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We will talk about that. Plus, President Trump increasingly isolated inside his own white house, moving trusted aide scavino into the small office near the president s desk. It was occupied by hope hicks. Moscow flexing its muscle for the u. S. And the world to see. Russias defense minister releasing video of a test launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile. A lot of ground to cover tonight. I want to bring in david axle r axlerod. David, good to have you on. Good evening. Robert muellers investigation is moving ahead. We are learning a new name, ted malloch, detained by the fbi at Logan Airport as he returned from london. He says investigators asked him about Trump Confidant Roger Stone and julian assuage. Where is this investigation going . Do you know . You know, whats interesting to me is not where its going but how much its reinforcing the stories that we have known for a long time. For example, roger stone, how did he seem to have the bead on what wikileaks was going to do . Thats something that Robert Mueller wants to know. He is talking to people who may have insight into that. Malloch in addition tie relato relationship with assuage, he has ties to him. Thats one element of it. We know with the filing of rick gates about rick gates and about his ongoing contacts with a russian operative. He is looking at that issue of, was there a pipeline between the Trump Campaign and the russians. What is very clear is that some of these matters that people have been dismissing as not relevant as they focused on this obstruction of justice issue are very much still under examination by the special counsel. Lets switch gears. A Senior Administration official says some aides to the president were surprised by the president s comments that the u. S. Will withdraw from syria, given what he said in the past. Watch this. One of the things i think you noticed about me is militarily, i dont like to say where im going and what im doing. I dont want to telegraph what im doing or thinking. Im not like other administrations where they say were going do this in four weeks. That doesnt work that way. I dont want to say, yes, here is what were going to do. I dont have to do that. Isnt this what the president said he would never do . Whats interesting is the one group of people he didnt telegraph his move to was members of his own administration who seemed to be completely surprised by what he said. We have talked about this i think last week. Theres something going on with the president. I think he has come to the conclusion that his instincts got him to where he is. He is tired of being bridled. Tired of being told what he can and cant do. He is winging it. He went out there and he did his improv act. Donald trump was an antiinterventionist as a candidate. He was not for putting more troops anywhere. He was going back to basics in front of that crowd. He did send more troops to syria. There is an ongoing operation there. It is a delicate time. It does involve iran and russia and a very volatile region. To just go up there and wing it and surprise your own people is a stunning thing to do. He also improbably suggested he wasnt going to sign the trade agreement that he reached with south korea that the administration had been touting all week because he was now holding it as a negotiating tool, as leverage he said. Apparently people didnt realize he was going to say that either. This is a heck of a way to run a government. Yes, he is in one way signaling something that he might do. We dont know if he will follow through on syria. The most disturbing thing is that he is not telegraphing anything or discussing anything apparently with his own team. That can only lead to catastrophe down the line. Lets talk about russia. Russia stoked more tensions today with the launch of the satan 2 missile. Its capable of carrying a dozen or more Nuclear Warhead and can reach anywhere in the u. S. Vladimir putin brags its invincible. What message is he sending to the u. S. . Clearly, he is menacing not just the u. S. But the world. He is feeling emboldened. In part, because i think the president has not been very tough on him to say the least. What was done this week in terms of expelling the diplomats was a real gesture on the part of the u. S. It was done in concert with the rest of the world, which was a tough move. This, in part, may have been a response from putin to that. Ultimately, there are cards the president has like imposing sanctions that congress has authorized against the oligarchs close to putin, that would really strike some fear in his heart. President has declined do that. Again, it remains a mystery as to why someone who is so willing to challenge people large and small wherever he finds them has such a hard time standing up to vladimir putin. David, thank you. Stand by. I want to bring in congressman ted lew. Thank you so much for joining us on this easter friday or this good friday. Mueller moving in on another campaign adviser. We have been talking about ted malloch. Questioning him this week. What does this tell you about the investigation . The fact that the press and public keep learning about new names shows that the fbi and special counsel mueller have a very expensive investigation. They know a lot we dont know. Theyre investigating not just obstruction of justice but in this case its straight up collusion. Did the Trump Campaign know that russia had these emails of Hillary Clinton . Did they use that when they campaigned . If so, thats collusion. Malloch said muellers team seemed to focus on roger stone and asked whether he visited julian