Dont believe mueller. Hes another part of the deep state, all in on the same thing. Thats the sad part for me. As you and i have said it would be a political warsaw test. Yes, it is, but i actually think there are things in here, again, maybe some of it didnt rise to the level of criminality, it probably would have with an average citizen. Sure, mueller said that. Right. But its still very damning. Absolutely. And politically embarrassing. Absolutely. For the president. And shameful. And shameful and unethical. But they have no shame in their game. When hogan gidley came on tonight with coop he wouldnt even own that Sarah Sanders got busted for lying and admitted it. He couldnt even say it. When he said the president also lied about it, he wouldnt admit it. The president never lied, never lied to me. As long as they have that mentality, there will never be transparency. Forget about fake news, its fake views from the white house. Theyve been lying to the American People about what happened and thats why they did it because they knew it was wrong. Stick around, everyone, im going to point out everywhere not everywhere, but just a lot of it. You dont have enough time, even with your twohour show you dont have enough time. Can you imagine trying to read all of this . But i have to say, its just very interesting to me that in certain places here, when there was so much evidence that some of it didnt rise to the level of its a high bar. It is a high bar. Beyond a reasonable doubt means to the layman and laywoman, no other explanation except the prosecutors makes as good sense, thats tough. Were not sure if their intent was to break the law. But some people knew better than to carry out the president s orders. I mean, to me theyre lucky they did otherwise they would have ended luke cohen going down. Hes the only one so far, so far. Its crazy. With all these other people in there. I mean, its really bizarre that thats what happened. That and the fact that those lawyers, i mean, you know, people think im joking, they think im sarcastic, im clapping for real, the raskins, giuliani, sekulow, they kept this president safe from himself. If he sat down wed be telling a different story right now. Did a good job for the, not for the American People. Thats their job. Youre right about that. Well hear from lanny davis about the information, the evidence. Hes a very sophisticated parser of information. It will be interesting to see what he takes. Lanny davis, by the way, is Michael Cohens attorney. We will talk. Thank you, sir. Big night, d. Lemon. Everybody, stick around, im going to lay it all out for you. This the cnn tonight, im don lemon. Here it is, ill hold it up. That is a lot, look at that. This is the day we finally learn what is in the report, this is the mueller rooeport, be ago report, the redacted one, anyway, and whats not redacted, we learned whats in there. Based on what we can see, this report is stunning. This report is not exactly what the attorney general laid out. Its not exactly what the president has been saying. Its not exactly what the president s apologists have been saying. Okay, you hear me . Im going to tell you why. If you dont believe me, i want you to stick around and lets see if we can convince you, if not, you should still listen. The main takeaways, mueller found the russian government interfered in the 2016 president ial election in a sweeping and systematic fashion. Thats what the report said. And even though the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the russian government, it did find that the Trump Campaign expected to benefit elect or ally from information stolen and released through russian efforts. That is important. Mueller was unable to clear President Trump on obstruction of justice, saying, this is, again, he cannot conclude no criminal conduct occurred. So heres what he does. Mueller lists ten instances of possible obstruction and provides even more details about what happened. And in the report mueller seemed to clearly open the door to congress saying that it can still investigate and potentially find that the president obstructed justice. So look for that. Thats where were going to next. So the report even goes on, so far its to reveal how trump, how trump reacted to muellers appointment as special counsel. Okay . So trump first learned that the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein appointed mueller, may of 2017, when he heard that, and this is again according to the report, the president slumped back in his chair and said oh, my god, this is terrible, this is the end of my presidency. Im fed. You can say a lot of things on cable tv, but i cant say that one. Its a very interesting reaction. And ever since that day based on the report and those ten instances it looks like the president has been trying to make things less terrible, shall we say, for himself. Attorney general william barr went so far as to excuse what could be obstruction saying this. Okay, follow along with me. There is substantial evidence to show that the president was frustrated and angered by his sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his presidency, apart from whether the acts or obstructive, this evidence of noncorrupt motives weighs heavily against any allegation that the president had a corrupt intent to obstruct the investigation. Okay. So i have a lot. And were going to read along in a little bit. You heard what he said. Except being think about this. Okay . Hes saying