Hasnt ordered intelligence agencies to hold an investigation. Hes not made any indication that he would stop an investigation of any sort. Lets begin with our breaking news. Jim sciutto and jim acosta with the breaking news for us. Cnn is it learning more about President Trumps meeting with congressional leaders today, where he continues to make false claims about why he lost the popular vote in the 2016 election by almost 3 million. Whats he saying . When you thought the white house had turned the page from alternative facts, donald trump was presenting one when he was talking with congressional leaders at the white house earlier this evening. Its not an alternative fact, just a falsehood. Sources told cnn what was going on inside that reception. The new president said he would have won the popular vote had it not been for the millions of what he calls illegal votes. This is something he had said shortly after the november election. He said it in a tweet. He would have won the popular vote, had it not been for the illegal ballots, which is a swipe at undocumented people in this country, accusing them of voting, which is something they cannot do. Its against the law. Just again, when you thought they were turning the page. They had photo opportunities, showing the president looking president ial, meeting with advisers and with Business Leaders, so on. Theyve gotten themselves back into a controversy here. And not only that, but steny hoyer, a top democrat, who was at the reception, said that donald trump was talking about this inauguration crowd size issue. So, it seems he cant move on from some of these petty grievances he has about the election. Jim sciutto, i want to talk about something also. When he talked with congress, he talked about 3 million to 5 million illegals voting. Thats why he lost the popular vote. Thats just not true. No. Its not true. Its not the only untruth uttered by the administration today, and in the last couple of days. Keep in mind, he went to the cia and went beyond talking about crowd size there. Massively unimportant. He talked about how the media had manufactured the dispute with the intelligence community, when in fact, donald trump in Public Comments that exist out there in tweets and video statements, had undermined the intelligence community. Questioned their loyalty, really. Questioned their lack of bias. That was one. And that was one that sean spicer had a chance, today, to knock down and did not knock down. You have these these lies, really, of import, right . These matter. Whether its about the election and how it worked and these falsified fake voters about his dispute with the intelligence community. And undermining the intelligence community. These matter, these matter and the administration continues to propagate them. Its tough, as i was sitting here getting ready to report this story, its you know, you want to you must respect the office of the presidency, its hard to say that the president is lying. So you say falsehood. When you say things that arent true, theyre just lies. Jim sciutto, what about the people who are around him, the people who are advising him, why cant they just come out and say, mr. President , you should not be saying these things, because theyre flatout lies . The truth is we dont know, its early in the administration. But if we could look at the campaign and the period between the election and the inauguration, you see some patterns here. I think to some degree there is a belief inside the administration, the president , his advisers, that theyre not getting a fair shake, right . And i think you see this in some of the Public Comments of the president himself. The people hes said this in so many words. The media, others, democrats is trying to delegitimize his victory. These issues, whether its russian hacking of the election, election related hacking, or the popular vote, or crowd size at the inauguration they get in that space, what seems to be a sensitive space for trump and the administration. Now, they can make an argument that theyre not getting a fair shake or theres a bias against them. They can make that argument, on the facts they cant argue the facts, right . Whether its the crowd size at the inauguration or theres not substantiation of even a dozen illegal voters, let alone 3 million to 5 million. Those, as journalists, as americans, citizens, members of congress, you cant let those hang out there unchallenged. The weird thing is, is that the media didnt bring up russia, it was the intelligence agency. The media didnt bring up the popular vote, that was donald trump. The media didnt bring up the crowd sizes was all the president s doing. That came out of the president s own mouth. You asked sean spicer about that today, and not getting a fair shake . I did, thats right. It was notable that during this press briefing today, they were really trying to move forward, and move past what was a pretty ugly episode that we saw on saturday, when sean spicer came out into that Briefing Room and went after the news media. During this briefing today, he was much more cool, calm and collected, answered a number of questions from various different reporters. At one point said, to one reporter that he has no intention to lie in that Briefing Room, lie to the press. And then at one point, toward the end of the briefing, i asked sean spicer, why is it that the president is focused on things, doesnt he have bigger fish to fry . Heres what he had to say to that. Isnt that just part of the conversation that happens in washington . No, its not. Being president of the United States and looking at the white house no, ive been doing this a long time, youve been doing this too. Ive never seen it like this, its a little demoralizing. You are sitting there and looking