Shooter, omar mateen tonight. Law enforcement officials telling us his desperate behavior in the weeks prior to the deadly massacre suggests premeditated, planned murder. Officials say mateen made sure his wife had access to his bank accounts, added her name to his Life Insurance, and he bought her expensive jewelry. Also, records show the gunman transferring his share of a home to his sister, turning it over to her for just 10. We are also learning tonight that during the seize, mateen took a call from a friend, a medical professional, they say this friend was, and apparently the two talked about medication. This is what sources are telling us. And it comes as the fbi now has the Surveillance Video from inside the pulse nightclub, which captures all of the horror of the mass shooting. Fbi agents spent an hour at the mosque, attended by mateen, asking anyone there who may have been close to the shooter, the small mosque has a visit of violent young men. Another member left for syria, he died as a suicide bomber. I was at that mosque earlier this week who has known mateen since childhood. He says he is going to be watching young men there closely now, because hes concerned there could be others. I do worry. Very much. And from now, ill be keeping an eye on our youth, talking to them more frequently. But the people who are quiet, those are the ones who are like omar. Like omar, who was very quiet. Those are the people who are dangerous. A lot of breaking knew details to cover tonight. Pamela brown in orlando. This new video they have, the Surveillance Video of exactly what happened, what are you hearing it shows . Reporter well, erin, it shows the shooting rampage unfolding inside of pulse nightclub. Investigators arent really explaining what exactly they see. But as you can imagine, it is a horrific scene. And now were learning about all of the steps this gunman took in preparation for his death, including making sure his family was taken care. And our sources tell us his wife noticed a change of his behavior recently, but didnt call police. Law enforcement sources say weeks before the attack, omar mateen made sure his wife had access to his bank accounts, and added her name to Important Documents like his Life Insurance policy. He also bought his wife an expensive piece of jewelry. In the middle of the threehour massacre on subjecnday, mateen his wife exchanged texts after he asked her if she had seen what was happening. She also called him multiple times after the news broke about the shooting. She told investigators she did not know his specific plans but was suspicious he wanted to launch an attack. Tonight we get a clearer picture of the gunmans past. He had a long history of disciplinary problems at school. 48 days of suspensions. Some for fighting. People who may have known the gunman. Visiting the mosque where he prayed. And this afternoon, fbi director, james comey, toured the crime scene. Meanwhile, cnn is learning new details about what happened inside the club. Officer omar delgado was one of the first officers who arrive. Peoples phones were ringing all over the place. And to this day, i cant hear an iphone ring, because one was so close to me, because it just kept constantly ringing. And when i got home, i realized, wow, those people are never going to be able to answer their phone again. Reporter in the midst of the chaos, there were hundreds of calls to 911. We had a fire station less than 100 meters away from the actual incident. We had actually victims running to the fire station, knocking on doors, trying to gain access. Our personnel was just there, 30 minutes prior, for medical call. They heard what you call some noises. Banging, bang bang. And then begin to hear the knocks from the people trying to get away from the actual gunman. Reporter and we have learned, according to our Law Enforcement sources, a friend of omar mateen, saw what he was posting on facebook during the rampage and called him. Apparently the two spoke. This friend is a medical professional, were told, and part of the conversation revolved around medication. Of course, this raises some questions. His friend, were told, immediately contacted the fbi and told the fbi he had nothing to do with the shooting. But erin, this is still a very active investigation. Absolutely. Very strange. That call that they were talking about, medication. Thank you very much, pamela. Also breaking tonight, the fbi is widening the investigation to include omar mateens mosque. The focus is on mateens relationships with other members of the islamic center. Drew griffin is outfront. Drew, what are they focused on there specifically . Reporter we, the two fbi agents went for about an hour to speak with mosque officials to try to find out if there was anything they missed, any associates, any friends, anybody who had any dealings with this shooter. I think they are just trying to make sure they have all their bases covered on reaching out to anyone in this community in general, and in the Islamic Community specifically. Who might have known something, witnessed something or has any other information about anybody who perhaps may have even helped him. They did spend about an hour there, as you know, erin. That mosque has been very, very cooperative. The imam speaking out quite vehemently against this kind of violence. But, again, the fbi back again today, trying to make sure that they are covering all