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Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. It looks very hinky to me. Heres why i ask you about what this is about because lets say you win. Lets say the democrats win. You get the house. Probably not the senate, but you get the house. Theres a call for impeachment among progressives like yourself. Yes. Two things happen. Well, i dont think its just progressives, chris. There will be a call for impeachment from all those not heard, who are the majority in america. Okay. I give you that fact. Ill stipulate to it for the point of this argument. Okay. So everybody calls out. You dont have the votes. It doesnt happen. You galvanize support for the president , and we are torn more apart in this country. Are you worried about that outcome . No, i am not. I am believing in the american people. I believe in this country. I believe in what it was founded on. I believe in the constitution. I think that on election day, were going to show up in a huge way, in a way that we havent ever seen before in the United States. And people have just really had enough. Theyve had enough of a president who separates families and puts babies in cages. You know all of the catch phrases. Every day he does something worse than the day before, and he tops it and tops it and tops it. I believe that trump is loathed in america, that people are embarrassed and ashamed of who he is, and that come election day, were going to stand up at the polls and let him know. And unless he goes in and has the russians kind of fix it like he did last time in 2016, you know, were going to see him gone. And thats what im waiting and hoping for and hoping that people across the country are inspired to use their own voice in whatever way to get people to know that this country is worth fighting for. Amen on that. The more people get involved, the higher the Voter Percentage is, the more people will get what they want. It will reduce the effects of money on politics. It will make everything better, not perfect, but better. So im all with you. The more people go out and vote their conscience, the better, whatever their conscience is. Heres my other concern. Yeah. There is reason to criticize the president. I am not going to fight you on that point. That emotion in them of truth and what about his rallies . First of all, people are paid, chris. You know that. People were paid since he went down on the escalator. He pays people to show up at those rallies. That is a fact. But i dont know that thats why he gets Tens Of Thousands at the rallies. I think he captures a lot of motion for people. When did he get Tens Of Thousands at the last rally . Tell me when. . At the tampa i think they only had 9,000 seats and there were people outside, but rosie, ive seen him. He gets big groups of people who come out. He gives themes that resonate. Whatever theyre positive or not, thats up to people to decide. I dont have the facts that his crowds are bought off. But you can look at well, you can look at all the requests for extras to come and cheer with signs for him. You can find those tangible pieces of evidence. Those are not real rallies. You know, when he went down on that escalator, he paid all those people there, calling rapists and mexicans rapists. This is not real what hes doing even though he keeps screaming that you guys are not real. I know he does that. I know he does that, rosie, but listen. Look, ive known you a long time. Youve known my family a long time. I know your mom. And mom would be the first one to say, let him say what hes going to say. You say what you know is true. You always keep your dignity. You always fight the good fight. So thats what we do. When he came down that escalator, did i see the reporting that there were paid people there . Yes, i did. Did i believe it . Yes, i did. Have i seen it at all of these rallies . No, so im not going to do what the president does. Im not going to say theyre all bought off, theyre all fake, because i think thats b. S. I dont think its true, and im not going to play to it just because i think its satisfying. But you could do the evidence to find out. Sure. We do it all the time. Lead with that story before you play his rally. To play his rally to me is just falling into his hands. I dont play his rallies. I do truth check every night. I do magic walls. I find all these different devices because i want people to know whats real and then they can act on it. Thats why im talking to you because people need to know what youre doing, know where peoples voices are, and then they can make their decisions about which side to join and hopefully theres Common Ground that gets here sooner rather than later. I hope there is Common Ground. People ask me all the time, your sons a marine. How can you have a son whose a marine when youre such a pass fist kind of a person . I love and respect my son, and i can hold two opposing thoughts in my head at one time. One is im terrified something is going to happen to him, and the other is im so immensely proud of the commitment he has given to this country because he believes in this country the same way that i do. I believe in america and what it stands for in the constitution, and this president and administration has done everything they can to undermine it. And its not okay. Its not all right in any way, and we have to use our voices and fight. You do exactly that. Thats why good men