Going to get rid of nafta for once and for all. Americans not impressed with how President Trump is handling his job. Our brand new cnn orc poll has him at the bottom of the heap of newly elected president s. Plus, shes the most highprofile woman in the trump white house, a top adviser to the president and unofficial ambassador but is ivanka trump good for women . Well discuss. Right to the president s new poll numbers tonight. Cnns john king is at the magic wall for us. John . Don, our new cnn orc poll shows donald trump is the least popular president in modern times at the 100day mark. Lets take a look at the numbers. 44 approve of the job hes doing as president and 54 disapprove. This one is not so bad for the country. The country evenly divided. 48 say good job and 52 say poor job, and question of hows hes doing, keeping his Campaign Promises, heres where the president is in a bit of trouble. Big issues, economy, healthcare, immigration, his standing down from our poll just seven weeks ago. Half of americans approve of how he owes handling the economy, that was 55 in march, a little surprising given how strong the job reports have been and obamacare, only 36 approve of how hes handling health care and 41 approve of how hes handling immigration, an issue hes spent a lot on in the early day. Serious questions about whether hes up to the job of being president. 51 of americans say hes not working hard enough at the job and 56 say hes done a poor job assembling a White House Team helping him to do the job and 12 say he can manage effectively and 37 of americans think their president is honest and trustworthy. Bright signs for the president though, 54 of americans say things are going generally well in the United States right now. 44 say badly. This is even better news for the president. 59 say Economic Conditions in the country right now are good. Only 41 say poor. Why is this important, don . Ten years, don, since the good number has been at 59 . Generally, people feel good about the president , lifts the president. Not so far for this president but if this number stays up here see if it has an impact on the president. Donald trump as always divides americans along political lines, race lines, gender lines. Republicans, like the job hes doing. Democrats dont like the job, 91 disapprove and independents more split but 53 disapprove and lets look demographically. Men approve narrowly and women six in ten women disapprove. White voters largely with the president but thats a pretty close divide. Nonwhite voters seven in ten disapprove of his job performance. Remember election day, Younger Voters didnt, younger americans dont like his presidency and Older Americans that were Donald Trumps most reliable supporters, Older Americans, 53 approve and 45 disapprove so overall under water at the 100day mark if you look through the different groups, looks a lot like election day. John king, thanks very much. It certainly does. I want to bring in mark mckinnen, the cocreator of the showtimes the circus, a great episode on sunday and a lot to talk with you as well, mr. Meacham. I want to get your reaction. John meacham, what do you think of these poll numbers . Well, i think that the president lives and dies by ratings and this is not a good first report card. You know, the 100 days construct is from fdr, 1933, was a time of great extension crisis for democratic capitalism, so its been kind of an artificial test ever since. However, both bill clinton and barack obama had at least 15 and in obamas case a 20plus point advantage over where trump is on approval rating, and in their midterms, in 1994, the republicans won i think 54 seats in the house, six in the senate and and in 2010 i think it was 63 seats in the house and about six or eight in the senate. In numbers after the 100 days tend not to go up, so to me its a significant bellwether that if you are a democrat thinking about making a challenge in in 2018 after tonight, i would be making some fundraising calls. Interesting. Mark, i want to ask you, because your episode of the circus on sunday night was about the resistance, right. Do the poll numbers that john just cited match with what you have been hearing out there . They do. It shows theres a lot of energy on left, though the left like the Republican Party was for so many years was divided. Diane finestein from town hall hall and we all thought she was a liberal from San Francisco and shes being boot by the Progressive Left which is an interesting development. Im real struck by the poll because ive never seen a poll that had the where people had you such a majority of people who think the country is on right track and think the economy is doing well and thats so disconnected from the favorability of the president. Generally those things are tied together and what that means to me. It means that it doesnt really matter much what trump does. A lot of those people just dont like him and a lot of his supporters that will stick with him regardless. Its interesting, and i wonder how long that thats going to happen if he continues to flipflop or at least not keep the promises to this date that he promised out