their bases. Erin . Certainly. I know they have been very cooperative. Youve also learned some new information, drew, though as to why mateen got dismissed from a program, right, where he was trying to become a Law Enforcement officer . Reporter yeah. This goes back to 2007. And yet again, it appears another potential warning sign missed. We were told he was expelled from the school at the same time he was fired from the Florida Department of corrections. We didnt know exactly why, although other students tell us it revolved around some sort of potential threat he made. Now we know from School Records just released that he was falling asleep in class, constantly. But at one point, just after the Virginia Tech massacre, he made a comment to a fellow cadet, saying, if i brought a gun to school, would you tell anybody . That, of course, set off alarm bells, and eventually he was expelled from the program. That happened in 2007, erin. Thank you very much, drew griffin. Outfront now, art roderick, former u. S. Marshal. Mark omara and James Koeppen haeger, task force member. Let me start with you, mark. The breaking news tonight. In the weeks leading up to the attack, he transferred a share of a house he owned for 10 to his sister, gave his wife access to his bank accounts, added her name to Life Insurance and also bought large jewelry for her. In terms of his wife, what does this mean for the case against her . Well, against her, the real question is going to be, what she knew of and when she knew it. We have had that mantra for the past couple days. Certainly, as an example with the bank, she would probably have to go down to the bank and sign off on the signature card. Thats going to be a significant piece of information, and because that in conjunction with all of the other information is going to get oh to the point where the fbi is looking for this. They need circumstantial evidence or some direct evidence that says she knew and what she knew when she knew it. And information like an unusual piece of jewelry, given away property, putting her on a bank, let egging her her know, for example. We know what he was planning. The question is, was she aware he was planning it and thats what theyre going to be doing, trying to find out what pieces of the puzzle start making a picture of her liability or responsibility for it. Right. And, of course, this added on to her going to an ammunition store, and trips investigators say were intended to scout out possible attack locations. What about the rest of his family . Transferring the share of a home to his sister and brotherinlaw for 10 a month ago. Does this give investigators more reason to look into his family . Sounds like james probably cant hear me. Ill put that question to you then, art. Ive got you now, erin. Im sorry. Absolutely. They need to look at everything from his third grade to current. This guy set off every bell and whistle since the third grade, all the way leading to this mass shooting. And rest assured, its my opinion that every Family Member that he left all these items to should have known something, and had his plan down. So, art, what about then also the call now were finding out . A call that he makes to a friend, so this is an after 2 00 a. M. In the morning in washington. The friend, they talk about medication. He asks the friend, has he heard about the shooting, theyre talking about it and they talk about medication. What do you make of that . Just another twist to this case. Apparently, he was on the phone quite a bit when he was in the pulse nightclub. Which is a good thing in one perspective that he wasnt able to carry out his full plan, obviously, being intercepted there initially by a uniformed opd officers, but it sounds like hes made quite a few calls while he was in the pulse nightclub, creating the violence acts that he did. And what do you make, mark, of that call . Its pretty bizarre, really. We dont know enough, but, you know, talking about medication . Right. Well, one, its his sociopathy, again, that he doesnt seem to care at all that hes just killed 40, 50 people. But as far as whether or not the medical personnel friend of his is trying to talk to him about medication, maybe trying to bring him off some ledge or Something Like that. Again, its one of those snippets of information that we cant make an extraordinary amount of significance attached to it, until we see how it fits into the overall picture and we just have to wait. We know fbi is doing everything they can. Theyre not letting us know. Im a bit interested in where these snippets are coming from. I would be interested in theyre coming from fbi, and surprised. If theyre coming from her side of it, its also intriguing, who she is talking to and why shes talking. Yeah, and james, what about the mosque . I was there, its a Small Community. You know, i spoke to one man there, you know very devout, kind man who is very concerned, obviously, horrified, but what has happened. But he does say, look, hes worried that this could happen again. Hes now worried about the young men in the mosque who are the quiet ones. What are they looking for specifically in this mosque, such a Small Community that has now had two terrorists come out of it . Well, youre going to look for anything thats being planned. Youre going to look for anything suspicious in terms of grouping of other individuals from that mosque that may be planning something as a