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Official close to the president is the subject of the investigation. Matt, this is a stunning new development. What else can you tell us about your reporting . Reporter it is. So last week we reported that a senior white house person was a significant person of interest in this investigation and today we can reveal that that person is Jared Kushner. Thats really important, of course, because theres almost no one closer to the president in the white house than him. Hes the president s soninlaw. Hes kind of the key person in interactions with foreign countries. So this is big news. I should clarify that were not saying that he is going to be charged with a crime. Were not saying he is the target of the investigation. Theyre certainly looking at paul manfort and mike flynn, too, but to put Jared Kushner up in that class of people who theyre interested in. To your point, this is somebody they are not alleging wrongdoing but they are investigate i investigating the person perhaps closest to the president. Thats right. Thats why we think that this is so significant, even that they cant allege significant wrongdoing, its important for the public to know this. And at this time youre talking about meetings with the Russian Ambassador, meetings with a russian bank. What other developments do you know of at this time link that Jared Kushner may have had with the russians that they are looking at . We know in april there was an event at the may flour that he was at and Sergey Kislyak was at. We dont know if they interacted at all. Im sure investigators are interested in that. What were focused on is the series of meeting in december april 2016. J ok. Then december 2016 is what theyre really scrutinizing now. Thats a meeting between kushner and the ambassador. Then curb her sends a top deputy. Later that month he meets with the head of a russian bank. We dont know what thats about. The white house has characterized these as routine. So matt, when you say hes being investigated because of the extent and nature of his interactions with the russian, what is the significance of that . To your point some of these meetings weve known about before. Kushner didnt disclose them originally but he did. Knowing about them, are they worth investigating . Yeah, thats right. I think the disclosure information is important. They werent disclosed in real time. They were disclosed later. His lawyer at the time suggested, well, this was an innocent oversight. He sought to clarify that but that speaks to the nature to have these meetings. Also, look, at the time in december, the Law Enforcement community, the Intelligence Community was aware of russian medaling in our election. There was talk of sanctions in the area and jared curb her is taking meetings around the russians. As i said before, look, hes part of the incoming administration. He has a right to be a part of the new president s foreign policy. I want to bring in others here to add to the discussion here about your breaking news, the former republican candidate Rick Santorum along with Communications Director for president obama, jan pfeiffer. Senator let me give you a chance to react. Matt is here from the Washington Post with breaking news. Jared kushner is now that a focus in the investigation. My question is i dont understand yes, sirly why that would be the indication. The russia investigation is to look at the russians influence and collaboration between the Trump Campaign and russia dont fit that bill rewell. The fact that someone in the Trump Transition Team is meeting from people from a foreign government, again, thats not an unusual thing in, and doesnt really raise eyebrows with me. The other meeting that was mentioned and the discussion i just listened to was in april. Were not even sure that they did meet. I guess my question is im not too sure i see a lot of meat there. Obviously, the fbi will look into everything. I dont see that necessarily as tying what the Jared Kushner in any kind of collusion with the russians during the campaign. Matt, let me give ah chance to respond. Youre talking about multiple meetings, in december of high interest but also last year. Thats right. And i want to be clear that im not here alleging that jared curb her con fired with the fbi. What were reporting is this is a subject that they are interested in. Look, i think you would also have to look at this in context. Looking at the preelection meetings and the post election meetings. What theyre looking at is something that was carried over. Was there coordination and maybe Something Else afterwards. Of course, they would be interested in things on the campaign. What were talking about here. Right. Investigation to coordination to affect the election. We know theyre not just stopping their work there. Yes. And that is, i think, important, senator, right . I want to give a chance to give immediately the response from Jared Kushners lawyer came out with a response talking about some of these meetings saying mr. Curb her volunteered to share what he knows about these meetings. He will do so if asked in any other venue. Dan, how significant is this news, Jared Kushner under investigation talking about the fbi. Look. We dont know as matt pointed out what this means for Jared Kushner did. The person closer to the president , the more debilitating the investigation is. We have to wait for the investigation to play out to see who did what. The fact that they were zoning in other than ie advantage avenue is closest to donald trump. These meetings may be routine. We dont know. But it is not routine that Jared Kushner failed to disclose that, much like Michael Flynn failed to disclose. Senator santorum i would imagine you would concede that this is not good