4 00 a. M. In the east. Welcome to the last full day of the obama presidency. Tonight, behind us on the steps of the u. S. Capitol. Donald j. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. That building is my favorite on earth. Pretty and majestic. The rush of lastminute preparations across the city. The president elect flies back to washington for the first time he will arrive on air force jet. Not his own gold lamed jet. He will attend a wreath laying at Arlington National cemetery. We have more from athena jones. Reporter good morning, john. He is expected to arrive on a military aircraft. He will attend the wreath laying at Arlington National cemetery. Then attend a voices of the people concert. Then he will attend a make America Great again welcome concert. Down at the Lincoln Memorial with toby keith and three doors down among others. He was in d. C. Last night attending two dinners. One honoring cabinet secretaries and the other to honor mike pence. He tweeted out a picture at that dinner. Notably, he did not eat. He ate at his own hotel. The trump hotel. As he prepares to take the oath of office, he is finalizing his cabinet. Tapping the former governor sonny perdue as agriculture secretary. Latinos have served in cabinet positions in every Administration Since 1988. Thats something that is likely to be noted. John. Athena jones for us. Great to see you. I dont like to eat in public eith either. I dont blame him for not eating at those ddinners. Slowing the process of cabinet nominations. Mr. Trumps pick to head the office of management and budget, mulvaney believed sitters were not taxable employees. Wilbur ross had a housekeeper who was undocumented. He did his best to verify the documents at the time of hiring, but it turned out that was incorrect. Question bs is about investment tom price. More on that in a moment. Chuck schumer is calling this the swamp cabinet and calling the rushed schedule of the hearings. The past two weeks, we have seen repeated efforts from the trump transition aided and an betted by senate republicans, to jam through nominees to hide views from the american people. Senator schumer says democrats may slow down the confirmation process. Lets get more on the hearings no, there are more hearings set for this morning. Steve mnuchin is up for questioning today. And rick perry will appear before the senate. This follows a day of tough hearings. Manu raju has more from capitol hill. Reporter good morning, john and christine. Four of trumps nominees getting intense questioning yesterday. Mostly from Senate Democrats who were concerned about their ideological views. None more than tom price. Congress member selected by donald trump to be the head of health and Human Services. Not just ideological views and medicare and medicaid. What to do to replace obamacare. A number of questionable stock trades at the same time as pursuing health care legislation. Take a listen to House Democrats yesterday. Did you buy the stock and did you introduce a bill to be helpful to the companies you just bought stock . The stock was directed by a broker who was making those decisions. I wasnt making those decisions. When you found out your broker made this trade without your knowledge, did you reprimand her . What i did was did you fire her . Did you sell the stock . What i did was comply with the rules of house in the legal manner and transparent way. Did you decide not to tell them, wink, wink, nod, nod. The manner of which this committee. I understand that. It is important to appreciate that is the case. Reporter at the same time yesterday, other nominees questioned, including scott pruitt to head the epa, democrats questioning his views on Climate Change. He knowledge eacknowledged he d believe Climate Change is a hoax, but how much man is contributing to Climate Change. Science tells us the climate is changing. And human manner impacts that change. The ability to measure and extent of that impact and what to do about it are subject to debate and dialogue. Reporter we are looking to see which nominees get confirmed quickly. Democrats are dragging this out because they do not believe they have been questioned long enough. John and christine. Manu raju. Nice to see you. Thank you, sir. Joining us to discuss this, lets start the confirmation hearings. Tal kopan and eugene scott and selena zeno. A full table here this morning. Bright and early. We love the early birds with us. Lets start with health and Human Services. I dont remember a time when there was whoever gets that job, tom price will have a huge responsibility with obamacare. Listen to the exchange between price and senator Bernie Sanders yesterday. I look forward to working with you to make certain that every single american has access to coverage. As access to does not mean they are guaranteed health care. I have access to buying a 10 million home. I dont have the money do that. Thats why we believe it is appropriate to put in place a system that gives every person the feasibility to be able to purchase the coverage they want for themselves and family. Not what the Government Forces them to buy. Guys, do we know more today about what replacement will look like or are we still talking generally . I think we are talk generally. In part because president elect donald trump seems to take this in a direction that many of his fellow lawmakers from the gop are not certain about himself. We know he said he was close to completing this plan. Whether or not price and other lawmakers