President trumps financial records are being handed over to new yorks attorney general. Will she find fuzzy math when she digs into documents about his loans . Plus, he spreads hateful messages, cozies up to White Supremacists and demonizes immigrants, so how is congressman steve king suffering like jesus . The congressman made the comparison and we will take it up in the closing argument. What do you say . Lets get after it. So heres the question. Is the president s refusal to admit that russia interfered, are his efforts to try to obstruct the russia probe all about protecting the legitimacy of his victory . Now, this is that mr. Mueller could not rule out as a motivating factor, and now we have news that the president may be putting his Political Security before your National Security. And that could spell trouble for us and him. Heres what we know. Before nielsen was ousted as Homeland Security secretary, she reportedly tried to warn the president about ongoing threats from russia in the 2020 election. The New York Times says she was stopped by chief of staff mick mulvaney. Why . He wanted her to steer clear of the subject because the president equates interference with the legitimacy of his own election. Mulvaney says he didnt recall the conversation. Lets bring in former dni james clapper, who once was able to brief president elect trump on meddling, and another intel veteran, former congressman mike rogers. Could not ask for better guests for this. Gentlemen, thank you and thank you for coming together tonight. Thanks for having us. All right. Jim, should we be go ahead, mike. What do you got . I just want to say happy anniversary to jim clapper. Its his 54th wedding anniversary today. He and his wife, sue. What is the secret . Chris, there is no place id rather be than right here, right now with you and chairman mike. Wow. I know there is one woman who is not happy you gave that answer. Whats the secret to 54 happy years . My wife is very patient. All right. That works. That works. Well, then i got that going for me. I have a patient wife as well. All right. Lets talk about somebody who is impatient, the president of the United States. He doesnt like whats going on right now. Mike rogers, the idea of this story at the New York Times that nielsen went and said, look, i want to start and get going on 2020, i have ideas. Stand down. We dont the president doesnt even want to talk about this. It is goes to whether or not he thinks it is bad for his legitimacy as president. What do you make of that . Well, its concerning, and, unfortunately, i think it bolsters some of what we saw in the Mueller Report about the dysfunction of the management style inside the white house. Now, theres two sides to this story, chris. The Intelligence Community wasnt told to stand down in the sense that they said dont do anything, they went out and did their job. As a matter of fact, i would argue the ic, the Intelligence Community, did a pretty good job in 2018 of trying to get ahead of this problem. It would have been easier had there been that topdown cover and support and kind of reassurance. You want that coming out of the nsc. You want it coming out of the president. Having them say we just cant talk about it i think is a weakness for the president , its a weakness for the administration and it just makes the job of the ic that much more difficult as they roll into 2020. Now, jim, is it a weakness that can be parlayed into a strength for congressional oversight . Can they go down the road of taking whats in the Mueller Report, taking Something Like this, taking the idea of oppose every subpoena and say this is an abuse of power, this is somebody who is misusing their office by commission and omission . Well, they could, and, you know, fundamental responsibility of the president as commander in chief is the safety and security of this of this country, our National Security. And from the getgo, from the first time he was briefed on this as a candidate, and certainly on january 6th, 2017, there was always this apparent skepticism about the russian meddling. Which i dont know how he can have any doubt left after reading the Mueller Report, which i think is one of the most important contributions that report makes. So to me it is really an abdication of his fundamental responsibilities. The other point id make is it is not sufficient just to dwell on the Cyber Security. Securing Voter Registration rolls, tabulation mechanisms and all that. The other thing that is really missing here, a huge vacuum, is the leadership of the president and the bully pulpit that only he occupies about questioning what you see, read and hear on the internet because of the impact of social media this social Media Campaign that the russians maintained. And we havent had that from him. Lots has been done to improve things since the last administration. But on an individual department by department basis, not with the galvanizing impact of president ial leadership. So, mike, if you take off the intel hat and put on the congress hat as a republican and, you know, a lifelong republican, the idea of it being laid out, even if pretty good, even if its a pretty good case, he tried to stop the proceedings when he didnt like the probe because he didnt want them digging into russian interference because he thought it was bad for his legitimacy. When it came to whether or not fight russian interference going forward, he