"outfront" tonight, crackdown in china. just as a breakthrough appears possible in the case of blind activist chen guangcheng, the chinese government clamping down, perhaps harder than ever on other voice of descent. communists parties authoritarian rule. we spoke to several on the inside today. the organization human rights in china told us they haven't heard anything from activist and chen confidant zeng chengdang for days. latest tweet two days ago when she announced she was under house arrest. human rights lawyer was also reportedly detained and beaten. he tried to visit chen in the hospital thursday evening. then there's this woman also known by her english name pearl pup see her there. she's the woman we told you about that helped chen escape his house arrest in the dead of night. she was detained herself. we are told by human rights groups she was released yesterday. take a look at this man. an unnamed supporter of chen's who actually would not allow cnn to identify him today pup soo pictures from behind him and his computer, not his face. why? he says he fears for his safety. coving this story, he and his crew, you see these pictures here. this is obviously -- you can see an altercation. followed by plained clothes police who hassled them at every stop as they tried to approach chen's village. it's impossible to note how many stories like these are out there. reliable statistics on political prisoners in china are extremely hard to come by. the congressional executive commission on china keep as prisoner database and recorded 6,886 cases of political or religious imprisonment in china. they believe the numbers are much higher. currently there are 1,437 known political and religious prisoners in the country. the commission knows of 23 cases of house arrests. secretary of state hillary clinton in beijing today acknowledged the human rights problem is not just about chen guangcheng. >> this is not just about well-known activists. it's about the human rights and aspirations of more than a billion people here in china and billions more around the world, and it's about the future of this great nation and all nations. >> did the united states make it worse for the other disdissidents? even if there is a decision in this case? on the foreign relations committee, and, of course, you just saw video covering the story since the beginning, spoken to all the players. both "outfront" this evening. the past 48 hours, you barely slept as you've been talking to all the players. been intimidated yourself. how tense is the environment in beijing and are you hearing even if we could get a resolution in the case of chen that there could be a broader crackdown on dissidents? >> reporter: erin, extraordinarily tense and it's been that way for the past year. this is a leadership transition year in china. only happens once every ten years and they wanted to orchestrate this with absolutely no problems. frankly, it's blown up in their face not just with this case but others as well. just overnight more man 20 journalists, international journalists were called in and given this warning. if you continue to go to the hospital where chen is being held, you will have your visas revoked and have to leave the country. we know that people that we've spoken to over the past week have been arrested. they've been detained, under house arrest and being forced not to speak out on this at all. this is the response of the government. the one hand they look as though they're giving something by opening the door to a resolution here, but just as they open the door they're slamming one behind it. erin? >> let me ask you about this. sharing some of the numbers. obviously it's lard to know. right? i mean, obviously, human rights organizations thinks they're a lot higher. do you worry about the other chen guangchengs out there and if the chinese government ends up having to give him back or let him go to the united states, such a public problem, for them, that they're going to crack down much harder on those who remain? >> well, erin, china's an oppressive regime, and chen guangcheng has been part of being on the end of the repression that exists in china. so any time that we give, you know, an opportunity to a chinese dissident, either to come into our embassy or to try to negotiate as we are doing in this case, for him to come to the united states with his family, the reality is, that regime is going to still be there and it's going to continue to oppress its people. that's why speaking up about human rights in a more broader discussion is incredibly important. >> and maybe a silver lining here. talking to people who spent significant time in china for these situations, they say to their knowledge there's never been a dissident who came into the u.s. embassy basically released on to the streets? resolved another way. they come to the united states, for example. the u.s. was under incredible pressure to resolve this before the secretary of state and timothy geithner's visit. do you think they made a mistake, now caused china to feel in a sense humiliated that could hurt other activists? >> from everything that i've seen, chen guangcheng originally wanted to stay in china. he wanted to continue his activism, but he wanted to be reunited with his family. he wanted to be out of the problems where he was being severely harassed and there was an opportunity to achieve that. he obviously had a change of heart, and now it seems