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Police across europe are hunting for the main suspect in the berlin attack. His papers were found inside the truck which plowed into the crowd monday night. He is linked to radical islamist gropps and is known to german place because he was trying to get a gun. He was arrested in august with forged documents. But a judge ordered his release. Translator in july 2016, his asylum application was rejected. The man couldnt be deported as he didnt have valid identification papers. The process for replacement papers was started in august. At first, tunisia denied this person was their national. Police are offering 400,000 u. S. For his whereabouts. Authorities are urging anyone who sees him to call police. But do not put themselves in danger. They say he is armed and violent. Chris, we have this europewide manhunt under way. Do we know where they are focusing the tch, not just for amri, but anybody else that might be with him . Reporter one of the deadlines this morning, saying why was he not longer in jail . Why was he released. We know because he didnt have a passport, they couldnt send him home. But he had a lot of links. Therein lies where the manhunt is going. Its going not only here in berlin, but in the west around dusseldorf. Thats where he also lived. Thats where theyre looking. Hundreds of German Police are looking. And it is going beyond german borders, across europe in interpol and the security agencies around europe. Looking very intensity for this man. He had links in groups to recruit for attacks. And thats what theyre focusing on, those kinds of circles. And it is very wide. There are hundreds of people who are like anis amri in germany. It is difficult to track them all the time. And security being very, very fight. The market over my shoulder where the truck crashed in three days ago, is reopening today. The boulevard, as you can see, is reopened, as well. Berlin is trying to come back to normal. But under very tight security, john. A lot of people want to know how someone, a failed Asylum Seeker that was allowed to walk the street. A lot of questions for chancellor Angela Merkel and her opendoor refugee policy. Reporter yes. Thats a big question. Lets talk to dominique thomas. You are the head of the frankaphone and French Department here at ucla. You are a specialist an e. U. Affairs. What impact will this have . We have seen a sister party say we have to look at the policy. Chancellor merkel is under pressure that her initial response to the refugee crisis in 2015, came out of a level of unpreparedness. She had to backtrack on the initial policies by explaining to members of the party and to German Society. She would like to do this differently. To have stricter regulations in place. 2017 is the general election. We know the far right party, the alternative in germany reporter right outside her chancellory, right . Where the german flag had been beamed on to it. The way the french flag had been beamed on to that building after the niece attacks last summer. These questions are extremely important. And within her party, she is facing pressure and in the coalition to speak out on these. Reporter she had two measures, one requiring the veil that would ban the Face Covering among public employees. And also, allowing a Video Surveillance in places like these here, in the square. How much of that do you think will help to address the issue . I think on the one hand, German Society is divided about the responses. Many have spoken out saying they dont want to have the state of survey as in france. We see the pirate party is fairly strong, too. Theyre against that incursion on privacy. That aspect is defining it. And a bigger question of tying in Asylum Seekers to these parties working on the fear and anxiety around the questions. They will be playing this up. How much will it put a pent in the coalition . Back in last july, when the attacks and incidents in different parts of germany, the popularity rating dropped. And then, it gradually made its way back up again. As people have talked about security, watched the referendum. And germany is doing very well. In the coalition, the csu, has been speaking about the questions. To toughen up on the question of islam and migration, and move the politics to the right, the way the french electorate has been going. And there can be more infighting between the spd, the Association Democrats and the democrats of Angela Merkel. We saw in the last hour, with mr. Kyle whitaker, pointing a finger saying we couldnt get tougher on this. This infighting is going to produce winners and losers. Its highly unlikely that the coalition looks the same. And right now, the parties are working essentially by themselves. Preparing for this. And the cracks are there in the coalition. Merkels future is uncertain. It will be interesting when polls start to come out. And see how she can rebuild the party in the five or six months that will precede the election sometime late next summer. Well talk to you later. It will be interesting to watch the polls how they develop and how much infighting could there be within the grand coalition. And who will