And shockingly inappropriate. The suggested sentence for killing his girlfriend would be no sentence at all. Well, protocols are under review as two Health Care Workers on two continents battle ebola. The u. S. Nurse identified as nina pham got the virus after treating Thomas Eric Duncan who died last wednesday. Now an Aid Organization says pham has received a glad transfusion from ebola survivor dr. Kent brantley. President and president hollande said that we need a better response to this crisis. And ebola screenings are starting at heathrow. By the end of the week, five u. S. Airports will be screening as well. Right now across the United States, how did nurse nina pham contract the ebola virus . Officials say she wore the protective gear. We try to determine what went wrong. Reporter texas, state, and federal officials are scrambling to determine how the transmission occurred. The nurse, nina pham is being treated and is in critically stable condition. She took all the precautions, wearing a mask, face shield, gown and gloves. They are looking at procedures that were taken during the last days of duncans life. They say there were inconsistencies in the way she put the equipment on and removed it. Officials have described that as a breach of protocol but are dialing back. Weve got to really be careful that that word breach doesnt imply that the nurses did something wrong. They are amazingly courageous to do what theyre doing. So a breach in protocol may mean that the protocols fine, they were not trained properly. Reporter state and federal officials are reexamining those protocols and say they will aim to make sure care of ebola patients is easier and safer. We have to address the way we handle infection control. They say the nurses handling ebola patients need better education. We have been asking our hospitals throughout the country to provide us with training. Reporter more than 4,000 people have died from this outbreak. And at least one in every 20 has been a health care worker. Victor blackwell, cnn, dallas. Wow. One in every 20 who die from this disease is a health care worker. It is crucial that nurses receive better training if were going to get this under control. And right now kent braptly does not know how he got it. Nancy writebol does not know how she got it. They believe there was a break in protocol, but they do not know what it was. On to some good news, now. The cameraman is on the road to good health. A twitter account said hell be blogging about his experience. Hes being treated with an experimental drug. Officials say they are pleased so far with his progress. However, there is still no relief from ebola in west aefrnge aevg africa. Almost 8400 people have been diagnosed with ebola in africa. A handful of cases are also reported in senegal and nigeria. Fortunately in nigeria three ha they have been able to get this under control. Theres been a lot of distress there amongst Health Care Workers. And some workers are becoming frustrated and doctors and nurses are threatening to go on strike. Reporter racing through the streets of monrovia, an ambulance transporting a suspected ebola case. Inside, a scared and helpless patient. He waits and waits, and no one comes. This is the reality of a system on the brink of collapse. Over the weekend, angry Health Care Workers clashed with the liberian president over wages. We try to make sure we get it, okay . Reporter theyve had enough. Hazard pay and equipment among the demands. A work slow down is in effect at two of the citys four treatment centers, and theyre threatening to strike if the demands arent met. Ambulances have already been turned away here. You have 3,000 deaths, multiply that by five. You will have more if you dont handle this very soon. Reporter why do you want to strike . I dont want to strike. But the president has to listen to the Health Care Workers. They are angry people. You dont want angry people knocking at your door in an emergency situation. So the president has to listen and act very fast. Reporter an overstretched Health Care System starting to crack when it can least afford to. The president asking Health Care Workers to stay on the job. Doctors without borders run the fourth treatment center, the largest in the world, but they are nowhere near full, not because people arent getting sick. The worry is, its because they may no longer be coming forward. We have enough beds, but the system is not good enough, and its taking time to rebuild the trust in the system. Reporter trust that they wouldnt be turned away, like so many have in the past, and that theyll get the treatment they need. Rebuilding that trust is another layer of complication. And one that could undo what gains have been achieved here. A lot has been said about the international communitys response, but these are the men and women who have been risking their lives and staunching the wound since the beginning of this crisis, and now theyre asking that the world does not forget about them. Night falls, and the ambulance remains. Waiting. Cnn, monrovia, liberia. Well, for the second straight day, Hong Kong Police have been tearing down demonstrators barricades. Theyre clearing them from the edge of the main protest site near the citys financial district, all this to allow traffic through. Police are not removing the protesters them selves. Some of their tents, however, have been taken down. Could this be the beginning of the end of the encampment. We are joined on the line from hong kong. It does seem the police are slowly shrinking the protest site. Is that the plan of the government . Essentially move it piece by piece . Caller the government has said it would clear away barricades from areas where there are fewer protesters. They have opened up the road allowing traffic to come through, and they did this after an attempt