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Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President obama saying hes going to quote, reassess the american relationship with israel. This is a Huge Development in what has been one of americas closest allegiances in the world. This is the first time that the two men have spoken since netanyahu won the israeli election on tuesday night. Jim acosta begins our coverage outfront from the white house tonight. And jim, ordinarily this kind of phone call comes very quickly and its a simple congratulations. This one wasnt quick and it certainly wasnt a friendly congratulatory call. Awkward erin. The white house says the president congratulated president netanyahu on his election victory in a phone call today, but there was more to this conversation than just small talk. This was a call with consequences. Reporter speaking for the First Time Since israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus reelection win, the president made it clear that relations between these longtime allies may be about to change. The white house officials said the president told the Prime Minister that we will need to reassess our options, following the Prime Ministers new positions and comments regarding the twostate solution. Administration Officials Say theyre furious over netanyahus remarks in the final moments of his Reelection Campaign pointing to the Prime Ministers rejection of a palestinian state in this interview, as a key reversal that would damage prospects for middle east peace. Asked whether if palestinian state would not be formed if he remains Prime Minister, netanyahu said, indeed. Was the president personally disappointed in Prime Minister netanyahus comments . I would certainly acknowledge that the president is aware of the comments and noticed them. I dont think i would characterize his reaction but i think that the there are obvious policy implications. Reporter in a postelection interview, netanyahu completely flipflopped saying he now wants a peaceful twostate solution with palestinians. But the white house is also outraged over netanyahus comment that arab voters were heading to the polls in droves a remark aides to the president blasted as racially tinged and undemocratic. That cynical election day tactic was a pretty transparent effort to marginalize arab israeli citizens. Reporter netanyahu insists that israelis will always have the right to vote but theyre not buying that at the white house, where officials are threatening to allow votes at the United Nations in favor of a palestinian state, a measure the u. S. Has blocked before. Republicans who invited netanyahu to speak before congress against the u. S. Nuclear talks with iran are saying, get over it. What about the administrations sort of lukewarm reaction lukewarm . Haha haha the Obama Administration and Benjamin Netanyahu need to wake up and understand the realities of what they can and cannot achieve and try to restore some adult supervision. A white house official says the president also discussed netanyahus comments about arab israelis. The president s posture at this point is that it matters much more what the Prime Minister said right before the election than how hes cleaning it up now. Erin . Interesting point. Thank you very much, jim acosta. Outfront tonight, the former israeli ambassador to the United Nations, dory gold. Hes now senior Foreign Policy adviser to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Thank you very much for being with us. I really appreciate it. And i want to get straight to it. President obama today finally called Prime Minister netanyahu to congratulate him on his victory, a day and a half after that victory. Look we all know at this point, the relationship between the two men is not great. America gives about 3 billion in military aid a year to israel more than any other country in the world. Is Prime Minister netanyahu going to do something specific to fix the relationship . Well, i think we overpersonalize these relationships many times, and thats understandable. Having been in the front lines of diplomacy, i can tell you that Prime Minister netanyahu is reflecting the interests of the state of israel as president obama reflects the interests of the United States. And i think what this election was about, the election was essentially a mandate for the positions that Prime Minister netanyahu has taken on iran on a united jerusalem, and on having israel with defensible borders, not the 1967 lines. And these are the positions that the Prime Minister will try, im sure in the future to explain to president obama, and they will have to Work Together. And i believe they will Work Together because the u. S. And israel need each other. So, when you talk about a mandate for certain positions for the Prime Minister obviously, from the United States perspective, one thing the United States government has believed in is a twostate solution where the palestinians would have a country and israel would, of course. On monday the Prime Minister said there would never be a palestinian state under his watch, when he was asked by the