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walk but a walk across niagara falls on a really, really skinny wire? >> good gracious. >> you betcha. got that story and a whole lot more, coming up this hour on cnn. >> oh, that's a beautiful shot, isn't it? >> hopefully he'll do it when there's broad daylight. >> do you think he's awake right now doing one of these? calm the jitters. >> especially because he will be tethered and he's not used to being tethered. >> the advice might be lay off the caffeine this morning. >> good advice. >> welcome to "early start," nice to have you with us, i'm ashleigh banfield. >> and i'm zoraida sambolin, bringing you the news from "a" to "z," 5:00 a.m. here in the east. let's get started. this is cnn breaking news. we begin with this this morning. bran new details on the two american men arrested in japan after a nicki minaj concert. police are holding one of them, a 19-year-old on suspicion of murder in the death of a 21-year-old irish exchange student, a woman who disappeared after that concert and was killed. the other is charged with groping the alleged victim's friend. mitt romney's kicking off his every town counts bus tour today in new hampshire while president obama's back in washington. his campaign, $2 million richer after big money fund-raiser last night at the new york home of actress sara jessica parker. yesterday the candidates were doing a hard sell for their economic policies and taking shots at each other in the battleground state of hey high. romney saying the president has failed the american people. the president warning voters not to believe the scary voice in romney's ad -- his campaign ads. >> it's not my fault. but i can't fix it because i think government is always the answer or because i didn't make a lot of money in the private sector and don't understand it or because i'm in over my head. >> he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget, he's been president for 3 1/2 years. and talk is cheap. >> politico reporter jake sherman is live in washington, d.c. this morning. nice to see you. both of the candidates are in the swing state, president obama carried that state back in 2008. but no republican has ever ascended to the white house without taking ohio. so talk to me about how critical it is for both of these candidates. >> it's a huge state. and you're right, no republican has won the white house without ohio. george w. bush obviously notably. george bush is playing a big role all of a sudden in president obama's campaign. he is saying he inherited this from george bush, he inherited this mess. don't blame him. and mitt romney is saying, listen, this guy's had four years. it's time for a change because it has not worked. those are the dueling messages that you're hearing. president obama is gambling that he can blame the last three years, the staggering economy, high unemployment numbers on inheriting an economic mess from his predecessor. it's something that plays very well to the base. but mr. romney's aides would argue that the independent voters, the swing voters across the country don't want a blame game. >> let's focus on that for a moan and listen to precisely what it is obama said about that bush fiasco that you're talking about. then we're going to chat about it. >> i don't believe that giving someone like mr. romney another huge tax cut is worth ending the guarantee of basic security we've always provided the elderly and the sick and those who are actively looking for work. >> talk is cheap. action speaks loudly. look what's happened across this country. if you think things are going swimmingly, if you think the president is right, when he said the private sector is doing fine, then he's the guy to vote for. >> they promise to roll back regulations on banks and polluters, on insurance companies and oil companies. they'll roll back regulations designed to protect consumers and workers. they promise to not only keep all of the bush tax cuts in place but add another $5 trillion in tax cuts on top of that. >> all right. so that is the moment i was trying to get at. let's look at the latest gallup poll on this one. asked who's to blame for the u.s. economy, 68% former president bush, 52% president obama. how big of a concern is this for the romney campaign? >> i'm not sure it's a huge concern, because i'm not sure people are going to vote on that. that is a big percent. people do think george w. bush is largely responsible for the economy. when people are going to the ballot box, george bush is not on the ballot. the interesting thing with mr. romney is the president is trying to try mr. romney to congressional republicans who have extremely low approval ratings, basically scraping the bottom of the barrel. that's a problem for mr. romney. and mr. romney's going to be campaigning with speaker john boehner, the republican speaker of the house this weekend. that's also an interesting dynamic that's going to continue to play itself out. >> very quickly, let's talk about what appears to be for some people a problem for obama. that is on the heels of his economic speech he travels and makes a lot of money hobnobbing with a lot of celebrities. he was here in new york. sara jessica parker sponsored him. i think folks paid about $45,000 in order to spend some time with him. how do you think that will fare for him? >> i think people generally understand you need to raise money to win cam panes. mr. romney does the same. he raised more money than president obama last time around. i think people understand that and that's a dynamic that's constant across the board. >> we'll talk to you in our 6:00 hour. thank you. >> yes. >> six minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. the high court has a ruling in egypt that's led to absolute government turmoil in that country. yesterday, egypt's supreme constitutional court declared the parliament invalid. the court is considered partial to that old regime that was led by hosni mubarak and in the wake of the ruling, the country's interim minimumtry leaders have declared full legislative authority there. prosecutors wrapping up witness testimony in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse trial. eight accusers in all took the stand this week. the final alleged victim delivering some of the most disturbing testimony yesterday. victim number nine telling the courtesan dusky became increasingly aggressive with him and he screamed for help during one incident did the. the former penn state football coach is accused of sexually abusing ten boys over a 15-year period. the state is set to rest its case next week. chris brown taking it on the chin, literally. look at the picture. that troubled singer, an alleged victim of a brutal attack at a new york nightclub. he tweeted this photo of a nasty looking injury. sources say the rapper drake and his entourage were at the same club early thursday morning. there are reports a fight erupted between the two camps in an argument over pop star rihanna. incident incidentally, both men dated rihanna. for his parts, drake's reps are saying the rapper did not participate in any wrongdoing and was on his way out of the club when altercations began. chris brown is on probation right now after pleading guilty to assaulting rihanna back in 2009. a florida teenager who survived being set on fire is facing his alleged attacker in court 2 1/2 years after the attack. michael brewer explaining the horror that he felt in the moment back in 2009 when he realized he was burning. >> i just remember a cold liquid going down my back and i started walking and i started feeling burning, and then i started running. >> did you see it at any point or after you felt the cold liquid, did you see him with stuff, with a jug or anything like that? >> no. >> okay. you started feeling the burning at that point? >> yes. >> what did you do? >> i started running towards the pool, then i jumped a fence and dove into a swimming pool. i felt like i was going to die. >> matthew bent is on trial for attempted second degree murder. he faces up to 30 years in prison. the prosecutor say he set brewer on fire because he was angry at the middle schooler for refusing to buy drug paraphernalia from him. a climber on mt. hood has fallen 1,000 feet to his death. fellow climbers saw 56-year-old mark cartier take a bad fall yesterday. as soon as rescuers reached cartier, there was heartbreak. >> the training and everything that you've learned over the years just kind of kicks in and, you know, you do your job. a number of people die every year on mt. hood on the so-called easy route. so, you know, it's not as easy as you think sometimes. >> cartier is the second climber to die on mt. hood this year. nick wallenda, hours away from a tightrope walk across niagara falls. he will attempt to walk from one side to the other on a high wire. he'll start on the u.s. side and attempt the third of a mile sky walk to canada. oh, my goodness. check this out. it's beautiful this morning, isn't it? we are wishing him well. >> we are indeed. so miami heat snatching home court advantage from the oklahoma city thunder with a 100-96 win in game two. how the nba finals, lebron james leading the way with 32 points as the heat held off a late rally by the thunder. that series is tied one apiece. oh, boy, doesn't get closer than that. game three sunday night in south beach. set your dvr or get your popcorn now. it's going to be good. rick scott went to a voting booth and was told he couldn't vote. >> what, the governor? >> you know why? because he was dead. the details, straight ahead. cl? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. 