know the plan, according to them, it is not clear. And selena, obamacare is getting its best numbers ever. Now it is on the verge of going away. You see people coming out saying they approve of it. They dont want the provisions taken away. You see tom price allowing distance with himself and president elect. I think the thing we dont know is we dont know anything. A lot of moving parts. I think that the intent before the inauguration or before he became president , the intent was to repeal it and slowly replace it. I think the lesson that the republicans are trying to learn is in 2009 when the democrats started the process with health care, they went too fast. That ended up costing them in the downballot elections in 2010. I think that is always in their minds eye. We better move this slowly. Sort of the waym rahm emanuel said. Who knows what they will do at this point. Another interesting exchange. Sa Bernie Sanders with the hearing yesterday. You can hear Bernie Sanders sharp wording here. Why is the climate changing . Senator, in response to the co 2 issue, the epa administrator. Im asking your personal opinion. My personal opinion is imperiai a immateri immaterial . Really . You are going to be head of the Environmental Protection agency and your personal opinion is immateri immaterial . Sir, i acknowledged to you. The impacts. Impacts . Tal, what do you make of that . This is something we heard over and over throughout the confirmation hearings. Depends on the nominee. There are questions we heard multiple times. Many of the cases, the nominees have actually as you said shown daylight with trump. The Climate Change question. We heard from scott pruitt as we heard from others who spoke on Climate Change. We acknowledge that the climate is changing and man may have some role in that and the debate it unsettled on that role. That is the official line from nominees. Of course, the way this is asked of them, do you believe Climate Change is a hoax because donald trump is on record tweeting and saying multiple times that Climate Change is a hoax. So we are going to see how that plays out in policies. That seems to be the con ken se it is interesting to see Bernie Sanders emerging for progressi progressives. And a Congress Member up for omb. It turns out he did not pay 15,000 in taxes for someone he is calling a babysitter. Chuck schumer says thats a big deal. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. If tom daschel could not become a cabinet member for not paying taxes for a house employee, the same standard should apply to mulvaney. So these taxes over the years have kept people from being in the cabinet. Up for hhs eight years ago. He had to pay 180,000. The point is well taken by schumer. In the past, these have derailed nominations. Im not sure they will this time. I dont think they will either. Chuck schumer is having a lot of fun. This is the best thing. Get out and get the democrats message out there. Pick at all these problems whether big or small. You know, as the party of the opposition, thats his job and hes doing it beautifully and dramatically. As far as the pick goes, you know, i think they all get through. They just dont have the numbers to be able to not allow them. But get through bruised. Absolutely. The minority partys job to start to take a stance on who they are Going Forward. It starts when you are in the minority. Thats how you build. Stick with us for a second. A lot to get through. Another big hearing today. Treasury secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin. Former Goldman Sachs banker turned hollywood member. Democrats could hit at another job. Onewest. Purchasing the failed lender indy mac. Two filed a claim that onewest discriminated against north. Blasting the practices. Mnuchin is a critic of doddfrank. Trump wants tax cuts. Lawmakers will ask how he wants to pay for them. Finally, his first duties dealing with the debt ceiling. That is coming up again. March 15th. Write it down. That is the deadline to raise that cap on how much the government can borrow. We will watch that today. I think they will ask about avat avatar. People say Goldman Sachs alum. He went on to have a varied Investment Banking career. There are a lot of Goldman Sachs people at the seat with donald trump. Ironic after all of the attacking he did on Goldman Sachs. President obama held the final News Conference as the commander in chief. What is the sense of the direction of the country from him . Thats coming up. You find yourself isolated because the process breaks down or if you are only hearing from people who agree with you on everything or if you havent created a process that is Fact Checking or probing and asking hard questions about policies or promises you made, thats when you start making mistakes. President obama doing something he will never do again. Giving a press conference and answering questions from reporters inside the brady Briefing Room as president of the United States. Hes done. Hes out of here tomorrow. That was his last News Conference. Joining us again, tal kopan and eugene scott and salena zito. There was a reporter from an lgbt publication so he wanted to show diversity and show a message on the Incoming Administration on the importance of media. Listen to what he said about that. Having you in this building has made this place work better. It keeps us honest. It makes us work harder. You have made us think about how we are doing and what we do and whether or not we are able to deliver on whats been