israeli news site nrg. Today, though he said something different. He said and ill quote him directly ambassador he said,on want a onestate solution i want a sustainable, peaceful twostate solution. So my question to you, as his Foreign Policy adviser is did he make that comment monday saying there would be no twostate solution under his watch, just to win the election or was he actually saying what he really believes . Well i know i saw nbc news was playing this off, that somehow his position changed in the last 24 hours. What the Prime Minister is saying is that he still maintains his policy of two states for two people as he has said before. But hes saying that there wont be a palestinian state today. And thats used in the actual hebrew language of his statement. And the reason hes saying that is because today the middle east is far more dangerous. We have the moves of isis all across syria and iraq. We have the movements of foul iranian surrogates like revolution air revolutionary guard forces even getting close to the kingdom of jordan. So israel will need very strong robust Security Defenses in any arrangement. I think that was pray may recall on his mind when he made his statement. But when you say it wasnt a change in policy obviously, in washington thats not how it was seen. Two top Obama Administration spokesman today, at the state department and the white house, specifically said that the Prime Minister has changed his policy on a twostate solution and here they are. We believe he changed his position. It is clear that he indicated a lack of commitment to this policy. That was josh earnest, of course the president s spokesman, talking about the policy again, of a palestinian state. Look the u. S. Government clearly doesnt believe the Prime Minister plans to work towards a twostate solution right now. Well you know, people like secretary of state john kerry worked day in and day out with Prime Minister netanyahu and saw how committed he was to working out a solution with the palestinians that left israel with a secure border and not a full withdrawal. And secretary kerry actually put forward a paper called a framework agreement, which Prime Minister netanyahu agreed to. It was Mahmoud Abbas in march of 2014 who refused the kerry plan when it was presented to him by president obama in the oval office. So the fact is israel has gone along with this the palestinians said no. But im not sure the spokesman that you showed on television are fully aware of all those details. Look it was a state Department Spokesman and of course the president s spokesperson himself. You know and what they were saying ambassador reflects what the executive director of the u. S. Campaign to end the Israeli Occupation obviously you know what his point of view is wrote in an oped in the New York Times today. He wrote, i as a palestinian breathed a sigh of relief when it became clear that Netanyahus Likud party had won. There wont be real change on the ground or at the polls without further pressure on israel and now that pressure will increase. For this we have mr. Netanyahu to thank. Isnt there something to be said for that that now, all of a sudden instead of the talks being about iran its about a twostate solution and there is going to be a lot of pressure on him, on you, to move on it . You know why didnt this palestinian spokesman, indeed many of the pundits who are talking about israel say anything when Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Leader made a pact with hamas, an organization that calls for our destruction . So were supposed to bend over backwards for the Palestinian Leadership when the palestinians ahead of time have already locked arms with an organization that calls for eliminating israel. So we are for making peace. We are for a change in the situation. But we have it has to be a safe peace, it has to be a secure peace, and the palestinians have to go the extra mile and accept the proposals that israel already accepted. All right. Well thank you very much, ambassador gold. We appreciate your time tonight, sir. Sure. And outfront next breaking news. A black man found hanging from a tree if then the woods behind his home. The fbi and the department of justice are investigating tonight. We have a full report just ahead. Plus a black College Student, his head slammed into the ground during an arrest. Was this Excessive Force . He speaks out to cnn. And isis claiming credit for the attack that gunned down 20 tourists at a museum. Are attacks on tourists the newest tactic for isis . Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. 80 of the poor in africa are rural farmers. 