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Get a jump on the days news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. Island. A slide at one of the major roads across the island and some voluntary evacuations in hilon. This particular location, we had hilo. In this particular location, we had six or seven hours of rain dumping down. Crickets. The rain has stopped. The wind. There is almost none now. We are waiting for the next band if it comes from the hurricane. Many other islands of hawaii remain under Hurricane Warning right now. The big question is honolulu and oahu. The island with honolulu county. Population is 400,000. How close will lane come to it and how will people fare there . They are concerned of flooding in honolulu. Easier to deal with it on the big island where they are accustomed to rain. Honolulu is not looking forward to this and people battening down the hatches there. Back to you. Miguel marquez live for us in pahala. Thank you. A new advisory from the National Weather service. For the latest on that, we are joined by Meteorologist Ivan Cabrera in the cnn weather center. Basically it is still a powerful hurricane. The track has slightly shifted here. Ill show you that in a second. Still 120mileanhour winds. Still a category three storm. Look at the movement. It is walking toward the islands here north at 6 miles an hour. That is a huge problem because of the amount of rain. Some areas across the big island have picked up two feet of rainfall and miguel, my friend, you will get more rain. 3 to 6 inches. The lull you are experienced on the big island will not last. Here is the latest track. The shift here. It moves and it will continue getting very, very close. By the time we get to friday, 8 00 p. M. Local, Hurricane Force winds will approach the island. We could gust over 75 miles an hour easy. It makes the track to the west. All the while dumping incredible amount of rain. Because of the topography, incredib incredible rainfall. We have oahu and honolulu with a Hurricane Warning and a watch for kauai. We will see more effects down the pike. We have one blob. The center of the storm. The eye right there. Look at the rainfall that has fallen across the islands. Again, as a result of the mountainous terrain, we will see heavy rain. Look at the winds. This is still not a factor. 20to40mileanhour wind gusts. The winds will play a factor and we are talking torrential rain which could put down mudslides and landslides. You saw the torrent. Up to 20 inches of rain and more to come. Guys. You cant help but wonder how many are trying to surf. They warn of lifethreatening surf. Thank you for the warnings. I appreciate it. Ahead, it will be an interesting couple of day in the congress couple of days in the Congress Member Duncan Hunter household. He seems to throw her straight under the bus here. She handled my finances throughout my entire Military Career and it continued when i got to congress. 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To the powerful new Samsung Galaxy note9. The perfect device for entertainment productivity. So, its essentially the ed helms of devices . How so . Well hes both very entertaining and very productive. You think . Yeah, i do. And thats my completely unbiased opinion. Buy a galaxy note9 and get one free. More for your thing. Thats our thing. All right. Dont get too excited about Creative Work rounds to keep state and local tax deductions. The Treasury Department cracking down on the loophole from states preventing them from paying the new cap on state and local tax deductions. The controversy part of the gop tax law. Once unlimited, the socalled Salt Deduction is capped at 10,000 dollars. That 10,000. That disproportionately hurts several states. Several blue states are suing. New york, connecticut, new jersey. Those same states passed laws to work around the cap allowing taxpayers to make charitable contributions in lieu of state taxes. A Treasury Rule blocks that scenario. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin says it could help pay for tax cuts for families. In high tax states like new york, the cap could increase by 14 billion this year. Governor comuomo calls it a fig over the Treasury Rule. Interesting few days for Congress Member Duncan Hunter and his wife. They are indicted for alleged fraud. Using 250,000 of Campaign Finances to pay for a lauvish lifestyle. He seemed to throw her straight under the bus. She handled my finances throughout my entire Military Career and that continued on when i got in congress. She was also the campaign manager. Bha whatever she did, that will be looked at, too. But i did not do it. Interesting breakfast c conversation this morning. No word from his wife margaret. They were accused of spending 14,000 on a vacation to italy. The twoperson board of elections in randolph county, georgia, will vote on a proposal to shutdown seven of nine Polling Places. Critics see this as a move to shutdown black voter Polling Places. Supporters in the rural county says it saves money and claim the seven targeted locations do not comply with the americans with disabilities act. Preliminary Autopsy Report on Mollie Tibbetts shows her death was by multiple sharp force injuries. Her body was found tuesday buried