assuage. Does this confirm what you know . What does that indicate to you . We know, for example, that Trump Campaign officials had advance knowledge of the fact that russia had Hillary Clintons emails. George papadopoulos had this information. They distributed the emails across america to hurt clinton, help donald trump. If any Trump Campaign official was involved in that, that is straight up conspiracy. Thats collusion. Those are federal crimes. Congressman, were learning the attorney general rebuffed Republican Leaders who wanted him to appoint a Second Special counsel to investigate how the doj and fbi handled investigations related to Hillary Clinton and a former campaign adviser. Did Jeff Sessions make the right call . He absolutely did. The House Republicans seem very intent on trying to impeach Hillary Clinton with these investigations. Guess what . Shes not the president. Shes a private citizen. We should be focused on the president , did he engage in misconduct, did his campaign engage in misconduct . The republicans are trying to distra distract. Session is leaving the door open to another special counsel. He asked a u. S. Attorney to work with the Inspector General to determine whether a Second Special counsel is necessary, saying, i am confident that mr. Hubers review will indicate a full, complete and objective evaluation of these matters in a manner that is consistent with the law and the facts. If the attorney general appoints a Second Special counsel after relying on input from john huber, would you support that . I would. John huber is known to be a man of his word. He was appointed both by a democratic president as well as a republican president. I will wait for his review. If he says a Second Special counsel should be appointed, i would support that. I have to ask about congresswoman elizabeth estes, her decision to employ her chief of staff tony baker after she learned allegations of fiphysic abuse against his now exgirlfriend. She helped him with a positive recommendation letter and signed a legal document preventing her from discussing why he left. Shes from connecticut and the hartford occcurrent is calling her to resign. Shes refusing. What do you think should happen . What her chief of staff did was completely unacceptable. Employees should not be threatened, whether they are on capitol hill or in the private sector. She has apologized for her handling of the situation based on the one article i read so far, on this issue, i am not calling for her resignation. That is her decision. We will wait to see what more facts may come out. Congressman, thank you. I appreciate your time. Happy easter to you. Thank you. Back with david. I have a question for you. I wanted to ask you im glad you are back. The first day of the Trump Presidency without hope hicks. It doesnt look like a replacement will be announced. Is that a mistake . What impact will that have on white house operations . I think its a mistake. I think her role was more important in terms of her ability to talk to the president and in ways that other people apparently could not. That will be missed greatly. Every white house should have a Communications Director. Should have a functioning chief of staff. And the kinds of things that president s need to run a very complex organization. Its not the trump organization. The president will discover that very quickly. David, i want to ask you about the interview you did for your show with your friend. We talked about it a little bit last week. Sir charles barkley. Yes, sir. You got his thoughts on the president. Listen first, and then we will talk about it. I never talk bad about the president. Im going to be factual. I have never been more angry and disgusted at this situation than i am now. This turmoil every single day, the tweeting, the hiring and firing, dude, im blessed and you are, too. It really aint going to have a big affect on our life. But i actually have humanity. I want everybody to have a good life. He does not hold back. No. He doesnt. Thats the great thing about charles, he speaks his mind. He is authentic. He says whats on his mind. He had a lot of thoughts about a lot of things, many of which would surprise people. I hope people if they are watching the final four, i hope they record the show or watch it on tomorrow night at 7 00. Dont underestimate yourself. Im sure they will be watching. Im not. Im sober about the loyola rambl ramblers. A lot of people will want to watch them. We appreciate it. We will watch tomorrow. Happy easter. Happy easter. Check it out tomorrow night at 7 00 eastern right here on cnn. More on our breaking mu ini coverage. Investigators detaining and questioning ted malloch, asking him about roger stone and wick i can wikileaks. Ick i can wikileaks. Ck i can wikileaks. K i can wikileaks. I can wikileaks. I can wikileaks. Can wikileaks. Can wikileaks. An wikileaks. N wikileaks. Wikileaks. Wikileaks. Well, like most of you, i just bought a house. Oh very nice. Now im turning into my dad. I text in full sentences. I refer to every child as chief. This hat was free. What am i supposed to do, not wear it . Next thing you know, im telling strangers defense wins championships. Well, it does. Right . Why is the door open . Are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood . At least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. I mean, why would i replace this . Its not broken. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Breaking news. Robert muellers team reaching into a 2016 Trump Campaign, into the campaign questioning a man who says he was and informal adviser. I want to talk about this with juliette kyam and steve hall, retired of chief cia Russian Operations and michael moore. Good evening. Steve, lets start with you. We learned a new name today that wasnt on any anyones radar, that is ted malloch, a former Trump Campaign adviser. Why was the fbi asking him about roger stone and wikileaks . Yeah. Theres this continuing issue of the connection between roger stone and wikileaks, because of the role the unique role wikileaks played in disseminating the stolen information from the dnc. My only knowledge of this guy is he seems to be a state guy which calls into question his credibility. Mueller is running the investigation and thinks its important to talk to him. Thats good enough for me. The fbi asked malloch if he had been to the he can doecuado. Thats where julian assuage has been for six years. Does the fbi think malloch was an intermediary of some sort . It sounds like it. In the cnn reporting, that was the one sentence that stood out because it was so specific. It wasnt what was your relationship to the Trump Campaign . What did roger stone know . It was literally, did you enter the building which makes me think they know he did enter the building because one lass to assume they were watching it and someone else entered the building and had a meeting with assuage and theyre trying to figure out what he knows. He claims he said something publically that he did not enter the building. We will question his credibility. It was that one sentence that i think theres a lot of meaning behind. It was so specific about a visit to julian assuage. It was roger stone, michael, who claimed multiple times that he had contact with julian assuage and seemed to know ahead of time about the hack of the dnc and john podesta. He denied both. Do you think stone is key to making the collusion case . I think he certainly may be a part of it. Let me tell you these interviews and investigations, certainly when we talk about malloch or stone, these things dont happen just sort of willy dilly, off the cuff. They basically have some idea where theyre going. They may know or typically do know the answers to the questions theyre asking you. This is a chance to feel you out as a witness, feel you out if you are going to be truthful as things go on, if theres places they can put pressure on you. They know the answers before they get there. What it tells me is like roger stone, it kind of tells me we might be talking a little bit about little don. He is the one that was involved in the russian meeting in trump tower. He is the one that had the information shared from he didnt disclose the meeting. That pushes it back towards the events on air force one to do a coverup. That seems a likely path that mueller may be exploring. Little don. We will go with that. Steve, they questioned malloch for an hour, confiscated his cell phone and handed him a subpoena on the spot to appear before the grand jury. Is that an indication that they think that he is holding out on them . Or is it a tactic . It may be a little bit of both. Obviously, whenever you relieve somebody of their electronics, you are looking for a trail, for things they might not admit to. It has a psychological impact. Getting back to juliettes comment, theres been a number of questions as to how assange from inside the embassy was able to get information in and out aside from electronics. There was an obvious assumption his electronics were being monitored. Theres a question as to whether there was a mule who carried a thumb drive or something in and out. I wonder whether that is what theyre trying to get into in and try to find out who was actually doing this. Michael, malloch issued a statement saying he was an informal adviser to trump. Had only met stone three times and never visited the ecuador embassy. What can they want from me . I am not an operative. Have no russia contacts. Aside from appearing on air and print often to defend and congratulate our president , have done nothing wrong. What message does that send . That didnt satisfy the fbi. What more will they be asking him . I think if you look at his statement on its face, even where he says he has had no russian contacts, half the administration has said that. We know thats not true. I dont put much credibility in what he is saying. Where they go with him i think its likely they know the answer to the questions. Maybe he is a mule or he has information that stone is a mule. Whatever the case may be. They probably know the answer, but theyre looking to see, can they use this guy, can they move him in the direction of being a cooperating witness to testify or a corroborating witness that they can use to back up information that they developed. Aside from stone there are ties check out your screen. This is to all the ties. We dont have all night. I wont read them all. The contacts go on and on. How can the president say his campaign had nothing to do with russia when these links are apparent on their face . Yeah. You cant rationally look at this and say that the Trump Campaign had nothing to do with russia. Remember, that is where they began. We have to that is now just a joke of an explanation by all of them. The question now is, as we all know, is what was the extent, nature, duration and who within the Trump Campaign was directing it . Were getting very close to trump himself now. We have got don junior in the room. Weve got jared doing funky stuff. This is were there. We keep waiting for when will we know. Im looking at this. Were there. Yes, theres questions of intent, theres questions of direction. What we do know, just stepping aside and looking back is the Trump Campaign was infiltrated and had contacts with russians for over beginning