96 of them are doing rainfed agriculture. Theyre all competing with each other; theyre all making very low margins making enough to survive but not enough to get out of poverty. So kickstart designs low cost irrigation pumps enabling them to grow high value crops throughout the year so you can make a lot of money. Its all very well to have a whole lot of small innovations but unless we can scale it up enough to where we are talking about millions of farmers, were not going to solve their biggest challenge. This is precisely where the kind of finance that citi is giving us is enabling us to scale up on a much more rapid pace. When we talk to the farmers and ask them whats the most important thing. First of all they say we can feed our families. Secondly, we can send our children to school. Its really that first step that allows them to get out of poverty and most importantly have money left over to plan for the future they want. Breaking news now, the Justice Department and fbi are investigating the case of a black man found hanging from a tree in mississippi. A Law Enforcement official tells cnn that man is believed to be 54yearold otis bird. You see his picture there. Police found him earlier today, about a half a mile from his home. Bird had been missing from march 2nd. A friend on that date dropped him off at a nearby casino. The sheriff of Claiborne County has just spoken about this moments before and heres what he said. We got down there and we seen a man that had some bedsheets tied around his neck. Was there a bag found over the head . It was a on his head. Justice correspondent evan perez outfront. You just heard the sheriff of Claiborne County saying he was found with bedsheets from his head. What are sources telling you at this time . The authorities down there are not yet identifying the name of the victim there who was found in those deep woods behind his last residence, but were told its otis bird 54 years old, who was found, who was reported missing by his family earlier this month. And so that is something now that tests are being done to confirm that it is indeed him. The body, we are told was somewhat decomposed so its not something that could have been done easily on sight. This is obviously raising a lot of questions down there. This is southern mississippi, near the louisiana border. An area with a history of violence going back some decades, so it is something that is raising questions and the fbi, Civil Rights Division sorry, civil rights investigators are on the scene, as well as the Civil Rights Division from the Justice Department and the u. S. Attorneys down there in southern mississippi are all investigating this for to make sure that to determine what exactly happened. Now, they havent ruled out whether it is a suicide or whether it is a murder so that is again, part of the investigation. Right, and theyre trying to determine whether it was suicide or murder. And of course when you hear about a murder in this way of a black man, youre talking about mississippi, people think about whether this could be something horrific like a lynching. What more do you know at this time about otis bird who he was . Well we know that he had a criminal record. He was sentenced in 1980 for the murder of a woman in that area and he served until 2006. He was released he was still on probation. That is again, part of the investigation here, because, you know it could be somebody who had a beef with him to settle because of perhaps that criminal past. And that is again, part of the investigation here. Even so of course the manner in which even if it was retaliation, the manner in which he was found, shocking. Thank you very much evan perez. And outfront now, derek johnson, the president of the Mississippi State naacp. Derek, thank you for being with me tonight. You just heard the details of otis birds death, were now reporting we believe that his name is otis bird. He was found a quarter mile from his home in the woods hanging with bedsheets around his neck as you just heard the sheriff say. Does this sound to you like a hate crime . Well anytime you find an africanamerican hung from a tree in the woods, it has the specter of a hate crime. We are proceeding cautiously with our judgment. We are hoping that federal and local investigators do a thorough investigation and if it is in fact found to be a crime, we would like for them to pursue this in a matter in which if the perpetrators committed this crime because of racial hate that they be charged as such. Sheriff lucas, the local sheriff of Claiborne County as the president of the naacp, im sure hell do a thorough investigation and well be very concerned with the outcome. We have been pleased in the recent past of the local fbi agents who work really hard to bring the perpetrators of the James Craig Anderson murder to trial and the judge sentenced those individuals with a racial hate crime. So in the state of mississippi, in Claiborne County we want to make sure it was not a racial hate crime. At this point, we are confident in the individuals who are doing the investigation. But we are standing by waiting to hear the outcome of the investigation. Well of course as you say, when anyone hears the circumstance you hear about a black man hanging from a tree the images given the historical past you know, the potential here is pretty horrifying. What we understand and you just heard evan perez reporting this according to police records, boyd was convicted in 1980 for the murder. That murder happened to be the murder of a white woman. Could this be retaliation . Well it could be. You can name it retaliation, you can name