Had. The worst fall this countrys ever had. Thats a remarkable warning. Wednesday alone, this country saw nearly 1,500 deaths thats the most since may. And you can see the graph rising again there. 56,000 new cases in a single day as well. Wow. Fears over reopening schools in person, this comes amid a growing pandemic. Those fears are becoming a reality as schools are reopening. One School District outside of atlanta which fully opened last week has more than 1,100 students and staff in quarantine. Still, the administration overnight they did release pretty broad recommendations and if you lead them thoroughly, they encourage the use of masks. Lets begin with our colleague nick valencia in georgia. You have three high schools near atlanta with shutdowns because of the positive cases there. And poppy, realistically we could only expect there to be even more closures. You had two high schools close in as many days in Cherokee County, North Paulding High School where we saw that viral photo of students Standing Shoulder to shoulder in a packed hallway, theyre going to the hybrid program next week. But a little north of paulding you have 1,100 students and teachers in quarantine just after eight days of classes. Part of that may have to do with the attitudes of some of the parents. Late last night, i took a call from a mother who sent her children to school defending that decision even though her 6yearold is currently in quarantine seeing its her business to send her child to school and her business what to do about her childs health. That may be part of the problem, according to mitchell mccaul. He says that parents in the district are only caring about themselves and ignoring the realities. I think nows the wrong time to bury your head in the sand and just plod on forward as if everything is fine because its not. I think, you know, some humility would go a long way because we all want to see the schools to stay open. I want my son to play football. I know you love your high school football, we all do. But lets do things the right way. The superintendent of Cherokee County continually defending his decision to reopen the schools saying a majority of parents elected to send their kids back to school. Mitchell mccaul said thats just spin. He says that the superintendent is putting politics before science. Pandering to a deeply red part of the state. Antimaskers and people who believe that the coronavirus is a hoax. Jim, poppy . Its amazing this many months in thats still a thing. Nick valencia, thanks very much. Lets go down to florida and rosa flores, what happens with the school and what are others learning from that . Yeah, you know, jim, this school is trying to figure out how many children are impacted. Heres what we know. So one day after Martin County schools reopened for inperson instruction, there was a student who displayed symptoms of covid19 and so one classroom and one bus route was quarantined and now in remote learning. So the obvious question is, well, how many students are impacted . Now according to the Public Information officer at least nine students from the classroom, but theyre still trying to figure out how many student were actually on the bus because remember its the first week of school and just like every other school year its a little bit chaotic. Theyre trying to figure out how many students were on the bus. I have been going back and forth with the Public Information officer this morning to try to figure that out. Now, Martin County is one of 13 districts that have opened this week for inperson instruction. The florida education commissioner made that announcement from the white house yesterday where President Donald Trump praised florida saying that florida is doing a great job. This after corcoran announced from the white house yesterday that by august 31st, 70 to 80 of all florida students will be having inperson facetoface instruction. Now, that is assuming that the Teachers Union here in florida are going to lose the ongoing legal battle because theres an ongoing legal battle over the reopening of schools in this state. There is actually a hearing going on right now in tallahassee and jim and poppy, this lawsuit was filed on july 20th. And this just shows you how long it has been taking. These teachers are arguing that it is unsafe for children to go back to school and therefore its unconstitutional. Well, that lawsuit started here in miamidade where i am. The first judge recused himself. The second judge allowed for a change of venue, so now the case is actually in tallahassee. Were trying to figure out whats going to happen today in court. This is a status hearing, its unclear if the needle is actually going to move in this case. But were going to keep an eye on it and let you know if theres any movement. Jim and poppy . Wow. I cant believe its going through all of that, slowing down in the courts to get an answer. Rosa, we appreciate your reporting as always always. What about sports . Right now the ncaa is holding a meeting and theyre going over the covid19 guidance for student athletes and fans. So theres a split among the conferences. Some of the colleges biggest conferences, theyre opting