out, youre in awe at how many people are there, you go back and turn on the television, and you see shots of comparing this and that, its frustrating for not just him, but so many of us that are trying to work to get this message out. Jim, he says demoralizing, which is interesting, because this is washington, d. C. This is the highest office in the land. Theres a lot of scrutiny that goes along with it, this is only day four, and this our reporting does not happen in a vacuum. Has he forgotten how donald trump conducted himself on the campaign trail which warranted some tough coverage because of the words that came out of his own mouth . I think thats right, don. There are going to be demoralizing days at this white house. And theyre going to have to deal with much bigger issues than inauguration crowd size. But what sean spicer was trying to do was get to this point that they feel theres this automatic default setting for negative news coverage. And he does garner a lot of negative news coverage, as you said, primarily this is because of things that have come out of Donald Trumps mouth. When you take today, for example, when hes signing these executive orders in the oval office. Meeting with Business Leaders and so on, and he has the opportunity to turn the page, has a fairly successful news briefing, at the very end of the day, when they could just tie a ribbon around the whole thing and go home and crack open a cold one when they go home, he has to go and ignite this controversy that seems to be pulled out of thin air. Millions of people millions of undocumented voters did not cast ballots in this election. Thats a falsehood, full stop. I asked sean spicer, did the president force you to go out there and make these statements . He did not answer those questions. He didnt want to get into private conversations with the president. People were feeling very good after that press briefing. Tomorrows press briefing is going to be dominated by the claims he made tonight. I watched the press briefing today. I thought sean spicer conducted himself with dignity. Much better press briefing than the one he held on the first day. I thought this is a pretty good day. And then at the end of the day, this happens. Jim sciutto, you know, the president and his team are trying to get back on track. You have new reporting for us on u. S. Intelligence investigation into the president S National Security adviser, what can you tell us . Thats exactly right. Law enforcement and intelligence officials toll me and my colleague theres a continuing investigation of phone calls in late december between the National Security adviser and the Russian Ambassador to the u. S. A couple key points about this, one still being investigated and two, its not just that the phone calls themselves took place, apparently some of the content of those phone calls, some things that were said in those phone calls raised potential concerns which has led to this continuing investigation. I should make it clear that there has been no wrongdoing established by Michael Flynn in this investigation so far. I should make it clear these phone calls were monitored as part of the routine Counter Intelligence gathering of u. S. Intelligence agencies targeting not Michael Flynn but foreign officials, particularly those in the u. S. As foreign intelligence agencies would monitor the u. S. Officials operating in those countries. It was in monitoring of those conversations they picked up these conversations with general Michael Flynn. And one final note here, don, the timing of one of those calls is material, because it was december 29th, the same day the Obama Administration was still in charge, was imposing new sanctions on russia, and expelling 35 russian diplomats. So that timing has raised questions as well. Jim and jim, i appreciate it. Thank you so much. When we come back, President Trump delivering on a Major Campaign promise today. Its a great thing for American Workers but also a great thing for china maybe . Audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. And now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. With one notable difference. The highly advanced audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. My advice for looking get your beauty sleep. And use aveeno® absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. Absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. Oh, look weve got fees ew, really . 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He promised to get us out of it, today he withdrew. Its a great thing for the American Worker, and i have to tell both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton opposed tpp. I remember being in a debate, discussing it in flint, as well. What is the bottom line, what does this mean for the American People and the American Worker . Its a very good deal and its a very bad and sad day. 95 of the worlds consumers live outside of america. About half the World Economy at this point. 