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Everybody who will listen, including the president himself in a call to vietnam, that moore should drop out. Tonight the rnc says it wont give him anymore money. But if moore wont quit are President Trumps hands tied . Much more on that in just a moment. Also, theres the cloud of the russia investigation the president has to contend with. Jeff sessions getting a grilling from the House Judiciary Committee today. Remember this now infamous march 31, 2016, meeting that included then candidate trump, Jeff Sessions and George Papadopoulos . Well, now sessions he remembers it too although he said last month that he didnt. His memory is still foggy when it comes to that proposed meeting with President Trump and Vladimir Putin. I do now recall that the march 2016 meeting at the trump hotel that mr. Papadopoulos attended. But i have no clear recollection of the details of what he said at that meeting. After reading his account and to the best of my recollection i believe that i wanted to make clear to him that he was not authorized to represent the campaign or the russian government and any other Foreign Government for that matter. That comes less than 24 hours after the revelation that donald trump, jr. And wikileaks communicated secretly for ten months during the campaign. And then theres the gop tax cuts. The president is demanding it. The party is staking everything on it. But will they have to drive a stake through the heart of obamacare to get it done . And will working class voters be happy with any of this . Lets get to correspondent dana bash and justice correspondent evan perez. Dana, lets talk roy moore, shall we . I just watched his speech just moments ago. Lets listen to what he said. Playing a little part in this scenario going on in the country. Obviously ive made a few people mad. Im the only one that can unite democrats and republicans. [ laughter ] because i seem to be opposed by both. Theyve spent over 30 million trying to take me out. Theyve done everything they could, and now theyre together to try to keep me from going to washington. What i wanted to say there before it was almost like a sermon. Like he was preaching in church, standing at what looked like a pulpit. I think it was like a faith meeting, a revival, so thats exactly right. Were learning about conversations between Mitch Mcconnell and the president about moore. We know much mitchs side of that conversation, don. And thats because he sort of shouted it from the rooftops that he spoke to the president , to the Vice President about the problem that he believes, the very big problem that he believes the Republican Party and by extension the president and his agenda has because of this moore candidacy. The open question is what the president believes, what he feels and more importantly what if anything hes going to say publicly now that hes back at the white house, back in washington and back engaged in politics. Its unclear if hes going to say anything. And to be honest even if he does, its doubtful that that would even have much of an impact on whether or not moore decides to step aside, especially given what he said tonight. And remember the president never endorsed moore. He endorsed luther strange, moores opponent in the republican primaries. So its not like theres a lot of goodwill and a reservoir of a relationship there. Theres no love lost, lets put it that way. Two thirds of voters think he should drop out of the senate race. Thats including 42 of republicans, 62 of independents. This is according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. Could we end up might we end up seeing President Trump put some pressure on Jeff Sessions to run in as a writein candidate for his old seat . It is possible. I was hearing yesterday from Senate Republicans in the senate that was a move that was kind about to snowball and get to become a bigger one, to try to convince Jeff Sessions. And the whole reason this is a special election in the first place is Jeff Sessions vacated his seat to become attorney general. So, yes, the question whether sessions would go for it is first and foremost. Hes sent signals to aides no thanks. Im in a good job right now. Today was a tough day for Jeff Sessions. As a trump advisor said to me every day is a tough day for Jeff Sessions. If hes not hearing it from his former colleagues on capitol hill, hes hearing it in private, sometimes in public, from his boss, the president of the United States. Hes totally in the squeeze position. And hes kind of in the i cant please everybody, and pleasing nobody position right now. Lets talk about russia. It was a tough day. The attorney general spoke today at a hearing. He said he never misled congress about Trump Campaign contacts with russian officials. Hes defiant. He insists he did not lie. Yeah, he does insist he didnt lie. I think over many, many hours of questioning from democrats, im not sure they ever really shook him from that defiance, from that answer which was i thought i was answering a different question. I think the most curious part of todays marathon hearing, don, the fact that curiously