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[ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm. thanks. at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ breaking news. two americans, a 19-year-old american man suspected killing a female irish exchange student in tokyo is being held by japanese police. and a second american is being charged with groping the dead woman's body. kyung lah is live in tokyo with the very latest. what can you tell us? >> zoraida, what i can tell you, tokyo police are zeroing in on the 19-year-old for connecting him to perhaps the murder of this 21-year-old irish exchange student, nikola furlong. he has been held by the police for 20 days on a separate charge. they decided to arrest him again in connection with the murder of the irish exchange student. that's the 19-year-old. he is not being named because he is a minor. they are looking at 23-year-old james blackston. he is now officially charged under japanese law. it's a little different legal system than it is in the united states. he's officially charged for groping her friend. this all stems back to something that happened more than 20 days ago early in may, the end of may. these two suspects according to police were at a concert with these two irish girls and one of them, nikola furlong ended up dead in a hotel room. police are still trying to unravel what happened. it does appear they are trying to nail all of this on the 19-year-old. >> we all know these are late-breaking details. kyung lah, live in tokyo, thank you very much. 16 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. wildfires continue to spread in new mexico and colorado, rob marciano has been busy looking at this. i feel like this is a story going on a week. i think by my math it's about seven days starting tomorrow, right? >> the high park fire for sure. the ones in new mexico have been burning longer than that. good morning. we are going to get a change in the weather, specifically thunderstorms that may bring some rain. typically out west, especially here in the colorado rockies, they don always bring rain. not always a good thing. sunday and monday, we're looking at turning the heat back on. here's a threat for thunderstorms. some of these might be severe with this weak front. this front will not cool things down very much. especially across the western great lakes. things will get toasty for a significant number of days. thunderstorms rolling through oklahoma city and tulsa right now. these have strong winds and another batch towards wichita fall, heading towards dallas. if you're heading towards dallas or making up in big "d" this morning, you have thunderstorms you'll need to deal with in the next couple hours. san francisco maybe some winds there delaying your arrival and departures. and causing havoc for round two of the u.s. open. 90 for the high in chicago. i think we'll see several days at 90 or better for chicago and the western great lakes. meanwhile, 78 degrees, looking pretty good in new york city. dropically speaking, here's tropical sto tropical sto tropical storm carlotta. it scrapes the coast lien of mexico tonight and through the weekend, heading towards acapulco, hopefully weakening. >> hopefully. >> if you could check the weather in canada. nick wallenda is doing that trek from one side to the other. >> the wind would affect him, right? >> i would say so. >> do you know what, rob, he trained with sprayers so the cable would be wet when he was doing his training on a parking lot so the mist of the falls and potential rain wouldn't throw him off. how do you like that? >> much like a method actor. >> look at you. >> good luck to him. i think the weather will be okay. >> good to know. >> 19 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date. here's christine romans with this morning's top stories. president obama and mitt romney butting heads in the buckeye state. later the president picked up $2 million at a fund-raiser at actress sara jessica parker's manhattan home while romney prepares to kick off his five-day, six-state every town counts bus tour. that starts today. after visiting ohio, the president made his way to new york where he attended a briefing at one world trade center, 1,300 feet tall, this unfinished freedom tower is already the tallest skyscraper in new york. the president signed a steel beam that will be placed atop the structure once is reaches a height of 1,376 feet. the parliament was declared invalid. their ruling mean's hosni mubarak's former prime minister is eligible for a presidential runoff election this weekend. in oregon, that 65-foot long japanese dock that washed up off the coast a year after the tsunami is carrying troubling cargo. in all, seen tests say the dock was carrying two tons of living sea creatures and some species are not native to the u.s. coast and could devastate the local sea life. texas billionaire allen stanford slapped with a 110-year sentence for pulling off one of the biggest ponzi schemes in u.s. history. the disgraced financier convicted of orchestrating a $7 billion fraud. his sentence, just 40 years lighter than what bernie madoff received. he still mann taken maintains innocence. >> he's not used to wearing those clothes, is he? >> no, he's not. local news making national headlines. total shocker in florida over that purge controversy, the voter purge controversy. that is the florida governor. his name is rick scott. he's revealing to the "miami herald" he himself was told he could not vote back in 2006 -- you ready for this -- because he was dead. not kidding. he says he pulled out his voter i.d. to prove he was alive and well and could vote and he was able to cast a provisional ballot, he says. he also says he hopes this story of his will ease all of the fears everybody has right now. because of actual citizens are mistakenly removed they can cast a provisional ballot just like he did when they told him at the polls, i'm sorry, you're dead. the force was definitely with him. little darth vader doing well after open heart surgery. 7-year-old max page is the actor from the popular toyota super bowl commercial. this week, doctors replaced his pulmonary valve. his grandfather says max came through it just like a champion. i'm really happy for that little tyke. >> so adorable. stole our hearts. >> yes, he did. >> millions of americans out of work. why did the market rally ahead of the close yesterday? christine romans minding your business, next. 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so are we. >> you can probably guess this one. think, think, think ohio and why. >> we'll explain, coming up. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. accused child rapist jerry sandusky faced with his most damning accuser. coming up, how the final witness may have sealed his fate. a dramatic rescue by a man in a kayak. he saved a man who fell into the chicago river. we'll show you more of this video. you'll hear from the 17-year-old rescuer. that's right ahead. let's say you're walking down the street with a cocktail in your hand. one judge in new york says police will have to do more than just sniff the drink to determine if it's alcoholic. interesting story. >> take a little sip? >> would think so. >> cannot imagine that. >> i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. 33 minutes past the hour. this is cnn breaking news. >> we do have breaking news this morning. brand new details on the two american men detained in japan after an irish exchange student was found dead in a hotel room. police are now holding one of them, a 19-year-old, on suspicion of murdering the 21-year-old woman. we cannot release his name because he's considered a minor. the other 23-year-old james blackston has officially been charged with groping the alleged victim's friend as they returned from a nicki minaj concert. police say the pair met both women at the concert and accompanied them to their hotel where the exchange student was later found dead. >> four kill chilling days of testimony. you can't describe it any other way. eight accusers, all of them with stomach-churning details about being sexually abused by former penn state football coach, jerry sandusky. the final three alleged victims taking the stand yesterday with their stories. one of them said he screamed for help during an attack, he says, in the basement of jerry sandusky's home, saying that he hoped mrs. sandusky upstairs would help. the prosecution getting ready to rest its case when the trial resumes next week. susan candiotti is live in bellefonte, pennsylvania. she's been covering this since the beginning. notwithstanding the brutality of what we've been hearing about day after day, there haven't been that many days and the prosecution seems to be wrapping so much sooner than we expected. >> that's right. and because, ashleigh, good morning. because there is no court today, both sides will be busy preparing what is sure to be a big week ahead. prosecutors are in fact preparing to rest their case after taking care of some legal matters on monday. they'll do that. i spoke with the lead defense attorney for jerry sandusky and he said it's been a very hard week. and he does expect to begin his defense on monday, too. >> let me ask you, susan, about strategy. as i was listening to victim number nine's descriptions, it was so over the top, so much more than what we had heard from all of the other accusers before him. it made me think that pr prosecution did what many do, save the best for last. >> they want that in the minds of the jury. he first met jerry sandusky in 2004-2005 and he would often spended is a lot of weekends over at his house. he said he stayed there maybe 100 times. it was horrific details that he testified to, saying, for example, in one case, that when he was staying in the basement, sandusky, quote, came in the room, pulled his pants down, laid on top of me, kind of forced it in. and then prosecutors let it sit there for a moment. why didn't you stop him? and his answer was, what was i going to do? he's a big guy, way bigger than me. ashleigh? >> it's so disgusting to have this discussion and yet it's completely necessary in a courtroom when these kinds of charges are being leveled. just