under corn stalks. An undocumented 24yearold immigrant from mexico charged with her murder. Her funeral scheduled for sunday. Heart pounding video from texas. The woman standing on the edge of the overpass. The officers inch slowly toward her. Watch what happens next. My body wants me dead. No one wants that. They do. Nobody wants that. Im scared. Please get down. No. Come down. You dont want to do this. Please get down. No. Please get down. Get down. No. One of the officers is heard to promise to get her help. Cnn affiliate ktvt says the woman is in the hospital and her family is forever grateful to the officers who they hope to one day meet. What a difficult situation for those officers. Not knowing when to act. Great job. Ahead, a Preseason Scare for the Cleveland Browns and their two top quarterbacks. Lindsay czarniak here in studio for the Bleacher Report next. At d workin craig . I just introduced you to my parents. Psst craig and sheila broke up. What, really . Craig and shelia broke up . No, craig . What happened . I dont know. Is she okay . Craig and sheila broke up craig and sheila . As long as Office Gossip travels fast, you can count on geico saving folks money. Craig and sheila broke up what . Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Plaque psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla Prescribing Information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include Upper Respiratory Tract Infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. The first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Now tmobile has unlimited for the rest of us. Unlimited ways to be you. Unlimited ways share with others. Unlimited ways to live for the moment. All for as low as 30 bucks a line. Unlimited for you. For them. For all. Get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at tmobile. Lets talk sports. Browns. Eagles fans. Did not have much to cheer about in the preseason game last night. We are cheering because Lindsay Czarniak is here for the Bleacher Report. Football season almost here. Were excited for that. The third game of the preseason. It is also the most exciting because it is basically considered a Dress Rehearsal for the regular season. The most interesting thing that happened last night was before the game started, you remember the eagles when they had to win the super bowl with backup quarterback nick foles. Carson wentz did not play, but worked out pregame. He is about ready to get out there. He was moving around on the surgically repaired knee that kept him out last season. Philly fans hope he is ready for week one or maybe another super bowl run . I think so. Okay. A scary moment for browns starting quarterback tyrod taylor. He injured his wrist when he fell out of bounds. He left the game, but returned. He is said to go through more tests today. The team is confident he is good to go. Clevelands backup quarterback did not do better. Baker mayfield. He left after colliding with a teammate. He was checked for concussion. He was cleared to return. He never went back in. Cleveland wins the game, ugly game as you call it. It is preseason. To baseball. Acuna needs to wrap himself in bubble wrap before playing the marlins. The first meeting since urena earned a sixgame suspension for plunking him on the first pitch. He got hit again. Acuna is upset, but not hurt. The braves go on to win 50. Finally, this was a special momen moment for one walkon player. A few extra scholarships and one should go to the Defensive Back jamarquis durst. Look at the reaction from his teammates. Im not supposed to be here. People wrote me off. Im so thankful for this and everybody in here. All of the love you show me every day. You can see him getting emotional and how much it means to him. Durst started off at a Division Ii School and transferred to the longhorns. You heard him say no one thought he should make it this far. What a story. It feels like such a business. College sports. That reminds you it is still wait until you get to the nfl. That is outstanding. Good stuff. Have a great weekend. The president suggested it should be illegal for allies to flip. And Hurricane Lane Unleashing an epic downpour on parts of hawaii. Up to 30 inches expected. We are live on the big island next. Pah that will never work. No, no, no, nah. A bulb of light . . Aha ha ha a Flying Machine . Impossible a personal computer . ha smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. A stadium powered with solar. A hospital that doesnt lose power. Amazing. I like it. Never gonna happen. Know about cognitive performance . As youd probably guess, a lot. 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So you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Hurricane lane battering parts of hawaii with strong winds and rain. We have the latest track and a live report from the big island. And Predominately Black Georgia County could close most of the Polling Places before the midterms. Critics say this is just being done to muzzle the minority vote with a black woman making an historic run for georgia governor. Welcome back to early start. Im christine romans. Im dave briggs. 