on the campaign trail, mark, because tonight the president spoke to both the canadian and mexican leaders and agreed not to terminate nafta which he spoke so much about on campaign trail and even last week. The president just reversed not only a Campaign Promise but a view he held as recently at last week . I think his supporters will give him a lot of latitude. They have already. They did during the campaign. I think they look at him much more stylistically. Those are the cues that they take from him. I heard a wild theory from a supporter and colleague, somebody we both know, that was saying theres actually an intention or strategic design to not getting a lot done because his supporters thought obama did too much so they dont want trump to do too much. That is the boy, they are finding a silver lining. I like that one. They have xray vision glasses for that. What do you think about this nafta saying they are going to maybe renegotiate another point . The rhetoric has been, you know, were going to repeal and replace obamacare and first 100 days it, do nafta at least very quickly and now this. The one consistent thing really in Donald Trumps quasipolitical career going back to appearances in the late 1980s on donahue and the today show has been about bad trade deals and nafta since its passage, negotiation under several president s, but its ratification in 1993, has been a populist staple antinafta sentiment. This is what ross perot ran on, remember. Got 19 back when 19 meant something and and this is what pat buchanan ran on in 1992 and 96. Im interested in what mark said. My sense is all of us have a strike count in life, you know. Maybe its three strikes. Maybe its six if youre lucky. And i do wonder what trumps strike count is with his supporters. If its no wall. If its nafta stands, if its no infrastructure, at what point do they begin to think, you know what, i im glad Hillary Clinton is not president but i dont really want this guy. Yeah. And, again, he said he may renegotiate it in the future, not that hes dropped it all together, but, again, the whole point was to do it. Don, as you know, when he says ill have something in two weeks that is his tell that hes bluffing, like the birth certificate. Ive got something coming on that soon. When he punts, that ball goes a long way. Okay. So i i want to ask you about, again, the poll in particular has President Trump done a god job choosing top advisers . 56 of people say no. What do you think is behind that, mark mckinnon, and then john. Well, again, i think thats more of a reflection of how people feel about him generally. I will say that people that ive talked to, a lot for this episode that were doing this week where were focusing not on what hes accomplished but more on what hes learned, but hes learning the importance of senior staff and cabinet members and democrats and republicans, its not a partisan judgment, think hes put together a very Solid National Security team. Do you think that he all along, when he was on campaign trail, saying this is going to be so easy. Were going to do it. Do you think hes really learned do you think he knew all along it was going to be hard or hes actually learning . From everybody ive talked to this week including people in the white house, they admit, they say, listen, this this was a lot different than we thought it would be, a lot tougher than he thought it was going to be. Its tough for anybody. Tough for george w. Bush. It was tough for bill clinton. Its tough for people who have had government experience. If youve had none, its an acid bath shock and awakening for whoever is president , particularly coming from the business world. Thats a big admission because when he was warned, even from his competition and the media talked about it it was fake news or it wasnt real, but it is real. He is this is onthejob training and he has a learning curve, you know, probably higher a bigger learning curve than any other president before. To me this is maybe the most important or one of the two most important temperamental questions. Great president s, great leaders of any kind, people, learn from their mistakes. They have the humility, not not a franciscan sense, the humility to say i was wrong about this and how do i do it better . In 196 is jack kennedy becomes president and launches the bay of pigs and he said if that were a parliamentary system i would resign and calls Dwight Eisenhower and seeks council and eisenhower says youve got to have people in the room and debate this more fully. Cut to october 1962 when missiles are going into cuby, kennedy convenes the longest Committee Meeting in history in order to apply that lesson eisenhower taught him. He was able to do that. We know that trump is adaptable, but is he humble enough to truly hack knowledge a mistake and learn from it . I just dont know. Mark, i want you to watch. This is a clip from sunday nights episode of the circus and John Heilemann is asking killer mike, i saw killer mike in the barber shop, a rapper and activist from atlanta about what he thinks trumps first 100 days so far. What we learned is democrats have timely got mad enough to go