Foundation. A couple of very bad ones came out and its called pay for play. Some of these were really, really bad. And illegal. A lot to get to that gets to the senior white house correspondent. Jim, you cant write this stuff. A trump rally just wrapped up and whats going on down there . This is just days after the orlando shooter was standing behind Hillary Clinton. Who was behind donald trump . Don, you said it. There is never a shortage of jaw dropping moments. Donald trump rally was no exception. He was trying to call attention to the fact that the father of the orlando nightclub shooter was at a Hillary Clinton effect earlier this week and saying this as a disgraced former congressman was sitting behind him at the audience in sunrise, florida. That was mark foal whoa resigned nearly years ago after he was learned he was sending sexually explicit texts to congressional pages. Heres the moment when he was talking about the father of that shooter just as mark foley was sitting behind him. Lets play that moment. You think you have the best location, right . You do in one way, but the people behind me, they are all on television. They are going to be famous. They are going to be famous. They are going to be. Speaking of that, wasnt it terrible when the father of the animal that killed the wonderful people in orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton. And by the way, including a lot of the people here, how many of you people know me . A lot of you people know me. When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign. So when she said we didnt know, they knew. Another moment that got everybodys attention is when donald trump was going after president obama and Hillary Clinton and Foreign Policy over the last several years. Donald trump at one point described the president as the founder of isis and also referred to the president by his full name, Barack Hussein obama. We will explain more about that in a moment. President obama, isis is honoring president obama. He is the founder of isis. He is the founder of isis. He is the founder. He founded isis. I would say the cofounder would be cooked Hillary Clinton. Cofounder. Crooked Hillary Clinton. And don, like a lot of moments at donald trump rallies where he is going after Hillary Clinton, the crowd was chanting lock her up, lock her up. Trump continues to push back over the uproar of his comments about Second Amendment people and Hillary Clinton. Tell us what happened. Thats right. We should point out at this rally, donald trump went off on the media saying that the coverage of his comments about Second Amendment people being able to do something about Hillary Clinton, he called it disgusting. He also we should point out was putting out tweets all day long saying he was never trying to insight violence. He was going after cnn at one point in a tweet saying his Campaign Never met with the secret service and Officials Say there are representatives who did meet with them. This was another moment where he was blaming the media for controversy that he created. I can tell you that at one point when he was going off on the Media Coverage, the crowd was not yelling lock her up, they were chanting lock them up as in us, the media. Not surprising. Describe what happened at trump tower today if you will. Incredible event. Thousands of people were standing here in the middle of manhattan with cell phones up and holding their breath. As a man decided to climb trump tower saying he had a message for mr. Trump. He started at about 3 30 and all the while talking to police who were trying to coax him inside safely. They eventually did. They yelled out a cheer and donald trump cheated and thanked Police Officers for the efforts in saving that mans life. It was a bizarre moment outside of trump tower. What do you know about the climber and his motive . He is a 20yearold from virginia and he came here and stayed in a hotel and had this plan all along according to police. He told police as he wassing that hoe had a message for mr. Trump and he posted it in a you tube video. Take a look at what that looks like. Hello, mr. Trump. Excuse my manner of appearance. I just dont know how many people will watch this. I would rather not be recognizable. I am an independent researcher seeking a private audience with you to discuss an important matter. I guarantee that it is in your interest to honor this request. Believe me, my purpose is not significa significant. I would not risk my life pursuing. If i had sought this via conventional means, i would not likely have success. You are a busy man with many responsibilities. I will get my Contact Information to your campaign. As you heard, this mans name has not been released said he wanted to talk to mr. Trump and had a message. No details on what that message is. Police are going to talk to him, but he is being evaluated for psychiatric reasons. Do we know about charges and what he faces . Not right now. He is being evaluated and will be put under arrest. Police are having conversations with the da about what the arrests will be. We will find out more as the night goes on. Thank you. Franklin d roosevelt and the line of america. A trump supporter and Law Enforcement analyst Cedric Alexander from decalb county, georgia and author of new guardians. I want to play this again. The rally and donald trump. Lets listen. You think you have the best location, right . You do in one way, but the people behind me, they are all on television. They are going to