Against her. Rudy giuliani is not handling that situation, but he is here to discuss the latest word on a mueller interview. President trump cant keep omarosas name out of his mouth and off his twitter feed, calling her a dog. Why so much attention and lowlife language about someone who has nothing to back up her talk supposedly . Well debate. And the latest florida stand your ground case has a twist. The sheriff tried to let the shooter go, but the state is bringing charges. The killer was in court, and the family of markeis mcglockton, the man he killed, is with us tonight. This is a big hour. What do you say . Lets get after it. A new claim about what donald trump knew about the hacked Clinton Emails and when he knew it. Meanwhile, his team is on the attack. Trump and mueller are not talking yet, but will they . One person who knows maybe is here. Former new york mayor and trumps personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Welcome back . Hey, chris. Good to have you. Always a pleasure. Well get to the mueller stuff, stuff. As you said, theres something new every day. Omarosas allegation is not in her book. We have seen no proof to substantiate what she alleges, but it is that she says with great confidence, certainly on television, he knew about the dnc emails before wikileaks dropped them. I know shes lying. You know shes lying . I know shes lying because i was on the campaign more than she was. I was closer to them than she was. I was from about june to november, i was with him 24 hours a day. The first wikileaks exposure, he was completely surprised. He asked me, do you think there will be more . I told him, i have no idea, but i heard some reporter on cnn, fox, i dont know where, saying assange has a practice of putting out the weakest ones first, that he builds it up, builds it up, builds it up. I said, i think this guy may have more than that. We were surprised every time they did a disclosure. She was not as close to him as i was. If shes saying this and if its not in the book, never said it before, i dont know if she was interviewed by the special prosecutor or not. It would be interesting if she ever said it to him. Would they tell you if they had ever spoken to omarosa . No. So they dont have to tell you any we would only know from our joint Defense Agreement if she had a defense lawyer who talked to us. Thats not the case . So we have about 25 of them, all of which were exculpatory, you know, innocent. I dont know, but i its not in the book, i guarantee you she didnt tell the special prosecutor that. Theyre not going to soil their case with her. Shes a little too much of a kind of far out another person that the president decided was worth being in the white house and someone to have close. Only the best, rudy. Only the best. I made a few mistakes like this. Who . I dont want to say who. You dont want to say because you dont have a name that comes close. Oh, i do. I have a couple that my staff my friend peter powers, now gone, god bless him, told me dont hire this guy. Dont hire this guy. And i did, and you think that the president has brought only the best into the white house . Yeah, pretty much. Jared. How does he qualify as the best . Jareds a very smart guy. Im not saying hes not. There are a lot of smart people that dont have the pedigree to be in the position of power that he is. Okay. Pomp. Sure. Wilbur ross. Wilbur ross . Wilbur is because hes a good businessman . That means hes going to be a good Public Policy person. Secretary of commerce. Hes deny a great job. Antiregulation. Do you think he represents the kind of ethical standards and i know wilbur from conflicts of interest . Absolutely. I know wilbur from the time he worked for me. Did a whole big study on the Port Authority for me, how to straighten out the Port Authority. That was from the outside. You didnt have him running the Port Authority. I remember you as a young boy, watching you campaign. I wish. No, not you. Me. I wasnt around when you were younger. But you were someone who was always skeptical of wealth and power. You want to make your money, get out of public service. I heard you say that more than once because youre not going to make it in it, at least not legally. You know what . Ill give you wilbur ross. Im just saying in general, you cannot look at the attrition number one guy, tillerson, i thought was a big mistake because i wanted the job. But i think pompeos terrific. Pompeos terrific. Right. Listen, im not arguing about pompeo. Not whether hes terrific or isnt, but certainly hes got a pedigree that would put him in play. I think kelly as a pedigree as a general that puts him in play. But you have 34 attrition already in the people who have had turnover in the cabinet positions. Youve had a cascade of wild cards go in and out of the white house. This is omarosa is a reflection of who the president puts his trust in. Fair point . She didnt have a high position. So clinton went through two people before he got an attorney general. He got two of them and donald trump put Pete Sessions in there, who was supposedly his best friend, and now it would have been jeff sessions, not Pete Sessions. Pete sessions is a good congressman in texas. If jeff had a nanny problem, probably a lot better. Remember the first two clinton people had nanny problems. Jeff sessions had to recuse himself from an entire investigation. I dont know why he didnt come to the president with that. I really dont know. I dont know what the hell hes doing now. Well, because his main duty was to the administration of