vote. John ossoff might win based on the fact that Young Democrats are pissed on and the Democratic Party held on to the old guard even longer what they shouldnt even when the people are telling them theres a new wave happening, a new type of democrat. Do you think that thats democrats already know how they will vote in 2018 . Oh, yeah. As he reflects, the activism is real. I think that runoff is going to be a real test because its been traditionally a republican district and ossoff got close, but the thing that killer mike said that i loved in that zone is he close it had by saying whats real important is what happens the day after trump. Yes. And the democrats have to get focused on that. That was a great interview. Can you tell Mark Halperin to stop dancing, hes not a great dancer, for the easter egg roll. Im watching and that was bad. A little waynes world. Thank you, gentlemen, always a pleasure. When we come back ivanka trumps role in the white house is under scrutiny and some asking is she helping or hurting women . male 1 its a Little Something ive done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. Its never much, just whats left after i break a dollar. And i never thought i could get quality Life Insurance with my spare change. Neither did i. 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All i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the Colonial Penn program were answered. It couldnt have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. Mmhm, with change to spare. laughing Colonial Penn jingle ivanka trump, a top adviser to her father, the president. How is she doing . Lets discuss. A democratic strategist is here and Kayleigh Mcenany and contributor maria cardona. Welcome, everyone. Lets start with kayleigh, a new cnn poll that shows 60 of women disapprove of the job President Trump is doing and his daughter ivanka was called her secret weapon and she was booed and hissed yesterday at a berlin summit when she defended her fathers record. Is there a reason to believe she is good for women, shes a moderating influence or is she a pallorizing figure . Shes a moderating influence and a great influence on the president. What i would love to see what her influence brought about transpire in practice. We know that the reason that donald trump was the first republican candidate to my knowledge to ever propose paid family leave for mothers on maternity leave, he proposed that because of ivanka, because she put the pressure on him to do that. If that transpires in practice, this is a huge influence, not only on the gop but on American Society so if she can bring that into practice she will be one of the most important people in the white house undoubtedly. Maria, do you agree with that . Thats a huge, if and what weve seen if anything from this president is that he says something one day and not even the next day, don, but the next minute he will Say Something that is completely 180 degrees the opposite, so really we shouldnt take anything about what he said on the campaign trail regardless of who it came from as indication of anything that he will do while hes at the white house, so to me that says that ivanka trump is kind of irrelevant, and i know that her heart is in the right place. I know that she believes the things that she says she believes in in terms of wanting to be a champion for women, but her supposed influence over her father has done nothing for women thus far, and you dont hear trump proposing the paid family leave. You dont hear trump proposing equal pay for equal work so where is that influence . Until i see it, shes completely irrelevant. I want kayleigh to respond to this because i wonder if her words are ringing true because some people think they arent and if you want to defend her i think they will. Some say she hurts women by glossing over the issues like the megyn kelly women and women who have accused him like the access Hollywood Tape and things he said about women like Hillary Clinton and carly fiorina. Do you think she glosses over those serious words . Weve talked about those issues at five months. At a certain point we move forward. President trump asked for forgiveness in those comments in that access Hollywood Tape. Ive given it to him. Others should, i think, and after five months of talking about this i think she just wants to move on to addressing things like the syria chemical weapons attack and i think its time to move forward. Jonathan . I would build on what my friend maria said and remind people it wasnt just comments that donald trump made. He basically in my view committed the crime of Sexual Assault if not argued for it when he talked about and i dont want to use the words here. But donald trump is a sexual predator and hes treated women with disrespect and i dont think whatever ivanka trump does its so built in. You pointed out 60 but its not just about policy, people, women, see donald trump as a disgusting human being, that he does not treat women with respect and thats baked in. Paris, women did a lot of women did vote for him . Thats the absolutely true. A lot of women did vote for him and a lot of women support