requested. President obama in the white house hasnt been the most press friendly white house we had. That was a clear message, eugene, to the Incoming Administration. Certainly so. It was interesting because of the ongoing relationship with media and obama. Not the friendly evideiest. I think the media felt to go after not just president elect donald trump, but the entire administration to serve the citizens they say they most want to protect. You know what i heard . I heard a president who may not go quietly. He really talked about a lot of things that matter to him. He talked about being a voice for people who dont have a voice. He feels if people who dont have a vioice are sidelined, he will speak up. He will read and write unless he feels the need to speak up. He talked about voter access. He talked about voting fraud and brought up the fake news moni r moniker. Listen to that. The notion of the election or voting fraud this is something that is constantly s disprov disproved. This is fake news. The notion that there are people out there who are going out and not eligible to vote and want to vote. We have people who want to vote who dont vote. Salena, what do you think . He was sending a message. He is standing up for the people who he feels are under served or left behind or not always had a voice in the process. He was also saying we need to know and we need to draw stark lines of real news and fake news. It is our responsibility as reporters and journalists to get that out. You know, the president very careful, tal, to this point, not to criticize the incoming president elect, but he did draw lines and he does stake claims. He did on Voting Rights and voter access. He did on press access. He also did on russia. He continues to offer warnings to the administration about how they should look to vladimir putin. And dreamers. If they try to institute deportations of some of the people who he protected would came here and Young Children and lived their life in america, he would stand up for them as well. He sent messages. The kids call them sub tweets. The note on press access and how important it is to have in the building directly related to kicking them out of the building that have been circulated. On russia. He never goes after trump himself. It is interesting to watch him. He truly seems to president the importance of the president ial deference to the next guy. George bush did it for him. It will be interesting to watch him navigate this delicate balance of criticizing policies and being respectful. I like the idea of sub tweeti tweeting. Im going to steal that. A lot more to discuss. Other big news. 2017 hall of fame class announced. Who made the cut . Who did not . Some people not on the rise on the voting. Thats coming up. O snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Thats how i feel about blueemu pain relief spray. Odorless and fastacting. It soothes all my muscle aches and pains. And its convenient for those hard to reach places. And if youre like me, youll love blueemu super strength cream. Its made with real emu oil, its non greasy, its a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints. Take it from me. It works fast and you wont stink. Blueemu, it works for me itll work for you. Breaking overnight. Dozens people feared dead after an avalanche slammed into a hotel in italy. This is the look at the scene. Officials say the roof partially collapsed. So far, two people have been rescued. At least 22 were staying at the hotel nearby. Several Staff Members were also on duty. A series of earthquakes in central italy triggered the avalanche. The teenager discovered being abducted speaks out for the first time. Kamiyah mobley accepts she was born as kamiyah. She says it is hard to view her abductor in a negative way. I feel the same about her. There is nothing different. Im processing it. Like i said, im a big girl. Theres just life at my front door. Im a big girl. I can process it all. My feelings toward my mother will never change. A dna test revealed that alexis was the infant stolen from the hospital in 1988 was Kamiyah Mobley. Nine years after being passed over for the hall of fame not an outrage. Raines and jeff bagwell along with Ivan Rodriguez make up the hall of fame. Pudge rodriguez is the first time ballot entry along with johnny bench. There was a surge in support for people who were connected in some way to the steroids era. Barry bands and roger clemens. Those guys had been in the 40s. This time around in the 50s. They are on the rise. Sooner or later, here is betting that bonds and clemens will get in. Here is the number of times berman can get the Baseball Reference in. And some questions for Donald Trumps nominees causing concerns in washington. How democrats could try to prevent confirmations. Thats next. One day away from the presidency of donald j. Trump. Final preparations under way as the president elect gets ready to move to washington. Ethics questions for cabinet nominees. Now democrats are threatening to slow the confirmation process. And president obama holds a final session with the media who he seems to like all of a sudden. The parting words for the press and incoming president. Welcome back. We are live from washington. Im john berman. Im christine romans. 