this is a reason not to call it obstruction. Being upset, except if youre being investigated and acting on that anger, then acting on the anger and then trying to shut down the investigation, in the real world, under normal circumstances, that would sound a lot like corrupt intent. And corrupt intent would point towards, you guessed it, obstruction. The report also shows us exactly who the president of the United States really is. This is a president who, again and again, lied and misled us. A president who is morally challenged. A president who tried to obstruct justice and pressured others to do that for him. Again, this is all in the report. Im not making this up. Instructed others to do it for him. That is not normal. There have been so many lies. So many contradictions from this president and his administration over the past two years. So many times they resorted to shouting denials. When we reported facts they would shout denials. We would report facts. Facts that have now been supported by mueller and his report. Okay . So this is where i need you to follow along with me, back to january of 2017, seven days after President Trump took the oath of office. The New York Times reported about a private one on one dinner that night at the white house between the new president and then fbi director james comey. The president reportedly pressing comey multiple times to pledge his loyalty to him. Comey promising his hons honesty and his honest loyalty. The president fired back, saying i never asked comey for any personal loyalty. I hardly new this guy, another of his many lies, these memos are selfserving and fake. We know now that that is not true. Muellers report describes the whole thing in detail. Okay, it says, quote, from volume two, page 35. The president and his advisers disputed he asked for comeys loyalty, the president indicated he had not invited comey to dinner telling a reporter that he had asked for the dinner. Substantial evidence corroborates comeys account of the dinner inindustritativitati request for loyalty. The president s daily diary confirms that the president extended a dinner invitation to comey on january 27th. With respect to the substance of the dinner conversation comey documented the president s request for loyalty in a memorandum he began drafting the night of the dinner. Senior fbi officials recall comey told them about the loyalty request shortly after the dinner occurred. And comey described the request under oath in congressional proceedings and in a subsequent interview with investigators subject to penalties for lying. Comeys memory has remained constant throughout. So the president s tweeted denial, accusing comey of lying was itself a lie. Lets jump to february 13. This is 2017. The National Security adviser Michael Flynn who was under investigation by fbi for his contacts with russians, he resigns. The next day President Trump asks comey to shut down the investigation. The times reports that comey details a request in a memo he writes shortly after the meeting quoting the president as saying he is a good guy i hope you can let this go. The president taking to twitter again to deny everything, i never asked comey to stop investigating flynn, just more fake news covering another comey lie. Not true. This is what mueller says. Quote, this is from volume two, page 44. The president told the New York Times that he did not shoo other people out of the room when he talked to comey and that he did not remember having a one on one conversation with comey. The president also publicly denied that he had asked comey to let flynn go or otherwise communicated that comey should drop the investigation of flynn. In private the president denied aspects of comeys account to white house advisers but acknowledged to priebus, that he brought flynn up in the meeting with comey and stated that flynn was a good guy. Despite those denials substantial evidence corroborates comeys account. So, again, mueller finds that comey was truthful. The reporting about him was truthful. And the president wasnt. Lets turn to may 9th of 2017. The day the president abruptly fired comey, claiming he did it on the clear recommendations of the then attorney general Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein. The next day Sarah Sanders told reporters that the president , the doj, members of congress and the rank and file of the fbi had lost confidence in comey. When reporters pushed back she said this. Whats your response to these rank and file fbi agents who disagree with your contention that they lost faith in director comey . Weve heard from countless members of the fbi that say very different things. That is not true. Okay . Because the Mueller Report states in volume two, page 72, sanders told this office that her reference to hearing from countless members of the fbi was a slip of the tongue. She also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank and file fbi agents had lost confidence in comey was a comment she made in the heat of the moment that was not founded on anything. Not founded in anything. Otherwise known as a lie. And there is more. Just one month after Robert Mueller was named special counsel the president orders him fired. The times reports he only backed down after then white house don mcgahn threatened to quit. What did you fire Robert Mueller . Fake news, folks, fake news. Whats your message today . Typical New York Times, fake stories. Okay, fake news, but muellers report details