be famous. They are going to be famous. They are going to be. And by the way, speaking of that, wasnt it terrible when the father of the animal that killed the wonderful people in orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton. And by the way, including a lot of the people here, how many of you people know me . A lot of you people know me. When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign. So when she said we didnt know, he knew. They knew. Whats your reaction . Sorry. I would fire whoever was taking the set behind me if i knew they were going to make that comment. You cant write this. Im shaking my head. I am between people climbing buildings. Shows are not written with plot this is big. House of cards cant come up with this. Should they be more careful about who they let in . We were talking about the man behind Hillary Clinton. And now we are talking about a disgraced congressman. Is it karma . Is someone placing these people behind . All of these people were vetted in the past. These are totally different campaigns from what we have seen in the past. They knew every person on that stage and picked them for a reason. You would think they would heavily vet who was going to be on tv over their shoulder. You people are famous and you will be on tv. You cannot write this stuff. You cannot. If they do, they are an incredible writer. I want to talk to you about security at the campaign. We are talking about whats happening now. The guy behind, we are talking about the trump tower protester who rushed the stage at the clinton rally. In these instances, it matters who is behind you, but words matter as well. Why do words matter so much . They are important in this Political Climate they are in. Any time you make the statements, you are a president ial candidate. You are attempting to become the most powerful person in the free world. Commander in chief of this great country. Any words come out of your mouth will be measured and measured individual low. You have to be very, very careful because depending on the context and inflection and tone, all of this will characterize your message in terms of what it is they are trying to say and to say you are being unintentional is not an excuse because of the fact that you are a president ial candidate and we have to be very, very careful. Big influence. What do you think about the Second Amendment people and the handling of that . Whats clear about that remark, if you listen to the american people, both sides of the aisle have great concerns about that remark. Here again deing on the inflection and the context in which it was stated, it can be interpreted in a variety of ways. What we heard from the American Public over the last few days is that its just that. Its being taken in very different ways, but heres the thing. If anyone is taking it in a way that is negative or an attempt upon someones life and safety, that is serious. Whether its your intent or not, your position as a candidate, every word coming out of your mouth will be measured and you have to be responsible for it and have the temperament to be in control of yourself because you are a representative that is attempting to become president. I want to bring in douglas. Is it worth taking a step back and talking about why comments like this are the third in american politics. Its been unfortunately not uncommon over the course of u. S. History. This is an academic question. No. First of all he is trying to lead a pitch fork revolution and he dominates the Media Coverage and the king of the dog whistle and you will get more and more of this kind of thing. When you call to kill the other candidate and intimate even with a nod and a wink or a jokey way that violence of any kind might be okay, its not only beyond the pale, but close to being illegal. He didnt say anything that is going to get him arrested, but he is walking this line that is deeply unhealthy. I lecture about garfield being killed and kennedy and the shooting of gerald ford. We know all of this. Its the one thing you cant do is to say that i want my opponent to be physically harmed. Trump seems to enjoy dancing in that interzone between decency and crude, rude, violent threat. Its interesting that you think trumps comments might have been prescripted. The president said these weredaley and weekly. Why do you think these comments might have been prescripted . Because he is a homegrown demagogue. We have seen this for a long time. Blood coming out of her you know what and i wasnt mocking the reporter for the disability when the camera shows he did. You can read his line and interpret it the way he is. He didnt really mean anything except Second Amendment people are going to vote. Anybody watching that clip know that he is lurching forward with that. Its part of the off with her head and lock her up motif that his campaign is running on. He has one issue that he is running on. A demolition of Hillary Clinton as a person. Its horrifying for children to have to tune into this sad unraveling of the american political season. The question is with lawmakers, they are more than a can be out now. Paul ryan said he thought it was a joke at first and fine, that doesnt make it better. My question to you is, how did politicians like this and also paul ryan, how can they support him, but then say what he said is reprehensible . I think they realize that he is their best vehicle to move in the direction they want to move the country. Do they agree with his policies . Maybe