40 of the World Economy was part of tpp. We already have a pretty open economy. The Trans Pacific partnership did, it opened up the other economies that were signatories, japan, vietnam, you know, countries like that, and huge reductions. American companies, American Workers would have sold more into those countries. Were already open, so the concessions were mostly made by countries like vietnam, japan, for a country that donald trump has been railing against japans closed markets since the 1980s, well, tpp for the first time significantly opened japans markets. So for the American Worker, whatever the rhetoric, this is actually a bad deal. The second point is, from a Strategic Point of view, today is the day that the United States essentially handed over a share on a platter to china, there was a battle for influence in asia, it was essentially around trade, the United States had told all these countries, ally with us and well band together to protect you against china about we backed away, and the chinese have already proposed an alternative, australia, which was part of our grouping initially, has already said its going to join the chinese one now. We would prefer to sign up with america, but if america is walking away, well sign up with china. Mexico is going to do something else. They dont want to be so reliant on imports from from the United States. Are we shrinking instead of expanding . Yes, were building walls while the chinese are going out and doing deals that benefit them. Mexicos part of the tpp as canada. Its countries bordering the pacific. Mexico, because it borders the pacific. Canada also. There are a lot of things that people have wished we could do with nafta, renegotiate nafta. There were some problems in nafta, the tpp actually fixed those problems, it got the mexicans to make concessions on labor standards on environmental issues, that we had always wanted ever since nafta. But theyre gone now, because we walked away from the tpp. Maybe the mexicans will make those same concessions in a bilateral negotiation with trump. They kind of made them in the context of access to 12 countries, 40 of the worlds gdp. Its not clear to me well get them, the irony is, we had them. We already had the concession, we had the renegotiation of nafta that trump is talking about, all he had to do was sign it. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton were opposed as well. Hillary was part of the negotiation of this, called it the Gold Standard of trade agreements. She was right there, in the campaign she flipflopped, she thought she would lose union votes. Dont flipflop on principle, its the wrong thing to do, and you never get those votes anyway. Also on this one, there are Many Campaign promises that happen that people dont keep. Or you evolve or sort of renegotiate, is this one that donald trump should have done that . Should he have done that . I think so. If he had read the details of the if he had been briefed on it, he would have understood mexico makes all those concessions he wants. This is seeding ground to china in a big way. Its the other countries making these concessions, we already have an open market. Tariffs in the United States are about 3 . How would you have advised him . Go to these countries and say to them, guys, i need a couple concessions sao i can go back and say we have a better deal. Get those concessions and say, tpp was bad, i got these three very important changes and guess what, now we can sign it. Were going to sign it so china doesnt dominate the World Economy. And you can sell your goods into japan, and you can sell your goods into vietnam. The White House Press secretary, he talked about chinas claims over islands in the South China Sea, heres what he said about. I think areas in the South China Sea that are part of International Waters and international activities, the u. S. Is going to make sure we protect our interests there. Its a question of, if those islands are in fact in International Waters and not part of china proper, we want to make sure we defend International Territories from being taken over by one country. When he said defend, does that mean military action . Presumably it does. The u. S. Has always said it will protect freedom of navigation around the world. I dont have a problem with that at all. We should be protecting the freedom of navigation as we have done. The issue is, however, in asia, trade is the game. China is not going to be so stupid as to try to go around invading countries. What chinas willing to do is dominate them economically. Look at what china did in latin america. The president of china, while trump is talking about protectionism and tariffs and literally walling ourselves off from our southern neighbors. The president of china went to latin america, promised 250 billion of investment, signed 40 deals in a fiveday trip. What hes saying is, you cant rely on the u. S. , theyre closing down. Theyre turning inward, rely on us, we will be your engine of growth and investment, thats the game. Talking about islands in the South China Sea, fine. You defend them, while chinas dominating the World Economy. Theres russia and a syrian piece i want to get in. Sean spicer today indicated the Trump Administration may be willing to work with russia to fight isis. Also saying he didnt rule out working with Bashar Al Assad in syria as well. Is this dangerous . What is dangerous is the illusion. If you can get the russians to do it, fine. The truth is, russia has done almost nothing against isis, its very important to understand this. Russia has mainly been supporting the Assad Government against a ragtag bunch of free syrian armies, its note really attacked isis. Thats been part of assads strategy, to let isis flourish. You either pick me or isis. The idea that russias going to change that strategy and go after isis, when it hasnt for five years. I think it will do something cosmetic, it will be a win for trump and show a certain amount of cooperation. It seems very unlikely. If we want to go after isis, the people fighting isis are iran, thats the irony here. The Trump Administration doesnt seem to understand who is really fighting isis. Its the United States, iraq and iran. Im always smarter after you leave the room. Thank you very much. I appreciate it, fareed. When we come back, a lawsuit filed against President Trump today saying hes been violating the constitution since day one. Is there a case there . Im going to ask our experts. A lawsuit filed in new york today, claims that President Trump is violating the constitution by accepting money from