That is one happy lady. She should be. That gives me the hebe ahhet thinking about it. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Militants are holding several americans hostage tonight. The leader of an Islamist Group tells me it is because the west joins the war in mali. And a truly bizarre story. We all heard how the notre dame player overcame the death of his girlfriend but it appears that was a hoax. Lets go outfront. Good evening. I am erin burnett. Americans held hostage. Militants linked to al qaeda have claimed responsibility for an attack on gs workers. The best information that we have at this time is that u. S. Citizens are among the hostages. I hope people understand that in order to protect their safety i am not going to get into numbers. I am not going to get into names. The number of american hostages has been fluid today. An islamist leader tells us there were seven hostages and there could be as few as three americans being held. The attack took place this morning at a bp gas field in response to frances military the Obama Administration was quick to react. The u. S. Official told me this afternoon that as of now the attack appeared organized. As we have been reporting for many months al qaeda inspired and linked groups are flourishing. We spoke to a military leader in the Islamist Group which has taken over and terized northern mali. He is working with one of the most Senior Leaders in africa who has claimed responsibility for todays attack. The fate of the hostages, they are at risk because things have to change. We cover the story from every angle and we will be speaking with mike rogers and chairman ed rice. We begin with cnn pentagon correspondent. This has been developing throughout the day and we have been struggling to chase this down and get the details. The u. S. Government says it is taking the lead on the hostage situation. What is it doing tonight to make sure that the americans being held hostage are safe. The first thing they gave was to get satellite surveillance over that area which means that the fbi can now monitor to some extent what is happening on the ground. The next thing that the u. S. Military did was upgrade the readiness status of the socalled commanders and extremists force. This is the small, lethal Counter Terrorism force that u. S. Africa command did not have when the consulal ate was attacked. It allows command to be ready to go and have a Team Dedicated to hostage rescue and Counter Terrorism. This team we are told was already on its way to be in place for any potential missions that might come up. They have been diverted. They are in an undisclosed location. The defense official says with the number of potential hostage takers it would be an extremely dangerous assault mission. They are hoping there is some sort of diplomatic solution to the crisis. Certainly a shock to many how quickly it happened. We have been trying to understand what happened and when these workers were seized on their way to work or what was happening. What can you tell us about the moment they were taken . And given the u. S. Government was very quick to say in this case they believed this was an organized and preplanned attack. Youre exactly right. Here is what we know from the minister who says an oil field in southern algeria was attacked by militants. Several hostages were taken there. This is an oil field about 40 miles from the border of libya. A group of westerners were on their way to the airport where they were attacked. Alg alger Security Forces fired back. The militants retreated and there they took more hostages. Although the group has claimed responsibility and said it did so out of retaliation for algeria allowing the french to use the air space for operations, a u. S. Official says the level of planning indicates that this was in the works even before the French Missions even took place and it is likely that the group is using this sort of as a cover to protect its level of planning. In other words, the french flights over algeria into mali they are using that to say this is the impetus to the attack when u. S. Officials bleechb tels may have been in the works for quite some time. Earlier we talk to a military leader in the group. He says he is working with the man who has claimed responsibility for the attack today. The emphasis on claim. We asked omar about the hostage situation in algeria. He is linked to al qaeda and is fighting france to maintain control. We spoke to other sources on the ground who told me the Islamist Groups have at least 2,000 people in a combat zone the size of texas. You may say how big of a threat can they be . When we asked how many fighters he had it was a question he didnt want to talk about. He has refused to answer that question before when we asked him and he refused again today. He said it doesnt matter whether we have 2,000 fighters or ten fighters we will be effective and this fight has moved from northern and west africa to Great Britain and the United States. The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee called this a growing radical movement and supports the offensive and he is outfront tonight. Thank you for taking the time. I appreciate it. The islamist military commander who we spoke to said they demand an end to the war to release the hostages. We are hearing this attack has been in the works before the french formalal involvement. Should the United States be negotiating with these Al Qaeda Linked groups . Here is the difficulty and you have done great reporting on this. For the last six years this particular al qaeda affiliate has been taking westerners