news. No, its certainly not good news that somebody close to the president , related to the president is under investigation. But looking at the substance of what they seem to be looking into doesnt necessarily concern me as much. If those meetings were taking place before the election i would be much more concerned about what was being discussed at that time but again he had a role in the transition. As you see, he has a prominent role in foreign afargs and National Security. That doesnt raise suspicion in my mind. Well figure out what it is. Im curious, though, from your point of view especially now that theres a special counsel on this. Originally its looking at medaling by the russians and possible collusion. Its clear that thats going to bleed into was there direct efforts that were allowed by close members to drumpl that actually influenced policy. In that context these meetings could be very important. Well, again, the Transition Team is going to talk to other firms outside the government about a variety of Different Things and im sure the russians made their case about the sanctions and maybe had a year to do that. I dont necessarily see that as i mean, in two months theyre going to be making those decisions. So hearing those prior to being sworn in, i dont see as nieshl. Let me ask you, obviously, Jared Kushner had these meetings. We knew about that. But now were finding outs he is the subject of the investigation. Isnt that definition snal. I think thats one thing that they have to scrutinize. Jamie grillic, you brought up her statement earlier. He has not talked to them. He is also willing to talk to senate investigators. He has not done that yet. This early december meeting with kislyak involves mike flynn. Mike flynn later has a conversation with kislyak over the phone, hides that fact from even the vice president. I think the fbi sees a lot of smoke there and wonders whats going on. What were reporting told is that the fbi were interested in that. Dan, what is the significance in the fact that there are sources telling the Washington Post, jarld kushner is now focused on in the russia investigation, specifically putting a name to it, or not just someone close to the white house. Now hes got a name. Well, i think its going to force the Trump Administration to change their strategy. To date theyve decide to push offer the other people who have been indicated, also its carter page, who they said had a very small role in the fam pain or even paul manfort who sean spicer and the white house tried to suggest that he had a brief role. You cant run and hide from this. They are going to be forced to answer these questions about the investigation into kushner, what are the substance of the meetings, are there other things he was involved in. Some of the questions are on obstruction of justice, about firing jim comey. All those questions are questions the white house have to face every day. Its been a challenge for their simple daytoday governing in the white house. Given the significance of this develop, what about the speed . We reported that this investigation is intensifying, that they had planned in the coming weeks. Theyve already issued subpoenas. Wooech repo weve reported that they plan to seek interviews here. Robert mueller has just taken the thing over and i expect hell set the tone on this. Its hugely important. I think they recognize that and the speed at which they move will be right in line with how important this is. All right. Erin. Go ahead. The question you previously asked is whats the fbi doing here. And the fbi is leaking information, the tying someone close to the president , not really tying anything specifically. Even the reporter, you know, suggesting they really dont know what theyre doing but they are doing something very deliberate here. Theyre leaking information about someone close to the president being under investigation. In you look at the series of leaks thats come out, theyre trying to target and destabilize this president. It will have an impact and it wont be a positive one. There is that question as to what the fbi is trying to do trying to impact this president. Its a sad point to make but i want to give you a chance to respond. You as the reporter, youre getting this information from a source. Its not the reporters fault. Its not the reporters fault. No, no. Im just trying to get matt to say what is the motivation of the person sharing this with you. Others are saying its to destabilize this president and his administration. What are your sources motive . I think the motive with a lot of these things is that the public deserves to know this, if a top advisor to the president is the focus of an investigation. You can decry leaks, you can say these are really bad people but these are people who the public deserves to know and so do i. Well, i agree with you as well as journalists. All right, we go to hakeem. Whats your reaction to this report . Theres a cloud of corruption that continues to hang over 1600 pennsylvania avenue. The more we learn, the worse it gets. Clearly, there was something that was not right in terms of russians interference with our election. Thats an established fact and the possibility of collusion between highlevel mechanics of the Trump Campaign and the russians. The question is what was exchange as a result of that cooperation . Refresh interference with the election by hacking into the clinton campaign, releasing emails, timing the release of those to gain the most impact. Was there quid pro quo. Right. Did the curb her meetings call into that category . That is the big question. As mad is saying, they arent saying what theyve discovered here. Theyre saying they are focussing on him and they want to know more. We know about meetings with the russian