justice, and he recused himself because he had to because he was fatally conflicted. Okay. If he believed that, he should have told the president beforehand. Beforehand before he got confirmed by the senate by one vote. All right. Fine. Lets stay in the present, though. Omarosa, you like to argue in the alternative. If she has some piece of proof that demonstrates that the president was aware of what emails they had, what would that mean . I am 100 confident she does not. Its not true. He didnt know. I know he didnt know. And if he did . I know it even beyond being his lawyer. If he knew, is it a problem . No. But no . No. He didnt know. I hear you. Im not even going to get into the hypothetical. He did not know. Okay. Because you get into the hypothetical about mueller and the comey that confuses the hell out of people. Listen, ill tell you what confuses me. I understand arguing in the alternative, and you do it well. Thats not the issue. I cannot find you ever saying the president did not have that conversation with comey until this weekend. I did all the time. Every time i gave when . Right at the very beginning. I said heres the reason were worried about perjury. Were worried about a perjury trap because the president says he didnt have the conversation about flynn. The way comey says he did. The way that comey says he had the conversation, he didnt have it. Not that they never spoke. Didnt happen at all. I think thats a new position. It is not. But youve never said it before that we can find on the record anywhere . Ive said it from the very beginning. I said it over and over again. Then why do you keep arguing in the alternative if you have high ground that it never happened . Because i can get him out of it legally. I can get him out of it factually. Hes got both defense. Makes comey a crazy liar by the way. He is. For this to be true, jim comey has to be a crazy liar. Im going to tell you why hes a crazy liar. Because he put that in his statement, and in may of 2017, he testified before congress, i think, that trump never said anything to him that influenced him, tried to influence him, tried to obstruct him. If that had happened in february and also if comey had felt that he was being obstructed he said he took it as a direction. He had a duty to report it. Five years in prison if you dont. If im the director of the fbi and the president says to you, do this, and you feel directed but you dont want to do it, youll go to jail . No. No. I have to report it. Why . Because its a misprison of felony. Its a federal statute. So youre saying that if the president did say to jim comey what jim comey says it is, that theres a crime involved . Yes. But only for jim comey, not for the president of the United States . Well, the president says he didnt say it. And the best evidence of it is comey never reported it. Contemporaneous memos. You know how persuasive they can be in a court of law. Contemporaneous. Id like to see the contemporaneous you will if theres going to be discovery because of any kind of trial. Im sure you dont want to get that far. No, we dont. But if we do, i would like to see if it was written after or before. I guarantee you it was written after. Well, he says and it was written before, hes got a serious problem. He didnt report it. I dont see that as a big problem. It is a big problem. Help me understand. Im the u. S. Attorney. Somebody calls me up and says, fix the case. Right. I write it down, and i bury it for four months. Thats a felony. But you do not fix the case. Yeah, but i the attempt to influence me is a crime. Im not a private citizen like you. Right. Or me right now. As a u. S. Attorney, i would have to report that. I knew that. I reported. But it seems a little tortured, counselor, that its a problem for comey, but its not a problem for trump. Its not a problem for trump because he never said it. Comey claims he said it. Comey does say it, and he says he wrote it down at the same time, which is going to be persuasive. What was he holding it for . He wanted to work for the guy who was trying to lean on him . So shame on him that he didnt report it. Hes a liar. But if the president said it, then hes a liar. He didnt say it. Im telling you he didnt say it. Jay and i have said to the president , if you said it, it would be easier on us. We can defend it. You just said, go easy on him. You didnt say, tank the case. Get rid of the case. Cow have order cow have ordered him to do it. Cow have done a lot of things. And the president has said to you i never said any word to him about flynn ever . Thats pretty close. So jim comey made up the whole conversation that he walked across the room. He asked the guys to leave, which means if they were to do an investigation and find out from those two men whether or not they were asked to leave that room and leaving just comey and the president there, there youre going to have corroboration of at least the context of the meeting. That comey made up all of that about the president and yet never disclosed it to anyone. Why wouldnt he go back to mccabe and say, you know what the president just did to me . Do we know that he didnt . No. Mccabe testified that there was mccabe testified at approximately the same time that comey testified that there was no ever attempt to influence any investigation. Has mccabe ever testified that comey never told him about that conversation with the president . Yes. I think. I dont think so. I know the first part. Lets do this. Mccabe testified that up until may, there was never any attempt to influence any investigation. Just because they didnt feel that they werent going to be able to investigate or that they werent obstructed or that they did everything the same way anyway doesnt mean there wasnt a solicitation. It doesnt mean that it wasnt put out there by the president. Theyre different things. But lets do this. Lets take a break. Well do a little google search. Then well come back, talk about what all this means for the current thinking about the most important piece of the puzzle, which is whether or not the president sits down with mueller. And you can argue thats not an important piece at all. I think its important. Oh, how about that . Rare agreement. We will be right back. Important q a right after this. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Capital one and hotels. Com are giving venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. Brrrr i have the chills. Because of all those miles . And because ice. Is cold. Whats in your wallet . And because ice. Is cold. Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. All right. Were back now with Rudy Giuliani. What weve been discussing is the significance of credibility of Different Actors in here. And a big argument for the president and Rudy Giuliani is that jim comey cant be trusted, which plays into their concerns. Now, the contemporaneous writing of a memo by comey that this is what happened is going to be persuasive for a court. Him going back and telling people that he was working with, you know, i just gave you this article. We found three fbi officials. This is what he just said. This is wild. So one of them is mccabe. Mccabe testified in late april, early may, that there was never an incident in which anybody put any pressure on anyone to influence an investigation. Whatever this was, it couldnt have been viewed that way. It could have been viewed that way by comey. But, look, lets say this is all a matter for mueller, right, and it all comes in on him. You say im worried about a perjury trap. As you know, a perjury trap is a form of entrapment whereby it is demonstrated that a prosecutor brought somebody in under oath just to catch them. Thats the only reason. Not as part of a legitimate factfinding exactly. But this is a very legitimate factfinding mission. Because mueller knows exactly what trumps answer is going to be. Were stipulating to the answer. The answer about flynn is, i didnt have the conversation. He doesnt need anything more. He can say hes lying, not lying, except he didnt get perjury if we dont put him into a situation where he swears under oath. But a perjury trap is where theyre not bringing him in for factfinding purposes. They dont need any factfinding. They know his answer. But there are tons of questions they can ask him about what he did, why he did. Thats part of the negotiation process. You want to take that question out . I would never take that question out. Well, then you have to. Why . Because youre trapping him into perjury. You know the answer already. No. I know an answer hes given in the past already. But were willing to stipulate thats the answer today. Right, but thats because youre not under oath and sitting in front of me as a federal investigator. Well, the only reason i would do that is and hes given different answers about things. Hes never given a different answer about that. Hes always said i never had that conversation. Ive never heard him say that, i never spoke to comey about flynn. Im going to tell you he said that. I believe you. I believe you that youre saying that. But ive never heard it. He will testify to that. He will testify, i never talked to comey about going easy in any way on flynn. Is this going to be a matter of semantics, though, and language, that i said if you could give him a break, hes a good guy. He didnt say that. I wish he jay sekulow and i tell him, i wish you said that. We can defend that. So comey made it up, went back, told three guys he works with and wrote a memo. I have no idea what he did. Im completely baffled by the kind of scoundrel hes turned out to be. Are you any closer to having a deal with mueller to sit down . No. Havent heard from him in a week. How do you interpret that . I think theyre waitin for the i hate to bring up the case. I think theyre waiting for the manafort case. I think they feel this they win, theyre going to be empowered. If they lose and it doesnt have anything to do with us. Were trying to tell them, i dont care what happens with manafort. The one thing that proves is you dont know anything about us. Manafort the whole try, nothing about trump. So once this is done, now theyre going into their Closing Arguments. One way or another youll see if its about that or not. One way or another, its a terrible test. It doesnt matter. If they convict, acquit, hung jury. Youre bringing it up. It doesnt matter. Im not saying it does. Im saying you put it out there its my surmise as to why theyre delaying. This omarosa situation, you think trumps handling it the right way, calling her a dog, saying that shes the worst . I dont know. Somebody and that she was told by kelly how terrible she was at her job but says, keep her. She says good things about me . You know, its horrible when you get betrayed by people you try to help and people youre close to. And in the case of cohen and omaro omarosa, its a personal betrayal. I think he feels that he knows that shes not telling the truth about a lot of stuff. I think he feels personally betrayed by it. Lets assume thats true. Is this the way to handle it. Is this the way to speak about