quickly if you would, i have seen this depicted two different ways, that the defense is playing for fumbles as richard meehan wrote in his blog. i also heard is describe by marcia clark, this defense is in a struggle because these stories are skin the but not conspicuously identical. what exactly is this defense going to do next week? >> it's going to be tough, they're acknowledging that. we've heard a lot of their plan, during cross-examination. challenging a conspiracy or implying one, implying these alleged victims are out for money and that's why they've hired attorneys. the question is could his wife, jerry sandusky's wife take the stand to try to defend her husband, say perhaps i was home, i never heard anything, i never saw anything and any of these cases over the years and i would have done so. of course, the big question is, will jerry sandusky take the stand? and more and more criminal defense experts are i saing they wouldn't be surprised at this point if he does listen to one expert. >> he's got those tapes of interviews he did with bob costas, with the "new york times," but much of that has already been heard. from his perspective he might say, what do i have to lose? at least it may give me an opportunity to try to explain it away. i'll tell my story. he may decide to take that chance. i don't know. >> ashleigh, it would be a very bold move. i'm sure you would agree. >> oh, wow, bold to say the very least. you know what, a bit of a hail mary, too. there's not a lot this defense has. it's been a struggle since day one. thank you. when jerry sandusky's lawyers begin presenting their case, they may decide to call joe paterno's widow. joe pa's widow and one of his sons could end up as defense witnesses. this is news to them, by the way. they said they had no idea that their names were on the list of five dozen potential witnesses. joe paterno died in january, weeks after being fired in the fallout from the sandusky trial. then there's this. file this one under the story of best laid plans. a tweet that was meant to promote a father's day getaway in sandusky, ohio. unfortunately used the hash tag sandusky. you guessed it. people instead got the latest on the lurid details and headlines from the jerry sandusky rape trial. unfortunate, yes. the tourism officials are saying they will not be using that hash tag again until well after the trial when perhaps the name sandusky can return to be something more familiar to the people who like to go to that amusement park. 39 minutes past the hour. egypt is in turmoil this morning after the country's supreme constitutional court declared the parliament dissolved. that court is widely considered partial to the old regime led by hosni mubarak. the ruling means mubarak's former prime minister is eligible to run in the election this weekend. a brooklyn judge says public drinking sniff tests will not pass the sniff test. need an explanation? if police want to issue a summons, they say that officers need to do more than smell someone's cup. they need to prove the alcohol content in the drink exceeds the 0.5% threshold under the city's open container law. new york city wrote more than 124,000 summons' like this last year for drinking in public. that's far more than any violation. what are the police supposed to do to prove that? even the sip test wouldn't prove that. >> that probably wouldn't be very smart either. a teenager saves the life of a man of a victim who almost drown in the chicago river. he fell into the water after suffering a medical emergency. 17-year-old was kayaking when he saw the man fall down. he says he pulled the unconscious man out of the river and waited for rescue crews to arrive. >> i was shaking. i was nervous. i just did what i could. >> the actions of this citizen are critical. >> the man remains in the hospital in serious condition. 41 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. it's friday. happy to report that to you. egypt is in turmoil again, yes, egypt. why some think we could see a repeat of that rioting in tahrir square. where is all of this going? 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[ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ every communications you do... provider is differentr. but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company. ♪ we link people and fortune 500 companies nationwide and around the world. and we will continue to free you to do more and focus on what matters. stunning, sweeping political changes in egypt again. the country's high court declaring its newly elected parliament invalid. with tensions already high, there are concerns this could lead to unrest and perhaps renewed protests. the same kind of protests that drove former president hosni mubarak from power last year. ben wedeman is in cairo following the latest developments. some are calling this a soft coup. how are the egyptian people reacting so far? >> reporter: actually sa far, zoraida, it's surprisingly calmly to the decision by the supreme court to nullify the muslim brotherhood dominated parliament. we were outside the constitutional court yesterday when the ruling was handed down and the 200 or so protesters were quite angry. they call on everybody to go to tahrir square to have a huge protest there. we went to the square and there was hardly anybody there. it may be a function simply of exhaustion after a year and a half of nonstop uproar and political change, possibly simply because it is so hot. we do know that some youth movements are planning a million man march in tahrir square, which often times usually ends up to be several thousand people. but by and large it appears that many egyptians were in fact happy to see the muslim brotherhood cut down to size. somewhat disturbed that the sudden new powers the military council has assumed but so far, we have not seen an outpouring of anger as of yet. zoraida? >> let's talk about the upcoming elections. egypt matters to the united states, right, it has vested interest in egypt giving over 1.5 billion in aid this year. how does the high court's ruling aeffect this election and what kind of political climate will egypt's new leader be stepping into? >> reporter: well, the constitutional court looked at two cases, the case of parliament and another law that would have banned former officials from the mubarak regime from holding high public office. but they declared that law unconstitutional, allowing for the former head of the egyptian air force to be one of the two presidential candidates in addition to mohammed of the muslim brotherhood. tomorrow morning at 8:00 local time, the polls will open for the second round of the elections. at this point, it is not at all clear who will come to power, whether it's mafik or another man. both have made it clear they want to continue a friendly relationship with the united states. obviously the muslim brotherhood has a different opinion of u.s. middle east policy but by and large, they are ready to do business with the united states. zoraida? >> ben wedeman live in cairo for us. thank you. >> 45 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. time to get you up to date on the top stories. christine romans has been busy compiling those. mitt romney kicking off his every town countses bus tour today in new hampshire. he'll hit six states in five days. president obama is back in washington this morning after attending a pretty high profile fund-raiser in new york at the home of actress sara jessica parker. now, he and romney both made campaign stops in ohio thursday to trade jabs about each other's economic policies in that key battleground state. it's the pentagon's coming out party if you will. the defense department planning an event to commemorate lbgt pride. president obama is holing a white house reception marking lesbian, gay, and transgender pride month. a mexican reporter has been found dead in the state of halapa. he announced he was forming a commission to protect journalists, the governor was. vera cruz has been the center of a bloody battle for control of a trug trafficking route. nine journalists have been killed in vera cruz over the past 18 months. lance armstrong's attorneys are demanding access to evidence anti-doping investigators gathered including the names of witnesses who said they saw him take performance-enhancing drugs. the anti-doping agency said it conducted face-to-face meetings with more than ten cyclists as well as cycling team employees. ashleigh and zoraida? >> christine, thank you. still ahead at 5:50, pop singer chris brown injured in a brawl in the big apple. look at our papers, "the daily news" and "the post." they are splattered with a mess, bar brawl, broken bottles all over the place. this makes for big friday reporting, folks. reports are the fight was because of rihanna. can you believe this one? we'll go out to rihanna. if you're leaving the house, watch us anytime on your desktop or mobile phone. go to my cut hurt! mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! 