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Death of Robin Williams revealed this the world mourns another hollywood legend, this morning, mourning lauren becall. What a voice. Im john berman. And im christine romans. Its 4 00 a. M. In the east. We welcome all the viewers here in the United States and around the world. Up first, Robin Williams final details. The beloved actors suicide. The marin county sheriff describing in detail how the troubled star hanged himself in his home. Were finding out Robin Williams was trying to get help for the depression that ultimately overcame him. More from cnns tim rowlands. Reporter good morning. There was a tribute to williams at the San Francisco giants game. He was a longtime giants fan and a member of this community. People really did have a special attachment with Robin Williams. And he had a special attachment with this area of the country. Meanwhile, we did get the news yesterday on the specifics around his death. He did die of asphyxiation. Thats the preliminary autopsy report. And he did die at his own hands, hanging using a belt in a closet. His wife was with him the night before his death. She went to bed around 10 30, the next morning left thinking that her husband was just asleep. A personal assistant found Robin Williams just before noon. He was in that state. He also had cut his wrist with a knife, superficial cuts. They say it did not contribute to his death but also difficult to deal with, this man who gave us so much joy and so much pain it really has been tough on not only the people here but people around the world. John, christine. Thank you. Its difficult. A lot of details that released a lot of information that made people uncomfortable. There are fans who said we dont need to know the details. On the heels of Robin Williams death we are learning about the loss of another screen legend, lauren becall, famous for the deep, sultry voice and the look. I mean the look the in quotation marks. Bacall from her screen debut to have and have not with leading man Humphrey Bogart. The love of her life. He marry a year later. They made several more films together. Lauren bacall died in her home at 89. Now to the turmoil in iraq the end could be near for the longtime leader Nuri Al Maliki. The embattled Prime Minister growing increasingly more isolated now that iran and the militia have spurned him in famp of Haider Al Abadi. The u. S. Sees al abadi the only hope. Theyre choosing to blend in with the population making it more difficult to target. The u. S. Sending an additional 138 advisers to iraq to plan the evacuation of thousands of refugees, refugees who are now under siege by these militants. Nick paton walsh monitoring the developments from baghdad. The Political Developments it looks as though Nuri Al Maliki is more isolated than in recent days. Reporter its going to be extraordinarily hard for him to come back from this one, certainly. And i think many of them saw the end here. Washington is backing Haider Al Abadi. Even iraq and saudi arabia on this one point. A statement on a Facebook Page saying mr. Al abadi would welcome mr. Nuri al maliki into the fold saying he did a lot to fight terrorism. Many view this as a bid for those frankly in power inherent to the job in the next 30 days if Haider Al Abadi can get his cabinet together fast enough to bring him into the fold again. Many still waiting for him to make some kind of concession or speech. The last time we saw him was state television when he was pretty defined really in this tone. Ordering military police to stay out. And to keep himself in power. Baghdad still on edge, though. Because until this political crisis passes no one really feels that the country as a whole can deal with the bigger threat and so much of the territory is now being seeded with isis militants. And nick, what about the shifting tactics of those isis militants now trying to blend into the population . I mean, clearly u. S. Air strikes causing them to change some of their tactics. How big of a concern that . Reporter its a big deal. Its not something that isis has been doing new here. One of the key things theyve been fighting in syria is that the Syrian Regime has not been bombing their targets, noticeably apart from a couple exception. This is the first time they would have come up against such precision consistent intelligencebased strikes that the u. S. Air force can provide, moving into the civilian population. Well, thats what theyve been doing since their founding really, living and being amongst, rarely going out alone on to the battlefield. Similar like the taliban in afghanistan. So the u. S. Air force would be very aware of the dangers that could cause and how many civilians could get caught up in the fighting as a result. But i dont think we should be too surprised that theyre willing to put them at rick at a time like this. Thanks, nick. The latest on the fastgrowing ebola crisis in west africa. An experimental vaccine to fight the virus now being offered by canada. 1,000 doses will be offered to the World Health Organization that just ruled the use of an unapproved drug they say is ethical to fight the outbreak. The World Health Administration also pushing the use of zmapp. Theyre hoping to have it available by november. The deadly virus is showing no signs of slowing down. More than 1800 cases. As for stricken missionary nancy writebol, shes Getting Better in an atlanta hospital. Members of Texas National guard are training for deployment to security border. The Program Comes at a cost of 18 million a month. By that rate, money would dry up by october. But a texas official says other states have offered to help share the cost of that mission. All right. Get me to Marthas Vineyard because that where Hillary Clinton and president obama are expected to meet tonight at the home of a mutual friend on that ritzy island. Mrs. Clinton called the president tuesday to assure that nothing she said in recent days was meant as an attack. Of course, she needed to call. The former secretary of state opened a lot of eyes in the midatlantic when she called the president s part in syria. And aide said when they meet at this party, theyre going to hug it out. Well, David Axelrod sent a tweet which was fairly scathing, criticism of Hillary Clinton. Theres something going on here. Yeah, its called 2016, elections. Time for your money. European stocks and asian stocks ending the day higher. U. S. Stock futures pointing higher after stocks ended the day lower yesterday. And more news on diversity or lack thereof in the tech world. This has been a big theme. Apple became the latest company to report its employee makeup. The company has 98,000 employees worldwide, including apple store workers. 70 of those are male. The number gets higher for technical roles. 55 are white, compared to 63 of the u. S. Population. I dont know, keeping score in tech over the makeup, the diversity of their workforce, a lot of people have thought, you know, despite high profile women running Tech Companies that it really has been a brogrammar culture. I like that word, brogrammar. You would. When we come back, time is ticking for peace talks in cairo with a ceasefire set to expire today. Can israel and hamas come to any kind of agreement now . Were live with details. Plus, deadly storms creating floods. The dramatic video of that next. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. Day three now with the latest ceasefire in gaza. And there seems to be some kind of a plan on the taken that might help bring an end to the monthlong war between israel and hamas. Negotiators in egypt calling on israel to ease parts of its blockade with gaza with the border being opened gradually over time. The current truce ends in just over 12 hours. No word from either side on whether the egyptian proposal is acceptable. Reza sayah is tracking it live from gaza this morning. Hearing rumbles from israel. Theyre talking more out loud on this proposal, reza . Reporter i think so so. It looks like the israelis are making some comments. The palestinian delegation, theyre choosing to stay silent seemingly. But heres the newest information we have, i talked to a senior Egyptian Government official about an hour ago. He told me theyre pushing both sides, israelis and palestinians to extend the ceasefire beyond the midnight deadline tonight. We want the two sides to agree to extend the ceasefire, thats what this official said, and continue talking. This is what were working on. This is a very sensitive time in the negotiations and its hard to predict the outcome at this point. Now, this is a statement that suggests that the two sides are not talking about a longer laster lasting permanent deal. Theyre only talking about to extend the ceasefire to continue talking. This is, of course, what the israelis want. Its not what the palestinians want. So its not clear if theyre going to reach this particular agreement. Weve been monitoring these on and off, indirect negotiations, two rounds of them for more than a week now. And every time we do these reports, were really looking for any sign of progress, any sign of positive development. But unfortunately, that hasnt been the case. The israelis yesterday telling Reuters News Agency that they havent had any progress. The palestinians choosing not to comment. The egyptians who are acting as mediators, theyre trying to romaine positive, saying its too quick, too early to judge this. Too early to reach any conclusions. But you have to stop looking at the clock now. Its a little after 11 00 a. M. Local time. That means these two sides have roughly 13 houring to get something done. One special note to pass on the u. S. Enjoy to the Peace Process robert sari, he will be meeting in a couple hours with the deputy Prime Minister. Its not clear what that meeting is going to be about, but theyre going to have a statement. Well bring it to you when it happens. Reza sayah, a lot of progress there. Even if they havent made overt progress. Reza sayah in cairo, thank you so much. Other news to tell you about, historic flooding turning deadly in detroit. More than half a foot of rain shutting down five major freeways. Two deaths being blamed on the floodwaters including a 100yearold woman whose body was found in the basement of her flooded suburban home. Three inches of rain, thats right, 3. 6 inches in baltimore shattering a record that stood for nearly 60 years. And its still coming down overnight. Heavy flooding leaving dozens of drivers stranded. Facing serious danger. It was very scary sitting there in the car watching the water go by and the grass disappearing and the water coming. And i was thinking about getting out and sitting on top of the car. And im so glad they came. There is more rain in the forecast for today. So lets get an early look at the weather with karen maginnis. John and christine, it looks like another soggy afternoon with significant rainfall totals wrapped around this area of northeastern new england with the frontal system draped toward the south. All the way to Atlantic City to bangor and portland, maine. This is an area we could see significant rainfall. Could see flood potential as well. While we expect to see cooler air push into the United States, during the Early Morning hours and by the afternoon we could see delays pile up along that i95 corridor. What about the afternoon . Well, temperatures are going to be below normal in the southeast. This could be welcome news where temperatures had been in the 90s. Only about 85 for atlanta. A pretty warm day for the forecast with new york city expecting 84. Chicago, 83 degrees coming up for wednesday afternoon. And what as we go into the thursday forecast. Well, theres that highpressure system moving across the midwest. Still looks like the showers still prevailing across northeastern new england, as we get stuck in the summertime pattern. Weve got dry are thunderstorms for the northwest and that monsoon moisture continuing into the four corners region. Back to you guys. Legendary actress Lauren Bacall, dead at the age of 89. A look back at the leading ladys film of golden age. When we come back. male announcer its happening. Today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® is now available in flextouch® the only prefilled insulin pen with no pushbutton extension. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. Today, im asking about levemir® flextouch. female announcer levemir® is a longacting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. male announcer todays the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. Covered by nearly all Health Insurance and medicare plans. All right. She was one of the last links to hollywoods golden age. Lauren bacall died tuesday at her home in new york city. She was 89 years old. Known for that voice and that look on screen. Oh, that look. The model turned actress began her career acting at least off the screen legend and future husband Humphrey Bogart, she became overnight success. Cnns Nischelle Turner has more on the life and legacy of Lauren Bacall. You know how to do it, dont you, steve, you just put your lips together. Reporter with those words to have and have not a screen idol was burned. The smoldering voice and downturned face and upturned eyes have Lauren Bacall with the look. Ironically the 19yearold felt indiana secure. That is what starts the look, the nerves. Reporter bah kal was from hollywoods golden era and the wife of actor Humphrey Bogart. Reporter the big sleep was among a handful of films they made together but their love affair was one of tinseltowns greatest romances. Bogart died in 1957 leaving bacall a widow. Sinatra headed to las vegas soon, bacall fell in love again and married jason robard with whom they had a son. He was hooked on it. Reporter bacall was born betty joan persky. Her parents divorced when she was 6. As a lanky teen she modeled to make someone taking her mothers name bacal, adding a second l to make it easier to pronounce. Hawks changed her name. He thought Lauren Bacall was better sounding than betty bacall. Reporter he was a svengali, he wants to mold me. John houston, charlie chapin, she just knows or has been around everyone that has formed what we know of this business. Reporter bacall films costars read like the whos who of hollywood but it was on broadway where she acheefd her most accredital acclaim. Oh, i loved. Reporter she started in Cactus Flower and woman of the year winning two tony awards. She starred opposite Barbra Streisand in the mirror has two faces earning her only oscar nomination. And she was still acting in her 80s in such films as dogsville. A diva, a classic jewel and legend of an era gone by. I was reading this morning she actually worked on the voice to make it sound that low and husky. She would read in the car to make it sound like that. Someone told her the low voice looked great. The detail of the look is that she was so nervous. Trying to keep the gaze. Im not like an old movie guy but i can watch the movies with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall because what they had, oh, my goodness. Happening now, 138 u. S. Advisers heading to iraq. Why it may not be enough to stop take over the country. And why the u. S. 