him and a lot of women who have historically worked for him in the highest offices within the Trump Organization when he was a businessman feel Something Different and i would also challenge maria. I do not believe that ivanka trump is irrelevant, and i am tired of liberals and i am tired of pundits coming on Network Television and demeaning the work of these women who happen to be republican or happen to be working for the Trump Administration and calling them irrelevant. She has a voice. She has a powerful voice and she has an influence and shes relevant and we should celebrate that. Paris we havent seen it. Why werent you tired of the president demeaning women . I never heard you say that once, never once. When he talked about Sexual Assault which is a crime let him answer. If i was asked about some of the things that the candidate trump said about women, i would have responded in kind, but to your point, don, i didnt hear Nation Organization for women. I didnt hear a lot of other organizations stand up against Cedric Richmond who was the head of the cbc when he made that comment about Kellyanne Conway saying she looked very comfortable sitting on the couch in the oval office that way. A lot of people did come out. Speaker pelosi speaker a lot of people came out. Speaker please paris, paris, thats not true. Speaker pelosi did not. A lot of people said that it was wrong. National organization of women. Those people are not running for president. You never answered my question. You said you were never sick and tired of hearing the president demean women. I didnt hear the president demean women when he was running for president. Oh, my word. Paris, it wasnt just demean. Im going when you say i grabbed a womans pussy let me say. That was not said while he was running for president. If you want to go if you want to go back and litigate what somebody said 20, 30, 15 years ago before they were a and can a candidate for president , thats one thing. But President Trump, capped dt trump did not demean women while he was running for president and if he had i would have come out against. Paris, do you believe that. This is not credible, not credible. Paris does that speak to character . You should not be part of the conversation. Unfortunately, you dont have the power to have me not be a part of the conversation. Unfortunately, this is why donald trump has the dismal numbers that he has, not just with women but with americans in general. Thats not true. He has these numbers because the media constantly demeans him h. Oh, come on. If you think his if you think his poll numbers this false narrative youre beating up your own credibility for standing up for women. How you stand up for conservative women. When we come back, were going to talk about something that happened over at fox thats been very controversial. Well get both sides of it, jessie is waters and a comment about a microphone and ivanka trump. Well be right back. Lots of wrinkle creams believe the more mysterious they sound, the more. Powerful youll think they are. Its time to see what power really looks like. New neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with accelerated retinol sa. Clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just one week. Wrinkles . Your time is up rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots. Rapid tone repair. Neutrogena® see whats possible. I am totally blind. And for years ive struggled with non24, a circadian rhythm disorder that can turn my sleep cycles upside down. It kept me from doing the things i truly love to do. Sometimes id show up early; sometimes i was too late. And sometimes, even though i was there. I didnt really feel. There. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424 to learn more. 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I mean, hes probably hired a ton of fathers and mothers and children so i dont really get whats going on here, but i really liked how she was speaking into that microphone. So maria, that comment came under immediate fire for being, of course, sexist and inappropriate. What do you think . Absolutely, i mean theres no way you can read it any other way. And im sorry, if youre a host at fox news, thats how you want it going down . The sensitivity is working out for them. Its misogynistic and bigheaded and reminds everyone of the culture thats been alive and well at fox news thus far. They need to do a cleanup. In a Statement Today waters denined that it was innuendo. How it was low and steady and resonates like a jazz radio deejay, not a joke about anything else. Do you believe that explanation, jonathan . No, an ive got to say i had never heard of this guy and what struck me when i saw that clip when youre producer sent it to me, first of all came over across as a complete dolt, as as knownothing and the comment as maria correctly said for someone on fox news to go there, even unintentionally, not be selfaware says something about the culture. Even if it wasnt explicitly. You guys let me play the clip and kayleigh, i want you to respond. After three evenings on the air jesse waters, they switched the lineup after bill oreilly left, at