Foreign Governments through his familys businesses. Richard painter is here. He is a chief white house ethics lawyer under george w. Bush and one of the lawyers bringing the lawsuit. Nor brookbinder, through the nonprofit watchdog group. And the state ethic legal adviser. I cant wait to hear what you have to say about this. Donald trump is violating the constitution. By allowing trump hotels to take payments and business from Foreign Governments. Heres how President Trump responded to your lawsuit. Mr. President , reaction to the lawsuit today. Thank you. Walk out the side door, please. Thank you, please. Without merit. Totally without merit. We think it has tremendous merit. The lawsuit, were represented in this lawsuit by the top ethics adviser for president obama and president bush. Top bipartisan exlerts by some of the top legal scholars in the country. These people wouldnt have brought the lawsuit if we didnt think it had significant merit. You have a president who had an opportunity to sell business businesses, separate himself from his businesses, he wouldnt have these problems if he had done that. He didnt. Now you have a situation where hes on a daytoday basis, accepting payments from Foreign Countries which the constitution prohibits which puts you in danger of having him make decisions that are that benefit his business interests. That benefit these Foreign Countries. Instead of being made in the best interest of the American People. Senator Bernie Sanders spoke about the lawsuit on cnn earlier tonight. Listen to this. We want a president who is going to make decisions based on the needs of the American People. Not based on Foreign Investments and the people who own his debt. I think this is an issue that has to be looked at very thoroughly, and i do have serious concerns. Do you share his concerns . Or do you agree with President Trump that the suit has no merit . Well, lets talk about the suit, the complaint has no merit. The interpretation of the clause that the complaint serves up has theres no theres not a single Court Decision or opinion of the office of Legal Council of the Justice Department that supports their interpretation. Another thing, its interesting, brief comments, introductory comments you made, and that Noah Bookbinder made, the complaint conflates the question of the emolument clause and natures the questions of the senator sanders comments, reflect this, too. And the issue of the conflict of interest laws of the u. S. There is a very specific conflict of interest law. And it very specifically excludes the president and Vice President from its coverage. So i think as we go through this discussion we need to keep in mind which it is that were talking about. Again, if you want to talk about alternative facts, Noah Bookbinders comment that trump could have disposed of his assets are not true. His assets are tremendously complicated. And he couldnt have done it. Noah, you want to respond . Happy to respond. What he should have done is to turn over his companies to a trustee, and give the difficult job of figuring out how to dispose of them to that trustee, that kind of thing has been done. Its been done for other officials, its a kind of thing that is doable. It would have been difficult. It wouldnt have been his problem, it would have been the trustees problem. Respectfully, while there are separate laws for conflicts and for these foreign payments that are addressed in the constitution, the principle is the same. The principle is that you want the president of the United States or any american official making decisions based on what is in the best interest of the American People and of the country, not based on personal or financial interests. The principle is the same. Richard, you sat by patiently. I want you to get in. Were talking about the emoluments clause. The Government Office holder can benefit financially from a foreign state. Earlier this month, Donald Trumps lawyer said the clause doesnt apply here, watch this, and then well discuss. No one would have thought when the constitution was written that paying your hotel bill was an emolument. Instead, it would have been thought of as a value for value exchange. Not a gift. Not an entitle. And not an emolument. Correct me if im wrong. Shes making a similar claim as ed here. Is she right . Is ed right . No. Thats not right. And the oldest conflict of interest laws in the United States are in the constitution, and theyre focused on Foreign Governments, the founders are very worried about Foreign Governments. So worried they insisted the president be a natural born citizen. We certainly heard a lot about that from mr. Trump over many years. This provision is far more important. Its the requirement that nobody holding a position of trust with the United States government can be receiving presents or emoluments. It refers to benefits from Foreign Governments. And if someone is buying and selling merchandise or leasing hotel rooms to Foreign Governments, thats fine. But that person cannot hold a position of trust with the United States government. Thats what the founders intended. And mr. Trump knew this when he was running for president. Now hes President Trump. He cannot be making profits and other benefits from business transactions with Foreign Governments. And many of these transactions we dont even know about. Its not just hotel rooms, its financing, bank loans from the bank of china. Loans that may be coming into all of his businesses. We dont know what the debt is on his businesses . Its not disclosed in his Financial Disclosure form. It could have be from all over the world. Thats the type of thing the founders did not want happening, they knew that european powers, other powers would want to interfere in our political system. Great