benefit . Will it be the populist parties . Dozens of people were hurt during the truck rampage. Max foster spoke with a doctor that led the Emergency Response at one hospital in berlin. There was blood all over the scene. Reporter is that what theyre describing . It felt like a war zone . Thats how they describe it. I wanted to help but couldnt help anymore. Difficult. This is a very traumatic event for them. And even now, only time will tell part of the story. Not the full story. They need strong support to overcome it. Many of the staff who were performed by social media were here. In this hospital, we had about 250 Staff Members coming in from their own parties. They were at home, christmas parties. And the system was activated. The injuries were really related to the mechanism of injury. On one side, and you have to consider the scene, a tractor tore into a crowd of people who had some drinks and was a christmas place. So, there was severe soft tissue injuries, broken bones. Some of them were caught under the truck. And some of the injuries they couldnt survive. You manual if a truck drives over your chest or abdomen. And others were affected by the something fell on them. Clavicle fractures and other broken bones. And this is the spectrum. Other ones were hit by, you know, minor things they only had contusi contusions. And this was the physical trauma. One that follows now, and becoming more aware of the psychological affects on them. They realize what happened on them and what environment it all occurred. Take a short break. When we come back, donald trump makes his first Public Comments about the berlin terror attack. But questions linger about where hee hes getting his intelligence information. And also ahead, we dont talk anymore. The kremlin to the u. S. And the state Department Says what . Live to moscow to find out whats going on. Left to remem. Ts what she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings isjust wanna see ifa again . My score changed. You wanna check yours . Scores dont change that much. I havent changed. Oh, really . Its girls night they said business casual. I love summer weddings oh no. Yeah, maybe it is time. Maybe i should check my credit score. Try credit karma. Its free. Oh woah. Thats different. Check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. If youve got the time welcome to the high life. Weve got the beer miller beer listen, sugar, were lettin you go. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Coffee look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. All the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Hello, new splenda naturals. Goodbye, sugar. Start your day with the number one choice of dentists. Philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oralb 7000. Experience this amazing feel of clean. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save now when you buy philips sonicare. Donald trump made his first comments about the Christmas Market rampage in germany. He spoke to reporters before meeting with his incoming security adviser in florida. The trump team says the president elect is following developments in germany closely. And hes apparently stepping up his intelligence briefings. Maybe one a week now. Cnns pentagon correspondent, barbara starr, has the details. Reporter when president elect donald trump addressed reporters today, he had his new National Security adviser behind him. Retired lieutenant general, Michael Flynn in florida, to discuss world events and staffing. The meeting was on the schedule before the terror attacks in germany and turkey. Trump began with the president s daily brief. His first of the week. Trumps staff insists he is getting some kind of intelligence briefing every day. And will be on top of things from day one. Hes very much up to speed in whats going on. And fully ready to be swore in and take over the role of commander in chief. Trump is averaging one formal briefing a week, the same type of intelligence briefing that president obama gets every day. Trump is getting briefings on specific topics. One thing i will say, is the president elect is receiving numerous briefings, whether its from his National Security team with general flynn and others. Reporter the kremlin said today the relations with the u. S. Have frozen. A day that president obama imposed new sanctions aimed at russias involvement in crimea and ukraine. The next administration will have to make their own tgss about this. We hope they will come to see the wisdom in not conducting business as usual with russia. Reporter all leading to the greater question. How friendly will be incoming president be to Vladimir Putin . I think when he calls me brilliant, ill take the compliment. He had to be more cautious with russia than he appears to be. He needs to understand that their interest and their attitude does not align with ours. Reporter nowhere may that more clear on the meeting on what to do next in syria. Translator all three countries here are united. Reporter the talks will not stop moscow from continuing its military operations in syria. But getting some of the National Security jobs filled on the to do list. Topping that