bank, we know multiple meetings with the Russian Ambassador. We know some of these things were not reported on that. Theyre saying they want to know more. He is a focus. When you take those two things together, what do you think the significance is of this tonight . Astheres an ongoing criminal investigation and clearly theres a lot of smoke here. The fbi is going through the process of determining whether there was fear but nobody else is closer to President Trump than ivanka. The attorney general, jeff segings, the former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn, all these individuals are extremely close to the. But in that group no one quotes jashd kushner and the fact that hes the focus of an investigation is incredible canably significant. This is the closest person to the president thus far and perhaps closer than even his daughter in that white house. In that interviewer you just saw he says theres been an intensification of the investigation. This is something weve talked about. Have you also seen that, that it is intensifying at this time . It appears that things have been intensifying. Thats one of the reasons the president has grown increasingly frustrated with the investigation. That may have even led to his abrupt, undemocratic and unamerican dismiflt of james comey. The hope that we wont see evidence of abuse of president ial authority and obstruction of justice as there is reason to believe that may have already occurred with the termination of james comey and others. Do you think at this midnight the president has tried to engage in obstruction of justice through what he did through the firing of james comey or is it possible that this is a president who is incredibly clueless about the way waesh works, felt there was nothing to the investigation. Is there any way that you would buy that explanation for what he did . I think the president is generally clueless but he is the president of the United States of america. Hes got experts all around him. Hes got people to advise him. It would be shocking for him to determine that terminating the fbi director who was leading an investigation that had turned criminal, it was clearly an erratic action. It may be the actions of a desperate man. The news, how significant do you think that is, that someone was willing to put that out there . Is that just someone whos angry or is this investigation hitsing a whole new level . It may indicate that there are Law Enforcement sources who are concerned that there may be an active investigation. Thats why theyre doing. Thats why they are providing this information to journalests who can take that story the american people. Thank you. Appreciate your time. Next, we have new developments with the comey memos tonight. Breaking news on the manchester terrorists. We know more about isis and how he was trained. Voters right now in mont, do they care that the man they may send to congress allegedly body slammed a reporter . R. It didnt affect the way that i voted. The power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. New clearminis from nexium 24hr. See heartburn differently. Not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. 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Reporter tonight the fbi is refusings to share with Congress Former director james comeys private memos about his meetings with President Trump. In a letter to House Oversight chairman jason chaffetz, they blame the new special Counsel Robert Mueller as well as other considerations. Chaffetz has set a new dead line to turn over the memos. He said he hopes theyll make the right decision. Im skeptical and want to see them ourselves. Director comey would not answer that question. He would not confirm where they are, what their presence if there is a presence of these documents. He would not say a word about that. The fbi decision is the latest example of the Russian Investigation stalling on capitol hill. Blamed in part on muellers new investigation. I think we have the exact same rights to proceed with mueller as special counsel as we had with rosenstein as acting attorney general and that we should take advantage of that. Clearly there are conflict issues that exist in either case. The Senate Judiciary Committee Said it wants any audio recordings that trump raised the prospect of when he tweeted james comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press. Cnn has learned the white house has yet to tell the Senate Committee if the tapes even exist. Witnesses, including former National Security advisor Michael Flynn have not turned over documents, leading to threats of subpoenas. Well keep pushing, frankly. Were going to work with our attorneys to be able to determine what are the parameters of where we can go and were going to try use every tool that we can to get to the facts. Senate Intel Committee chairman richard burr and Ranking Member mark warrener have blanket authority to issue speenz without the Committee Voting for them. Lawmakers with frustrated and theyre concerned the investigation will hamper their own proens. Now, someone whos been breaking major stories, matthew rose berg is out front. These memos at the core of all these investigations. Will we ever see them . You know, i imagine we will. Information spreads pretty quickly here and if Congress Says they want them, they will get them eventually. Will they get them through regular channels . I dont know. These things normally playle themselves out. You know, theres a real issue that i think congress is going to find in that if youre somebody being veblgted both bid a senate or a House Committee and by the fbi, the fbis the only one that can put you in jail and theyre probably the first people youre going to deal with and worry about a Congressional