not. Do they agree with him . No. We are given two reasonable choices. There are other candidates, but they feel as i do of my choices, this clearly is what i would rather have for the next four years. A lot of republicans and democrats have said this may not have been my candidate of choice, but i back this candidate now. I supported trump early on and i didnt agree with his policies, but i was so ready for a fresh voice in washington and a substantial change that sometimes im willing to overlook shortcomings. It has been reality . In the beginning, people said it was refreshing. This is someone who is not pc. And then now, you as a surrogate have to come on and defend him. That aint easy. I only defend it when i believe it and i dont think he was trying to create violence. If i did, i wouldnt defend it. I dont think he did. I cant get into his mind. Heres why. Most of the time when donald trump wants to tell the you something, he doesnt hold back. He says exactly what he thinks. Why isnt that exactly what he thought . To me do you believe mark foley was at the rally. The video shows it. I sa you it with my own ice, you about i question it. That are is akin to saying donald trump didnt mean it is like him mocking the New York Times reporter to say he is not doing it, it defies logic. You are telling us that we dont see what is happening. Again, my interpretation was look, nra is one of the most powerful groups and you have something you can do about it. You have something you can do about it. Which is what . Engage in the process. Get out and vote. Write checks and put up signs. Why didnt he say that. He doesnt think like a normal person running for office like heres your check and heres what you want to get done and people know they can send in moan and put a Bumper Sticker on your car. Why didnt he say that . Its easy for you to say that the next day or two days after. You can say that, but why doesnt he . If he is clear and you say he is a straight shooter and says what he means and means what he says, its not episodic. Every week you are sitting here and having to explain to me and the american people, the voter, what donald trump meant that no one else sees but him and his surrogate. Some of his staunch supporters. Had he been able to get past a couple of these making excuses for him. You have seen sometimes i havent come to the defense of certain issues. This is one where i see it. Again, i will say this. In giving the other side of the story, Hillary Clinton stubbed her toe the same way against barack obama when they were trying to get her out. We did that and i remember the whole thing. This is not 2008 or 2012. She is a seasoned politician and she made a mistake. I will give you the last word here. Let me say this, don. We have a social responsibility to maintain a level of etiquette and particularly in leadership positions. Its inexcusable to make remarks that leaves to be questioned to the finds that people may not be stable. In as much as we dont have kr0e8 of throw 00 million people, what we should have control over is how we use language and how we represent ourselves. Here again for anyone who is attempting to become president of the united states. That is important that we have to assume that responsibility. American people here again on both sides of the aisle dont like the statements because its not for the best interest of this country. Thank you all. I appreciate it. Well be right back. Sorry, captain obvious. Dont be. Ive got the hotels. Com app, which makes it simple to book a room for 500. Or 25, but it wont be here. You can stay with me. Thanks. Ive already lost enough today. Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. The secret service said they spoke about the Second Amendment remarks which many interpret as a threat to Hillary Clinton. I want to bring in the senior political analyst and the author of the upcoming book. Elect ill dysfunction. He joins us during skype. That is not a provocative quote. Thank you, gentlemen. Heres what thomas wrote last night in the New York Times. It was scathing. That is how he got assassinated. People are playing with fire here and there is no bigger name thrower than donald trump. He is a disgusting human being and his children should be ashamed of him. I pray that he loses all 50 states so that the message goes loud and clear. The likes of you should never come this way again. Your reaction to this. Do you think that this is a sign that Trumps Campaign is in crisis . Well, its hard to know because everything he said that seems to put him in crisis he said he benefitted from. He announced last night that he benefitted from this. You mentioned the tragedy ten days before the israeli ambassador was assassinated, he wanted to meet with me to talk about how to stop the rhetoric that he was afraid would cause violence and of course 10 t days later caused his own death. The problem is that trump has been creating or contributing to an aura that violence is acceptable. He create this is notion through his double entend res that can be easily understood by people. We live in an age of lone wolf terrorists who are inspired by what leaders say. One can just imagine, all you need is one or two or three people who are misunderstanding. He takes trump at his word and he didnt mean it. Going out and saying what does the Second Amendment really mean. It means the right to top tyrants. Hillary clinton wants to take away our guns, she is a tyrant. We can see how this leads to an