list, maybe a domination for a director of National Intelligence and for mr. Trump to select hiss why advisers on Homeland Security and counterterrorism. Perhaps all of the more urgent given recent events. John . Barbara starr, thank you. The u. N. Security council will vote on a draft resolution to stop all settlement activity in occupied territory. Benjamin netanyahu is urging the u. S. To veto the measure. But the white house said the israeli activity lacks legitimacy. President elect donald trump made the pledge during the campaign. U. S. Officials say theyre just a little puzzled after a kremlin spokesmen in washington and moscow stopped talking to each other. Translator as you know, almost every level of dialogue with the United States is frozen. We tonight communicate with one another. Or if we do, we do so minimal hi. U. S. Officials deny a break in dialogue. There was a joint Video Conference on wednesday between russian and u. S. Military operations. And the secondary of state john kerry spoke by phone to Sergey Lavrov as recently as tuesday. Lets go to moscow and see whats happening. Matthew chance, live. The u. S. Does not know what the kremlin means saying dialogue is frozen. What do they mean . Reporter i dont think they believe they have a clue what the kremlin means. What they were trying to say. They were painting a bleak characterization of the state of affairs between washington and moscow. The relations are not great. They have been divided over a whole range of issues, the syria conflict, the expansion of nato and the annexation of crimea. The kremlin was saying, we barely speak to each other. We have a relationship that we dont talk. And that came after the United States had extended and expanded its sanctions on russia over its 2014 annexation of crimea. The kremlin are angry about that, as well. We have to set it against the context of the political changes that are about to come upon us. Donald trump will be in the white house p the and the expectation that this cold, frozen relationship, the way theyve characterized it, can start to thaw and get warmer. Youre saying that there was a last in translation moment here. The nuanced meaning of the statement coming out of the kremlin was deliberately misinterpreted by washington . Reporter the exact statement was we dont talk to each other or do so at a minimum. The exchanges have taken place. And the pentagon said we spoke to them about air safety in syria. That is what the kremlin would say is the minimum amount of contact with the white house. But you know, a larger conversation about strategy. About the big issues facing the international community. About syria, for instance, and what to do in that country. These are conversations that the russians are having with others at the moment. For instance, yesterday, moscow, there was a big summit between the russian, the iranian, and the Turkish Foreign minister. They agreed to put out a road map on how to end the syrian conflict. The United States was conspicuously not at that meeting. And not invited. It comes to the big diplomatic conversations, russians say theyre not engaging with the Current White House at moments. Are they having a similar problem of frozen dialogue with other western countries . Other european countries, for instance . The relationship between russia and the west, and other countries in the United States, has been dire over the past couple of years. Theres been not just United States sanctions against russia. But European Union sanctions against russia, as well. Russia has retaliated and imposed countersanctions against those entities. They have all fallen out over crimea. And the fact that russia backs Bashar Al Assad in the syrian conflict. And you take virtually every issue. Every issue that is important in the world today. And you see russia on one side and the west on the other side. There is this real tension that has come to the fore in the past couple of years. The big question facing us in russia is with the change of the white house, with trump taking on the white house and all of the positive things about, wouldnt it be great to do a deal with russia . He looked at the situation in crim crimea, and wants to cooperate with russia in the fight against international terrorism, which he and russia apparently see as the biggest threat facing us today. Theres an extraordinary possibility for the relationship to get warmer. Or it could go wrong. But at the moment, there are High Expectations that this frozen relationship is going to get warmer in the months ahead. Matthew chance live in moscow. A new hours from now, Vladimir Putin will pay his respect to the countrys aerpt to turkey. Russia and turkey are working together investigating the assassination. A dozen people have been detained so far. Turkeys president says the exiled cleric and the movement he leads are begin the killing. Translator all his connections from where he was educated to his links. I have to say this clearly. This dirty organization is still within the military, still within the police. We are continuing and continue to carry out purges. We have to be sensitive on this issue. We will do so in sensitivity. He condemned the assassination and denies any involvement. The russian government is urging turkey not to rush to judgment. 