that we have a deal where we can come to the united states to study, with his family. and then pursue whatever his future course might want to be. >> senator, of course, referring to the possibility that chen could be coming to new york university. what's your sense of chinese officials sort of what you're hearing? are they feeling that they lost face and were humiliated in any way in this or feel more than the u.s., the u.s. bungled it? >> i think it's the latter, really. they pair to be magnanimous. the once offering a resolution, they hold the cards, saying they can give him the passport and allow him to apply for a student visa and lectures the united states saying if you want to keep this relationship on an even path you need to act better, be much more vigilant and make sure this doesn't nap the future. demanding an apology from the united states for harboring chen. i've come to this conclusion. we're talking about the most significant defining relationship of the 21st century. the two big powers of the world exposing serious flaws on both sides. look at united states. they had a man who had been beaten, under house arrest, made it to the embassy under their protection, facing enormous stress and handed hem sbook the people oppressing him. on the other hand, china, despite all of this, despite the lifting people out of poverty and the economic success, it's still so bad, has such a tawdry human rights record that people want to flee in fear of their lives. this is the defining relationship from the rest of the century there is huge work to do appreciate your time. front story, too. still "outfront" -- a bangup job. >> this is a sad time in america. when people who want work can't find jobs. >> secret services. >> no. just go [ bleep ]. i'm not going to pay you. >> all this "outfront" when we come back. man: 1939 -- my parents ran across an ad for a hot dog cart. my mother said, "well, maybe we ought to buy this hot dog cart and set it up someplace." so my parents went to bank of america. they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years. is as much about getting there... ♪ it is being there. ♪ [ birds chirping ] away is where the days are packed with wonder... ♪ [ wind whistles ] ...and the evenings are filled with familiar comforts. find your away. for a dealer and the rv that's right for you, visit olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! 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"outfront" honoring one of the passings of a beat beastie boys. and future playing out on xbox or ps3. look at the trailer for "call of duty: black opes 2" takes play in 2025, a terrorist takes control of the robots and uses them against us. one of the battlegrounds, china. besides foreshadowing a war fought by machines, these types of games bring in serious, serious money. the last "call of duty" modern warfare 3" logged oeb over a billion in sales. the trailer we've been showing viewed over 10 million time on youtube. but it's the gaming industry's own future you should be worried about. that brings us to our number tonight. i love tapping on this thing. this is 553 million dollars. the dollar of video games sold in march. great? down 25% from last year. one of the big problems is not how cool, sexy, amazing violent hoar terrific terrible and swear-inducing those are, it's the lack of devices. playstation 3 released just over five years ago. the last time we got one. xbox 360 the hot thing, over six years since one of those. there it is. twice for each. sorry. i'm learning the wall. got it. anyway -- get the point. all right. the third story "outfront" tonight. drop in unemployment. you say good news? right? the problem it doesn't add up. the economy added 40,000 fewer jobbed than expected in april and unemployment fell only because people were giving up. they don't have jobs and are looking. the number of people in america with jobs, looking for jobs right now at the lowest level since 1981. bottom line, these numbers seem to be good for mitt romney, who's trying to run as mr. fix-it for the economy. other numbers, making mitt happy today, the swing states. in florida, a 9-point lead over the president in handling the economy. in ohio, a 4-point lead. in pennsylvania, the two are virtually tied. just a couple moments before the show began i spoke with the press secretary for president obama's re-election campaign, and i started by asking him about the jobs report today, and the fact that every single month this year fewer jobs have been added. >> well, you know, there is a trend, and the trend is that the president took office in the midst of a severe economic crisis. losing 750,000 jobs. he brought us back from the brink of another depression and businesses have created more than 4.2 million private sector jobs. manufacturing is resurgent. the auto industry is back. we're on track to double our exports. you talk and the workforce participation rate. the fact is over the course of the bast year the unemployment rate dropped from 9.1% to 8.1%. three quarters attributable to increase in employment. these policies are moving this economy forward. what mitt romney proposed is a return to the same policies that got us into the economic crisis in the first place. more tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and letting wall street write its own rules again. >> you're trying to say most of the improvement in the unemployment rate, saying it's coming