Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20111210

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this week. despite the way iran's ambassador to the u.n. reacted to our question last night, they might be sharing america's top technology with china. let's go "outfront." i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight top secret american technology in the hands of a sworn adversary. at this hour, iran has the cia's rq-170 drone. last night th,e ambassador said iran captured the drone intact and judging by the images of iranian state tv, that seems to be true. sources at the pentagon say that this does look like america's top stealth drone. the rq-170. our question tonight, what is iran doing with this drone? the big fear is they might be sharing its most important technology, the ability to fly undetected by radar, with china. experts today saying the flights between beijing and tehran likely were booked up this week to see the drone. it might be a case of he who doth protest too much, because here's how iranian ambassador to the united nations reacted when i asked him if iran was showing the drone to china. >> this is a question that i think is already answered by itself. of course, no nation is going to share information with any other nation. >> really? when i first asked the question he laughed and said why would you ask that? he said pakistan allowed china to photograph that crashed during the raid that killed osama bin laden. former secretary of defense william cohen is "outfront" tonight. secretary, thank you for taking the time to be with us. it is interesting that you now have a couple of examples of very sophisticated and important classified american military technology in the hands of countries at that that do seem willing to share it.t that that willing to share it. >> i don't think there's any question that iran would be willing to share it with the chinese but i suspect with the russians as well. if you look at it, who are the two countries who have been less eager to her join in that effort to prevent them from moving forward, it's both china and russia. i don't think that the iranians, to the extent they have, in fact, the drone, we assume they do. if they have it, i don't think they have the capability of reverse engineering it. so they would want to share that information with those countries who had the sophistication and the desire to be able to gather that information so they can counter the technology the united states has. that's what gives us the edge in the conflict. the ability to control the air space and the technology gives us that ability. >> obviously, being able to fly undetected by radar is a crucial technology. where does china stand on this? my understanding is their j-20 strike fighter they developed don't have that technology. they desperately want it. access to this drone is something they would desperately to help them leap to u.s. levels. >> there's a report that has been given or reported out of the national defense university that is called -- it's the buy, build or steal. every nation tries to gather whatever technology it can through whatever means it can, and i think china and russia and others are no different than that. even allies try to get information about technology. so it's not beyond their desire to do this. they're building a stealth capability. others are pursuing the same. a report just came out that one of our allies, south korea, is now pursuing the design of a manned stealth drone. it won't be available for some time to come, but other countries are trying to do what we have. >> isn't this proof that a country like china, in trying to and accepting countries like pakistan and iran is not acting the way a friendly country would act? >> china is a competitor to the united states. they certainly want to pursue their own interests, and to the extent they can gain technology by another country sharing it with them, that's something you can expect they're going to do, notwithstanding any public statements to the contrary. i haven't heard any public statements coming from chinese officials. so, i think it's fair to say they will have access to it, and they will utilize it to try to try to build their own capability. >> thank you very much. >> great to be with you. >> a sobering assessment there of what could be at risk with this technology and this it -- drone. we also have developments today regarding an american missing in iran. we have videotape of former fbi agent-turned-security consultant robert levinson. he disappeared in iran five years ago. this is what the island looks like where he was last seen. it's a tourist spot for iranians, nice hotels and water parks and beaches and while americans are allowed, me and my producer were the only americans we saw it there. we were frankly tourist items ourselves, and we only saw one group of germans there, for business in the airport. so it's not some place you would go just to hang out. in the video, an emotional levinson looking pale and gaunt, pleads for help from the u.s. government to