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Water and fire retardant from the sky and very important to stop the fire. Stephanie elam there, we appreciate it. I am brianna keilar. Erin burnett out front starts right now. Out front next, street fighter donald trump brings out a bare knuckles brawler, a new shakeup aimed at letting trump be trump. Hillary clinton facing questions between alleged ties between Clinton Foundation donors and the state. Ryan lochte, police are questioning his story tp did he make it all up . Lets go out front. Good evening, everyone. Im kate bolduan in for erin burnett. Breaking news. A major shakeup in the trump campaign. Kellyanne conway addressing the media and well bring you what she said to reporters in just a second. The surprising move by trump naming steve bannon stepping down from the conservative website bright bart news. Bannon has a reputation to say the least a no holds barred, win at all cost street fighter. Its a sign that trump wants to get back to the style and Hillary Clinton taking note of the change today. I think its fair to say that donald trump has shown us who he is. He can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign. There is no new donald trump. This is it. A word from team trump. Nothing to see here in a memo to team Trumps Campaign from team Trumps Campaign chairman Paul Manafort. He calls it an exciting day for team trump, but you wonder how excited manafort really is consider the changes look like hes being turned aside. Sources tell cnn that trump has grown frustrated with manafort in the face of falling poll numbers and in the quinnipiac swing state poll, showing Hillary Clinton leading trump by ten points in colorado, 12 points in virginia and closer in iowa and a threepoint gap there. I am joined by a panel and we begin with sara murray who is out front at trump headquarters. Sara, what did Kellyanne Conway, the new Trump Campaign manager say a short time ago . Reporter one of the interesting things that she said is this does not mean that donald trump will not be focusing on substance in this turnaround. They still want him to turnaround the case on obamacare and they still want him to talk about National Security, but in a key point kelly ann said its time to remind the American Public that this election is not a referendum on donald trump and there are going to be two candidates on the ballot and that gives you an inkling of just how hard theyre going to start going after hillary clinton and the question whether that will be enough to turn things around when Donald Trumps poll numbers arent looking so great. I am who i am. Its me. I dont want to change. Kiss the establishment and treaties goodbye. Donald trump is unleashed. Everyone talks about oh, are you going to pivot . I dont want to pivot. You have to be you. If you start pivoting youre not being honest with people. The gop nominee shaking up his campaign yet again, setting the stage for a political knife fight with Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton doesnt have that strength or stamina, believe me. She cannot win for you. Reporter trump bringing on stephen bannon, executive chairman of bright bart news as his new campaign ceo an elevating pollster and Senior Adviser Kellyanne Conway to Campaign Manager. The latest overhaul gives trump the run as a political outsider, unconstrained by advisers urging him to be more pal at believe to the establishment. Despite his battleground state poll number, a source tells cnn trump Still Believes he has a chance to win and if he loses he at least wants to run his campaign on his own terms. The shakeup puts trump in the circle of advisers, bannon, stern and ousted fox news chief roger ailes all known for their noholds barred tactics and Paul Manafort. Hillary clinton quickly seized on it as just another reset that wont make the candidate any more appetizing to voters. Donald trump has shown us who he is. He can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign. They can make him read new words from a teleprompt er but he is still the same man who insults goldstar families, demeans women mocks people with disabilities and thinks he knows more about isis than our generals. Reporter but the intrigue from trump tower overshadowing trumps security roundtable today and the message he hoped to drive home this week. I will be your champion. I will be your voice in the white house. We will bring it back. We will once again be a country of law and order. Reporter now today Paul Manafort sent a memo around to Campaign Staffers saying im not going anywhere, im still here and im helping with the longterm vision of the campaign. Kellyanne was careful to say that the meetings were with the core four, it was her, steve bannon and Paul Manafort and rick gates. I asked her why they feel so bullish about Donald Trumps odds than the polling might suggest. She said it is only august. It is not october. There is still time to play the Hillary Clintons unfavorables and the percentage of voters that are looking for a changed election. Kate . Sara murray outside trump headquarters. Thank you owe much. Out front with me now, mark preston, executive editor for cnn politics. Corey lewandowski trumps former Campaign Manager and karen mcmainy, basil smikle, a clinton supporter and cnns bill mattingly, and she first broke the story of the Campaign Shakeup last night. Monica, first to you. You not only broke the story. You spoke to donald trump about this shakeup. Did he when he said that he wants that hes doing this because he wants to win, did he acknowledge he didnt think he could win with the existing team he had in place . I think that was implicit in his answer. Heres what happened, i was getting