somebody . Shouldnt there be a standard for the highest elected official in the land of the most powerful country in the world . Youre trying to take him down and make money on your book . Youre peddling this ridiculous book that but isnt how you deal with criticism heres the way i would you call a woman a dog if she said things you dont like. Wayne barrett wrote a ridiculously awful biography of me. Heres how i handled it. I never read t. I never said anything else about it. I knew that a lot of it was untrue. Some of it was true. Things i didnt even know. I didnt want to sell his book. I am shocked that more people around this president dont say what is so obvious, which is he has to learn to act more in accordance with the seriousness of the role that he has. You can feel wronged. You can have high ground you can say that to President Trump, and he has had tremendous achievements given the way he acts. Hes had tremendous achievements. Despite them, yes. Economy, the best ever in a long time. Depends who you are. Oh, come on. Best ever. The gap between rich and poor is growing faster than it ever has before. Look, that matters. Sorry, rudy, these are the people who voted for him. Lowest unemployment for africanamericans and hispanics, lowest ever. It is low. They got the jobs wrong today though. Situation in north korea might be moving in the right direction. Situation in iran, as far as im concerned, moving in the right direction. We dont know. All im saying is how you do it matters. Thats why i wanted your take on it. Well, hes a good man, and he its very, very hard when youre being unfairly accused. If everybody has a choice of how to deal with unfair things hes dealing with it we expect certain things. Hes doing as well or better than anybody who in his position and hes remaining focused on the job. His performance is weve seen men this that position attacked from all sides to the core of their being, including obama. We saw it with bush. We saw it with clinton. Nobody ever spoke to people and dealt with humanity the way this president does. Maybe nobody has been as honest as him. Also if you look at it, if you look at it, their achievements dont come close to the achievements hes had. I think its a little early on that. And in factcounting is anything, weve never had anybody with the level of mendacity that he has. Not even close. Its in the eye of the beholder. No, facts are not in the eye of the beholder. Youre always welcome here to argue the case. Thank you, mr. Rudy giuliani. Appreciate it. Thank you. So you heard the mayors take on omarosa. Trump seems to be sparing no ammo. Thats why he called her a dog. Unpresident ial . Of course it is. Rude . Of course it is. Sexist and racist . I dont know about that. Lets put up it for a debate with these two, next. See what urban is saying. Lets do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. They taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at choicehotels. Com. Or just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. 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I was texting with don literally 20 minutes ago. My apologies. But i dont need to hear a tape to know if donald trump has hostilities towards people of color because we know hes an original birther. We know that donald and people just willingly ignore it. We know that donald trump was sued by the housing and urban Development Department in 1973 for housing discrimination. We know that he said a judge could not do his job while he was on the campaign trail because he was of mexican descent. I just really like for me, this isnt a debate. For many other people, its not. People have willfully ignored who donald trump has repeatedly shown us who he is. Thats all that this really is, chris. Dave, under the principle of we know what you show, he has said lots of ugly things about people of color. He said lots of ugly things, correct. Hes done some pretty good things for people of color. Ask our colleague van jones about what hes doing on Prison Reform and other things that actually matter, getting people of color jobs. How he talks doesnt matter . What he calls them doesnt matter . It does matter. Look, i think he should be more sensitive to that. In this case today, this constant beating the dead horse of omarosa here, i think that, you know, we should be if you want to focus on things that matter, i think we should focus and talk about and i know symone would probably like to talk about this. Keith ellison, the Deputy Director of the dnc, serious allegations of domestic abuse, and the dnc remains silent. Talk about people of color and women of color. Heres an allegation leveled by a woman, very credible allegation, and the dnc remains quiet, silenced. Al franken, who was a sitting senator, resigned his seat for far less. And Keith Ellison tonight is running for the chief Law Enforcement officer of the state of minnesota with no one of the reasons franken had to resign is because people like you were chasing him out of office saying how terrible he was and doing that what aboutism like youre doing now. Im talking about trump and im not going to let you do it. Im not going to let you do it, my brother, because youre rewind the tape, chris. Lets blame other people for what they did because that rewind the tape on al franken. I said al franken should be given due pro es icess. Due process for theres ethics procedure in the house to take place, and he was pushed out by democrat. What im saying is im talking about the way the president talks about people of color, and