enough the attorney general doesnt remember much about that meeting where George Papadopoulos apparently brought up the idea of using his contacts to arrange a meeting between candidate trump and Vladimir Putin. Jeff sessions was sort of the leader of that meeting. He said he didnt remember any details of it. But he has clear memory that he shot down the idea. So thats one of the more curious parts of today, because i think even he was kind of smiling, riley, as he sort of gave that answer to congress. I think he realizes theyre really not going to be able to shake him from this idea, to sort of get over the idea that he lied. They have to somehow sort of shake him from this thought that, you know, he knowingly told a falsehood. And i dont think they can do that because the way he answered these questions was always a little bit you could drive a truck through those answers. So i think thats what hes got on his side. Dana, look, theres also questions whether the white house is using the department of justice to go after Hillary Clinton. What do we know about that . Well, listen, its an open question whether they will. It has been a very public request, frankly. Almost to the point of a demand from the president himself, which anybody, and evan certainly can attest to this, who has come close to covering the Justice Department, never mind who has worked in the Justice Department, will tell you its completely a breach of protocol. Nevertheless the notion of being political certainly was a big question from democrats at todays hearing. Lets listen to part of it. In a functioning democracy, is it common for the leader of the country to order the criminal Justice System to retaliate against his political opponents . Mr. Conyers, i would say the department of justice can never be used to retaliate politically against opponents, and that would be wrong. Don, this is exhibit a of the very difficult position that Jeff Sessions is in. Because his boss has made it clear that he wants him to investigate and appoint a Second Special counsel to look into Hillary Clinton, to look into things that happened in the obama administration. And on that point, he actually pushed back on a fellow republican who was pressing him on whether or not the Justice Department is going to appoint that Second Special counsel. And his answer to congressman jordan, he says you have your idea, but sometimes we have to study what the facts are to evaluate whether it meet the standard. Meaning were going to do it by the book and let the professionals do it. And were not going to make this decision based on the political tenor of the times, which is not going to be popular with his boss. Facts are a pesky thing. They usually dont deal with ideology. They just deal with facts and reality. All of this comes as President Trumps son, donald trump, jr. Is being scrutinized for messaging wikileaks at the end of a president ial campaign. That came up today, right . Right. I think a couple of democrats tried to bring that up today, don. Obviously it is a big story that broke in the last 24 hours. Sessions obviously is not going to be able to talk. And he says because hes recused from the russia investigation he cannot talk about any parts of that. But he was asked about, you know, what the president s own thoughts about wikileaks. If you remember during the campaign the president famously said i love wikileaks. And he asked im sorry, Jeff Sessions was asked whether or not he loves wikileaks, and he says im not a big fan of wikileaks. One last thing to add onto what dana was just talking about, the extraordinary thing having covered the Justice Department over the last decade, to see the president openly on twitter saying he wants his political opponents investigated by the Justice Department. And today the attorney general began his remarks by talking about the return to the rule of law. It would have been an extraordinary thing for us to hear more, that they were going to go forward with a special counsel. Thats a rare thing. Theres only been two of them. And mueller is one. Remarkable. Yeah, interesting. Dana and evan, thank you very much i appreciate it. Attorney general sessions got a grilling today at the hearing of the house committee. One of the toughest questioners, new york congressman hakim jefferies. I want you to listen to this exchange. And while serving as u. S. Attorney you once prosecuted a young Police Officer who lied in a deposition. And in that speech you decided to prosecute that young Police Officer even though he corrected his testimony. Let me be clear. The attorney general of the United States of america should not be held to a different standard than the young Police Officer whose life you ruined by prosecuting him for perjury. Mr. Jeffries, nobody nobody, not you or anyone else, should be prosecuted. Not me to be accused of perjury for answering the question the way i did in this hearing. Ive always tried to answer the questions fairly and accurately. There he is, and congressman Hakeem Jeffries joins me now. Thank you for joining us. Good to be you, don. You pressed attorney general Jeff Sessions over all things russia