signals and he was bringing on new people and he had to do something to remake the campaign in his image. He was feeling flat footed and out of sorts because the structure was trying to put him in a mold. He wanted the structure to let him be the person he wants to be the candidate. So i could not go with the story until i got him on the phone to confirm it. So he was about to go on the stage last night. I got him on the phone and why are you doing another shakeup in 60 days, his answer plain and simple, i want to win. When he said that i think it was pretty clear he was afraid he would lose, but he would never say such a thing. He ak untilled it was a shakeup and you hear from Trump Supporters and they dont describe it that way. He doesnt say it was a shakeup and i said it was a shakeup. I called it a reset, whatever. What it is is a clear revision of Paul Manafort. If you dont say its a refusal to do what Paul Manafort has tried to do which is to put him in a political package, it clearly is a revision because we know the person hes bringing on as the ceo is a no holds barred kind of person and this is clearly a revision of what it is and its more in keeping with the kind of candidate that donald trump wants to be and thats to be himself. Whats old is new again when it comes to this campaign. Mo monica, thank you very, very much. Corey lewandowski. Someone said let trump be trump. Do you feel vindicated . No, i dont feel vindicated. Dont be humble. Trump has brought in people hes very comfortable with which allows donald trump to stay true to himself to tell the American People what he thinks and not be on a teleprompter all of the time and the speech had Kellyanne Conways fingerprints all over it. It was much more concise. It was direct and explicit and outreaching to an audience that he had not done so, the Africanamerican Community specifically and what you will find is under the leadership of stephen bannon and Kellyanne Conway and i think what youll find in the places hes traveling to his travel will be very much limited to the five major states where hes starting to run his Television Ads this week because thats the primary focus of his campaign. Thats my guess. No trips to connecticut . Maybe next week. Kayleigh, no more teleprompter trump. Without teleprompter what we had sometimes with donald trump was thats what led to a fight with the goldstar family. Thats what led to the fight with the federal judge with mexican heritage. Is that the kind of trump thats going to win . I dont know that its a way with the teleprompter forever. What i think this is is trump will not be made into something that hes not. Hes going to be himself. Theyre not going to make him into a mannequin candidate like what you have with Hillary Clinton where every word is poll tested and out of her mouth. Kellyanne conway, the reason this is such a good decision, two reasons. Number one, she is someone who knows conservatism. She worked for Ronald Reagans pollster and mike pence and she knows how to shore up the space. Not only that, she has staked her career in the Republican Party on bringing female voters into the fold. In terms of consolidating the base and in terms of females and this is the pick that can win this election. Bringing in new voters and adding is the key here, lonnie. When you look at adding shes talking about Kellyanne Conway, but steve bannon, his website, bright bart news. Readers of breitbart news, how does that add. The desire to go out and get more independent voters to get more for the general election and a move that seems to double down on the very base that donald trump already has and so theres i little bit of tension and its not clear to me what the goal is because if the goal is to go out and reach independent voters then the message should be similar to the message that trump gave in his speech which is that progressive policies have failed minority, but instead of that you give that message which is a lot of conservatives can get onboard. To an allwhite crowd and it makes sense not to go to certain places in milwaukee. You hire the chief of breitbart. I agree with that. There is a dissidence, because this person via breitbart has been antimuslim, antiimmigrant and has dismissed issues and when asked how he would handle Donald Trumps approach to the khan family said that he would be relentless in going after the khan family. To me, i dont see this as growth to me. This is donald trump saying you know what . I think were 16, 17 republicans in the primary, why am i not winning now . This is an opportunity to try to i guess gain more comfort in his own circle, but the reality is theres no growth there. I dont see him growing beyond what his own basis has said and republicans, conservatives or not because hes gone after republicans, as well. Does this make it more or less likely that the Republican Party leaders does this make them happy . I think that kellyanne will be on the airplane and that steve bannon will be calling the shots day to day, but at this point, and given that theres been so much discussion about resetting and donald trump going in a different direction that he hasnt gone in that they would prefer. Stand by. Out front next, why this video tells you everything you need to know about the Trump Campaigns new ceo. We will explain. We did not roll the inconnerrec video. We will explain. Did Hillary Clinton help a big donor to the Clinton Foundation. Breaking news, donald trump getting his first intelligence briefing today so why did he say this earlier today . Do you trust intelligence . Not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country. I mean, its been catastrophic. Mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . No. Not a thing. Beautyrest black. Get your beautyrest. man honey, whats a word for large blaze . Beauty wife] fire. [man] thirteen letters. [wife] fire. [man] thirteen letters. [wife] really big fire [burke] conflagration. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum. Cleasee ya ake off. When youre living with diabetes. Steady is exciting. Oh this is living baby only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. And try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. Words panera lives by. 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I agree with you. In announcing the hire. The campaign made clear what trump sees in steve bannon touting that the new campaign ceo has been dubbed the most dangerous political operative in america. Bannon, former navy officer and Goldman Sachs banker may lack campaign experience, but he makes up for it with his media prowess. Hes the chairman of the far right website breitbart and has made political films intended to sway the minds of on the fence voters . Of all of the 50 governors in the United States, sitting at the desk is the most powerful and she wasnt afraid to use those powers. One of those boosted sarah palin. The mean thats out there is that governor palin is caribou barb barbie. Shes a complete and total bimbo and an ideologuideologue. The imperical evidence in alaskas governor is exactly the opposite. Another tried to take down president obama before the 2012 election. Youre angry because you were basically lied to. Were not even half way there yet. And i think disappointed because we thought there was going to be a change. Everyone that voted for him thought there was going to be a change. At the time bannon told cnn the film was a way for disgruntled obama supporters to vent their frustrations. When you talk to them they feel the country is more divided than ever and in their lives they feel the economy is not going back. This is a film of the working class and middle class in this country. The same kind of popular rhetoric is a tape elf breitbart. Hillary clinton has been popular. Close behind, paul ryan, immigrants and the news media. These guys come to washington as country lawyers and they stay. Their wives become lobbyists and their children, their inlaws. They turn the business of government into a family business. Its no coincidence breitbarts site promote the book and film clinton cash. He cofounded the group that funded it, nor is it a coincidence trump has used clinton cash material on the campaign trail. Now the two mens anticlinton alliance is official. You have to understand how the clintons who who proclaim that they support all your values essentially have sold you out for money. If this is the political spectrum, breitbart is so far to the right its almost off the screen. In fact, many conservative writers and commentators say dont call it conservative. It does not represent the gop. In 19 cases breitbart is an offright site. Some call it a nationalist. No matter what you call it, if you thought trump would seek out a more moderate voice to run his campaign, think again. Thank you. My panel is back with me. Also joining us this time, senior political commentator and clinton supporter, sally cohn. Youre the newest to the panel. One Campaign Source described it this way saying bannon will be digging up every coffin as it relates to Hillary Clinton. Bannon, as Brian Stelter laid out very well, he has made Hillary Clinton enemy number one for his entire career. What works in campaigns is negative. Yeah. Although, to be honest, look, Hillary Clintons numbers and her negatives have reached a ceiling and we saw the ceiling in the 2008 campaign. She hasnt gone much above that. How do you know because, she had a Long Campaign then and she had a longer campaign now and her numbers have not gotten higher. Trump is newer to the public. Hes newer to the political media and theres still digging to be done and he keeps opening his mouth and sticking his foot in it every single time. Ill be honest. The congressional investigations by republicans have been done by benghazi and they can keep bringing it up until the cows come home. The difference is im happy today. We let trump be trump. His negatives keep going higher and higher and the American People keep hearing what hes saying and they dont like it. It will only get worse for him. Good luck with that. A lot of people were saying, corey, i dont think we saw a toned down, demure donald trump in the last couple of weeks postconvention. So whats really going to be different now . The first mistake i didnt trademark let trump be truffle. I would be wealthy today. He is running as the fundamental change to washington, d. C. Congressional approval is at 11 and the people who think shes honest is at 11 . Weve seen it in the primary process and as you move to the general election processes, people arent better off than they were four or eight years ago. People want fundamental change and the only person and the candidate in this race who has the ability to fundamentally change washington, d. C. , and to stop the continuation of lobbyists and special interests and all of the money that goes into these campaigns is donald trump. He selffunded his campaign through the primary and that is a message that the Bernie Sanders supporters fully embrace which is Campaign Finance reform so the millionaires and billionaires who are giving money to the george soros of the world when they get office. I do think he was at a Woody Johnson fundraiser in the hamptons when all of this came out. Donald trump has put 60 million of his own money. Wait, on the donor question, this is important. You speak to a lot of donors. Donors care about who is Running Campaign maybe more than an average voter