it anything. But if the purpose of the murder was based on someone killing mr. Bird because of his race thats a racial hate crime. And we want to make sure that if in fact that was the case individuals are fully prosecuted. The naacp, we was established as an organization to advocate for antilynching. We cannot stand by in 2015 and watch a lynching if in fact thats what happened and be silent. All right, derrick johnson, thank you very much. And i want to bring in now, tom fuentes, the former fbi assistant director. Tom, you know derrick just using the word there, which i had mentioned, the word lynching. Thats the word that comes to mind when you first hear about an africanamerican man hanging from a tree by bedsheets. We do not know in this case if this was a racial hate crime, if this was a lynching if this was suicide, we dont know. But given the basic facts that we have right now, what goes through your mind . Well what goes through my mind is that the almost a century of more of lynchings that have gone on that were considered by the fbi to be domestic terrorism. So if he was hung for those reasons, White Supremacist Group or somebody wanting to retaliate because of his involvement in killing a white woman or some other reason thats racially motivated like that and designed to send a message to other blacks that would be considered an act of domestic terrorism. And thats why the fbi is so heavily involved already, right from the beginning, because you dont want to let time elapse and miss a chance to obtain the evidence that theyre going to need to find out what happened in this case. So tom, when you talk about the fbi is involved the department of justice is also involved would they be involved if they had no reason at this point to believe that this was possibly a hate crime . I mean would they both be involved if it seemed clear this was suicide . Well you just gave the reason. Black man hanging from a tree and not knowing if its suicide or homicide or what the circumstances are. So that conjures up an image that could be, you know the hallmarks of a domestic terrorism act. And theyd rather investigate and determine that it wasnt and maybe its just, you know a murder or maybe it is suicide thats not racially motivated, than not to investigate and be called in later, you know, when its very late in the game. So thats why they would go immediately on the possibility. And, of course you know, when people first hear this then they hear the involvement of a white woman, you know you think back to emmitt till you know he was lynched for flirting with a white woman. In this case mr. Boyd had been convicted and served 25 years in jail for murdering a white woman. Is it possible that was involved thats relevant here . Could be. It is possible. And again, the fbi has taken on the ku klux klan for 100 years and all the other white supremacist, neonazi type groups that have sprung up in the last decade, from aryan brotherhood brotherhood, and theres a variety of those groups and theyre still out there alive and well and strong and thats why theyre investigating this to try to eliminate the possibility that we have domestic terrorism rising again in this country and trying to determine exactly what happened. All right. Tom fuentes, thank you very much as we said. The former assistant director of the fbi. And next this caught on tape. A black College Student, his face bloody during an arrest. He called it racism. Youre going to see the entire tape and judge for yourself. And Gunmen Attack a museum. 20 tourists at least, are dead today. Whats the threat to american tourists planning to go overseas for vacation this summer . Our report, coming up. 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Or how you figured you were covered for this. When youre actually paying for this. You might be surprised at whats hiding in your coverage. Talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. We are farmers bumpadum bumbumbumbum breaking news. The black university of Virginia College student whose bloody arrest was captured on tape is now sharing his side of the story to cnn. 20yearold marteze johnson was tackled by police who were trying to arrest him for public intoxication and obstruction of justice. This has now led to protests on campus and outrage. Some questioning whether it was Excessive Force and had to do with the color of his skin. In a phone interview with our own don lemon, mr. Johnson said he was not intoxicated and had never presented a fake i. D. At a bar, calling into question his arrest by virginia alcohol control agents. Nick valencia is live in charlottesville, virginia. Reporter good evening, erin. Those who i spoke to who know Martese Johnson say theyre not only shocked this happened, but shocked that it happened to him. A student with seemingly endless ties to the university. And while police say he was uncooperative during the arrest his lawyer says that johnson was the victim of Excessive Force. Hey his head is bleeding i go to uva i go to uva, [ bleep ] i go to uva, [ bleep ] hands behind your head. Youre racist how does this . st. Patricks day just after