and women like your son are fighting for our freedoms. And when somebody serves in a family, the whole family feels it. The whole family sacrifices. So thank you to your entire clan for the dedication to the country. Thank you. And the service of your son. Thank you, chris cuomo. Peace. Lets see. Well be following what happens at the white house, and well see what the impact of this party with a purpose is all about tonight. Now, back to another big story for you. They told us that the meeting in trump tower with the russian operative was about adoption. You remember that . The whole statement that they wrote, the president had no role in. Well, we know thats not true, and now we have the president apparently admitting something thats even more important. Cuomos court is in session, and you need to weigh in. There are the counselors, next. Fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. Clean food that looks this good. Delivered to your desk. Now delivering to home or office. Panera. Food as it should be. Panera. Sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. Stadium announcer all Military Members Stand and be recognized. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. Up that trump tower that that Trump Tower Meeting was about obtaining dirt on Hillary Clinton. The president says it is totally legal. Is that a fact . No. Lets bring in Asha Rangappa and professor alan dershowitz. Now, the statute at play that people are going to hear discussed, i want to put it up on the screen for them so all the legalese doesnt go over everybodys head. This would be the concern. You keep Hearing Lawyers tell you all the time and experts and some not so experts saying, you cant get help from a foreign inimical power. Heres the law. It shall be unlawful for a person to solicit, which means to try to get, accept, or receive a contribution or donation prescribed in these different places from a foreign national. Asha rangappa, former fbi agent, law degree, make the case. Is this tweet a problem . This tweet is a problem because its acknowledging that the purpose of that meeting was to obtain information that would benefit the campaign from foreign nationals. Now, there are a few legal issues here. The first is whether what was being offered was a thing of value. This is something youll hear lawyers arguing about. And a big clue here is in the recent indictment that Robert Mueller just filed against the gru officers, and in that indictment, the charges for hacking which he brings against those 12 gru officers alleges that the stolen emails were worth over 5,000, which makes them a thing of value. I think you could argue that they are valuable in many other ways, but hes essentially laying the groundwork that this was a thing of value. The question here is did they accept or receive it . I think that here you do have the other party, the russian crown, prosecutor, friend or whoever these people were reaching out. They werent soliciting, but they did go to the meeting. And the question is what happened afterwards . And there are some strange coincidences when you look at the indictment, the dates that are in there and other things that we know happened subsequent to that meeting. But ill let my colleague make his case and then respond. Hes smiling wide. But add this to the mix for yourself, professor. One step farther than asha wants to go. If its illegal to solicit and you find out that someone has dirt for you and you know what kind of person it is, and you go there to get it, why isnt that soliciting . And then what do you make of this in context . Well, first of all, it may very well be soliciting, and it may very well be a thing of value. The problem is it would be unconstitutional for a statute to prohibit a candidate from obtaining information from any source whatsoever. Just like the New York Times cant be prohibits from obtaining information or chris cuomo cant be prohibited from obtaining information, even if the information you have was stolen, even if you know it was given to you by manning or snowden, or daniel ellsberg. The constitution requires an open marketplace of ideas. And you cannot construe a statute that was intended to prevent financial contributions largely to apply to information, to apply to facts, to apply to news. That would be unconstitutional. So youre hitting her with the Pentagon Papers defense. Youre saying that opposition research, dirt on clinton, is information just like if it came to me, asha, and therefore it doesnt qualify under this statute. Absolutely. This is a false analogy, chris. First of all, political campaigns are not news organizations, and here the key word in what Professor Dershowitz just said is the open marketplace of ideas. When you have something happening surreptitiously, under the table, secretly, that is not an open marketplace of ideas. Now, if the Trump Campaign went on tv and said, hey, the russian government just gave us all this stolen information and told the voters that, that would be one thing. I still think it would be a crime, but at least theyre being transparent. When they are concealing the source of that, that is exactly what our open society is meant to prevent. We want people to evaluate information in context. And just to bring this back to the framers of the constitution, they were worried about two things, chris. They were worried about foreign influence and selfdealing. This is why we have a