assassination. Got forbid this happen, we would be playing and replaying this and see see what contributed to this. We all hope it doesnt come to that. Lets listen to what trump said. Ilry wants to abolish, essentially abolish the second amendme amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I dont know. To alans point about making her a tyrant, she doesnt want to abolish the Second Amendment . No. There is no evidence of that and donald trump and his supporters and many in the Republican Party overstate her positions on guns. Let me go back and echo something, the former criminal law professor just said. I do think that often in public life, people create a context that and there is a rhetoric about violence that can send a message to the nut cases out there that maybe violence is a reasonable solution it a problem. I thought tom friedman had an excellent point in the New York Times. When she argued that as well, there were those who use a rhetoric of violence against him. And then someone pick period up a gun and shot him. That was one of the worst tragedies with we had in the middle east. We might well had they lived on. We have seen this and others have written about this. We have seen this in the rhetoric that is often used by people who hate abortion clinics. They paint the doctors who perform abortions as somehow criminal. They dehumanize them and delegitimize them and argue that somebody ought to take action. Suddenly we have a lone wolf that will shoot at abortion clinics as we have seen. People who use the rhetoric walk away free and say i didnt have anything to do with it, but there is a lone wolf that hears that whistle and that dog whistle and think maybe i will be the person who will save the republic. We have real tragedies occur. As you heard, i was deeply scarred by the two attempts especially Ronald Reagan by this nut case who thought he was doing something for humanity. I dont know what he was thinking. None the less, with so many guns and so much violence already, it is so easy to trigger somebody. It is important to stay miles away from rhetoric which is open open to that interpretation. Is it fair to hold someone else responsible for what a disturbed person might do. Yes. Sometimes even legally responsible. There are cases where people have told someone, the famous case in england where someone inspired them to kill and that person was found responsible. The Second Amendment people, many of them, not all, but many believe the purpose is not necessarily self defense, but its to overthrow the government. To make sure that if tyrants take over, we have the guns that are necessary to take action against them and you are going to get Second Amendment extremists who are going to read this as saying what mr. Trump said legitimizes using violence to stop Hillary Clinton from taking our guns away. Thats what the Second Amendment is all about. We are not committing crimes, we are acting as patriots as it requires that the blood and the tree of liberty be refurbished. Thats part of the rhetoric. Trump plays into that and i agree that its an atmosphere that is created. I have got to go. Just 20 seconds. I do think trump doesnt intend this. I dont think he understands the rhetoric can trigger something. Thank you. I appreciate it. A growing number of republicans who are not only deserting donald trump, but supporting Hillary Clinton. We will talk to one. That didnt make cars made plastics that make them lighter . The lubricants that improved fuel economy. Even technology to make engines more efficient. What company does all this . Exxonmobil, thats who. Were working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. Helping you save money and reduce emissions. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. 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I saw a dark Republican Convention and i heard words like lock her up and words like guilty. I felt like i was watching a lynching. I was pathetic. You afraid for your party or the country . Im afraid for both. Then i watched the Democratic Convention and they were talking about what they want to do. I was seeing people of all colors and stripes and i listened to Hillary Clinton and said you know what, that was the kind of speech that she kind of made when she was a senator. I worked with her as a house member and came up for a year where i chaired on the illnesses inflicting the 9 11 folks. She came into the hearing and asked me a few questions and sat down next to house members and didnt play any part in politics. She said we have to solve the problem. This is painful for you. You know what, to be honest now its almost freeing. How so . I really have come to grips with the fact that i think she can be a good president. She knows the world community. She knows world leaders. She knows the house, she knows the senate. She traveled this country extensively and she is a smart lady. She learned from her mistakes. Only problem with her the emails . Trust . She takes things to the edge. It calls in question why some people dont like her. It shouldnt even be a close election. I will get to that. I want to talk about the emails and the trust factor. I dont want to talk about the emails. We have to with the controversy involved with the Clinton Foundation. Do you hear other lawmakers who are concerned and they cant speak out because they feel they are every lawmaker is concerned. Absolutely. Some like donald trump and some dont. They might be frank with a group