32 minutes past the hour. Welcome to the capital. Tminus one day and counting. Donald j. Trump soon to be the 45th president of the United States. On the steps of the capitol. With ohours to go, the lastminute preparations are under way across the city. Have you seen the bunting . Bunting all over the city. A cornucopia of bunting. Today, mr. Trump flies to washington. For the first time, he will arrive on an air force jet. He will attend a wreath laying at Arlington National cemetery. For the latest on the schedule for today for the president , lets bring in athena jones. In the washington bureau. So nice to see you. Good morning, christine. As he prepares to become the president , the president elect has one last busy day. He will arrive by military aircraft. He is expected to arrive midday. He will head to Arlington National cemetery for that wreath laying. He will attend a voices of the people preconcert in the mid afternoon. Down by the monuments. In the late afternoon, he will go to a make America Great again concert. That event will be at the Lincoln Memorial. Acts like toby keith, three doors down among others. The president elect was in d. C. Last night before flying back to new york. Attending two dinners. One to honor cabinet secretaries and one to honor incoming Vice President mike pence. He met with Wounded Warriors later tweeting out a picture thanking the Wounded Warriors for their service. As he wraps up the last full day as the president in waiting, he is finalizing his cabinet. Former governor sonny perdue. It shows his cabinet will not have a latino representation for 30 years. Latinos have had a place in cabinets since every president ial Administration Since 1988. Back to you. Athena, thank you for that. Talk to you soon. The administration wants as many nominees confirmed as possible by the close of business tomorrow. Slou slowing the process and growing ethical questions of the nominees. The head to office and budget Mick Mulvaney believed babysitters were not taxable employees. Wilbur ross had a housekeeper he just learned was undocumented. He did his best to verify at the time of hiring, but quote, it turned out that was incorrect. Questions about an investment by the Human Services nominee tom price. More on that in a moment. Chuck schumer is calling it the swamp cabinet and slamming the rushed hearings. The past two weeks, we have seen repeat ed efforts from the trump transition ate eaided and betted nominees in a way that rides their views from the american people. He says they may choose to slow down the process doing senate procedures. More hearings set for this morning. Lucky you. Goldman sachs Steve Mnuchin and rick perry. This follows a bruising day of hearings for trumps picks yesterday. More from manu raju from capitol hill. Reporter four of the nominees getting intense questioning from Senate Democrats concerned about ideological views. None more than tom price. Congress member selected to be the new head of health and Human Services. Not just on ideological views on medicare and social security, but what to do to replace and repeal obamacare. A number of questionable stock trades he made pursuing election legislati legislation. Listen. Did you buy the stock and introduce the bill to be helpful to the companies you bought the stock. The stock was directed by a broker who was making the decisions. I wasnt making those decisions. When you found out your broker had made this trade without your knowledge, did you reprimand her . What i did was comply that she made it . Did you fire her . Did you sell the stock . I complied with the rules of the house in the legal and above boardm manner. You decide not to tell them. Wink, wink, nod, nod . It is what members of the committee. Im not one of them. I understand that. It is important to appreciate that is the case. Reporter other nominees questioned, including scott pruitt to head the epa, democrats questioning his views on Climate Change. He acknowledges he does not think Global Warming is a hoax, but how much man is contributing. Science tells us climate is changing. Human activity impacts that change. What to do about it are subject to continuing debate and dialog dialogue. Reporter we are looking to see which gets confirmed and quickly get confirmed. Democrats are signaling they may drag out the process on the nominees because they do not believe they have been questioned long enough. John and christine. Manu raju, thank you. A billionaire politician comes to washington to run the committee and juice the american economy. Wilbur ross yesterday in hearings. That would be his job if confirmed. Another billionaire has had that job. Penny pri penny pritzker. I asked her about the nominee. You do not wake up in the morning and say ill create 1,000 jobs. These are opportunities created over time. Think what is in important is not one announcement timed related to a tweet. What is important is systematic change. And creating the opportunity for businesses to create jobs and opportunity here in the United States which is something we worked hard on. In this administration and it will be a priority for the next administration. We may have different ways of going about it. She told me she has talked to wilbur ross. She talked about the best way to run the commerce department. He is an outsider like she is. You need to have veteran Washington People around you to get stuff done. So it was interesting to sit down with her. Ill say, guys, bringing everybody in here. The mood is interesting in washington. The transition of power is unique. There are literally pictures off the walls. Her personal art in the hallway. People with boxes of their stuff and thinking about the next job they will have. A remarkable time in