5 31 eastern time. 11 31 p. M. In hawaii. We have a live report straight ahead. We start with that headline. Another key figure in the effort to Squelch Trump scandals is now cooperating with investigators. David pecker, head of American Media and publisher of the national enquirer. He knew of payments to buy the silence of women who had ev encounters with the president. Cohen and pecker worked to deal with the damaging claims. That includes the 150,000 payment to karen mcdougal. American media was supposedly buying the rights to her story, but buried the story instead. A Tabloid Tactic called catch and kill. In an interview with fox news, the president lashed out at former allies who turned on him. Everything is wonderful and then they get ten years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is or as high as you can go. It almost ought to be outlawed. It is not fair. The Associated Press reported that The National Inquieveinqe kept a safe of the stories it killed with the hush money payments. We have our political reporter with us this morning. Rachel, how big is Donald Trumps Pecker Problem this morning . Ginormous. When Michael Cohen said the president directed him to payoff the women to influence the election, the president and allies brushed him off and said listen, this guy had his own legal exposure. He was trying to flip and turn trump in and make something up to get himself off the hook. This is different. This is another person that has a longtime history with the president who didnt have legal exposure. If david pecker is coming out right now and telling prosecutors that trump knew what was going on, this is damaging for the president. That is the key there. Did donald trump is he going to cooperate with Michael Cohen . Some say the Pecker Problem is small because Campaign Finance violations what . I wasnt making a joke. Rarely prosecuted in court. Lets talk about Jeff Sessions. Attorney general. What an extraordinary turn of events. The president has bullied him for better than a year. And yesterday, sessions with rare push back. Fighting back against the president. Then Lindsey Graham says this about the future for Jeff Sessions surviving in the Trump Administration last night on fox. Jeff did the right thing legally, but mueller is now very deep into this investigation. This conflict is far beyond mueller and recusarecusal. There is not a good, Healthy Working Relationship from what i can tell. For the good of the nation, i think we need an Attorney General that has the confidence of the president and im not blaming Jeff Sessions. Okay. That is interesting words from Lindsey Graham. The president is known for two words. Youre fired. Is Lindsey Graham giving him a nudge . He hasnt said them because republicans on the hill have been telling him do not fire Jeff Sessions. The wall of protection around sessions we have seen for the past year is starting to crumble. We are on the hill we were on the hill yesterday talking to senators. Basically, you heard from Lindsey Graham. There are others that think it is the president s prerogative to fire sessions. There has been a shift in tone to say dont fire him. Leave him alone. To if you dont like him, you can pick somebody else. Another front on this, the alabama delegation, congressional delegation, they have been sessions top defenders since sessions is from alabama. They have been out front defending him when the president comes after him. You are hearing silence from them right now. I was speaking to one yesterday who is close with sessions. Gary palmer of alabama. He has issues with sessions in terms of not firing rod rosenstein. I dont think that is good for him. It is a matter of time before the president fires him. Interesting. Sessions is the most effective cabinet member with the issue of scott pruitt. Here is the statement. I took control of the department of justice the day i was sworn in. I am the Attorney General, the actions of the department of justice will not be improvely i improperly influenced politically. Rachel, you covered congress. Duncan hunter and his wife indicted over using Campaign Funds to finance this wieir lifestyle. You say his response yesterday where you said, my wife handled all of the finances. This is vintage Duncan Hunter. Listen. I went to iraq in 2003, the first time, i gave her power of attorney. She handled finances throughout my Military Career. That continued when i got to congress. She was also the campaign manager. Whatever she did, that will be looked at too, im sure. I didnt do it. Interesting strategy. They both pleaded not guilty yesterday. I didnt do it. Pretty shameless i would say. I heard that word used multiple times by his colleagues, republicans on the hill who were flabbergasted by the indictment and details. I have asked hunter about misuse of Campaign Funds before. He threw his wife under the bus and said look where the charges were made. In california when i was here in washington. Guess what . Three words. Receipts dont lie. Right now, the fbi has laid out an indictment. Prosecutors have an indictment. Thinks he bought lavish dinners where he took people out and had nothing to do with campaigns. Trips he took with certain individuals he had relationships with and had nothing to do with the campaign. Virginia beach or ski trips. Using the Campaign Credit card. He can deny all he wants. He said the prosecutors are saying