to clear away some of the barricades on monday, and the response for the demonstrators was to build even bigger barricades, using all sorts of different materials, including long bamboo poles that are used in long kong for construction and saran wrap. Police came in with chain saws and were able to strip away these constructions in under an hour. And there were not really many demonstrators there to stop them. This is a controversial move to stop protesters. And its a small pocket of territory, and there are certainly sectors of Hong Kong Society that do not approve of this and will be applauding to see the Police Coming in and opening these roads, john. Given that, ivan, do you think that perhaps theres a sense here within the government that maybe the momentum of the support has shifted, that maybe they have the upper hand here to move in and do this . Caller well, one thing to keep in mind is that this road thats been opened is not the key road of the protest sit in. Thats on a parallel highway where no real moves have been maid against the demonstrators. So it remains to be seen what the government will do about those protesters which has been occupied for more than two weeks. What was interesting was to see the response from protesters but people who havent traditionally been part of the protests on monday night after police made some moves and after some groups were more aggressive and tried to strip away barriers. Not only did this inspire many more young protesters to come in, but i also saw on monday night, office worker, middle class professionals coming in and joining in the process of building the barricades. So it injected more life, more enthusiasm into a protest movement that had been flagging. So it will be interesting to see what the response will be to this latest action. This is an ebb and flow thats been going on now for more than two weeks, a real test of wills, and also its a Media Campaign between the demonstrators and the hong kong authorities. Okay. Ivan watson on the line from hong kong. We did see some video of traffic starting to flow there on that major road. Thank you, ivan. Well, the leader of the socalled hermit kingdom has been something of a hermit himself, lately, having not been seen in public since september 3rd. Several hours ago, north korean might yeah released images of kim jongun carrying out official duties. No date was given, and its unclear whether the photos were new, but it does show him using a cane. Its been his longest absence since he stepped onto the world stage. Reporter a north korean state run television, the same news announcer pronouncing the absolute power, the obligatory the rocket launch or two, even the same old variety shows. But no new video appearances by kim jongun who hasnt been seen on state tv in more than 40 days. The leader did finally resurface just hours ago, according to staterun media, which did not show any video. This was the longest public absence for the 30something year old dictator who was seen this summer limping and overweight. It was insisted that kim is healthy, no doubt about it. No one has seen him for over a month. Reporter mixed messages fueling western news reports, continuing to explode with speculation. But sir, youre limping. What . Who said that . Reporter as are comedy sketches, finding the mystery irresistible. I told you, i broke my ankle while dunking over michael josh dan. They said lipo suction. Come on, i brought you rodman reporter late night fodder, but north korea watcher, victor, believes something is brewing. This is business not as usual. This is business as very unusual. Reporter he points to a number of clues, this surprise visit and last month a fairly Rare Exchange of gunfire between the two koreas. Add in the publicly missing leader, and its a series of unusual events. But theres also this possibility. North korea knows propaganda. Kim jongun is portrayed in the dprk as the allpowerful leader, beloved by his people. Its so over the top that we mock it here in the west. Could this recent absence be the latest propaganda move . Make him disappear so we talk about it . Its possible the leader could be sitting on a lounge chair laughing at all of us trying to figure out where he is. On the other hand, in north korea, showing up is everything. Right . Its all about leadership appearances. Reporter one educated guess . The rest of us left guessing about the everelusive hermit kingdom, cnn, los angeles. Its so hard to know whats going on behind the scenes. They say hes appeared. Theyve got the photo, but with no date, you kind of have to be skeptical. Maybe those photographs were taken back in august. Sure. Thats what i thought. No real proof of life, at least not yet. Up next, isis advances on two fronts. One syrian city is under siege. And the iraqi capital is in its cross hairs. And the vatican is considering a major change for gays and lesbian. Those details are up next. Design cars that capture their emissions. Build bridges that fix themselves. Get more clean water to everyone. Whos going to take the leap . Whos going to write the code . Whos going to do it . Engineers. Thats who. Thats what i want to do. Be an engineer. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. 