No matter how this whole thing ends, professor ford does not deserve to be laughed at. Not again. Made the punch line to a joke thats not at all funny. Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two and their having fun at my expense. Kind of what happened tonight isnt it at that rally . And were learning more about Brett Kavanaugh. As the fbi expands its investigation tonight, heres what the New York Times has published. A copy of a 1983 letter written by kavanaugh. And he writes his High School Buddies should warn the neighbors that were loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us, which sounds pretty different from what Brett Kavanaugh said about drinking beer in his testimony to the Judiciary Committee last week. I drank beer with my friends. Almost everyone did. Sometimes i had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. And theres more, kavanaugh signed that letter bart. Hmm. Where have i heard that before . Oh, yeah. He references a Bart Okavanaugh. Vomiting in someones car during beach week and then passing out. Is that you . Bart is a friend of ours in high school who developed a very serious drinking problem. Now, as part of his therapy, or part of his coming to grips with sobriety, he wrote a book that is a fiction naturalized book and an account. I think he picked out names of friends of ours to throw them in as kind of close to what for characters in the book. So. Are you the Bart Kavanaugh that hes referring to . Yes or no . You would have to ask him. So so much to discuss right now. Weve got a lot to talk about, the New York Times who was a classmate of Brett Kavanaughs yale joins us now. Frank bruni of the times and David Swerdlick of the washington post. Good evening. So good to have all of you on. David, why mock her in front of a crowd tonight . He just couldnt resist. Yeah, don. Remember, immediately after dr. Fords testimony, the president on camera called her compelling, credible, a very fine woman, and much of her testimony was very good. This is a stark contrast to what he said then right after everybody in the country had had a chance to see her and she was compelling whether you believe her or not, whether americans believe her or not. And then the president , though, a few days later obviously couldnt resist the mocking, and thats i think what has people scratching their heads, both because the president sort of has returned to form. He likes to mock people, and this idea that not just President Trump but other republicans who even though theyre not going to vote excuse me, that they will vote for judge kavanaugh or they signaled that they will vote for judge kavanaugh, a wide array of the members of the Judiciary Committee said oh, they found her credible. As others have pointed out including our colleague Kirsten Powers several days ago on twitter, if you are saying shes credible but saying you dont believe the central contention of her testimony, then youre not really saying shes credible. Hey, robin, thank you for coming on. Ive had both these gentlemen on before, but as im sitting here tonight just looking at your expression, i cant tell if you are i dont know if its skp exasperation, youre tired of talking about it, you cant believe its happening. What do you think of the way hes handled this and the way hes the accusations and the testimony . I think whats been interesting about my reporting its first of all dovetailed with my experience at yale. I was a classmate of Brett Kavanaughs. I did not know him well. He was someone i saw in passing. Our kind of worlds intersected somewhat. But i think whats really interesting, has come clear to me is its not about drawing a bright line from the keg to him being a sexual predator. I dont think anyone finds that argument defensible. I think the issue is and what has bothered so many of my classmates is the way he portrayed himself in testimony for a very important position on the highest court. When you raise your hand and swear to tell the whole truth, particularly to be a Supreme Court justice, you should be telling the truth. In the memory of the classmates who i have interviewed, thats not the Brett Kavanaugh they remember. Interesting. Frank, you dont have big hopes for this fbi investigation and you wrote as much in pur column. Why do you say that . Its time limited. It was initially narrow in scope. I think these events are 36 years ago. I fear that at the end of this week when we learn what the fruits of the investigation are, its not going to move people off of conclusions that are largely partisan theyve reached already. Frank, let me stop you there. All right. I think were on the same page here because listen, i dont know what happened. We dont know guilt or innocence. But when you consider what your colleagues have uncovered with the money and the taxes and all of that, you consider that he settled a multimillion dollar lawsuit for trump university, when you consider all the other things and they have not mattered its really all about the Supreme Court and Trump Supporters are not about to let this slip away. Do you think im wrong . No, i think this is a battle royale. What robin was talking before is quite relevant in terms of Brett Kavanaughs testimony and how truthful or not he was being. Weve gotten some wavering republican senators here, three of them weve been keeping an eye on. They could decide not based on what the fbi investigation turns up or doesnt but them could decide based on what theyre reminded of this week in terms of what he said under oath with his hand raised in an