even more lies. From volume two, page 113 in late january of 2018 the media reported that in june of 2017 the president had ordered mcgahn to have the special counsel file fired based on purported conflicts of kr but mcgahn refused saying he would quit instead. After the story broke the president through his personal counsel and two aides sought to have mcgahn deny he had been directed to remove the special counsel. Each time he was approached mcgahn responded he would not refute the press accounts because they were accurate in reporting on the president s efforts to have the special counsel removed. The president later personally met with mcgahn in the oval office with only the chief of staff and tried to get him to say the president never ordered him to fire the special counsel. Mcgahn refused and dismissed his memory. The president challenged mcgahn for taking notes of his discussions with the president and why he told special counsel investigators he had been directed to have the special counsel removed, lies, lies and more lies. Lies on top of lies. And on and on and on. So like i said, the Mueller Report shows us exactly who this president of the United States really is. He lied. Misled. Tried to obstruct justice. And pressured others to do it for him, to do his dirty work. The question is, what are we going to do with what we know . What are you going to do with what you know . Until today this has been all about what Robert Mueller would do. Now it is all about what congress will do. It is a breathtaking report by Robert Mueller. Theres a lot of information to analyze and discuss over the next two hours here on this show. John dean knows all about this. Hes been through similar. Laura coates is an expert, as is garrett graff, the author of muellers war. Lets talk about this. Laura, the legal angle here, mueller lays out a key reason why obstruction by trump failed. Its because people around him had refused to carry out orders. Okay. I just wand to read that part. The president s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful largely because of persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or see to his requests. That is volume two, page 158. The president was protected by the people around him but his intent is still there. So did he obstruct . Well, absolutely, according to the Mueller Report. Remember, the idea that there were adults in the room is comfortable. However, obstruction is a crime where if you endeavor to do so, meaning you even try to do so, even if its not successful, even if you dont under mine or stop an investigation, which none of the things that were outlined by what you talked about, those ten or eleven different categories of information, and instances where the president was thought to have obstructed justice, they did not do anything to actually stop the investigation and we have a Mueller Report. But had they not stopped it is not the actual criteria. The litmus test is whether you tried to do so. So it did fail to stop it but it didnt fail to actually substantiate a basis to say there is obstruction of justice here. Their hands were tied largely because of that office of Legal Counsel and doj guideline memo that says that perhaps you should never indict a sitting president. So the combination of that left mueller in a conundrum. But not the ineptitude that was alluded by barr initially in that fourpage summary. John dean, i want to bring you in now. You were the white House Counsel under richard nixon. You have calls President Trump made to don make began directing him to call Rod Rosenstein, telling him mueller needed to go. Mcgahn refused. Heres the key part. In response to that request mcgahn decided to quit because he did not want to participate in events that he described as akin to the saturday night massacre, volume two, page 88 is where that is. That is a reference to nixon ordering his attorney general to fire the independent special prosecutor investigating watergate. You know this all too well. Indeed i do. And Elliott Richardson refused. The Deputy Attorney general refused. They finally had to get the solicitor general, robert boric and lean on him to undertake the assignment. But don, you know, my overall reaction to this reported to resulted in me pulling some books down from my library shelf. This is the Senate Watergate committee. This is the iran contra committee. I have an entire shelf full of nixons impeachment documents and i have about 5,000 words in five volumes of ken starrs report. And ive got to tell you the reported to is more damning than any of those documents. Why do you say that . Just this the nature of trumps actions. His obstruction is so much more venal than that of richard nixon. Its just a remarkable comparison. Some day im going to sit down when i have a can catch my breath and compare these charges against these president s. Because trump is in a whole league of his own. Hes actually making nixon look good. Wow. Garrett, i just want to read how trump reacted when he learned about the appointment to mueller. When sessions told the president a special counsel had been appointed the president slumped back in his chair and said, oh, my god, this is terrible, this is the end of my presidency, im fed, volume two, page 78. Garrett, you say this goes to intent in terms of establishing obstruction. Why do you say that . Yeah. And i think that john dean is absolutely correct here, which is in some ways this is a much simpler story of obstruction