Committee who is looking to make policy descriptions. Obviously now learning about Jared Kushner a target of or focus of the investigation. Will this make a difference . They have been, i think we have all seen and every one of our viewers have seen incredibly slow and sclerotic at best. If they can get to the bottom of this and untangle all the web of all this stuff, sure, thats a great thing. If the wound is what i suspect it is which is how to deal with managing Public Relation in all of this, thats putting a bandaid on something thats far bigger than that. I guess it speaks to one of the challenges the Trump White House has had which is treating things as Public Relations issues. They knew for 18 days that the fbi and the Justice Department considered him a potential blackmail risk. Yet they only forced him out when tw it became public. Jared kushner as well, thats true of him. Then denied everything. They told us, no, no, no, we never met with anyone and it turns out they met the Russian Ambassador and a russian banker. He works for a bank that has deep ties to russian intelligence. The banker jared met with himself went to the russian intelligence academy. There are questions that if youre the fbi you want to look at. Absolutely. Major questions which, of course, to your point too often dealt with as a pr issue as opposed to something of deep substance that this country needs answers to. Thank you very much. Thank you. President trump muscling his way to the front. Why did he shove a Prime Minister and breaking news from montana. Could a man charged with assaulting a reporter just last night be elected to congress . Polls are ability to close any moment now. T out of you physica. From the moment i wake up on my tempurpedic mattress i feel like i am ready to take on the day. I dont have aches and pains from the previous days training and i feel like myself. I wake up feeling stronger. A better surfer. A better me. Now through june 11th, save 600 when you buy select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. But weve got the get tdigital tools to help. Now with xfinitys my account, you can figure things out easily, so you wont even have to call us. 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After calling for a moment of silence to remember the victims of the attack all people who cherish life must unite in finding, exposing and removing these killers and extremists. And yes, losers. They are losers. Reporter the president stuck it to nato, chastising member countries that he insists arent meeting their financial obligations. 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what theyre supposed to be paying for their defense. This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United States. The president was hardly feeling bashful throwing his weight around, pushing past the president of montenegro and participating in an extended power hand shape with macron. Great britain is furious that american Law Enforcement officials come out of the investigation. I will be making clear to President Trump today the intelligence that is shared between Law Enforcement agencies must remain secure. The president warned hell get to the bottom of the leak saying outside im asking the department of justice to launch a complete review of this matter and if appropriate, the cull plate should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps just as unsettling to nato members. One of the president s top advisors gary kohn told the president on air force 1 whether hes looking at dropping the charges. Thats at odds with what secretary of state Rex Tillerson has said. All right. Thank you very much jim acosta. In the context of this latest reporting from the Washington Post, jared curb her now a focus of investigation. Out front now Rick Santorum, dan phifer, dan let me give you a chance to respond to that. As jim is saying, maybe the sanctions could go away. Now we have this breaking news this hour that Jared Kushner is now a nouks in the russia investigation. Tough timing for this president. Le. Right. I think we dont know what the Russian Investigation is going to find. What we do know that the policy positions advocated by trump in the last couple of days are ones that make Vladimir Putin very happy. The sort of threatening nato saying youre not going to back up article 5, browbeating nato, our closest allies, these are the exact things Vladimir Putin wants the United States to do. So he is a big winner in this. Should the president have raised the prospects of lifting those sanctions with russia in any way . I dont agree with that. On the issue of browbeating our allies, that was something that he was very clear about during the campaign, since the campaign and is going to continue to be very clear about that everyone has to if an alliance is to be an Alliance People have to ante up to add to the collective security of the region. I know thats not popular. Im not sure the russians necessarily are pleased if donald trump accomplishes what he wants, which is to get more security dollars to be spent in the region. Part of this trip, though, is as you both snow well, right, its not so much about what he says. Its a lot about what he does and how he acts. On that note, senator santorum let me play the video of you again of the president pushing past the president of mont nag low. You see that. Then he pushes him to get in front of the 3ik9, Something Like that, and then adjusts his jacket. Senator, whats your reaction to that . I mean, i dont know what the situation is. Maybe he was told that hes supposed to be up in front. He was told to get in the front so he got in front. I dont know that we know what happened there. We see what happened there. There may be another story to that. I dont think its a big dealing, in short. We saw what happened. We may not know why he did the push but he did a push. Is there does context make a difference . Context should be made a difference. If hes told hes supposed to be in front of the picture, he has to get to the front of the picture. But the push the most dangerous place in donald trump was sitting between donald trump and a camera. He outrageous me ten times a day with incompetence and ma lef lens. It seems rude. Maybe theres a reason for it. We have bigger fish to fry here. Ill leave it on that note of agreement. Thank you. Out front, Montana Voters deciding who they will send to congress. Will they reelect the man whos accuse ch of r punchings a reporter. And new details about the terror attack tonight. And on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting. 