audition for the highest court in the land. They could decide that there are enough questions about his character and his honesty that regardless of what happened 36 years ago and what the fbi can or cannot verify, he doesnt belong on the court. Yeah. Lets talk about that, david. Because the letter was signed, he was asked about Bart Okavanaugh and what mark judge wrote. He said its a fictional book and wouldnt answer whether the character was him. So he really dodged the question. So if its interesting that he dodges the question whether it was him or not but then this letter, they uncover this letter and he signs it bart. Remember, his name is brett. Right. So don, if you take together that letter that the New York Times reported out today, take his yearbook entry from his senior year, take at least four classmates who have gone on the record saying that he was a heavy drinker, some of them described him as a sloppy drink an aggressive drunk, a couple of them on cnns air last week. If you take those things together and compare that with the way Brett Kavanaugh portrayed himself in his fox news interview and in that testimony, i doubt that anyone could find that he perjured himself because he kind of covered himself with i like beer, sometimes things got out of hand, the seniors had beer. The drinking age was 18 at one time. So perjury would be a stretch. But it seems to me misled the American People and the members of the Judiciary Committee about what the environment was and about how central that was to the social life there, and that has gotten him in this place where its now not just about the Sexual Assault allegations, which as you said we dont know what happened, but its also about his credibility. Robin, you said a couple things here. You said that Brett Kavanaugh had a reputation as a guy known for holding up the walls, right . Right. I mean he definitely was a party guy. He moved in a crowd of athletic folks both females and males and they liked to have a good time on saturday nights. I dont think anyone is holding that against him per se. But i think when they started to watch him on fox sort of sit with his wife and kind of holier than thou, talking about being something of a choir boy emphasizing Church Attendance and social service and academic recovered all of that is valid but there was another side to him he was downplaying to the point of real exaggeration and people felt like they had to cry foul. Youre saying heavy drinking is one thing. Right. But my question is, do most of the people you spoke with from yale, do they believe allegations against kavanaugh made by dr. Blasey ford and Deborah Ramirez . I think its a really good question. I think there was a real sense of pride when he was nominated. I think that was the initial reaction. A yalie made good in a really big way, and he always seemed destined for greatness because he had a real upward trajectory. I think this really went to the core of his character and his fitness for the court, and i think also, frankly, watching his testimony and how he was sort of a headfaced angry white man did not sit well with people in terms of it started to square with this image of someone who could be capable of such an act. I think that undermined his reputation. Frank, senator jeff flake said if i had he lied to the senate, his nomination is over. In you were opinion, should this be over then if he did lie . In my opinion, he did lie, and should it be over. I dont even think its my opinion that he lied. One of these things we havent brought up tonight, weve talked about the yearbook, et cetera, he sat there under oath and said that renate alumni was just a gesture of friendship and respect for a young woman they knew, and he even turned it around and got angry that anyone would imply otherwise. That doesnt pass the smell test. Davids right that probably doesnt go all the way to perjury although im not sure exactly when it is you say youve gotten to perjury. But it is a degree of deception that i dont think we can square with someone who should be on the highest court in the land, and i think if jeff flake is honest with himself, hell reach that conclusion. The question is will he be joined in that conclusion by senators collins or murkowski . They need two of them and then its over. Frank, david and robin, thank you for your time. Thank you. In the midst of all this controversy over Brett Kavanaugh, guess who is back . Stormy daniels. A source telling cnn new details about President Trumps efforts to keep her quiet. Her Attorney Michael Avenatti here to talk about it. Cleaning floors with a mop and bucket is a hassle, meaning you probably dont clean as often as youd like. For a quick and convenient clean, try Swiffer Wetjet. Theres no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out, because the absorb and Lock Technology traps dirt and liquid inside the pad. Its safe to use on all finished surfaces tile, laminate and hardwood. And it prevents streaks and hazing better than a micro fiber strip mop, giving you a thorough clean the first time. For a convenient clean, try Swiffer Wetjet with a money back guarantee. Brand power. Helping you buy better. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® works in just one week. With the fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work on fine lines and wrinkles. One week . 