than the American People were told either during watergate or during white water. And that this is you have the president in the opening minutes of realizing the special counsels appointment, saying that, you know, this is terrible, this is the end of my presidency, im fed and then proceeding to act on that based on the next 675 days. Through these demonstrable episodes that mueller lays out in great detail, that at every turn he is trying to shut down or stymie or block or even outright obstruct the investigation as it is unfolding. And so, you know, you start right there on in the first minutes of the special counsels probe with the motive and then you watch as he acts upon that motive time and time and time again. And simply because he was blocked or stopped or people refused to go along with his attempts to obstruct along the way doesnt in any way make his own pattern of behavior any less troubling. So, laura, it seems like, you know, barr made the decision about obstruction with Rod Rosenstein, in conjunction with Rod Rosenstein, mueller, though, is telling congress here in this report, here are the facts, you guys can investigate and take action if you choose to. Of course the stark contrast here is what is so unto tou h initial fourpage summation, whatever word he chooses to use to describe it, the bottom line or top line conclusions that it was so misleading, not only at that first bite of the apple, don, but the second bite of the apple today and another preemptive strike that took place before we were able to actually view the report, theres a mischaracterization. We had everyone thinking, because of what he said, that mueller just was wringing his hanz hands, befuddled, had no idea what his choices were going to be and that he didnt know whether it was going to punt to congress. He said it again today. I had no idea. It wasnt explicitly said to me that mueller wanted it to go to congress. The reason he couldnt reach a conclusion is because we may have had some differences. Neither could be further from the truth. In black and white in the writing, and we are a literate nation here, which i think maybe barr did not understand we would actually be, it clearly says that he wasnt wringing his hands. His hands were tied with respect to having all of the information, those ten or eleven instances of obstruction of justice, having that corresponding report or a memo that says you cannot indict a sitting president. I am teeing it up for congress and it actually says congress could actually use the information that i have right here and the idea that he was simply saying, listen, i dont know what i want to do, its just false. So you have to wonder, was this investigation at this point about whether the president is above the law, or whether the head of the department of justice sought to simply not enforce the law and then to mislead the public about what the special counsel actually found . Democrats are split on whether they should impeach President Trump. Someone calling for vehemently impeaching the president , might surprise you, Kellyanne Conways husband, with a scathing oped. There are a lot of snack bars out there. What makes a kind bar so special . Maybe its the whole nuts and real fruit. Maybe its the drizzle of dark chocolate. Maybe its because its tasty and healthy. Well, theres only one way to find out. Do the kind thing. New lower price. Wow. Thats a lot of asparagus. Yeah, you said get a bunch of asparagus. Oh, you. A bunch. I. Thought you kinda. The husband of Top White House aide Kellyanne Conway is calling for trump to be impeached. Saying trump is a cancer on the presidency and congress should remove him. Back now with john dean and were joined now by jack quinn. Welcome, jack, to the program. Thank you so much for joining us. Im going to start with you. Thank you. This is what George Conway writes, he said the president may have the raw constitutional power to say squelch an investigation or pardon a close associate. But if he does so, not to serve the public interests, but to serve his own, he surely could be removed from office, even if he has not committed a criminal act. Is conway right, jack . Absolutely. You cannot exercise president ial powers corruptly. And theres nothing more corrupt than exercising your president ial powers in order to protect yourself from a legitimate Law Enforcement investigation. I do think its worth mentioning, by the way, that, you know, a lot of this discussion in the earlier part of the show turns on this whole question. I mean, the attorney general parachuted into this, which is frankly infuruating. A lot of this seeming disagreement between the attorney general and the special counsel turns on one of the biggest lies of the day. And that is the assertion on the part of attorney general barr that his decision reached after, you know, purportedly flipping through the 400page report that it turns not at all on the fact that the department of justice has had a long standing policy that a president sitting in office cannot be indicted. He denied that was the case. That is simply an untruth, and its a massive one. Because this is at the heart of what led the special counsel to come to the conclusion that it was not for him at this point to undertake an indictment of the president , thats why he did it. And, you know, instead he invited the congress in the clearest terms, after saying if we could conclude that the president did not obstruct justice we would do so. But