midnight. Martese johnson is pinned to the ground after he have denied entry into a bar. The cell phone video shows the moments after johnson was taken into custody for public intoxication and destruction of justice. Police say he was acting agitated and belligerent. You hear them on tape to stop fighting. Stop fighting reporter on thursday johnsons Attorney Says his client is an upstanding man, whos been traumatized by the incident. At no time throughout the encounter did martese present a fake i. D. Nevertheless virginia abc officers who were present on the scene questioned my client about being in possession of false identification. Hes on the executive board of the black student alliance. Hes on the honor committee. He was an orientation leader. Reporter in two years shes noun him, classmate Jasmine Burton says johnson had been nothing short of extraordinary, both on and offcampus. He is very involved in like issues relating to this and its just mind boggling that this happened to him. Reporter wednesday night, hundreds of johnson supporters held a rally. He was there too, after being released from jail. Regardless of your personal opinions and the way you feel about subjects to please respect everyone here. Were all apart of one community. And we deserve to respect each other, especially in times like this. Reporter university of virginia president , Teresa Sullivan has asked the Governors Office to launch an independent investigation. It felt it in my stomach. I just seeing the blood run down that young mans face you know i wanted to know what happened. How does this happen . [ bleep ] how does this happen . were just like yo asking for your i. D. How does this happen . Whats at the core of this . Its hard to say its a race issue, i think race definitely played a part but to me the biggest thing is Excessive Force. Reporter the Virginia State police tell cnn that theyve launched a criminal investigation and will look into the conduct of the officers involved in the arrest. Erin . Nick thank you very much. Nick reporting live from charlottesville tonight. And joining me now, former nypd detective, tom verny, and vann jones. Tom, youre with me. Let me start with you. So johnsons version of the story. He says he wasnt intoxicated. He says he didnt try to present a fake i. D. We should note hes a few months shy of his 21st birthday. Given that we dont know exactly what happened okay . But no matter what happened does it justify throwing a kid to the ground and having his face be utterly covered in blood . Can anything in this situation justify that sort of force . Well it all depends on what happened before the video that we saw. It doesnt show what took place before that right . So we pick up the video where the kid is already on the ground and hes being or attempting to be handcuffed. I dont think he was completely handcuffed at the time. And weve talked about this in other incidents, whether it be the eric garner situation or other policeinvolved situations across the country, that the police are authorized to use whatever force is necessary when theyre attempting to arrest someone. So if someone does not comply when the officer says youre around arrest that person doesnt comply and put their hands behind their back the officers now are legally able to use whatever force is necessary to make happen. If its not going to happen by their vocal commands theyre going to have to use some level of physical force. If the person fights with them theyll have to take it to another level. He says he wasnt drunk. That does contradict the Police Report. Thats a direct contradiction. But if he wasnt tested for alcohol, were never going to know. And that seems pretty relevant in this case. Does that put more of the burden on police here . The police will have to articulate why they arrested him. Virginia has a whole set of Police Officers that do nothing but alcohol enforcement. They have a whole task force for this. Its a statewide task force. Theyre going to have to articulate how they arrived at this young person being intoxicated. So hes under 21. The story was that he was trying to get into a bar. There were also some stories that his friends were corroborating with the police saying that he was drunk. His friends did say he was drunk. Ultimately the officers will have to articulate that he was drunk based on whatever it is that they felt that he was. So vann in the video, and i think toms fair to point out, right, we dont see what happened before. You see him on the ground. But when you see him on the ground you know you see his face bloodied and you hear him using expletives calling the officers racists. From what you see, vann how much do you think this was about race . Well first of all, its impossible to know how much its about race because as the officer just said we dont know what happened before and we dont know we dont have enough facts. Heres why he may feel its about race. You know College Culture these days is very you know, disrespectful, from my point of view. You see these guys you know, college guys theyre talking, the girls gone wild et cetera. He may have seen other