wouldnt have any audience on it because he didnt want to deal with it, he thought it was bad for him. When it came to dealing with congress, he wouldnt let his people cooperate and fought it all with subpoenas and executive privilege claims that fell short. Is that enough to get a republican to go against a president of their own party . Well, i mean, i would hope that theyd stand up for trying to get the president to stand up for making sure the russians dont have this outsized influence in the 2020 election, including i think what general clapper was references, is that social discontent. Thats where they had their biggest success, candidly. As a matter of fact, were still at each others throats. The russians may have had at least a part to play in that whole thing. So i do think republicans are starting to stand up to those kinds of issues, and they should. Remember, its a confusing, maddening management issue and a weakness for the president that hes had since the day he walked into office, that he trusts no one, hi circle has gotten smaller and hes going to make decisions like i dont want to hear about it. You can go do it but i dont want to hear about it. That does make the ics job easier. I hope what republicans are doing is pushing those narratives inside these hearings and inside the Intel Community to try to get the Coalition Built and going for 2020. Thats where they can have the biggest impact. You know, i think people have staked out their positions on donald trump, and so i dont know i dont think the report really changed that. I really dont. So now i think the legislature has the responsibility of trying to make sure that the elections are protected. They have a lot of sway with their Budget Authority in these intelligence agencies. If thats where it has to happen, my argument is then lets do it, lets do it there and then the president doesnt have to talk about it. Jim, the idea of Deutsche Bank starting to turn over documents. This was a little bit fed by michael cohen. There was an ongoing look at them already. The theory of the case is theyre one of the few that would lend lots of money to donald trump at the time of his campaign for presidency. They were his largest lender. And maybe he misstated asset values or maybe they had a reason that is less than worthy to be lending him all that money. Where does that go for you . Well, for me what im interested in would be any potential National Security implications. I mean, i dont know whats there, but one of the things thats concerned me for some time has been, for example, financial entanglements with russia, which may have begun well before he was a candidate, but which could have could carry over. You know, theres potential for leverage. So thats what i why i think this is pretty significant. But mike, dont you think we would have seen something about that in the Mueller Report . Not necessarily. I think that the theres remember, theres 12 investigations that the mueller team kicked over, we presume. True. To other districts attorneys offices. Im going to guess that some of that may have come out of because what they would look at even in the a. G. In new york, theyd be looking at bank fraud. I mean, thats a pretty clearcut. If you overexaggerate your assets in order to secure a loan, thats bank fraud. Youre not allowed to do it. Because they went after cohen on bank fraud, my guess is he showed up with these documents and said, yeah, well, you got me. Look at this. This is what the president did to secure loans somewhere else. Im guessing thats exactly where that investigation is going, and i think youre going to see more of that as this thing goes along because the Mueller Reports done and i think youll find these jurisdictions feel like they have more leeway to get into the weeds on their investigations, whatever the other 12 were, i presume some of them are going to look just like this. Full Employment Plan from mike rogers and jim clapper, to be sure. Youll have to help us through the weeds for awhile to come. Gentlemen, thank you. And, hey, god bless you, your wife and the family, mr. Clapper. Thank you so much. 54 more years. Yeah right. Thanks, chris. Thanks, mike. And, mike, thanks for the heads up. Be well, fellas. All right. So mr. Mueller himself said the evidence points to what the New York Times just reported. So the question now is, well, what can congress do with this . What is this idea of an abuse of power, not for what he did but what he is refusing to do . Ill lay out the theory for you next. Plus, Hillary Clintons take on what should happen now postmueller. Whats her way forward . Ahead. Pardon the interruption but this is big now at tmobile buy any Samsung Galaxy s10 and get a galaxy s10e free its easy to move forward when youre ready for what comes next. At fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. And on the way, youll get timely investment help to keep you on the right track, without the unnecessary fees you might expect from so many financial firms. Because when you have a partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Who gives you clarity at every step, at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. Theyre americas bpursuing lifechanging cures. In a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. Abuse of power. Many months ago it seemed likely that this would be the most likely avenue of accountability for this president by this congress. Not