group. But let me back up for just a moment. This guy everything hes touched since the third grade it set off bells and whistles. My question is, why didnt it set off bells and whistles at this mosque . Well, and that is a fair point. I mean, you know, it doesnt seem that it did at any point. Art . Theres no question no questions ever came out of that mosque, even though they did know that he knew the other young man and the fbi looked into it. They concluded that was not a relationship of significance. Yeah, you know when i watched your interview with him the other day at the mosque, the thing that struck me was the comment he made that he thought there were other individuals in there that fit the same profile as this particular shooter. And the first thing that came to mind there is, boy, if i was the fbi, i would be over there right away, talking to him and finding out who exactly he thinks has the same profile as this particular shooter here, and Start Talking to those people and put them on the radar. All right. Thank you all very much. And next, new details about the shooters troubled past. Everything hes touched since the third grade. Im going to talk to a man who worked with mateen and says he idolized terrorists, and talk to a republicanleading convention revolt against trump. Trump responding, live, this hour. And can families visiting disney really be safe from alligators that do this . The call just came in. Shes about to arrive. And with her, a flood of potential patients. A deluge of digital records. Xrays, mris. All on account. Of penelope. But with the help of at t, and a network that scales up and down ondemand, this hospital can be ready. Giving them the agility to be flexible reliable. Because no one knows like at t. To be taken care of. In good hands . Like finding new ways home, car, Life Insurance obviously, ohhh. But with added touches you cant get everywhere else, like claim free rewards. Or safe driving bonus checks. Even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee in means Protection Plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. Its good to be in, good hands. Ive heard it all. 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New details about the orlando gunmans work history. The Security Company that employed mateen says he was not given a psychiatric exam, even though he was being investigated by the fbi for potential terror ties. Mateen reported for work, guarding a retirement community, hours before he carried out the massacre. Brian todd is outfront. Reporter mid afternoon, saturday. Just hours before his murderous rampage at the pulse nightclub, omar mateen manned these check points at this gated florida community. What residents of the upscale pga village didnt know was that there was a killer in their guard house. The residents of pga village are outraged that mr. Mateen had gone under the radar for so long, without being detected by g4s. Nicole rodriguez is a reporter for Treasure Coast newspapers, who is very familiar with the pga village. Rodriguez attended a meeting wednesday night when residents grilled drew lavine, a top official of g4s, the Security Firm which hired mateen as a guard. Residents wanted to know when the g4s security contract with pga village will be up. They have concerns that g4s might not be providing Adequate Security for residents. One resident said if mateen had snapped, he could have gone door to door, killing people there. State representative larry lee lives in pga village, near a gate which he has been told mateen guarded. Many of them are very afraid. But i think not just in our development, i think that this is a wakeup call to anyone in america. You know, just because a guy is a Security Guard, you dont know. Reporter mateen was screened when g4s hired him in 2007, months after being fired by the Florida Department of corrections. The company says that background check included psychological testing for, quote, mental disorders. Another background check conducted by g ss 4s in 2013. A Company Official says in that check ma mean was not given scroll screening. At that time, mateen was transferred out of a Security Guard job at a local courthouse, after making inflammatory remarks about terrorism. A g4s spokesperson said harassed by coworkers at the courthouse. The place he was transferred to, pga village. If such incidents happened at a prior location that our Homeowners Association should know about it. Reporter do you think the residents and the Homeowners Association was properly informed of anything about this man . I cant say. Reporter we tried too find out if g4s notified the Homeowners Association here about mateens past problems. So far, no word back yet from the Security Firm. We called the Homeowners Association, a staffer there said they had no comment on that and hung up on us. Erin . Thank you very much, brian. Outfront tonight, omar mateens former coworker, michael. I know you have worked with mateen ft. Pierce courthouse, doing security for the firm g4s. I guess the big question for you is, did anything that he did anything in his behavior ever raise any red flags for you . Well, by the time i started working at the courthouse, he had already been questioned by the fbi at least once. I was informed when i got there that he was under investigation. So a lot of his behaviors was definitely gave off those red flags. But like i said, as far as i knew, he was