kids who may be talked back to a cop and didnt get thrown to the ground. He may have seen other young people go to a bar and not get challenged and thrown out. So we dont know whats going on. And i think its very important that we dont rush to any conclusions about race. What i would say is this though. Police officers have a choice when they see someone breaking the law or who may be breaking the law to either escalate or deescalate deescalate. I have seen a lot of rowdy White College guys the cops say, hey, listen guys calm it down. They treat them more like little brothers. Ive also seen an africanamerican guy being outspoken and suddenly theres seven cop cars everywhere. So there is this sense that maybe when you have a different standard for kids when theyre out there doing stuff, and that might be why he thought, hey, im being treated differently, than ive seen other kids being treated, and thats why im calling it racist. According to vans logic here its possible the kid was a total jerk and he was drunk and he was being belligerent, but he was still treated differently because he was black. I dont you know its a possibility. Its a possibility. I mean you know i dont think thats the case here. Theres nothing to lead us to believe that at this level, at this point, that there is anything raceeltrelated here. I think what happened here as we just talked about a second ago, was based on this kids actions and his reluctancy to want to be arrested or comply with the police. And they took whatever force let me say one thing about it. And they took him to the ground. Let me say one quick thing about that and let the officer have a response. Just one quick thing. You know one of the things that i thought was interesting is that this young man is sort of hes an honor student, hes a very wellrespected young man, hes almost a poster child for what you would want from a young man. And i think for me just personally it was very heartbreaking to see him saying listen i go to school i go to uva, you almost saw, it wasnt just the injury physically, there was an emotional injury happening where hes saying hey, im a good guy and im being treated very badly. Youre a police officer. I just, i think my heart was breaking just to see this guy, who honestly thought that maybe because im a good kid, im going to be given a break here and he certainly wasnt. Yeah well again, you could have the best kid in school or you could have the worst kid in school you know it all comes down to when theyre interacting with the Police Officers if theyre complying with what the Police Officers are saying you know then none of that is even necessary. But if theyre not complying with them and or resisting arrest and or being physical with the cops at that point, all bets will be off and the officers will be allowed to use whatever force is necessary to get that person to comply. One small correction legally. Final point. They cant use whatever force is necessary. They have to use the minimum force necessary. And thats where, i think, we get into some of these disagreements. The minimum force necessary. Im not sure slamming somebodys face down i didnt see any injuries on the Police Officers. I just think that sometimes youve got rowdy kids out there and the cops treat some kids different. Right. They can use the minimum force thats necessary, but they can meet or exceed whatever force is being used against them. So if you go on the fbis website, theres a use of force continuum chart that i usually recommend people to look at. And it gives people an idea as to the method behind the madness as to how officers use the levels of force and when theyre justified to do that. By the same tone if this was a racerelated racerelated issue and the officers acted in that way because he was black, i would be the first one to come out and say that thats absolutely awful and they should be disciplined accordingly. But theres nothing to lead us to believe that thats the situation, that i know of. Thanks very much to both of you. And of course as we learn more information, well share it with you. The young man now saying he wasnt intoxicated. Of course the Police Report and his own friends say that he was. Outfront next nearly two dozen tourists murdered on vacation. Isis claiming credit. Will americans on Summer Vacation be targets . And a pregnant womans unborn child cut from her womb. She was lured by a craigslist ad for baby clothes, connecting with another young mother. She went to her home. Our special report, coming up. Just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. No sudden movements. Google search bodega beach house. 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At least 20 of those killed in the tunisian rampage were tourists passengers from two cruise ships who had planned on spending the afternoon at tunis renowned museum. And isis is now claiming responsibility for the massacre. And Miguel Marquez is outfront with this familiar tactic used by terrorists. Reporter the targeting of tunisias most prominent museum a sharp reminder for tourists without warning, they could find themselves on the front lines of violent extremist war against westerners. November 26th 2008 mumbai india, ten fighters from the pakistani Islamic Group launched a series of grenade and automatic weapon attacks against highprofile locations over a fourday period. 