Good evening, im jim sciutto in again tonight for erin burnett. Outfront tonight, breaking news. President obama speaking out on two major world crises. First, the fight against the terror group isis. A group a top official told me last night here on our air that poses, quote, a very serious threat to the homeland. But while the pentagon has said repeatedly that it is working on a range of options to deal with isis inside syria, the president said tonight not so fast. We dont have a strategy yet. Thats no strategy to fight this terror group in a country where theyve captured multiple cities, an air base and many weapons including 20 russian tanks. That same group that released this video today. Video they say shows some of the 250 syrian soldiers they captured and later executed after gaining control of that Syrian Air Base this week. And i want to warn you, this next video is graphic. This is video from syrian activists claiming to show the bodies, the dead bodies of those soldiers. The brutality of this terror group again on full display. And here at home, a frightening new terror tie uncovered. The american killed fighting for isis in syria this week was a close friend of another american killed fighting alongside a terror group as well. Douglas maccauthur mccain and ty kastigar, even appearing in this terror recruitment video. If you guys only knew how much fun we have over here, this is the real disneyland. A terror disneyland. And another major crises for the president tonight. Up to 1,000 Russian Troops cross into ukraine. Will president obama stand up to Vladimir Putin . We begin tonight with jim acosta who is at the white house. Some remarkable words from the president tonight live on television. Thats right, jim. As we both know the dangers of Live Television and they played out here in the Briefing Room at the white house earlier today. But as the president was trying to take on the two major crises faying his administration, both isis and russia, lets start with russia first. Russias apparent military moves in ukraine. The president stopped short of calling that an invasion but made it clear that additional sanctions for russia are coming very soon, perhaps in the coming week, but the president once again ruled out any u. S. Military solution to resolve that crisis. But as for the big moment of the day, and it was arguably not the president s best moment that hes had in some time. The president tried to explain to the American People what his strategy was for dealing with the isis threat in syria, and he used the words and you just played them there we dont have a strategy yet. Jim, i have to tell you that as soon as the president made those remarks, white house officials were crashing the phones. One called me to explain almost immediately doing instant damage control that the president was talking about the isis threat in syria, that he was not talking about his overall strategy for isis. The white house maintains he does have an overall strategy for dealing with isis that involves not only military solutions and air strikes like youre seeing in iraq but also building up regional partners to help combat that terrorist threat. Thats why secretary of state john kerry is heading to the region after next weeks nato summit, but make no mistake, jim, this was a press conference the president wanted to have today to sort of tamp down speculation that he was on the verge of launching air strikes. Theres been some media speculation about that all week long, but instead the president created another controversy. We saw the White House Press secretary josh ernest go on the situation room with wolf blitzer an hour or so after the president made its remarks. Its never a good day for the white house when the press secretary has to do that. It still raises h s hard questions. Democratic congresswoman an irache veteran and one of only two female combat veterans ever to serve in congress. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Aloha, jim. Im sure youve heard the president s words now, we do not have a strategy yet in syria, the white house clarifying thats just in syria, not in iraq. But just yesterday the president s point man in iraq told me that isis is a very serious threat to the homeland, whether isis in iraq or syria. Was this a stunning admission from the president . Jim, a couple of weeks ago i was talking with you on this show. Talking about mission and strategy. Weve got to be very clear in what our mission is. Our mission is to take out these islamic extremists, those who declared war on us, those who killed innocent americans on 9 11 and we will seek them out and take them out wherever we are. As we talk about strategy, good, first of all, to recognize that president obama and his administration is now focusing and recognizing and remembering, actually, that isis is our enemy. Isis, al qaeda, whatever name they go by, theyre our enemy and we have to execute a smart strategy to take them out. Biv the pentagon a little bit of room to figure out what the specifics of that strategy needs to be in syria. But lets get at the distinction the white house is making here. They said coming out of the president s comments that, listen, the president has a strategy for isis in iraq. He hasnt worked out the strategy for isis in syria. But isis straddles the border. In fact, that border is meaningless. They have a presence on both sides, theyre killing people on both sides, theyre taking over military bases, confiscating military equipment on both sides. How can it truly be a strategy