a crime but certainly something that congress could advance as a theory. The latest reporting that the president s chief of staff didnt even want Russian Election interference discussed, reportedly saying it wasnt a great subject and should be kept below his level. His meaning the president. Raises a question, why would potus want to avoid protecting our election . What if the reason is because he put his political interest before even National Security . Now, thats not conjecture. That was the partial conclusion of bob mueller who said potus feared, continued investigation would call into question the legitimacy of his election. And thats why potus tried as often as he did to hinder the probe. As a simple matter of fact, why would potus say this . Russia did not help me, okay . I have president putin. He just said its not russia. I will say this, i dont see any reason why it would be. I believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. I dont think anybody knows it was russia that broke into the dnc. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay . You know who agrees with him . Nobody. Listen to his folks. Yes, russia did meddle in our elections. There clearly is a consensus that russia has meddled in our election process. The evidence is now really incontrovertible. Russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage in malign influence operations to this day. Potus resistance is so stubborn to reality, it actually led to the elimination of the Cyber Security coordinator at the white house. And saw much of the Cyber Defense team furloughed during trumps shutdown. Just yesterday this president sat with the head of twitter. You think they would talk about interference and what to do go forward, right . National security threat. Nope. The conversation focused on the president s number of followers. All this as the latest worldwide threat assessment warns in 2020, russias social media efforts will continue to focus on aggravating social and racial tensions, undermining trust in authorities and criticizing perceived antirussia politicians. This goes to the heart of the commander in chiefs responsibility and the use of the power we gave him. Donald j. Trump stood on the steps of congress, put his hand on two bibles and swore an oath. And will, to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend. Preserve, protect and defend. The constitution of the United States. The constitution of the United States. Now a question worthy of congressional concern, is this president putting personal ambition ahead of that promise . In other words, an abuse of his power. Not only by trying to hinder efforts during the probe, but by refusing to do what he can to protect against more interference. Congress could make this a very big deal. Now, you know who has suggestions on what congress should do here, how they should move forward . Hillary clinton. Right message . Right messenger . Starting point for a great debate next. When did you see the sign . When i needed to jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. 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Look, these arent, like, impartial people. The only way they can luck out is by constantly going after me on nonsense. All right. Lets get some perspective from two very smart show favorites. Van jones, ken cuccinelli. Van jones, Hillary Clinton, right message, right messenger . Hey, listen, like a lot of people when i heard Hillary Clinton was writing something im like, do we really want to hear from her right now . Then i read the piece. Im like, im actually glad were hearing from her right now. You know, listen, shes taken her punches. She actually is somebody she was there for watergate. She was there for the bill clinton thing. She was there for 9 11 and shes got a road map for democrats. I think we need the leadership. And i actually i was prepared to say, hey, listen, take a seat. Im actually glad shes taking a stand. What do you think, ken . Right path . Yeah, you know, i guess its more a question for democrats. There are a lot of people who wont listen because its hillary, but i will say, when she started out her piece by questioning herself, whether she was the right messenger, i dont think so. I think she becomes the story and her suggestions to the democrats get lost in the wash because any time you have someone like her step in here it looks like sore loserism. All right. Lets take im sorry. Thats just the way it is. You dont have to be sorry. Thats a fair point. The watergate model. Dont have a clear up or down vote right now. Mr. Mueller clearly left his work unfinished. Take it up, look through it and see if there is a case do an abuse of power and an impeachment. Look, first of all, i think ive heard a lot of people say that. I havent heard anybody defend it the way she did. She said, listen, in the watergate hearings, not only were they able to do the investigations, build a case to educate the public, actually learn some stuff, they also passed substantive legislation. The war powers act and other stuff. So the idea that you cant get yourself on a pathway to possible impeachment at the same time you fulfill your campaign promises, she blows that out of the water. I think thats a very important its been a false debate, not just impeachment no impeachment or impeachment or get something done. So she points out you can get something done, and i think thats very helpful. I