heed the requests of his captors. >> i've been held here for three and a half years. i'm not in very good health. i am running very quickly out of diabetes medicine. i have been treated well. i need the help of the united states government to answer the requests of the group that has held me for three and a half years. says she received this video a year ago. she chose to release it to the public today because she's frustrated. >> they are investigating. it's a difficult area of the world to get any kind of information from. i continue to hope that the group holding bob will get back in touch with us so that we can find out what we need to do to get bob home. >> one person who has been working hard to win robert levinson's freedom is democratic senator bill nelson from florida. i spoke with him today and asked him why the family chose to release the tape now. >> i think if you read the accounts today, you see that the family is just at its wits end. so christine levinson is trying the only thing she has left in her arsenal, which is let's get this out there. let's hope that somewhere someone sees this tape and that gives some kind of piece of information that the family can bring their loved one home. >> but you're confident the iranian government is involved here. i know that theoretically he was on the island of kish, which americans can go without a visa to iran. he was investigating cigarette smuggling. he was a private investigator in dubai. formerly in his career, he had worked for the fbi. given all of that, are you sure the iranian government is involved? >> the iranian government has certainly been put on notice over the years by the family's conversations, my conversations with the ambassador, and yet, they're not forthcoming. we're just hoping something will break. >> i know mr. levinson has diabetes and high blood pressure. in the tape, he referred to his diabetes medication running low. the tape was released a year ago to the family. are you confident he's still alive? >> we are hopeful. there's a published report today that there was other evidence of proof of life, which were some photographs, but we don't have date on those. you can't be confident of anything, but as long as there is hope in the family and as long as the -- all the resources of the united states government are going to keep looking for bob until we find him. >> thank you very much, senator nelson. we appreciate it. he we hope that this will be resolved with him coming home soon. >> amen to that. thank you, erin. >> thank you, sir. >> again from sources that we have here at cnn, it appears from where some of this communication has come from with mr. levinson that he could be in pakistan or afghanistan, not necessarily in iran now. the clock is ticking. if congress doesn't reach a deal in 22 days, americans lose money from their paychecks. but the republicans have a new plan. they on "outfront" next. and we're hours away from what could be mass protests in moscow. an unbelievable demonstration due to elections. america should be very concerned about the fate of vladimir putin. he has 18,000 nuclear warheads at his disposal at this moment. the latest developments in the case of florida's missing mom. michelle parker vanished on november 17th. are we closer to finding her? 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it's the learning channel, and last month on this show, we spoke to one of the cast members of the new tlc show "all american muslim." she lives in deerborn, michigan, and she wants to inform people about islam. today, we learned that the show that features an irish catholic that converts to islam isn't sitting well with some people. the florida family association has this to say, and i quote, "all american muslim" is a propaganda that hides the islamic agenda's clear and present danger to american liberties and traditional values. i'm not making this up. and we aren't making this up either. when the florida family association encouraged their supporters to e-mail the show's advertisers, they got some traction and that brings us to our number tonight, one. that's how many fewer advertisers "all american muslims" has tonight. lowe's, one of the biggest retailers in the nation, pulled ads from a show saying in a statement to "outfront," "on a case-by-case basis we will pull our advertisers on show if there are issues raised from a broad spectrum of customers and viewers that have multiple perspective." you can read the full statement on our website, but where to begin? islam is the fastest-growing religion in the united states. the show is on the learning channel to show muslims are americans with american dreams. the man at the top, the producer of the show, he's jewish. all right. it's getting down to the wire now. the clock is literally ticking. if congress doesn't reach a deal on the payroll tax cuts in 22 days, millions of americans will lose money from their paychecks. an average of $1,000 to be exact. it depends on how much you make, but it starts at 700 and goes up to 2300. and today, it seems like democrats and