35 people are confirmed dead in a fireworks incident in mexico. Forensic teams are going through the charred rubble. We have more details now. Reporter theres a strong desire for not only the families searching for answers. Trying to figure out the government will say the focus is on the victims and providing support. But there isnt much information saying what caused it. Or what cause investigators may be looking at right now. At this time, a lot of families are asking the government to help them to find their family members. I went to one woman who is standing outside of that fence, hoping to get answers. This is a market that just nine days ago, State Government officials called one of the safest in latin america. Ten football fields, give or take. And 300 venders that government officials had permits to be here. As people came here to look for fireworking for christmas and new years, which is having thats very, very common. In the meantime, the investigation continues. And the search for answers, not only for law enforcement, but also for families. John . Leyla, thank you. When we come back, the search on in berlin. The manhunt after this weeks terror attack. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. The one i used to take. jim victoza® lowers blood sugar in three ways. And while it isnt for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Welcome back. 11 30 on the west coast. Youre watching cnn newsroom from los angeles. Im john vause. Heres the headlines. A death toll at a fireworks market has climbed to 33. The authorities have not said what caused the incident. The third time an explosion has happened there since 2005. The future of israeli settlements is on the agenda for the u. N. Security council on thursday. It will draft up a resolution that israel stop all settlement activity. Benjamin netanyahu is urging the u. S. To vito the measure. Police are searching for this man, the main suspect of an attack on a berlin Christmas Market. Police say he has ties to radical islamic groups. Some suspect that he may not longer be in germany. And authorities warn he is violent and armed. We get details now from hala gorani. Reporter a massive manhunt under way across germany, as the picture and the name of the man who they are looking for are circulated by police forces. He is a tunis national, anis amri. His papers were in the truck used to carry out an attack on a berlin Christmas Market. And they say he could be armed and dangerous. Authorities say he had known linked to radical islamist groups. Saying he entered in july of 2015 and claimed asylum. In july 2015, his asylum application was rejected. The man couldnt be departed as he didnt have valid identification papers. The process for issuing replacement papers was started in august. At first, tunisia denied this person was their national. Reporter also released today, a picture of the trucks polish driver, who completed a planned run before losing character with his employer. Authorities believe the truck was hijacked. The drivers body was found in the passenger seat. As the cleanup operation in the nowabandoned Christmas Market continues, mourners gather to share their shock and sadness. And people go here to have a good evening. They drink wine and eat something and stay here with friends and family. And then, theyre dead after five minutes. Its shocking. Yes, it is. Reporter the german president visited a local hospital to pay his roespects t the injured. Angela merkels reelection bid is facing a tack after she has 900,000 asylumseeker over the last year. Despite reports that the driver being a refugee were wrong, far right leaders are casting blame on merkel for the attack. Aaron cohen is with us. Hes a former member of israels counterterrorist unit. Thanks for being with us. Law enforcement cant track anyone. You have a failed Asylum Seeker, facing deportation. Links to a known isis recruiter. He had been under surveillance. They thought pe he was involved with a burglary. This is not just a face in the crowd. This is somebody who German Authorities were looking at. Its not just German Authorities. Theres so many countries across europe. For interpol to centralize that information, they are a key ingredient with that. Where was the surveillance . Why did it stop . That is the key and first part of all of the preemptive work in order to prevent future terror attacks. So, why werent we listening to his cell phone . Why werent we tracking his cell phone . Everything is done with the cell phones. They tap into that cell phone. If hes been red flagged, theres a team of people who track the cell phobes of the suspects who have been red flagged. You know hes trying to leave the country, who is trying to get into another country this is an operational failure. Something happened in the moveme movement portion of the operations. To allow this guy to get into a truck and drive into this crowd of people. Amris father has spoken publicly. He hasnt talked to his son in years. But he confirmed that his son spent time in jail. This is what