think the democrats right now need some leadership, need some clarity, need some gravitas, certainly for other people on the other side of the aisle, they may roll their eyes at Hillary Clinton. I think she proved today why she got the nomination, why shes been a public figure for so long. She had a substantive case to make. I hope people listen. You cant have hearings if no one shows up, ken. What did you think of this strategy of using executive privilege to fight on the subpoenas . If were going to look back to 98, there is a lesson in that, too. Clinton tried that. He tried to executive privilege his way out of all of those subpoenas during the impeachment. Didnt work. Probably wont work this time with don mcgahn. He effectively waived any privilege he had when he went and talked to mueller. What do you think of the president s strategy . Well, i think that with the its two parts. One, because they claimed no executive privilege with respect to the Mueller Report as a political matter, theyre in a pretty good place. I mean, we all know youve played several clips with the president with his witch hunt language about the Mueller Investigation and so forth. Everybody knows how he felt about it while it was going on, and yet they didnt get in the way. There were no denied requests. Except to sit down and interview the president. Except the white house. Except the president. Right. Of course we now have his written the most important one. We have his written responses, which is found inadequate by the special counsel. Look, chris, ill tell you what, you let me know when you want me to talk. Im adding little inflection points as you go along, but go ahead. Oh, thats very helpful of you. Look, you know, the president of course was never going to be going over to congress to testify either, and surely you cannot suggest that it was a bad idea on the president s part to not sit down absent compulsion with the special counsel. That would have been foolish. And as i read the Mueller Report, they said they obviously wanted to talk to him, but as the rest as the rest of their investigation panned out, they got the information they needed and it wasnt didnt turn out to be necessary. As it relates to Congress Going forward, i think the president is in a pretty good position because they didnt claim executive privilege in the Mueller Investigation to now say to congress, look, we we you had everybody available to you. Well, mueller had everybody available to him. You have a 450page report here with appendices, et cetera, et cetera, and there will be more later as various matters like the roger stone matter wrap up. More information will be more public later. That theyre in a good position to defend and say, look, this is partisan now. All right. That is not as partisan i dont think the president will ever concede it wasnt partisan. All right. But certainly comparatively he will. I think hes in a pretty good position to defend with that. Van, what do you think about him thinking its a good position . Look, i see it very differently. No surprise to ken. The way i look at this is, you know, congress has its independent role. The department of justice and the special prosecutor have their duties, their responsibilities and they fulfilled them as best we can tell, but congress has an independent role and it has not yet had a chance to weigh in fully because it was giving its due deference to the special prosecutor. Thats over now. There are still Unanswered Questions. By the way, you look at the polling data, there are Unanswered Questions by the majority of the american people. People still dont understand what happened, what went on, why does the president behave the way that he does toward russia . Are we going to be protected . Are we safe . We are under an attack from a foreign power as we sit here talking. And theyre attacking us through our phones, which are now, you know, weapons of mass distraction in everybodys back pocket and nothing is being done and nobody understands why. People say they dont understand why, but they also say that they dont see impeachment as high on their list or this probe or its findings as high on their motivations to vote. So how do you balance thats why Hillary Clintons intervention today i thought was so useful because she says its not an either or choice on impeachment and its not an either or choice on impeachment or get something done. I tell you, people may want to knock her because shes Hillary Clinton. Im going to tell you what. She proved today why hes been on the world stage for decades. She saw say way through and put it forward. Read the piece before you dismiss it. All right. Quick pivot point, ken. You want to have a point. Go ahead. Then i want to ask you something. So quick disagreement with both of you all. One of the quieter things that got done before the last election, it just didnt get much coverage, on a bipartisan basis was the elevation of the civilian protection against Cyber Attacks and so forth within the department of Homeland Security to agency level. Its on the equivalent with the coast guard and the border pa role. True. On a bipartisan basis. The president signed off on that bill to elevate the level of importance of that entire effort, and that agency all true. That agency is what does the work of defending in elections, and what didnt happen in 2016, communicating with states who were actually responsible for executing