54 minutes past 5:00. we have a look at what's trending on the interweb. singer chris brown says he was brutally attacked at a new york city nightclub. he tweet this picture of a nasty looking gash on his chin. sources say the rapper drake was at the same club that night. brown is currently on probation after pleading guilty to assaulting pop star rihanna in 2009. there were pictures of broken bottles and destroyed nightclub items all over the new york papers this morning. little known story, yes. remember that thing last year where chris brown went bananas backstage at "good morning america" after interviewing with robin roberts? i was there. i witnessed the whole thing. we didn't want to get involved in it. it was awful. the staffers at "gma" were afraid. we were told to get into dressing rooms and lock the doors. there were about 40 or so of his entourage who were still there when he broke the window, threw a chair and stormed out and menaced a producer that i worked with, stared him down. everybody was fearful that something was going to get violent. you don't want to be in the middle of this stuff. >> especially with that entourage. >> scary. a new zombie prank caused a panic on the streets of melbourne, australia. [ screaming ] >> oh, my god! >> so video shows unsuspecting people running for their lives, chased by a man dressed as a blood-soaked zombie. one frightened woman pedaling furiously on her bike trying to get away. the prankster says he was inspired by a recent video in miami showing a fake zombie scaring the daylights out of frightened victims. >> oh, lord! >> one of these people is going to get shot one day. >> or beaten up. >> a woman had a baby carriage for heaven's sake. did you see that. >> terrible. >> that is without question a criminal charge. when you menace people like that and cause that kind of a public disturbance. >> you could cause somebody to have a heart attack. >> i didn't see if there was a baby in that baby carriage. that's off the rails. by the way, you think that's funny? that's not funny. do you feel like going on a brisk walk this friday morning? take a look at that briskness. >> ooh. >> that's a live picture of niagara falls, folks with morning. what you don't see is the itty-bitty tiny wire that's suspended between canada and the united states that nick wallenda plans to walk across later today, yes, walking across the royaling falls below. it's all going to be live. we'll tell you about it in a moment. ain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. [ male announcer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. dude you don't understand, this is my dad's car. look at the car! my dad's gonna kill me dude... [ male announcer ] the security of a 2012 iihs top safety pick. the volkswagen passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $209 a month. visit today. of single mile credit cards. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] for too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn double miles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come. [ alec ] so sign up today for a venture card at and start earning double. [ all ] double miles! [ brays ] what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. just a minute may be on the edge again. a high court ruling dissolving that country's parliament, leaving a lot of people worried, we're about to see a repeat of arab spring. two hollywood stars in a bitter court battle, steven baldwin accusing kevin costner of cheating him out of millions. what did the jury and judge say about it? we'll find out. the heat burn the thunder. lebron james leading to victory as the nba finals but it almost didn't happen. >> nice to have you with us. >> we're bringing you the news from a to doz. 6:01. let's get started. >> we begin with breaking news, a 19-year-old american man suspected of killing a female irish exchange student in tokyo is being held by japanese police. he's considered a minor. a second american is being charged with groping the dead woman's friend. live from tokyo with the latest details. what can you tell us. >> reporter: what tokyo police are saying is they are now holding this 19-year-old american man for murder. this is very different than what he was held for before. he was held on a different charge and now they are pu suing murder charges against him. they have 20 days before they can decide whether to officially under japanese law decide to charge him with the murder of 21-year-old the irish exchange student found dead in a tokyo hotel room, strangled to death. the tokyo police say the only other person in the room that night was the 19-year-old american man. the prosecutor's office is also moving forward in this case against 23-year-old james flaxon, a friend of the 19-year-old american -- >> i apologize for that. we've lost the connection. we'll continue to gather details on the story and bring them to you shortly. it's two minutes past 6:00 a.m. mitt romney kicking off his every town counts bus tour in new hampshire. the president is hot on his heels too. and also the president back in washington after one heck of a nice campaign fund raising, 2 million bucks riching after spending time at the home of sara jessica parker. in the meantime, the candidates were in ohio doing a hard sell for economic policy and taking shots at each other. ohio, a serious battle ground state. mitt romney saying the president has failed the american people, the president warning voters not to believe the scary voice in romney's campaign ads. >> that it's all my fault, that i can't fix it because i think government is always the answer or because i didn't make a lot of money in the private sector or don't understand it or i'm in over my head. >> he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget. he's been president for three and a half years. and talk is cheap. >> talk is cheap but it is also enlightening. i have a question for you. here's the deal. we are in a very long and protected economic slowdown. it was not caused by headlines and bumper stickers and not going to be fixed by headlines and bumper stickers. when will we hear serious substance instead of a horse race? >> that is a weighty question but the president has said he put the jobs bill in front of congress and congress sitting on its hands. but of course we know congress is not a very revered institution in the minds of americans. mitt romney has put out plans as well but those are completely different things than what either man will do in a governing season instead of a campaign season. but they have put out plans but mr. romney is saying the president has not worked and we've given him four years, it's enough. mr. obama saying there's been four years, there's been some improvement, he deserves more time. kind of contrasting each other this late in the game. >> jake, this is age old, anyone out there knows the way it is, you blame the last guy, blame the last administration as long as you can. i get it that governor romney is saying you can't do that much longer but apparently it's working. we have a gallup poll showing that the economic woes, 68% believe it's president bush's fault, only 52% believing it's president obama's fault. does that mean the slogans are working or are we in a lag, when we get closer those numbers will tighten up? >> president bush's numbers were not great when he left office. there's not anybody in any swing state, i don't have a job, george bush got us in the mess and i'm going to vote for president obama. you've seen a parade of democrats across the board say that president obama has to come out with a better, more refined message. and this message is not exactly what a lot of democrats are looking for. it might fire up the base, but in swing states across the country, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who says, i'm out of a job, it's george bush's fault, not the man in office. it's a risky gam bit and it's one not all democrats think is the right message. >> the sound bite we need as voters is two and a half hours and unfortunately the sound bite you can play is 22 seconds. jake, thanks so much. six minutes past the hour here. a high court ruling leads to a government in turmoil in egypt. yesterday egypt's supreme constitutional court declared that parliament dissolved. in the wake of the ruling, the country's interim military leaders declared full legislative authority. in a courtroom clash of hollywood actors, kevin costner has come out victorious. federal jury in new orleans has reject d claims that costner and his business partner cheated another actor, steven baldwin and friend of baldwin out of millions of dollars. here's the weird part. it was over a deal to sell a oil cleanup device to bp following the oil spill in 2010. it sounds odd but it was a business deal only. a day off after a week of graphic testimony. eight of accusers took the stand. the final three giving some of the most disturbing accounts of what the former penn state coach allegedly did to them when they were children. the prosecution now ready to rest. sandusky's defense will begin presenting its case next week. in oregon, an experienced mountain climber on an easy trail in mount hood has fallen 1,000 feet to his death. fellow climbers saw 56-year-old mark cartier, take a bad fall yesterday. crews did look for him and they were hoping for the best. as soon as the rescuers reached cartier, there was heartbreak. >> the training and everything that you've learned over the years just kind of kicks in and you do your job. a number of people die every year on mount hood on the so-called easy route so, you know, it's not as easy as you think sometimes. >> words to live by truly because cartier is the second climber to die on mount hood just this year. the miami heat snatching home court advantage from the oklahoma city thunder with a 100-96 win in game two. lebron james led the way, 32 points, the heat held off a late rally by the thunder. series tied 1-1. game three is sunday night at south beach. niagara fall, the high wire artist in the middle of your screen, nick wall enda is hours away from a stunt. in honor of that, a live picture for you of the mist over the famous niagara falls this morning. that kind of mist makes for kind of dangerous, slippery tightrope walking conditions. but the 33-year-old wallenda will start on the u.s. side and attempt to walk on a teeny tiny string. spectators are expected to be on either side watching the stunt. he is the seventh generation member. abc not only said they are going to put this on delay and contract won't be signed and won't do a live broadcast unless you wear a harness. nik and the family didn't want to do this, they wanted this to be the real mccoy. >> that's what they are doing. the fine mist and conditions and shoes that they wear makes it tackier which could be a good thing for him. >> yeah. >> he's been practicing with mist in a parking lot, been doing this for several months now over a parking lot close to niagara fall and misting the wire to see if he can minimmic conditions. a doc frk swept across japa after the killer tsunami. and something else came along with the dock has a lot of people worried right now. do you have any idea where you're going ? 