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Good to see you. 30 minutes past the hour. We like to welcome all the viewers in the United States and around the world. Up first, the beloved actors suicide confirmed with the marin countys Sheriffs Office which described in painful detail how the troubled star hanged himself in his Northern California home. Were also learning this morning that williams was trying to get help for the depression that ultimately kid him. Lets get more now from cnns red rowlands. Reporter good morning, john and christine, the folks here in the San Francisco bay area are still mourning the loss of Robin Williams. Last night there was a tribute to williams at the San Francisco giants game. He was a longtime giant fan. And a member of this community. People really did have a special attachment with Robin Williams. And he had a special attachment with this area of the country. Meanwhile, we did get the news yesterday on the specifics around his death. He did die of asphyxiation, thats the preliminary autopsy report. And he did die at his own hands. Hanging, using a belt in a closet. His wife was with him the night before his death. She went to bed around 10 30. The next morning left thinking that her husband was just asleep. A personal assistant found Robin Williams just before noon. And he was in that state. He also had cut his wrist with a knife. Superficial cuts, they say it did not contribute to his death but also difficult detail to hear with people who were just so in love with Robin Williams and his work. And the idea that this man who gave us so much joy was in so much pain really has been tough on not only the people here but people around the world. John, christine. Ted rowlands, thank you for that. This morning the nation remembers another screen legend, Lauren Bacall, famous, of course for her throaty are voice, her sultry look on screen. She was a teen age model before becoming an overnight star. Her movie debut in known 44 to have and have not. The leading men in that film would become the love of her life. The couple, bogey and bacall. One of the greatest love stories. Lauren bacall died in her new york city home. She was 89 years old. Such an indelible mark in the arts. Now chaos in iraq. The countrys Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki barely holding ton power and growing increasingly more isolated now that iran and some of the militias in iraq have turned their back on him. In favor of Prime Minister designate Haider Al Abadi. The United States sees al badi as the only hope for the new government in iraq. This as there are concerns that isis may change its tactics in the face of u. S. Air strikes might soon blend in making it more difficult to target on the ground there. United states is estimating its involvement in iraq. Sending an additional 138 advisers to that country to plan, help plan, the evacuation of thousands of refugees now under siege by isis militants. Our Nick Paton Walsh there, a lot of people here waking up to the news that the United States is considering increasing its involvement. Maybe even help with a rescue operation. A direct rescue operation of those yazidis trapped on the mountain. Reporter that would be an extraordinarily difficult task, of course, within the u. S. Militarys capabilities but with so much risk, you have to wonder, the white house, how theyre weighing that with the public tolerance now in the United States for putting troops back on the ground, particularly back in iraq where war weariness would end. And youd have to presume theyd use large cargo planes to affect anything like the motion you need to get tens of thousands of yazidis out of the area of threat where they could be safe. If and you try to use a grounds move, you go through threats of isis militants and iraq, of course, as well. That as well is an extraordinarily difficult move. The u. S. Military is looking back at ways of pushing isis away from that mountain but still you have humanitarian catastrophe, people trapped on it. So no easy task at all. And im sure its something theyre looking at cautiously at in the u. N. To see the scale of casualties that we could see in the days ahead. Thats all happening as we see the pictures here with that migration of people from sinjar mountain calls it biblical the people trying to escape. Nick, as you said, this is. Whatting in the shadow of the political turmoil where you are in baghdad. There have been a lot of fears that the outgoing Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki would hang on to his job, perhaps even willing to use force to do so. That fear seems to be fading . Reporter to a degree. Weve yet to hear, though, the key thing from Nuri Al Maliki that he accepts what basically everybody else is saying that hes not political history. He has Prime Minister designate Haider Al Abadi receiving support from iraq. The u. S. Backed maliki from saudi arabia from the sunni speaker of parliament who shook his hands as he received the nomination. Everyone really pointing to the future as Haider Al Abadi. And Haider Al Abadi putting on his Facebook Page a conciliatory message for mr. Nuri al maliki, and afacebook message saying look, you made a great contribution to the fight against terror here. You have a place in iraqs political future. Many saw that as a conciliatory gesture to try to get maliki to feel safe, to back down. He did appear on military tv. Were still waiting to hear from him, though, that moment if hell accept what everyone else is saying is happening. But this is so important because without the political uplifting, the u. S. Wont deliver aid to the iraqis. And isis militants wont get pushed out. It does seem that maliki has run out of friends. As you say, nick, its such a Crucial Point it you that make. Nick paton walsh in baghdad. Thanks so much. All right. In the battle against the Ebola Outbreak. A glimmer of hope in west africa this morning an experimental vaccine to combat that virus is now being offered by canada. 1,000 doses will be donated to the World Health Organization for distribution. The w. H. O. Also pushing for faster production of zmapp, its an experimental drug youd already on two american ebola victims. Theyre hoping to have it ready by november because the deadly virus, frankly, is showing no sign of slowing down. Well over 1800 confirmed or suspected cases in four west african nations now. More than 1,000 deaths. As for ebola stricken nancy write dol shes recovering in an atlanta hospital. And her son said she still feels called to finish her work in liberia and may go back if she gets better. Texas governor rick perry will be meeting with the Texas National guard. The Program Comes at a cost of 18 million a month. At that rate money would dry up by october or so. But a Texas National guard official said other states have offered to help share the costs. A big meeting tonight in Marthas Vineyard, Hillary Clinton the former secretary of state and president obama will get together at the home of a mutual friend. You may have seen that the secretary of state called the president tuesday really to assure him that nothing she said in recent days was meant as an attack. But the fact that she felt the need to call says at all that the former secretary opened eyes in the interview in the midatlantic when she called the president s part a failure when he didnt intervene more. A representative said when they get together they will hug it out. European stocks higher. Utility and insurance stocks leading the way. Asian stocks managed to end the day higher despite a report of japans Economic Growth collapses. U. S. Futures, 50 points for the dow futures. Stocks ended the day lower yesterday despite positive news for job seekers. Job openings are at the highest level since february 2001. That puts the number of Unemployed People for every job opening at about 2. I love this chart. Thats a good one. I love this chart. Thats the lowest since 2008. Its a huge improvement since 2009. In 2009 there was almost seven people out of work for every job seeking. Imagine that, seven job seekers for every job opening. Now its two. All it takes is one chart to make you happy. Charts generally do it, in general. The odds are so much better. Time is ticking for a peace plan in gaza. A temporary ceasefire just hours from ending. Can hamas and israel come to any kind of agreement to permanently stop that violence . We are live next. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. The ceasefire in gaza ends in just over 12 hours and this morning, negotiators in egypt are calling on israel and hamas to extend the truce and keep talking. Keep the dialogue open. Reza sayah tracking these negotiations for us live from cairo this morning. Where do we stand, reza, here. Are we talking about extending the current truce . Or making any progress on a more lasting peace . Reporter thats what it looks like at this hour, christine, theyre talking about at least egypt and israel are talking about, extending the current ceasefire beyond the med night deadline tonight. We spoke to a senior Egyptian Government official about an hour and a half ago. He didnt reveal any details of the proposal that egypt has on the table. But he did tell us that theyre pushing both sides to extend these talks and continue the ceasefire. Heres what he told us. We want the two sides to agree to extend the ceasefire and continue talking. Were working on that. This is a very sensitive time in the negotiations. And its hard to predict the outcome at this point. And when you look at this statement, theres absolutely no indication that these two sides are talk about a permanent deal, a permanent truce. Theyre talking about extending the ceasefire. Thats what israel wants. And thats what the palestinians do not want. So, remember, the palestinians have long accused israel of using delay tactics in order to return to the status quo. And the palestinians said theyre simply not on board with that. Weve monitored two rounds of these indirect negotiations on and off for the past week. And absolutely no sign of progress. And unless something changes, it looks like were headed down the same road as we went last week. And of course, last weeks ceasefire talks resulted in failure. And the fighting started back up again. Its a little before 12 00 noon local time. The ceasefire, of course, ends at midnight tonight. Society clock is ticking. And the impasse, the reason for the impasse remains the same. On one hand, you have hamas, they want the complete lifting of the blockade. They want access to the outside world. They want a seaport, an airport. They say thats the only way for them to live with selfdetermination, live a life of dignity. Israel on the other side, christine they say that we cant address those issues until we address our security concerns. Theyre asking for hamas to be disarmed. Thats where they stand. Two wellknown positions and a very difficult time Getting Movement to the middle. Thanks so much, reza sayah, for that. 47 minutes after the hour. A huge russian convoy reportedly carrying thousands of tons of humanitarian aid for the people of Eastern Ukraine now being blocked. Officials in kiev saying they want International Relief agencies to certify the contents before allowing them access. There is concern the effort may be more of a threat than a real offer to help, leading that russia may try to invade under the guys of the operation. It just shows you how much distrust there is. Like this is a trojan horse. A pretext for an invasion. We dont want your aid. Wed rather have it organized by the international community. All right. Hollywood loses a screen legend. Lauren bacall dead at the age of 89. A look back at her iconic career next. Female narrator the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. We challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. Mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep this morning, we are remembering screen legend Lauren Bacall. The actress died tuesday at her home here in new york city. She was 89. One of hollywoods alltime leading ladies, bacall was known for her husky voice and sultry beauty. She became a star in the 1940s by showing the world how to whistle. Cnns Nischelle Turner has more on the life and legacy of Lauren Bacall. You know how to whistle, dont you, steve . You just put your lips together. Reporter with those words to have and have not a screen icon was born. The confident smoldering expression, the downturned face and upturned eyes have Lauren Bacall with the look. Ironically, the 19yearold struck the pose because she felt insecure. That is what started the look, the nerves. Just trying to keep my head steady. Reporter bacall was from hollywoods golden era and the wife of actor Humphrey Bogart. Reporter the big sleep was among a handful of films they made together, but their love affair was one of tinseltowns greatest romances. Bogart died of cancer in 1957, leaving bacall a widow at 32 with two small children. For a time she was engaged to family friend and singer frank sinatra. When the romance sizzled sinatra headed to las vegas soon, bacall fell in love again and married Jason Robards with whom she had a son. She blamed his drinking for their divorce. I dont even know if she enjoyed it, but he was hooked on it. Reporter bacall was born Betty Joan Perske. On september 16th, 1924. Her parents were jewish immigrants who divorced when she was just 6. As a lanky teen she modeled to to earn extra money, taking her mothers name bacal, adding a second l, making it easier to pronounce. Film director hawkes. Hawks changed her name. He thought Lauren Bacall was better sounding than betty bacall. He had a vision of his own. He was a svengali, he wanted to mold me, he wanted to control me. Reporter even they saw her as a legend. John huston, charlie chaplin, she just knows or has been around everyone that has formed what we know of this business. Reporter bacall films costars read like the whos who of hollywood but it was on broadway where she achieved her most critical acclaim. Oh, i loved. That was my original dream, anyway, to be on stage. Reporter she spent nearly 20 years on the stage starring in Cactus Flower, applause and women of the year earning two tony awards. In her later years, her film career saw a renaissance, she starred opposite Barbra Streisand in the mirror has two faces earning her only oscar name nation. And she was still acting in her 80s in such films as dogsville. With actress nicole kidman. A diva, a classic jewel and legend of an era gone by. In a report, its hard to even comment on the story because shes just i dont know, the bogey and bacall love story. Go back and see those films, to have and have not. I didnt realize a video at 32. 50 minutes past the hour. The ten best paying jobs out there. What are they . The ten best paying jobs . Ours are not morning them. Early start is on your way. All right. Two minutes to the top of the hour. Barney miller. Sean loves that music. European shares are higher. U. S. Stock futures pointing higher as well after they fell yesterday. The dow lower for the year. The dow has turned lower for the year but the nasdaq and s p is still up about 5 despite all the volatility. The recent swings. Okay. Brand new this morning if youre looking to earn six figures. Think health care and a whole lot of school. According to career cast, the best paying careers surgeons make 233,000 a year thats followed by general practice physicians. Psychiatrists. Seven of the top ten jobs are in health care. That could mean more than a decade of school from undergrad to residency. That sixfigure salary comes in handy when you have to pay the sixfigure debt. According to careercast those are the top paying jobs this year. 59 minutes after the hour. For our viewers around the world, cnn newsroom is next. For viewers here in the United States, early start continues right now. Crisis in iraq. Islamic militants apply new tactics. This morning the very latest on isis. And the mission to track the terrorists. Were live. Happening now, time ticking on a cease eyre in gaza. Its set to end in a few hours with no plan as of now for any kind of longer lasting peace. Could israel and hamas come to an agreement before time runs out . Queer live in cairo with a new offer on the table. And new details on the tragic death of Robin Williams revealed as the world mourns yet another hollywood legend this morning. We are remembering the screen siren Lauren Bacall. News siren christine romans. Im john berman, its early start. Up first, the final tortured hours of Robin Williams. Grim details emerging about the beloved actors suicide. The marn county Sheriffs Office described in detail. Excruciating detail how the troubled star hanged himself in his california home. And we are finding out this morning that williams was trying to get help from the depression that ultimately overcame him. More from cnns ted rowlands. Reporter good morning, christine and john. Fans are still mourning the loss last night. There was a tribute to williams at the San Francisco giants game. He was a longtime giant fan and a member of this community. People really did have a special attachment with Robin Williams. And he had a special attachment with this area of the country. Meanwhile, we did get the news yesterday on the specifics around his death. He did kind of asphyxiation, thats the preliminary autopsy report. And he did die at his own hands, hanging using a belt in a closet. His wife was with him the night before his death. She went to bed around 10 30. And the next morning left thinking