out. Some are opting in. What does that all mean . How are they making their decisions . Joining us now cnn Sports Correspondent andy scholes. The doctor for the cdc said in april when we were talking about opening up again, that was presuming the cases were on a downward trend which is you know, as the facts show not the case. How does that affect the debate . Yeah, thats right, jim. So, jim and poppy, the Infectious Disease society for america, they basically put all of the facts on the table for the conferences and then its up to the individual conferences to assess the risk with their own medical experts and one of the doctors laid it out perfectly when it comes to the risk. He said its like youre crossing the street and you saw a car coming. Do you run across the street and hope everything goes all right or do you wait for that car to go by . Theres two ways of thinking when it comes to that. And thats exactly how the conferences are approaching it. Another doctor on the panel said she believes that the right call is not to play sports right now. I do predict because we have been seeing it and those that are very diligent there will be transmission and theyll have to stop their games. And so theres just two different ways to approach it. Basically. And our can you say that the doctors are looking at different data, no, but theyre trying different things. I do i do appreciate the idea to just hold and to not do these conferences because that keeps the safety of the athletes at the number one priority. Yeah, so right now you basically have big 12, s. E. C. And acc trying to run across the street and hope nothing goes wrong. You have the big ten and pac12 waiting for the car to go by and the big 12 made the decision yesterday. This is whos playing, not playing. Big 12 commissioner said that the medical experts told them it wasnt safe, they would stop immediately and he explained the reasoning for moving forward. Reasonable people can disagree on it, but and, you know, the pac 12 and the big ten are seeing much of the same information that were seeing. But our board believes in our scientists and has come to a conclusion thats different. And so have the leadership of the s. E. C. And the acc. All right. The nfl and the Players Association meanwhile agreeing to extend the daily covid19 testing for players and coaches through at least september 5th. Five days before the season opener. Originally the testing was set to take place the first two weeks of training camp. According to the unions website, 56 players so far have tested positive for the coronavirus since camps opened back in late july. Back to College Football. I want you guys to just think of the state of iowa. You have got the hawkeyes in the big ten who wont be playing fall College Football. Two hours down the road, youve got iowa state in the big 12 who will be playing College Football and fall sports. What sense does that make . Yeah. Not a lot. But its a great state, so theres that. Thanks, andy. Appreciate it. Lets talk about all this. Dr. Leana wen is here Emergency Room Physician and former Baltimore City health commissioner. Lets start on sports. What would you do if it were up to you . Yeah, so this is a similar conversation, poppy, to what were discussing with schools and jobs and i mean, its really difficult to reopen anything when you have high levels of virus across the community. We know that we are one country and so even though there are parts of the country that are doing well, there are many parts that are actively undergoing surges with increasing number of infections. Out of an abundance of caution, knowing that wed have to shut down the sports this they were to come back, i think i would hold off for the time being. Recognizing that the key to controlling the or the key to reopening and allowing sports to come back is controlling the levels of infection across the country. To your point then, if you live and work and your kids go to school in a community where the outbreak is under control, i mean, look at the state like new york where the governor had said, given their low Positivity Rates, et cetera, that schools can make the choice to reopen, is that really the decider here . Should that be the decider . If its under control by certain metrics that the cdc has put out, safe to do with it restrictions and if its not its not. Should it be as simple as that . Yes. I do think that there are theres a big gray zone in the middle. So if you have areas that are actively undergoing a surge that have high test Positivity Rates, texas, 25 test positivity you cant open schools safely in the environment. On the other hand, you have low rates, massachusetts, parts of new york. That can potentially reopen as long as they have the guidelines as recommended by the cdc. Most of the country is in the gray zone and thats when the decisions get extremely complex. I think thats why we have to follow the guidelines very carefully and what to know what to do if outbreaks happen. I know you have two little kids, not totally school age. Your oldest is 3, is that right . Thats right. Im sure you read dr. Sanjay guptas on ed about why hes not sending his children to