in 2015. It wasnt just these hangers on and losers. It was in trump tower. Intent and consequences is something that mueller is looking at now. Im done sort of pretending that i i havent been pretending. You have to begin with the facts. The facts are telling you this was a campaign that was so cozy with russia that trump himself or others around him were aware of it and possibly compromised by it. Thats the question. Juliette, steve, michael, thank you for joining us. We will tell you who moved into hope hicks former office. If he has a shot at her job and what his chief qualification could be. [ doorbell rings ] janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. You just answer some simple questions online, and you get Coverage Options to choose from. Youre ruining my workout. Cycling is my passion. Youre ruining my workout. If your adventure keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips you may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. 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The first day that hope hicks, who was White House Communications director, is not at her side. Her office was steps away from the oval office. Here to discuss, ryan lizza, matt lewis and alice stewart. Happy friday. Happy friday. Happy holiday friday. What is it . Good friday. Hope is gone. Hope hicks, that is. Sources tell cnn not hope in general . Well, depends on who you ask. The white house may not fill her job. Aides are worried the president will unravel without her. What are you hearing, ryan . I think the big picture of all of the recent changes, hope hicks leaving, john kelly being sort of neutered, emasculated, larry cudlow moving into the economic adviser job and bolton, the pundits coming on is what you are seeing is the end of the era where they tried to have a white house a traditional white house with a strong chief of staff and the beginning of a new era where trump is a little more confident in picking the personnel that he wants. He is making these decisions almost unilaterally, it seems. You are getting a whole new staffing structure that is much more similar to the way trump ran things in his own business empire. That is individuals reporting right into him and rather than through a strong chief of staff. We have seen white houses that have set up that process before. Ford white house tried it. The Carter White House tried it. After nixon, people blamed watergate on a chief of staff that was too strong. Both of those president s abandoned it because it ended in disaster. Thats the big picture structure. What are you saying about the chief of staff . I just think trump does not like having what all the manage are you saying kelly is he is the job he was brought in to be a traditional strong chief of staff. We know from all the reporting about this white house that trump just doesnt like that. He wants to be able to reach down and micromanage the white house. He wants to be his own Communications Director, his own chief of staff. He wants to run things. He has a lot more confidence now to pick personnel. During the transition in 2016, he was listening to recommendations of outsiders. To take one instance, tillerson was a recommendation by condoleezza rice. That era is over. Trump is running his own white house. I think we can expect the white house to get more dysfunctional with all the changes. That sounds like king, dictator or monarch. He can do what he wants. I know. What i think the most important thing in his mind what the next question will be was, who is the president going to use to fill hope hicks office . Is that dan . He is someone that is being talked about. Someone that is more of a president ial confidant. Someone he can trust, someone from the beginning, the keeper of his secrets and someone who has been with him for a while and can be more of the person that he turns to for how is this playing out in the press, how is this playing out in congress, how do i need to proceed on this issue . In terms of her role as director, this is a different presidency. This is a different president. What im hearing is we will be restructuring. Have someone Overall Communications director but also have someone who deals with strategic, digital, someone who deals with the press as sarah sanders. Thats your thats what you do. You are a communications person. Thats when i first met you, you were a communications person. Is this realistic to have one person to deal with all of these jobs . Whats wrong with having traditional roles in the white house . This restructuring in terms of, theres so many different ways now compared to 2008 or digital media, social media, Mainstream Media to get the message out. My understanding, theyre going to restructure to fit this president and how he operates. I expect we are going to see different titles, roles, people in those positions. We need the press to deal with the immediate impact, incoming from the media on a day to day, hour to hour, minute by minute basis and a Communications Director to look at big picture, longterm strategy where he can lay out his agenda and get his message across for his policies. Who will be the person that says, okay, when we decide something the president goes out and says something else, you are the guy or gal who, you know, takes that job . Maybe its dan scavino. He is the president s social media director. Moved into hope hicks desk this week. We have yet to see if he is offered the job. Aides call him trumps mini me. He was trumps caddie back in the day. Whats going on with dan here . I think theres a few things going on. One as alice and ryan have talked about is how anybody who had an independent silo of