today. Do you believe the attorney general lied about the Trump Campaigns contacts russian officials . Well, the attorney general has been less than truthful on multiple occasions when testifying before congress about contacts between himself, the Trump Campaign and russian operatives. He first came before the United States senate in january and said that he had no communication with any russian officials. It then turned out that he met with the Russian Ambassador in july of 2016 during the Republican National convention. He also met with the republican ambassador sergey kislyak, whos widely viewed as the top russian spy in the United States of america at the time. Also in his Senate Office in september. He then came back to congress to testify over the summer in response to a question, said he had no idea that any individuals, had not even heard even a whisper, don, that there were any individuals from the Trump Campaign who had any thoughts of interacting with russian operatives. And then he turns out he hosted a meeting in trump tower in march of last year where George Papadopoulos raised the issue directly of arranging a meeting between donald trump and Vladimir Putin and said he had a whole bunch of contacts in russia that could be helpful to the Trump Campaign. You think its possible news reports jogged his memory . I dont think so. Because weve seen this pattern of selective amnesia over and over and over again. And theres also a broader question. Why is it the fact that all of the president s men continue to have problems recalling the contacts that they were having with russian operatives at the same time when russia was attacking our democracy at the explicit direction of Vladimir Putin . Were talking about Jeff Sessions has had these memory problems. Michael flynn has had these memory problems. Donald trump, jr. , his son, has had these memory problems. Jared kushner, the soninlaw has had these memory problems. Paul manafort, the campaign chairman. Carter page. All of them have had these memory problems. This is either the greatest set of coincidences in the 21st century or something really is rotten with the Trump Campaign. And were going to get to the bottom of what happened. To your memory point, the New York Times, he repeated this phrase i dont recall more than 20 times. Heres how they summed it up. Mr. Sessions said he could not remember much about russian influence on the Trump Campaign except when he could block such influence. Do you think that youre going to hear more from sessions on all of this in the future . Well, the American People deserve to learn the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about this whole sordid affair. Our democracy was attacked. Its integrity is at issue. And were determined no matter how much obstruction we see from my friends on the other side of the aisle, to get to the bottom of what had occurred. Now weve got the rob mueller investigation, everyone in washington with the exception of donald trump has great confidence in his capacity and his professionalism. But we also need to figure out for the American People through the context of continued aggressive investigations in the house and the senate, what exactly happened, don, so we can make sure that we can prevent these types of attacks on our democracy from happening again. Because russia is determined to continue to strike out at us. While i have you here, congressman, i want to ask you about the Justice Department looking into whether a Second Special prosecutor is needed to look into the Clinton Foundation and the uranium one deal. The president has been calling for it openly. But some are wondering whether or not fox news host janeane piro who has denounced sessions, had any influence. This is according to the New York Times, in an oval office meeting, ms. Piro said that a special council needed to be appointed. Through a fox news spokeswoman she says everything ive said to President Trump is exactly what ive vocalized on my show. So congressman, is the Justice Department being influenced by politics, by the president you think here . By cable news . I certainly hope not. We do know this president does tend to be influenced by what he sees on other networks, even conspiracy theories that are peddled by others. But we have a bedrock principle in the United States of america that the rule of law cannot be bent by political individuals. Certainly not by the president of the United States of america. To the attorney generals credit he seemed to understand that in his testimony today. Hopefully he wont cave into the pressure from a president who continues to call his attorney general beleaguered. That would be unfortunate. We have a president who clearly does seem to have authoritarian tendencies that are aggressive in nature. And one example of that would be to try to strike out at political opponents by using the department of justice. I think that would really trigger, however, a constitutional crisis that hopefully would lead democrats and republicans to resist and serve as a meaningful check and balance on his overreach. Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, thank you, sir. Thank you, don. When we come back Jeff Sessions insists he never lied under oath, but theres a lot he says he just doesnt recall. Could that come back to haunt him . And will he end up in hot water . If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. A history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts,. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla. Reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper. Respiratory tract infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. And if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Directv has been rated number one in Customer Satisfaction over cable for 17 years running. But some people still like cable. Just like some people like wet grocery bags. Getting a bad haircut. Overcrowded trains. Turnstiles that dont turn. And spilling coffee on themselves. But for everyone else, theres directv. For 1 rated Customer Satisfaction over cable, switch to directv. And for a limited time get a 100 reward card. Call 1800directv attorney general Jeff Sessions in the hotseat today testifying before the House Judiciary Committee and changing his story on russia. Lets discuss now. Good evening to all of you. So good to have you on. John, you first. There were many heated exchanges during the sessions testimony where he insists he did not lie. Watch. You did have communications with the russians last year, isnt that right . Just yes or no. I had a meeting with the Russian Ambassador, yes. Thats exactly the opposite answer you gave under oath at the u. S. Senate. So again either youre lying to the u. S. Senate or the u. S. House of representatives. Well, i hope the congressman knows and all of you know that my answer to that question i did not meet with the russians was explicitly responding to the shocking question that i as a surrogate was meeting on a continuing basis for russian officials and the implication was to impact the campaign in some sort of nefarious way. And all i did is meet in my office with the ambassador, which we didnt discuss anything like that. So john, he says he hasnt changed his answers. And at the same time we heard i dont recall a lot today when it came to russia. Did sessions perjure himself today . Well, as my former boss famously said, perjury is a tough rap to prove. That doesnt mean it doesnt happen. It certainly happened with watergate and the i dont recall defense. Bob halderman, the former chief of staff, went to jail over i dont recall because the tape showed that was contrary. Today comparable with the tapes are the pervasive nature of emails. And mr. Sessions may be pulled up short with Something Like that. We dont know all the evidence available at this point. But, don, hes playing a dangerous game because his statements are not only incomplete, theyre now frequently inconsistent. Yeah. But democrats were quick, john, to cut him off today. Especially when they didnt think he was being consistent. True. They did. And the congressman was one of the better ones you had just now, the prior segment. He did an excellent job of pinning him down and getting him to answer questions or not answer. Mike, sessions also said the doj will consider investigations into Hillary Clinton, but he did not say whether he would recuse himself from that. Why wont he make that pledge now when he said he would do just that during the confirmation hearing . Right, he said that to senator grassley, that he would consider himself recused from that. And i believe that the Justice Department recusal requirements will so inform his behavior and that he will actually recuse himself. The merits of an investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and uranium one are quite sketchy. I would hope that he would also withstand white house pressure to have a special counsel when none is really required. The point here is that special counselors are appointed when theres conflicts of interest, and there isnt necessarily conflicts of interests here. And secondly theyre only required when there is an inability of the Justice Department to prosecute the matter themselves. And theres no evidence that theres anything worth prosecuting here. So this is politics in a very sad sense. And hopefully Jeff Sessions will be true to his word that he will not institute an investigation of these matters unless the evidence warrants it. I think that was his shining moment today. He said there are close to ten investigations he could recuse himself from. Is that difficult . Well, these are i think subsets of broader investigations. Theres one broader investigation, which is mueller. And then mueller has sort of off shoots from it. So anything that under the justice regulations that relates to a person he knows or campaign that hes worked for or people connected with that campaign, he has to be recused from. So since theres different investigations ongoing related to all those subjects, i think its like one big bundle, in my estimation. This will fall right into that bundle. President trump has made it very clear he thinks the Justice Department should investigate Hillary Clinton. You think this is sessions punting. Why do you think that . Because in some ways if he was going to do it he would have done it by now. His position is so precarious. And i think youre seeing sessions is such a complicated person at this stage. He clearly has an idea how he should behave as attorney general but keeps getting criticized by the man he basically gave up the Senate Career for. So him pushing back does talk about career prosecutors, well make the decision, were not going to throw this into the political arena. He kept saying career people will decide. I just have to agree, you know, that even if you read this deal, this Hillary Clinton deal in the worst light possible, right, its very hard to see why a special prosecutor would be needed. At best maybe a crime was committed. Im not even going to admit that. Reading it in the best light possible to those who are critical of Hillary Clinton, the special prosecutor does not match that. This is something that prosecutors within the department of justice would investigate. And it seems thats what sessions is at least trying to get some of the political fever off of him. John, if sessions goes ahead with the investigation of trumps opponents, peter baker said this would shatter norms established after watergate. What do you think . I think it absolutely would. Richard nixon laid the predicate how you could influence the Justice Department. Thats a watermark no one wants to repeat. Hopefully trump wont go there and sessions will honor his testimony today. Thank you all. When we come back, the list now stands at five women accusing roy moore of sexually abusing them when they were teenagers. The Senate Majority leader saying he should not be allowed to serve, but roy moore refuses to lead the Alabama Senate race. What do alabama voters think . 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Alabama judge roy moore refusing to tonight to quit the senate race despite heavy pressure from republicans on capitol hill. Lets bring in beth clayton, contributor to the voice of alabama politics. And john sharp, reporter for Alabama Media group. Good evening to both of you. So john, a defiant roy moore he took to the stage tonight at the god save america conference in jackson, alabama, blaming attacks on him on the media and vowing to keep fighting. Heres a portion of what he had to say. Im now placing allegations, and thats all the press want to talk about. But i want to talk about the issues. I want to talk where this countrys going. And if we dont come back to god were not going anywhere. So, john, you were in the room when moore made these comments. How did it go over with the crowd . Well, the crowd loved it, don. It fed right to the base. You know, it was spot on for the audience he was before. It was a speech he didnt really dive into the issues too much, the typical issues we think of. He discussed more or less about the spiritual battle that he feels christians are in. And it was a 32 minute speech and the crowd loved it. There was a standing ovation, and he really count on the base for december 12th. Yeah, i watched it here. And he mostly talked about the bible. Sort of bible issues versus the secular and so on. But in addition of allegations of sexual abuse from roy moore gary tuchman has tracked down a former mall employee which he said he was told to alert police if moore showed up at a mall. Take a listen to this. We talk about other people and somebody said dont forget about roy moore. And i asked what about roy moore . And they said, well, hes banned from the mall. I said why is he banned, and a Police Officer wouldnt tell me. He said if you see him, let me know. So what did you eventually learn . I was told he was bothering girls in the mall. Reporter in what way . I dont know exactly. That he was approaching them and talking to them. Reporter when you say girls teenage girls. So what do you know . What do you know about moore and this supposed ban from the mall . Weve heard these rumors for weeks before now. And its been a thing around gadsten for the longest time. Its just shameful so many women have had to come forward to get justice in this situation. And i hope the court of Public Opinion holds him accountable. And its sad hes saying he doesnt know anything about this, where the mall is and he hasnt heard these women. Gadstens is a small town. Its sad since hes so big on the ten commandments. I think theres going to be a hardened base and use the bible to justify these acts that roy moore has done. I think there are a lot of good, godfearing people listening to this and they know these stories ring so true for women across the state and america. They cant look the other way and cant let someone like roy moore represent us in the senate. So i think a lot of people are going to stay home and hopefully a lot of people vote for doug jones, a man who prosecuted the murderer of a 14yearold little girl, instead of somebody who molested one. John . Don, here at the church were at, the folks here are going to support roy moore. Theres very little that can be said between now and election day thats going to change that. Earlier i was in jackson and met i was at a diner and a gentleman described himself