164 people were killed. October 12th 2002 bali indonesia, where tens of thousands of american tourists travel every year. An al qaeda affiliate detonated three bombs. The first bomb near the u. S. Consulate caused no injuries. The second bomb, just after 111 0011 11 00 p. M. Bomber a suicide bomberer. A third larger car bomb exploded. 202 people, including seven americans, were killed. November 17th 1997. Luxor, egypt. An Islamic Group fired automatic weapons into a tour bus, stabbed and killed some 68 mostly swiss and japanese tourists at one of egypts top tourist destinations. Isis al qaeda, and al shabaab have all expressed their desire to hit western targets. A recent bid of isis propaganda promises just that. Soon in your city will be the battle. The groups have already specified targets it would like to hit. In rome 500 police have been added to protect landmark tourist destinations like the vatican and coliseum. Recently though no islamic route is known to have targeted a heavily guarded tourist destination. But still, it has threatened places like the white house, londons big ben, the eiffel tower in paris, and even minnesotas mall of america. Miguel marquez, cnn, new york. And outfront next a woman answering a craigslist ad brutally stabbed, her child pulled from her womb. 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Ill have another arnold palmer. Ok. Make mine a kevin nealon. Really, brian . Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking xarelto® you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases may be fatal. Get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve, or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u. S. And that numbers growing. Like your guys scores. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. You may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. So,as my personal financial psychic, im sure you know what this meeting is about. Yes, a raise. Im letting you go. I knew that. You see, this is my amerivest managed. Balances. No. Portfolio. And if doesnt perform well for two consecutive gold. Quarters. Quarters. Yup. Then amerivest gives me back their advisory. Stocks. Fees. Fees. Fees for those quarters. Yeah. So, im confident im in good hands. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. A very disturbing story developing in colorado tonight. An expectant mother answering a craigslist ad for baby clothes. So she went to another womans home to get the clothes, she arrived. That woman then attacked her, beat her, and cut her child from inside of her. The suspect was a former nurses aid. She appeared in court today. Shes being held on a 2 million bond and there are questions tonight about whether she may have actually faked her own pregnancy and then tried to make this baby her own baby. Martin savage is outfront tonight with this story and how it is part of an alarming trend of crimes committed through something that so Many Americans use, craigslist. This 911 call is horrific. And remarkable. She cut me. Who cut you . I dont know. In this home a 26yearold woman lies beaten stabbed, and bleeding. Despite shock and unimaginable suffering, she finds the strength to make the call that will save her life and lead to her attacker. Whered she cut you at . In my im pregnant. She cut me in the stomach. Police arrive in minutes and only then learn the horror shes been through. According to authorities the woman, who theyre not identifying, was seven months pregnant and responding to an online ad. She was shopping on craigslist and she came to this house to pick up some baby clothes. Reporter once there, police say 34yearold dynel lane brutally assaulted the mother to be and then cut the unborn child from her abdomen. The victim was taken to the local hospital. The same hospital where the suspect arrived with the fetus, claiming she had miscarried. It didnt take long for doctors and authorities to put two and two together. But the premature infant was already dead. The tragedy is just the latest in a string of recent craigslistconnected crimes. The Company Reports close to 80 million ads on its website every month and most of the transactions go smoothly. But earlier this year a suburban atlanta couple went to buy their dream car, a 1966 mustang they had found on craigslist. But there was no car. Instead, a south georgia man has been charged with the couples murders. In february a College Student from atlanta thought he had found the iphone he wanted on craigslist. When he replied to the ad he was rob, shot and killed. Crimes like these and other close calls motivated the Woodstock Police department outside atlanta to offer their parking lot, even their lobby, as a neutral and safe site for buyers and sellers to meet. A Vigilant Community is a safe community. Reporter craigslist itself cautions and offers to safety tip on each posting. Thats terrifying when you think about