this is a witch hunt because he is a trump supporter. Look at the paper trail. That is there. That is a big problem for him. It will be difficult to explain a flight for your pet rabbit. Why that needs to be paid for through Campaign Funds. Ra rachael. Multiple shots at a bachelor party. Rachael, thank you for being here. The effects of Hurricane Lane Felt in hawaii. It is now a category three. Officials are warning the storm is a significant rainmaker. Outer bands causing flooding. There is a voluntary Evacuation Order on reeds island near hilo. The scenic river here turning into a raging torrent. Everyone is watching the forecast models. We tell them not to get too concerned about that. Some of the biggest threats we see from the storm obviously looking at Tropical Storm or maybe hurricaneforce winds. We are looking at potentially for a lot of flooding. Potentially urban flooding. Emergency sirens blaring in honolulu yesterday. Fema says it has staged food, water, generators and other necessities around the islands. Major airlines waiving fees for travelers. Including delta and alaska airlines. Cnns Miguel Marquez is live in pahala on the southern part of the big island. Good evening to you, miguel. What are you seeing there . Reporter they have had about a foot of rain in some places. More than a foot of rain over the last 24 hours in places. They are expecting another foot. Over the last six or seven hours it has been raining in buckets here on the southern part of the big island. It has just let up. It is almost a clear night. Gives you a sense of the hurricanes working with the bands as they come in. It has caused havoc across the big island despite the track to the west and it is a Tropical Storm warning for the big island. Other islands are still under Hurricane Warning. One of the hardest hit areas of the big island is hilo and south and pahoa and south. This was hit by kilauea and the volcano the last couple months. Now they are getting hit by heavy rain as well. Some evacuations in the hilo area. Roads have been shutoff because of landslides in the area. A lot of concern in hawaii and big island here for the hours ahead. The biggest concern is where lane goes now. Will it move on oahu . That island where honolulu sits. The biggest city in hawaii. 400,000 people there. Where will lane go and how will it effect honolulu and the People Living there . People looking to brace and see what it does. Miguel, it is moving slowly at 6 miles per hour. It makes it a rainmaker. Reporter churning along. Stay safe. The Weather Service downgraded the big island to a Tropical Storm warning. Leaving the Hurricane Warning in place for the other islands. For the latest, we have Meteorologist Ivan Cabrera in the cnn weather center. I am reading the surfers eagerly awaiting the swells. Would you recommend that . I would not. You want to stay in your hotel and order in. Take it easy. Bat batten down the hatches. There is a possibility that a hurricane will make landfall on top of honolulu here within the next 24to48 hours. We hope that doesnt happen. Im show you why in a second. Ill show you why in a second. The rain is still falling. We are running a couple of feet of rain across the big island of hawaii. Center of the storm is south of honolulu. The track has changed a little bit. Ill talk about that in a second. I want to show you the rainfall. It is significant. You see the eye of the storm there. The heavy rain, 2 feet of rain, has fallen to the north of it across the big island. T topography has helped with that. It condenses and cools and falls in the form of rain. The storm continues to move very, very slowly to the north and because of the slow movement and topography, plus 17 inches in hilo. Close to 2 feet of rainfall and the storm is not done. Not by any stretch. This is the latest stretch of the National Hurricane center. Notice what happens here. This is still going to move to the north at 90mileanhour winds. Look at the cone getting close to honolulu. Yes, a chance this could continue going north. It has not made the turn. Until that happens, i wont feel better. Even with the turn, effects will be significant. We will talk about the potential for 20 to 30 or 40 inches of rainfall in the next couple days. Guys. Ivan, that is something. Thank you. The pope Heads To Ireland over the weekend. He has plenty to atone for. What will he say about the abuse in the Catholic Church. We will go live to dublin. The amount of ge that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. What does help for heart fait looks like this. Entresto is a Heart Failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an Ace Inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto. The beat goes on. Yeah so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Like these for only 2 or less the first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from an allergy pill . Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. Im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Pope francis confronts the past sins of the Catholic Church when he travels to ireland. His visit will be closely watched after a grand jury report over 1,000 of children have been abused over hundreds of predator priests. Lets go live to Public Lydubli bring in cnns phil black. What do survivors want to hear . Reporter they have key demands, dave. This is always a key test for the pope. Very difficult visit because there are simply so many people who have suffered and are suffering as a result of abuse within the church. That report in pennsylvania has only heightened the sense of expectation that the pope must act decisively in order to deal with this issue. Many people here are aware of the popes Written Apology which was full and clear and unprecedented and appreciated. But the view here among the victims we spoken to is simply not enough. The time for eloquent and heart felt sorrowful words, they say, has passed. Listen. We heard the pope the other day and a strong letter. A lot of it is good, but unfortunately he says were still working on finding a way to hold people accountable. Were deck an aid ades on. You cant still be working on it. Reporter demands specifically are practical and very reasonable. They want the compulsory reporting. They want those who protect them within the church. They want a Zero Tolerance system to be adopted formally by the vatican. Something that still hasnt happened. People here is a anything less than that here say anything less than that is a failure to deal with the issue. An important story to follow. Phil black live in dublin. Thank you. Lets get a check on cnn money. Trade fears are shaking wall street despite trade talks. The u. S. Slapped tariffs on 16 billion of chinese goods. Beijing retaliated dollar for dollar. Companies with big business in china like caterpillar and boeing are dragged down by the dow. Federal reserve chair Jerome Powell will speak in wyoming today. The next Interest Rate hike may be next month. Global stocks are higher right now. Ceos have a warning for the Trump Administration. Your Immigration Policies could be harming the economy. That is including leader from pepsi and apple and jpmorgan chase. This undermines Economic Growth and american competitiveness. Particularly the changes for visas for highly skilled workers who hold degrees in science, tech, engineering and math. Unemployment rate at 18year low, it is a bad time for companies to lose high skilled workers. Sonys robot dog is headed to the u. S. It can be yours for 2,900. Aibo debuted in the 1990s. This pup can develop a personality through Artificial Intelligence and loaded with technology and image sensors. Sony sold 20,000 robot dogs in japan. This signals sony is not just an electronics company, but a player in ai and robotics. I guess you dont have to take it for a walk and carry the plastic bags. The worst thing we have to do is grab that bag. You dont have to potty train. No snuggles. True. Okay. Caught on video. Police in texas engage a woman about to jump off a bridge. Whats your name . It doesnt matter. It does matter. We will show you what happens next ahead. Today, 97 of em s agree that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and Customer Service are critical to business success. Like the ones we teach here, every day. So you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Like these for only 2 or less now tmobile has unlimited for the rest of us. Unlimited ways to be you. Unlimited ways share with others. Unlimited ways to live for the moment. All for as low as 30 bucks a line. Unlimited for you. For them. For all. Get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at tmobile. The first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Where were changing withs . Contemporary makeovers. Then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. Who has the upper hand now . Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Residents in the largely black georgia county say they plan to close seven of the nine Polling Places is an effort to silence them. In randolph county, georgia, two people on the board will vote on the proposal. They claim it does not meet the americans with disabilities act. More than five years in prison for a former Government Contractor who leaked confidential information to the media. 26yearold reality winner accused of taking a report from the cyber attack in 2016 and sending it to an online news outlet. She took a plea deal of 63 months in prison with three years of supervised release. Her attorney calls her a good person who did not understand her actions. When she told the court she never intended to harm national security. A preliminary Autopsy Report on Mollie Tibbetts suggests she was killed by multiple sharp injuries. A 24yearold from mexico, an immigrant, is charged with her murder. Heart pounding video from texas where a woman is threatening to jump off a bridge. Look at the dash cam video from ft. Worth police. A woman on the edge of the overpass with her heels over it. The officers inch closely toward her when this happened. It does matter. Ill just die. No one wants that. They do. Nobody wants that. Im scared. Please get down. No. Come down. You dont want to do this. Talk to us. Please get down. No. Please get down. No. No. One of the officers is heard promising to get the woman help. Cnn affiliate ktvt says the woman is in the hospital. Her family says they are forever grateful to the officers who they hope to one day meet

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