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[ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. 13 minutes past the hour, welcome back. the supreme court in oregon approvaling the release of thousands of documents that detail the boy scouts internal investigations into alleged sex abuse. the so-called per version files played a key role in a 2010 civil case over six boys sexually abused by a convicted scout leader. the files date back from the 1960s to the '80s. boy scout officials says the files were kept secret to courage -- two and a half years after the at tack, michael brewer is explaining the horror he felt at the moment back in '09, when he realized he was burning. >> i just remember a cold liquid going down my back and started walking and started feeling burning. and then i started running. >> did you see d.c. at any point after you felt the cold liquid, did you see him with stuff, a jug or anything like that? >> no. >> you started feeling the burning at that point? >> yes. >> what did you do? >> started running towards the pool then jumped a fence and dove into a swimming pool. i felt like he was going to die. >> the alleged ring leader of the attack, matthew bent is on trial for attempted second degree murder. he faces 30 years in prison if he's found guilty. prosecutors say he set brewer on fire because he was angry at the middle schooler for refusing to buy his drug paraphernalia. also this morning, near the coast of mexico, there's a hurricane threat. it's been churning away in the pacific and rob marciano has more on whether we should be worried about this one. >> it will scrape the coast of mexico tonight and tomorrow and maybe making landfall as a category 1 or higher hurricane. tropical storm carlotta with a distance between acapulco and the storm of 400 miles. it's heading in that direction and should be there later tonight taen through the day tomorrow is what we think will happen. hopefully once it interacts with the land before this gets to that tourist community, it may lose its intensity. that would be the hope. but obviously rain will be a huge issue as well. rain today, some of it will be across the fire country but more in the way of thunderstorms. you know how thunderstorms go out west. a lot of them don't produce rain, they produce lightning and gusty winds. that may hamper firefightering efforts. these are producing rainfall and wind as well. tulsa back through oklahoma city, some of these gusty winds and then a thunderstorm complex is about to held through dallas. none of less, dallas, ft. worth, the next hour or two, you'll be experiencing some thunderstorms that will slow down your commute and also some air travel. again, in the afternoon you'll see storms fire up there and south florida, we'll see afternoon thunderstorms, kind of sticky there, chicago, 90 the high there and next couple of days. maybe a cooling off briefly on sunday. back in the 90s monday and tuesday. >> 90 degrees? >> and icky and steamy. >> kids home and getting sticky and steamy. >> head to the water. 17 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date with christine romans with our top stories. >> president obama and mitt romney butting heads over the economy in the buckeye state. both made appearances in ohio yesterday. and later the president picked up $2 million at the fundrazor at the home of actress sarah jessica parker in manhattan. romney prepares to kick off a every town counts bus tour today. turmoil in egypt. yesterday the country's supreme constitutional court declared the parliament invalid. that court is widely considered loyal to the old regime led by hosni mubarak. their ruling means they are eligible for a presidential runoff election this weekend. in oregon, that 65-foot long japanese dock that washed up off the coast after the tsunami a year ago, it's carrying some troubling cargo. in all, scientists say the dock was carrying two tons of living sea creatures and some species are not native to the u.s. coast and could devastate local sea life. the force was definitely with him. little darth vader doing well after open heart surgery. max page, the actor from the popular volkswagen super bowl commercial. born with a congenital heart defect and had a valve replacement and came through it like a champion. >> i can watch that ad over and over again. >> we met him and one of his siblings and he was a charming little guy, funny and took all of his new found fame with such aplum. >> i never knew he had the illness. >> we talked about it. they were very open about it. he just very outgoing kid and had a very good medical attention from the very beginning and they knew it was going to be through his childhood this would be something they would be tackling. >> i must have missed that. i'm glad they are doing well and we wish him the best. still ahead, global economies teetering on the edge of the unemployment ram pant. why is everybody looking so happy right there? why on earth did our stocks close up? very interesting question. christine will answer it ahead. now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. u.s. futures trading higher this morning and markets saw a big rally at the end of trading yesterday. all up higher for the day. when we hear the doom and gloom coming from overseas, how do we have three green up arrows? >> everything thinks things are so bad that central bank are going to make sure things don't get worse. they are going to have a big fire hose and spray money into the economy to make sure the smoldering flames in europe don't get worse. we have a greek election too and europe is still a big problem but the u.k. in england, the central bankers say they are going to make sure their economy stays sound. that's why stocks were up yesterday. i want to talk about the labor market in the u.s. because fascinating. i talked to a lot of people in business, right? and companies are saying that they can't find workers. you heard me right. companies are saying they can't find workers. almost 13 million people unemployed. companies say they can't find workers with the kills they need. here's what probably the most famous boss in america, what she told the president earlier this year. >> every company i know, would desperately try to hire more people but it has to be people who have technical skills to meet the jobs we need and it gets harder to find them. >> a recent manpower survey, accounting and finance, sales reps, i.t. staff, engineers, and skilled trades number one. from the corporate sweep, the message is the american workers don't have the right skills but maybe companies aren't looking hard enough. >> if you have trouble finding workers in your company, you pay higher wages as far as i'm concerned and eventually if those wages get high enough, you'll be deluged with plikants. >> that's economics 101, right? >> many companies may look for companies abroad. did you know china is quickly rising as the largest supplier of college educated workers? by 2030, china womill account f 30%. how much will the u.s. account for? 5%. >> 5? >> abysmal. >> that's the whole fareed zakaria special on immigration and whi we're not focusing on skilled immigrants and instead mired in the unskilled and how to deal with it. >> immigration is part of it but how about your american workforce? people come here because this is supposed to be the golden ticket, american dream. are we educating the children of immigrants? we have a big issue in this country. you'll see more on "your bottom line" tomorrow. europe, i have to go back to it. it's flaring up, greece elections this weekend. fear is running high in financial markets. that's my one thing. we're at a moment here, folks, in the world. >> pay attention. >> has nothing to do with an american election, i want to be clear. >> the moment in the world is not the american election, but what's happeneding in europe. >> christine romans, thank you. florida's governor rick scott went to a voting booth and he was told he couldn't vote because he was dead. seriously. the details straight ahead. by the way, if you're heading out the door, not to worry, take us along with you and watch us on your mobile phone and when you get to work, you can watch us on the desk top too, go to and we're there for you. ics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. accuse child rapist, jerry sandusky, facing his most damning accuser. did the final witness for the prosecution seal sandusky's fate. singer chris brown brutally attacked at the nightclub. a rival rapper was involved and the dispute may have involved brown's ex, rihannarihanna. dramatic rescue by a man on a kayak. we'll show you more of the video and you'll hear from the 17-year-old rescuer. >> 17 years old. starting your life off that way, as a hero. nice to hear. welcome back, this is "early start." >> it is 31 minutes past the hour. let's get started. there's no court today but prosecutors in the jerry sandusky child rape case are getting ready to rest their case. the heart of the state's evidence is already before the jury. this week eight of sandusky's ten accusers took the stand and the prosecution saved the most dramatic and quite frankly probably the most disturbing testimony for last. cnn's susan candiotti is covering the trial. she's live in bellefonte, pennsylvania. susan, what can we expect to hear from the prosecution as they wrap up their case next week? >> reporter: well, mainly they are going to take care of house keeping issues which are necessary and things like that that need to get done. for all intents and purposes, it's