it. Its a transaction with someone you dont know. In this case, the horrific slaying of this baby an attack of the mother. What are police saying was the motivation motivation . Publicly nothing. Privately, its clear you get the idea they know what it was. And it should be pointed out that in 2002 dynel lane won a 9yearold little boy as a result of an accident. He drowned in a pond on their property. To make the stretch of a connection of something that happened tragically 13 years ago to allegedly would happen yesterday would require more an expertise than i have but on the minds of many people. Martin savidge, thank you for that report. I want to bring in criminologist casey jordan. You hear what martin is saying. This is what some speculate may have been behind this. When you see the details, hear the details, these horrific details, what do you think . Well when you talk about a fetal abduction case there are usually two profiles of women who do this and one of them is going to be a woman who is infertile or had a serious of miscarriages and lost a child. To the extent that losing a toddler may have left with her that feeling, but then another is a woman who wants to cement a relationship with a man. This is a second marriage or subsequent marriage for dynel. A recent husband of a year and in her mind cant keep this husband unless she has a child and she has two teenage daughters. Whether shes infertile or not, we dont know. We know she has children. When youre talking about her situation from the plosolice report, she showed her family a sonogram. It wasnt hers. She told the kids she was pregnant. She was building this up for quite some time to the people around her. What does that tell you . I mean this was not just a sudden thing, i want to have a baby. This was months in the planning. It is. And theres something called the hysterical pregnancy, a woman believes shes pregnant and gets symptoms of being pregnant but shes not pregnant. Very often, its caused by lying to herself. She wants to have the baby so badly, her body gains weight, she skips her period and people think shes pregnant. The problem is once she tells the lie and if she selfbrainwashes herself and believes it, a level of denial. The train left the station. At a certain point there has to be a baby. This took her to a prenatal appointment. The jig was about to be up. He came right after this incident happened. Right. And then she produced this baby and said, i miscarried and heres the baby. So it was almost like a desperate act. She had to produce the baby. It was unthinkable to come clean and tell the truth she was never pregnant. Im not surprised if the sonogram was left over from the son she lost. That makes the tie, back to the 19 month old that tied. The shocking thing about this this is a bizarre and unusual crime but not an unheard of crime. Not at all. We had 15 documented cases in the last 28 years and twothirds of those have been in the last decade. I wouldnt call it an epidemic, but we are learning more from these cases. Theyre more common than we think and cause for further research because its a very alarming trend. Inkredcredibly horrific. 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It was breaking news without brake lights. This viewer couldnt contain himself. Whoowee. Reporter one point, the biker ended up at a dead end and casually took off his helmet and inserted ear buds. When police tried to block him off, they almost took the door off. The last time covered an l. A. Motorcycle chase involved a pack of bikers, solitary rider kept repeating the standing up stuff. Here we go again. One writes wheres a pothole when you need one . The biker turns into a gas station and gave up. Awe. Weak. Reporter police had guns drawned as he lay spread. 23yearold filip redindez felony invaded and driving the wrong way. What do you mean you were standing going 100 mirpts . Reporter criticized one of the cops is he seriously trying to kick me off my bike . I just want to say i love my family and two baby girls. Reporter a chase that had hearts pumping, while this lady wanted to pump gas. Jeanne moos cnn hey, look at this guy. Reporter new york. Youve got to give the guy credit for doing it at high speed. When he surrendered, it was gracefully done but still. Thank you so much. Set your dvr to record outfront to watch anytime. See you here tomorrow night. Ac360 begins right now. Hey, good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin with breaking news in the arrest of a university of virginia student caught on video outside of a local bar that sparked protest at the university and beyond. Also triggered a state level investigation virginia alcohol enforcement officers used excess force in the encounter. His name is marquessch marquis. Brian todd with how this came to be. Hey, his head is bleeding reporter a disturbing scene on the sidewalk. Just a few feet from the university of virginia campus Martese Johnson, a 20yearold uva student is pinned to the ground by agents for the Virginia Department of alcoholic beverage control. An injury to

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