the end of the show he said he would take a vacation with his family. Im going to be taking a vacation with my family so i wont be here tomorrow and friday so miss me tomorrow. So try not to miss me too much. Saturday. So the last anchor to take a vacation was bill oreilly, did not return, go on. Look, i think in all due respect, my colleagues here are looking for salacious innuendo. I watched that comment. I saw nothing inappropriate. He was nothing trying to make a salacious remark. He was clearly speaking to the fact that ivanka speaks well and did a great job on that panel. If youre looking for sexual innuendo you can find it, but a lot of us watched that and just saw someone praising ivanka. If youre looking for that by all means, go and find it. Paris, this is a time when fox is reeling from claims of sexual harassment, out offing bill oreilly, roger ailes before that. Is it a bad time to make jokes like this . Did you read anything in that watters thing . You know, when i first heard about it, i thought it was negative, but then i actually for the first time actually heard it and watched it on the show just now, and i did not have the same reaction as i had when i when it was told to me about what happened. I think kayleigh is absolutely right. This is less about fox news and more so about the culture of what i believe is this war against republican women and how people can say things and just get away with it as it relates to republican or conservative women across the board. So i applaud how is this about a war against republican women . Im actually defending ivanka because i think and maria. This was a comment against her. And i was going to finish my comment before you cut me off and i applaud maria for actually standing up for ivanka. Thank you though, paris. I was giving respect. Just quickly, i will say what we should remember is that women face lets make the broader point, and i think part of why were sensitive to this is we have someone in the white house who doesnt understand how to be sensitive to women. In fact, has acted inappropriately towards women. Thats the culture thats spreading through the country. We have to make the country that women face this in the workplace. Again, he said that they talked about something and that there was in innuendo. I want to move on because i think this is important and i want to talk about this. President obama bashed wall street and has reportedly accepted a 400,000 to give a speak for wall street bank cantor fitzgerald. Jonathan, you dont think he should do it, why . No, and i want to make a few points about this. Quickly, we dont have much time. Jimmy carter, most ethical person expresident in my view, other republicans and democrats have put their hands out and tried tone rich themselves. I dont think its right. Whats not ethical about accepting money for a speech . Heres why i think. Nobody gets paid 400,000 or maria, remember, i was critical of Hillary Clinton during the campaign. Nobody gets 225,000 from goldman sachs. Quick, quick, quick. For im running out of time. Being a nice person. They do it to get access, and i think the last point hes not running for office anymore. But the but circle of people. Hes not running for office anymore, jonathan. If someone paid you 200,000 for a speech would you do it . No. Kayleigh, if someone paid you 400,000 for a speech, would you do it . Yes, yes and president barack obama is a private citizen. Maria, if someone paid you 400,000 for a speech, would you do it . Hell, yes. Paris, would you if youre not running for office in the future, not running for anything, would you do it . Id do it for 150,000. Cantor fitzgerald, im available tomorrow. Ill do it for 5,000. This is bad for public policy. I said it was okay for Hillary Clinton to make money on speeches or bill clinton, for donald trump to make money as the executive producer of the apprentice. Do not stop people from trying to make money. Thats the american way. The last time i check the last time i checked. When people see this example of someone taking this amount of money, the message they get is i want to get into its okay to make money. They want to be president. United states. I want to get into Public Service to make lots of money. That is not right. Jonathan, the last time i checked im not against capitalism but the free market. The last time i checked president obama did not go into the seminary and take a vow of poverty. This is absolutely okay for him to do. Im over time, guys. Im over time. They get plenty of money when they are expresident s, 200,000, health care thats cadillac. I wonder what Elizabeth Warren has to say about it. Thats what i want to know. Guys, please let me talk. Look at it this way. Maybe that kid will aspire to be president of the United States where they, too, can get 400,000. And that is not right. Absolutely. And we will be right back. The clock is ticking to the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, so what do trump voters in key swing states have to say about him now . Cnns Miguel Marquez reports in our special series red, purple and blue, first 100 days. Reporter what do you think