to confront ice fis the president and the administration is only focused on iraq right now . I agree with you in that theres really no border that needs to be considered when youre talking about this group called isis or al qaeda or whatever they might be when they dont consider there is a border between iraq and syria. I think we should look at what has been working very well in northern iraq, in kurdistan where weve got air strikes supporting very capable, courageous Ground Forces in the peshmerga. The support they need to take that offensive action and see how we can continue to do that. Tweaking the strategy where necessary based on the situation on the ground. The military strikes have had some success stopping isis advance in iraq but hasnt pushed them back very much to be frank. But even if you do push them back a bit there, they still have a Tremendous Base of operations, home base in effect in syria. Can the white house strategy truly damage and degrade isis as the president said tonight if it is only taking them on in iraq and not in syria . No. We cannot. We cant think that this is about one country, that this is about iraq or syria. Weve got to recognize that these islamic extremists present a very direct threat, and weve got to have a comprehensive strategy to take them out wherev we are. Today were talking about them being in iraq and syria. Tomorrow we could talk about them being in a completely different country or we can talk about another group of islamic extremists that go by a different name, not isis but really are that same threat to the United States that they are those same group of extremists that attacked us on 9 11. So as we look at this, we absolutely have to take this on with a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy. What we should have done after 9 11, but unfortunately our mission at this time that was stated has been was lost. You know, i and allot of other people enlisted in the army or enlisted in the military to join that fight then we were sent on missions of nation building and occupying other countries. Thats been a distraction thats allowed these terrorist groups to strengthen themselves and weve got to get back the tho t. Remember, what is our mission and come up with a smart strategy to execute that mission. I know you had a very personal experience, the blood and treasure lost in iraq serving a medical unit there. So few people know as well as you the danger of going in without a strategy. And that point, jim thank you, we cant highlight that point enough that we cannot afford to make these same mistakes that were made by the Bush Administration and carried on by the Obama Administration to continue to allow that loss in precious lives and american treasure. Great to have you on. Thanks very much for your thoughts on this. Thank you. Outfront next, new details about a second american who died fighting for isis. Plus the next generation of jihadis. A look at the Young Children being recruited and brain washed by the terror group. And president obama blames russia for violence in ukraine, but why is the white house stopping short of calling russias advances an invasion . Ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively craycray. Whats snapshot, you ask . Only a revolutionary tool that can save you bigtime. Just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash youll stash. Switching to progressive can already save ye 500. Snapshot could save ye even more. Meat maiden bringeth to me thine spiciest wings of buffalo. Imagine the luxury. Of not being here. The power you want with the fuel economy you dream of. Performance with a conscience. This is volvo innovating for you. Yep. But its not just a tablet, its really a laptop. Its a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. Well it cant be as fast as my mac. Sure, it can. And it is. But you probably cant plug anything into it. I have a usb mini display port. Plug away. And this is my favorite its the kickstand. So youre saying it does more than my mac . 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Were learning more details about another american who died fighting for the terror group isis. A friend tells cnn that Abdirahman Muhammad is the second u. S. Citizen killed in the fighting over the weekend killed with mccain. Like mccain, muhammad had ties to minnesota. Were learning about mccains childhood friend who also died fighting for extremists overseas. Troy kastigar is seen in this video trying to recruit others from minnesota to join the Terror Group Al Shabaab in somalia. If you guys only knew how much fun we have over here. This is the real disneyland. You need to come here and join us. And take pleasure in this fun. We walk amongst the lions. Places so much tranquilly and happiness in your heart when youre amongst these people here. And we cant thank allah enough. A terror disneyland. Troy kastigars mother spoke to Jason Carroll today. It was her First Television interview. Jason is outfront with this report. Reporter for years Troy Kastigar and doug mccain were the picture of the average teenaged american boys. They grew up in minneapolis, both loved playing back and were inseparable. Theres quite a few people who you would say they would say they were best friends. And doug was one of those really close friends. He spent a lot of time at our house. He went to family gatherings with us. They played basketball together. Reporter how did two respectful young men go from this image to this . This is the real disneyland. You need to come here and join