that her husband was just asleep. A personal assistant found Robin Williams just before noon. And he was in that state. He also had cut his wrists with a knife. Superficial cuts. They say it didnt contribute to his death. But also a difficult detail to hear for people who were just so in love with Robin Williams and his work. And the idea that this man who gave us so much joy was in so much pain really has been tough on him. Not only the people here and the people around the world. John, christine. All right, ted rowlands. Now, on the heels of Robin Williams death, we are learning about the loss of another screen legend. Lauren bacall, famous for her throaty voice, her sultry look. She was a teen age model before becoming an overnight success in her big screen debut 1944 to have and have not. Her leading man in that film the great Humphrey Bogart who became the love of her life. They married a year later. And they made several more films together. A legendary couple, really. Lauren bacall died in her home in new york city. She was 89. You know how to whistle, dont you . The chaos consuming iraq. The end could be near for the countrys Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki. Its creasingly more isolated now that iran the most loyal militia in that nation of iraq have spurned him. This is in favorite of Prime Minister designate Haider Al Abadi. The United States sees al abadi as the only hope now for the government. This as the u. S. Military is concerned that isis might be changing tactics in the face of u. S. Air strikes. And ultimately they may choose to try to blend in with the population which would make it much more difficult to target from the air. Word this morning that the u. S. Is sending an additional 138 advisers to iraq to help plan the evacuation of refugees now under siege by isis militants. To west africa now where theres new hope in the battle to stop the spread of the deadly ebola virus there. An experimental vaccine now being offered by canada, 1,000 doses will be donated to the World Health Organization which just ruled that the use of unapproved drugs is ethical in this fight for this outbreak. The w. H. O. Also pushed for faster production of zmapp, an experimental drug already being used on two american ebola victims. Theyre hoping to have it ready by november because this deadly virus is, frankly, show nothing signs of slowing down. Well over 1800 confirmed or suspected cases in four west african nations. More than 1,000 deaths. As for stricken nancy writebol, shes recovering in an atlanta hospital. Her son says she still feels called to finish her work in liberia and she may go back if she gets better. And Texas Governor perry and theyre being trained to cover the border. A Texas National guard official said other states have offered to help share the costs. Hillary clinton and president obama expected to meet tonight at the home a mutual friend on Marthas Vineyard. Former secretary of state called the president , called him by phone tuesday, just to assure him that nothing she said in recent days was meant as an attack. But as we know, she did call him. The former secretary of state opened a lot of eyes in an interview with the atlantic call the president s part in syria a failure when he didnt intervene. What issed etiquette on that when youve recently been a top cabinet official and you leave. Its the tight rope she is walking trying to create distance from a president who is increasingly unpopular but not alienate all the supporters she had when he ran for reelection. Dot, dot, dot. What . There really is no dot dot dot. Time for an early start on your money. European stocks are higher. Utility and insurance stocks leading the way. Asian stocks managed a higher close despite a report showing japans Economic Growth is collapsing. U. S. Stock futures are up after the stocks ended the day lower yesterday. And more news on diversity or frankly lack thereof in the tech world. Apple became the latest company to report its employee makeup. The company has 98,000 employees worldwide. Including apple store workers. 70 of those workers are male. And that number gets even higher for leadership roles at apple and technical positions. That puts apple in line with other techs like google and facebook. There are some who have said, what is this keeping score in the tech world. You know, were creating jobs all around the world, and maybe this is going to get more diverse as time going on. Theres much more diversity in marketing and sales. They see a part of the economy thats moving and its not including everyone. A good word, bro grammar. Happening now, time is ticking for ceasefire talks said to expire today. Can israel and hamas come to any lasting agreement . Well have the latest from cairo on that. Plus, the rain, severe storms leading to deadly floods in the northeast. The rain will continue to fall today. Indra petersons is tracking what you need to know next. Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Come on, would i lie about this . That are acidic. 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Visit angieslist. Com today. 9m ganncr we took care of your back pain. You make him the mvp. Tylenol is clinically proven to provide strong, fast pain relief. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol the chaos consuming iraq right now. Our Nick Paton Walsh is monitoring developments live from the phone in baghdad. Nick, we are getting warning that the United States considering possible great involvement. This is upping the number of troops on the ground as advisers. But now theyre considering getting involved in a rescue mission to rescue yazidis, the religious minority trapped on the mountain there in iraq. Reporter i think theyre looking at it and we have to bear in mind, its extraordinary. Not only would you have to mount an air mission for potentially tens of thousands of missions, youd have to get them flying over syrian borders to get them free of iraq as well. If you want to put presence on the ground that, too, is an extraordinarily complex. Requiring support from the u. S. Also the American Public opinion, exhausted by the iraq conflict involvement in the past. But its an issue for the yazidis, what many refer to as potential genocide. In the hours ahead, thousands of people still trapped on mount sinjar, that is, of course, pressing on the add obama administration. The complicated nature of it illustrated by the fact that a helicopter crashed yesterday trying to bring aid to the people on that mountain. Our Nick Paton Walsh, a great deal of political turmoil as the new Prime Minister designate tries to form. To gaza where the ceasefire ends in just over 12 hours. This morning, negotiators in egypt are calling on israel and hamas to extend that truce and to keep talking. Reza sayah tracking these negotiations live from egypt. And egypt pushing the palestinians and hamas to extend the ceasefire. 5 00 p. M. , midnight where you are, thats where this thing is up . Reporter yeah, christine. And the bar is low here. And thats the talk according to Egyptian Government officials. Theyre just pushing these two sides, the israelis and the palestinians to extend the ceasefire and continue talking. Heres what a senior official told us a couple of hours ago. We want the two sides to agree to extend the ceasefire and continue talking, and thats what were working on. This is a very sensitive time in the negotiations and its hard to predict the outcome at this point. When you look at that statement, its clear that these two sides are not talking about a permanent truce. Theyre thank yalking about ext the ceasefire beyond midnight tonight. To continue talking. Of course, thats what israel wants but the palestinians have not been on board. They believe that israel is using delay tactics in order to get back to a status quo. Something that the palestinians do not want. Weve been monitoring our secret negotiations for the past couple of weeks now. Two rounds of every time we do these reports, were looking for any sign of progress, and we simply havent been able to find one. Israelis told Reuters News Agency yesterday they havent made any progress. Palestinians are choosing to remain silent. In the