from job creation. still the lowest participation rate since 1981. doesn't that worry you? a lot of people are out there who have got to feel really upset and worried about their futures. they don't count in those numbers. >> well, part of that workforce participation rate are the baby boomers retiring and others going back to college. we're going it keep at it. there are additional steps we can take now that have been outlined in the president's budget to keep teachers in the classroom, keep cops on the beat. to provide a further boost to the manufacturing sector knop doubt that congress should take action on those policies. mitt romney doesn't have any, any plan to create jobs in the short run and in the long run, he's proposed $5 trillion tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, same in 2001 and 2003 that didn't unleash growth, didn't unleash job creation. you saw slower pace of job creation during that recovery period in 2001, which, by the way, mitt romney praised at the time, when those same policy was in place. so those are the last sorts of policies we should be returning to. >> each of the answers you've obviously talked about trying to contrast the president with mitt romney, and i know you're trying to talk about policy, but obviously there's already been studied out, wesley university did a study saying thas been the most negative campaign in history. a big part of that was clearly the republican primary, but your campaign has been jumping on board. here's an ad right now. ♪ >> as a man that wants to run for the president of united states who can't be honest with the american people. why should we expect him to level about anything as president? >> it's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. he was referring to the hunt for osama bin laden. >> just what you'd expect from a guy who had a swiss bank account. >> shouldn't's president as the incumbent be the guy that says i'm going to hold my head high and not engage in negativity, petty politics? >> this election, like any election, is going to about choice between two candidates, two records and two opinions for the future. we are selecting the next commander in chief here. the fact is the president is somebody when he ran for office in 2008 said he end the war in iraq in a responsible way. he's done that. he said he's refocus on al qaeda. key terrorist leaders taken off the battlefield. said he's refocus on afghanistan. afghanistan is no longer a safe haven for al qaeda and the afghans are stepping up to take control of their own security. and he dedicated resources to going to get osama bin laden, made a tough call to authorize the mission to do so. when a specific policy choice was put on the table in 2007, the president was asked if he had actionable intelligence against a terrorist target in pakistan would he go after that target without the permission of the pakistanis. he said yes. governor romney criticized him and said he wouldn't move heaven and earth and we shouldn't dedicate all resources to get one person pap foreign policy selection. we're selecting the next commander in chief and entirely important to the discussion. >> the first signed, close gitmo. we talk about sheikh mohammed. he hasn't kept that promise. >> he certainly moved forward with the process to ensure the detainees at guantanamo, those who have committed acts against the united states, or harbored intentions to do so are brought to swift and certain justice. reformed the military commission process to ensure it was constitutional. you see detainees like the alleged bomber of the "uss cole" in military proceedings right now. all detainees at guantanamo, kwass reviewed to determine whether or not they're threats to the united states. it they're not a threat to the united states they've been transferred to third party countries. some in congress have tried to hamstring this administration's efforts to bring these to swift and certain justice but the president continued to move forward. >> thanks for taking the time to join us tonight. >> thanks for having me, erin. a florida millionaire convicted of manslaughter. >> state of florida versus john goodman, defendant. verdict, we the jury find as follows. as to count one we find the defendant guilty of dui manslaughter and failure to render aid as charged in information. >> now the accesses of one juror may make that verdict moot. it could be overturned. 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alcohol, for instance, affects everybody differently. you may have an enormous capacity for drinking whereas somebody else might have a very low capacity for drinking. the defendant in this case, the billionaire, multibillionaire, polo tycoon as he's called sometimes, mr. goodman we don't know what his capacity was. so a juror doing his own kpernl experiment may not be reliable and they don't get to cross-examine and demonstrate it was unreliable. judges frown on this and tell you, no experiments. based on what you hear in the courtroom. >> will it make the verdict moot and they have to start again? >> well, even though i've just said you're dead wrong -- >> i'm right. >> there's a possibility you could be right. because, i'll tell you why. this is a real close call. had he gone home and done a scientific experiment of some kind, the judge would say, no. that's no good, but everybody drinks or a lot of people drink. this is a common experience, and we expect jurors to