we cannot reach that conclusion. Instead, they detailed more than ten instances of obstructive behavior on the part of the president. The attorney generals refutation of that, not even a refutation, he didnt even try to defend his conclusion, he just brushed it aside. He said it doesnt matter, you know, we have disagreements. And, you know, he said he came to a well reasoned conclusion that the president had not obstructed justice despite all of these instances of obstructive behavior. And then he held a press conference saying he wouldnt explain the reporter said what did you disagree on, he just brushed over that. Youre right about that. John, i want to bring you back in. Cant explain it. Yeah, he cant explain it. He mentions you in the piece too, heres what he writes, john, white house dounl john dean famously told nixon there was a cancer within the presidency and that it was growing. What the Mueller Report shows with crystal clarity, the cancer in the presidency is president donald j. Trump. 46 years, is there a cancer on this presidency too, john . I think there is, don. I used those words to make sure i had the president s attention that morning and that he was listening to what i had to say and i took him through all the problems that he was confronted with. Thats the morning i met the real richard nixon. He responded exactly the opposite the way i thought he would when i thought he would end the coverup after raising every single problem i could raise in an hour and 50 minutes. He now have a president thats in his 800th day of his presidency, and ive got to say its very grim. It is not a healthy presidency. And i dont know that we can wait until 2020. This man is learning how it operates and he can do great damage. So youre agreeing with conway that this is heading towards impeachment, or it should . Well, i dont know if it that obviously is going to be the congresss decision. Its clear right now that theres no way to remove him from office, or even find him guilty if theres a bill of impeachment that gets through the house. The senate will not do anything. So until a makeup of the Senate Changes thats not very likely. But the question what i think should happen is that the house should commence hearings that will start educating the public for 2020, so theyll know what theyre dealing with, with this president. Jack, this is what the president actually tweeted. He said this, he said could have fired everyone, including mueller, but that he chose not to. What do you think hes getting at here, jack. Well, you know i think the president i mean, you saw him on the back lawn of the white house walk out to that helicopter and not make comments. I think hes gotten some decent advice, finally, from people whove said leave well enough alone. And lets start moving away from this whole issue. Theyre not likely to impeach you. Theyre more than not likely to remove you from office. Lets just get through this period of time and leave well enough alone. Thank you, gentlemen. I appreciate your time. Good to see you jack, thank you for coming on. Good to be back, thank you so much. Now i want to bring in democratic congressman steve cohen, appreciate your time. Chairman nadler the leader of your Committee Says the report outlines disturbing evidence. What are you going to do about it . Whats your path forward . Well, a lot of people would like to impeach. Id like to impeach. I feel like hes committed impeachable offenses. But just as john dean said and Everybody Knows the Senate Republicans are mostly composed of invertebrate creatures. Without spine youll not have a conviction. So the process is not worth going through if youre not going to get a conviction. And most peoples minds, particularly politically, although a lot of the folks that are followers of mine would like to go forth and think its good just to do it. A middle ground is a censure. A house cant it puts a notation there for history that the house of representatives will have found that his conduct was so a that they chose to pass a censure resolution. It would be wonderful if we could get rid of him. Steve cohen, the chamber magician, can make people disappear. Since i dont have those powers, ill have to try a censure resolution. What do you think of what George Conway wrote, talking about the president may have raw constitutional powers, but now its time for congress to act, basically saying in the public interest, that he could surely be removed from office, even if he has not committed a criminal act, because of his actions. What do you think of that . Well, its like hes the house and he can impeach and thats great, but kelly anns the senate, shes not going to vote for it. Even in his own house, he cant carry the proposition. Interesting way to put it. Hes committed impeachable offenses, emoluments, obstruction, derogation of the office, how hes referred to the press, hes done a lot of things and he has no connection i was thinking, when you were talking earlier, this whole thing has been sex, lies, but we didnt have any videotapes. Youve got the Southern District has got the sex, which the president denied, he said he didnt know Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal and knew nothing about the payments. And then he says no collusion, no obstruction. Thats as close to the truth as mexicos going to pay for the wall. I mean, the man has no regard for the truth. And now we know that Sarah Huckabee lies too. She just goes around and spins it. But she