power is basically being taken out. If you dare to have some intelle intere intere intellectu intellectual honesty, they are all being taken out. Maybe its goodfellas. You mentioned scavino being the caddie. They carry the bag. They fix divots. They help tell the professional, here is how far you are from the pin, here is how you are playing out in the field, sheer where y you stand. He can tell the president here is what you need to do. He takes all of those things the analogy of a caddie has done and he can do that. One thing i want to say the caddie lies about your score and tells you that you are great. Thats what bill clinton did. You are prettier than anybody else. This is the other sort of pattern here. I will go quick. Trump is now replacing people with these longtime loyalist friends. Dan was his caddie. He had yesterday, Donald Trumps personal white house physician is now going to probably head the v. A. , this huge bureaucracbureaucracy. Its longterm its long time friends or people who were obsequious if their acclaim for trump. Remember the kid who was pushing the lawn mower, that 11yearold. He will replace kelly soon. New head of department of interior. What alice said, if we quick, quick. No disrespect to dan. He seems like a lovely gentleman. If we are relying on Donald Trumps former caddie to be the person that is going to stand up to the president and tell him not to do things that are stupid, we are in far more trouble than i think anyone imagined. Welcome to reality, ryan. Come on. Im not hating on dan. Just go back scroll through his twitter feed, if anyone wants to, before some of it is deleted. Maybe he wont. Scroll through. I think he is proud of it. I dont think he will delete it. There you go. Will keep you guys. Well be right back. Per roll more doing chores for dad per roll more earning something you love per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper fox news host Laura Ingraham has a big problem on her hands. 11 advertisers have jumped ship from her show after she mocked david hogg. She apologized but hogg did not accept. How is this shaping up . Who has the upper hand . He has the upper hand. Let me just say, i think this is an unfortunate event. As somebody who has ive been advising people on my side of the aisle. People on the right. Ive been telling them things for years now, things like, go talk to town hall meetings, talk where people dont agree with you. Ive been saying, you should apologize if you do something wrong, if you make a mistake, fess up and be honest about it and admit you made a mistake. The past week, david hogg has basically proven me wrong on two occasions. First, marco rubio who went to this town hall meeting who has proposed modest gun reform bills, reforms, david hogg gets up on stage at this rally and attacking marco rubio saying he has blood on his hands. He went after john mccain, a guy in the hanoi hilton five years for getting nra money. Then laura said something which i think is wrong and stupid. But she apologizes. What does he do . Does he take her apology . Does he accept it . No. What lesson does this teach republicans and conservatives . The lesson that donald trump has lived by. The lesson he learned from his mentor, which is this. Never admit you are wrong. Never apologize. Maybe its that he doesnt believe their bull. Somebody apologizes to i dont see what john mccain and being in the hanoi hilton has to do with his stance on gun control. You can john mccain is right now let me finish. You can respect what john mccain did and his service. He is still a politician that is a leader. You can criticize his policies. Im sure he would want you to do that. John mccain right now is fighting for his life. Absolutely. He has had bad health as of late. He served our country, is an american hero. This High School Kid is basically trolling him on twitter at this moment. I dont think he shouldnt do that. John mccain got it wrong on gun control, thats another issue. He shouldnt be trolling john mccain. I understand what you are saying. He said, why do you take so many money from the nra. It was he didnt say, i only respect people when they are not captured. He said, why did you take so much money from the nra. When people apologize if the apology if its an honest, real apology, yes. If its not a real apology i tell you what the lesson is. Just say im sorry, i was wrong. The people that i fight on the right, the people that i fight say, matt, you are a con s conservative. Never admit you make a mistake. Never apologize. Maybe it wasnt sincere. Maybe he thinks if he accepts the apology it will go back to status quo, she will continue to attack him, the nra will continue to use them to make money to sell more guns. Maybe this kid knows something that we dont know. Maybe there is he is driving polarization. He is creating division. Maybe he is. We need people who are peace makers who bring people together. I see what you are saying. I think here is the main problem here is that laura is very opinionated. She speaks her mind. Shes welcome to do that. Certainly, she does so with her new outlet on another network. The problem is when you go after a kid. Granted, this kid has a huge megaphone. I have five seconds. Dont attack kids, especially one thats gone through what he has been through. I appreciate it. Thank you. We have a lot to get to. Thank you, everyone. How do you win at business . Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. 