republicans are not close to a compromise. democrats say now they will not pass the new plan put out by house republicans, a plan that links the payroll tax cuts to the construction of keystone pipeline which would transport oil and gas from canada through the continental united states. joining me now is republican congressman kevin yoder, also a member of the house appropriations committee. good to have you with us, sir. appreciate it. >> thanks erin. >> will we get this passed by the end of the year? >> i think we are. americans are going to be rest assured the taxes aren't going up at the end of next year. they have put together a package of ideas that focus on job creation, protecting the social security trust fund, the type of things that most americans want us to do. it's the kind of legislation if the folks in the state take time to look at, listen to the american people, i think it will go through the senate. >> so why link it to the keystone pipeline? >> well, what i've heard from americans throughout the entire year is they want job creation. they want to get washington out of the way, and this is a policy coming out of this administration blocking the construction of a pipeline in the united states that would create, by some estimates, 20,000 jobs. i just think given the current economic climate, washington getting in the way of creating that many jobs sin appropriate. we have to get it done.isin app. we have to get it don in appropriate. we have to get it donappropriat. we have to get it done. >> i hear you on that jobs. the president says it will create jobs. he has environmental concerns, and what i'm saying is forget the pipeline, right? why attach that to the payroll tax? have the pipeline fight. why attach that to the payroll tax? >> there's a series of ideas in this legislation, including protecting the social security trust fund and the medicare doctor reimbursement rates where at the end of the year, every doctor that folks in this country uses gets a 30% salary cut. there's all sorts of things that come together in one big package. we would like to do one thing there and one thing here. >> it's not just the pipeline? >> there's all sorts of things. this is an entire jobs creation package. it's not just the tax relief and pipeline. it's regulatory reform. it's getting all the barriers out of the way affecting job creation. >> in exchange for those things, to make it simple, are you willing to put a surtax on millionaires to pay for it? >> i don't think americans want a tax increase on anybody right now, and frankly the economy doesn't need to send more money to washington, d.c. what we need is more money back in the hands of americans of any economic standing. so raising taxes right now doesn't make sense. this is a jobs creation package. raising taxes doesn't create jobs, and this is a common sense thing. washington doesn't get it. they believe if they take more money and send it to washington, d.c., it creates growth. >> they say it would add $25 billion to the deficit, though, so it's not revenue neutral. >> i'm certainly very concerned about the deficit. the plans that are out there include either raising taxes, raiding the social security trust fund because this payroll tax, that 2% goes into social security. in the current law, we see social security dwindle. if we reduce taxes, we want to make sure there are things within the law that pay for it. >> the payroll tax, you cut that, less money going to social security. thank you very much, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i want to bring in a congressional reporter for politico now. i want to get your take on how you think this is going to play out, and in particular, what we were talking about, this move to have this be a broader package. not just the payroll taxes but the pipeline from canada down to the gulf of mexico. >> that was needed in order to get republican support. a lot of republicans and conservatives don't like the payroll tax break. this is something the president has hammered them on over the last couple of weeks. john boehner and mitch mcconnell know they need to get back on the the right side or the politically winning message. they know they need to get this it through. in order to do that, they added the keystone pipeline in order to get more republican support. i think what you're going to see is this bill will pass the house next week, and it will put a lot of pressure on democrats in the senate to produce their own plan to show they can get the votes to pass a broad plan to extend a host of expiring programs by year's end. >> representative yoder says he's confident we'll get it done. will we get it done by the time everyone in washington wants to get it done, before december 23rd, when they want to go away on vacation, including the president to hawaii? >> i think they will get this done. i think it's unclear who is going to budge in this fight. at the end of the day, both sides know this looks really bad if they cannot reach a deal on this. i think that on this keystone issue there may be some sort of compromise, but there are other things in the house republican bill that are nonstarters with democrats including how's medicare increases for some of the more affluent americans. those are things that they're going to have to fight over. at the end of the day, this will probably get resolved. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. newt gingrich continues to court the tea party. can he finally win them over? we have three of the biggest tea party leaders coming "outfront" in a couple of moments. europe's economic crisis reaches the north pole. this is disturbing about santa claus, seriously. nyquil (stuffy): hey, tylenol. you know we're kinda like twins. tylenol: we are? nyquil (stuffy): yeah, we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. tylenol: and i relieve nasal congestion. nyquil (stuffy): overachiever. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't. we do a lot of serious stories on this show, but this one is a little more seriously. when discussing the economic crisis in europe, we usually talk about greece and italy, maybe spain. britain has also been facing some really tough times. unemployment in the uk is the highest in 15 years, and it just got worse because someone else has just lost his job. santa claus. seriously. radio times is a weekly television listings guide. it's been published in britain since 192. in 1969 they started printing a special double-issue for christmas that features a festive cover. most always a smiling santa claus. but not this year. santa has been let go and it is because of economy. according to ben preston, the editor of "radio times," he says for many years santa has been a cheery fixture of our christmas double-issue, but somehow that didn't feel right this year. would father christmas be seen as a bloated red faced symbol of over indulgence hungering down with friends and family. bloated? santa claus? not wanting to see him at christmas? seriously? how bad is an economy when a guy gives toys to children for free is considered out of touch with everyone else? and it's not the first time santa has been given the boot for the economic reasons. in 1992 after black wednesday, santa was replaced by a snowman, and now in 2011 it's a christmas tree. before you get upset, you should know all is not lost because we noticed something when we took a closer look at the new cover. there, behind the tree hanging on for dear life, a tiny, tiny not bloated santa claus, just like the rest of us hanging on for his dear life, hoping the economy recovers so he can make his triumphant return. seriously. i know what newt gingrich wants for christmas. he can put on a santa hat and look pretty good, but he wants the tea party endorsements. we have three of the top tea partiers on our show tonight to talk about where to place our cards and the latest developments in the case of florida's missing mom. her brother was part of the search party today and comes "outfront." we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] the epa-estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cruze eco. from looking for your perfect home to finding it. chevy runs deep. we start the second half of our show with stories we care about. we do the reporting, focus on the work and find the "outfront" five. first, top secret american technology in the hands of iran tonight. they have the cia's rq-170 drone. we asked what iran will do with that drone and technology. they will share the technology on how to avoid radar detection with china. former secretary of defense william cohen came out front tonight and he told iran can't use that technology to reverse engineer but china can. he's certain they will share that technology with china. > number two, a connecticut jury recommended joshua komisarjevsky get sentenced to death. komisarjevsky and his accomplice were convicted of beating william petit and raping and killing his wife and two daughters and they died when the house was set on fire. number three, we have learned the name of the gunman who police say killed a virginia tech police officer before committing suicide. virginia state police identified the gunman as 22-year-old ross truitt ashley. we've been told by authorities that he had no previous contact with virginia tech police officer dereick crouse that died. stocks ended the week up, dow up 170 points after european leaders agreed on a plan. hey, a one-day wonder is better than nothing. we got good news on the american economy. university of michigan consumer sentiment data rose to 67.7 in december, the fourth rise in a row. the 15-cent drop in gasoline prices over the past month gives a lift to consumer sense of well-being in time for the holidays. it's 126 days since america lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? the trade deficit narrowed to $45.3 billion in october. that's the lowest level in a month. newt gingrich is ending the week on a couple of high notes. this week he received two key endorsements from that front, including one from jack kimball, tea party leader and former new hampshire republican