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Just text the keyword on the screen to 202020 with your smartphone to claim your complimentary bottle of forebrain. Do it now before you forget. Thats the keyword on the screen to 202020. For months President Trump insisted he knew nothing about the effort to silence stormy daniels. Turns out, he wasnt telling the truth. Sources confirming to cnn that trump told Michael Cohen back in february to get a restraining order against daniels. He said, dont worry, ill pay for everything. The source says the president s son eric trump was also involved. Stormy daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti joins us. Michael, thank you. Good evening to you. This is what you have been saying all along, that President Trump knew. Well, thats right. Weve been saying that for over six months, don, and weve been making it a point to make it known to the American People it was our belief that will donald trump and Michael Cohen and the people they surround themselves with were constantly lying to the public and not shooting straight with them. This report confirms that. I dont think there was a big doubt at least not in my mind and many other peoples minds. The problem is is that the president of the United States is a liar. And he surrounds himself with liars, Michael Cohen is a liar, now we see that Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. And, you know, that does not bode well for the future of the nation. But i was pleased to read the report. I believe the report. And i think that will as additional facts and evidence come forward, were going to prove without a doubt that there are even more lies that have been told relating to the 130,000 payment to my client. Okay. So since you said and you mentioned Michael Cohen. Did you know, theres another twist. Did you know the president s son eric trump was also involved in the effort to silence your client . I was not aware of that. But im not surprised by it. I think it goes to show how serious donald trump considered this and the steps that he was willing to take to cover this up. But, don, if you go back and look at the denials, and ive been on your show many times over the last six months and other shows we had David Schwartz attempting to defend Michael Cohen and others. All of that was a bunch of nonsense. I mean, all of these folks were trotted out to lie to the American People and now come to find out, what weve been saying all along is true and that is that is donald trump was aware of the 130,000 payment and was doing everything in his power to cover it up including enlisting the help of his son. What does that say about someone they would enlist the help of their son to help pay off a mistress . Is this open . Number one, what does it say about the president . But number two, does this open eric trump up to any is he in legal jeopardy in any way . He could well be in legal jeopardy if he knew of this effort to silence her and had anything to do with the routing of the 130,000 payment. It further calls into question account involvement of the Trump Organization and what role the organization had in the 130,000 payment. There could be liability there, but the fact that he would enlist his own son, don, to assist in the coverup of 130,000 payment to a important porn star that he had sex with, i think that just shows to the extent there was any question i dont think there was that this is a man that lacks any moral fiber, does whatever he wants, thinks he can get away with it, and he certainly doesnt have the moral finer to lead or to serve as the president of the United States. What does this do for your case . Does it change anything in your case . How does it relate . Oh, i think it does change things in our case. We made a recent filing with the court and told the court we believe that a sham had been perpetrated on not only the American Public but also on the court, that the court had been lied to relating to the involvement of donald trump and i think this proves it, without a doubt. And i think that this is going to become very complicated pore for donald trump and Michael Cohen in the next two months. Michael avenatti, i appreciate your time. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Dubious tax schemes, sham corporations, outright fraud, all quotes from the New York Timess blockbuster investigation into the trump family finances. Stick around. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during sleep numbers fall sale. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. 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Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. Were all under one roof now. Congratulations. Thank you. How many kids . My two. His three. Along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. That is quite the family. Quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. A lot of colleges. You get any Financial Advice . Yeah, but im pretty sure its the same plan they sold me before. Well your situations totally changed now. Right, right. How bout a plan that works for 5 kids, 2 dogs and jake over here . That would be great. That would be great. That okay with you, jake . Get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change from Td Ameritrade investment management. So Donald Trumps carefully crafted image, and i say donald trump, because its before he became president , but his carefully crafted image as a selfmade businessman, its taking quite a hit tonight. A bombshell New York Times report alleged he received a whopping 413 look at that picture, a whopping 413 million in todays dollars in wealth from his fathers business. Not the small 1 million loan that he claims he used to build his own Business Empire from