already under investigation. Did you know what he was under investigation for, or you just knew the fbi was questioning him . For the most part, i knew it was i knew it was religiously motivated, per se. He made some very more extreme comments. He talking to him, as i got to know him, he definitely seemed to idol eyesizize almost the radical side of islam. When you a idolize, what sorts of things was he saying or doing that made you think this is strange . Well, everything he said kind of went back to islam. He he liked certain aspects of the religion, because he felt they were more structured, felt they they were easier to deal with life if he was part of islam. His marriage was one of them. He was when i talked to him, he was in an arranged marriage. He said it was so much simpler than trying to go on dates and spend all this money trying to chase women and he would talk about, you know, the terrorists being more sneaky and that took a certain level of intelligence versus just being brute fighters. Did he ever talk to you about attacks or carrying out attacks . Is and i ask this, michael, because his wife was saying, oh, this was something he was thinking about doing or interested in doing for months, if not years. To be honest, that statement doesnt surprise me. He never talked about doing it when we were at the courthouse specifically. But again, youre talking, you know, Armed Security with deputies all around, cameras on us, some audio. I mean, we were on the same walkietalkie system as the sheriffs office. So he didnt specifically say, yes, im going to carry stuff out. But he did seem to idolize it. Seemed to put it on a pedestal kind of thing. And when you describe him as an aggressive person, what about him was so aggressive . Just his mannerisms, the way he talked. He very much held on to a grudge. He very much even if there wasnt a slight and he perceived it as a slight, he would take that to heart. It was something he would hold on to for weeks to months. And when you heard or foresaw his face on tv, i dont know which came first, michael. How did you find out that it was him. You heard his name, saw his face. What was your initial reaction . I mean, as anybody, i was shocked that i knew someone who would do this. I was shocked that, you know, this person i spent months working next to. Of all of the people i know, hes the one im least surprised did it. All right. Michael, thank you very much for. I appreciate your time. Thank you for having me. Outfront next, a revolt against trump, but the convention is the presumptive nominee fires back live this hour. An outrage over a alabama officials decision refusing to lower the flag in honor of the orlando victims. Hes going to come outfront, and im going to ask him why. Defiance is in our bones. Our citracal bones. Easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. Defy bone aging with citracal maximum. Our highest level of calcium plus d. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. 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Public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. We want to keep the power on for our customers. We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. Tonight, revolt against donald trump. Right now, you see that podium, donald trump preparing it take the stage at a rally in texas. These are live pictures, live video youre looking at of an event outside houston. At the same time, dozens of Republican Convention delegates are hatching a new plan to stop him. Jason carol is outfront. Reporter donald trump looking ahead to his partys convention, but cnn has learned that some republicans are looking into ways to block trumps nomination in cleveland. Including changing the rules to free delegates bound to trump to vote for whomever they want. It was the subject of a call thursday night, first reported by the washington post. One participant on the call, former cruz supporter, steve long gan told cnn today, these delegates have a moral obligation to nominate a candidate who best represents the values of the Republican Party. House Speaker Paul Ryan today, telling republicans, they should feel free to follow their conscience in whether or not to support trump. The last thing i would tell somebody to do is something contrary to their conscience. Of course i wouldnt do that. Reporter ryan standing by his endorsement of the presumptive nominee. It is a very unique nominee. But i feel as a responsibility, institutionally as speaker of the house, i should not be leading some chasm in the middle of the party. Reporter the divide appears to be growing with the convention an island away. Hes a sinking island. His poll numbers under water, continuing to go down, compared to hillary clinton. And its about to get a lot worse. As talks about a convention coup continue to swirl, trump remains defiant, saying hes prepared to run with or without the full backing of the party. Just please be quiet. Dont talk. Please, be quiet. Just be quiet, to the leader. Because they have to get tougher, they have to get sharper, they have to get smarter. We have to have our republicans, either stick together or let me just do it by myself. Reporter late today, trump released a statement, warning about any effort to deny him the nomination. Saying any such move would not only be totally illegal, but also a rebuke of the millions of people who feel so strongly about what im saying. And