But the idea that tariffs and tough talk from the white house is going to stop globalization even for an iconic american brand, it is not happening. They are going ahead with this, and expressing anger at the tariffs too. What is interesting is trump loved Harley Davidson, obviously not someone who rode one, but nonetheless, a big fan. Scott walker has a Wonderful Company called harleydavidson in wisconsin. I was with Harley Davidson, a Great Company in wisconsin. Harley davidson makes great motorcycles. And in this administration, our allegiance is to american. It wasnt just a one off thing. It was again and again. Maybe he wasnt aware at the time. What is the reaction where you are to how the president is talking about harley now . Reporter well, an awful lot like the national polls. You will hear people who say this is insane. He picked a fight for no good reason. Here, other people say well, he is a Good Business man, he know what is he is doing. And other countries have been screwing us for years, and they buy into that narrative. Really until there are layoffs, will you see any change. Until they see it up close here as well, a lot of people are not having to choose their loyalty between Harley Davidson or donald trump. Bill weir, thank you very much. More Breaking News, Polls Closing in crucial primaries tonight. Former republican potential nominee on the ballot and a convicted felony. Polls closing at this moment. Opv lasts through heat. Through sweat. Coppertone. Proven to protect. And were committed to improving every ride. T to you starting with features designed to make it easy for your driver to find you. Taking the stress out of pickups. And were putting safety at the heart of everything we do. With a single tap, were giving you new ways to let loved ones know youre on your way. Uber has new leadership, a new vision and is moving in a new direction. Forward. And back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Breaking news, Polls Closing on another major primary election night. Voters in seven states casting ballots. Runoffs and primaries. Among those on the ballot a convicted felony, a former head of naacp just to name a few. And jason carol is out front. Reporter in new york, former u. S. Congressman Michael Grimm is fighting to get his job back. After being convicted of tax evasion, and also threatened a reporter asking about his finances. One the main reasons why i am running for congress is to forward President Trumps agenda and the pro american agenda. Reporter his opponent dan donovan get the endorsement. Trump tweeted there is no one bet tore represent the people of n. And staten island. Despite that tweet, donovan was one of 12 house members who voted against the gop tax plan. In utah mitt romney is vying for his comeback. The former republican nominee harshly criticized donald trump in the campaign but was considered for trumps secretary of state. I will stand with President Trump if the policies he is proposing is good for the state of utah, for other states in the nation. If he is saying something divisive, then i have obligation to speak out. And has my full support and endorsement. Trump tweeted. One top target, the president. As governor, i will confront trump when he attacks our values. Reporter also in maryland, ben carter. Take the reigns of power from them. Chelsea manning. Manning was convicted of stealing and disseminating thousands of documents and video to wikileaks. President obama commuted his sentence in january of last year. When you go through all of those, incredible how many people and fascinating race that you have. Michael grimm, how is he feeling about his chances tonight . Reporter i got off the phone with the campaign spokesperson

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