the elections. So, you know, the implications earlier in the show and i disagree with vans comment that nothing is being done here by this administration or this president is patently wrong. Well, half of that is he signed legislation to elevate the ability to fight back. More can be done. Hes the president. He signed the bill. I know he did. There is a lot more that could be done. They shouldnt have to be going around him. Okay. But youve been saying that he isnt doing things. That hes stop this work from being done. Thats the report from the times. Go ahead, van. Then ive got something to say. Go ahead. He signed a piece of paper. Im glad that he did. The reality is paper doesnt execute itself. Even bureaucrats need leadership, direction and priority, and that comes from the commander in chief. Right now hes been missing in action on the particular fight of he wont even admit it happened, ken. Thats his problem. Let me ask you Something Else because we could all chalk this up to a need of a concept called redemption, which we all believe in. Van jones is taking it up and its worth a little bit of our time to show a little bit of it and talk about it. Can i play sound or should we talk to van . So, van yeah. There is so much emotion conveyed in the clips ive seen about this. And the redemption project means what to you . What should it mean to us . Listen, i think we have a culture where there is no grace, there is no redemption, there is no empathy. We dont listen to each other. Its trendy to be part of the call out culture, cancel culture, im going to block you culture. I wanted to do something at cnn with the support of cnn to go back 180 degrees in the other direction and lean in for the need for empathy and listening. We talk in this eightpart series to people who have done really bad stuff in the past, want to make amends and sit down face to face with the people they hurt or surviving family members and film the conversation for the first time as they try to find their way to healing. It doesnt always work out warm and fuzzy. Some of these things dont go the way we hoped, but some of them wind up in beautiful places. Its honest. Its not reality tv. No stunts. No tricks. Every word is coming from people trying to find a way out of hell by having a conversation they never thought they would have. Sunday, 9 00 is the first one. Van jones, good for you for seeking virtue. Ken cuccinelli, always good to have you on the show. Good to be with you both. All right. So he has been biden his time, but tomorrow is supposed to be the day, folks. The frontrunner in the 2020 democratic race is finally entering the race, joe biden. For all the questions that are going to come, the most important one is probably, is joe biden the democrats best chance to beat this president . Right back with a dynamite duo. Jay carney and the axe. Do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . About 50 of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. Fasenra is an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Fasenra is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Fasenra is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can lower oral steroid use. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. 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Theyve already participated in multiple town halls, but none has consistently polled higher than biden. What are his chances . What does he mean . What are the limitations . What are the challenges . Jay carney was the Vice President S Communications director before becoming president obamas press secretary. Hes here along with fellow Obama White House alum, the axe, david axelrod. Its good to have you both. So hes getting in tomorrow. Is this the right time, jay . Why did he wait so long . I think its a good time. I think the conventional wisdom that he should get in earlier, that he had to get in early turned out to be useless advice because hes managed to stay out of the race while maintaining his, you know, perch atop the polls. Hes viewed with great affection by a vast majority of democrats. And hes been able to, you know, watch the field assemble and make evaluations of the candidates as theyve tried to get their own names recognized. So i think as long as hes able to hit the ground running and demonstrate that he has the support through fundraising and the events he does, i think the late start probably works to his advantage. So, axe, hes got the name. What does he have to show in terms of his game . Well, first of all, i agree with jay. I think he benefits from a shorter race and he waited about as long as he thought he could, and the reason he cant wait any longer is money. He was on the phone tonight apparently with donors. It was reported that he told them that the first primarys not iowa and new hampshire, its money. And hes absolutely right. Bernie sanders raised 10 million in his first day. Beto orourke, 6 million online. He is not a social media candidate. He is from a different era, and he doesnt have that social media fundraising base, so hes going to have to raise money the Old Fashioned way and hes going to have to raise it quickly to show that he has broad support and the resources, too. Thats the first primary. Thats what hes going to have to do in the next few days. You know, i hate that the Money Matters so much, but youd be pollyanish and foolish if you said that wasnt the case. We all