you say lets talk about Keith Ellison. Does that make it okay . No, its not okay. If i were charging you with a crime, could you say, but i know this other guy who committed a crime . Listen, chris, i dont think its okay. From a purely p. R. Perspective, why would you give omarosa more oxygen if youre the president . The best thing the president could have done is simply ignore her. Thats a good point. Symone, david just made a great point. When you dont sweat somebody, when you dont fear what they know or what they can do to you, you know what you do . You ignore them. Ignore them. You dont empower them. Thats what the mayor just said about the guy who thats what he said about wayne barrett, but trump has never done that, certainly not with omarosa. Hes taking legal action against her. The fact of the matter here is theres two things. One, omarosa has a very long history with the president. She knows him very well. That means she knows what can push his buttons. If theres one thing i know omarosa personally. If theres one thing shes skilled in is getting all the way up someones skin. Thats what shes done here with President Trump. We know that President Trump cannot resist he is unable to hold himself together and keep his composure. And if it were me, if you did not do anything, if what omarosa said had no credibility, then why would you give it any creed sne credence . The president is a counterpuncher here. We all know that. He cant sit by when thats a lame excuse. Such a lame excuse. Id like to hear from both you and symone about why the dnc remains silent about a really serious issue. Were looking at the allegations right now. I have to know what its about before i start going with it. Its a standard that sometimes people dont like to apply. But we like to know what were talking about. This is what im talking about with you, dave. Can i respond to something that dave said in. Go ahead. Theres an issue here. To dismiss what the president said about omarosa today and im no fan of omarosa. Im not dismissing it. But to say there are far bigger things we should be talking about as though the president calling a woman a dog, as though the president using language its wrong. Sim opymon symone, its wrong. I said it. I want to reiterate, though, this speaks to a larger pattern of the president. And frankly some people in the president s orbit. Symone, the president s also called about a dozen white guys, mitt romney, other people dogs. Hes called lots of people dogs. Hes an equal opportunity offender in that regard. I think that the president has repeatedly targeted people of color and women in general specifically. And that is not something that should be dismissed. That is something that [ overlapping voices ] he went after the nfl players [ overlapping voices ] it was curious he went after the nfl players right on the eve of the charlottesville anniversary. Thats who he chose to target as protests right on the eve of the charlottesville anniversary. That was weird. Chris, i wouldnt advise that. Its not just about advising. Its about condemning. You and i have kids, okay . Chris, its not behavior that if my son said Something Like that, i would be on him fast. And if he looked at me and said to me, pop, i hear you. But you know what . Bella, remember when she scratched your car with a rock . Do you know how much that would help him . The inside of a donut. So why do you do it for the president . What am i doing . I just said its wrong. But then you pivot to ellison. Im just amazed by the silence of this network and others on this Keith Ellison issue. Its a false equivalency. Its not a false equivalent. Calling what the president does and saying its wrong im saying that weve spent all day talking about omarosa. Its a dead story. She also said today that he knew about the dnc hacked emails before wiki dropped them. If she can prove that, hes got an issue. If she can prove it, he does have an issue. And she said he used an nword. Then she put out a tape [ overlapping voices ] then Sarah Sanders said she cant guarantee us youll never here him on tape saying the nword. Lynne patton is an incredible africanamerican woman who has been close to this president for many, many years. Said she approached the president. She talked to the president. She asked him specifically. He denied it. I take lynne pattons and the president s word in this case over omarosas word. The problem for the president is hes been a repeat offender as a liar. So we cant take his word, and at this point Sarah Huckabee sanders word from the white house podium. You know lynne patton. Shes as honest as the day is long. I do not know her. You know omarosa. Which is why i think if omarosa says she has receipts, shell provide them. Well see. We only know what she can show. To both of you, thank you for making the arguments. Appreciate it. All right. Thanks. Be well. Stand your ground. Thats the controversial selfdefense law that often seems to translate into, i can kill you if i want to. Its under close scrutiny again in florida. You remember the killing of an unarmed black man over a parking space last month . I know you havent heard about it for a while, but please Pay Attention to this now. The shooter was allowed to walk away by the sheriff anesthesia though it was all caught on tape. I told you then that seemed hasty. Turns out it was. Theres a big update on the case, capturing national attention. The family of the man who was killed that night is here. Please stay with us. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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Almost a month after he killed a man, Michael Drejka finally appeared before a judge, this time on manslaughter charges. He had been Walking Around free since the day he killed markeis mcglockton in clear water, florida, thanks to the local sheriff, who said the stand your ground law didnt allow him to even make the arrest. I argued then that was an overly generous interpretation and invited the sheriff on. He refused. The states attorney is now pressing charges for manslaughter. The mother of markeiss three kids is britany jacobs. Shes here. So is benjamin crump, the familys attorney. Counselor, good to see you. Thank you very much for joining us, ms. Jacobs. Thank you. Youre welcome. First, how are the kids dealing . I know theyre young. I know youve wanted to give them a very specific sense of what happened to kind of ease the reality for them. How are the kids doing . Oh, it is real hard right now, especially for my 5yearold. You know, he told me the other day that, mommy, call daddy. Hes going to wake up. Call daddy. Hes going to wake youp. 0 so its very, very hard right now. How are you doing with it . I know youre a key witness in the case. I understand you have some restrictions in what you can talk about. But how are you doing with all of it . Im just being the strong woman that i am. Im just holding on and keeping my strength together. As a general sense, do you believe that mr. Drejka had any reason to fear for his life that night . No. Counselor, let me get you in on this conversation. The sheriff had said, look, im a lawyer, and the standard is very clear, and i cant make an arrest here because, you know, he has a reasonable belief that his life was in danger. Thats not what the law says. Probable cause still applies in investigating from a Law Enforcement capacity. Yes, florida did add a new wrinkle to the law that makes it easier for a potential defendant, a shooter. But what did you think about what the sheriff did in this case . Well, i think that he was wrong. Not only me, also the community and britneys family, but also the nra. They did not feel his narrative was correct that this was stand your ground because, chris, the essence of this case is on that video. You see it all for yourself. You see this strange man come up to the car, Walking Around the car, and then he starts to yell and curse and assault this young lady with her two babies in the back seat. Now, just imagine that, chris. A mother in the car with her babies and a strange man comes yelling and cursing at her. So someone tells markeis in the store that his family is under attack. He comes out. We all see it on the video. And he goes to protect his family and his property. If anybody had the right to stand your ground, it was markeis mcglockton. And then when he pushes him, this wannabe cop folloalls back then he pulls a gun. Right there, you see markeis start to retreat. He takes 4 1 2 steps back. Brittany starts to retreat. There is a white gentleman who walks into the video frame and he jumps back and starts to retreat. Everybody is retreating. He is not in imminent fear of his life. There is no justified reason for him to pull that trigger. And whats so troubling is that little 5yearold markeis, when you look at the last part of that video, he reaches out for his father, and his father falls at his feet. And that will be the last time he saw his father alive. And so brittany and these children are going to need some serious counseling to try to deal with this traumatic episode. Well, i know britany jacobs, youre very strong. Youre in the business of helping other people deal with their illness. We made a pledge at the beginning of this case, and there are other members of the media that will do the same. We will stay on this. We were on it in the beginning. Were on it now that the state is investigating. Everybodys goal is the same, fairness under law. Youre welcome back here with your counselor whenever you want to discuss whats happening and what it means from your perspective. Counselor crump, thank you very much. Britany jacobs, i appreciate you taking the time. My best to the kids. Thank you. All right. Theres another story in the air about sensitivity to people of color. Sarah sanders, the president s spokesperson, cannot guarantee that we will never hear President Trump on tape using the nword. Its quite an admission from someone who rarely admits anything. Don lemon wants to tell you what this means, next. Are giving venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. Brrrr i have the chills. Because of all those miles . And because ice. Is cold. Whats in your wallet . And because ice. Is cold. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Lojust use priceline. Ls on travel . You can save up to 60 on h. Thats like 120 a night back in your pocket. Go to priceline to get deals you wont find anywhere else. Don lemon is here. Don, the president just fighting fire with fire in terms of how he deals with people who attack him, or is there Something Else in what we heard from Sarah Sanders today, who said, i cannot guarantee that you will never hear the president of the United States use the nword on tape . That last statement you made just about says it all, that here we are. Were living in a time now where the representative for the president of the United States cannot deny unequivocally, cannot say that this she cant say that the president didnt say the nword, that theres not a tape out there. I cant when i look at the headline, i cannot believe