party chairman. right now, gingrich is leading the pack when it comes to regular voters, too. he has the numbers, but not all tea party players are happy, especially senator rand paul. his dad hoping for an upset in iowa and rand is lashing out at newt calling him a big status quo government republican. >> we thought republicans sold out our limited government views when they voted to send taxpayer money to big banks. unfortunately, newt gingrich was there with them being paid by fannie mae and freddie mac and supporting bailouts which go against everything the tea party stands for. >> they're divided over newt and not crazy about mitt. who will they rally behind? good to have both of you with us. we appreciate it. michael, let me start with you. you grade all of the gop candidates in terms of whether they're likely to get your endorsement, and i have to say, i mean, if i brought those grades home, i would have been removed from college. >> yes. well, the problem with newt gingrich, erin -- thank you for having me on here this evening. the problem with newt gingrich is as he says himself he's a hamiltonian when it comes to viewing the constitution., as h hamiltonian when it comes to viewing the constitution., he's hamiltonian when it comes to viewing the constitution. he is a big government republican and he was for t.a.r.p. and ethanol subsidies. those aren't tea party values. the three core values of fiscal responsibility, that's jeffersonian, and he'sen a jeffersonian. >> it would be interesting just to consider what might have happened if we didn't have that t.a.r.p. bailout. since we did make some money on it, but that's a totally separate issue and you have a view about government support. i understand that. is there -- are you going to go for mitt romney then? i know you don't really like his policies either, michael. >> no. i mean, if he were to grade mitt and newt, they'd both get cs or ds. barack obama gets an f, so let's be clear. the tea party movement in my opinion will support whoever the republican nominee is, because we do not want an f student in the white house. but if you look at the tea party core values, probably michele bachmann gets the best grade. >> michele bachmann, which you gave her an a minus, but she's not going to -- it's safe to say at this point, it would require a miracle for her to get the nomination. mark, let me ask you, do you share the same sentiments as michael? >> well, first i want to disagree with your premise about michele bachmann or anybody else. i think it's important we review our history. if you look back to december 2007, the front-runner over ten points was rudy guiliani and he was considered by most people in the media the presumptive nominee. things changed radically. i expect to see it change lieu the primary process, so i wouldn't presume bachmann is out of the race at this point. >> i hear your point there. fair to say on rudy guiliani. why are you hesitant to endorse or are you ready to endorse someone? >> first of all, to be clear, tea party patriots, which is the largest grassroots tea party organization in the nation, does not endorse candidates. we don't think it's good for citizen-run groups to endorse candidates. we believe they'll make decisions themselves. that is small government at its finest, so we don't endorse anybody. i think michael is correct, though, on these two candidates, on mitt and newt. they have a history that is not tea party value consistent. >> all right. a final question for you, then, mark. >> what's your biggest beef with mitt romney? >> i mean, the biggest beef is his history, first of all, of flip-flopping and second of all would be romney care. that's the number one thing. someone that stands against president obama has to look people like you in the eye, the media and their supporters and explain why obama care is so bad for the country, having modelled romney care and created the model for obama care, it's impossible to do that. >> we appreciate you taking the time and you set us up perfectly for this next conversation. you know the tea party isn't crazy about romney. call them citizen groups or whatever you want. look at the state of florida. tea party supporters, 62% support newt gingrich right now. that should say it all for mitt romney when it comes to florida. what does he have to do to win the tea party over? you heard the beefs there. joining us now is kevin madden. in 2008, he's a campaign advisor for romney, now a republican strategist. kevin, i know you've heard these complaints before from the tea party. whatever you want to call it, grassroots or not, it's a crucial part of the republican party right now. mitt romney hasn't been able to win them over. can he? >> i believe he can. the tea party is not a monolithic group. there are a lot of elements within the tea party movement, and many are anxious and animated around the issues of spending and deficits. they are a reform element. if you look at governor romney and you look at the proposals for changing washington, a lot is focused on fiscal reform, what we can do to