hostages and have been using this for bargaining power. They then use the monetary ransom in order to build their organization. They are also freshly supplied from some of the weapons that they picked up in libya. So we have a situation, frankly, where i think we have to hope that the French Foreign legion forces and other forces engage and make very quick progress. I say that because once they get in mali they could do some real damage over the long haul. That is why you dont want this to become a staging ground for the growth of this organization. One other thing i heard today was speculation. Bp is one of the employers at this joint venture along with the company. These workerser carry on high kidnapping insurance. They have the ability to pay ransom if they need to. And i want to put this very difficult question to you. Should bp pay it if they think they can get these people out alive, these americans whose lives are at risk even if that money is going to Fund Al Qaeda if the other option is a special operations raid that may or may not work in which lives could be lost. The payment of those ransom dollars in the past have helped build this organization, this al qaeda affiliate. And now it has chapters in countries all over europe which intelligence sources are trying to close down. So the best policy probably from the long haul is to eliminate with a raid, try to eliminate this cell group that has taken the hostages if we can do it successfully and the overall policy has to be to succeed becae you see how brutal on the local culture this organization has been as it has tried to change the culture, it is doing it with amputations and mass murder. At this point the french engagement is to try to wipe out al qaeda. To be clear you would prefer a raid, special forces raid as opposed to ransom. I know you said that but to make it loud and clear. If our Quick Reaction force feels that can be done successfully, that would be my preference simply because ransom dollars are only compounding the problem, are only giving resources to this organization so it can plan its next attack and each attack can be larger than the last. I think we have to go to the root of the problem. Now, the militants they say did this because of french involvement in mali. Our reporting indicates this was an organized and planned attack. They are now using that as their excuse. The pentagon has confirmed that the United States will be involved in the war in mali. They have said clearly that will not be via troops on the ground. I have spoken to officials who are concerned about frances ability and capacity to execute this, to fulfill their mission of eradicating terrorism and terrorists in mali. How far are you willing to go . The fench foreign legion, the battalions are very good. The neighboring countries like algeria have an interest. They dont want to see this cancer spread. And so the u. S. s position here is to provide the logistics and also to provide the intelligence in order to help get this job done but not to provide boots on the ground. That is not our role here. This is for the countries of north africa and west africa along with the french government who has already had so many of the citizen ises seized and ransomed over the years that with 6,000 citizens remaining in mali they have decided to take a stand. We need to back them in that stand. We appreciate you taking the time and mike rogers is going to be our guest later on in the hour. Find out the latest on what we know about the americans being held hostage tonight. The nra is taking on gun control with a controversial new ad involving sasha and maleah obama. And jp morgan has its biggest year ever. Why is the ceo being forced to take a pay cut. 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And strengthening Mental Health reporting and regulation. The nra said only honest law abiding gun owners will be affected and our children will remain vulnerable to the inevitability of more tragedy. What is the nras strategy when it comes to this debate. Are the president s kids more important than yours. Reporter in a hard hitting response the nra has rolled out this ad saying the president is happy to have Armed Secret Service agents protecting his children but for everyone else. A hypocrit when it comes to fair share of security. Reporter it is the latest muscle flex by the gun group superpack which last year spent more than 16 million to influence political races. That is not a tremendous amount for such efforts. Big oil, the pharmacy industry and retired people have more and better funded lobbiests. The gun group uses its money and membership effectively targeting early any lawmaker who threatens the rights. The National Polls can show an overwhelming majority of people in favor of certain gun control measures but republicans know the turnout is small in their primaries and the nra members will be there and may very well take it out on them if they vote in favor of gun control. Last fall republican dick lugar came under fire from conservatives who felt he was being too moderate and the nra joined the attack. Dick lugar has changed. He has become the only republican candidate in indiana with an f rating from the nra. It is time for another change. Time to elect the senator who will protect our rights. Some analysts believe the nras power is waning as the number of house holds with guns has declined. Barack obama was still reelected and many nra backed candidates did not win. But by all accounts the nra remains a well connected strong and shrewd political power that says it is currently gaining members and it is clearly