of his first 100days . Hes shaking things up, i like it. Hes not failing, but hes like stuck in a hard spot. I think were all screwed. Reporter three swing states, ohio, michigan, and pennsylvania and three counties in them flipping by the biggest margin, blue to red. What do their voters think now . I think hes sending the right messages in a way, but he doesnt know how to keep his mouth shut. Tony, Third Generation farmer and known owner of a vineyard in ohio wine country, a registered democrat who voted for trump. Is he the perfect guy . No, hes not. Reporter but you voted for him . The only guy there that showed a sign of change. Reporter nine ohio counties flipped from obama in 2012 to trump in 2016. None by more than here, ashtabula county. Obama easily beat romney here by 13 points. Trump did even better, beating clinton by nearly 19 points. Thats a whopping 31. 7point swing. I voted out of rebellion of whats happening in washington. Reporter a common refrain. Voter frustration at fighting between democrats and republicans. Im not willing to bend on that. Reporter j. P. Ducrow is a new county commissioner here swept in on the trump wave. First 100 days in office, how is he doing . Um reporter its a question even some republicans wrestle with. How do i answer that question . That is a hard question. Reporter he says it is his promise of jobs above all that trump will be judged on. We have had a tough time. Weve lost a lot of manufacturing and industry over the years. Reporter then theres Tourist Destination and Fishermans Paradise lake county michigan, solidly democratic or at least it was. Because im a true trump believer. I usually go democrat and i ended up voting for trump. Reporter 12 michigan counties flipped blue to red in 2016. Lake county by more than any other. In 2012 obama beat romney here by just over five points. In 2016 trump trounced clinton by nearly 23, a massive 28point swing. Were going to cut this tree down. Reporter 37yearold sean munson had never voted in his life, ever, until trumps promise to bring back jobs and fix health care. I took it as maybe he might try to do like canada, pay a little extra in taxes and get Free Health Care for everybody instead of whoever can afford it. Reporter bridgett lamoreaux owns, cooks and serves up beers and burgers at Government Lake lodge. You live upstairs. Correct. Reporter youre here 24 7. Yes. Reporter trumps promise to lower taxes an create jobs got her on board. Hes very business savvy, and thats what i thought we needed to get into office. Reporter what are you feeling now, 100 days in . I like it. I mean, hes definitely eccentric. Im not a fan of the twitter and all that stuff, but i dont wear. Reporter john grund is the local tree trimmer and the only democrat to survive a contested race in lake county. Out of 848 votes, i won by 13. Reporter lucky 13. Lucky 13. Reporter he cant account for why the county went so hard for republicans. This is a democratic county and has been for decades. Reporter what happened . Im not thats a tough question really. Reporter donna featherstone, a retired long haul truck driver scoops ice cream. The independent voter has no health insurance. She says trump scares her but if they can get things done, im ready to give them a chance. Reporter finally theres lucerne county in pennsylvania, one in the keystone stayed to go blue to red. Obama won here by four points in 2012 and trump easily won the county by 19 point, a swing of 24. 2 points. Anne marie bossart has lived in the Family Business for years and she flipped and liked trumps aggressive foreign policy. Hes not going to take no baloney off anybody. Hes going to be and hes going to kick it. Reporter richard and eileen both volunteered and voted for obama. You were a Democratic County Council member for lucerne county and you voted for donald trump. Yes, and im on the executive committee, too, for democrats and i still went for trump. Reporter both flipped but watching closely. He tried to go with the healthcare, act, was a real disaster. Reporter here we caught up with a pipeline construction worker Andrew Coleman who has a wife and two kids. They have insurance, he doesnt. Right now dont have insurance through my employer, and i cant afford it the way its going now, so thats a big thing for me. That was half the reason i voted for him. Reporter christine, a republican and mover two, gives the president so far an a. I think the president is doing well for someone who has not had, what would you say government experience before. Reporter clinton voter and veteran darryl smith says trumps lack of experience still worries him. And hes ticking off a lot of people. Im afraid that its going to end up backfiring on us is what im afraid of. Reporter swing voters still sizing up the new president but expecting results soon. Miguel marquez, cnn in pennsylvania, michigan and ohio. When we come back, country star toby keith, the political message behind his music and the inspiration behind it. Hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. The cnn original series soundtracks plays the songs that define history. One of those came in the aftermath