reform entitlements and rein in spending and rein in the size and growth of government. if he focuses on those issues like a laser, i think while these tea party activists go through the consideration of candidates, in the end they will see this is somebody who has the right vision, the right plans, the right proposals to lead the republican party against barack obama in the general election. >> what about this issue of quote, unquote, romney care? obviously that was his proposal and plan for universal health care. that just continues to be an issue and a problem that he hasn't turned around, kevin, when it comes to conservative voters. >> mr. meckler did reference that earlier. the important distinction is governor romney looks at the health care issue as a state's rights issue in many cases. the most important thing to remember about what governor romney did in massachusetts is he designed a program, a plan, that was designed for that particular state with a very unique health care population. what he didn't do is what president obama did wrong, which was set a one size fits all program for the rest of the united states. so i think that's the big distinction, and governor romney has also said as president what he would do to remedy the ills of president obama's health care plan is offer a waiver for all 50 states to opt out of obama care, and then they could go about the process of tailoring individual plans for individual states. that's the best way to get health care costs down and to maintain quality and increase -- maintain quality and increase access. >> all right. kevin madden, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> great to be with you. >> we're hours away from a dramatic and defiant showdown in russia. mass protests expected to take dramatic and defiant showdown in russia. mass protests expected to take place across the country with the largest in moscow. the demonstrators are the latest wave of outrage following controversial parliamentary elections. elections that many voters say were rigged to keep prime minister putin's party in power. ballot stuffing is part of the problem here that the protesters are upset with. putin has led russia as president or prime minister of russia for 16 years, making him a modern-day czar. he's a larger-than-life personality. it's made him fodder for fun and gossip columns. for example, he's been photographed shirtless time and time again with horses, with horses, more horses, holding guns, even doing judo. but what happens to him right now is a deadly serious matter for all of us. russia's the world's largest oil exporter, topping saudi arabia. instability means rising gas prices at the pump in the united states. it's important because of this. russia still has 18,000 nuclear warheads. we asked an expert on russian national security about what may be at stake for putin and russia. >> if russia fell, i think we could see potentially a return to the slippy slope to the 1990s. that is, the collapse of the soviet union, the disintegration of the soviet republics. that would continue within the russian federation itself. radical islam in central asia that putin has kept in check, you could see that expanding. the russian people would be badly hurt economically, and lastly, this relationship that the united states and russia have been able to reboot or reset since 2009, i think that suffers very badly as well. the new s.t.a.r.t. nonproliferation nuclear treaty goes away. these are very serious consequences for the world. >> putin may be softening his stance with the protesters and says he may be ready with a dialogue with what he called the opposition-minded. we'll see what happens this weekend. charges laid tonight of the 2008 murder of two young girls in observations. the uncle of one of the victims "outfront" to tell us new information that led to an arrest. the latest in the case of florida's missing mom, michelle parker's brother, part of the search today, comes out front next. 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[ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to we do this at the same time every night, our outer circle. we begin in belgium where a majority of european leaders agreed on a new deal to try to save the euro, but not everybody is on board. richard quest is in brussels. what happened? >> reporter: erin, they made good progress putting out the immediate financial fire by increasing the bailout stability fund, but no sooner are they done that than a brand-new problem was created. all about reorganizing the euro zone. most of the countries want to go in a particular direction. the united kingdom said no. what this means? many more months of uncertainty, and a whole new euro crisis potentially on the cards. erin. >> thank you, richard. charges tonight in the brutal shooting death of two young girls in oklahoma. it happened back in 2008. now 25-year-old kevin swett is under arrest and charged with their murder. police say he told investigators he was driving when he saw what he called two monsters coming at him. that's what he