because theyre putting big dollars into it. What do you think the response is . What are your sources saying . Do they like this more than the Trump Campaign . Robert mercer who is the biggest of bigmoney gop donors and 18 million, and this cycle is very close to steve bannon and hes transferred on to the trump bandwagon and hes helping fund a super pac. So thats a positive if youre looking at people to donate, but if youre looking at establishment donors and what mark was saying in the last segment is what they were saying. I was talking to one sevenfigure donor who sent me an email and said this is like all of the writers of house of cards got into a room and wrote the most absurd script with the sense that it would never see the light of day except this is real life. So i think, look, its a small segment of donors. Thats not necessarily his target and if youre looking at big establishment donors and big money that donald trump does need thshgs is not helpful at all. But to coreys point, when youre talking about money and youre talking about how much money Donald Trumps put into it. Hes running as an outsider. That is when what, when you look at the polls, voters like that. They have been lookin for that and thats helped him. Its helped him among the support that he has already, but where has it grown to . If you look at Hillary Clinton, she had more votes than anyone else running in this race. Number one. Number two, if you look at the type of support, the diversity of support i dont see that with donald trump. Shes expanding her base and i dont see that with donald trump whatsoever. To me, what good is the money going to do for him . Hes not interested in opening up offices. Hes not interested in being constrained. He is interested in talking out of his own head as he has always been doing and as is proven by the two hires that hes got and were not going to see anything different except, what i think is youll see a doubling down of all of the negativity that weve already seen and to me theres no leadership there. Theyve been wrong about everything and its worth mentioning that. Just two months ago the Trump Campaign was in dire straits and there was no way he could catch up and raise money. Last month we see he raised more than 80 million off of smoel donations and something republican candidates have never been able to do. The punditry was off again during the primary and he cant win unless he runs a 100 million like jeb bush and ted cruz. He defied the odds and if he stays on message and can deliver the message of Economic Security and terrorism security, security from terrorism, i should say isnt that what Paul Manafort tried to do . Tried to get him to stay on message. The bannon hire was an odd one and here is Donald Trumps message staying between donald trump and Kellyanne Conway and not being a rehearsed candidate and in the middle of those two poll, let trump be trump and also stay on message is exactly the trump that can win this election. Whats the message, though . The message is more torture. Why arent we using nuclear weapons. Thats the message. Halfhearted outreach to africanamerican communities. Thats the message. Thats the leftist the message is 33,000 people died because of isis and that cant happen. The message is hold on hold on president obama as the founder of isis. Both candidates want to get rid of isis. One candidate is listening to generals and the other said i know more than the generals and isis. Thats the message. Im sorry [ indiscernible ] donald trump has a message. America first, make America Great again. Hillary clintons message is donald trump doesnt have the right temperament. Hes not going to make America Great again and let me be clear on this, this is a man who youre saying is running as an outsider. Hes a billionaire. I agree with corey is getting billionaires out of politics. Hes the guy who says what is Hillary Clintons message. Wages are too high. What is Hillary Clintons message . [ indiscernible ] we will continue after the break. Out front next, Hillary Clinton facing questions about alleged ties between Clinton Foundation donors and the state department. Also breaking news, donald trump just completing his First National security briefing, the detail ahead. A lot. I do say that, you see. I study psychobiology. Im a fine arts major. Nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. I try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. This windows pc is a life saver being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. I used to be a mac user but this is way better. Runstaying in a differentns hotel every night. So i use the hotels. Com rewards program to earn free nights. Which i can use for my new friends here. Thanks, captain obvious. Youre welcome. Roger that, sir. My name isnt roger. Supported by hotels. Com. But in fifteen hundred miles, youll see what youre really made of. After five hours of spinning and one unfortunate ride on the gravitron, your grandkids spot a 6 foot banana that you need to win. 