us. Reporter this recruitment video featuring kastigar was posted by al shabaab. They both ended up fighting for terrorists over seas. Mccain killed in syria days ago. Kastigar killed in 2009 in somalia. His mother still trying to understand how it all happened. Ill never not have that pain and that bitterness, but by trying to fill my life with joy and recognize the gifts and the beauty of the world, it makes it easier. Reporter kastigars mother said he started having trouble at 16. He began using drugs and was searching for help and spiritual guidance. And he found comfort in turning to the koran . So then he became muslim. And i dont know exactly how that happened. He had some friends who were muslims, some friends ho were so maly who had emigrated here. It was great for him. He all of a sudden was i have my boy back. His eyes were bright again. Reporter kastigar said he was going to kenya to study the koran. But his destination ended up being somalia. Hed spent nearly a year overseas with little communication. Then in july 2009 i had no clue that he was going into a dangerous situation in that way. Or to fight. And i think he knew. Reporter the fbi came to husband mothers home. They said he couldnt have been recruited. Reporter weeks after that visit, her son was dead. Were there any warning signs along the way . With doug for sure there were no warning signs because i just havent been around him for a long time. The one thing that i thought was really strange with troy is that they someone, they were willing to pay for him to come to kenya. And i really question that. I think they were manipulated and i dont think they knew what they were fully what they were part of. Reporter a lot of conflict, internal conflict with kastigars mother. She also said that she felt as though her son had expressed early on worry for the so maly people, worry that some of the Somali People were being oppressed and he went over there to try to help them but simply got lost along the way. Jim . The temptation of terrorism stretching all the way to several families in the u. S. Thanks very much to Jason Carroll in minneapolis. Outfront tonight cnn terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank. Thanks for joining. You heard jasons report there. Just as you hear the profiles of each of these young men whether Douglas Mccain or kastigar or other, it really is incredible to see average americans become radicalized. Can you explain how that happens . Well, the fundamental reason these people are going off to fight jihad, jim, is that they become convinced that its their religious duty to do that. Theyve been exposed to radical message online or in the community. And weve seen quite a high degree of radicalization in minneapolis in recent years. A couple of dozen americans, many of them young somalis going off the fight. Now weve seen another two. Great deal of concern about this that there may be more in the future. There may be a surge of americans going to fight in syria. U. S. Officials have estimated about 100 so far, just americans, perhaps hundreds more europeans. We know that in European Countries theyve already reported specific terrorist plots tied to fighters returning from syria and iraq. There was a shooting at a judicijawish museum in may and another involving explosives. What is the level of concern that americans returning from the fight in syria and iraq will attempt to carry out similar attacks here on the u. S. Homeland . J jim, theres a very high degree of concern. In those two plots officials tell us that french isis fighters were involved. Theyd spent time in syria connected with the group and came back to europe. In one case to launch a plot about a kilogram of high explosives found along with shrapnel. And in brussels in may a deadly shooting that led to four people being killed. The worry is that more of these people will come back and some will be americans. But from the United States point of view theres concern that some of these europeans and there are a thousand that joined isis may come to the United States and launch attacks here. Its easier for europeans to get here than others. They dont need visas to travel. What is the concern . Because the concern is fighters returning from the battlefield there but others being home grown, radicalized here much like the brothers in the boston bombing. Is that a concern as well . This is the most immediate concern, especially if there are u. S. Air strikes in syria, that could lead to a great amount of additional anger amongst radicals here in the United States. The United States would be seen essential as Assads Air Force regime supporting isis which is very brutal a and really hated by the people who might decide to launch lone wolf strikes. So a lot of concern about that, that they could download instructions from the internet, groups like al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are putting out instructions how to make bombs. We saw that happen in the boston bombing. A great deal of concern here, jim. Collateral damage, as it were, from u. S. Military action there. A possibility going forward. Thanks very much to Paul Cruickshank in london. Outfront next, the relentless recruitment strategy of isis and the children too young to understand the magnitude of the atrocities they see. Plus a dire warning on the Ebola Outbreak. It could ultimately infect 20,000 people and spread to even more countries. A look at a new experimental vaccine under testing to fight the epidemic. Much like these majestic rocky mountains. Which must be named after the. That would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. Gecko sir. Obviously ahh come on bullwinkle, theyre named after. First president george rockington that doesnt even make any sense. Mr. Uhh. Winkle. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] its one of the most Amazing Things we build and it doesnt even fly. We build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrows innovators. We build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving americas veterans. 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That is the same terror group that is boasting today it has executed at least 250 captured syrian soldiers. Isis released this video showing halfnaked prisoners being marched into the desert to be slaughtered. And we must warn you this next video very graphic, from syrian activists and claims to show the dead bodies of those soldiers. Now isis is trying to build a new generation of terrorists, Young Children learning to shoot machine guns and forced to watch beheadings and stonings at the terror groups Training Camps inside syria. Nick paton walsh has our story. Reporter isis want their caliphate to span generations so ideas are crammed into minds that are often too young to understand. Like these weapons absurdly held and manipulated by limbs that cannot control them. Yet still isis films and boasts of their youngest. Mohammed has now fled to safety in turkey but was age 13 when isis said he should attend a childrens camp in the syrian city of raqqa. His father didnt agree. They didnt threaten me he says, but they threatened my father when he prevented me from going to jihad and the camp, they said they cut off his head. We stayed in the camp for a month. Every morning we exercised, then we studied the koran and the life of the prophet, then we studied the weapons cal lish nickov and other stuff. Its rare testimony from schools where boys learn koranic verse by rote. As you hear in this isis video and from which few escape and about which few will talk. I understood some things such as praying and worship, he says, but many words i didnt understand like infidels and apostates and why i should fight them. Everybody pledged allege ens, everybody who went to the camp pledged allegiance to cal if al baghdadi. They take an oath, yes, seen here, but also indoctrinated into isis barbaric system of justice. They ordered us to come at a specific time, he said, and a specific place to watch heads being cut off, lashing or stoning. We saw some of these scenes. We saw a young man who didnt fast during the holy month of ram ma done, so they crucified him for three days. And we saw a woman being stoned to death because she committed adultery. This boy has learned his lines. There was one of my friends, he says, who went with them for a battle and he was martyred when he fought the Free Syrian Army rebels with isis. He was my age, 13 or 14 years old. Ne merely a year into its creation so much isis has already damaged that cant be undone. Now, jim, really, its the indoctrination of the very young that forms part of this radical ideology. Weve seen it in the mass execution videos from that air base in the north of syria where dozens were potentially executed. They were regime fighters, but as you saw there, that kind of society theyre trying to create born simply of the most extreme almost warped radicalism almost distant from the islamic faith is starting with the very youngest. Child terrorists. Our thanks to nick paton walsh. Outfront next, president obama plames russ blames russia violence in ukraine. The Ebola Outbreak already the worst Health Officials have ever seen. Now prediction that the number of people infected could increase dramatically. A lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. You know. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmmm. These are good the tasty side of fiber. From phillips live in the same communities that we serve. People here know that our operations have an impact locally. Were using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. The trucks are reliable, thats good for business. But they also reduce emissions, and thats good for everyone. 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And breaking news tonight, president obama vowing new consequences for russia for its actions inside ukraine. The president again stopped short, though, of calling russias incursion into ukraine a fullscale invasion. But the evidence is clearly mounting and president obama did make note of these alarming new images from satellites. Satellite images which nato says shows russia selfpropelled artillery units moving inside ukrainian territory. Officials say that in the past 24 hours up to a thousand Russian Troops with heavy weapons have crossed ukraines southern border to fight alongside prorussian rebels. This video shows what the Ukrainian Government says is a russian tank further south where a new front is opening up in the conflict. Our diana magnate is in southEastern Ukraine. Is that what were seeing here, Russian Forces in effect opening up another front in their battle inside Eastern Ukraine . Reporter hi, jim, well it does look a bit that way. What we know is that a town very close to the russian border has been taken over both by Russian Troops and tanks and artillery shellings that support their march in from across the border in russia. We heard that from Ukraines National Security council. I heard from one who was routed from that town who said these men were russian troop. The license