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And at least one top American General says hes surprised by the militants advance. Barbara starr has the story. Reporter isis now controls 80 of anbash province, the western approach to baghdad. Small numbers of isis fighters now just 8 mites ogh miles outs city. And another base has fallen to their control. The general suggests bluntly suggests that the u. S. Government hasnt paid enough attention. I will say we were surprised by their capability. And theres no excuse for that. Reporter the general has a view on whether the capital will hold. I believe the capability is there to defend baghdad. Were somewhat confident in that, but well have to wait and see what plays out over the next coming day. Reporter in an interview, noting several days ago the u. S. Had to send apache helicopters after isis fighters when they almost made it to Baghdad International airport. Had they overrun the iraqi unit, it was a straight shot to the airport. So were not going to allow that to happen. Reporter in an emergency, the airport is the only way to evacuate hundreds of personnel, and isis knows it. The pentagon doesnt expect a frontal assault on shia dominated baghdad, a city of 7 million. Isis instead, may try to choke the capital off. From the positions where they are, they have sufficient artillery capability to put rounds anywhere in the city. Reporter isis is maintaining momentum, and as this video seems to show, training significant numbers of new recruits. For the iraq eyes, huge battles lie ahead, especially in trying to take mosul. Dempseys suggesting he could recommend a small number of american Ground Troops be sent to help spot targets when they are ready to go back on the offensive, my instint at this point is that that will require a different type of assisting because of the complexity of that fight. Reporter the u. S. Wants turkey to take on a significant role in the coalition. Over the weekend, u. S. Officials said that the turks had agreed to allow the u. S. To fly out of their air bases. But so far, turkey says that is not a done deal. Barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. This is cnn breaking news. Okay. So some breaking news to talk to you about. Were getting reports of an earthquake off the cost of el salvad salvador. Its a 7. 4 . 7. 4. It is deep. It is offshore, not under land here. So what we worry about when we talk about a major earthquake like this is a tsunami. The depth is looking pretty good as far as whether a tsunami is generated. It wont be a widespread tsunami here, but there is an advisory out for the potential of large waves hitting the coastline over the next hour or so. But, again, this is happening for el salvador mainly. Lets take you in and show you where were talking about. Right offshore heres el safl dor. Just a few minutes ago. Now this is a major quake. And despite the fact that it is relatively deep, it is not all that shallow, there could be some damage as a result of the shaking that is going to be felt, certainly along the coastline. And i think really, thats going to be the main threat out of this thing, because its so strong, and because its so close to the coast and so close to so many communities right along the coast, i think we are having the potential here for some damage as a result of the shaking. And then, of course, there is the threat of the tsunami. It takes a while before we get the information from the tsun i tsunamimeters. And as soon as we hear of any damage, well let you know that as well. So, again, 7. 4, major quake offshore of el salvador, 2151 local. The main fear is a tsunami. But luckily no damage reported at least, just yet. It takes a while for the information to come in. But clearly so far, with it so deep, its not as big a concern as it would have been. Well keep an eye on it. Ivan, thank you. When we come back, big changes may be in the works for the catholic church. Well talk about how the possible policy shifts might affect gays as well as those who are divorced. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. Spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. Tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. Some big changes may be coming to the catholic church. A new interim report is looking at everything from same sex relationships, also to divorce. Yes, and one big example is the report says that catholics should welcome and appreciate gays and lesbians, and it hints that divorce and remarried catholics may eventually be allowed to receive communion. So big changes there. A meeting with bishops and priests and pope francis, and while it reconfirms the churchs position that marriage is between a man and woman, they say the tone is revolutionary. Were seeing things weve never seen before, bishops talking about gay relationships in a positive way. The vatican coming out, this is an interim document, but bishops talking about the talents and the gifts that gays and lesbians bring to the church. The idea that conscience is very important in terms of understanding birth control, looking at cohabitation as something not entirely negative. These are things that weve never really heard at this level. The vatican report is just the first step in a long process that could actually lead to a change in church doctrine. The pope is not expected to make a more concrete statement about this for at least another year, but certainly revolutionary. Absolutely. In the meantime, a new wave of arrests during protests condemning the killing of black teens by white officers. More than 49 people were detained monday at a march for Michael Brown in ferguson. Police say demonstrators were disturbing the peace. In nearby st. Louis, hundreds gathered at a rally protesting the death of myers. The police chief spoke with cnn about the arrests. They think they are a group of people that are taking advantage of the stage and platform thats been created here in ferguson and in st. Louis to push their own agendas and their messages. I would always like to deescalate a situation, but when protesters are smashing out Police Officers cars i have to protect the officers. Michael brown was killed more than two months ago, he was unarmed. And there are a growing number of questions about how to guard against the exposure to ebola. Our own chief medical correspondent, sanjay gupta shows us how that protective gear is worn and what might go wrong. Plus Oscar Pistorias is back in court for his sentencing hearing while the prosecution called one sentencing shockingly inappropriate. Carpenters and en piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. [ male announcer ] over time, youve come to realize. [ starter ] ready [ starting gun goes off ] [ male announcer ] its less of a race. Yeah [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. And that keeps you going strong. At unitedhealthcare insurance company, we get that. With over 30 years of experience, well be there ready to go as far as you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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The authorities are not clearing out protesters in the city center, and there are no reports of violence. A magnitude 7. 