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Trump has never had access to classified National Security information before and its likely just the first of several briefings, but access to the meetings has become a lightning rod in and of itself for both trump and Hillary Clinton. Barbara starr is out front. Reporter its the trump tower version of a potential white house cabinet meeting. The key optic, donald trump in the same position as a president surrounded by National Securityy weights including former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani and next to trump, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flinn, a key adviser. One attendee, congressman petr king answering the criticism that trump has no Foreign Policy experience. He has as much as barack obama had in 2008. Reporter soon after, another chance to appear president ial. Trump headed to the fbis new york office for his longplanned classified intelligence briefing from the obama administration. Flinn, a decadeslong Intelligence Officer now adamantly antiobama was also there. Even before hearing the classified information trump was asked if he trusts u. S. Intelligence. Not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country. I mean, look whats happened over the last ten years. Look whats happened over the years. Its been catastrophic. The plan to brief president ial candidates isnt new, but this year it is different says former cia officer and briefer david price. You have a candidate who seems to say what he thinks without a filter and the fbi director has called out publicly to give out classified information. Weve never had a briefing like this before. The threats like isis, but dont include covert action details, the socalled crown jewels of intelligence. Donald trump will present a challenge to a briefer, but a challenge that most briefers that i worked with back in the day that have relished and here is a way to get a message through to somebody who appears to take information differently than many other people. Lots of controversy this year about both trump and clinton and a lot of talk about can anybody keep a secret, can keep classified information classified these days, but clinton also getting the same, exact briefing and the Intelligence Community, you know, has been doing these briefings for candidates for many years. The idea is to start getting them uptodate when they are candidates so after election day a president elect is further down the road in being ready to govern. Kate . Barbara, great to see you. Thank you so much. The panel is back here with me. Let me ask you this, mark preston. Tut pit it in context right now when you look at polls on the question who can best handle terrorism and who is best to take on isis and who do you trust to have Nuclear Codes . It goes up and down. Hillary is up and trumps up and it goes on what specific issue and how you ask this specific question whether its terror imor Economic Security. When we talk about terrorism as a whole or protecting the homeland it does go beyond going after isis and going into syria or what have you. Here is the problem for donald trump at this point in the campaign which can be rectified, but you know, days are falling short now, is that you are having republicans come out and sign letters wor National Security experts who you agree with them or not, who are being critical of donald trump at a time when he needs to continue to try to unite the party. That is problematic. We dont see that on the democratic side as much. So you know, who has prepared the most . If you were to look at a resume, of course, you would say Hillary Clinton just based upon what the resume is that doesnt mean she would make the right decisions, thats that, but donald trump does need to do more to unify the party. And the Clinton Campaign thinks this is his biggest area of weakness and look no further than what she said on the stump every day and the ads that theyre putting on the air, but if you look at today the optics were pretty good. He has his first intelligence briefing and he held what looked like a pretty president ial roundtable with National Security experts. With seated quite perfectly in the center as all of these top advisers and this was an important day for donald trump. This is at the core of the Clinton Campaigns argument. Delegitimize donald trump and theyre cognizant of the fact that when it comes to isis and there is uneasiness in the country and if you looked at the polls, donald trump has held an advantage when it comes to how to deal with isis and therefore the clinton has decided we will attack that headon and try and paint him as someone you could never trust to be in the oval office and that is their way to hit him on that. What donald trump is doing is fighting back on that right now ask trying to go on offense and trying to show that he is not only president ial and not only has the ability to handle these ideas and is as forceful with what he says on the stump as he would be in the oval office and thats an Important Message for the campaign. What also might not make people feel better, is what he said this morning. Do you trust intelligence and he says not so much. I think what you have to look at who is briefing mr. Trump right now. You have general flynn and general kellogg, and the House Intelligence Committee and people that have a deep and thorough understanding of the situation now which is what the country faces right now, those are the people that hes brought in to listen to including senator Jeff Sessions and admiral cubic. People who are on the front lines and not what the Intelligence Community are briefing him in the classified briefings and also the declassified and they can have the conversations to make sure he understands what is taking place. Its a very important thing. Can i say this, though . Getting an intelligence briefing doesnt mean that the man knows what to do with the information once he gets it and regardless of the number of people that are sitting next to him, he has been very clear that he only listens to himself. So what difference does it make who is sitting around him . The fact is he is going to double down on the messaging that hes shown us thus far and thats where i think its scary and i say this to people all of the time. It is so important for whom you vote in any election because he is the leader of a National Party and getting these kinds of Intelligence