school but thats georgia where the Positivity Rate is over 11 . If youre in a state like new york with the Positivity Rate so much lower than i believe below 1 right now, what would you do and should masks in schools be mandated . Because the government overnight is just encouraging it, not mandating it. Well, the last one or the later question is easy. Absolutely masks should be mandated. If its something that basic, that we can all do to get our kids back, then we should be doing it. I think its evidence based, science based we should be doing it. Number one, is the area that you live in, does it have relatively low levels of community spread, less than 5 , the cases are going down. Do you have somebody in your family who is immunocompromised that might determine if your send your kids back. What do you do if your kids have been to out on quarantine at the last minute, do you have day care or plan in advance and assume theres Virtual Learning and what is the school doing . Are they implementing the recommendations by the cdc . Thank you, dr. Wen. As the Pandemic Forces people to file for first time unemployment last week, the president wants changes made to wait for it, shower heads. Also, Scientists Say its looking promising for a coronavirus vaccine. Thats great. But heres a question. What if too many people refuse to take it . Antivaccine groups have been working hard, spreading lies about the potential vaccine. We have the facts ahead. New unemployment claims out today fell below 1 million last week for the First Time Since march still higher than any single week during the 2008, 2009 financial crisis. Christine romans is here. Can you put that in context for us . Are the continuing claims going down too . Going down a little bit. But the direction of the numbers and just the devastating size of the numbers. I never in my career would have thought that 963,000 first time Unemployment Benefits would be an improvement but it is. Two weeks in a row of lower numbers. You can see theyre going in the right direction but from huge, huge levels. The continuing claims are about 15. 5 Million People. 15. 5 Million People are getting they have filed for Unemployment Benefits for at least two weeks. When you put in all of the programs, the different state and federal programs for jobless benefits its about 28 Million People are collecting some sort of government check to make up for lost wages. 28 million. Thats an improvement, but every one of the numbers is a family trying to figure out how to balance their budget for the week and so we have got to keep it in perspective. Going in the right direction from just devastating levels. Okay. The president says he would eliminate the payroll tax permanently if reelected. Can you remind people what it is used for . It funds Social Security and medicare. We have deferred this tax before, the Treasury Department does have the authority to make a deferral and we have done that so that people can get a little more money in the paycheck in a crisis. They did it in 2011, for example. Then the money was replenished from general funds, but the president s gone further, guys. He is talking about terminating thats his words, terminating the payroll tax. That is a big change and that signals an attempt to fundamentally change how we do Social Security in this country. Theres already an attack ad from the Biden Campaign or the democrats in florida on this, because this is something that seniors care about. The president is grabbing ahold of the third rail of politics, Social Security. He has said it very clearly, he wants to he wants to end how we pay this way of using taxes to pay for Social Security. And heres why. He wants to put money into peoples pockets headed into the election, so the near term benefit of deferring the taxes and deferring them permanently, but that raises questions about how youll fund Social Security and how youll preserve it. Yeah, it does. He said the opposite, by the way, when he was running on the campaign trail, on the debate stage, im not going to touch these entitlements. So theres that. Romans, thanks. As americans face dire health consequences, dire economic predicaments, the administration is focused on cutting water efficiency standards for other things. Wow. Shower heads . The Energy Department proposed a roll back of regulations set in the 90s and joe johns is at the white house. Clearly a pressing issue at this moment. Its a little bit bizarre and you have got to ask, why are we talking about this right now . But the president s fixation on the issue of the water flow of household fixtures has been very well documented. Hes talked about toilets and the water flow there. Hes talked about the water flow of dishwashing machines. And now were down on the issue of shower heads. Why are we talking about it now . Well, it turns out the department of energy has taken it upon itself to propose a new rule that would essentially increase the maximum flow of shower heads and this comes after the president just last week complained about this issue during a tour of the whirlpool manufacturing plant in ohio. Listen to this. You go into the new home, you turn on the faucet, no