meantime, egyptians, theyre keeping positive. Egyptians telling cnn its too early to judge this process, to reach conclusion. And were still working at it. Its a little after noon cairo time. The deadline for the ceasefire to end is midnight tonight. Well be keeping a close eye on thinks, christine and tell you whats happening. Well check with you and find out if theres any progress in those negotiations. Reza sayah in cairo. Other news, ukraine blocking a huge 280truck russian convoy reportedly carrying thousands of tons of humanitarian aid targeted for the people of Eastern Ukraine. Russia said it wants agencies to certify its contents before letting it pass its borders. The Ukrainian Government is concerned that the effort may be more of a threat than a real offer of help. Ukraine believes that russia may try to intervene in the guys of the operations. Michael brown the unarmed missouri teen killed by a Police Officer over the weekend. The identity of the officer involved in that shooting is still not revealed because of security concerns. Thats according to the Ferguson Police chief. A preliminary autopsy shows brown died from multiple gunshot wounds. Police wont release further details. The case triggering a broad review of Police Tactics by the justice department. Race car driver tony stewart not completely in the clear yet. Police are still investigating the death of kevin ward jr. In an incident over the weekend. Stewart running ward down after he walked on the track after a wreck. Ontario county sheriff show no criminal intent by stewart. The legal experts warn that the racing star could still face charges if investigators do find that he acts recklessly. Historic flooding turned deadly in detroit. More than a foot of rain shutting down five major freeways. Two deaths being blamed on the floodwaters. Including a 100yearold woman whose body was found in the basement of her flooded suburban home. More rain, 6. 2 inches falling in baltimore. That shattered a record of 60 years. It was still coming down overnight. Heavy flooding shut down highway, left dozens of drivers stranded, and facing serious danger. It was very scary sitting there in the car. Watching the water go by. And the grass disappearing. And the water coming. And i was thinking about getting out and sitting on top of the dar. Im so glad they came. All right. There is more rain in the forecast. Indra petersons is be traing the extreme weather. This thing isnt over. Talking about that record 6. 2 inches. What they normally see is 3. 3 inches. Thanks to all that moisture pooling off the of the atlantic. We can show you some of the other records because it wasnt the other one out towards north carolina. 3 1 2 inches in new jersey also seeing that. This is a short period of time. That flood concern was high in the eastern seaboard. Were talking heavy rain, some places two if not 3 inches, especially in long island, they have the potential for rainfall rates right now 4 inches per one hour. For that reason, they do still have flood warnings in effect also looking at new england as we go throughout the day, as that system will gradually pull off in the northeast. A lot of people asking why are we getting so much rain. Well, think about all of that available moisture off the atlantic nap slowmoving system is being pulled in with that frontal boundary. With that, youre getting the enhanced rainfall. The second thing were looking at is that system making its way out. Very light showers out there. Generally speaking things are cleaning out. For boston, long island, still a ways to go. New developments in the mysterious Brooklyn Bridge flag swap. Two german artists are taking credit for switching the white flags last month. They said it was an art project meant to deal with, quote, questions of legacy and art in the public spirit. The nypd learned of the duos claims after the story appeared on the website tuesday. I have a hard time getting upset about this. The deal finally down, Steve Ballmer now the official owner of the l. A. Clippers. This after a California Court confirmed that former other than shelli sterlings rights to sell the team without her husband. Donald sterling was forced to sell the team after being caught on tape making racist remarks. Bomb merced hes ready to take the clippers to new heights by that he means a championship. He plans to travel to los angeles later this week. Hes going to have dinner with the team. Thats 12 times the revenue for the team. I know. He paid a hefty premium. Theres more for the team. So if you want it, you got to pay for it. Coming up, its only preseason, but someone forgot to tell the Oakland Raiders and the dallas cowboys. What touched off this wild brawl. The details in the Bleacher Report. Roc® retinol correxion®. One week, fine lines appear to fade. One month, deep wrinkles look smoother. After one year, skin looks ageless. High performance skincare™ only from roc®. Im dave and i have copd. Skin looks ageless. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. 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On the big screen, they showed a video clip, a clip from his movie mrs. Doubtfire which was filmed and took place in San Francisco. Trending on Bleacher Report the cowboys and raiders got into an oldfashioned brawl. Weve seen these fights before but check out number 20, webb. It looks like the fan reacts and hits webb first. Webb reacts by shoving him. Afterwards, the cowboys tweeted out a pic of the brawl with the caption hey, ufc, some of these guys, they have a future with you. Well, this is the Christmas Present the nba fans were hope for and pretty much expected. Lebron james and the Cleveland Cavaliers are heading to miami on christmas day. The nba will officially announce the matchup along with the leagues full schedule. Back to you, guys. All right, brian, thanks so much. A little tiny business of the nba. Yes, its small. Theyre getting a foothold. Happening now, 138 additional advisers heading to iraq. Why it may not be enough to stop terrorists in taking over that country. 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Crisis in iraq. The u. S. Sending more military advisers to help in the fight against isis. Could american troops soon be sent in on a rescue mission . Were live with the latest on the ground. Temporary truce in gaza. It ends in just hours. Time ticking on a longerlasting peace plan. Can israel and hamas, can they come to a kind of an agreement to stop the violence . Were live in cairo with the latest on these peace negotiations. And new details in the trag aric death of Robin Williams. This as hollywood loses another legend, Lauren Bacall dead at 89. Were going to take a look back at her iconic career. Welcome back to early start, combrerch. Great to see you, im john berman. Im christine romans. 29 minutes past the hour. Lets start with the tortured life of Robin Williams life. The suicide described by the marin countys Sheriff Office described in detail how this troubled star hanged himself in his Northern California home. Were also learning this morning, williams was trying to get help for the depression that ultimately kid him. More from our ted rowlands. Reporter good morning, john and christine, the folks here in the San Francisco bay area are still mourning the loss of Robin Williams last night. There was a tribute to williams at the San Francisco giants game. He was a longtime giant fan and a member of this community. People really did have a special attachment with Robin Williams. And he had a special attachment with this area of the country. Meanwhile we did get the news yesterday on the specifics around his death. He did die of asphyxiation, thats the preliminary autopsy report. And he did die the his own hands, hanging using a belt in a closet. His wife was with him the night before his death. She went to bed around 10 30. And then the next morning left thinking that her husband was just asleep. A personal assistant found Robin Williams just before noon. And he was in that state. He also cut his wrist with a knife, superficial cuts. They say it didnt contribute to his death. But also a difficult detail to hear for people who were just so in love with Robin Williams and his