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Lets meet at a sleep number store. Breaking news in baton rouge, louisiana. Police officer fired and the alton sterling death. He was encountered outside a voens store and Police Body Cameras captured what happened. One officer fired, a second officer suspended no charges will be filed officials say. Also in sacramento, california, an independent autopsy shows that Stephon Clark was shot eight times six wounds in his back. When you consider both the stories, and the many, many others like them, still surprised that a group of students from parkland florida, students of color are concerned about the prospect of arming more police in schools. And what that might mean for safety. Joining me tonight are two students from Marjory Stoneman douglas high school, kai abtiap you guys doing okay . were yeah with, doing great. Absolutely. Im starting with you, tia you another minority students you meld a press conference wednesday. I want to read what you said. You said the black lives Matter Movement has been addressing the topic since the murder of Trevon Martin in 2012. We have never seen this contained of support for our cause. We surely do not feel the lives of voices of minorities are valued as much as those of white counterparts. Why do you feel that way . Definitely because of the amount of Media Presence that has been present since what has happened to our school on valentines day. I have never sienna kind of support for black lives matter after after somebody, you know, the same color as us, when their lives were taken, when we go to the rallies, the never again rally had so many people. And it spanned across continents. When we have black lives matter rallies, if they are covered at all, they are covered in a negative light a lot of the time. And you did not see that usually with never again unless it was from someone who thinks that we are antigun. Yeah, but do you just to be clear, i think this may get lost on some people you support never again but you would like as much support as possible for your cause as well, correct in. Definitely. I say this all the time. I am part of never again, you know, i am part of this movement. We are not a separate graup. We are not trying to separate ourselves. The fact that i am part of never again, and that i need everybody to know that we exist within this movement as well. What do you want the public to know, kye. Our school is 11 black. We come from a diverse spectrum of people. So its not just one demographic that has a voice at our school. Kai since the shooting you say the increased Police Presence has created new stress for you on campus. Why is that . Just the other tai as a matter of fact i was stopped by i was singled out by one of the bso and told i had to reenter the school through the office and that if i made it through the office then i would be okay to come back in. And this is unthe assumption that as his words that i wasnt the next school shooter. Do you think other students feel safer . How do you explain to those students why you dont feel the same way, tyah or kai, whoever wants to answer that. Right, well we do know that that the Police Officers inside and outside of a School Setting disproportionately target people of color, black people specifically. We know that inside of schools black people usually get harsher punishments. And get punished more often. Detention, suspensions, expulsions, things like that, statistically. And so when you bring these Police Officers who people of color are wary of and leary into the setting where we are just trying to learn, you open up door up for discrimination abracial profile as kyle gave an example of. And you open the door for the potentially detrimental situations. Thats what were very aware of and trying to show our counterparts. Listen, kai you mentioned that africanamericans make up 11 of the student body at stoneman douglas, i want some final words here on how gun violence affects students of color. How does it affect you . Well, obviously this is definitely something that our community has been dealing with for generations at this point. So, you know, we feel like that if its town to a point of our right almost to be a part of the conversation of gun control, and of gun regulation, because our community suffered from it for generations as i said. Yeah, well listen, i appreciate your time. I understand you know the circumstances surrounding this. And that you guys feel that you have a unique voice and insight into this and you would like more input and more attention. Thats certainly understandable. Thank you for joining us, okay . Thank you. Thank you. Thank you well be right back. What . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Aha. And an awardwinning mobile app. That is more. 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In the state of texas, more than 40 of kid going to jail once will be back within 12 months. This week cnn hero is a chef from dallas who left a top straun and successful career to help stop this revolving door. After a chance encounter with an excited young man from the Dallas County juvenile justice facility who discovered his love of cooking. Chad had his ahha moment. I remember consciously thinking the system is rigged. Based on choices made for him not by him. The color of his kin, the part of town that he was born into, the schools that he had access to. And i just thought, its not fair. He deserves every chance that i had. And i thought if youre not willing to do something yourself then our a hypocrite. Either put up or shut up. That was it for me. To use how chad is putting up helping design brighter futures for young people, go to cnn heroes. Com and if you know someone who deserves to be a cnn hero, nominate them. Thats it for us tonight. Thanks for watching. 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