natural born citizen requirement. We want, you know, loyalty. We dont want influence from outside. This is the Federalist Papers 68 where hamilton warns of foreign governments trying to infiltrate our elections. So i completely disagree that this is permissible as some kind of First Amendment right. Professor. The statute itself clearly is intended to cover financial contributions. Its always been applied that way. It has never been construed or interpreted then why didnt they say that . Why didnt they say what . Money. Well, they did. They said something of value. Right. But why didnt they say money . But you have to construe a let me be even more specific. Even if they intended to cover this, they cant cover it because it could be unconstitutional. You cannot regulate ideas. The federal government simply doesnt have the power under the First Amendment to prohibit a candidate remember, a candidate is also expressing First Amendment views. He has exactly the same status as the New York Times and as you do. He has the right or she has the right to use any information from any source, and it doesnt matter whether its a foreign or domestic source, and thats why to construe an ambiguous statute that way would violate the First Amendment. And the first rule of constitutional construction is if you have a statute thats capable of being construed in two different ways, you must always construe it constitutionally consistent with the First Amendment. I hear the arguments on either side, but theres Something Else going on here. Lying, okay . There is lying going on here, professor. There was lying going on about what we were told about this meeting. The statement that was done about it. The president s role in it. And then even when that statement was written, it was deceptive about what actually happened in the meeting, and that seems to be clear on the face of this tweet, asha. So even if it isnt illegal, what does this mean to investigators in terms of looking at a pattern of behavior of how this thencandidate, nowpresident treated these types of issues . It means that they believe that they were doing something wrong, period. That is why people lie. I mean you know that from being a parent and watching your 5yearold. You know, one thing, lets just assume arguendo as we would say in legalese, that these are crimes and that, you know, they did agree, and there is, say, a conspiracy. Theres an Affirmative Defense in conspiracy where if you renounce the conspiracy, you say actually, i dont want to do this anymore or i dont want to have anything to do with this, that can be your defense. And, chris, i think its important for viewers to remember that in august of 2016, the fbi went and warned the Trump Campaign that russia was trying to infiltrate their campaigns and influence the elections. And at that point, that was the time for every Single Person who had these sketchy contacts to come forward and say, you know what, thats kind of funny because, you know, two random russians showed up in trump tower. That could have been a defense, and yet at every turn they have chosen to lie, conceal, deflect, and cover up every contact that theyve had, not just these three people in the meeting, but everyone else associated with the campaign. What youre doing final quick word, professor. What youre doing is what so many people do. Youre conflating bad conduct with criminal conduct. This may be bad conduct. Lying is not a good thing if there was lying here. But to turn this into a crime, imagine if Hillary Clinton were elected president , and she were being investigated, and these were the charges. Every civil libertarian would be up in arms talking about the First Amendment, talking about the right of association, talking about all of these rights. But a double standard is being applied depending on which shoe the foot is on, and thats very inconsistent with the Due Process Of Law and were dealing with the cards in front of us right now. As we all know thats right. Lying is is a problem. It is a political problem. It is not a legal problem. Maybe so, but its a problem nonetheless. You cannot turn tweets its a problem. Im not here to defend anybodys problem. Its a problem. Not every problem has to be a crime in order to matter. Thats the flip side of your argument. But i got to go, professor. Thats what ive been saying for two years. That not every problem is a crime. Thats all im saying. Right. But it doesnt have to be a crime to be a problem. Thats the flip. Thank you as always. Got to go. Tough sanctions on iran are about to go into effect tonight at midnight. Thats how urgent it is. Why . Is your spidey sense going off here . Why now . This seems a little strange. I agree with you. I feel you on this. Why is it happening right now . Im going to tell you what the administration says. Were going to look at whether or not its true that allies may be in with us on this. Is that all true . Facts, next. Hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. Were the most isolated population on the planet. Hawaii is the first state in the u. S. To have 100 Renewable Energy goal. Were a very small electric utility. But, if we dont make this move were going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaiis economy. Verizon provided us a solution using Smart Sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data on our power grid. colton this technology is helping us integrate rooftop solar, which is a very important element of getting us to our Renewable Energy goals. shelee if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in. Its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. For a limited time, when you get fast, reliable internet, you can add voice for just 24. 