stealing itself to match anything the white house throws its way. The nra is also influential among democrats. One of them happens to be harry reid. You know the man who the president would be reliant upon to get something significant through the senate 1994 and 2004 he has a b rating from the nra. That is higher than almost anyone. This amazing fact. He has received more money from the nra than any senate democrat. When it comes to harry reid and the nra it is a close relationship. Kind of a love affair. He appeared with wayne lappier in 2010. He is a guy who says i am going to go with my party. So will he really oppose the president on gun issues . He is going to try to quarterback what he can. At the end of the day harry reid is a very practical politician. He said i will do what i can to move this forward and everything is on the table. Here is the real deal. The part about pragmatism. In 2014 there are a half dozen democrats who dont need an assault weapons ban attack. States like arkansas, louisiana, montana. That is all going to play into factors. It will be interesting to see whether the tide has turned. Some polls show at least on some options 89 of republicans support them. Maybe that stat will put some courage on politicians. Still to come america was moved by the store of a Football Player overcoming the loss of a loved one. It was an elaborate hoax. And breaking news. The faa has grounded a fleet of americanplanes. Well tell you about it. Try running four. Ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately weve got ink. It gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at Office Supply stores. Rewards we put right back into our business. This is the only thing weve ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. Make your mark with ink from chase. Ive always kept my eye on her. But with so much health care noise, i didnt always watch out for myself. With unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. But shes still going to give me a heart attack. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. Notre dame star linebacker claims he is the victim of a sick and bizarre hoax. According to the university manti tao was conned by a woman who led him to believe she died of leukemia. This is a really bizarre story. Why would she do that . What is the university saying . Well, lets back track a little. For people that arent familiar with the story this was really a part of the notre dame football story this year. Ee Everybody Knows they were in the bcs championship game. This was a big thread. Manti tao finished second in voting for the Heisman Trophy and throughout the year part of the story around notre dame is how manti tao was able to deal with the death of his girlfriend. He has done a number of interviews about him saying how difficult it was for him to move through the season because his girlfriend died of leukemia. People reached out to manti tao saying his strength during this was an inspiration. In fact, after his girlfriends supposed funeral we know she is fictitious. After her funeral he played in the football game. He had two interceptions. The coach of notre dame gives the game ball to the dead girlfriend and hands it to manti tao and says take it back to hawaii. Take a look at this. There is the video of him handing the ball and he said this is to her. The university is getting swamped. Here is the statement that they have released today. It says the bottom line here erin and sports fans are shaking their heads. People are just absolutely shocked by the story because of how wide spread it was, the death of this girl, this 22yearold who apparently never existed. The bottom line and question now is, is manti tao an absolute victim here or did he know that she was fictitious . When you look at the old interviews it is difficult to imagine. Maybe he is an absolute victim here of an online relationship but it is difficult to comprehend. It certainly is and that sort of attachment to someone you only know online. The whole thing doesnt seem to add up. Thanks very much. Still to come new information about the americans being held hostage in algeria tonight. Former fbi agent comes outfront. And a controversial new ad from the nra features the president s daughters. Does it cross the line . [ male announcer ] how do you make americas Favorite Recipes . Just begin with americas favorite soups. Bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. Or bestever meatloaf. Go to campbellskitchen. Com for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. Campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. But im still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesnt unstuff your nose. What . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. Thanks. Thats the cold truth welcome back tood second half of outfront. We focus on our stories. The faa temporarily grounding the boeing 787 dream liner. They issued what is called an Emergency Air worthiness directive to address a potential battery fire risk in the plane. This means the faa needs to see if the lithium ion batteries are safe. You have heard about the much publicized problems with japans 787s. United airlines is the American Company that operates the 787. They have six of them in service. This comes after an emergency landing. Live Strong Foundation is speaking out before Lance Armstrongs interview. In the statement the foundation says in part we expect lance to be completely truthful and forthcoming in his interview and with all of us in the Cancer Community we are charting a strong, independent course forward. The live Strong Foundation has to