scratch. Nearly a billion dollars in total was transferred from fred trumps business to his children over the course of decades. Sometimes through dodgy tax practices. The state of new york is looking into the allegations. The white house responding as well, calling it a misleading attack against the trump family. Lets discuss. Max boot is here, walter schaub, David Cay Johnston of the author of the book its even worse than you think what the Trump Administration is doing to america. Thank you all. David, i was just talking to you last hour with chris cuomo about this, about you telling me once before we get to all of there egregious stuff alleged here, there is actually no evidence that you know about that hes actually even a billionaire. Yes, there is not now and never has been one scintilla of evidence. I broke the story in 1990 that trump was not a billionaire. He called me a liar for four months until he had to produce his own net worth statement that showed he was worth negative 295 million, or as i wrote at the time, you are probably worth more than donald trump. As a candidate he claimed to be worth over 10 billion. As president , he filed a statement listing his worth as 1. 4 billion. Somehow in ten weeks, almost 9 billion just disappeared from Donald Trumps wealth. Now to this extensive new york tiles report here. It is extensive, right . What is the most egregious thing you see in here . Serial tax cheating. If you cheat once, if you make a mistake, thats not such a big deal. This was calculated deception to cheat the government and in fact, to cheat poor people who are in rentcontrolled housing. Theyve got sworn testimony by donalds Brother Robert and this goes to something ive said for a long time. The trumps are a crime family. And they have been. There incredible reporting and trust me, this did not get in calling the president engaged in outright frauds without incredibly careful editing. This story makes very clear that it is mostly about things in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Its not current data. Thats why we need to see Donald Trumps more recent tax returns and i think theyll show the same kind of fraud that he was tried for twice in the 80s when he lost both income tax fraud trials. Do you think this i need to go to the other folks. Is this the reason number one that he said the red line, youre not going to go into my finances because hes afraid of what that people may uncover stories like this. Don, absolutely, don. If we had his tax returns and the books and records, thats what the times got its hands on, 100,000 pages of canceled checks and ledger entries and things. That will absolutely show that donald trump is a world class criminal. Okay. So walter, one pattern that stands out from the New York Times story is that the trump parents repeatedly undervalued assets when they passed it on to donald trump and his siblings. The president s attorneys though do insist it was handled by professionals and that its totally legal. What do you think about this . Well, i think thats whats truly amazing is to see the New York Times go so far as to call this outright fraud and accuse him of crossing legal lines with his tax forms. Thats an amazing allegation against a sitting United States president. And the fact that trump broke with tradition of all of his modern predecessors by refusing to release his tax returns when his opponent in the election released years and years of tax returns means hes not entitled to any benefit of the doubt. And so the information the times was looking at revealed how he got rich and they dont have current information about where he is now. But i dont think that the man is entitled to the benefit of the doubt. The American People should be wondering if the reason that he has hid his tax forms from us is because theres more of this stuff. Thats deeply concerning. I think if we had a congress, they would be calling immediately for hearings or conducting an investigation of their own or referring this to the department of justice. But we have a congress thats decided that its out of the business of fulfilling its constitutional responsibility of conducting oversight of the executive branch. Yeah. So max i know you want to weigh in on this. Let me ask you a question and whatever you want, you can take it wherever you want. In this report, it says that the president was a millionaire by age 8. That completely obliterates the image that hes built, that hes a selfmade businessman and a Success Story and it was a small 1 million loan, as if that is a small loan. What do you think of all this. I think, don, it confirms that basically, donald trump is living a giant lie, that he is a con man, he is a liar and a fraud. And the very foundation of the story that he has sold to the American People is false because he has repeatedly portrayed himself as being the selfmade billionaire, this business genius. And we knew in broad general terms that was not the case. We knew that he had had six corporate bankruptcies. We knew he overvalued his assets. We knew all this in broad terms. What the New York Times account shows in a spec credible way over the course of 14,000 words is how most of his money came from his daddy. There was a business genius named trump and his name was fred trump. It wasnt donald trump. So donald trump was selling is the American People a bill of goods and beyond that as walter and david have been pointing out, not only is he a fraud in terms of this story of selfmade success that he has sold, he is actually also in all probability committed