and all of a sudden you are seeing a constituent get mad at him. I have family members who like donald trump. Were heard from a number of people, the khan controversy was the tipping point. What made you come out about this . Was that the one thing . It was an evolution. After the convention. That was huge. This is not going to stop. Donald trump is going to keep doing things like this. Lets talk about the email scandal. There was a development with the Clinton Emails and this cozy relationship with the Clinton State Department and the emails. Is that a concern . Im not going to defend the emails. There is no way i will defend it. I am going to choose someone who i think can be a good president. I wish she did what we did in my congressional office. We said if you cant defend it at a Community Meeting comfortably, then you dont do it. The emails and the trust factor are a lesser threat than what donald trump proposes . Donald trump is dangerous. Hillary clinton is not . No, she is not. Of course she is not dangerous. She has done things i wish she hadnt done. Why is donald trump dangerous . Because he says things that are absurd like russia coming into ukraine and the list is so long. I dont have to go there. Do you think when people compare there is a false equivalency when they say Hillary Clinton, you cant trust her . I had a mom and a dad and you never said anything you were totally comfortable with. They could if i wasnt comfortable. The bottom line is Hillary Clint when she becomes president needs to make a real oath to herself in the public that she will not do things to give people the opportunity to be critical of her. This is mark foley. He was at a trump rally this evening in florida. You served in 2006 when mark foley resigned and called for the resignation of any member of the house or knew or should have known about the emails going further than republican colleagues. What do you think about him sitting there . I dont know why he did it and i dont know why someone didnt catch it. All i know is mark is a very nice guy. He is a nice guy. Huh huge problems with him. I had a problem with what he did and the fact that we didnt understand what he did soon enough and the democrats exposed it and we lost majority in large member. Thank you, congressman. It has been a long day for you. It has been a long day. Up next, Trump Supporters claiming he is twisting remarks about second amend am people. While the other guys use frozen beef from far away. Wendys only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. So we dont have to freeze it. Add six strips of thick, applewood smoked bacon. And Wendys Baconator isnt just different, its deliciously different. A month after 9 11, i got a call from david and he told me he was going into the national guard. He was sent to iraq to be a gunner on a humvee. A car pulled up in the driveway and three soldiers got out, and the sound of their boots as they came up those stairs will, will stay with me the rest of my life. You have moments when you really dont want to live anymore, its a fate that i would not wish on anybody, not anybody. When i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. Wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably. I would like to tell donald trump what it feels like, the sense of emptiness, that only losing a child can bring. Those people should be honored and treated with kindness for the rest of their life, and i dont think that donald trump will ever understand that. Priorities usa action is responsible for the contents of this advertising. Is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Donald trumps reaction over the uproar of his Second Amendment remarks, give me a break. A clinton supporter, Sarah Huckabee who is an adviser to uh Trump Campaign and van jones. Mr. Matt louis. Donald trump slammed Hillary Clinton for allowing the orlando shooters father to sit behind her. The disgraced excongressman mark foley was sitting in the same spot as the father of the shooter. Mark foley resigned in 2006 for sending sexually explicit Text Messages to teenage boys. Whats your reaction . Its unbelievable. First the fact that Hillary Clinton would allow this to happen, she has a more organized campaign than donald trump and ought to be doing the vetting. It should have been preventing, but the audacity of donald trump to mock that, if you can see the clip, he said all these people behind me, i know them all personally. Trust me, they wouldnt be sitting back here unless they were fully vetted. Then he raises his hand. Heres the moment. How many of you people know me . A lot of you people know me. When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign. So when she said we didnt know, he knew. They knew. Van . Sorry. Raise your hand. How many of you know me. Raise your hand. If youre sure. Its a comedy. This is snl skit we are living. We have been trapped in a saturday night live skit. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, but my goodness, you cant make this stuff up. Sarah, whats your reaction to this . Look, i dont think mark foley should have been there, but to compare the two is absurd. Mark foley, a disgraced congressman versus a radicalized father of the person that shot 49 innocent americans . He didnt shoot anybody. I said the father of. Hes a taliban supporter. Thats a big difference. The father . I understand that. His father shouldnt have been there. To try to say it is justified congressman foley who is not just disgraced, he is a pedophile. Both of them were bad, but the two should be able to judge both of them equally and both made serious mistakes of judgment, but dont say oh,ed my god, hillarys was worse because of this. That makes no sense. Thats a horrible contortion. Im a Hillary Clinton supporter and i said they should disavow and it shouldnt happen again. I think all of us together, the four or five of us need to get together and buy pizza and beer and figure out whats going on. I think part of the problem is they may have had too much pizza and beer. That may have had too much beer ahead of that. Dont you think it makes a difference the second day, wouldnt you be on your game . No matter which campaign i was with, clinton or Trump Campaign, i would say that. To be now more serious, you would expect for him to button this up. You would expect everybody in the country whether you are running for the citizen and congress or dog catcher to realize this is a new thing to be concerned about. Part of it goes to this wild and Crazy Campaign he is running and he would literally tell the his staff he would hit Hillary Clinton on this issue and nobody said hold on and let me check this out. You have to judge based on the campaigns they run. People want to judge Hillary Clinton on her campaign, its fair to judge donald trump. It wasnt just Hillary Clinton who had a bad week either. More on her email controversy coming up. All selfmotivated selfstarters. Drive with uber and put a dollar sign in front of your odometer. Like this guy. Technically im a cook. Sign up here. Drive a few hours a day. Make 300 a week. Actually its a little bit more than that. Thats extra buyyoustuff money. Or buythemstuff money. Calling all early risers, ninetofivers and night owls. With ubera little drive goes a long way. Start earning this week. Go to uber. Com drivenow you made with your Airline Credit card. These purchases hold on. You only got double miles on stuff you bought from that airline . Let me show you something better. The capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Every purchase. Everywhere. Every day. 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How much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. Ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo newly released Clinton Emails may shed light on aship between her state department and the Clinton Foundation. Back with me is my panel. We now have a new batch of Clinton Emails released by Judicial Watch, raising questions about the relationship between the state department and the Clinton Foundation. One instance shows a Top Foundation official lobbying top clinton 5aides for a job. Another email shows trying to connect a foreign billionaire to an ambassador. What is your reaction if another example of Hillary Clintons corruption within her office and as the secretary of state, and that we can only expect that shell take to the presidency. The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a slush fund. If you look at the breakdown of the budget that theyve had, they gave away 5 million in grants but spent 86 million paying expenses and salaries to help out their political crone y cronies. Its just another example of why Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president. Van . I see it very differently. First of all, i do think that theres some sloppiness here, and just like we want donald trump to make showure his wordse above approach, its fair to say we want Hillary Clintons actions to be approach. The reality is, when you are a public person, you wind up with a lot of people around you doing all kinds of stuff. This shouldnt have happened. But i want to say what people a year ago, two years ago were saying quite boldly, the Clinton Foundation is a good organization. And this whole lie that keeps going out there that 85 of the money just went to that is simply not true. This is not an operating foundation. What they do is they have a staff and they have meetings and they bring in other people to bring in their money. Ive been to the Clinton Foundation and to see rich people come in and give money to poor organizations has been a heartwarming moment for many people. I think weve got to stop pretending the Clinton Foundation is a right wing talking point. Matt, the appearance of impropriety, youre supposed to be careful of that. It looks pay to play. Im cynical, i follow this stuff. Well, theres shock that theres gambling in casablanca, but we have an america where people have the sense that elites play by different rules, that they take care of each other and help each other find jobs. This doesnt look good. Youre right, theres no quid pro quo just yet, but theres 30,000 missing emails, allegedly about yoga, that might be discovered. And now were hearing that the hacking ostensibly by russia and to democrats is more widespread. This could be a story. It may not just be Judicial Watch looking into this. Who know where is this might go. Thank you, i am out of time. Bakari, relax, youll be on next time. Well be right back with another hour. Stop. Clicking around and start saving at hilton. Com book direct. And get the lowest price online inside everyone is an incredible cook, someone who can cook an amazing meal any night of the week. Farm fresh ingredients, stepbystep recipes, delivered to your door for less than 9 a meal. Get 30 off your first delivery blueapron. Com cook. Donald trumps still battling the fallout from his Second Amendment remarks about Hillary Clinton