Briefings and as was mentioned earlier, you have republican after republican most of them Foreign Policy or Security Experts saying they actually dont trust this man to be getting this kind hold on. You have to remember theres only been one candidate in this race who has breached National Security issues and thats Hillary Clinton. Breached . Absolutely. There were emails that were marked classified or not and maybe her eyesight wasnt working at the time five emails [ indiscernible ] we will dive into the conspiracy theories in the commercial break. In the meantime, you dont want to miss this. Cnns live town hall tonight with the Green Party Candidates and that is coming up at 9 00 eastern. Also out front next, did Hillary Clinton use her influence as secretary of state to benefit a donor of the Clinton Foundation and questioning american swimmer ryan lochtes story about being robbed at gun point. Im still confused by this. Did he make it up . Well figure it out. Crabfest is on at red lobster so come dive into dishes like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. Or try crab lovers dream with tender snow and king crab legs. Love crab . Then hurry, crabfest ends soon. If youtry clarispray. Emes to escape your nasal allergies. New, from the makers of claritin. And nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Return to the world. Try clarispray today. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Dont just eat. Mangia bertolli. Hillary clinton on the attack tonight criticizing trump about his economic plan, but clinton is also facing new questions about whether she misused her influence as secretary of state to benefit a big donor with the Clinton Foundation. Suzanne malveaux is out front. Reporter Hillary Clinton in the critical battleground state of ohio today touting her economic plan and pressuring donald trump again to release his tax returns. Unlike everybody else who has run for president in the last four or five decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. But now, new questions about the clintons foundation, whether Hillary Clinton used her influence as secretary of state along with her husband bill clinton to help a big donor who supported both their political campaigns as well as their foundation get a coveted land deal with the state department. It was in 2011 when the state department began searching for a new location for its consulate in lagos, nigeria. Two years later a state Department Email reveals theyre interested in purchasing property at echo atlantic owned by the Chagoury Group, robert and gilbert chagoury. It is one of a number of sites the department was looking at. Federal records show chagoury had donated up to 9 million to the Clinton Foundation. It was in the mid90s when he rewarded chagoury, a big donor, with a white house dinner and a meeting with highranking officials. Bill clinton visited the echo atlantic site twice, including one month after Hillary Clinton stepped down as secretary of state. Weeks later, the state department sent this letter to the chagoury firm saying this letter acknowledges that the United States of america is potentially interested in acquiring an interest in such Real Property pending further study. The conservative Advocacy Group Citizens United suspecting undue influence sued, stating a month after bill clinton visits a gilbert and ronald chagouryrun land project in nigeria the u. S. State department wants to buy the same land. Who could be so lucky . A major donor to the Clinton Foundation. Thats who. The state Department Denies that there was any special consideration of the land deal. The ecoatlantic site was identified by an independent International Real estate firm in 2012. The land deal never went through, but an editorial in the boston globe tuesday calls on Hillary Clinton to shut down the foundation if she becomes president. Suzanne malveaux joins me now. Suzanne, is the Clinton Campaign responding to this . They are. Brian fallon responded today a very sharplyworded statement and ill read it in part. He says Citizens United is a rightwing group has been attacking the clivents since the 90s and is trying to make something out of nothing and Hillary Clinton had left the administration before the state department expressed interest and that the deal had not been through, but you should know that this is not the first time that the Chagoury Group has been investigated regarding their ties and influence with the clintons. The questions arent going to go away any time soon. Suzanne, thank you. Out front next, did swimmer ryan lochte make up that story about being robbed at gun point in rio in this Surveillance Video is raising new questions tonight and an arabamerican killed by a neighbor under a restraining order. Did the system fail him . Looks right to me. Shouldnt it be clear clearly. It is time to get a great deal and a reward card on this turbocharged jetta. Gotta make room for the 2017 models. It is a clarence event. Why is that so hard for people to understand . 