knows not to perjure herself, but lying to the public as a press secretary is okay. This administration is full of just the gang that couldnt shoot straight. Theyre there and theyre in power and theyre taking care of their cronies and theyre making a lot of rich people richer and not so wealthy people, pretty much poor people brainwashed to make them think that he cares about them and hes helping them. He could care less about anybody except himself and his family, maybe. You know eric swalwell, a congressman running for president , also on the judiciary committee. He says that attorney william barr should step down. Do you agree with him . Yeah, i think he shouldnt have ever stepped up. But he did it for some purpose. There was some group that wanted him to come in and do the deed. He agreed to do it. I dont think hes just looking out for his daughter and soninlaw, both of whom work for the administration. What about barr being impeached . Thats a possibility. But i dont think the senate would do it either. The fact is, the senates not going to theyre not going to convict anybody except hillary clinton. Theyre still worried about her. Barr we could do a censure on him too. Trump could fire him within four or five, six months, he doesnt keep people around long and you dont stay in his favor for long. He could accidentally do something right and get fired. Congressman cohen, thank you for your time. Youre welcome, don. You know, chris had on giuliani, the spin was unbelievable. Well, you know. Right, you dont do the spin. And its nighttime, and it will be morning tomorrow, what else is new . Thank you so much, i appreciate it. Youre welcome, don. I want to talk about this now with james clapper. He is the former director of National Intelligence, director, i appreciate you joining us. Lets talk about this now, the special counsel lays out how the russian government interfered in the 2016 president ial election in a sweeping and systematic fashion. You think that this is the most important part of the report. Why is that . Well, i do, don. And the reason is, is the you know, we sort of lost sight of what, to me, is really important, which is the threat posed by the russians and the Mueller Report lays this out in unassailable and exhausted detail about the magnitude and depth and breadth of the russian interference in our election in 2016. I was very gratified at that. I think that alone, mueller rendered a great Public Service for this country and i hope americans take the time to read, at least that portion of the report, about the russian interference. And i still am not confident that were doing all we can do to thwart what theyre going to continue to do to interfere in our processes and undermine us. Considering the inconsistencies coming out of the administration on whether or not it actually happened. Director, lets move on now. Incredibly tonight President Trump tweeted this, anything the russians did concerning the 2016 election was done while obama was president. He was told about it and did nothing. Most importantly the vote was not affected. You were the director of National Intelligence at the time. What is the truth . Well, the truth is, we did a lot. You can do the whether we should have done more earlier, but we did a lot. Most prominently i would mention, or for example is the fact that president obama, unlike his successor directly and confrontedly pointed at putin and asked him in very forceful terms to stop the interference. And so i think and then, you know, the assertion that the russian interference had no impact on the outcome of the election is absurd. Facebook alone, the russians reached 126 million people, according to the Mueller Report. And remember the election was turned on less than 80,000 votes in three states, which the russians targeted. And put aside the number of people that, because of what the russians did, just didnt bother to go to the polls. So to suggest that it had no impact on the elections stretches credulity. You personally briefed President Trump on russias campaign to interfere in the election. Do you think his administration has done anything to stop this or is our country do you think, still at risk . I think our country is still at risk. Thats not to say we havent done some things. Each department, each relevant agency, dhs, fbi, the Intelligence Community have all done things, i think, to try to thwart further such efforts by the russians. But what were lacking is the force of leadership that ought to be coming from the president himself and the bully pulpit that only he occupanies and we need that leadership to galvanize the country and make the electorate aware of the profound threat posed by the russians and were not doing that. Director muellers report also says the investigation established that the russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump Presidency and worked to secure that outcome and that the campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through russian efforts. Do you think russias interference was so extensive because they had such willing participants in the Trump Campaign . Well, willing or gullible, im not sure which, or unwitting, or some combination thereof. So if we didnt have collusion or conspiracy that was, you know, reached the evidentiary bar of a crime, we certainly did have, i think, as the Mueller Report shows, what i would call passive collusion and the fact that the Trump Campaign realized that getting help from