allegedly shot 13-year-old taylor plaker and 7-year-old twila whitaker. he wasn't a suspect until this year when he was charged in the killing with killing his girlfriend. joining me now is taylor's uncle, joe mosher. we appreciate you coming on the show tonight. were you surprised to hear that kevin swett was arrested in this case? >> well, he was arrested a few months ago, and we heard he was involved in it. but then they never said anything else to us, and yeah, it was a surprise today. >> had you ever seen him before personally? >> well, i think i saw him one time at the funerals. >> so you think he actually came to the girls' funerals? >> yes, ma'am. i think so. >> so how do you feel that he's now in custody? is it a feeling of relief? do you think this is the right person to the best of your intuition? >> i do. i think he's the person that did it. i'm relieved. my whole family's relieved. they're relieved, you know, because they've had a hard time with it. >> oh, yes. henrietta police department and moskogi police departments, they did a lot, and they never gave up. and they -- they just pursued it constantly, and i'm really proud of them. they brung a little closure for us. >> how did the rest of taylor's family feel, her parents and what was their reaction today? >> well, they're excited. it's hard for them still yet, you know, they don't like to talk about it. my sister has a real hard time with it still yet. and, you know, it's -- it's a relief that they do have somebody for all my family. >> i can imagine it is, sir. thank you so much for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you. today in florida, police combed through a wooded area and lake where they found the cell phone of 33-year-old mother michelle parker. she was last seen november 17th around the time she dropped her 3-year-old twins off with their father, dale smith. smith and parker, as we've been telling you, were engaged. they had a public falling out on the tv show, "the people's court," where they fought over her engagement ring. police say smith is a primary suspect. he does have custody of the children, in fact, full custody of the twins. joining us now to talk more about the search and the developments in this case, parker's brother dust continue ericsson and the family attorney who is back with us tonight. dust continue, thank you for dustin, thank you for coming on. let me just start with you. i know you were out today during the search for your sister. what did you see? how were the police? >> today, it was mostly an exhibition of the police invited us out there to see on a full scale what they do every day as far as running dive teams, running dogs, running out on atvs and just giving us a general concept of how hard they are working to help in the search for my sister. >> and the area police searched, it is close to your sister's home? dale smith's home? how would you describe it for us? >> it's not close to my sister's home. it would be closer to dale smith's home. but what they told me is that they had information that led them to look for more information in that particular area. >> matt, do you have any idea what that information was at this time? >> i don't believe that police have shared that information with us to this point. they're trying to keep their investigation concealed to an extent that way, you know, they don't have any kind of interruptions. >> dustin, what is your view of dale smith, the father of the twins and your sister's former fiance? >> i never really got to know the guy that well. as far as i'm concerned right now, i believe he's getting a little bit too much media attention. i think the focus needs to be on my sister at the moment. >> and what happens next? is there going to be more searching tomorrow, dustin? what can you tell us? >> tomorrow i have a bit of fund-raiser for the children as far as christmas and it's a trust that mr. morgan here actually set up for me. and it's kind of a thing to kind of insure their safety and their well-being in the future. but there will be organized searches tomorrow with cooperation from the orlando police department and the orange county police department. i do not believe i'll be sending out any search parties based on my information out tomorrow. >> before we go, matt, the cell phone yesterday from michelle parker found missing. you didn't at that point have any knowledge of anything on it. do you now? >> they haven't revealed the contents of it yet erin. i'm sure those will be coming forward soon. >> dustin, matt, thank you both very much. >> thank you, erin. >> thank you. and coming up, there is something a bit strange about our next guest. we're dying to talk to ceo richard glover next. ♪ [ woman ] i know my kids are growing up. i see it in last year's pictures. i hear it in their plans for tomorrow. it makes me miss a couple of things. but i have a way to keep them close, even when they're far away. [ male announcer ] the inspiron one 2320 with the second gen intel® core™ i5 or i7 processors. performance for your unique lifestyle. for a limited time purchase