water comes out. You turn on the shower, if youre like me you cant wash your beautiful hair properly. You waste 20 minutes longer. Please come out, the water, it drips, right you know what im talking about. They put restrictors on. I got rid of it. I signed it out. Now, the president claims this is about Consumer Choice in Home Appliances but if you talk to the experts they say this is a solution in search of a problem because maybe back in the 1990s when this rule was first put in place there was a problem with shower heads and some of these other appliances. But since, that problem has been resolved. And even the macro view though is that the thing that a lot of people have to look at in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic why in the world are we talking about shower heads when the president and the administration have a lot more to do than that . Back to you. So there is about saving water, right . Just like the light bulbs, its about saving electricity, they work just as well. Beyond explanation. Thanks very much. Election amid a pandemic, joe biden and Kamala Harris say they can lead america through it better than President Trump. That appears to be a key part of the campaign message. How they plan to address the crisis, what are they proposing specifically . Next. We are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. Well see how investors react to the new jobless claims we just talked about and were getting new insight on oils impact on the global recovery. The International Energy agency cut the forecast for Global Oil Demand this year by 14,000 barrels a day. They expect Global Oil Consumption to be down 2 from what it was at the end of last year. Before the bell, brought to you by etrade. Trade Commission Free today with no account minimums and go to cnn. Com before the bell to stay on top of markets and sign up for the daily newsletter. Is the salmon wildcaught . She only eats wild caught. [cash register beeps] uh, i need a price check on honey. Dont get mad. Get e trade and get more than just trading. Investing. Banking. Guidance. Get e trade and get more than just trading. As a nation, in aweve been tested before. And he has, too. During the worst financial collapse in a generation, with our economy on the brink, joe biden led the recovery act that saved millions of jobs and restored the middle class. During the deadliest Ebola Outbreak in history, he helped lead the response that beat back an epidemic and kept americans safe. Now, were being tested again, and joe biden knows the answer is not ignoring the crisis, bailing out big corporations, and dividing a nation in pain. Its working together to protect the workers who keep us strong, rebuild the middle class, pay people what they deserve, and give every american the path to a goodpaying job, a quality education, and Affordable Health care. Thats joe biden tested, and ready on day one. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Puts its customers a wiin charge . Rier well, the good news gets shared. And it gets rated 1 for customer satisfaction. But dont just take our word for it. Take theirs. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Call, click or visit a store today. Happening soon, presumptive president ial nominee joe biden and Kamala Harris set to meet with Public Health experts about the coronavirus. This as the pair vows to build a plan to lead america through the pandemic together. Well, Arlette Saenz is in delaware this morning. Arlette, what is that plan . And i know they have been attacking President Trumps response to the crisis so how do they distinguish themselves . Well, joe biden and Kamala Harris talked about the need to listen to Public Health experts in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic and thats something that ill be doing together here in wilmington, delaware. Theyre attending a briefing specifically on coronavirus with Public Health experts. We also expect theyll deliver remarks. This coming after the deadliest day of the summer due to the coronavirus pandemic here in the u. S. But yesterday, you heard both biden and harris go after President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Being quite critical of the way that hes responded. Take a listen to what they both had to say. Masking, clear sciencebased guidance, dramatically scaling up testing. Getting states and local governments the resources they need to open the schools and the businesses safely. We can do this. We just need a president and a Vice President willing to lead and take responsibility. Not as this president says its not my fault. Theres a reason it has hit america worse than any other advanced nation. Its because of trumps failure. This is what happens when we elect a guy who just isnt up for the job. Now, theyll deliver remarks later today, potentially drawing on some of those similar themes. Now as they made their debut, as the democratic ticket, biden revealed they had a major fundraising boost. In the first 24 hours with harris on the ticket, biden announced that they had raised 26 Million Dollars and just yesterday, they held a grass roots virtual fundraiser and in that event alone they