our arch adversary would help them electorally. That says volumes. The report describes in detail director how again and again the trump team works with russians, like the june 2016 trump tower meeting, p papadopoulos meeting trying to get dirt on hillary clinton. We learned about several meetings between manafort, kalemnik. How concerning is this, tell us . Its very concerning, and particularly manafort sharing polling data with a person who has connections with russian intelligence, which really plays right into their hands the kind of information they probably had anyway. But they just made it easy for them. So the notion that this campaign was consorting, i wont use the word colluding, or coordinating in any way with our arch adversary, to me, is profoundly dangerous to this country. Its encouraging in some way. Among other things, the future and how to prevent this. Yeah, lets talk can we talk more about the polling data . Because the report says this about co months before that meeting manafort caused an internal polling data to be shared wed kilimnik. After their august meeting. So to drill down, why would kilimnik care about polling data, or midwest states . Well, as it turned out the midwest states were crucial for the election and the russians realized that. So this would be, you know, what we would call an intelligence essential, relevant information that the russians would want to have and the fact that i was kind of under the impression of the previous indictments that this is a onetime deal with manafort sharing as polling data. But this went on. So to me this is just incredible that we would be the campaign and the United States of america for a president of the United States would be sharing polling data which would ultimately find its way to russian intelligence. Its just amazing. Director clapper, thank you for your time. Thanks, don. Someone named multiple times throughout Robert Muellers report, Michael Cohen, President Trumps former lawyer, well cohens lawyer responds next. At fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. Because when youre ready for what comes next, the only direction is forward. That theres a lobster i in our hot tub . T. Lobster oh, you guys. Theres a jet oh. I needed this. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our Car Insurance with geico. We could have been doing this a long time ago. So, you guys staying at the hotel . Yeah, we just got married. Oh hoho congratulations thank you. 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Mueller, hundreds of hours voluntarily with members of congress. And he has seen the lies adding up over a period of time during the campaign that convey to him an intent to obstruct the Mueller Investigation and obstruction of justice clearly is a possibility. The lie by donald trump that he was exonerated on obstruction doesnt even the smell test for donald trump. Ill give you one example of a lie thats an anecdote that michael told me, every trump supporter will nod their head. Michael is walking to a car as donald trump is about to go to a rally. During the campaign. And trump asks him, whats going on with our moscow russians . Whats going on with the russians . Implying something about the moscow trump tower project. Michael says were still talking and trying to figure it out, still working on it. Two hours later hes watching television, the same donald trump is now talking to a rally and hes saying trust me, no russians, no deal, no contacts. And michaels thinking, wait a minute, just two hours ago he was asking me about what i was doing involving the trump tower, which was not allowed to be disclosed. The only lie that michael literally, one lie, was a lie to congress that he stopped his discussions with trump tower so donald trump could lie and say no contact, no russia. This was a pattern of lies that can only be called obstruction of a Russian Investigation conducted by mr. Mueller. Okay, look, so two things with that. The first one is and then ill ask you the second one. Did he tell the special counsel this . He told the special counsel everything, and he was called by the special counsel credible as opposed to mr. Giuliani how did they react to that story . They were dumbfounded and even surprised at how truthful it sounded because it was consistent with what they had heard from others about trump blatantly lying. On air force one trump wrote out that the trump tower meeting was about adoptions. Even his son kpt go along with that because the email said dirt on hillary clinton. So the pattern of lies, and there was only one lie, only one lie that michael performed on behalf of trump in accordance with his directive wheres, the exact words used by his defense lawyer publicly. And yet hes the only person going to jail of the entire Trump Organization including mr. Weisselberg who was part of the direction to pay the hush money to Stormy Daniels, including don junior who signed the 35,000 check as part of the hush money after his father was president , and of course including donald trump who signed another check for hush money. And Michael Cohen was prosecuted for a nonpayment of taxes at 1. 