95 more per month. Call or go online today. Call or go on line today. All right. At midnight eastern tonight the Trump Administration is going to restore sanctions on iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear accord. Why now . Okay . 2015 deal, may 8th is when the president stepped away from this. Thats 90 days. 90 days. Why now . Thats how long he had to do this. He could have put these sanctions back in at any point. Now, what theyre telling us is thats because iran has been using the money that had got released when the sanctions were relaxed to sow chaos in the region. It doesnt smell right. You know why . Theyve been doing that all along. In fact, that was a Big Point For Trump in nixing the original deal. Remember . It doesnt do anything with all the menacing that theyre doing. However, remember back in 2015, all the countries involved said the deal was just about nukes, not all the other bad stuff that iran was doing. Just for context. All right. Then they say, well, theres new violations of what they were supposed to do under the deal even though they walked away from the deal, which you would think would relieve iran of those types of considerations. But thats not true. International inspectors say that they are complying with the deal. What does that leave . I wonder if this tweet put this tweet back on the screen for people, the one the president put out there. I wonder if the tweet with the president admitting that he knew what that meeting about not that he knew, but that the meeting was about getting information on clinton. I wonder if the timing of that has anything to do with this abrupt turn to iran, especially when the real sanctions on iran arent scheduled right now. Theyre in november. So why do it now . However, in fairness, the new sanctions are going to be imposed, and we do have 90 to 100 days after he walked away as a transition period that the administration gave companies to wind down contracts with iran in order to avoid penalties. So we are within that window, so maybe thats why theyre doing this now just to be fair. However, so now that trump has decided this is whats going to happen, the timing aside, what does it mean . All right. Here are the pluses to the move. Heres the first big plus. Ready . Money is power, right . A paucity of money, when you cut money, you cut it, that creates what . Pressure, okay . Thats what this is about, pressure. A big ugly word because i cant write because im a lefty. And this is what the key is here. Take away the money, you apply pressure. A u. S. Official says that nearly 100 International Firms have announced their intent to leave the iranian market. Now, thats going to hurt. You combine that with more squeezing by the government, these renewed sanctions, there could be civil unrest. In fact, National Security adviser bolton pointed to riots on sunday as proof of desired pressure. Whats the hope . That unrest equals a deal, okay . Thats what youre hoping is that theyll come back to the table and say we want to make a better deal. Heres the flip, though. Rouhani, the iranian leader, says the opposite is true. You sanction us like that, were less likely to deal. Bolton suggested that our european allies are considering joining the u. S. Move. Heres the problem. There is no proof of that. Here are the facts. The eu, russia, china, theyre all sticking with the accord. They put out a statement on monday. What did they say . The eu, the uk, and france all said and germany we deeply regret that the u. S. Is doing what theyre doing right now. The eu announced it was going to take legal steps to protect eu companies doing legitimate business in iran that gives them back their money, okay . One more point for you. Lets be very clear. Iran is not china. It is not even north korea. Its not russia. How . Theyre driven by religion. They are zealots there. Religion, ethnic conflict. Those are the driving forces, not Just Economics or mere land grabs. So if a tougher round of sanctions that is going to happen tonight is going to then give an extra step to whats supposed to happen in november with these even more biting sanctions, those are on irans sale of crude oil and transactions with its central bank. Those are big. What happens . The markets, the military, resulting mayhem are all potential negative outcomes from this kind of move. So it is a gamble. Those are the factors here on the white board of everything at play with the somewhat random decision. What about this strategy or lack thereof . We have an expert. Phil mudd is here. He knows the problems. He knows the potential solutions. Where does this fit . Next. Sleep disturbances keep 1 in 3 adults up at night. Only remfresh uses ionpowered melatonin to deliver up to 7 hours of sleep support. Number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh your nightly sleep companion. Available in the Natural Sleep section at walmart. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitionsâ„¢ light under controlâ„¢ it is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo Doobidoo Scoobidoo doobidoo [ Goose Honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Progressive helps keep you out there. For you on the white board. Well put it on online, on my twitter feed and the shows feed if you didnt get it. How about the strategy in play . For that, weve got as good a guest as we can have. Cnn counterterrorism analyst phil mudd. Lets make three quick points. First of all you say dont get too deep in the weeds of strategy. Look at the president first, why . I love these strategy conversations. Can we look at the personality of the president . Repeatedly hes told us how he thinks. Hes told this, and he said this publicly, im the only policy maker in public office. Forget about state department. Im the man who makes policy. And hes told us repeatedly, im a genius. What has he done in every circumstance . North korea, uturn. Russia, uturn. G7, he goes to canada and embarrasses them. Uturn. Nato, uturn. Theyre not our friends. They need to pay more. He comes in and says, im smarter than bush. Im smarter than obama. In every one of these circumstances, im uturning because my solution is a better solution. Same thing with iran, uturn. So the uturn here would be him actually, to me, it looks like stepping on the gas and saying, im going to sanction them. The timing is a little curious, but lets take the tactic. Im going to sanction you to come to the table and say, i want a better deal, mr. Trump because my people are rioting. Im squeezed. Im poor. Good luck. If youre going to sanction someone that way, one of the lessons of history is youve got to make sure they dont have too many Pressure Valves where they can turn off the pressure someplace else. Let me give you three Pressure Valves that are going to help the iranians. Number one, the europeans are coming out saying were not with you on this one. Number two, people who arent side by side with the president so far this time that is longtime friends with iran for decades. Thats the russians and the chinese potentially not only buying oil but Defense Contracts with the iranians who have got a lot of oil money. When we think we can squeeze the iranians unilaterally, theyre saying ive got the europeans, the chinese and the russians. Aint going to work. In terms of getting that unrest going, getting the progressives such as they might exist inside the iranian government and Larger Society to work with the United States to create change there, you say a move like this doesnt necessarily help. Well, careful. Theres traditionally over the course of decades two camps in iran. You have the reformists. Lets not call them moderates. You have the reformists, people who want to move forward. And you have the conservatives. So the conservatives would have said be careful with this deal with the americans. Be careful. In 2015. Thats right. Since the revolution in 1979, theyve been our enemy. They like the saudis. We hate the saudis. Big American Military presence in the persian gulf. We dont like them there. If you were a conservative wanting to attack the people who made the deal with the americans this time, youre going to step back and say, i told you. You signed the deal in 2015, and they screwed you again. You cannot trust the americans. This is more evidence of it. Phil mudd, three solid points. Appreciate it. So it is the eve of a big Election Night in america. Why . Tomorrow four states are holding key contests that could ultimately alter the Balance Of Power in congress. One of the candidates in play is in kansas, and hes being hailed as The Next Big Thing by progressives. Introducing brent welder and big news of a very powerful new friend in his corner. Who is it . What does it mean . Next. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Hundred roads named park in the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But Allstate Agents know thats where the similarity stops. If youre on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the Washoe Zephyr could damage your siding. And thats very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local Allstate Agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. Clean food that looks this good. Delivered to your desk. Now delivering to home or office. Panera. Food as it should be. Panera. Sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. Stadium announcer all Military Members Stand and be recognized. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. grunting today is your day. Crush it. Angies boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. Boom all right. A key factor in how the midterms are going to go down may be what happens this week in kansas. This is a state that hasnt sent a democrat to congress in over a decade. But there is this crowded field in tomorrows primary that features a choice between a more centrist approach and the more liberal policies, aggressively so, backed by people like Bernie Sanders and his acolyte and the big winner in new york, alexandria ocasiocortez. They have both thrown their support behind my next guest, congressional candidate brent welder. Good to have you on, sir. Hey, chris, great to be here. Thank you so much. So, boy, oh, boy, is this some mix of what you have going on in the primary there. I was just trying in the break to figure it out. I cant give you a sense of what we think is going to happen. What do you think happens tomorrow night, and more importantly, why . Well, we are up in the polls right now both in the general election. Were beating Congressman Yoder by