work. And the idea that this man who gave us so much joy was in so much pain really has been tough on not only the people here but people around the world. John, christine. Ted rowlands, thanks for that, ted. A lot of details. Some people say too many details in that but theyre go through that process. This morning, the nation is remembering another screen legend, Lauren Bacall, famous for that sultry voice and the look. Literally, the look, in quotation marks. Bacall was a model before welcome an overnight star in her debut, known another, to have and have not alongside Humphrey Bogart who would become the love of her life. They were married a year after this film was made. Lauren bacall died at her home in new york city. She was 89. Were going to take a look back at her storied careered. She was left a widow by him when she was just 32 years old. She had a whole long life after bogey and bacall. They were married. She was 32, he was 45. Now to the chaos in iraq. The Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki barely hanging ton power and growing increasingly more isolated now that iraq and the loyal militia have each turned their backs on him in favor of Prime Minister designate Haider Al Abadi. This as isis forces change tactics, choosing to blend in, making it harder to target them, and putting frankly civilians at greater risk. The u. S. Sending an additional 138 advisers to iraq with the plan of evacuating thousands of refugees under siege by militants. Nick paton walsh is on the phone from baghdad. Start with the Political Developments here. How isolated is Nuri Al Maliki. Reporter well, we are just seeing him make an appearance on iraqi state television. Just seeing him speak. Offering condolences to Iraqi Military and isis. And making that speech at the time to accept what everybody has been telling him in iraq. Even iran. And making history now after that. There are at the moment the military has not been overtly on his side. He himself said he warned the military police using force to stay in power. Reconciliation from Prime Minister designate Haider Al Abadi saying he was willing to assure thatmaliki has a place in the iraqi leadership so he does not feel threatened if he chooses to back down but at this stage, as we hear the speech unfold, no clear signs but well bring the news to you if we hear that is the issue. Of course, i should be point out in the last hour or so, weve seen another thick black plume of smoke out from the horizon in baghdad near the area hit by a car bomb yesterday. We dont know what led to this plume of black smoke. Underscores just how dangerous the situation is very near to baghdad. Thanks so much, Nick Paton Walsh. 34 minutes after the hour right now. The ceasefire in gaza ends in less than 12 hours. This morning, officials in egypt are calling on israel and hamas to extend the truce to keep the negotiations going. Our reza sayah is tracking the talks live from cairo. Reza, theres the shape of at least a temporary proposal on the table, it seems. Reporter yeah, john. But the bar is so low that thats what theyre pushing for, only for these two sides to continue talking to extend the ceasefire, not to return to fighting. We spoke to a senior Government Official a couple of hours ago, and he verified thats what the egyptians are doing. Of course, the egyptians acting as mediators, pushing both sides to extend the ceasefire. Past midnight local time tonight. Unless something changes, were headed down a troubling direction, which is very similar to last week. Remember, similar efforts were under way last week. They wanted to extend the ceasefire. They couldnt friday. Everything fell apart, and the two sides started fighting again. When you talk to the israelis they seem to suggest that theres been no progress. The palestinians, theyre remaining quiet. The egyptians, theyre remaining positive. One egyptian official telling us earlier today that theyre still working away at this. But its too quick to judge, too quick to reach a conclusion. But when you look at the clock, its starting to wind down. The deadline midnight tonight. That means these two sides have less than 12 hours to work something out. We should point out that in about 30 minutes, the u. N. Special envoy to the middle east Peace Process roberts sari is scheduled to meet in gaza city with the Deputy Palestinian Prime Minister. Supposed to release some kind of statement, its not clear if its going to have to do with the humanitarian efforts there or the current negotiations in cairo. But well be watching that news conference. And if its anything important, well pass it along right away. Great. Thank you. Let us know what you hear when you hear it. Reza sayah in cairo. Thanks so much. A glimmer of hope to tell you about in the battle against the Ebola Outbreak in west africa. An experimental vaccine to fight the virus now being offered by canada. 1,000 doses will be donated to the World Health Organization for distribution. The w. H. O. Also pushing for faster production of zmapp. This is the experimental drug being used on two american ebola victims. Theyre hoping to have it available by november because this deadly virus is showing no signs right now of slowing down. Well over 1800 confirmed or suspected cases if four west african nations with more than 1,000 deaths. As for the stricken american missionary nancy writebol, shes recovering in an atlanta hospital. And her son says she still feels called to finish her work in liberia. She may go back when she gets better. Texas governor rick perry will meet with members of the Texas National guard. Theyre training for deployment to secure the u. S. mexico border. The Program Comes at the cost 18 million a month. By that rate, the money would dry up by october. Other states have helped to share the costs. A big meeting tonight on Marthas Vineyard. Hillary clinton the former secretary of state and president obama getting together at a home of a mutual friend. Mrs. Clinton called him on tuesday. The former secretary of state opened a lot of eyes in an interview with the atlantic when she called the president s policy a failure, specifically not intervening in syria when she recommended. An aide said when they get together at this shin ding in Marthas Vineyard, they plan to hug it out over lobster rolls. Time an early start on your money. European stocks higher. Asian stocks ended higher. Japans economy collapse, the worst since 2011. But results werent quite as bad as predicted. So they managed to shrug that off. Positive news for job seekers. Heres that positive news. Job openings at the highest level since february 2001. That means the number of Unemployed People for every job opening, that ratio is two. Two job seekers for job opening. Thats the lowest since 2008. A huge improvement from 2009 when there were almost seven people looking for a job. How much do you like that chart . I love that chart. I want to keep seeing it coming down, down, down. By that chart, i get yelled at by people who are longterm unemployed. Theyre saying thats not me. The recently unemployed are the people who are benefitting from the chart clilike that. Dont yell at christine. Two speeds of the economic recovery. There are people who feel left out. All right. Severe storms slamming the northeast. Floods turning deadly as the rain keeps on falling. And guess what. There is more rain on the way today. A real soaker. Indra petersons is tracking that next. A soaker. You want to save money on Car Insurance . No problem. You want to save money on rv insurance . No problem. You want to save money on motorcycle insurance . No problem. You want to find a place to park all these things . Fuggedaboud it. This is new york. Hey little guy, wake up aw, come off it mate geico. Saving people money on more than just Car Insurance. Ganncr we took care of your back pain. You make him the mvp. Tylenol is clinically proven to provide strong, fast pain relief. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol all right. Epic recordbreaking flooding turning deadly in detroit. More than half a foot of rain shutting down five, five major freeways. Two deaths blamed on the floodwaters. A 100yearold woman found in the basement of her suburban detroit home. More rainfall in maryland. A staggers 6. 