actual, no kidding, tax fraud. He has defrauded the people of the United States of hundreds of millions of dollars. Reading that account in the New York Times, i was reminded of the case against Paul Manafort. Because it sounds to me like a lot of stuff that donald trump and his father did is very similar to what Paul Manafort has now been convicted of doing and has been convicted of eight plus felony offers doing, which is shenanigans such as telling investors that a property is worth a lot of money and then telling the tax authorities that its worth very little money. This is exactly the same kind of financial fraud that manafort was convicted of. If donald trump were not the president of the United States and theoretically immune to prosecution, he would face i suspect the same kind of legal reckoning right now. So you said he would. Walter, could the president face legal action and what would that look like or no . Yeah, well, i think that weve already heard that the new york state authorities are looking into this. I certainly hope that the irs will look into it, and maybe the department of justice. We have a president who has been in the business of making threats against executive Branch Officials who is investigate him but hopefully, theyll have the fortitude to actually do their job and take a hard look at this because these are serious enough allegations with enough detail that any Law Enforcement official who doesnt pick up the baton here and run with it to find out whether theres whether theres anything in fact that can be prosecuted or more likely seek Civil Penalties for to collect some of that money back because if you cheat on your taxes youre stealing from all of us. And so hopefully, somebody will looking into that. Ill give you the last word here, david. Because im wondering, do you think this is why he wont release his taxes . Because here you go. Well, if donald released his taxes, people like me and people more skilled than me would go through and show all sorts of things that dont make sense. Undervaluing a property down to only 6 is simply outrageous. Setting up a device as 295 devices to funnel money to the children is tax dodges. Thats not casual tax cheating. There is no statute of limitations on civil tax fraud. And i believe donald trump should be sued for every penny along with his sister who is a sitting federal judge and the other two surviving siblings. And remember, once the democrats take control of the house ways and Means Committee assuming they win in november, they have the legal right to request those tax returns. He may not be able to keep them secret much longer. Max, walter, david, thank you very much for your time. I appreciate it. Is judge kavanaughs story unraveling with this letter he wrote were loud obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us . So you heard President Trump taking the low road. Mocking Christine Blasey fords testimony. Well, one of our attorneys is tweeting tonight a vicious, vile and soulless attack on dr. Christine blasey ford. Is it any wonder she was terrified to come forward and that other Sexual Assault survivors are, as well . She is a remarkable profile in courage. He is a profile in cowardice. Wow. Nia turner, alice stewart, all here to talk about it. Alice, i just want to play, you saw the tweet there from her attorney. I want to play this from the president in mississippi this evening mocking Christine Blasey fords testimony. Here it is. I had one beer. Right. I had one beer. Well, do you think nope, it was one beer. Oh, good. How did you get home . I dont remember. How did you get there . I dont remember. Where is the place . I dont remember. How many years ago was it . I dont know, i dont know, i dont know. I dont know. What neighborhood was it . I dont know. Where is the house . I dont know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it . I dont know. But had i one beer. Thats the only thing i remember. Is that hard for you to watch, alice. Yeah, don, its disgusting. I dont know whats worse that or when he mocked the reporter. He did during the campaign who had some physical disabilities. And theres no need for that. He said himself and many people agreed that dr. Fords testimony was compelling, it was convincing and certainly anyone that didnt feel compassion for her i think theres a real problem with that. And downfall with what he did is that just took us back. I think a lot of people realize that she had a compelling story but in terms of republicans making grounds on this and getting the votes they need, they had the public support on their side with regard to how the president himself responded to it, and many others responded to it and he took one step forward, five steps back on that. Theres no need for that. She suffered enough. Shes been through a traumatic experience without a doubt. He didnt need to dog pile on it. Nita, you have a pained look on your face. Yeah, don. Hes the president of the United States. You know, the other day when he said that she was credible, he found her compelling, that was acting. What we saw tonight was real. And he is stoking this in front of a crowd that just to me lacks what we would call you an eq, an emotional quotient here. It doesnt matter whose side youre on from a political standpoint. We cant have empathy one to another and to have the president of the United States of america think it is okay to roll dr. Ford in this. Its just its unconscionable. Its shameful. This president doesnt have a shame gene. So he cannot be shamed, but all of america should