seven points, which is the largest lead of any democratic challenger in the country. Were also up in the primary polls for tomorrow quite a bit. Now, obviously i am not taking anything for granted. Were working hard for every single last vote, and were going to keep working hard until we beat Congressman Yoder in november because obviously this is an extremely important election. You know, i had Rosie Odonnell on earlier. Tonight shes got people who are broadway performers down in front of the white house. I dont know if you had a chance. I know youre campaigning. But the conversation for her is trumps got to go. Hes a bad guy. He does bad things. The democrats have to win. My point back is anti is not enough. When you look at big turns, whoever wins in midterms does it because they are offering something for, not just against. And when i was looking at your site and looking at some of the messages, where do you think the democrats come out on that . How do you make the point that youre better for the economy with all those robust Index Numbers that weve seen, that youre better for National Security when were in a relatively safe state . How do you make a better case . Well, you know, i was one of the first staffers on Barack Obamas campaign. I was the National Field director for the teamsters. Ive been around organizing for a long time. And what ive seen unfortunately for so many years now is that the democrats keep losing and losing and losing. Weve lost the white house. Weve lost the house, the senate, state legislators, the governorship, and weve been doing it generally speaking the same way, trying to run candidates that are running on a corporatist message, on a centerright message, and it hasnt worked. Im a labor lawyer. Ive spent the last decade in Teamster Labor Halls around the country. And what i find is these people that voted for barack obama and then donald trump will come back to the Democratic Party, but you have to tell them exactly what youre going to do for them. You have to talk to them about these bold, progressive economic ideas. Thats how were going to win them back. I think thats why im beating Congressman Yoder by seven points right now, the largest lead in the country even though im right here in kansas. These economic ideas are resonating so well with people in my district. The Third District includes kansas city, am i right . Yeah, thats where i live in fact, so i hope it does. So thats helping you in terms of a message that will go to a more diverse and a bigger population. When you say about winning trump voters back, a lot of them are voting for him on cultural dynamics. Theyre not the blue collar, pocketbook economics that i grew up with a father who was in the Democratic Party as a governor, and he talked to that a lot. Thats not the dialogue anymore, and it seems to be that you have two layers of conflict and challenge to deal with. That one that theyre talking culture, not just commerce. And, two, that the left has a divide, which is guys like you and the criticism will be, mr. Welder, youre free everything. Youre free everything for everybody. Free, free, free. Cant have enough tax money injected into peoples lives versus a more centrist approach. How do you deal with both of those burdens . You know, one thing you didnt mention that i think is actually extremely important to these Working Class folks that we need to win back is finally ending the Corrupting Influence of big money in politics. Thats something that ive been working for myself throughout my life. I actually, when i started running 14 months ago, pledged that i was never going to accept one penny of corporate pac money. Ive been involved in politics long enough to see how that affects things and how it causes these politicians like my opponent, kevin yoder, who has taken more money from the Payday Loan Sharks than any member of the house or u. S. Senate to side about giant banks and giant corporations instead of people. That is the thing i think is resonating most with people is theyre ready to send someone to congress who is not corrupted and who rejects this kind of corporate spending. Youre still going to have to deal with the free, free, free. I interview bernie all the time. I saw how ocasiocortez, that specific people were open to needing more from government. Worked in her district. Especially in the Third District where you are, because you get outside that city, you get a different viewpoint. What is going on with ending spending . You have a conservative group. Do you believe theyre trying to help you by all the people have to go on. You have to google it for yourself. They put a ton of money, Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars into this seat, and theyre running ads that some of your opponents say are helpful to you. What is going on . Why is a Conservative Pac doing ads that some say are helpful to you, and how do you see it . Those are the strangest ads ive ever seen in my entire life. I have no idea what their motivation is. What i do know is that im beating kevin yoder by seven points. You do know that because youve said that three times. Why are they putting this money in the race . Im proud of it. Im proud of it. Its the largest lead of any democratic challenger in the country, and its right here in kansas. I think that pretty much kind of speaks for itself as far as the policies im running on. Im fighting against the corruption. You know, kevin yoder votes with donald trump virtually ever single time, and people are sick of it, and thats why i feel really confident that were going to be able to flip this seat in kansas. You know, 25,000 people have gone to brentwelder. Com to give small dollar donations or volunteer on this campaign. 