he said. Translator he went to italy where he burned a school. He was jaileded for four years. Then, he moved to germany. I have not spoken to him for a long time. Its been about seven years since he left home. I to not have his cell phone. The family went on to say they had no idea he was obviously planning anything like this. The mother and maybe his brothers had spoken to him over a period of a couple of months. They had no idea he was planning anything like this, which is typical in a place like this. Yeah. It feels like its almost typical it feels like isis because, again, with the rental of the truck, with the false name, theres operational planning that these terror groups are Getting Better and better at. Seems like theyre training the operatives or the wouldbe operatives or copycats to the terrorism gains. Dont share things that are going to break operational security. So, im not saying that the parents dont know that he might be id logically aligned with committing acts of terror the but i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt know the specifics of this operation. But something should have changed in them. More religious. And the fact that the father hadnt spoken with him. Maybe he doesnt agree to his ideology. The preacher without a face. We have a photograph of him. This is the image we have of him. Its come from one of the top isis leaders in germany. That would indicate right now that amri has a support network out there. And he was no lone wolf attacker if he has links to this guy. He is being watched by many governments. Not just the europeans with interpol. Not just the americans and the brits. But Many Organizations have been watching this guy for a long time because of the command in the youth that he controls. He is a known spouter of hatred. He is visible online in social media. He is somebody he is similar to the man who assassinated one of the clerics, one of the zealots that can almost command violence because of the ability to lead on camera and get people to follow ideology. Very dangerous creature. The hard port is where do you draw the line between free speech and inciting rhetoric that can cause death . Thats a trick. In lieu of whats happening, they put out an arrest warrant. We have a bolo, be on the look out for a statement from the authorities. Apparently they had to do that because the name was leaked to the media. The authorities thought they had no choice but to do that. How does that jab diz the search for this guy, that leak to the media . I almost feel like it was done intentionally. Leaks are a part of operations. With this outlet, you can get the word out quicker. You want the photo on the cell phones. I say leak it. Get the name out there. The best set of eyes are the masses. You want everyone to see the picture of this guy. They will catch him much quicker. It is the same thing we saw in europe. Get the information out there to catch this guy. He may have weapons. A very dangerous guy. And he needs to be arrested immediately. Okay, aaron. Good to speak with you. Thanks so much. Still to come on newsroom l. A. Why we have not seen Surveillance Footage like this from the berlin attack. Hi charades . Yeah, let me check my score too. Try credit karma. Its free. Check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Welcome back, everybody. An intense manhunt across europe for the main suspect in the berlin market attack. Anis amri is a 24yearold national from tunisia. He is known to German Police. Amri was arrested in august, carrying forged documents. They also say he is linked to radical islamist groups. German lawmakers have started rethinking privacy laws. Expanding the tools of the state, especially state security, might be controversial. However, it has worked elsewhere. Reporter when a bomb exploded during the 2013 Boston Marathon surveillance cameras showed the smoke rising over the finish line. But that wasnt all they revealed. For investigators footage from street cameras revealed critical information, the faces of the tsaranev brothers. And those pictures wallpapered the city and aided in their capture. Sometimes Close Circuit Television often leads to the suspects, as it did in boston. In brussels, twin explosions at the airport and a train station in march were documented by passengers. Cell phone video reveals devastating wreckage through thick smoke. But the investigation centered around this image. Three men pushing luggage carts. Two of them suicide bombers who Police Believe wore gloves to conceal the detonators. More recently on a new york city street in september, Closedcircuit Television showed store fronts shattering and people running for their lives. Nypd investigators were able to rewind the footage and spotted this man in one location where a Pressure Cooker bomb was found. Law enforcement Officials Say Surveillance Video creates a timeline of suspects movements before they take action. Terrorists buying supplies in london before attacks on the transit system. And terrorists taking control of a paris cafe during a series of attacks in 2015. One of the cameras revealing a dramatic moment when a womans life was spared because a suspects gun