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Breaking news in a stunning twist tonight involving Gold Medalist ryan lockty and his claim that he was robbed at gun point in rio. A judge asked his passport be seized. It shows lochte and a fellow american swimmer was joking around behavior inconsistent with someone who had a gun pointed at his head. Lochte described the harrowing experience to nbc. They told the other swimmers to get down on the ground. They got down on the ground. I refused and i was, like, we didnt do anything wrong. So im not getting down on the ground, and then the guy pulled out his gun. He cocked it and put it to my forehead and he said get down and i put my hands up and i was, like, whatever. Rio police said they found little evidence to support lochtes account. Out front now cnn sports analyst Christine Brennan and shes been following the story and shes in rio tonight. Its Pretty Amazing and kind of confusing. Bottom line do authorities think that lochte and the other swimmers made this up . Reporter well, thats what the judge is asking. She is saying that she wants both ryan lockte toe stay in the country. Of course, hes already gone and jimmy feigen, the other u. S. Swimmer wants them to stay in the country until she gets the answers about whether or not what they said is true and others are asking that same question. What happened that night . It is such a big deal in brazil if ryan lochte had a gun to his head that is an amazing story. Its now over three days, close to four days old and these questions remain, and i think thats the key question. Did ryan lochte make this up . As you mentioned, lochte is back in the United States. What are you hearing . What can they do about it now . Theres not a lot that they can do, kate, in terms of any kind kind of legal action against ryan lochte and he is in the u. S. And no way he could be coming back here and i think the potential damage to him is in his earning power, his reputation. If he did, in fact, make this up and do i think well get to the bottom of this and like any other story these things do have a way of coming out and well find out whats true and what is not and if ryan lochte made this story up in this turbulent time with so many people on edge about the crime situation in brazil, oh, my goodness, that would be just a terrible thing for him to have done, first of all, and secondly, as far as earning potential and sponsors. They wont want to be anywhere near him if it turns out that he did make this up. And this whole impact there on athletes there . Everyones talking about it. Reporter there are two parts to this. First of all, when the news hit i wrote a column right away saying now we have the games on edge. All of the good things that had been happening and the water turned green in a couple of the pools, but other than that rio had pretty much gone through the first week unscathed and then this happened over the weekend and so i think it had everyone saying my goodness, is all of the bad stuff coming true now . Are we going to see our worst nightmares in rio realized if a gun had been put to a swimmers head and now everyone is stepping back and saying whoa, is this true or not . If not, how terrible for the brazilians if its not true and i think athletes are probably going back to acting the way they were before. Amazing no matter what. Christine brennan, great to see you, christine. Out front next, a man allegedly shoots and kills his nextdoor neighbor, a man he called a dirty arab for years. Why are officials still not calling this then a hate crime . Of a trip to athens, greece. You accidentally booked a flight to athens, georgia. 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Any time you help a customer, its a really good feeling. Its especially so when its a customer thats doing such good and important work for the environment. Together, were building a better california. Tonight, was it a hate crime . The family of an arabamerican man, and the neighbor called him horrible thicks like dirty arab. The testimony famed the family. Brynn gingras is out front. Reporter a tulsa family is asking what more could they have done after khaled jabara was gunned down on his doorstep by a neighbor. I feel that in our situation the system it just broke down. That neighbor, vernon major his a history of harassing the jabara family calling them filthy lebanese and dirty arabs and theyre lebanese of christian descent. To protect themselves the family obtained two restraining orders. There were racial slurs. Majors allegedly ran over khaleds mother with his car seriously injuring her. He was arrested and spent eight months in jail after two judges denied him bail, but in may a third judge, allowed him to be released, a decision District Attorney says his office fought. You have someone that ran down someone intentionally and thats pretty severe conduct and i dont want need amrply prior y and this action represents violent conduct toward another human being. We did constantly communicate with the d. A. And we told them after he was released, this is not going to be good. I fear that something is going to happen. Reporter majors has a history of making threats. In 2012 he was convicted of criminal threats and assault with a Deadly Weapon after an incident in california. On friday the jabaras khaled received a warning that majors had a gun and he called 911. Police have not released that call, but tell cnn khaled did not tell dispatchers majors was armed. The responding officers left when no one answered the door. A short time later khaled was on the phone with his mother warning her about majors when he was shot multiple times. We lost our brother. My only brother, and, like, thats i dont know. Its unspeakable. The family says they did everything they could legally do to protect themselves and that still wasnt enough. We will reevaluate everything top to bottom and say is there a better way to do this . Im not here to say that it would have changed anything. Reporter and the family says that they did everything. The d. A. Admits they did everything, as well. So when i sat down with the family i asked them what would you tell a family who was in a similar situation and they quickly answered, move. Unfortunately, in this particular case the family says they couldnt move because khaleds father is very ill and it just wasnt possible, kate. Just horrible

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