want money out of the base. Business. Everyone knows everyone uses it as one of the main metrics at this point. When you put money aside, is joe the old democrats, the old obama democrats, the new biden democrats, what are his challenges in house . Well, hes joe biden, and that comes with a lot of, you know, positive i think momentum for him. Hes recognized and appreciated by democrats. Hes not a divisive figure within the party. Hes a serious person with high integrity. He also has enormous empathy. I think van was talking about earlier in your show about the empathy deficit were seeing in our country, and joe biden has empathy that is borne out of his own personal experience. There are very few people i know who have suffered in life as much as he has, and yet he wakes up every morning thinking about other people, thinking about how to make their lives better and, you know, with great concern for the, you know, the fate of people who have less than he does. And thats what you want in a leader. And i think those advantages outweigh issues around generation. After all, hes not even the oldest democrat in the race. So i think that hell be fine on those issues. Well, hes not going to be in a hug it out race, though, if he gets the nomination. No. President trump, axe hes plenty tough, too. Look, im not doubting his bona fides as a tough guy, but its how will you campaign and deal with somebody who is a very unorthodox fighter . You know, what do you think, axe . I think before he gets to his issue is before he gets to run against president trump, he has to become the nominee of the party. True. And some of the very qualities that make him appealing as a candidate against trump can work against him in the primary. He has a great appeal to older working class white voters, particularly in those midwestern industrial states that trump must have in order to win the presidency, and in that respect and for the reasons that jay suggested, he is potentially the strongest general election candidate. But there is jay was polite about this, but 45 years of experience has its value. A track record with people has its value. But 45 years also is a problem in the sense that hes got 45 years of record, 45 years of comments, some of which weve seen already, and he is not necessarily the candidate in best step with the contemporary democratic party, which is younger and more diverse. Hes going to have to fight for this nomination. It is not going to come to him simply because people think he might be the strongest candidate against donald trump. You know, jay, people are starting to nip at mayor Pete Buttigieg because its time to see if he can put some meat on the bones of his obvious intelect. And, you know, what are his policy ideas . With biden, they kind of see it in the obverse, at least the reverse. People know he can do the job. Hes been at the highest levels of it. He can talk the talk. On a personal level, what can joe biden introduce to people that they wouldnt know about him already . I think that is a challenge. The upside, as i mentioned before, is what they know about him, they generally like about him. But we are in a party especially that loves, you know, the new thing. The new. And the idea of a fresh face. And that will be a challenge. I think if he if he if he resists the urge to be a policy wonk, which in many ways he is. Hes very focused on and deeply in policy substance and Foreign Affairs and aspects of economic policy. And he engages instead with, you know, individuals on the campaign trail and shows his human side when hes doing town halls and things. I think i think hell make up some of that gap and just show i think in contrast to other candidates and just in terms of revealing of himself, you know, what kind of president he would be. I think he has an opportunity here to reintroduce himself not as a second tier president ial candidate, which he basically was in the other races he ran, and not as a Vice President , but as joe biden the potential president. Axe, any insight into what may be his gimmick or device in the video tomorrow that announces . You know, i think hes going to hit many of the qualities that jay speaks of and hes going to talk about fundamental American Values and virtues how. Sleeves rolled up . Is he sitting down . Is he changing his oil on his muscle car . Whats he doing . I dont think changing his oil at this point would necessarily be the most authentic for a former Vice President to do, but i think hell do what hes done before and draw on his own story and draw on the stories of others. But let me say this. Joe biden has to run as who he is. With all of the strengths that come with it and all of the weaknesses. He is utterly authentic. Thats one of the things that people appreciate about him. But he also is because of that sometimes gaffe prone. Sometimes he has made political stumbles. Remember, he hasnt gotten out of iowa in his previous president ial ventures. Hes never really flown very far on his own, so this is a challenge for him and to have the kind of discipline that he that he hasnt had in past campaigns and the organizational depth that he hasnt had in past campaigns. Its going to be very necessary here for him to pull something off, lets face it, at the age of 76, when people dont generally change. So this is not going to be a walk in the park for joe biden. He has enormous strengths, but hes going to be challenged. Hes not going