2 inches falling in baltimore. This shatter a record since 1955. It was still coming in overnight. Heavy flooding shut down highways left dozens of drivers stranded. Some in serious danger. It was very scary sitting there in the car. Watching the water go by, the grass disappearing and the water coming. And i was thinking about getting out and sitting on top of the car. Im so glad they came. The rain is not over yet. Indra petersons has a look at your wet soaked forecast. Hi there. Its terrifying when you think about rain coming down that fast. 6. 2 inches, yeah, another way to put that in perspective, that was a daily record. Notice for the entire month of august, possible 3. 3 inches. They pretty much doubled that in a few showers. North carolina and jersey, looking at 3 inches of rain in a short time. Towards long island, were seeing rainfall rates 2 to 3 inches per hour. Some isolated areas see about 4 inches per hour. Thats the rainfall rates. All of this making its way through connecticut and eventually into boston and the rest of new england as we go throughout the rest of the day. Looking out towards connecticut and long island, seeing the flash flood warnings currently out there. That flooding currently imminent throughout the day. All of this with the moisture off the atlantic. Thats the reason were getting so much moisture there. Slowmoving systems bring rainfall in a shortly period of time with all of that instability out there. Keep in mind we do have a system clearing out by tomorrow. Were looking a lot better. Another system bringing lighter scattered showers. Generally speaking, once we get through today, a much better picture. To talk commute time in connecticut and boston the concern is coming their way. Stay home. Not a bad day to stay home. Coming up for us, it truly is the end of an era. Legendary actress Lauren Bacall passed away at the age of 89. Were going to take a look back at the leading ladys film of golden age. Its extraordinary, next. 49 minutes past the hour this morning, were remembering another screen legend. Lauren bacall. The actress died tuesday in her home in new york city. She was 89 years old. One of hollywoods alltime leading ladies, bacall was known for her husky voice. Her sultry beauty. She became a store practically overnight. Cnns Nischelle Turner has more on the life of Lauren Bacall. You know how to whistle, dont you, steve . You just put your lips together and blow. Reporter with those words in the film to have and have not audience soared and a screen icon was born. The confident smoldering expression, the downturned face and upturned eyes have Lauren Bacall with the nickname the look. Ironically, the 19yearold struck the pose because she felt insecure. That is what started the look, the nerves. Just trying to keep my head steady. Reporter bacall was more than a movie legend. She was from hollywoods golden era and the wife of actor Humphrey Bogart. Reporter the big sleep was among a handful of films they made together, but their love affair was one of tinseltowns greatest romances. Bogart died of cancer in 1957, leaving bacall a widow at 32 with two small children. For a time she was engaged to family friend and singer frank sinatra. When the romance fizzled, sinatra headed to las vegas soon, bacall fell in love again and married Jason Robards with whom she had a son. She blamed his drinking for their divorce. I dont even know if he enjoyed it, but he was hooked on it. And he was really almost did not. Reporter bacall was born Betty Joan Perske on september 16th, 1924. Her parents were jewish immigrants who divorced when she was just 6. As a lanky teen she modeled to to earn extra money, taking her mothers name bacal, adding a second l to make it easier to pronounce. Film director howard hawk saw her photo on a magazine cover, hawks changed her name. He thought Lauren Bacall was better sounding than betty bacall. He had a vision of his own. He was a svengali. He wanted to mold me. He wanted to control me. Reporter big screen or small, even her fellow actors viewed her as a legend. John huston, charlie chaplin, she just knows or has been around everyone that has formed what we know of this business. Reporter bacall films costars read like the whos who of hollywood, but it was on broadway where she achieved her most critical acclaim. Oh, i loved it. That was my original dream, anyway, to be on stage. Reporter she spent nearly 20 years on the stage starring in Cactus Flower, applause and woman of the year earning two tony awards. In her later years, her film career saw a renaissance. She starred opposite Barbra Streisand in the mirror has two faces earning her only oscar nomination. And she was still acting in her 80s in such films as dogville. And birth with nicole kidman. A deev virginia a film star, a broadway jewel and a legend and an era gone by. Sometimes, words like legend and icon are overused. Is he earned all of those. A new report on the ten best paying jobs right now. Do you need to make more money . What are these jobs and how can you get them . Early start is next. 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Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. All right. 5 57 a. M. In the east. Lets get an early start on your money. U. S. Stocks reporting higher. A day after the dow turned lower for the year. Yesterday, the dow trending lower. The nasdaq and s p up 5 for the year despite recent swings. Candy crushed. King Digital Entertainment generated less revenue. Gamers are souring on candy crush. The big question is will king find another hit. The Company Relies heavily on the addictive game candy crush. Not a very suitable Business Model as gamers move on to the next best thing. And the stock at least reflecting that concern. The stock down 20 in premarket training. This is an ipo that you were excited about. Brand new this morning. If youre looking to earn six figures, think health care and a lot of school. According to careercast. Best paying career, surgeon. Surgeons make an average of 233,000 a year. Followed by general practice physicians. Psychiatrists, seven of the top ten jobs are in health care. That could mean over a decade of school for undergrads and residency. That sixfigure salary could come with a sixfigure student loan debt. 5 58 a. M. In the east. New day starts right now. Oh, captain, my captain, you will be missed new details in the sudden death of Robin Williams. Even anger at police for releasing so much detail of his suicide, as his kids speak out, an emotional tribute. And latenight comedians paid their respects. We have the very latest. Going in. More u. S. Troops heading to iraq in an advisory role. Possibly to help evacuate thousands stranded on a mountaintop. Could this put u. S. Troops in direct conflict with isis . Were live on the ground in iraq. Loss of a legend. Another hollywood death, Lauren Bacall, star of films golden age, wife to bogart. Famous for that sultry voice and teaching us all how to whistle. We look back at her tremendous life and legacy. Your new day. Its wednesday, august 13th. 6 00 in the east. Up first this morning details emerging in the suicide of Robin Williams. Officials confirming what many had feared the legendary comic hanged himself in his california home. Now some controversy over the disclosure of how williams died. Did they offer too much graphic detail to the millions watching on live television, especially after his familys request for privacy. Dan simon is back with us live in california this morning with much more. What are you hearing, dan . Reporter good morning. The level of detail disclosed about the Sheriffs Office was surprising and shocking to some. The bottom line here is that williams personal assistant found his body after he failed to respond to several knocks on a bedroom door. He was found slightly suspended from a door frame in a seated position. Our indication is its a suicide due to asphyxia due to hanging. Reporter upsetting details revealed Robin Williams hung himself with a belt inside his San Francisco home. The personal assistant entered the bedroom to find mr. Williams

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