basically over. they are expecting to rest their case on monday. and i spoke with the lead defense attorney for jerry sandusky and he acknowledged that this has been a very, very hard week for them in light of all of this difficult testimony. but they too are ready to begin to present their case to the jury on monday as well. >> and on thursday, jurors heard from the last of the ten alleged victims, pretty strong ending with a lot of awful and riveting accusations. it was victim number fine and at one point he said he called out for help. often times we're hearing jerry sandusky's wife was present when these kids went on trips or perhaps in the home. do you think we'll hear from her? >> reporter: you know, it is possible. they certainly haven't said who it is they are going to call. for example, they could chat with her or could also call perhaps joe paterno's wife, although my understanding is she hasn't been contacted as yet by the defense team. but this young man in particular, winding up the prosecution's case very difficult to hear from him. he could barely keep his head up during his testimony. but he did glance up when he was asked to point out jerry sandusky in the room and he did. he pointed to that man. at one point when he was describing the testimony, this was one of the alleged sexual assaults, he said in his words of jerry sandusky. he came in the room, he pulled his pants down. laid on top of me and kind of forced it in. and when prosecutors asked why didn't you stop it? he answered, what was i going to do? he's a big guy, way bigger than me. as you said it was riveting testimony. >> really tough to hear. the defense tried hard to counter all of these accusers claims. what did they do? >> reporter: well, that is the question everyone wants to know. one of the biggest questions of course is will jerry sandusky take the stand? and i've been speaking with a lot of criminal defense attorneys who in the beginning said there's no way. but now some of them are saying, at this point after hearing this damaging testimony, they wouldn't be surprised if that decision is made. here's what one lawyer told me. >> he's got those tapes that of interviews that he did with bob costas, that he did with the "new york times," but much of that has been heard. he might say, what do i have to lose? it will give me an opportunity to explain it away. i'll tell my story. you know, he may decide to take that chance. i don't know. >> reporter: and as always, that is a decision that is made between an attorney and his client, but the final decision is up to the client. >> that is going to be -- >> reporter: jerry sandusky. so we'll see. >> susan candiotti, live in bellefonte, pennsylvania. egypt is really in turmoil this morning. this after the country's supreme constitutional court made a declaration, that the parliament is dissolved. that court is widely considered to be quite partial to the old regime led by hosni mubarak and the ruling means the former prime minister can now run in the runoff election this weekend and that is a problem, a serious setback for the muslim brotherhood. a shocker in florida's voter purge controversy. governor rick scott was told he could not vote back in 2006, why? because he was dead. he pulled out his i.d. to prove he was alive and cast a provisional ballot. he hopes his story will ease fears about his push to purge the state's rolls of noncitizens because if actual citizen mistakingly removed, they can still cast provisional ballots like he had to do. >> pop star chris brown saying he was brutally attacked at the new york city nightclub. he and his entourage were in a fight with a man by the name of drake, the rapper drake. apparently it was over rea hann hannah. both men dated rihanna. drake's rep says drake was on his wait out of the club when the altercation began. chris brown decided to tweet a photo of himself. a source close to him said the fight did not start over rihanna. thoroughly confused? so are many of us. they are viewing brown as a victim nonetheless. he is currently on probation after pleading guilty to assaulting rihanna back in 2009. a brooklyn judge says a public drinking sniff test does not pass the sniff test. if police want to issue a summons, he says officers need to do more than smell someone's cup. they need to prove the alcohol content of that drink exceeds the .5% threshold under the city's open container law. new york cops wrote more than 124,000 summons last year for drinking in public, for more than any other violation. in troy, michigan, the city's mayor, janice daniels is defending extreme anti-gay comments she made on facebook. miss daniels says the anti-gay comments were made before she was elected to office so they shouldn't count. yes, that's what she said. and here were the comments. homosexuality was dangerous and she compared it to smoking cigarettes. when pressed on whether being gay was more dangerous than smoking, daniels had this to say. no opinion. can't make this stuff up. daniels is facing a recall election. good luck with that. 38 minutes past the hour. a teenager saves the life of a man who almost drowned in the chicago river. take a look at those pictures there. the victim fell into the water after suffering an unknown medical emergency. 17-year-old, emanuel gonzalez was kayaking when he saw the man floating facedown in the chicago river. he says he pulled the unconscious victim out of the river and waited for rescue crews to arrive. >> i was nervous and shaking and my stomach hurted and i did what i did to get him out of the water as fast as i could. >> the actions of this good samaritan citizen were critical to this man's life saving. >> no kidding. crews rushed the victim to the hospital where he does remain in serious condition. the tiger is lurking, round one of the u.s. open is in the books. tiger woods is now nicely positioned in a five way tie for second place. it used to be we never said something like that, right? in any case, that's how the story developed. everybody seems to be chasing the unlikely leader michael thompson, a former eagle scout and second year profrom the university of alabama. he enters round two today with a three stroke lead. >> it was supposed tok to be a harmless prank but this zombie hardly looked harmless. we're going to share so much more. you're watching "early start." sorry. sore knee. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. scroll... tap... pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten. you still like things to push. [ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ good morning, niagara fall, 83 degrees and partly cloudy. later mr. nik wallenda will attempt to walk across, we wish you luck. he's going to be tethered though. >> that picture looks like a crater that's smoldering, not the beautiful falls we normally see. hopefully that mist will burn off later today. gorgeous. 43 minutes past 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's a good time to get you caught up on top stories if you're just waking up or making breakfast. christine romans is making news. mitt romney is kicking off his every town counts bus tour today in new hampshire. he's going to hit six states in five days and the president is back in washington this morning after attending a pricey fundraiser in new york at the home of actress sarah jessica parker. 50 guests paying 40 grand each. both he and romney made campaign stops in ohio, trading jabs about economic policies in the key battle ground state. a mexican crime reporter has been found dead in the state capital of vera vuz, cruz. this comes a week after the state's governor announced he was forming a commission to protect journalists. vera cruise has been at the center of drug trafficking. nine adjournists have been killed over the past 18 months. it's the pentagon's coming out party, planning an event to commemorate lgbt pride. senior officials are expected to take part. preside . as zombie prank caused a panic on the streets of melbourne. unsuspecting citizens chased by a man dressed as a blood soaked zombie. one woman pedaling furiously on her bike to get away. he was inspired by a video from miami showing a fake zombie scaring the daylights out of frightened victims. he's lucky someone didn't have a heart condition. >> or a gun. >> there's one part of the video that shows him coming out of a building where there's a mom with a stroller. he frightens her so much the stroller ends up going over. i couldn't say if there was a baby in it. i thought, that's criminal. >> wonder if he can face charges. >> he wanted pub listy to go viral. >> that is a grown man, not a child doing that. i'm sure his mother is so proud of him. >> soledad just said -- somebody is going to kill him. not going to well at one point. christine, thank you. speaking of soledad -- you could hear. >> chiming in there. >> she can't wait to get in. >> so you got a lot coming up. >> my goodness, absolutely. president obama and mitt romney giving their hard sell for their economic plans in the battle ground state of ohio. we'll break down the plans and tell you whether or not the pitches are working with americans. the obama campaign's national press secretary ben labolt will join us along with nicolle wallace. one of the final alleged victims in the sandusky trial said he screamed for help during an incident that happened in sandusky's basement. we'll take a look at what the defense is going to say next. we'll talk to criminal defense attorney jose baez, famous for getting casey anthony acquitted. if he were sandusky's defense attorney, what would he do? also, the former star of two live crew, remember them? the hard core rappers, luther campbell is now a high school football coach in miami. >> that does not look like two live crew. there's a new battle over whether or not he should get his teacher's certificate that would allow him to continue coaching because of his past as a hard core rapper. >> might make him a better teacher. >> it could. that and the top stories starting at the top of the hour. >> that is going to be good. i'm sticking arranound for that one. egypt on edge. a court ruling is leaving a lot of people wondering, what exactly do we have going on at the head of government? do we even have government? why did we go crazy in the streets a year ago looking for exchange? just ahead. oh! 