seemingly jams. North carolinas socalled bathroom bill is still law in the state. Lawmakers failed to repeal it on a special session on wednesday. It bans people from using public bathrooms that dont correspond to whats on their birth certificate. A Public Gallery shouted shame. Roy cooper called the actions a nail failure. Im disappointed that republican legislative leaders failed to live up to their promise, to fully repeal house bill 2. Im disappointed for the people of North Carolina. For the jobs that people wont have. Im disappointed that we have yet to remove disdain on the reputation of our great state. Backlash of the law has cost North Carolina 650 million in lost revenue. A short break. But when we come back, a list of the most annoying words in the u. S. This year. Hey, evan. So, youre stuck at a work thing. With directv and at t you can stream all your favorite shows without using your data. That makes you more powerful than a table for 60. Wednesdays are the new thursdays or the mandatory after party. How early is too early to leave . Youre not going anywhere. Im not going anywhere. Its your tv, take it with you. Watch all your live directv channels, on at t, data free. Queen elizabeth and her husband are putting off their holiday travel. They say the royal couple is not well. Both have colds. They often head to one of their us ka estate at christmas time. A royal commentator and former editor of a reference book is with us. Is your imagine majesty expectee the trip today . Theres speculation it might be on in the coming hours . I hope so. Were expecting an announcement this morning as to whether or not the queen and the duke who both have heavy colds will be traveling either perhaps today or possibly tomorrow. Of course, this is such an important time of year for them. Its worthwhile remembering that on tuesday the queen hosted the traditional lunch at christmas for the extended royal family. She announced she was stepping down from some 25 pat tonnages, that leaves over 600, and its a time also to reflect how robust both the queen and the duke are equally. The queen is 90. The duke 95. And, obviously, at such an age, one naturally is concerned if someone is unwell in any circumstances, but clearly were hoping that the traditional festivities will continue as planned. Just explain to our audience who may not be entirely familiar with that tradition, that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip take the 10 44 train on the same day. Theyve been doing this for pretty much as long as most people can problem, and many people set their calendars by it. Yes. Absolutely. Because what happens is a gathering of the royal family this year, the duke and duchess of came bridge will bridge will with kates problems, but some 30 members of the royal family will join them at their estate, and what we see on Christmas Day is the church, the royal family going to and from the Church Service and then the prerecorded queens christmas message. This is viewed by millions. Some 7 million in britain and with social media, its impossible to estimate the audience. A very important message, particularly one has to say, the queen regarding as deeply religious person, its a significant time of year. Its also a time where shes a symbol of National Unity and presides over a deeply divided country after the brexit vote. Very quickly, there was some speculation that maybe this wasnt necessarily a Health Matter because the queen was seen in good health on tuesday. Maybe it was a security matter. Thats something one cant comment on. Its perfectly true that the cancellation occurred moments before the royal couple were expected to board the train from kings cross to kingston in norfolk, but i would say that well hear this morning, hopefully, the festivities will continue as privately and publicly they are of such importance, and little doubt at all that in her ninetieth year, both the queen and duke have beat every record broken. My hope is theyll continue to do so for a long time to come. Thank you for being with us, richard. Well, in the u. S. One word claims the title of most annoying word of the year. Whatever. Its followed by no offense, but, and you know, right . The institute for Public Opinion conducted the survey. This is the second year whatever topped their list at the most annoying words. Millions are watching the drawing of the worlds biggest drawing, the fat one brings the country to a standstill every year. They draw winning numbers from rotating drums. Last year combined prizes totalled more than 2 billion. This years drawing could be just as big. If i win it, you will never see me again. But i wont win, because i never do. Youre watching cnn news room live from los angeles. The news continues in london. The waterspout. Wep down came the rain and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. Luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. Water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. He got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. His sleep number setting is 25. Call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. 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