bring their common experiences into the jury room. and this juror ultimately was saying, three drinks affects the way you drive. most agree. i don't know you would say this is overly prejudicial and maybe in goodman's attorneys are pushing agents too hard pap close question and in the end notwithstanding my insult at the beginning, you're right. this is not going to be set aside. >> i can handle it. always love to see you. paul, thank you. still "outfront," the secret service. >> no. just go [ bleep ]. i'm not going to pay you. >> models, banned. >> they're no good to us if they're sick. >> all this "outfront" in our at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country. from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn... financing industries that are creating jobs in boston... providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community... and lending to ensure a north texas hospital continues to deliver quality care. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. all right. welcome back to the second half of "outfront" on a friday night. start the second half of our show with story wes care about. from the our own front lines. a breakthrough appears lookly in the case of blind activist chen guangcheng the chinese government is clamping down on other dissidents and the media now. we've learned the government threatened to revoke foreign journalists visas if they continue to visit chen at the hospital. experiences of that and new reports of the government detaining and beating chen's supporters. the organization human rights in china told us when we spoke to them today they haven't heard anything from activist and chen confidant zeng jingyang for several days. also known by her english name pearl helped chen escape house arrest but was detained herself also appears at this moment she could be released. and we want to show you video of plained clothes policemen hassling our crew trying to cove the story. and the obama administration issued new environmental rules requiring oil and gas companies to disclose what chemicals are used during the fracking process. this is a crucial question. the rule only apply, though, when the process is conducting on federal land. hydraulic fracking involves dumping water, sand and chemicals deep into the ground. blast it as incredibly high pressure against the rocks. that's how the oil and gas essentially burst out. 21% of this country's natural gas production is done on federal land, but obviously that is not and not susceptible to the rules. and scott thompson claim he graduated from stone hill college with a degree in computer science and accounting. truth is he did not have a computer science degree. now daniel loeb who caught the error is demanding thompson be fired by monday calling yahoo!'s response to his findings insulting. yahoo! said it was an inadvertent error and they're investigating what happened. george zimmerman's legal team issued new detail answer the reopened defense fund. the fund is administrated by a third party. a former irs agent. neither zimmerman or his attorney have direct access to the funds. the money raised, and more since given the recent number, $150,000 moved to funds. tax implications when we first learned about the fund. mark o'mara told us about it on this show. zimmerman will have to pay taxes on the money raised. the donations are not tax deductible as a donor item. 274 days since this country lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? one side effect of the weaker than expected jobs number was oil prices. fewer jobs, fewer people driving, bad for the economy, bad for oil prices, which i guess helps some people, because oil fell down to $98.48 a barrel helping everyone that buys gas at the pump. new details tonight from the escort at center of the secret service scandal. finally, an interview. an explosive interview on a colombian radio show pup can see they videotaped it. you're looking at dania suarez who spilled all the details about her night with american secret service agents in cartagena. it all began at a local bar. the agents drinking heavily and one picked her up. >> asked if i wanted to go out with him and i said, yes. i can go out with you, but i want a little gift. i mean, i directly -- i didn't say how much. we just danced. we had drinks and then one other time that he wanted to leave i told him, well, dear, you have to give me $800. that's the gift that i want so i can go with you. he said, okay, baby. let's go. >> of course, the secret service agent in question here it arthur huntington. suarez said he and she stopped for condoms and she spent the night at hotel caribe but didn't know he was a secret service agent until the morning. >> i told him wake up and give me my gift i asked him for. he says, no. no. just -- just go [ bleep ]. i'm not going to pay you. and then he -- he just -- put out -- 50,000 pesos for the taxi, and i was like, i was in shock in that moment when he just said that. >> suarez called the police then and an international debaclen sued. 12 agents when all is said and done implicated in the scandal so far. nine dismissed. sheila jackson-lee spoke to the direct are of the secret service about the latest developments and is "outfront" tonight and of course play a little more of this interview. i thought it was just aplaysing to hear her and hear her tell the story. but i know had you a chance to speak to mark sullivan the director