britain, france, austria, hungary and russia, and thats whats going on right now, were not going to put up with it. Ed, im sure you want to respond. I dont know where to start. I would ask richard, where in the complaint is there a Court Decision or an olc opinion cited that supports that interpretation . To the contrary, i think if you look at the white paper that the Trump Lawyers put together, they cite several. In addition, if you do things such as look at the federalist papers which Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote to explain the constitution to the people. They make a dozen or so references to emoluments. And its used a couple times in the constitution, no interpretation that they give comes close to what richard just outlined. Its essentially a payment in respect of service performed in an office. So listen, this has never been litigated before, am i it has not. Thats true. Thats not the limit of emolument. Thats the type of an emolument. Its not limited to holding on office. Holding an office in the United States at the same time as holding an office in a foreign country is not what they were talking about. Theyre talking about benefits earned from Foreign Governments. Business transactions or otherwise. Richard, let me ask you this, let me say that i stay at Trump International in d. C. And i pay 491 for a room. The person in the next room is a diplomat from bahrain. Why is my hotel bill a business transaction and hers a violation of the constitution, richard . Both are business transactions, a Person Holding a position of trust with the United States government should not be making money on business transactions with Foreign Governments. Theres too much of a potential for corruption there. The founders were very worried about that. They werent going to say you cant take bribes from Foreign Governments, they cant prove that. They wanted to have a proffer active provision in the constitution that you dont receive emolument, benefits, the latin term. Youre saying not a certain kind of emoluments. All kinds. I have to get a break in. Could this lawsuit force the president to release his tax returns . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. 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Gentlemen, welcome back. Noah, you know, you plan to use this lawsuit to force President Trump to release his tax returns. Is that what this case is really all about . Its not. This case is really about ensuring that he complies with the constitution, and ensuring he makes decisions for the right reasons. However, if were going to be successful, if were going to establish what foreign payments he is taking and if a court is going to be able to make a decision and tell him he needs to stop taking those illegal payments, were going to have to know what they are. And right now, we dont have a comprehensive account of what Donald Trumps business interests are. A very good way to get a much more comprehensive account . Is going to be to look at his taxes. That will be one of the things were going to be asking for, otherwise, we cant get where we need to go in this case. I did want to mention that richard painter and his counterpart have written up a comprehensive account of the emoluments clause examining the law, and found tremendous Legal Support for the position were taking. Its never been resolved by a court, because weve never had a president who has put us in this position. But were eager what will the taxes show . Well, among other things, the taxes will give us a lot more information about what precisely his business interests are, and where they are, and how they work. We know about some of the foreign payments that hes getting. We certainly have no way of knowing whether we know about all of them or even a substantial portion of them. And his taxes can give us more information about. Kellyanne conway said people dont care if he releases his taxes. We know thats not true. 74 say he should release his tax returns. Including 49 of his own supporters. Kellyanne conway has been talking about a lot of alternative facts recently. And i think the white house better get the message quickly, that alternative facts are not going to fly with the American People. And donald trump promised to release the tax returns, many, many times he promised to release the tax returns as soon as this audit was done. And i think the American People are going to hold him accountable for that promise. Thats not what this lawsuit is about, this lawsuit is about the emoluments, the unconstitutional payments to the president , the tax returns may very well tell us what those payments are. There are other ways to get that information. But the real facts are the American People were promised those tax returns and theyre entitled to them, and he ought to live up to his promises. If the irs is auditing President Trumps practices, as he and his people continue to claim, they have shown no evidence to that effect. And President Trump is in charge of the u. S. Now, is that a conflict . Sure, i would think that that would be a specific party, particular matter for trump to weighin on the irs with respect to an audit, and he should recuse himself from anything like that. You know, i im not sure i understand exactly the position. Noah says this suit is about the tax returns, richard says it isnt. Id like to if i could go back to one provision. I have 30 seconds, if you can do it then i would appreciate it. They make a claim that the trump is in violation of whats referred to as the domestic emoluments clause, the president cant be compensated by a federal government or a state government, in excess of his set salary. And if their interpretation is correct. President obama was in violation of it for receiving interest on treasury securities he