4 quake struck off the coast of el salvador. No reports of damage and no warnings have been issued so far. Officials try to determine how a nurse became infected with the ebola virus. We want to look at what precautions medical workers are taking. The gear usually consists of a gown, mask, facial shield as well as boots. Dr. Sanjay gupta shows us how the gear is put on and where the risks may be in taking it off. I want to give you an idea of what the cdc is recommending in how to protect yourself with this protective gore. Im also going to show you how to take it off. I work in an operating room every week. This is different than what most doctors, i think, are used to, at least in the operating room. I do want to point out, this is a little different than how i suited up in guinea. I want to show you how im going to take this protective equipment off and put a little chocolate sauce on my hand which could represent a possible ebola contamination. Take a look. Heres where would be the host contaminated area, my gloves and maybe the front of my gown, a bit like this. Now i have to treat this as if im potentially contaminated. What im going to do with this particular gown is rip it all off together and everythings going to come off simultaneously. Some of it brushed against my hand, my arm. The glove didnt come off properly i would reach underneath here as best i could and get underneath there. Perhaps if i didnt do it exactly right there could be another potential exposure right there. Im reaching behind as well as i can, but lets say the side of my face shield was contaminated and i touched here. That could be a potential exposure. Same thing with the face mask. Take a look. See a little chocolate sauce . One possible exposure and over here on my neck, one possible exposure. That is absolutely frightening, because it really does take only one mistake. Youve got to take the gear off in the right order. You cant do it in the opposite order, otherwise. Keep in mind sanjay has gone through all the training as well. Health officials are concerned about how that u. S. Nurse contracted the virus and neighbors are worried about it possibly spreading. Her ebola diagnosis has brought fears of the virus a little too close for home for some in her dallas neighborhood. Reporter the first person we know to have contracted ebola in the United States lives in this Apartment Building in this middle class neighborhood. People who live on the street are saddened and shocked to what has happened to 26 year old nina pham. Betsy lives across the street from her. Betsy usually sees nina when they are walking their dogs. Shes friendly, positive, always has a smile. Not everyone smiles when theyre walking their dog, and not everyone says hello, especially if theyre not in gauengaged in picking up after her dog. But shes always picking up after her dog and respected. He mentioned she is a nurse. I applaud her for doing that. Because Health Care Workers have a tough job. Reporter the prevailing feeling is concern about their neighbor. But there is also substantial unease about not knowing details of how she came down with ebola. City and county officials have gone door to door to answer questions about how ebola spreads, but it is nevertheless disconcerting to many neighbors. Pretty alarming. Im pretty concerned now. Hopefully this will stay contained. Reporter on the corner of the block is the dallas beast fitness gym. Even though nina does not work out here some of the clients are on edge. Every hour on the hour we have wet wipes that we wipe off the equipment with, we make sure we keep everything a little more clean. Reporter jacob deluna is doing work next door. Hes worried. Im nervous about it. In fact, this morning i told my wife i really didnt want to come over here, but i asked her to play fray for me, and she di. Reporter this maintenance supervisor is carrying a mask in case he feels the need to use it. The nurse contracted the virus. They usually take big precautions, especially with this ebola virus, its scary. It seems like it might be more contagious than the doctors are saying. Reporter some residents have voluntarily left their homes while work is taking place at the apartment, but not betsy bolger and her dog. Anybody who is willing to go out on the front lines and do ha shes doing, thats brave. And thats courageous. And thats a healing angel to me. Reporter gary tuckman, cnn, dallas. And we do want to wish nina pham a speedy recovery. The husband of a spanish nurses assistant who contracted ebola is saying his wife wasnt properly trained at all to care for patients with the deadly virus. We have more on the criticism aimed at spanish officials. Reporter under quarantine, worrying about his wife, xavier leans from a window at the hospital in madrid. On the floor above him, his wife, Theresa Romero has ebola. He cant visit her, but their friend is able to visit him, get updates on teresa. Translator she is very tired. Shes talking to her colleagues. Shes very afraid of the night. The night is when she gets worse. Reporter a family friend has become the familys only independent link to the outside world. Translator she wants to fight. She has a pulmonary edema. That is worrying. We have48 hours to see. Reporter she shows a letter xavier had her type, he blames the government for not giving his wife, the nurses assistant, enough training. He tells us more. He didnt want her to take the risk. Translator in fact, teresa and xavier argued. He did not want her to volunteer, but she said it was her life. That two people needed her. So she volunteered with the limited equipment the hospital had. Reporter according to her, xavier says he barely eats. His days spent in tears and anguish over the plight of his wife, so near, yet, so far. Cnn, madrid, spain. Yes. Back to our break being news story, a 7. 