of the secret service today what was his reaction to the interview now that she's given a lot more details about what she said happened that night? >> well, erin, first of all good to be with you. obviously, the behavior is hideous and a complete dereliction of duty and unacceptable, but i think it's important to note that the secret service is not ceasing in its investigation and continuing to reach out to ms. suarez. i personally would like to say, i understand there's some comment about her feeling threatened. i would certainly welcome her to washington, d.c. and indicate that i believe no secret service or anyone affiliated with the secret service or wit u.s. government would threaten this woman and would welcome her telling us the truth. what we've heard is enormously, if you will, reflective of how much we need to do and how much i believe the secret service has already done. so the secret service continues to want to speak to ms. suarez. it's continuing to determine where she can be reached. certainly would like the media sources that have been talking to her to help them communicate with her. they've looked everywhere, and they believe they have not been able to find her. >> and you've answered the question. i just want to make sure loud and clear. mark sullivan hasn't spoke ton her? this interviewer we're hearing now, i'll play more. there's something she said i'm dying to get your reaction to, but that's all the secret service has from her ith jer this is the interview right now? >> it is the interview that they have to rely upon, again, as you well know, the inspector general of the department of homeland security hey now initiated its own, that office has initiated its own investigation, director sullivan is cooperating, but his agents are still in the field, and they are looking for ms. suarez and anyone else as hards they possibly can. they really need help. they want to be able to investigate and determine what she has said and you know that we spoke just a week ago and indicated that right now no drinking is allowed and no fraternizing with foreign nationals, at all. >> and i want to just play another little bit of what she said. asked specifically during the interview, i thought it was a very good interview, where if she ever had access to the agent's belongings. any information that he may have left out. that perhaps could have compromised the president's safety. here's how she answered that question. >> translator: of course. at that moment if i had been a member of one of those terrorist games it's obvious i would have been able to get everything. just like the newspapers say i put them in checkmate thp they're a bunch's fools. responsible for obama's security and still let this happen. i told them, i'm going to call the police so they would pay me my money. they didn't care. they didn't see the magnitude of the problem even when being responsible for obama the security. i could have done 1,000 other things. >> certainly says what she thinks. i got to give her credit for that. what's your reaction to that? >> this lady is well spoken. i would say we're as interested in the extent of her information as she is interested in telling it. the idea of exposed clothing, papers, that may have been classified documents is frightening. it's simplyfrightening. that's why i'm glad the agency reacted quickly. as you know, the agency that dealt with this woman is no longer an employee of the secret service at all. and 12 have been addressed or disciplined in some way or another. but the secret service is not stopping to look for any others that might be involved. in this instance, erin, we can only seek to comfort this woman and to let her know that there is no threat on her life, either here in the united states or if any of our agents are able to find her. we absolutely need this information, and i guess the secret service agent who was involved in this was very lucky that during his inebriated status, this woman did not take these particular items. i've heard that there was extensive drinking. it's all wrong. we're not going to accept it any longer and there are investigations proceeding. the secret service is not letting up on hopefully finding this particular woman, this escort, to give her the kind of comfort necessary to say that all we want to do is get information to make this right. >> all right. thank you very much. appreciate you taking time, representative lee. i'm sure we'll be talking to you again soon. thanks. >> thank you for having me. well, today something happened. deciding to ban certain models from pages of fashion magazine "vogue." it's great. always bothered me. supermodel tyra banks is sour guest. we're back with ourouter ay. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at we're back with ourouter circle reaching out to sources on every purchase, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice. of all our different items in our festival of shrimp so we can describe them to our customers. [ male announcer ] red lobster's festival of shrimp starts now! for just $12.99, pair any two of 9 exciting shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp or crab stuffed shrimp. the crab-stuffed shrimp are awesome! [ woman ] very creamy. that's a keeper! [ woman ] shrimp skewer. [ woman #2 ] sweet, smoky. [ man ] delicious! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] any combination just $12.99! [ woman ] so what are ya'lls favorites? [ group ] everything! [ laughter ] we're servers at red lobster. and we sea food differently. we're back with ourouter circle reaching out to sources around the world. tonight, egypt, violent protests people take to get streets frustrated with the military government and protesting the disqualification of candidates, presidential elections. covering these riots and i asked what is he seeing in the streets of cairo. >> reporter: erin, the crisis is cairo continues. at least one person is dead and over 300 injured in today's violence. it all started earlier this week when a group of unknown assailants attacked a group of protesters near the ministry of defense. they were demanding their presidential candidate be allowed to run in this month's presidential election, but violence peaked wednesday when we saw at least 11 people killed. the ruling council of the armed force, not going to tolerate activity like this so close to the ministry of defense. this is their country's red line. so today when a group of protesters approached this area, they were disbursed with water cannon, tear gas and shotguns. to prevent any of these clashes happening again, the army has imposed a curfew upon the area. erin? >> all right. thanks to ian there in cairo. now let's check in with anderson cooper. "vogue" magazine says models that are too young and too thin are no longer in. at statement came out by the parent company that says, "vogue editors around the world want the magazines to reflect their commitment to the health of the models who appear on their pages, and the well-being of their readers." it's part of a six-point pact pledging not to use models 16 or younger or who appear to have an eating disorder and asked casting agents to check i.d.s and create healthy backstage working conditions. one woman knows so much ar the fashion industry's. at the center of this, talking about power of images, body image, supermodel tara banks. she's "outfront" tonight. thanks for coming on and talking about this. we saw this today. i'm thrilled to have you here. >> thank you. >> the first question on this, why did it take so long for them to do it? >> you know, i think the question is not so much why did it take so long. i think it's amazing they're doing 2, because they do not have to. there's nothing legal saying that "vogue" had to make this decision. this is something they're doing on their own and i, when i heard about it, and you all called me and wanted me to be here, i'm, oh, my god, this is a moment to celebrate. myself and my company. i live for this. we're expanding the definition of beauty for not having a stereotype in such a one, just a one physicality we all have to live up to. soap i applaud "vogue." this is not just an american vote. this is in 19 countries. every "vogue" on the entire globe. pretty amazing. >> what difference will this make for models? i look at your background. you started models at 15. right? in paris on the runways at 17 years old. you were still a kid. >> yes. >> would it have dramatically made your life different, instead of starting at 15, you started at 17? how much of a difference does these couple of year make? >> i was 15 years old in the 11th grade. there were a lot of models starting around that time. i was very fortunate to have a very strong mother who was there with me at a lot of my photo shoots and made sure i didn't do over sexualized things at such a young age. that's not the case for every model. when i went to paris after graduating from high school, i saw girls as young as 12 years old without present's supervision. so it was very disturbing, and the great thing that, when i think "vogue," they're doing, it's the beginning of creating almost a guild or a union for models. models, we don't have that. actors have that. i've done movies and tv shows with children and they're on the stage, for a certain amount of hours then have to leave the stage legally and rest. work some more. leave that stage again. legally, and go to school in a private sequestered area. the models industry does not have that. ip they "vogue" is setting an example for that to one day be. >> and you know, it just -- i guess linked to that i'm wondering what you think? you know, it was obvious that young girl this week. eighth grade girl protest outside "17" magazine talk about photo shopping. that connected with me. the television industry, we see a little of this. own 1 billionth of what you deal with. everybody wants to photo shop and do that. you feel crappy, you don't look like that. think you're not going to look like people think you look. i can only imagine what it's like for models and for young girls who did this. should we try to cut back on all of that just to acknowledge that real women look that way and fake that beautiful? >> the interesting thing about retouching is what has happened with technology and photography, and the image of photography on a printed page. the public is now used to retouching so much, that when they see something sthats real, they go, ooh. and then they blame that actress or they blame that model for looking bad. it's an interesting place we have come because of technology and photography. i tweeted a picture of myself just a couple of days ago wb absolutely no makeup on making a joke about somebody said i look like tyra banks but younger. i got so much of response saying, ooh. you look ugly. >> i just looked at that and said oh, my god is that you 20 