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[ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! welcome back. some stunning political changes sweeping through egypt yet again. the country's high court declaring its brand-new elected parliament is in fact invalid. tensions are already high there. there are concerns at this point now that further tensions could lead to unrest and renewed protest and ben is live. i've been watching you in tahrir square request the arab spring and it has led to this. what's going on there? >> reporter: this is something of a crisis for many of those who thought the arab world had turned a corner to democracy. many are calling what happened yesterday a soft military coup because now the military has broad legislative and executive powers and clearly has a very friendly judiciary. what's important to keep in mind is that over the last year and a half is that the egyptian population has become much more plitized and willing to speak up to speak up and criticize those in power. so definitely this is a worrying development for many, but at the same time, there is a feeling that the country has fundamentally changed and even though there are forces within the military, the police, the intelligence services, the bureaucracy who would like to take egypt back to before the revolution, it's simply not possible given the tectonic changes which has happened in the minds of so many egyptians. >> by allowing the candidate for the muslim brotherhood to compete in this weekend's elections, it also sounds it is furthering a democracy. sometimes democracy is ugly. that leads to a question, what does that mean to us in america? we give $1.5 billion in aid to that country every year. does that affect us fundamentally? >> reporter: not certainly in the short term. the muslim breernlg brotherhood and intear leadership of that group have actually courted the united states. they've met with visiting american delegations and they are on friendly terms with the u.s. ambassador here in cairo. in fact, that goes back to before the revolution. they have tried their very best to reassure the united states that they are for instance, when it comes to the economy, very interested in free enterprise. many of the leaders of the muslim brotherhood are in fact capitalists, businessmen. so they would like to assure the united states that if they -- they take over the presidency, they have no intention of breaking the historic relationship between cairo and washington. absolutely fascinating. i'm glad you brought that up. i had no heard that before. ben wedeman, i think you have a busy weekend ahead. thank you. 54 minutes past the hour. of the son of the late sergeant shriver tells us the best advice he's ever given. ♪ ♪ we all need it. to move. to keep warm. to keep us fed. to make clay piggies. but to keep doing these things in the future... at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies. that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. ♪ >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums i do whatlike myes covergirl outlast lipcolor. nothing works faster. i'm going for the gold... and the pink. i'm strong. i'm beautiful. i am a covergirl. ♪ we wrap it up with best advice. >> we ask people this to know what to take to work with you. listen. >> best piece of advice i ever received, a couple of years after i graduated from college, i was running a program for juvenile delinquent kids in baltimore city. one of the guys working at the program was really mad and slammed me against the lockers and he had played football in college. it scared the living bejesus out of me. i went home to my mom and dad that evening and told my father what had happened and i was hopeful i could survive and goe back to work. he looked at me like i was from mars and said, i don't think he heard the words, i hope i can go back to work. those kids have been quit on their entire life, don't quit on them. work hard and make a difference in their lives and stay at it. and i did. >> sometimes you think it's all about you, right? sometimes you have to look around you and figure out what your role is and other people you're helping. >> those shrivers, maria wrote that book "ten things i learned along the way", that's not the real title but -- certainly growing up in that family. that's "early start," i'm ashleigh

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East Coast , Yes , Trading Yesterday , Six , Court , Prosecutors , Leaders , Regime , Hosni Mubarak , There , Witness Testimony , Wake , Authority , Jerry Sandusky Child Sex Abuse Trial , Accusers , Testimony , Some , Courtesan Dusky , Eight , Nine , Chris Brown , I T , Case , Help , Coach , Incident , Chin , Boys , Penn State Football , 15 , Ten , Rapper Drake , Picture , Nightclub , Entourage , Photo , Singer , Injury , Sources , Fight , Club , Camps , Parts , Reps , Dated Rihanna , Pop Star Rihanna , Argument , The Way , Probation , Rihanna , Altercations , Wrongdoing , 2009 , Michael Brewer , Attacker , Horror , Set , 2 1 , Point , Liquid , Burning , Anything , Stuff , Jug , Matthew Bent , Trial , Prosecutor , Degree Murder , Swimming Pool , Pool , Brewer , Dove , Fence , Prison , 30 , Climber , Feet , Drug Paraphernalia , Schooler , Hood , 1000 , Everything , Training , Climbers , Heartbreak , Rescuers , Mark Cartier , Cartier , 56 , Number , Job , Kicks , Easy Route , Nick Wall 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Network , Piece , Cat , Possibilities , Bell , Doing , Body , Exchange Student In Tokyo , Kyung Lah , Second American , Tokyo , Connection , Nikola Furlong , 20 , Open Container Law , Minor , James Blackston , System , 23 , Suspects , May , Girls , The End , Hotel Room , Live In Tokyo , Rob Marciano , Math , Wildfires , New Mexico , Colorado , 16 , Thunderstorms , Change , Weather , Rain , Ones , High Park Fire , Seven , Front , Threat , Sunday , Colorado Rockies , Winds , Toasty , Oklahoma City , Batch , Dallas , Great Lakes , Tulsa , Ground , Departures , Arrival , Havoc , San Francisco , Dropically Speaking , Chicago , 78 , Coast , Weekend , Lien , Tropical Sto , Tropical Storm Carlotta , Wind , Trek , Acapulco , Mist , Parking Lot , Him , Sprayers , Cable , The Falls And Potential Rain Wouldn T Throw , Stories , Christine Romans , Luck , Method Actor , Mitt Romney Butting Heads , Town Counts , Five , Way , Briefing , Visiting Ohio , One World Trade Center , 1300 , Beam , Skyscraper , Structure , Height , 1376 , Runoff Election , Prime Minister , Dock , Oregon , Tsunami , Japanese , Species , Cargo , Sea Creatures , Tests , 65 , Allen Stanford , Financier , Sentence , Sea Life , Ponzi Schemes , 110 , He Still Mann , Fraud , Bernie Madoff , 7 Billion , 40 , 6 Billion , Headlines , Voter Purge Controversy , Clothes , Purge Controversy , Shocker , Innocence , Name , Voter , Kidding , Miami Herald , 2006 , Everybody , Polls , Citizens , Heart , Force , Darth Vader , Factor , Doctors , Champion , Page , Super Bowl Commercial , Grandfather , Pulmonary Valve , Popular Toyota , 7 , Business , Millions , Hearts , Market Rally , Tyke , Hospital , Company , Duck , Word , Sound , Bottom Line , Tune , Lac , Employee Benefits , Forbusiness Com , Aflac , Lullaby And Good Night , Her , Differentnnouncer , Kind , Communications Company , Matter , Centurylink , Town , Thankyou Points , Backyard , Thankyou , Karen , Team Usa , Olympic Spirit , Tom , 10000 , 20000 , Rewards , Visa Card Holders , Cheering , Fashion , True London , Slap , Tum Tums , Nothing , Foods , Tum , 26 , Stock , Dow , S P 500 , 1 25 , 0 5 , 1 , 500 , Stocks , Europe , Flairing , Thinking , Concerns , Report , Consumer , Morrow Bustly , G20 , Reuters , World , Atms , Meeting , Greece , Uk , Everyone , Economies , Continent , Recession , 12 , Child , Headline , Cost , South , Usda , Family , Kid , Expensive , 8000 , 234900 , 000 , 103000 , 03000 , 9000 , Thing S , 02000 , 102000 , Food , Child Care , Education , Child Evanevangelist , 1960 , 25 , Kids , College , Amount , Lord , Age , 17 , Tourism Officials , Jerry Sandusky Trial , Papers , Controversy , Social Media , Think , Think Ohio , Beautyrest , Sleeping Posture , Coils , Memory Foam , Recharge Sleep System , Beautyrest Pocketed , Comfort , Road , Love , Wow , Adventure , Subaru , Doctor , Unitedhealthcare , Decisions , Prostate Cancer , Trained Rn , Numbers , Data , Fastball , Answers , Health , Pitch , Weigh , Options , Me Cancer , 78000 , 70 Million , Smile , Teeth , Whitening Plus Restoring , Listerine , Shades , 50 , Mouth , Jerry Sandusky , Rescue , Witness , Accuser , Fate , Kayak , Accused , Judge , Video , Street , Chicago River , Hand , Cocktail , Rescuer , Drink , Sip , Alcoholic , Cannot Imagine That , 33 , Women , Hotel , Pair , Victims , Penn State Football Coach , Prosecution , Basement , Sandusky Upstairs , Mrs , Susan Candiotti , There Haven T , Beginning , Brutality , Wrapping , Pennsylvania , Bellefonte , Fact , Ashleigh , Care , Sides , Big Week , Defense , Defense Attorney , Lead , Matters , Susan , Strategy , Descriptions , Pr Prosecution , Jury , Minds , He First Met , Edo , Save The Best For Last , The Room , Quote , 2004 , 2005 , Pants , Courtroom , Charges , Kinds , Discussion , Struggle , Richard Meehan , Is , Blog , Ways , Fumbles , Marcia Clark , Skin , Plan , Question , Wife , Attorneys , Conspiracy , Husband , Cross Examination , Course , Cases , Wouldn T , Criminal Defense Experts , The Stand , Many , The Big Question Is , Interviews , Tapes , Much , New York Times , Expert , Bob Costas , Chance , Opportunity , I Don T Know , Perspective , Bit , Day One , Move , Hail Mary , Lawyers , Defense Witnesses , Widow , Sons , Joe Paterno , Witnesses , Idea , Names , Fallout , List , Sandusky , Tag Sandusky , Father S Day , Hash , File , Getaway , Best Laid Plans , Tweet , Latest , Hash Tag , Jerry Sandusky Rape Trial , Unfortunate , Amusement Park , 39 , Country S Supreme Constitutional Court , Election , Sniff Test , Drinking Sniff Tests , Explanation , Brooklyn , Summons , Officers , City , Smell Someone , Alcohol Content , Threshold , Cup , Violation , Drinking In Public , 124000 , Life , Crews , River , Fall Down , Actions , Citizen , Repeat , Rioting , Tahrir Square , 41 , Ancestor , Africa , Nature , Shouldn , Purina One , Cadillac Xts , Attention , Seat , Flights , Danger , Safety , Technology , Forward , Pulse , Mercedes E Class , Presentation , Caterers , Photo Sharing Abilities , Customers , Experience , Kitchen , Table , Drivers , Communications , Provider , Differentr , Around The World , Fortune 500 , Changes , Protests , Tensions , Ben Wedeman , Cairo , Actually Sa Far , Reporter , Coup , Developments , Decision , Supreme Court , Muslim Brotherhood , Protesters , 200 , Function , Anybody , Square , Protest , Half , Exhaustion , Uproar , Youth Movements , Million Man March , Egyptians , Powers , Cut , Military Council , Elections , Interest , Outpouring , 1 5 Billion , Leader , Climate , Office , Officials , Air Force , Addition , Mohammed , 8 , Have , Relationship , Mafik , Opinion , Middle East Policy , Live In Cairo , 45 , States , Compiling , Countses Bus Tour , Profile Fund Raiser , Jabs , Defense Department , Event , Pentagon , Lbgt Pride , Of Halapa , Pride Month , Lesbian , Gay , Transgender , Mexican , Journalists , Commission , Center , Bloody Battle For Control Of A Trug Trafficking Route , Vera Cruz , Evidence , Lance Armstrong , Anti Doping Agency , Drugs , Investigators , Access , 18 , Cycling Team Employees , Meetings , Cyclists , Bottles , Big Friday Reporting , Brawl , Injured , Bar Brawl , The Daily News , The Post , House , Reports , Mobile Phone , Desktop , Cnn Com Tv , Spain , Types , Bacteria , Dollar Coupon , Pain Relief , Neosporin , Two Dollar , Olaf , Small Business , Purchase , Cash , Businesses , Credit Card , Spark Card , Pizza , Settle , Doin , Garth , 2 , Wallet , Business Card , Capital One , Benefits Package , Oahhh , Employees , Splash , Duck Yelling , Ha , Look , Interweb , Trending , 54 , Gash , Pictures , Nightclub Items , Assaulting Pop Star Rihanna , Interviewing , Good Morning America , Bananas , Robin Roberts , Dressing Rooms , Doors , Afraid , Staffers , Producer , Window , Chair , Prank , Streets , Panic , Zombie , Melbourne , Screaming , Scary , Australia , God , Bike , Prankster , Lives , Woman Pedaling , Daylights , For Heaven S Sake , Miami , Somebody , Baby , Heart Attack , Disturbance , Rails , Terrible , Take A Look , Briskness , Royaling Falls , Itty Bitty Tiny Wire , Goats , Delicious , Cholesterol , Difference , Honey , Brush , It Taste , Mind , Dog , Oils , Tricks , Car , Dad , Dude , Pet , Maturity , Purina One Smartblend , Safety Pick , Gonna Kill Me Dude , Iihs , Credit Cards , Volkswagen Passat , 209 , 09 , Venture Card , Miles , Visigoths Cheer , Battle Speech Right , Horse Neighs , Hawaii , Earning Double , Runway , At Capitalone Com , Games , Alec , Brays , Edge , Dissolving , Steven Baldwin , Court Battle , Kevin Costner , Hollywood Stars , Cheating , Arab Spring , Victory , Say , 01 , Murder Charges , Pu , Room , Person , James Flaxon , Campaign Fund Raising , Check , Policy , Each Other , Battle Ground State , Hard Sell , 2 Million Bucks , President , Europe Don T , Deal , Stickers , Bumper Stickers , Slowdown , Substance , Horse Race , Congress , Institution , Hands , Jobs Bill , Has , Season , Campaign Season , Jake , Game , Improvement , Anyone , Administration , Woes , President Bush S Fault , Flag , Slogans , Democrats , Parade , Message , Swing States , Better , Sound Bite , Gam Bit , Yesterday Egypt S Supreme Constitutional Court , 22 , Courtroom Clash Of Hollywood Actors , Business Partner , Dollars , Baldwin , Reject D , New Orleans , Part , Business Deal , Oil Cleanup Device , Oil Spill , 2010 , Children , Accounts , Graphic Testimony , Mountain Climber , Trail , Mount Hood , Best , Words , Game Three , Sunday Night At South Beach , Stunt , Screen , Artist , Honor , High Wire , Conditions , Nik Wallenda , Slippery Tightrope Walking , Dangerous , Spectators , String , Abc , Contract , Member , Delay , Generation , Harness , Fine Mist , Broadcast , Nik , The Real Mccoy , Shoes , Practicing , Japa , Doc Frk , The Wire , Minimmic , Something Else , Beeping , Teaching , Living , Results , Whirring , Tee Times , Courses , Michigan , 800 , Brakes , Oregon Approvaling , 13 , Role , Boy Scouts , Investigations , Sex Abuse , Release , Thousands , Documents , Per Version , Files , Scout Leader , Secret , Boy Scout , To The 80s , 80 , Courage , Tack , Walking , Feeling Burning , Ring Leader , Hurricane Threat , Mexico , Churning , Pacific , Landfall , Hurricane , Distance , Storm , Intensity , Heading , Tourist Community , Land , Taen , 400 , Rain Today , Issue , Lightning , Hope , Firefightering , Ft , Thunderstorm Complex , Rainfall , Efforts , Worth , Afternoon Thunderstorms , Storms , Commute , Air Travel , Cooling , Sarah Jessica Parker , Fundrazor , Appearances , In Manhattan , Scientists , Max Page , Popular Volkswagen , Open Heart Surgery , Heart Defect , Valve Replacement , Little , Aplum , Fame , Siblings , Illness , Childhood , Ram Pant , Earth , Sunblock , Sun Protection , Spectrum , Whitens , Barrier , Drips , Neutrogena , Markets , Overseas , Gloom , Doom , Spray , Central Bank , Fire Hose , Flames , Worse , Bankers , Labor Market , England , 13 Million , Famous Boss , Skills , In America , Number One , Finance , Engineers , Jobs , Manpower Survey , Sales Reps , Trouble Finding Workers , Trades , Aren T , Sweep , Wages , Economics 101 , Plikants , 101 , Supplier , China , 2030 , Immigrants , Account , Whi , Fareed Zakaria Special On Immigration , Abysmal , American Dream , Workforce , Immigration , Unskilled , Flaring Up , Fear , Pay Attention , What , Happeneding , Desk , Motion , Arthritis Pain , Prescription Celebrex , Arthritis , Arthritis Symptoms , Ics , Celebrex , Studies , Plus , Relief , Inflammation , 24 , Prescription Nsaids , Risks , Benefits , Narcotic , Meloxicam , Ibuprofen , Naproxen , Risk , Nsaids , High Blood Pressure , Intestine Problems , Stroke , Stomach , Reactions , Heart Disease , Chance Increases , Aspirin , Ulcers , Asthma Attack , Patients , Allergies , Bleeding , Stomach Bleeding , Sulfonamides , Hives , Breathing , Arthritis Treatment , Throat , Trouble , History , Visit Celebrex Com , Swelling , Insurance Company , Insurance , Making , Members , Aarp Medicare Supplement , Child Rapist , Rapper , Witness For The Prosecution Seal Sandusky , Rival , Dispute , Rihannarihanna , Sex , Nice , Hero , 31 , Dramatic , Child Rape , Last , Issues , Intents , House Keeping , Purposes , Flight , Jurors , Accusations , Ending , We Haven T , Trips , Particular , Defense Team , Hasn T , Understanding , Glance , Sexual Assaults , Criminal Defense Attorneys , In The Beginning , Questions , Lawyer , They Wouldn T , Attorney , Client , Declaration , Setback , Battle Ground State Of Ohio , Noncitizens , Fears , Rolls , I D , Mistakingly , Ballots , Pop Star , Rep , Hann Hannah , Source , Altercation , Wait , Drinking , , Janice Daniels , Public , Cops , Troy , Comments , Count , Facebook , Homosexuality , Whether , Smoking , Smoking Cigarettes , That S What She , Recall Election , 38 , Gonzalez , Floating Facedown , Stomach Hurted , Condition , Tiger , Lurking , Life Saving , U S Open , Books , Tie , Tiger Woods , Michael Thompson , Eagle Scout And Second Year Profrom , University Of Alabama , Stroke Lead , Tok , Pain Reliever , Freezer , Knee , Cold , Blast , Physical Therapists , Why Don T You , Zoom , Scroll , Tap , Pinch , Engine Revs , Don T Worry , Cue , 83 , Falls , Crater , Gorgeous , 43 , Breakfast , Fundraiser , Trading , Guests , Capital , Crime , Cruz , Vera Vuz , Drug Trafficking , Coming Out Party , Vera Cruise , Nine Adjournists , Lgbt Pride , Soaked Zombie , Unsuspecting , Heart Condition , Gun , Stroller , Mom , Wonder , Criminal , Building , Pub Listy To Go Viral , Chiming , Soledad , Ben Labolt , Pitches , Obama Campaign , Sandusky Trial , Nicolle Wallace , Star , Jose Baez , Casey Anthony , Battle , High School Football Coach , Rappers , Luther Campbell , Two Live Crew , Certificate , Teacher , Coaching , Hard Core , Court Ruling , Arranound , Exchange , Scream , Whisper , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Teachers , Ap , Students , Test , High Schools , Science , Responsibility , Initiative , Amen , Potential , Scores , 138 , Record Skips , Clear , Music Plays , Huh , Ben , Democracy , Corner , Crisis , Arab World , Intelligence Services , Military Coup , Calling , Judiciary , Population , Plitized , Feeling , Development , Forces , Revolution , Candidate , Aid , 3 5 Billion , Leadership , Group , Term , Intear , Breernlg Brotherhood , Muslim , Delegations , Ambassador , Terms , Presidency , Businessmen , Fact Capitalists , Instance , Free Enterprise , Intention , Son , Sergeant Shriver , Electricity , Shell , Energies , Natural Gas , Mix , Clay Piggies , Fed , Partner , Co2 Emissions , Sugarcane , Biofuel , Brazil , Energy Mix , Let S Go , Tums , Gold , Pink , Myes Covergirl , Whatlike , Lipcolor , Covergirl , Program , Couple , Football , Baltimore City , Lockers , Guys , Mom And Dad , Goe , Father , Living Bejesus , Mars , Stay , Those Shrivers , Maria , Count , Watching , Problems , Competency Exam , Interstate 94 , Early Start , Bond , Ridiculist , Cleanup , The Gauntlet , Start , Book , Title , Along The Way , 94 , 0000 , 50000 ,

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