raised close to 10 million. So they have seen a significant uptick as harris and biden have now joined forces. And money matters. Especially 83 days out, i think. Thanks, arlette. Lets talk about some numbers here, and the pressing question for democrats how exactly can harris help biden in that path, jim, right, to the white house . How much does the choice matter historically. Analyst harry enten has some insights. How much difference does a Vice President ial choice make . I know theres different schools of thought on this, but look at the numbers as you always do, what do they tell us . Yeah. I mean, look, jim, there was a poll that was taken a few months ago by fox news and what essentially did it presented the horse race with just biden versus trump and when you put the Vice President ial candidates on there. Biden held the lead no matter what. It was eight points when the vp choices were included, nine points when they werent. Thats well within the statistical margin of error. If you go back 12 years ago, with sarah palin when she was on the ticket and then of course that was a big vp pick that a lot of people made a lot of difference, when biden and palin were included in the two picks it didnt make that much of a difference. It was an 11 part margin versus a 9 point margin when it was biden and mccain. Vp picks dont tend to move the numbers dramatically at all. Harry, you have an interesting piece out this morning and the argument you make is that harris selection matters more for 2021 and beyond than it does for 2020. Make the case. Yeah, sure. So look, i think what those first two slides showed you was it doesnt matter that much in 2020, but 2021 and beyond, lets say that harris and biden are successful and they beat pence and trump. The most populated state in the union, california, will get a new democratic senator who will have a big megaphone to address the nation and more than that, whenever the next time that biden decides not to run for president in either 2024 or 2 8 2028, Kamala Harris will in fact be the frontrunner in my mind for the democratic nomination. More than that, obviously if she wins come next year shes first black woman Vice President in history. So thats a dramatic thing even if the numbers dont shift too much if shes in fact the nominee. I know you have been pouring over polling data because thats what you do and you like to do it. Amazingly. What is your biggest takeaway this morning when it comes to bidens pick . Were you surprised . No, i dont think i was really surprised at all, jim, you know, to me this is the pick a safe pick. This is a candidate who knows that theyre ahead and indeed if you look historically and look at this particular point in the process a few days out from the convention, what you see is that the biden harris ticket is in really strong position. This is the first time in in fact a generation that the challenger is at or above 50 and well ahead of the incumbent. So this is a pick that wants to secure that, wants to stay ahead. No, i wasnt surprised too much, jim. All right. Harry enten, well keep having you back to help walk us through it all. Thanks very much. You can watch cnns special live coverage of the 2020 Democratic National convention for all of its biggest moments t most important speeches, insight as well. What it all means for biden and the future of the Democratic Party and the election in november. It all begins monday night, 8 00 eastern time. Scientists make promising strides towards a vaccine, antivaxxers are spreading lies and conspiracy theories about it. So what happens if too many people believe them and dont take the vaccine . Start your day with secret. Secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. With secret, youre unstoppable. No sweat try it and love it or get your money back. Well, you have to shake your head at this because it costs lives. Antivaccination groups are spreading outright lies about a future coronavirus vaccine. And sadly, the u. S. Government has been slow to stop it. Our senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen is with us this morning. Good morning, elizabeth. You have a really deep factual look at the response to this sweeping disInformation Campaign. You spoke to former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton. Shes become a vaccine advocate, what did she came. She said if we dont get enough people to take the vaccine well have a tough time getting out of the pandemic. She is no stranger to the antivax movement. She has seen the Sophisticated Campaign they have been launching for months to get people not to take this vaccine. She said its high time that the government steps in and gives a response. I think its going to be a very effective vaccine. Reporter the head of operation warped speed the program to develop a covid19 vaccine says the vaccine could be 90 effective or higher and could be on the market as early as december for those at high risk. But what if people refuse to get it . A recent cnn poll found that onethird of americans said they would not try to get vaccinated against the coronavirus even if the vaccine is widely available and low cost. You dont need the