washington. Salena. It is different in washington. I remember karen hughes before she left. There are boxes everywhere. People moving all around. It is exciting and sad, but also really exciting for the people who are looking forward to the next administration. I talked to a lot of people in ohio and pennsylvania. I live out in pittsburgh. You know, they are getting ready to take the bus down and train down. This peaceful transfer of power is a wonderful time. It is a wonderful thing we do in this country. No matter how you feel politically. Thousands of people in the departments who will keep their jobs who run the business. Some will be acting cabinet secretaries if there is a delay. Literally run the business. Economists. There will be a big census coming up in 2020. If wilbur ross is confirmed, he will do that business of the american people. With a do we think about the confirmation . We will hear from Steve Mnuchin today. Will all of these go through . I do think they will. There may be one that gets derailed to give democrats a n win. If there are any nominees that republicans feel squesqueamish. There may be one that is picked as a sacraficial lamb so to speak. They have to have a lot of political cover. It is highly unlikely. John mccain and marco rubio is still out on Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. They are doing arm twisting to get what they want. They have not said i wont vote for this person. Nominees tend to withdraw. They tend to read the waters and decide, im going to take my name out of consideration. Democrats cant force that. Donald trump pushed through controversy. You said you need to have every democrat vote against you. Dont forget joe manchin will likely vote for some of them. You have some to split off. In the whole getting to know you process of a new administration. It is really interesting to see the president elect and how he behaves in his sort of foray into washington. He was at a dinner honoring mike pence. He had interesting remarks to the crowd. He talked about republicans. They all liked mike. They were a little bit concerned with me. So first of all, i think that is 100 true. First of all, you talk to republicans. The answer to that is yes. What does that mean Going Forward . What does that mean for the man who will be President Trump and relationship with republicans in this town . Those of us who have been covering this election for a while have seen the concern with trump is a bipartisan issue that people have agreement on. Donald trump will have to convince lawmakers they should be less concerned he has a desire to continue what they have done what he thought was effective during the obama time and make it land and improve the quality of life for the american people. I dont think he has done that yet to the level that many of them would hope, but theres still time. He is not in the white house yet. He has a big speech behind us tomorrow where he begins doing that. He will begin easing concerns in both parties. Guys, stick with us. President obama held his final News Conference before leaving office. We will talk about his reflectireflexes reflections and hopes and what he will do saturday morning. Igie r thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay and could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about and which aarp Medicare Supplement plan works best for you. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. 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This is not just a matter of no drama obama. This is what i believe. It is true i curse more behind closed doors. I get mad and frustrated like everybody else does. At my core, i think were going to be okay. We have to fight for it and work for it. That was president obamas final message during the final News Conference as he gets ready to cede power to donald trump. We have tal kopan and salena zito with us. He said i will take some time off and play golf, but he is not going away. Interesting how he will raise his voice as a former president. Listen to that. I want to be quiet a little bit and not hear myself talk so much. In a democracy, you will win on those issues and lose. Between the normal functioning of politics and certainly issues or moments where i think our core values may be at stake. Tal, he talked about the core values. He talked about three specifics he noted any form of institutionalizing discrimination, limiting voters access to the polls and he talked about the dreamers. The young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as kids usually by parents and grown up here and gone to college. This is the biggest executive action to protect those individuals from deportation and give them a place here. That status is completely up in the air as we move forward. He said if i see those individuals being rounded up, if i see some sort of deportation system moving in, i will speak up. He laid down the marker on those three issues in particular as we heard him say against the core values of our country and why he would speak up. Salena, you mentioned you think actually a President Trump would welcome having president obama around as a foil. Why republicans have been successful since 2009 down ballot is because they have been able to use his policies as a way to win seat building. They did not win the presidency in 2012. They were able to say obama, obamacare, bailout. He was like theres the bad guy. Were going to do better. And i doubt that president obama is going to be strident against