owned. Thats an example of the quality of this complaint. No, were not claiming that at all. You are. With respect to Foreign Government bonds. Not at all, this is about business deals. This season the about securities you buy on an open market. Look at paragraph i have to go. This is about business transactions. When we come right back, a wealthy businessman, reality tv star runs for office, does that sound familiar . Wait until you see who it is. Next. Audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. And now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. With one notable difference. The highly advanced audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhhhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it. Just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. Are you sure . Positive. Huh, so i guess i could just check my credit score then. Oh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. 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For over 100 years. 38 states represent the largest trading partner that they have as canada. So all of a sudden trump gets elected and he is way out of sync with our number one trading partner and canadians are very concerned now. And im one of them. Youre talking about justin true dough, the current prime minister. Since you mentioned trading, lets talk about nafta. Donald trump has said hes going to dismantle nafta. You saw what he did with tpp today. He withdrew. Are you concerned about how it will affect your country . Very concerned. Specifically, i listened to all the data coming out of the white house today because im obviously an investor globally. Nafta is a big deal for me. What i heard the president say through his press secretary was, im willing to negotiate within the confines of the agreement with canada and mexico. If i dont like that agreement, im tearing that up, too. So, hes looking at leverage. Our country should be working together. Let me give you an example. Energy independence says you nokan da is one of the rich est countries on earth in natural resources. That excel pipeline we tried to build with obama cost shareholders up in canada 3. 2 billion of failed initiatives for eight years. Basically we got screwed around. Im not happy about that. But id be happy to sit down with trump and renegotiate because i know he wants ownership and royalties. But that pipeline should allow the energy thats going to flow through it which gives security to every american and were partners on this thing. We dont want to pay taxes on that. That should be a taxfree pipeline because its a National Interest to supply north american with energy. Thats the kind of deal im worried about now that nafta is getting organized this way. Soft wood lumber, another big deal for us, military procurement, we spend billions of dollars buying weaponry because were a partnership militarily. We need to keep our relationship open and were good for 9 million american jobs in 38 states. Is this why you said that we meaning canada need a leader who can actually deal with trump . I think globally, not just in the u. S. Or canada, but look at britain and even colombia and south america. The body politic has decided that they would like people that have some executional experience. Execution alex lens as it were. Business leaders that make goals, set goals, get things done. Thats what you do in business. Thats how you define success. All of a sudden the traditional politician is not the favorite out come in many situations and i think thats going to happen in canada, too. I cant believe my country of canada, with the boundless resources it has, has to fudge itself into 1. 5 trillion of debt. I have two kids, one is 20, one is 23. There is no way im going to let Justin Trudeau do that. Hes popular in canada. Do you think you can beat him in 2019 . There is such an amazing thing when you fall in love, particularly in politics. The first year is euphoria, then reality strikes. I dont know if youve been watching lately, probably not, but the canadian polls for Justin Trudeau are starting to fall. Many people hes not getting stuff done he promised. He promised a 20 billion deficit and clear it up in 2019. Were over 38 billion. Were getting nervous. Were not happy with the performance metrics. Thats the same thing that happened stateside. All of a sudden america said i want somebody in here, all the flaws hes got, that can get stuff done. And wow, in this 24hour cycle, you have to admit trump has really got into his agenda. Ive never seen this kind of speed. Yeah. What did you think about hes had a rocky start in his first full day. You say hes gotten into his agenda and done a lot. Quickly, what do you think, how is he he doing . I think you have to leave the whole style thing alone and just measure the performance. I mean, trump is an unusual candidate no question about it. I like everybody else was amazed at what happened. But i think you have to give him his 100 days and see what happens. And i think hes going to perform well, which makes me nervous for canada because we need to sit down. I understand were going to start negotiating with him next week. Performing well, thats dpood for the u. S. But listen, if you do win and when you run, i mean during the 2019, come back to us and if you win make us your first stop. Thank you. Thank you. All right. When we come right back, millions of people around the world marched against President Trump this weekend. But is it a moment or a movement and what will they do next . Oh, look weve got fees ew, really . Oh, its our verizon bill look at them. Line access fee, administrative fees, there are even taxes on top of them. Decent people shouldnt have to live like this did i get it . 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