erin, i can tell you that the rnc chairman, Reince Priebus, has been working inner channels to find out how much strength this anti Trump Movement may, in fact have. Speaking to locals, state leaders, to see if there is any movement there. He also tweeted out late this afternoon. He said reports of any discord, he called it, quote, pure fiction. Again, in terms of donald trump, he is saying any attempts to try and stop him from the nomination is not only illegal, but it would disenfranchise the millions upon millions of people who have come out to events like this one to support him. Erin . Jason, thank you. And now former cruz supporter on the phone call last night, steve longigan and steven lowered. Reince priebus making calls to see how big your movement is. Do you think that he could get on your side . I dont know what Reince Priebus knows what to do. He said this amazing exploding movement is something called fiction. And i dont know exactly who hes calling. He hasnt called me. Im getting hundreds of calls every day, emails every day. Conference calls getting bigger and bigger every day. While i was sitting to go on the air with you in the green room, i had a gentleman call me, a woman calling from North Carolina wanting to join this movement the. This is about saving the Republican Party. Not about dumping donald trump. Its about nominating a candidate who will support the values of the party to defeat hillary clinton. And donald trump made it clear in his speech tonight. Hes going down in flames and looks like hes taking the Republican Party with him. Jeff, what do you say . Going down in flames, taking the Republican Party with him. And steve saying he is getting a lot of momentum. Well, i heard steve mention the word hundreds. Donald trump got almost 14 million votes. I dont think steve is getting 14 million calls. Look, if they succeeded, theyre not going to succeed. Frankly, this is just a group of people who want to do the kamikaze thing. But lets just say for the sake of the argument, if they succeeded, what they do immediately is anger 14 million republicans at the base level who voted for donald trump, who would then go out of their way to make sure that everyone down ballot, u. S. Senators, governors, legislators, would never see the light of day on election day. They would vote against them. I dont think thats the road you want to go down. Jeff, you can continue to laugh at the conservative base of the Republican Party. You can laugh all you want. The fact of the matter is, the only kamikaze effort is going to happen in november when donald trump takes the republican down through resounding defeat. All i can say, steve, i looked at the poll numbers, and the polls exit polls coming out of new hampshire. People who describe themselves as very conservative voted for donald trump. I would be worrying about the exit polls come next november, jeff. Not what happened months ago. So let me ask you, because when we its over. Its over. Jeff the decision has been made by the voters of the Republican Party. Unfortunately let me just ask a question. Hold on one second. When you came out here, you said speaker ryan was giving you the green light. Let me play what steve feels is a green light. Because it kind of sounds like it is a green light. Here is paul ryan today. The last thing i would do is tell anybody to do something thats contrary to their conscience. Thats when hes being asked about delegates who are supposed to vote for donald trump. That doesnt sound like hes saying people should vote for what the rules tell them to do. Yeah, i think speaker ryan is damaging himself here. I mean, look, if were going himself or donald trump . Lets just say for the sake of the argument that ted cruz had won this nomination and i wanted ted cruz for vice president. Hes pretty well taken himself out of that. But lets say it was truz nominated. Would he say its a great idea now to upset ted cruz as the nominee . Of course not. Nor would i. Was it a great idea to upset mitt romney or george bush once they got this far along the path . Of course not. Irrelevant. Why is it irrelevant . Donald trump is tearing the Republican Party to pieces. We have lost no, you are steve. We lost people like scott walker, governor of maryland, governor of tennessee, mark kirk and many others. Hes tearing the Republican Party apart. Hes not leading it. He doesnt need the conservative base. He said that tonight again. Ive woken up every day since indiana, looking for reasons to support donald trump. He spends more time trying to get Bernie Sanders voters to vote for him than conservatives. What does he think he has to offer Bernie Sanders voters . I dont know, Ronald Reagan went off a lot of liberal democratic votes and he got them. Are you Ronald Reagan and donald trump attacked for eight years in a row when he supported fritz monday detail and he supported jimmy carter, that Ronald Reagan, jeff in give me a break. Donald trump is no conservative. Hes not going to represent the values of the Republican Party. Hes not going to do it. Hes going to represent the values of donald trump. You lost, steve. You know jeff, jeff, the convention is in july. The convention hasnt gotten here yet. Thats when it takes place. This isnt a popularity contest. If you want to invalidate primaries, do it in 2020. The party shouldnt have a convention. Lets just have a popularity contest. Steve go to it. Not the party of mob rule. A party who elects and the convention is going to take place whether or not jeff likes it or not. All right. Final quick word, jeff, since steve got to start. This is not the party of people gathering in back rooms in cleveland to make a deal. You know, this is about people who jeff, it tell us who the 112 members are of the rules committee who determine the future of the Republican Party. No one can figure that out. All right, we will hit pause there. There is an interesting point, though, of what is the point of a convention if its just nothing. Outfront next, an alabama official wont lower the flag to honor the orlando victims. Im going to ask him why. And more stories of close calls with alligators. 