mr. Trump. He respects the presidency. If he does, you know, make an issue, trump will say thats the guy you voted against. If you look at states like pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. Even though you lost minnesota by 45,000 people, those voters are the same who voted for obama and switched. He can capture them back if he feels like he is losing them on an issue. Another one of those states. What is interesting is we saw the moving fvans from the white house to the house where they will stay. He is not going to the ranch in crawford, texas and leaving town. There is the aura of obamas here. That is interesting. It is interesting. I think people have to remember that that is what people wanted. The overwhelming majority of people who voted, voted for the candidate to continue the obama legacy. They want to see him speak out on the issues that they think need attention. Having him around focused on some of the issues that he Will Champion once he goes on to his postpresidency charitiable work will make people feel what they cared about will not be completely trumped. He will not be engaged in the nitty gritty of the job. There is something of a debate last night. It wasnt a debate, because they did not go after each other. They made statements. Tom perez, the outgoing labor secretary, he is running for the dnc chair. He said we can hit him between the eyes, him being donald trump. We can treat him like Mitch Mcconnell treated barack obama. It is interesting and it is part of the fun of being opposition. In washington, it is a cardinal rule. You reap what you sow. The democrats changed the rules. Now the cabinet nominees dont need 60 votes. They will live with that. It is the same with mcconnells strategy of throwing wrenches in the gears as much as he could. We will have to see if the dnc chairman wants those tactics. There are some in the Democratic Party who are uncomfortable with that. Chuck schumer is not harry reid. We will have to see how democrats settle this debate. Do we want to be labelled obstructionists, but stop as much as we can or do we want to find middle ground . Tal, eugene,salena, stick around. Where does the trump bump stack up against the biggest president ial rallies of all time . Its huge. A look at the cnn money stream next. Sometimes you just know when you hit a home run. Thats how i feel about blueemu pain relief spray. Odorless and fastacting. It soothes all my muscle aches and pains. And its convenient for those hard to reach places. And if youre like me, youll love blueemu super strength cream. Its made with real emu oil, its non greasy, its a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints. Take it from me. It works fast and you wont stink. Blueemu, it works for me itll work for you. Anything with a screen is a tv. Stream 130 live channels, plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Download the xfinity tv app today. Breaking overnight. Dozens of people feared dead after an avalanche slammed into a hotel in italy. This is the scene right now. Officials say the roof partially collapsed. Two people have been rescued. 22 people were staying at the hotel. Several Staff Members also on duty. A series of earthquakes in central italy triggered the avalanche. The teenager discovered 18 years after being abducted from her mothers bedside has spoken out. She accepted the fact she was born as Kamiyah Mobley and the woman she called mom all those years took her from her true birth parents. She says it is hard to view her parent abductor in a negative way. There is nothing different. Im processing it. Im a big girl. Theres just life at my front door right now. Im a big girl. I can process it all. Like i said, my feelings toward my mother will never change. A dna test revealed that alexis was that baby stolen from the hospital in 1998 by a woman posing as a nurse. The woman who raised her Gloria Williams is in jail. Fbi investigating a wave of bomb threats at Jewish Community centers. The second time in two weeks that the centers have been targeted. Officials say on wednesday, 27 Jewish Centers in 17 states received threatening phone calls. No devices were found after evacuation. Lets get a check on cnn money stream. Dow futures lower. Confirmation hearing of treasury secretary pick Steve Mnuchin. Stocks in europe are mixed. Comments from janet yellen failed to excite the market. She said the u. S. Job market are near full employment. Yellen called the economic recovery a long, slow, slog. Watch netflix today. I already have. Shares of netflix. Up 8 in premarket trading. It added 7 million customers in the final quarter of 2016. The stock surged 51 over the past six months. Over all of last year, netflix added 19 million members. Netflix now has a total of 93. 8 million subscribers. Having more customers overseas than it does in the u. S. Pop quiz, john berman. What president saw the biggest stock market rally from election day to inauguration . I dont know. Can someone get that tape . Fdr. Not donald trump. He is the big gainers in history. The 6. 5 gain on the s p 500 is better than clinton and george h. W. Bush. Two trading days left. You will not watch jfk at 8 or Herbert Hoover at more than 10 . Hoover was inaugurated in march. We adjusted the math so it matches. The biggest ever belongs to calvin coolidge. The s p was 90 stocks at that point. It gained 17 . Coolidge. That dude had it going on. Early start continues right now. Just

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