plates were painted over. Really what you get the sense of is not that this is a direct invasion right now but that if russia did want to push in more troops, there would be very little in terms of Ukraine Defense around this region to top them, jim. Diana magnay in marionpoll in southern ukraine. Senator nelson, thank you for joining us tonight. Good evening, jim. I understand on your trip you met with ukraine officials. What help are they asking for from the u. S. . And are they disappointed with what theyve seen so far . I thought that they would ask for guns and ammo. What they need the most is uptodate timely intelligence as well as help in the training and the organization of their army. You know, this is a relatively new group that came in with poroshenko, the newlyleekted president. And theyre trying to Group Everybody together and now fight the russians. Let there be no doubt. Its the Ukrainian Military against the russian army. Has the administration said to you theyre going the answer those calls with more intelligence and training . The president has said no military action on the ground, but there has been intelligence sharing up to this point. Are the ukraiyuk yaukrainians g it . I believe at the end of the day, that the United States is going to support them. Ive certainly called on that. I spoke as recently as this afternoon to the secretary of defense. Ive made a number of speeches about it that we ought to help arm these people to protect themselves. Otherwise putins going to keep on this head fake and slight of hand kind of warfare where he denies that hes involved, as he did just a few days ago when he met with the ukrainian president and then, lo and behold, the next day, on wednesday, more Russian Troops are coming into Eastern Ukraine. The president said again today that he wants to raise the economic costs on russia for military action there. He said that russias increasingly isolated, but have you seen any evidence that that strategy is working while, as you say, russia continues this stealth invasion, continued escalation of military intervention there . Yes, i have. What is that evidence . Well, its starting to hurt the russian economy, and now russia has to deal with the fact that if it wants to play games with cutting off the gas going into europe, then thats going to be less revenue for russia and theyre already cash strapped. Plus there are a lot of high officials around president putin that are saying ouch, and they dont like it one bit because their Bank Accounts have been fiddled with. Now the next strategy to expand it is to get the european powers to really clamp down on the economic sanctions and to go into the private sector and start putting economic sanctions there. Just very quickly, though, senator nelson, you say that it has raised the costs, but has it changed russian behavior yet, this policy . Well, it hasnt changed the one guy who makes the difference and thats putin because he says one thing in his summit on tuesday and does exactly the opposite on wednesday of this week. No question. And the question is what will he do next as well. Thanks very much senator bill nelson. Thanks, jim. Joining me now spider marks as well as former supreme nato allied commander wesley clark as well. I wonder if i could begin with you, general. Just showing our viewers today exactly what happened, the new evidence. Well start here. You had this is where the satellite pictures that nato released zeroed in on. And here close to that eastern border, you see the tank movements in and you see some of the movements that theyre carrying around on the roads there. What also happened today, and thats where our diana magnay was down here in the southeast part of the country and thats where this video, what quluk yan Officials Say was a russian tank seen there. Evidence of a second front opening up here. How significant are these moves . Hugely significant. New york times this morning called it a stealth invasion. Theres nothing stealthy when you have this type of imagery, this type of intelligence evidence that clearly russia is involved directly in these operations in ukraine. Listen, thats the thing. Pu you still use the word invasion. General clark, i wonder if i can ask you and well throw up on the screen the comments so far because theres been a lot of verbal gymnastics by the Obama Administration to avoid using that term invasion. You have jen psaki calling it a pattern of escalating aggression. You have dade cameron calling it a largescale incursion, not invasion. But you have the nato commander calling it military interference. Its the ukrainians who use the term invasion. Based on what were seeing here on the map, general clark, is this anything but an invasion . Well, i think the American People deserve some straight talk, and i think this is an invasion. I dont think you can call it anything else. This has been its been organized, directed, supported and in every way encouraged by putin from the very beginning. Its part of a many year strategy to take back ukraine. And hes lifting it up step by step. Hes counting on the leaders in the west and not just in the United States but elsewhere in the west to be slow to recognize it, hesitant to call it what it is because we dont want to have to face the fact that were dealing with real aggression here. Its going to have to be responded to in some effective way. Im all in favor of the sanctions. I think they need to be toughened up. But as the senator indicated, they havent changed his behavior yet. Theyre not likely