focus on rebranding themselves on a Service Based charity. Police have gotten a little more information on a woman who was found hanging from a tree. They say she was not gang raped now. Local Officials Say cnn the case is being treated by a suicide because evidence does not point to sexual assault. It has been 531 days since the u. S. Has lost its top credit rating. According to the local Economic Conditions some businesses are saying we are not going to hire. They are delaying until the government figures this out. The american hostages, defense secretary today quick to call it a terrorist attack as he is traveling in europe. Two were killed and a number of hostages have been seized. The exact number of u. S. Hostages is unclear. The u. S. Government says perhaps as few as three americans are being held. Earlier in the day we have heard from militants that it could be as many as seven. It is unclear if that number was wrong. What are the latest reports there on the hostage situation . Reporter well, as you said we are still hearing conflicting reports about the number of hostages still being had. We are seeking confirmation as to whether one of those hostages claimed to have been killed is british. We are getting more clarity on who is behind this. They have said that the man who they want to negotiate on their behalf is a former commander of al qaeda. Really the sense we are getting is that this whole hostage situation is a coalescing of all of the concerns that led france and the u kurk and u. S. To supp you have heavily armed militants move across country and were able to attack a con voy protecting western oil workers. Now we are hearing from the interiorer minister that he thinks that they didnt even start in mali. His concern is maybe the militants came from across the border in libya. Very confusing. Thank you very much. Reporting live tonight. Republican congressman mike rogers of michigan is the chairman of the house intelligence committee. He served as an fbi special agent and he is out front. Good to see you again. You said the kidnapping of americans and other westerners raises the stakes in a very volatile region. Have you been briefed on this situation . What can you tell us . The number of hostages has been moving a little bit. It will take a little bit of time before we get exact clarity on the exact number. But i will tell you what is happening and i dont believe that they came from mali either. I think the kidnappers, the terrorists themselves have said they came from mali to pull this off. It shows you just volatility of the whole region even into western and Southern Africa you have seen Weapon Movement and People Movement and a collection of different groups that have come together under the al qaeda banner. It is really, really dangerous. And we knew that they had looked at western targets before. This was something that probably had some seeds of planning prior to. They use this as an opportunity to engage and use it as a pr tool. So much of what is going to make the United States decision as to whether or not to get involved here is how the groups are coalescing. The one who took responsibility is in mali often. When we were along the border we were told he was in a town nearby. He is also now apparently from what we understand working with some other groups. I spoke to the military commander today about how many fighters they have when we are looking at this conflict and what their goals are. I wanted to play you what he had to say and get your reaction. Here he is. Congressman, i dont know if you speak french. Our viewers could read that. He said the number of our fighters doesnt matter whether we have 2,000 or 10. It makes no difference. It is going to be the entire west africa. We are going to hit hard directly in the heart and it will be the United States and britain. A lot orphthis is their intent and goal. How serious are these groups coming together from your understanding from the briefings you receive . Well, very serious. We have been looking at Northern Africa for some time. I sent some folks from my team there back in september. And what we found before remember they have been making money through ransom for some time even before joining al qaeda in 06. They were the single largest contributor for many of those years even to osama bin laden. They have been doing this for a while. They are certainly well organized. All of the different organized crime groups, tribal groups that have been doing this for years, those groups are starting to come together. So the movement of jihad and now calling themselves sig inaatories in blood. It will attract more trouble because the more success they have that is a recruiting tool for them. That is where jihadists will come because they think they are winning the fight. You wrote today and i want to get your reaction. The Administration Needs to better understand the specific threats posed by aqim and other Al Qaeda Affiliated groups. If we dont deal with these groups and terrorists swiftly and effectively they will only pose an increasing threat in the future. The Obama Administration today very, very quick to say that this was preplanned and organized and a terrorist attack immediately. Are they doing a good job handling this one . Well, you know it is too early to tell. This is a difficult one. I am not going to say that when you have a group like this that is clearly well organized i think it was preplanned. This is as hard a problem as it gets on the ground to unwind. And you know the outcomes of these are not always great. That said, what we dont have is an overarching policy. This