as a trump supporter, someone who does not like bill or Hillary Clinton, someone that thinks we need to drain the swamp, the typical statements that you hear. But he says hes really having to soul search over this. The allegations are troubling to him. He describes himself as a strong christian conservative. So i think theres a little bit of that right now, where folks are digesting some of this news, and theyre really struggling with it right now as it keeps coming out. What an interesting time to be in birmingham. I worked there for a bit, and it would be interesting to cover this story. When we come back, evangelicals in alabama facing a tough decision. Will they support roy moore even in the wake of allegations he sexually abused five women when they were teenagers . Ill talk to the president of the Southern Baptist seminary, his name is albert muller. Directv has been rated number one in Customer Satisfaction over cable for 17 years running. But some people still like cable. Just like some people like wet grocery bags. Getting a bad haircut. Overcrowded trains. Turnstiles that dont turn. And spilling coffee on themselves. But for everyone else, theres directv. For 1 rated Customer Satisfaction over cable, switch to directv. And for a limited time get a 100 reward card. Call 1800directv a defiant roy moore is not only refusing to drop out of the senate race, he is calling this a spiritual battle. But what do evangelical voters think about all this . Here to discuss is albert muller. Thank you so much for joining us here on cnn. We appreciate it. This is forcing christian voters in alabama to make a really tough decision. How is an evangelical christian voter supposed to choose which is more important, their politics or their faith . Well, you know, thats a very good question. Its a crisis of conscious that evangelicals are facing right now acutely in alabama. And the first thing we have to understand is the severity of these charges. If were united on anything surely it is the fact that no 30yearold man has any business having anything to do with a 14yearold girl. The sexual abuse, which is all that it can be called of a minor, is something, thanks be to god, even in this morally confused age, theres still strong consen tus that its just absolutely wrong. Well, a 14, 16 or 17yearold right . Absolutely. And heres the problem on this, don. When the autopsy is done, its going to be the severity of the charges, we couldnt imagine charges more severe, but also the inadequacy of judge moores response and his denials. They just were far too elastic to fit the moral importance of these charges. I think many evangelicals are just beginning to understand that. As the evidence piles up, as the charges are made, its not so much just the credibility of the charges. Thats there, of course. But its also the inadequacy of judge moores denials to date. We dont have much time, but i want to play this. This is clip from an alabama voter who was asked about this. Play this please. At first, you know, i really wasnt sure how i felt about the situation. But then i look at it this way. I dont have the best past. And if this happened, i believe the good lords forgiven him, and he has the right to continue to prove himself. He went to the lord and asked him forgiveness for that and hasnt done anything like that since then, i believe the good lords forgiven him and as a christian i have to forgive him also. Okay, all right. Im just trying to understand how that makes sense. Because if he did do what she said, if he did do it, that would be a criminal offense. Shouldnt he go to jail, right, and maybe she can forgive him instead of becoming a u. S. Senator . What is happening here . Well, the christian world view the scripture is really clear on this. The bible says, if we confess our sins, he, meaning christ, is just and faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Thats the gospel of christ. But theres two things here we have to note. First of all that means confessing that sin and repenting that sin. Theres no biblical notion of forgiving sin of one has not confessed and which one is repentant. Thats alien from scripture. Biblical christianity understands that even though one is forgiven in terms of the grace of god and the blood of christ, there are still penalties to behavior in terms of the criminal law. So even though listen, i understand that. I grew up a christian and am still a christian. But listen, what she is saying if he hasnt done it then he should be forgiven and then go onto become a u. S. Senator. What most people would say as a christian i can forgive him, but this precludes him from becoming a senator and perhaps he should become an inmate. Do you understand what im saying . Well, im agreeing with you. Im saying biblical christianity would affirm the consequences of sin in terms of criminal behaich your, even as we understand the forgiveness of sin in christ. Were not talking about cheap grace here. Were not talking about the forgiveness of sins. The bible is clear about confession and repentance. And at this point were talking about allegations judge moore has denied. But hes denied using words