be embarrassed by what he just did tonight. Rick, i wonder what your take is on this. Why after nina said, praising her as credible and a fine woman before, he couldnt resist, it seems, like the roar of the crowd. Donald trump has to be the center of attention at all times. And for about the last week, you know, he was getting high marks from certain republicans because they were saying oh, hes shutting his mouth. Hes not burning the whole village down. Hes not doing the crazy donald act. Well, tonight it came out to play. The statement he read last week after dr. Fords testimony that was president conway speaking through Donald Trumps mouth. What you saw tonight was the unfiltered donald trump. And if youre a supporter of Brett Kavanaugh, you had to look at tonight and say wow, what are the headlines tomorrow . Were back to were not talking about any of the evidence in this case. Were back to donald trump going to war against somebody again because his delicate ego wont let him be out of the spotlight for 30 seconds. Alice, youve said many times that people put up with the behavior because of things like the Supreme Court. This is a test whether he can get his nominee through. I dont disagree with you on that. What about the cheering in the crowd . Why is that crowd clearing cheering anyways . Is that okay with you . I dont think its okay. Im sure tomorrow what well hear from the white house and officials is what he was trying to do is highlight different instances where there were some holes in her story. As she said, she didnt recall where exactly this happened and how she got home and certain inconsistencies, and that will be their response. And i see some validity to that. But that being said, for him to go out there and publicly mock her and call attention to it, and im actually quite surprised at the response from the crowd. But i cant imagine as they get in there and as they feed off of each other, thats what happens. But i can tell you that most republicans i speak to do see her as someone thats compelling and they do see that she has gone through something. The problem is they do not believe that judge kavanaugh is the one that was responsible for that. And they do see that he is someone that many republicans and were seeing that in key states, west virginia, arizona and others where they do want to see him confirmed to the high court. So nina, we have this letter from 1983 that the New York Times uncovered and wait till you hear what it says, how he signs it. Youll be the first one out of the break to talk about it. Uver after moisturizer but one blows them all out of the water. Hydro boost from neutrogena®. With hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. Neutrogena® so it bounces back. Plaque psoriasis tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer. And stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. Ask your doctor about tremfya®. Tremfya®. Because you deserve to stay clearer. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. Back now with my panel. Back with nina, alice and rick. Nina, i wanted to talk about something else. I need to talk about this before we run out of time. If youll allow me, lets hopefully leave that to another occasion, because theres a whole lot of anger out in our country right now. Some people are dealing with it by getting in politicians faces. Lately it has been overBrett Kavanaugh. Texas senator ted cruz was chased from a d. C. Restaurant by a group of protesters. We believe survivors we believe survivors we believe survivors excuse me. We believe survivors god bless you let me through. We believe survivors we believe survivors. We believe survivors so Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell was confronted over kavanaugh at the airport. Senator mcconnell, why do women have to bare their whole soul to you . To support them. How many stories of Sexual Violence do you need to hear in order to believe women . And, of course, there was the now viral moment when arizona senator jeff flake was cornered by two victims of Sexual Assault in an elevator. I told the story of my Sexual Assault. I told it because i recognized dr. Fords story that shes telling the truth. What you are doing is allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit on the Supreme Court. Look at me when im talking to you. Youre telling me that my assault doesnt matter, that what happened to me doesnt matter and that youre going to let people who do these things into power. Thats what youre telling me when you vote for him. Dont look away from me. Look at me and tell me it doesnt matter what happened to me. So senator flake admits those courageous women played a part in his decision to call for an fbi investigation into the kavanaugh allegations. So is this what it takes to be heard these days . Do people need to get in politicians faces . Last week i said i didnt like it personally, but this is what politicians sign up for. As a person of color, i know that especially during the Civil Rights Movement and now, sometimes the only agency you have is to protest and to get in someones face. You dont have any power when it comes to government and in society. I dont like it, but it is one reason im not a public official, that im not running for office. In a way, i think it goes with the territory. And that doesnt mean condoning violence. That means protesting, telling someone how you feel. That doesnt mean physical altercations. Some people didnt agree with that. So lets discuss now. Nina, what do you think . Am i right . Is this part of what a