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Baldwin county refuses to lower its flags to halfstaff, saying the attack doesnt, quote, meet the test. Outfront now, tucker dorsey, Baldwin County commissioner, the current chairman, the man who made the decision. Commissioner dorsey, why not . Why not lower the flag . Well, good evening, i appreciate you having me on this evening. I have interpreted the flag code. The responsibility given to me by the people of Baldwin County as the chair, given me the purgative with regards to the flag code and i read the flag code because i revere the flag very much. And the flag code, as it reads, is really only lowered for instances where there are the passing of officials that have given significant distinguished service to our country, whether president s, antonin scalia, pearl harbor day. And so when i first saw it and interpreted the code, its primarily for those things instead of the tragedy where innocent americans are getting killed. So the president of the United States has requested all flags across the country be lowered, and in fact, probably every single one is, except for the ones that are in your county. 49 innocent americans have been massacred. Youre not lowering your flag. You didnt lower the flag, i know, for sandy hook. You didnt lower it for the boston bombings. You didnt lower it for San Bernardino. Why not . Well, for the same reason. Certainly when the president makes his proclamation to lower the flags, hes making the proclamation for all flags at u. S. Installations, federal properties, navy warships, embassies across the overseas. And really my perspective is different. Hes not asking every american to, i guess. The proclamation doesnt order every american to. Every flag at the cvs down the street doesnt come down, necessarily. Some churches, you know, either arent plugged in or paying attention or the flag doesnt come down. Right. But i guess the question is, when you say youre lowering it on memorial day, for example, right, to honor soldiers who lost their lives fighting for america, these are innocent civilians who have lost their lives in the war on terror. They are been slaughtered by a terrorist. Thats what this was. That is what San Bernardino was. Does that argument not stand for you at all, to honor them in that way . And i do completely agree with that. I mean, its a terrorist event. And i guess my perspective has been was different. And certainly is my original post is probably a couple years old. I put it up with the last three events in this term as my chairmanship and certainly have gotten a lot of feedback from folks sharing perspective that i have you know, didnt previously have about it. But i look at the terrorist events, and i think about our flag, and about how it identifieses and characterizes the mood of the country. And quite i guess when i think about, for instance, 9 11 and the iconic picture of the three firemen raising the flag in the rubble the next day after the event is really how i feel about it. Im certainly heartbroken so you feel by the tragedy the flag high in the face of terror, as to fight back. As opposed to lowering it. Right . Thats my heart sort of getting it . Thats exactly my heart on the issue. Im certainly brokenhearted. As soon as i woke up sunday morning to read the news, im brokenhearted and my family is broken up about it. But im also mad. Im tired of us being attacked by extremists of certainly different kinds. When were just trying when innocent people are trying to live their life in this country. And i would like for us to stand up as americans, and be proud of being americans, but also im ready to im want to be proud americans. All right. I want us to stand tall. Commissioner dorsey, thank you for your time tonight. And next, more parents telling stories of Close Encounters with alligators at disney. Can disney keep families safe . And tonight we remember the 49 lives lost in the orlando shooting. What could i say . Thats my baby. Having acne. Was always on my mind. So i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7. 5 . I apply it once a day, any time. Aczone gel 7. 5 is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. Aczone gel is a onceaday acne treatment with clinically proven results. In clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. Aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. Stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. Talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. Using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. 