vaccination. Reporter some antivaccine advocates have been creating fear of a vaccine and antivaccine lies are appearing online that the vaccine will leave an invisible trackable tattoo, that Anthony Fauci is actually satan, that its part of a cia illuminati conspiracy to control the world and it will turn you into this. So now former first daughter Chelsea Clinton is sounding the alarm. You know, polling has shown that Many Americans say they wont get the Covid Vaccine when it comes out. Does that worry you . Oh, my gosh, it terrifies me. Reporter so the Clinton Foundation and through International Speeches clinton has become a leading vaccine advocate. Have antivaxxers called you hateful names . I have been called a murderer, fear mongerer. I get quite a bit of hate. Reporter clinton knows personally how strongly antivaxxers feel. When she was pregnant with her first child, a woman approached her in a coffee shop. She said, please tell me you wont vaccinate your child. Please dont do that. I was so taken away back, i said of course im going to vaccinate any child. Reporter she says the government needs to act fast to combat this antivaccine sentiment. What do you think of the job that the cdc is doing in this area . Well, theyre not doing a job. I mean, theyre not doing a job. Nothing really is happening in our country on this front at a coordinated level. From our government. Kind of from the cdc who is kind of the natural historic leader in the areas. Reporter the cdc did not respond to requests from cnn for comment. The parent agency, the u. S. Department of health and human services, says their Public Health Information Campaign will soon focus on vaccine safety, efficacy and hesitancy. Clinton says this should have been done months ago and the message needs to be loud and clear. It isnt like, you know, i like iced coffee and my husband likes iced tea. This is not a debate about opinions, this is literally a debate about life and death. Now, if anyone has any doubts about the power of the Antivaccine Movement remember this. The Measles Outbreak last year, the largest outbreak in more than 25 years, it was mostly because of antivaxxers. Jim and poppy . Amazing were here as a country in 2020. Goodness. Elizabeth cohen, thanks for tracking it down. Well, the u. S. Saw nearly 1,500 deaths yesterday. Thats the most in a single day so far this summer. Many are criticizing President Trumps response to the pandemic. What about gop lawmakers, do they have their own questions . Well speak to one of them next. You try to stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. Now theres powerwash dish spray its the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. Spray, wipe, rinse. Welcome back. The u. S. Sadly yesterday marked the deadliest day so far of the pandemic this summer. Almost 1,500 people lost their lives. The virus showing no signs of slowing down, despite the president s claims otherwise. Joining me right now is bill cassidy from louisiana. A member of the finance committee we should note hes a physician. Senator, we appreciate you taking the time this morning. Thank you, jim. So i want to show how the u. S. Has performed in bringing the outbreak under control compared to other industrialized nations. Thats the u. S. In green. Youre at i dont think you can see this, but its rising sharply. And europe rising and south korea who had the same case on the same day as the u. S. , flat lining on this. Who do you hold responsible for failing to get this under control and do you think the president shares responsibility . Its hard to say that the president is responsible when the young people go to the bar and dont wear a mask or socially distance. It took the president months to say that wearing a mask makes a difference. I suppose so, but i dont take my lead from the president , but from medical science. I think theres enough voices saying just that. Wear your mask. So i guess from my perspective, we can we collectively, our country, can get a handle on this if we do that which we need to do. Which is to wear the mask, sneeze into your sleeve, and but the president you do know as a president that what has worked on a National Level in other countries to control this is testing, Contact Tracing and then isolating those people who test positive and all three of those things are things the president has resisted. Not just invested in, but hes resisted the wisdom of that. I think its a stretch to say that the president had resisted that. I will he says that we have more cases because theyre testing more. But on the other hand, theyre pushing out more testing. You always want the president to follow a script, he doesnt follow a script. But look at the actions of the dollars at it in an effort to make it happen, thats actually where you look and there has been more testing. Now, that said, clearly not nationally on a per capita basis, some of that we need to have more and some of the testing has been, if you will, mallocated. We may have a lot of testing availability in a place where the infection is going down, less testing availability in which it is rising, there has been a maldistribution. I also, you know, in fairness, the