4 magnitude earthquake off the coast of el salvador. And news of a tsunami warning. The Tsunami Warning Center evaluates whats happened. Weve had a 7. 4 major earthquake here, relatively deep, but it is a major earthquake. So they give out advisories to local officials, local governments, then they decide what to do. Because of the 7. 4 is the government of el salvador which is the nearest country to the epicenter has decided to put out a tsunami warning for their coastline. What that means for them, i dont know. Perhaps they have tsunami warning sirens, perhaps they have an Evacuation Order in place. I dont know that. But what we do know is that this does have the potential to generate tsunami waves. Its a series of waves, not one that comes in. And the timing between those waves that can come in along the coast can be destructive, can vary between five minutes and an hour. And its very dependent, as well, on the shape of the sea floor right along the coastline. So thats why the governments have their plans in place. So 7. 4. Theyve decided to issue a tsunami warning. Im assuming that they want folks out of the coastline, to evacuate. Thats probably whats going on right now in the middle of the night. So this is going to be a difficult situation for them. So there it is, 7. 4, about 70. 5 kilometers deep. Weve had these events around the world. And weve been covering them for a long time. When you talk about something thats above a 7, above an 8, getting up to a 9, which we had in japan, were pretty certain that its going to be a catastrophic event. That does not look like the case. This looks like it will remain a regional event. But it could be impacting folks in el salvador. Thats one part of the story. I think still that there is going to be some damage as a result of the shaking that occurs when you get Something Like this so chose to the shore line here. Its deep, but its close, and there will likely be some damage and perhaps even some injuries. We just dont know. And also very, very strong. 7. 4, as you said earlier. Thats a major earthquake. Anything above a 7, yeah. Thanks, ivan. Still to come on cnn, a witness calls Oscar Pistorias a broken man. Well tell you how the defense is trying to keep the olympian out of prison. This is charlie. His long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs lawmakers have taken a stand on the palestinian question. Theyve voted to recognize palestine as a state to push negotiations toward a twostate system with israel. It was nonbinding and not expected to effect policy. Israel had condemned sweden earlier this month for making a similar decision to recognize palestine. And now the clashes between Israeli Police and palestinians in jerusalem. [ gunshots ] police threw stun grenadin go crowds blocking a mosque. They had barricaded themselves to create a disturbance in the morning. They fired projectiles into the mosque. The second day of the sentencing hearing for south africaen sprinter Oscar Pistorias is under way. He was convicted of the negligent killing of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. He has been called a broken man who has lost everything. He faced three years of correctional supervision which is the equivalent of house arrest. The prosecution shot down that suggestion. You think that is in the interest of society, that reflects the seriousness of the crime, that somebody should be sent to three years correctional supervision for having killed an innocent woman in her house. Basically, the issue here is that not only every tradition is considered when sentencing. We are also looking at the issue of reforming the accused. And the interest of society as well. For the role that he has done, you will be compensating society by doing community service. So this has to be taken into account. Sir . I put to you to even suggest tree years, 276 c is shockingly inappropriate for what happened. Shockingly inappropriate. And our robin breaks it down. Reporter Oscar Pistorias psychologist didnt want to be part of the trial. Why did she change her mind . She said because he was humiliated by the press coverage of the trial that she felt compelled to put on record her reflectio reflections. Her personal time spent with him in therapy, of course with his consent. And this is important first of all because its evidence of his remorse. And also because essentially, theyre suggesting to the judge that hes already been punished, and she must consider this when determining this next form of punishment. Reporter and punishment, thats what all of this is about. A prison official coming into court today suggesting three years house arrest and community service, hearing now the prosecutor standing up and saying thats shockingly inappropriate. Whats your reading of all of that . That really provides a key insight to us. Because that term shockingly inappropriate is a legal term and it is the legal boundary that must be reached before an appeal of a sentence can be granted. What he was indicating to the court is that if they agree with that suggestion of three years correctional supervision, that the state is very likely to appeal that sentence. Reporter also, though, if its very high or perceived to be very harsh by the defense, they will also appeal as well. Of course, and this is the position that any sentencing judge finds themself in. She has to consider all the aggravating and mitigating factors, weigh them in the balance and try to find an approapriate balance between them. Kellys been on the money throughout this trial. Shes been very accurate in what she says is going to happen. He could get anything from prison to a fine to community service. How a developer is fighting for women in the video Game Industry despite having her life threatened. Violence is a form after o i make a lot of purchases for my business. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 70,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. 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What theyve also done, they have reevaluated the entire event and decided that this is no longer posing a significant threat as far as tsunami waves reaches coastlines. So that is the advice theyre giving local governments across the region here. El salvador may continue to keep up their tsunami warning, but the Tsunami Center has advised them, this event, now a 7. 3 earthquake is no longer a significant threat as far as a tsunami. As i mentioned before, i still think because of the intensity here we could still be dealing with some damage as a result of the shaking from the quake itself because its so close to the shore line here, but it did happen under water, and i think the depth is the key here, and that is why were not talking about a significant displacement of water. If this was more shallow, theres less, essentially energy to get to right, so thats why we are talking about this probably now being over. Well keep you posted if there are any changes, of course, but they have issued their final advisory on this event. Good to know. Thank you, ivan. Thanks, ivan. Around 100,000 photos taken on snapchat have been leaked online. They were posted on at least two websites last week. The breach occurred through thirdparty apps which allows people to save the otherwise temporary photos. A large part of snapchats users are between 13 and 17 years old. There are concerns that some of the images may contain child pornography. Social media has been known for bullying and Death Threats. One woman in the gaming industry had to take drastic action after she was threatened on twitter. More details now from samuel burk. Reporter it seems in video games like this that make many women in the gaming industry fear that female characters are all too often represented as sex objects. Gaming developer brianna woo has been outspoken about her industrys depiction of women onscreen. As a result, she and her husband had to flee their husband this weekend because of threats made against her on twitter. I got these Death Threats, these very, very detailed Death Threats that, you know, promised to castrate my husband, to murder me. I do genuinely believe my life is in danger. Reporter the threats came through a twitter account using the name death to brianna, tweeting out her home address, threatening to sexually assault and murder her. Twitter has suspended the account, and police in massachusetts tell cnn theyre working to identify whoever is behind the messages. Similar to the tech industry, the gaming workforce is currently made up of 76 males and 22 females. Players which are taking in these unconscious messages, women are not welcome here. This is our turf. This is our space. And as a result of that, we have a very hostile culture towards women. Reporter other women speaking out online have also been met with attacks via social media, using the gamergate. Shes in the kids room. Reporter despite the threats, she says she will keep fighting to improve the gaming industry. Im not going to get bullied out of this industry by some people that are just threatened and want to sit here and make video games. It is ridiculous. Reporter and she intends to keep producing her own video games like this one, with female characters truly at the forefront. It would do a lot for my morale if i understood what they were fighting for. Im happy that she stood her ground there. It as amazing how brave people are when they are anonymous. Exactly. New york police are looking for a man who threw a smoke bomb into a crowded manhattan restaurant. Police have released this footage showing an unidentified man climbing out of the hatch fort subway and tosses this whatever it is, and it releases some red smoke. Afterwards, he ducks back underground. No one was reportedly hurt in fridays incident. Tempers flared at a race car race in north carolina. As the cars were turning to the parking area, brad kes louski sideswiped a car. This is the pit crew. Neither man won the race. Its not clear who won the fight. But kes louski tweeted he had a rough night. The top officials in the United States are admitting they may need to rethink their approach towards dealing with ebola patients. We will have much more after the break. Please stay with us. The news continues here on cnn. Back in a moment. Could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. 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Ahead this hour well take you to the heart of the ebola epidemic, where the Health Care System is on the vefrnl of collapse. And we get updates on two nurses being treated for the virus. Plus kim jongun appears for the first time in more than a month, at least in photos. Well dig deeper into what the pictures reveal about the north korean leader. A former u. S. Soldier explains how coalition prisons in iraq turn into recruiting

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