to. Actually, they probably help putin because they help him create the atmosphere of crisis that he needs to bring people together. So this is going to require some strong leadership at the nato summit and even before that. Thats where the president is going next week. Today the president said again that the u. S. Will not take military action against ukraine. This is clearly the administrations decided theyre not going to war against russia to protect ukraine. What are the real options short of going to war there that help shore up the ukrainians so they can push back this russian advance . Clearly, the United States has multiple options thatty this can employ, all the elements of power that have been described, but immediately you have to affect whats taking place right now on the ground. Senator nelson said it, increased intelligence, targetable intelligence and also the assistance in terms of possible adviser, whether thats from the United States or nato powers that can shore up the Ukrainian Military as they try to theyre not going the take on Russian Forces in pitched battles. That wont take place. If putin wants to, he can cut this off immediately. Hes chosen not to do that. But the United States has several options. Those are some that are immediate and could cause an effect on the ground. Ive spoken to our ukrainian officials as i know you have. And theyre nervous about russian moves there, but theyre not the only ones who are nervous because you have these nato allies along the border who are close. You have the Baltic States up here, latvia, lithuania, estonia, poland because they worry about what this means for their security going forward. What military steps can the u. S. Take that it has not taken yet to reassure those allies beyond the troop that were sent there for exercises, increased overfloits. What can the u. S. Do to minimize their real fears that were hearing from them . Well, the United States is going to have to help ukraine fight the battle. That battle ukraine is fighting is being fought on behalf of people who believe in democracy who want freedom and want the right to govern their own country. Thats exactly what nato stands for. Rather than let the ukrainian state stumble and falter out there and try to put a few dozen troops on the ground in other countries in nato, natos going to have to step forward now and provide real military assistance to ukraine. Real backing, intelligence, military training, support, help them organize. Ukraine is a modern country. Its got 45 million people. This is not syria. This is not the syrian opposition. This is a country fighting for its freedom and independence. Im sure if nato comes together with u. S. Leadership, we can stop this in ukraine. As i always remind viewers, this is in europe. Its not some faraway place. A real test. Thanks so much wesley clark and also spider marks, great to have you with us. The World Health Organization predicts that the ebola epidemic could infect some 20,000 people. Is there a miracle drug . Sanjay gupta is next. Plus all this guy wanted was to make a splash with his sports car, and boy, did he ever. 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[ beep ] oh wow thanks for the traffic alert. I better get going. Now that is a smart phone. Oh, wait its cause you make me smile oh, wait this is charlie. His long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs the outbreak of ebola is getting worse. The death toll is now more than 1500 people and the World Health Organization is warning that we could ultimately see more than 20,000 cases of ebola before this outbreak ends. Today the food and Drug Administration here in the u. S. Has given the green light for researchers to Start Testing a new ebola vaccine in humans. Joining me now is chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. You look at this initial test here and theyre starting with a very small group, just a handful of people. How good are the hopes here . How high are the hopes here that this could do something make a difference . Well, you know, the answer in part is this is why you do science. What we know about this ahead of time, it hasnt been used in humans before, so its hard to predict, but it has been used in nonhuman primates, chimpanzees. Its been pretty effective. Some may look at that and say, well, theres a lot of examples where things work on animals then dont translate to humans. Thats true. I think thats why this is being done. But look, there are a lot of different vaccine trials out there, jim. Why exactly this one, im not sure but its probably in part because this one holds more promise than the others, jim. With the vaccine in laymans terms, this is putting a piece of the virus in effect in your body, is that right, to stimulate an immune response . Thats the way to think about it. Its an interesting sort of model. They use a different virus altogether as a transport vehicle and take a couple of parts of the ebola virus an put it into someones body and see if the body starts to respond, starts to make antibodies that would fight that virus, if it ever saw it again. So youre sort of priming the body, if you will, jim, with this sort of vaccine. But no danger of the person actually getting ebola from taking the vaccine . I asked the same question. There doesnt seem to be any danger either from the virus transporting it or these fragments of the ebola virus. You couldnt get the ebola infection from these parts of the ebola, if you will. One final question, then. This is an experimental vaccine that the fda