years ago? you look so gorgeous. you look good in both. you're you. you're a special case. but it does, right, i mean that wasn't the picture that's up on the screen now -- >> that was not the picture. >> but that is you with no makeup just to be clear. >> that is me with no makeup, yes. so it's interesting that we are -- we are like brain washed to want this retouched image. what i say is i retouch my girls in "america's next top model." photos of me are retouched. but what i do is i tell the truth. this is a hair weave, which it is. i was just in the makeup room with the wonderful cnn makeup staff and worked together as a team putting my face on really fast together. i don't wake up like this. and it's important for girls to understand that models and actresses do not wake up looking like they do in photographs or on a red carpet. the interesting thing is girls have so much pressure. if you think about a basket gall game and i guy goes to a game with his dad and they cheer on lebron james and they go home, there is no one telling him that that little boy is not good enough if he can't grow as tall as lebron and slam the basketball as hard as lebron can in that -- on that court. >> right. >> but when a girl who's looking at a magazine with her mother and they want it to be just entertainment, there are all these other images from birth that are telling you that you're not good enough unless you look like that. so the fact that vogue is doing this i think is so amazing. when i was a model -- i have so much to say about this. we were sizes 6s. a size 4 was, oh, my god she's so skinny. now models are a size zero. i mentor a lot of girls that the world doesn't know. big supermodels and they have my phone number they can call me any time. and what i love about this is my phone is going to ring a little bit less right now because they could eat a little bit more. >> well i love it. really supportive. i know just knowing people growing up through high school, people got eating disorders from that. it's awful what they do to girls and women. thank you so much, tyra. really appreciate you coming out and talking to us. of course the name of this show is "outfront" and on our first episode we described the word as what we really want it to mean, original, creative, energetic and passionate. and we lost someone today who represented those things. adam yauch, also known as mca was one of the members of the beastie boys. emerging from the new york punk scene at the late '70s, it was one of the first height groups to successfully cross over into mainstream rap with songs like fight for your right, hey ladies, sabotage and intergalactic. they topped the charts for almost a quarter century. adam and his band mates even started their own record label called brand loyal to produce and promote the music of others. in 2006 the beastie boys were honored at the vh1 hip-hop awards and last month they became the third rap group ever to be inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. adam also had a successful career in film under the name nathaniel hornblower. he directed many of the group's videos and concert films. a documentary about high school basketball players and even started a production company which released some critically acclaimed movies. on top of all that he was a practicing buddhist, pushed for tibetan independence he used his celebrity to organize concerts for the cause making that something that now other groups do. appeared on television to talk about it as well. adam yauch was a trailblazer, an innovator, he was "outfront." great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. for a hot dog cart. my mother said, "well, maybe we ought to buy this hot dog cart and set it up someplace." so my parents went to bank of america. they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years. this week, reuters reported that icelandic haddock sales are booming. and sailors in iceland are earning double what they did before the financial crisis. you may remember, iceland was the first economy to crash when a lot of people there went into investment banking and real estate. like that was it. like i mean it was everywhere. it was a boom. i was there, it was insane. a glass of wine cost $25. but now, post-crash the country has abandoned financing, gone back to the industry that made the country, fishing. in march iceland's ships hauled in 21% more than the prior year and that's great news. i love iceland. i've actually bathed in the blue lagoon next to a danish stag party and had a good time. and iceland will need to reel in those bachelors, along with the fish, to get back on top. that will take strong leadership. and that's why iceland's presidential election next month is so important. i was cruising ice news today and i noticed something interesting. of the four people front-runners for president, two are women. a journalist and a lawyer. dottir means daughter of, and gorgeous, too. the prime minister of the country is also a woman. she's led iceland since 2009 and happens to have the same last name as a couple of other amazing icelandic women, agnes was just named iceland's first female bishop ever, as in like in 2000 years. and one of my favorite authors writes some of the best crime fekz i've read. last night i tweeted helping with my icelandic pronunciation. a professor at williams college my alma mater sent me this.

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