it. When i looked at her answer, i could not believe it. And to say that what he does, what hes doing with omarosa, listen, omarosa is they both deserve each other. But to say that hes not using some sort of coded language when he calls her a dog, i think thats being disingenuous because he does that to so many people of color and women. And when he does it, heres the difference. He can keep his deniability by not outright calling people racial epithets. He can just use other language that evokes that, and he gets the same response from his base or people who may not be so nuanced in the way these things work. So he can do that. But you have to look at his history. You have to look at what he says about women and about africanamericans and about people of color. Africanamericans, people of color often become the dog or white men who he talks about will become like a dog, fired like a dog. Choked like a dog. They dont actually become a dog. Thats big difference in that. Thats an interesting distinction. Theres a lanrger point abou how they excuse it and blame it on not being as bad as other people did. Well take it on in the Closing Argument and you have it at the top of the show. Well be watching, my friend. No mug for you. In the age of trump nothing ever seems to move but decency matters. We are missing something thats very big and very obvious. Closing argument next. Before nexium 24hr mark could only imagine. A peaceful night sleep without frequent heartburn waking him up. Now that dream is a reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Im all about my bed. This mattress is dangerously comfortable. When i get in, i literally say ahh. Introducing the leesa mattress. A better place to sleep. 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Welcome back to prime time. If my 12yearold called someone a dog he would in the say it again in my presence. I guarantee you he would apologize. In fact if he said most of the things that the president says about people he is threatened by or doesnt like his cheeks would be going. Thats because we teach our kids, we make our kids do right because it shows respect for people and respect matters. So dont defend President Trump calling omarosa a dog. Dont defend him calling anyone a dog, period. Stop making it all okay whatever trump says. Fighting back is not automatically a virtue. Mama says if you have nothing nice to say say nothing, same in your house, right . Discretion could be the better part of valor, right . It creates that leads to unintelligent confrontation. You wouldnt say it at your best. You wouldnt let your kids say it. Why let the president . She charged with the greatst powers in the world over the most powerful people. We should expect better. Our president should not be defended like some drunk guy in a bar who said some things and did some things but some how is not to be taken too seriously. He is in the most serious position. By the way, he is playing you he is rewarded for knowing less and insulting people. Trump is rewarded for crude language when it is misinterpreted as strength. I do a lot of selfdefense. Every coach i ever had taught me when youre assessing a room never fear the guy talking trash. If he were dangerous he would a act, not talk. This isnt about macho or might. Hi is only adding legitimacy to what omarosa. So being decent could be as well as being tactical. The bottom line is we have to be better than this. Division, indecency is getting us better. It makes us easy for lawmakers to do nothing. This type of behave i dont ever is the insane route that devours intellect and takes reason prisoner. It used to be we looked to leaders to show us the way. Now it is on the rest of us. It is never okay to call someone a dog. You know that. So much of the stuff trump says about them we all know it. Why is it tolerated . One reason i want to discuss, many of you will be quick to say because they feel the same way. That is true for some. Trumps ugliness attracted fans most would never want by their side. I get why others who support the president stand up for him. Its not because they are bigots. I get they get help for their families and they made a bet and they dont want to see their man go down. I get it. Many people feel that way. They are good people. My trump supporting brothers and sisters doesnt mean you cant hold the president and all of our leaders to the same standards you would your kid. The Vice President wrote exactly what im saying about another president , bill clinton, that he has forgotten in his new role. I want to remind you, if you and i fall into bad moral habits we could harm our employers and our friends. The president of the United States could incinerate the planet, seriously. We all know whats right and we know why with. It is not weakness. It is strength. Insults are weakness. Better actions, those are the real blows. Demand that from our leaders. Demand their disagree with decency. Demand they help us to be better, not worse. Dont let trump off the hook by forgiving his language as a form of leadership. It isnt. Thank you for watching with don lemon right now. I hope people are listening. I hope its not falling on deaf ears. Im sure youll get a lot of blow back from some of the Trump Supporters that say you dont understand us. This is what we want. I think one of the most important things you said in there is he is playing you. She learning you cant play a player. She is a player just like him and she is serving it up just as good as he can

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