politician signs up for . They definitely need to listen to the people, don. Im right where you are. When we think back in history, at least in the Civil Rights Movement, the way that protest was happening, it was really the protesters for freedom and justice who were being attacked. So certainly it was the other way around. I dont believe anybody should put their hands on anybody. Right. I certainly dont believe that anybody has the right to belittle somebodys children, you know. That burns my behind in all kinds of way to have grown folks mocking other peoples kids, especially the kids who are under 18. But to me, even if theyre grown, their children didnt sign up for this. But absolutely elected officials in this climate have to expect that they will be confronted. And confrontation does not mean being violent, but it does mean that people are going to speak their truth and they want to be heard. And this bubbling up of emotion is happening all over this country. Dare i say even all over the world. But we definitely have to draw the line if somebody wants to be violent with somebody, because that is not what elected officials sign up for. And they shouldnt not have to endure violence. Alice, what do you think . We all saw how these women were able to have an impact on the whole process with senator flake. Yeah, i think elected officials are elected to serve the people, and when theyre in the halls of congress or in their state capitol, when theyre at work, when theyre at home offices or at an event, they are fair game in turns of constituents going and speaking their mind and letting their voice be heard. But when it comes to them going to public restaurants, when it comes to them going to their home we also have to remember what they did to Sarah Huckabee sanders, kirstjen nielsen. They also shouted them out of Public Places that is taking it too far. I think we need to on top of that, having congresswoman Maxine Waters encouraging people to fight against this administration, that in my view is the wrong way to go about doing it and taking it too far when it becomes personal. That being said, the most important way you can have your voice heard is go out and vote. And encouraging people get out and vote and make your voice heard. Thats going to make the most change, in addition to what theyre doing in terms of attacking members of congress or elected officials or those who are public servants. Whether in public or in their private lives. So, rick, is there a right and a wrong place to protest or to tell your congressman or senator how you feel . Look, i have a slightly different view of this. First off, we obviously all agree when it gets to the point where there is laying on of hands, where there is physical violence or physical confrontation, thats a red line. Thats a nogo. I dont care where they are, what theyre doing, once youre putting a fist in somebodys chest or pushing somebody around or engaging in any kind of violent action, thats a bright red line. Right. But i will say this, the average member of congress of the u. S. Senate has a very comfortable life. They live in a bubble. They shielded from most interaction was the public. They dont read the emails coming. In they dont read the phone messages coming in. They dont look at the Facebook Page themselves. Theyre given a filter bubble to live in. They live in a very comfortable world. And a lot of the times the aggression and the anxiety and the fury that happens on the left and the right in this country comes because people arent listening to their because theyre protected. Theyre safe. Theyre in this little bubble. So once in a while these guys getting out and hearing somebody in their face telling a story that is like the women in the elevate were jeff flake, that spoke from real pain and real experience, you know, the political cost of that, yeah, its real and its painful. They dont want to deal with it. But folks on the left and the right have to be available to their constituents and available to the American People or youre going to get this kind of reaction. Youre going to get this kind of ramping up. Theyre going to chase people into restaurants if they cant talk to them in the halls of congress. Theyre going to chase people into restaurants if they cant get them to answer a question. Ask a republican the last time they did a town hall meeting was in the last year and a half, two years. They dont do them anymore. So they get the frustration that gro grows and grows. I have couple of seconds left, 19. That if you look at what happened during the health care debate, the congressmen and senators were being confronted at town Hall Meetings or meetings when these folks go back to their homes. People feel powerless now, especially. They do. Listen, weve got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Yeah there. Are lots of citizens in this country who are uncomfortable, and theyre starting to make it known to congressional officials because were coming to talk to you. Thank you very much. And, again, that does not mean violence. So when you write your stories and youre on twitter, thats not what were saying. No. Nobody has said that nobody is advocating that. So check yourself. Thank you, everyone. Thanks, all. Thanks, don. Thankses for watching. Our coverage continues. Im alex trebek here to tell you about the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 5085 and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. The three what . The three ps . What are the three ps . 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