select dell pc's and receive our holiday photo solution. our gift to you. okay... uhh. the bad news, it's probably totaled. the good news is, you don't have to pay your deductible. with vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance, you got $100 off for every year of safe driving, so now your deductible is zero. the other good news ? i held on to your coffee. wow. ♪ nationwide is on your side ( laughing ) it's actually a pretty good day when you consider. that's great. richard glover is the president and ceo of it is a fully functional and profitable studio. he came "outfront" earlier. so let's talk about this. what is it? i've seen mike tyson pretending to be herman cain. >> it is a comedy production distribution sales and marketing studio. that we will produce the content for whatever medium. we're best known for the website. and that is a destination website. and we do get now over 12 million people every month come to us to visit us there. that is just one part of the company that we also got a third of our company is based up in silicon valley. that's where we do the social media, all of the talking directly with people tweeting during commercial breaks and things like that. >> recently, a little snot-nose punk is trying to steel my thunder. >> harry potter. >> what is the most popular? >> the single most popular video? >> yeah. >> the most popular of all is the one which launched the site, which was the landlord that will farrell and adam did and it is up to 80 million views. >> i knew it. you're already drunk. you're in no condition to deal with this right now. >> i'm taking my beer. >> just take your beer and get out of here, okay? yeah, we'll talk tomorrow. this isn't over. >> come mommy. >> jesus. >> all right. so i'm looking at some of the things you've done. you have done, obviously political in the case of herman cain one. you have done other political ones as well. barack obama compared to paris hilton and do you a lot of entertainment. so where do you get the ideas? who comes up with the ideas? >> we have a staff, and like most television shows, we have a writer's room and ideas are batted around. and you know, they're vetted. and then somebody says okay, let's try to put pencil to paper. there you go. >> i used to be the ceo of godfather.

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Columns , Judo , Putin , Gas Prices , Oil Exporter , Pump , Instability , Stake , Expert On Russian National Security , Saudi Arabia , Collapse , Return , Slope , 1990 , Disintegration , Check , Soviet Republics , Soviet Union , Radical Islam In Central Asia , Expanding , Reset , Relationship , 2009 , Dialogue , Consequences , Stance , Nonproliferation Nuclear Treaty , Girls , Charges , Arrest , Part Of The Search Today , Murder , Led , Observations , Victims , Uncle , Bayer Advanced Aspirin , Next , Bayer Aspirin , Pain , Site , Micro Particles , Bloodstream Fast , Supply , Test , Chain , Shanghai , Logistics , Clearing Customs , Hair , Boards , Chips , Flat , Technology Ups , Agents , Lint Balls , Insurance , Farmers Bum , Bum , Events , Ba Da Bum , Correct , Alcoholism , Copies , Addiction Cure , Ssagesmalibubook Com , Belgium , Everybody , Euro , Richard Quest , Majority , Outer Circle , Brussels , Bailout Stability Fund , Progress , Most , Direction , Uncertainty , Euro Zone , Richard Glover , Shooting Death , Euro Crisis , Oklahoma , Kevin Swett , Police , Monsters , Investigators , 25 , Suspect , Taylor Plaker , Joe Mosher , Girlfriend , Killing , He Wasn T A , Twila Whitaker , 13 , 7 , Funerals , Custody , Feeling , Best , Intuition , Henrietta Police Department , Police Departments , Moskogi , Parents , Reaction , Closure , Feel , Sister , Cell Phone , Lake , Police Combed , Dale Smith , 33 , Police Say Smith , Tv Show , Search , Engagement Ring , The People S Court , Dustin , Family Attorney , Dust , Parker S Brother Dust Continue Ericsson , Exhibition , Running Dogs , Concept , Atvs , Scale , Idea , Matt , Interruptions , Investigation , Bit , Fiance , Media Attention , Fund Raiser , Searches , Trust , Safety , Knowledge , Search Parties , Cooperation , Orlando Police Department , Orange County Police Department , They Haven T , Contents , Guest , Woman , Pictures , Kids , Lifestyle , Processors , Holiday Photo Solution , Performance , Pc , Gift , Second Gen Intel , Coretm I5 Or I7 , Dell , 2320 , Deductible , Bad News , Safe Driving , Uhh , 100 , Zero , Nationwide , Coffee , Funnyordie Com , Studio , Mike Tyson , Company , Social Media , Content , Medium , Destination Website , Comedy Production Distribution Sales , Marketing , Breaks , Third , Herman Cain , Silicon Valley , 12 Million , Popular , Thunder , Single , Landlord , Harry Potter , Will Farrell , Beer , Views , Condition , Adam , 80 Million , Mommy , Isn T Over , Jesus , Entertainment , Ones , Staff , Herman Cain One , Paris Hilton , Plank , Court , Of Anti Planking , Police Car , Ridiculous , Polls , Wisconsin , Television Shows , Writer , Pencil , Paper , Godfather , Room ,

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