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And what may be seen as a poor choice of words, of course, they talk about feeding the wildlife. Martin savidge is outfront. Reporter disney, taking new steps to protect guests from alligators. Cnn shows a fence going up at disneys grand floridian hotel, site of where the alligator killed a 2yearold boy. Visitors telling cnn of their own close calls with gators. I see this alligator that i would estimate six feet, plus or minus, bee lining straight for him. Reporter describing rescuing his son as not one, but two alligators closed in on him at their Disney Resort last year. So i quickly grabbed my son, grabbed him out of that shoreline and brought him up to safety. Reporter and this weeks tragedy wasnt the first time an alligator has been a problem at the grand floridian. I was shocked there was an alligator there. Reporter speaking via phone, Allison Taylor says only another guest warning prevented her 5 and 7yearolds from going to a beach where an alligator was said to be lying. I think we all live in this disney world bubble, where nothing is bad is going to happen because its disney. Reporter but was disney part of that bubble . Missing potential warning signs. After all, youtube videos show alligator runins at disney rides and resorts, including guests feeding alligators, which is against florida law. I would guarantee you, they knew about the risk. Reporter fred abbott is one of the few attorneys to win a lawsuit in florida involving an alligator attack. Previous signs only warned guests not to go swimming in the lake intentionally left out any mention of alligators so as not to frighten guests. They put the hotels on the edge of the lake and mix people with the water, which they know the alligators are in. So at a minimum, they had a duty to warn. Reporter disney officials are evaluating procedures for reporting sightings and interaction with wildlife and how staff communicate warnings to guests. Floridians may know well the dos and donts of alligators, but disney draws visitors from around the world, likely a butcher from wales. You wouldnt assume theyre in the lake, now it makes you think that. Reporter abbott believes disney is likely to face large lawsuits, maybe several, but he says it shouldnt be about the money but something far more precious. They build this as the happiest place on earth for children, it should be the safest place on earth for children. Reporter disney says construction that youre looking at, the fences along the water line are really only a temporary solution while they work on something more permanent and also Something Else to keep in mind, erin, signage is not just there on the lake front, it will be along all areas where disney has water in its 44 square miles of land that is disneyworld. Erin . Thats a good thing. The lawyer was right, it should be the safest place for children, too. This sunday night is the season premier of the hunt with john walsh. Heres a sneak peek. He seemed very panicked, wild eyed, we put him in the back of the car, tried to keep him warm, tried to figure things out. Got any idea how you got in the ditch . Yeah, 55 miles per hour. I was going to see my wife. All right. It was an accident. Id give me life in one second to have her back. Where was the accident . The gun just went off. Kept repeating that the gun just went off. I think he even mentioned i watched her die or something along those lines. I love her so much. I love her so much. I cant believe it. Theres a divine reason for this. She was ready but i am not ready for her to go. I love her with all my heart. What does that mean . Dont miss the hunt sunday at 9 00. Outfront next, we remember victims of the orlando shooting. Olay luminous illuminates skin with pearl optics science. Your concert style might show your age, your skin never will. With olay you age less, so youre ageless. 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Families and friends gathering at funerals to say fair wealth to the victims of the massacre in orlando. Victims of the worst terror attack in america since 9 11. Tonight we remember them. Everyone is effected by this and everyone knows someone who knows someone who is effected by this tragedy. Thats my baby and i wont see him again. She had everything going for her, everything. Perfect student. Mannerism, top notch. We lost a great person. We lost a caring person. I dont understand why god took him away. I dont understand. Anybody would have met him in the first second of knowing eddie, you fall in love with him. She was a mother of 11, just super hero. We didnt deserve this. There are other families feeling the same thing, going through the same thing. But this was our family. I cant go on without him. When i cleaned my room and listen to salsa, he is right here. Always smiling, always there for you. Like i said, he was everyones best friend. Thank you so much for joining us. Ac 360 begins now. Good evening from orlando. John berman here in for anderson. There is a memorial just down the street from where were standing right now. Its not the only one, not by any stretch. Looking at live pictures now of people paying their respects. It has been a seering week here. It will be a somber weekend for funerals and remembrances, and of course full of regular moments, moments that will be missed by the 49 People Killed at the pulse nightclub last weekend. Thats the worst of it. Behind me at Orlando Regional Medical Center this weekend will be very busy,

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