25,000. Thats how were building a people fuelled campaign. Even though im rejecting corporate pack money. The biggest dollar of adds would come from ending spendsing. A group that gave a Million Dollars to donald trump. Well follow lt race carefully. Please come back and make the case if you winds up on top. Thank you so much. Cant wait. So, donald trump atactic. Well known. If you criticize him he will attack you brutally. And what happens . His base generally what about what he said about lebron james . And don . Don lemon and here with the reaction you have been waiting for. Looking good, and smart. Next. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Come hok. , babe. Nasty Nighttime Heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, Powerful Heartburn Relief Plus Melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitionsâ„¢ light under controlâ„¢ omar, check this out. Uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. For men. Notice that my hips are off the ground. [ Engine Revving ] and then, im Gonna Pike My hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. A bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. 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A man who puts kids in classrooms or one who puts kids in cages. Be best, of course refers to first ladys campaign for better character. What was the point you want people to take from this . Whos the real dummy . I want people to take the truth from this. Whos the real dummy. Lebron james is okay, chris, listen, youre sitting at home, watching the report hes not even at home in bedminster. Hes watching a report on someone who happens to be black and theyre doing something really great for their community and not only changing kids lives but their families as well, changing the trajectories of their future and you call me dumb and him dumb by default. If you cant say anything good dont say anything at all. Why did he feel the need . I was aiming to do exactly what i said there, who is the real dummy . Somebody who sits down and sees this or someone whos putting kids in classrooms. You point out Material Misstatements and lies by the president and his administration and he hates it, so ive prepared something for you. Listen to what was written about the president lying and the damage. And ill tell you who wrote it afterwards. If you and i fall into bad moral habits we could harm our families our employer and our friends. The president of the united states can incinerate the planet. Seriously the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. And then he went onto this, for those around the president our leaders must either act to restore the lust s and dignity of the institution of the presidency or we can be certain that this is only the beginning of an even more difficult time for our land. For the nation to move on, the president must move out. You know who said that . Vice president mike pence wrote it in the 90s about bill clinton. Now he is apparently immune to hypocrisy. But what does that tell yo about what youre up against . That was then, this is now. Were up against tribalism. Were up against people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their own mother, lie to themselves about whats right of this country, lie about truth and facts. Lie about any terrible misdeed, any awful saying they will just ignore it for their own political purpose. They will ignore the bigotry and the pettiness and the childishness about what donald trump said about me and lebron james and others just because they want to gain some political clout or they want a few more dollars in tax money. At what cost . Ill tell you as much as it would usually make me jealous and angry towards you to be mentioned in the same sentence with lebron james, it is warranted here because you both were bringing about the best in what that situation was supposed to be. Heres what the president tweeted about us. The fake news hates me saying theyre the enemy of the people only because they know its true. Im providing a Great Service by explaining this to the american people. They purposely cause Great Division and distrust. They can also cause war. They are very dangerous and sick. Now, this is an example of the lie. How . Its a Material Misstatement of the fact to deceive. Weve pushed back on propaganda before. And the president is the only person that can start a war, not the press. And its exactly his vast power, thats why people like don lemon hold him to account. Lies are dangerous. You know what projections are, and i say chris, youre projecting. You actually do say that. If you will listen to this president , what he says, what he tweets, what he writes, its always projection. Whatever he says about someone else is usually true about him. Whatever hes trying to hide he usually puts that out. Now, i dont know what that says about him. Im not a psychologist, but i know what projection is, and i think we all know what that is. And we know its true because time and time again its come to be true after the president says so. Riddle me this smart guy,

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