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. Family surprise but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. Atmore than one flavor, oruch texture, or color. Ing. A good clean salad is so much more than green. 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Voters deciding whether a person accused of slamming a reporter should be in office. Speak with shane, please. But you im sick and tired of you guys. The last guy who came in here did the same thing. Get the hell out of here get the hell out of here this has some republicans rethinking their choice. B ch. Reporter calls into the elections office. A trickle of voers asking if they can legally change their vote after shocking audio surfaced of gianforta allegedly body slamming a reporter. How many calls do you think youd be getting about changing your photo if it werent for this . Probably not. We had that lastminute change last night. Holy cow, someone was that grif. They did not hold back their outrage. Its wrong. I think it shoetds his true human nature and we need to say no. Do you think its going to make a difference . I hope so. I think people on the fence, i hope its going to change their votes. But that may be Wishful Thinking in this reliably red state. I kind of have compassion on the guy. I know youre a nice reporter but not all of them are nice. Arent you worried about your congressman hitting somebody . Not really. I mean, a guy does one thing, that doesnt mean hes that way all the time, right . We spoke to roughly 75 people in twoel polling places in missouri. At this local church doubling as a polling place, one man had no sympathy for the press yelling at me and my team youre lucky someone doesnt pop one of you. Ben jacobs says he was body slammed after asking the candidate about the health care bill. Sick and tired of you guys the last guys that came in hire, you did the same thing. Get the hell out of here. Get the hell out of here. The last guy did the same thing. You with the guardian . Yes. You just broke my glasses. Gianforta said jacobs was asking badgering. He was told toe lower his recordings but the audio does not match that claim. Many wonder how this will impact a hotly contested special election. There is no time when a physical altercation should occur with the press or just between human beings. So that is wrong and it should not have happened. Gianforte is facing a misdemeanor assault charge. As far as his democratic challenger, were leer at his election watch party. Quist has declined comment. His Campaign Says he is waiting with his family, erin, as the polls close. Chaung very much. I want to go to jackie kucinich. Jackie, you know, look. Interesting a lot of voters is there saying theyre fine with it. No issue. Its not suddenly as if this will change a lot today. Many joking. Heres a quick clip. You know, we didnt handle course somebody slamming when we went to school. The left has precipitated this tense confrontational approach throughout the country in recent months. There is no time where a physical altercation should occur. I think he should apologize. Sort of all over the map there, jackie. One pern completely saying its the lefts fault. Fall ryan saying he should apologize. Paul ryan probably went the furthest in condemning it and saying he should apologize. You saw other members of Congress Sort of trickle in and follow suit throughout the day. But youre right. You didnt see anyone asking to step aside. The nrc chairman says everyone makes mistake. Its obviously more than a mistake. He didnt spell his name wrong on the ballot or something. He assaulted a reporter. This is not something that happens. You can think about books whatever you have want to think about the media. This is not what should happen inspect this country. The things is it has started happening and thats a huge problem. A couple of weeks ago here in d. C. We had a reporter from Congressional Quarterly which is a trade publication here in town get pushed against the wall by fcc cops. This is something that were seeing over and over again. Its not ok. The rhetoric needs to come down. Its up to elected representatives to help do that. Theyre there to be leaders and its time for them to leave. Thank you very much, jackie. Next, isis, the manchester suicide bomber, breaking details on his training and a larger network. Trumps new budget, truly a job killer or not . By one study wed lose 20,000 jobs in the fifth Congressional District. You know who likes to be in control . This guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. Im dr. Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. Theres nothing more than my vacation. Me so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. They offer free cancellation if my plans change. Visit booking. Com. Booking. Yeah. 