is what many of us have been talking about. Mali is the first victim of libya because of the weapon caches raided. And the inability to stop the weapons from flying all over and people. You had tunesians that were likely involved in benghazi and now you have the tribes along the mali border. You have all of this converging together and makes it a very, very dangerous recipe. That is why you cant just handle mali. You cant just handle benghazi. You have to have an overarching plan that puts pressure on these groups from all of it. You cant just fire a few missiles and pack up and go home and hope for the best. It is not going to work. This is a can of worms that is open. We are going to have to deal with it or it will be a safe haven like you see along the afghan pakistan border. The can of worms is open. If we cant put the can back on how much involvement are you willing to stomach . Are you willing to say we will put boots on the ground, something the Obama Administration does not want to do and the American People do not want to do right now . You have to ask. There are a whole series of options here that we can put into play. And it has to be a coordinated effort. This isnt just about mali. The french have very capable special forces. They are going to put hurt on these folks. There are things we can do for them short of boots on the ground. I would encourage the president to continue to do that. If you this is going to get worse. You cannot allow this to become a National Security issue for the United States. I argue it has crossed that threshold. This area now attracting jihadists and they are really good at this stuff including hostage taking because they have been doing it for decades and have been the largest funder to al qaeda. This is a problem we have to deal with. We all ought to sit down and try to come to a consensus short of boots on the ground what options we have available and how we implement them to hasten french victory and to continue to put pressure on them in places like libya and algeria. Thank you so much. Still to come the nra releasing a controversial new gun ad. Did it cross the line or not . And the psychiatrist of the aurora theater shooting sued. They say the doctor knew the gunman was dangerous and failed to protect the public. Tdd 18003452550 is your old 401k just hanging around . Tdd 18003452550 consider if rolling it over to a schwab ira tdd 18003452550 might let you get more out of it. Tdd 18003452550 like earning a bonus of up to 600 tdd 18003452550 in a schwab ira tdd 18003452550 and 150 commissionfree online trades tdd 18003452550 plus our rollover consultants handle virtually tdd 18003452550 all the details tdd 18003452550 to help you focus on the bigger picture. Tdd 18003452550 so give us a call and get started today. Tdd 18003452550 see schwab. Com iraoffer for terms and conditions. Our fifth story. The nra gets personal. The group is out with a new ad that targets the president s gun control proposals and his family. Are the president s kids more important than yours . Why is he skeptical about putting Armed Security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools . Was that out of line . I am going to bring in our contributors. The big question, the press secretary issued a statement saying most americans agree that a president s children should not be used as pawns in a political fight but to go so far is repuginant and cowardly. This is a very serious issue. Is going after the president s kids just an absolute line you dont cross . I think it is completely crazy and counter productive but it makes sense according to a different strategy. We have talked a lot about the nra and how the nra has 4 million members. Something like 47 of u. S. House holds report that they own a gun. That is a lot more than 4 million. The nra is concerned about rival gun rights organizations. The gun owners of america is an organization that claims to be more hard core and more solutist and it has 300,000 members. The nra represents a minority of gun owners in the United States and they are concerned about being outflanked in terms of the strength with which they defend gun rights. The truth is there are a ton of gun owners. When the nra goes off and has an ad of that nature they are not necessarily representing real gun owners. They are representing a much Smaller Group and they are concerned about it being seen as too moderate. The president of the nra defended the ad. I want to play his defense before you jump in here. The fact of the matter is that the schools in washington that are attended by the elites, not just the president s daughters but the sons and daughters of others are protected by Armed Security, not the secret service. Is the white house taking this too personally or overreacting . I have met times, met his wife as well. Ill say this here. The ad is pathetic. The nra are a bunch of punks for running the ad. If they actually stand behind it, why did they remove it from their website . Why did they run from it . They got exactly what they wanted. They put a youtube ad up. Were talking about it. So it gets out there. But it shows how weak and cowardly they are hen they chose to run away from it. And so there is no need to invoke the president s daughters in this conversation. I can guarantee you that had anybody invoked the daughters of president george w. Bush in a similar ad attacking him, folks on the right would be just as upset. It makes no sense at all. Im sure youre right about that. Rollland, what about the fact that politicians use their kids when they want to politically all the time. Remember the famous