is proceeding with. You also have an experimental treatment thats been talked a lot about, this zmapp drug thats had some success, including with the americans. Just the seriousness of the disease that theyre resorting to experimental treatments and vaccines at this point . Heres how i would think about this. You know, theres no absolute answer here. Youre going to get different answers. Ive asked lots of people this question. What were hearing, first of all, has never happened before. I mean weve never been talking about using a vaccine, using these experimental treatments in humans. This is a medical first, so this is really important. It was expedited. I mean they have been talking about vaccine trials for some time, but it was expedited as a result of whats happening in west africa. Theres no question that has lit a fire underneath this whole process. But its also really important, jim, having been there on the ground in west africa, there are lots of questions that arise even if you have a good vaccine. Who do you give it to . Very important question. You dont want to just give it out to everybody. And theres potential risks with that. But someone once said to me, jim, if the cure for aids came in the form of a clean glass of water, you still couldnt rid the world of aids because youve got to distribute these medicines as well to the people who need it. Youve seen these places in west africa. Its difficult simply to get from point a to point b, so this is not going to be the final answer. The final answer is still stopping the outbreak. Going to the burial sites, counseling families, making sure that patients arent spreading the virus more than they already have. Stopping the outbreak just as difficult as distributing the drugs again because of the Health Care Resources there. Thanks very much, as always, dr. Sanjay gupta. We appreciate having you. Any time. Coming up next, the driver of this Million Dollar begotti barrels into a lagoon. Was he distracted by a cell phone, a lowflying pelican or was it just mosquitos . Jeanne moos is next. Th it can bring out the worst in people. 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Its one more part of our commitment to america. The driver of this incredibly expensive sports car puts the pedal to the metal right into a lake. It was meant to be the perfect con. Didnt quite turn out that way. Heres jeanne moos. Reporter hey did you see that . That is a bugatti. And since this ultra expensive supercar is rarely seen, no wonder a guy riding near galveston, texas, five years ago whipped out his camera when he saw one. That will be mine one day. Reporter i dont think you want this one. Not after what happens next. Oh, oh he wrecked oh [ bleep ] reporter the bugatti slammed into a saltwater marsh driven by a dealer of highend cars named andy house. House first told police he dropped his cell phone, reached down to get it. When he sat back up, he was distracted by a lowflying pelican, which he tried to avoid by jerking the wheel. But that excuse was for the birds, because this week andy house pled guilty to one count of wire fraud. Reporter the assistant u. S. Attorney says house bought the bugatti for a Million Dollars. Took out a car collectors insurance policy worth 2. 2 million and intentionally totaled the car. House didnt turn off the engine, so saltwater would ruin it. Houses excuse for not turning it off. He said the mosquitos were really bad. But theyre not so bad that you need to bail out of a car like its on fire. Reporter the bugatti is the type of car rappers rap about. Though its so unusual, its hard to identify. What is it . Pretty sure its a lambo, dude. Reporter no, not a lamborghini. That lambo line became a catch phrase. I think its a lambo, dude. Reporter the assistant u. S. Attorney called a 24second videotape of the crash the cornerstone of his case. It shows there was no pelican to avoid and no brake lights. What are the chances of having a video of this happening . If there were a mt. Rushmore of bad luck, i think andy houses face would be on it. Reporter though theres a 20year maximum for wire fraud, a more likely sentence is a year or two. There was vindication for one much maligned character. One poster noted finally after all these years, that poor innocent pelican is off the hook. Even a tow truck guy bows to the bugatti, washing his hands in the marsh before daring to touch the wheel. Bugatti, bugotcha. Jeannie moos, cnn, new york. Thats all for tonight. Thanks for having me this week. Its been great. Erin burnett is back next week and ac 360 with anderson cooper, starts right now. Good night good evening, thanks for joining us tonight. Another face, another name to add to a disturbing list. The list of americans added fighting for jihad. This is the second american killed while fighting for isis in syria last weekend. U. S. Intelligence officials will not say for sure but are getting closer. A College Football captain told a heroic story how he sprained both ankles jumping off a balcony to save his nephew from drowning. Turns out it was a story completely made up. A lie. Whats behind the tall tale . Well have details ahead. We begin in ferguson, missouri, with new evidence that someone yoogds using a video chat service used it to record audio of the shooting of michael brown. The company that makes the mobile app says it can verify down to the second the time the audio was recorded which was right around the time officer Darren Wilson shot and killed michael brown

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