4 million without any fraudulent intent and for some reasons the prosecutors went after Michael Cohen with a disproportionate sentence. You know hes serving more time than the wolf of wall street who there was a movie made about 200 million from investors, served less time than michael was sentenced for. A disproportionate and unreasonable targeting of Michael Cohen, the only person going to prison. Its completely incomprehensible the other thing is don junior wrote a check and the president as well. Yes, while he was president. But they declined to charge don junior with a crime. So far. I have certainly respect with the professionalism of the Southern District of new york. But they searched and ended up with a 1. 4 million unpaid taxes account that has never been criminally prosecuted in the history of america without other signs of fraud. O why they picked on him and not others . I dont understand other than i watched attorney general barr politicizing the job of attorney general being the roy cohn personally representing the president rather than the American People. Okay, you said there was one lie and i dont understand why there was only one person Michael Cohen whos cooperated more than anyone, who knows more than anyone is being sent off to prison than the next you said there was one lie about how many contacts with russians. Okay. But in the Mueller Report, if you look at the redacted report it illustrates a number of times that the president lied and people around him lied. Yet Michael Cohen, they characterize him as a liar. Why not characterize the president as a liar as well when the evidence is right there . One lie and the man who is the expert at labeling people falsely, donald trump, hes made a career of it, calls Michael Cohen a liar. And all the republicans during the house hearings calling Michael Cohen a liar for lying for the president for the benefit of the president. And in accordance with his directives, the exact phrase used by michaels lawyer, and yet, don, you have to ask, is there a single republican right now in congress who has asked donald trump why did you write as president of the United States out of your personal account a 35,000 hush money check . And do you think you can be above the law . And mr. Barr, are you going to ask the president of the United States why did you write that check, and are you going to ask the Southern District why do you target and disproportionately prosecute Michael Cohen, the one person who turned to tell the truth you said it was 1. 4 million but if you actually read it over five years. Thats 260,000 per year in taxes. It wasnt just in one fell swoop, but still it is 1. 4. But to floyd mayworth 16. 5 million civil. Ive got to move on because ive got a lot to ask you. Mueller referred 14 investigations to other offices. That includes Michael Cohens case. Is Michael Cohen aware of helping with any of the other 12 redacted investigations . Yes, hes helping i cant say 12 and i cant say redacted, because hes the one person who can see whats redacted and isnt redacted based upon mr. Mueller. Can you give us specifics, though . I cant give you specifics but he has shared information with the Southern District of new york. Hes spent a lot of time with the tax authorities of new york and a lot of time with the senate and house intelligence committee. The one person whos been fully cooperative who you would think having john dean on, he never went to prison, he was kept available. You would think that congress and the prosecutors would want Michael Cohen around given all that he knows to help create this obstruction case that i think is there and should be brought one more question. Are we going to hear from Michael Cohen before he reports to prison on may 6th . So at some point he has a family and personal affairs to take care of twrsh but at some point i hope that michael will sit and talk and explain what does it feel like, what did he go through ten years lying for donald trump, deciding to tell the truth when he called me and explained why. He actually fears that donald trump would not give up this presidency peacefully, and he feared for his country when donald trump seemed to be disloyal in agreeing with putin over our own country. Lanny, im out of time. I think he should tell his story. Well be right back. Now kayae let you earn travel rewards every time you dine. With just one reservation on opentable, you can start saving money on hotels with kayak. Get started at kayak. Com diningrewards. It comes to the investigation into this president . Do you really believe attorney general barr read a nearly 400page report in one day . And that his 4page summary is the whole truth . Im tom steyer, and im organizing an effort to to release the full Mueller Report now and let the American People decide. If you think we have a right to read the report for ourselves, you can call the attorney general at this number. Our tax dollars paid for the report. Dont let him cover up the truth. Were finally back out in our yard, but so are they. The triple threat of dandelions, lurking crabgrass and weak, thin grass scotts turf builder triple action. This singlestep breakthrough changes everything. It kills weeds, prevents crabgrass for up to 4 months, and feeds so grass can thrive, all guaranteed. Only from scotts. Our backyard is back. This is a scotts yard. Its nice. You got this woo this is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Finally prubl, the groundbreaking report by the special counsel bob mueller. 440 pages long and although it contains redactions tonight were learning plenty about the conclusions mueller reached of investigations into russia interference in the 2016 election. And were learning much more about President Trumps behavior and all of his lies. Despite what mr. Trump and his