of 9 11 when toby keiths music helped define a time of pain and grief but also pride. Dan rather talks about this moment from the series. Once it had fully soaked in that we would not and could not be the same country after 9 11, it emerged i wont say slowly, but my recollection is it didnt emerge all that slowly. My daddy served in the army where he lost his right eye songs such as toby keiths red, white and blue that were and i dont think it is a wrong statement, were a kind of rallying cry. And sort of delving into your patriotic feelings and striking out at the rest of the world. Our love has fallen under attack toby keith, welcome. How you doing, sir . Hi. Im doing great today. How are you . Doing great. It was a clip from tomorrows you cannot listen to that song reporter without being emotional. Being raised, you were around the veterans and the pride they take and the views of the flag and the country, and what things stand for. I was like, man, what would my dad do today if he was alive and watching this happen . This is why dwrld imagine because of your father that youre an avid support of the uso. You make performing for the troops a regular part of your schedule. Its important to you. Well, i went for the first time just to make sure i honored my father, you know. And then i got over there and found out no one would go do it. And the uso was having trouble finding people to support the troops. And i saw that void. So my agent became a board member, and we became real active with uso about 14 years ago. List wherein, thought it was amazing despite all the backlash you got you performed at the preinauguration saerm. And you did want care about the backlash, did you . No, you cant care about the backlash. The reason you do those things ive played for governor. Ive played all the president s who have been in office. I think since i had my first recording contract, ive been to the white house and played for different governors and stuff. Its a real duty for me and true honor to get to go perform for your country. And they asked me to be in the military part of the show, and i said absolutely. Well, i think for you its about country because you ignore politics and ideology and support the president besides politics and party. Well, you have to. And the people voted and they vote every time. So whether i agree or disagree, weve never had a leader in this country i agreed with across the board on anything they do. Because i hate politics. I dont like it way its uperated. Everybody wants their side to get what they want. It just seems like we get divided more and more all the time. But at the same time theyre commander in chief, and my military guys are a couple of friends in my family over the last 15 years all answer to this person. Lets talk about a Country Music. It took center stage in inaftermath of 9 11. Why do you think so Many Americans turn to Country Music and songs like red, white, and blue . Courtesy was never written to be on an album. Courtesy was written in 20 minutes in my gym on a back of a fantasy football sheet. And i knew when i started doing it, i could sing it for the military. And it would be kind of like some of the army songs my father told me they played back in the day. And i played a little show for them. I got done, and said you guys are shipping off to afghanistan tomorrow. And the marines said, yeah. And play played this for the first time. The band didnt even know. I played it for the first time on guitar. They threw their hats in the air, their fists in the air. And commandant came over and said the whole military needs to hear this song. I took it home, prayed about it for a while, thought what am i going to do, and just going back to commandant jones and kept thinking if its that important to him, it must be important to the military. So i had no idea it was going to create such such a fire storm. But after a couple of years of dealing with it, i didnt care anymore. It was a pleasure, toby. Real pleasure. Thank you, sir. Theyre the very best, and godspeed to all of them. And thank you. Thats it for us tonight. Thanks for watching. Ill see you right back here tomorrow. But, first, heres a preview of the cnns original series sound track song arrack tomorrow night at 10. The music and the artists post 9 11 are reflective of the many emotions we feel. We aint going anywhere. They needed a boost. I put firemans helmet on the piano just to help me concentrate. Because if i didnt have that, i might have lost it. It is kind of an anthem for new york city. I didnt think of that when i wrote it. The events made it bigger than intended to be. The music always reminded us its possible. Someones got to put this into words and emotions. Thats what anthemes are made of. Sound tracks, songs that define history tomorrow on cnn. male 1 its a Little Something ive done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. Its never much, just whats left after i break a dollar. And i never thought i could get quality Life Insurance with my spare change. Neither did i. Until i saw a commercial for the Colonial Penn program. 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