to get a pass. Its not going to be an easy road to the nomination. It will be i agree. The fight of his life. I agree with all of that. I mean, i think even as a punitive frontrunner, you know, no candidate stands within the democratic field more than a 20 chance of winning. The Vice President will fight for it and accept he might not win, but hes going to give everything he can. Thats going to be in the back of his head, his dear departed son, beau biden, youve got to get in and fight, pop. Get in and fight. Thats what hell do tomorrow. Jay, axe, thank you very much. Lets see how it goes. Appreciate it. The president thinks he has a get out of impeachment card. Is he exposing a weakness the the process or exposing his own ignorance . The answer and the man, d lemon, next. If your moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns symptoms. 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The house, kids, theyre living the dream and here comes the wacky new maid maid . Uh, im not the. Is she an alien, is she a spy . Shes always here, someone tell us why why, oh, why shes not the maid we wanted because im not the maid but shes the maid we got again, im not the maid. I protect your home and auto. Hey, campbells. Whos your new maid . The highest elected official in the land, the man who has proclaimed he is already one of the best president s ever, held forth today on his righteous way forward if Congress Tries to impeach. If the partisan dems ever tried to impeach, i would first head to the u. S. Supreme court. Strong. But it is just noise, like many of his threats. As reagan appointed chief Justice William rehnquist wrote in a majority opinion in 1993, holding that impeachment cannot be reviewed by the courts. He wrote that kicking any such question to scotus would create months or perhaps years of chaos during judicial review of Senate Impeachment proceedings. Now, maybe thats what the president wants. And if he wants to be a strict constitutionalist, we can go to article i, section iii, which states very plainly the senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. There is of judicial review. D lemon, this president and his peeps seem to struggle with the meaning of the word shall. They seem to think it means should, like when its shall give over the taxes and Congress Shall impeach, they hear something conditional. Yeah. Well, they struggle with a lot of the meaning of a lot of words like truth and reality and facts and all of that, but, yes, i dont think so i am surprised that the president of the United States and maybe i shouldnt be. Would Say Something that is so ignorant and exposing that he doesnt understand how the levers of this government works. Im shocked by it. Im going to go to the supreme court. So to defy the constitution . To say that congress doesnt have oversight . Well, they do. Its all there in the constitution. Its all a reflection that he doesnt have anybody around him who either feels the ability or is trusted enough to tell him. Or who is not afraid. To sound dopey. Who is not afraid to tell him the truth. Thats what youre supposed to when you have advisers, you pick the, you know, all the best people, youre supposed to have people around you who are not afraid to tell you when youre wrong and say, hey, listen, maybe you shouldnt say that or maybe you shouldnt act that way, but its just shocking to me because, you know, that hes not comply. Hes telling people not to comply with subpoenas. I just want people to go back and do a fact check on the subpoenas that happened during benghazi, all of the subpoenas that were sent to democrats. I just wonder if democrats had said, im not going to comply, if Hillary Clinton had said, im not going to comply. I wonder how republicans would have reacted back then. I dont think it would have been the same way that they are doing now, which is utter and complete silence. Agreed. Change the names. Same game. Yeah. All right, bud i got to tell you please. Because i want people to watch. There is well, first of all, weve got Mark Mckinnon on. You know he knows everything about politics, right . Strong. We also have the former governor of one of the most important states when it comes to a president ial election. This governor says former governor says that joe biden jumping into the race could take a big chunk out of trumps voters. That state is pennsylvania. The honorable ed rendell. Ed rendell, great guest. Ill watch. Later, bud. All right. Question, when i say remember what happened to congressman steve king, do you think, oh, yeah, just like jesus . He does. A new low in the politics of victimization, and an argument that i hope you will find to be divine. Next. Title x for affordable natbirth control and Reproductive Health care. The trump Administration Just issued a nationwide gag rule. This would dismantle the title x ten program. It means that physicians cannot tell a patient about their Reproductive Health choices. We have to be able to use our medical knowledge to give our patients the information that they need. The number one rule is do no harm, and this is harm. We must act now. Learn more. Text titlex to 22422 let us embark on the process of the three as, audio, and an argument. Our first step, the latest stylings of congressman steve king. When i step down to the floor of the house of representatives and look up at those 400 and some accusers, you know, weve just passed through