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On the other hand, turkish officials are saying that while he passed through the istanbul airport, he never left the transit area, he never actually entered turkey, and turkey is pretty much the only way to get into isiscontrolled parts of syria. So theres still some confusion about that. Meanwhile also in libya, were hearing from a libyan militia that arrested the brother and father of the bomber, that the brother confessed that both of them were isis members. We saw pictures of those armed officers patrolling a train. As you have been point out, clarissa, something that has never happened before in the united kingdom. How concerned are they of another strike . I think theres a definite sense of real concern. As you know, the threat level here has been elevated to critical. It has not been at critical for nearly a decade. We have seen soldiers patrolling the streets in european capitals. We have seen soldiers on trains in European Countries as well, but we havent seen anything like that in the united kingdom. The main reason that there is cause for concern, erin, is simply put authorities want to find out who help the bomber make that bomb. According to an explosives expert cnn has spoken to, it was above rudimentary level, much more sophisticated that you would expect someone just doing a diy job from something they read online would be able to put together. Until authorities have a good sense of how that bomb was made, who made it and where that bomb maker may be, you are going to see an increased security presence, erin. All right, clarissa, thank you very much. And tonight were continuing to learn more names of those killed in the attack and we want to tell you a little bit more about them. Elaine mciver was an offduty Police Officer and a much loved daughter, sister, auntie, friend and colleague. Courtney boyle, 19. Her boyfriend said she was like no other. Philip tron. His mother says that he could light up the darkest room. Wendy fallwell was a mother, and she has left friends as they tell us heartbroken beyond belief. 14yearold sorell had big dreams and her grandfather says he is absolutely heartbroken. Eileen mccloud was also 14, vivacious and full of fun, as her friends describe her. And chloe rutherford, 17, and liam curry, 19. They were together and their family said they wanted to be together forever. And now they are. Well be right back. New tonight, the president s budget director insisting republicans, quote, care about poor people as criticism builds over the administrations budget. Thats because it could result in millions losing Health Care Benefits and thousands losing jobs. Miguel marquez is outfront. Open up and say ahh. Reporter dr. Anthony at hazards Quantum Health care in constant motion. Today he employs 50 people. His practice, expanding. I would say 70 of our economy is driven by health care. You think 70 of the economy, thats just you living here thats what you see . Yeah, thats just looking at it and giving it the eyeball test. Health care is the driving Economic Force in our area right now. Reporter kentucky, which expanded medicaid and created its own Insurance Exchange under obamacare has seen both patients and the Health Care Workers who serve them skyrocket. It takes a big team to run to run a clinic like this. Reporter dr. Jonathan piercy at university of Kentucky Center for rural health in hazard trains future doctors. Weve seen a lot of clinics open lately. Weve seen some new clinics tha come around. Weve just built a huge new wing on the hospital. Reporter all of that comes with jobs. Jobs now at risk if the obamacare Medicaid Expansion is eliminated by 2020, as congress is now considering. Since 2014, as states expanded medicaid, some 1. 1 million jobs were created nationwide. Eastern kentucky, coal country. The fifth Congressional District stands to lose more jobs than any other district in the entire country. By one study, we would lose 20,000 jobs in the fifth Congressional District. Reporter 20,000 jobs . 20,000 jobs, which is about double the number of jobs weve lost in the coal industry. So it would be the other shoe to drop on the economy of Eastern Kentucky. Reporter how good is it to be a nurse in Eastern Kentucky right now . I mean if you love taking care of people and that kind of environment, its really good. Theres no like i say, theres not a shortage of jobs. Reporter nurses in high demand here and well paid, evidence of a Thriving Health Care Industry everywhere. This mall, once a walmart, now a supersized medical center. Were constantly growing. Reporter Kentucky River Community Care now has 70 facilities, has hired more than 150 employees in the last few years, and cant expand fast enough. How big a piece of that is the fact that they can pay for it with medicaid . 80 . I mean because for our programs, we have to look at revenue to expand. Reporter Health Care Jobs on the rise here. Ending the Medicaid Expansion, another devastating blow. Miguel marquez, cnn, hazard, kentucky. And thanks for joining us. Ac 360 begins now. Good evening, and thanks for joining us. Lets get right to the breaking news. Cnn has now learned that President Trumps close advisor and soninlaw is now a focus in the fbis russia collusion probe, and that is not all we are learning tonight. Our justice correspondent, evan perez, has the story, joins us now with details. Evan, what can you tell us . Well, anderson, part of what the fbi is interested in is theyre trying to figure out exactly how the russian the russian spy agencies were able to focus some of their attention, negative news on Hillary Clinton and positive news on donald trump into particular areas of the country. Now, they have collected a lot of data from these russian bots, essentially these computers that were helping to drive some of the information into different parts of the

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