picture of Chelsea Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky affair walking between her parents to the helicopter . Or hold on, let me just finish. And this time before the dnc when the white house released a picture of the president with his two daughters snuggling on the couch, there it, watching michelle obama. Look, they use their children for political purposes hen they want. To. First of all, walking with chelsea to the helicopter, they were going on vacation. So what are they supposed to do, take her to another helicopter or through the back door somewhere . It was the handholding and connecting them, rollland. Okay, so what . If there was a photo and there were no handholding then, its okay . Seriously. That is not the same as putting an ad out where you are mentioning the president s daughters. It makes no sense. And again, if youre the nra, you dont have to actually do that. You dont have to go that far. If you want to do that, why dont you say okay, why dont you go to chicago and say how many armed guards are there in chicagos schools where the president is from . Thats legitimate. Thats a fair question. But to use the president s daughters makes no sense whatsoever. All right. Thanks to both of you. We appreciate it. And next, a psychiatrist sued over the aurora theater massacre. The widow of 26yearold Jonathan Blunk is holding alleged gunman james holmess doctor accountable. The lawsuit alleges dr. Lynn fenton, who treated holmes at the university of colorado denver knew he was dangerous and failed to protect the public. Now, the school is also named in the lawsuit. Out front tonight, forensic psychologist robin landau, along with pal callan, who also represents psychiatrists in medical malpractice case. Let me just get to the details of this, because the suit claims that about a month or a few weeks before the shooting, holmes had told dr. Fenton that he fantasized about killing mass numbers of people, that she in turn had told campus police, but opted not to put, quote on quote, a 72hour hold on him. Its unclear what that 72hour hold might have resulted, if it would have ended in impacting what happened in aurora. But thats what this case rests on. So how strong is it . As tragic as the case is with so many people killed, 12 dead, 58 wounded, tremendous sympathy here. But the law is very, very strict about this. A psychiatrist has to be aware of a specific threat against a specific person. And then there is somebody to warn. In this case, it sounds to me like everything that ive heard so far we have generalized threats of violence. And that does not create liability. So i think its going to be a troublesome case for the victims. As someone who is in that business, did she do the right thing do you think . Its so hard to tell when youre not in it to say well, there are a lot of people who are threatening these kinds of things, or is it a rare thing . I think the word threatening actually is an important word there, because when he was talk about fantasies, ideation, was he speaking about specific acts that he was planning. Was he mentioning i have guns in my home and im thinking about using them. The use of fantasy and ideation does not necessarily mean that anything is going to happen. So in terms of what she did exactly what she was told is important to know, what is in her notes. So the new gun control law that passed in new york, im curious on your take on this. It requires Health Care Providers to report their patients to the state should the patients exhibit behavior suggesting they could be harmful to themselves or others. It sounds to me what you both are saying this is much broader. This isnt me making a specific threat against paul. This is me just threatening in general. Am i right in that . And how does that change this . You know, i think although they are broadening the laws here, the truth is in new york state Mental Health professionals have always been mandated. If we feel a patient is at threat to themselves or others, we already had to report it. So it already exists. I think its being stressed here in light of what has happened. And i think that when people in voluntary treatment, that the court has mandated it, now theyre going to follow up more. Theyre going to be in touch more with the Mental Health professional that is working with that person. It doesnt sound like a big change. Its not a big change at all. All this law did with respect to the mental hell situation, in new york you have these people on the street. Theyre out there. People know they have Mental Health problems. Nothing is being done. This law, kendras law, what it says is somebody like that who has been violent in the past and who is out of the hospital now, living on the street and obviously needs help, this law allows psychiatrists to force them back into hospitals and to get outpatient treatment. But it doesnt really affect the gun situation at all. All right. Thanks to both of you. Well, americas biggest bank has its biggest year ever. So why did the ceo get stiffed by his bosses . Dont just reject convention. ] drown it out. Introducing the allnew 2013 lexus ls f sport. An entirely new pursuit. To volunteer to help those in need. When a twinge of back pain surprises him. Morning starts in high spirits, but theres a growing pain in his lower back. As lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. But after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. Just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. Today, jason chose aleve. Just two pills for all day pain relief. 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