easter and christs passion, and i have a better insight into what he went through for us partly because of that experience. Aye yai yai. Step two, he knows how jesus felt because of what he went through, being removed from committees for a steady flow of bigoted comments helps him relate to the passion of jesus, the christ who gave his life to save people like king after being crucified. Why is he misusing christianity . Why the victim complex . Never owning a mistake. Always being put upon by the left, the media and other imagined foes. The reason we must question whether king is right that he can better relate to jesus is that he doesnt seem to get the difference between jesus message and his own. For everyone whos a valedictorian, theres another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds and theyve got calves the size of cantaloupes because theyre hauling 700 pounds of marijuana across the desert. With the current that wouldnt kill somebody but it would be a discouragement to them to fool around with it. You cannot rebuild civilization with somebody elses babies, you need to teach your children your values and in doing so you can grow your population and you can strengthen your culture, and strengthen your way of life. Can you believe that was only two years ago . Look how much ive aged. And this is why. You cant imagine jesus saying any of that. Odd that mr. King doesnt get that as a man of professed faith. Jesus message, love, love mercy, blessed are the poor, blessed are the meek, not blessed are those who attack the poor and meek. And when it comes to this use of religion as sword and shield, mr. Kings most successful accolite follows the president went and visited king and emerged with a much harsher stand on immigration. Even when the whole party called out king finally this president refused, still has never said a word about him. He too sees the use of faith as a convenient shield. Remember this . Im always audited by the irs, which i think is very unfair. I dont know maybe because of religion, maybe because of Something Else, maybe because im doing this, although this is just recently. What do you mean religion . Maybe because of the fact that im a strong christian and i feel strongly about it and maybe theres a bias. You see whats happened. Many religious groups have been complaining about that for a long time. Being audited for being christian. This president . Look, we dont even know if he is being audited. And as for being devout, here are his skills on display. Two corinthians 3 17, thats the whole ball game, where the spirit of the lord, right, where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty. And here there is liberty college, but Liberty University but it is so true. You know, when you think and thats really is that the one, is that the one you like . I think thats the one you like because i loved it and its so representative of whats taken place. Now the lord is spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom. Thats the psalm. Some translate the last word as liberty, but the only part he really got right even though he was reading it off a piece of paper is the last part. It is so representative of what has taken place. Religion is being used to pander and divide, by men who have no business representing themselves as arbiters of the same. The larger problem is this passion for playing the victim. The president has taken this to the highest levels, no matter what it is its someone elses fault, call me the fbi, the doj, the deep state, the democrats, the media, his lawyer, never him, always the victim. But he is no victim. Neither is mr. King, unless you count being a victim of your own mouth and moral plays, then they both have a solid case but only themselves to blame. No one made mr. King say bigoted things, no one is compelling this president to Practice Division and deception. The irony here is that the context for the psalm this president mangled, two corinthians three, lets take it 15 to 18, very applicable to both men and to many of us, by the way, certainly to me. It is only when you turn to god that the veil of sin and ignorance is removed, according to the scripture, only then are you enhanced by the spirit and free to reflect the glory of the lord. Now, im not pushing faith on you, this isnt about belief in god, but belief in an ethical and moral imperative. If we are more concerned about saying and doing things that reflect love and mercy, we will be in a better position. In other words, dont spread hate and lies and you wont need to hide. Let alone hide behind your faith. In this season of rebirth and renewal, maybe our leaders can try to be better. At a minimum, lets hope they stop acting like martyrs. I hope that gets a big amen. Thank you for watching. Cnn tonight with d. Lemon starts right now. Can i get an amen . You can get an amen. And that is why the Fastest Growing group out there, people who are unaffiliated with religion because of the hypocrisy and other things and people who have no belief in religion at all. And i think its in well, the studies show its in big part because of the hypocrisy and people like steve king and the president of the United States and quite frankly many christians in this country who twist the scriptures and doctrine in the bible to fit their political beliefs and to fit what they believe it should be and also to keep

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