like, not customary behavior. And those who have immediately defended judge moore, i think serious minded christians are thinking very clearly about this, and having not only second but third thoughts. Not only in 2016, there was a real division amongst evangelicals. I think theres a lot more unanimity, consensus in this case and im thankful for that. There is no ground swell of evangelical leadership, pastors and evangelical leaders saying this is not a big deal. It is a big deal. I really enjoyed this conversation and appreciate your perspective. Thank you for coming on. Thanks so much for having me. When we come back roy moores own party doesnt want him. But if he wins, would they kick him out of the senate and what is it all going to do whats going to happen with the gop with this . Thats next. 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Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper. Respiratory tract infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. And if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Republican leaders in congress trying to put as much distance as possible between roy moore and the gop. Lets talk about this. Frank bruni is here, New York Times oped columnist. You heard Mitch Mcconnell has spoken. Youve heard other gop leaders speak. The president is the only one saying if guilty. Everyone else is saying he should be removed from the race. Why have they picked this moment . I think republicans for a long time now have worried about what theyre done to their o ownaown image and brand and theyre scared of what roy moore is doing to the party. But he gives them an opportunity to say, there are lines we wont cross, theres a standard of decency that we insist on, and roy moore has become a test case for them and a symbol that gives them the opportunity to say, heres what we stand for. This is all within the last 24 hours or so, this has all changed. Mitch mcconnell is saying, even if he wins, he will never serve in the senate. I think its safe to say, that if he were to be sworn in, he would immediately be in a process before the Senate Ethics committee under which women would be sworn in, he would be asked to testify under oath as well approximate and it would b unusual beginning. So the National Republican committee pulled its finding, the rnc followed suit today. The only financial backing he had is the alabama Republican Party. If he wins or loses, do you see this having a lasting effect on the party, or do you think that from your first answer, theyre trying to i think the party has done a pretty good job of saying, we wont stand for this. Interesti interestingly, theres a voice missing and thats donald trump. You have to wonder if he having been the object of accusations from women. Trump has consistently said you cant just believe an accuser and cast the media untrustworthy. So how does he weigh in . Its difficult for him to do that. How so . Because hes fostered this antiestablishment screed that were hearing from roy moore. Of course roy moore is cloaking himself in religious righteousness. You heard his remarks that hes become a christian martyr. It reminded me last week after the accusations came out, his brother compared him to jesus. Its interesting when you see conservative media and those who had sort of carried his water for the last week, are now starting to change their tunes when everyone else is like, what are you doing . Yeah, judst in the last hour or two, sean hannity has said, your explanations have not been satisfactory. When youve lost sean hannity, its pretty close to the end of the road. Lets talk about the tax bill now. The gop is trying to get rid of the individual mandate for obamacare, flowing that into the latest tax proposal. Theyve trailed and failed four times now. One loses count. Im talking about just this round with President Trump. Why do you think that theyre throwing this in . What do you think of this approach . Theyre throwing it in because theyre trying to make the numbers work. Theyve gotta keep it below a certain amount to pass it with the vote they want to pass it with. Theyre banking on the fact that some of the republicans who were not eager to repeal obamacare are so eager to be on the right side of a tax cut, which is so important to republican donors, that maybe theyll swallow the difference of the individual mandate if its wrapped into a tax cut, or reform, whatever theyre calling it. I want to ask you about social versus fiscal conservatives. President trump is not a social conservative, but this tax bill would add over 100 billion to the deficit by 2026 according to two nonpartisan thinktanks. One of the shocking things, we havent heard louder protests from the fiscal conservatives who supposedly care about this. Paul ryan cares a lot about deficits and debt and yet he seems fullo board. Always a pleasure. When wre come back, four ded in a shooting rampage in california. New details on the seven different crime scenes and how the actions of an Elementary School staff likely stopped even more violence. You nervous . When did you see the sign . 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