administration tried to address that, we can go over the other issues, but, again, everybody wants to he has claimed, he claimed famously in all the time, im a war time president , i alone can fix it, do you think he shares any responsibility for the response in this country . I think there is going to be responsibility all the way from the very top to the guy who walks into the bar without wearing a mask. Now, we can kind of continue to beat that dead horse, or we can figure out how to go forward. Clearly the administration pushed out testing. Im working on a bill, bipartisan, bicameral, we would implement a testing strategy by which giving states the availability to come together, to get better prices for the testing dollar, make the taxpayer dollar go farther and have a strategy by which you would implement. I think thats perfectly consistent with the administration, which looked to states for guidance as to how to implement programs in those states. Okay. If we look forward, thats the better way, jim. Lets talk about the Economic Impact of all of this, right. I dont have to tell you, louisiana, youre hearing from constituents every day, talks as you know remains at a stand still. The House Speaker nancy pelosi, she reiterated her offer to up their price tag by a trillion dollars from republican decrease asking you and them to decrease and asking republicans to come up a trillion. Why not meet in the middle on that . I think miss pelosis original strategy was to go way high, so she seems reasonable coming down, but the amount shes speaking about now, 2. 5 trillion, is still way high. And so with we have started off at zero, clearly we would be more likely to meet, but i think you have to kind of look at that opening gambit and understand that for what it was, a true opening gambit. Wouldnt starting at zero be an opening gambit by republicans as well . Exactly, so we did not. We did not start at zero. We started off at a trillion, a lot of money, and clearly the administration is willing to go up, but it wasnt the opening gambit of a picking an extreme, so you look reasonable, but it is still extreme. On the other hand how high should you go . On the enhanced unemployment benefit of 600 bucks, how much money do you think folks need in their pockets to pay the bills that the point . My personal preference is we make that a percent of the income they had, before they lost their job. And so therefore they would still have an incentive to find a job, but support them throughout their throughout their course. It wouldnt be a set amount. It would be a percent. That said, i will say the president offered to continue the 600 for a period of time, and republican senators offered the same for a period of time, to carve out the unemployment benefit. Lets not use the pain of the unemployed as leverage to get a broader agenda. Unfortunately miss pelosi appears to want to use that pain, she refused carving out the unemployment benefit, thats some place i wish we could meet in the middle. I want to talk about the election. It is close. And particularly mailin voting, louisiana, many states has mailin voting, this morning the president said in so many words that he will not fund the post office because it needs money. He said they need 25 billion in order to have to manage the increased demand for mailin voting in the midst of a pandemic, hes blocking that funding. Should the president be blocking funding to the post office with an election so close, and, by the way, more demand for mailin voting because people dont want to go into the polling booths in that pandemic. First, i reject the premise of your initial assertion. A lot of what the post office is in arrears about is related to unfunded accrued liability in their pension plans. Yes, there has been decreased income related to covid, but the entirety of that 25 billion is not related to the covid crisis. I was quoting the president here. Im just speaking facts. And so if we are going to support the post office as some states do go to mailin voting, and thats fine, if a state decides to do that, thats in our federal system, thats okay. Then we, i guess, i do agree we should support the post office in that. Dont conflate that number with the entire 25 billion. Okay. Let me ask you this. As you know the president has been attacking mailin voting as fundamentally unsafe, though hes recently modified that to say that it is a good thing in states run by republicans such as florida. Does that argument make any sense to you . Is it safe in your state, run by a democrat . I didnt read the quote. I can say we do prefer federal system, we can look to new york, though, and see the problems that just resulted in a Carolyn Maloney race in which there are bucket loads of pieces of mail, ballots, which the facts are they went through and confirmed the ballots were valid, rejected some and accepted others. But it took a court doing it fundamentally fraudulent. What is the basis for that and do you agree with that . It took the court having to decide that and make an exception for not having post marked ballots. My point being there are problems that can be associated with it, i prefer the states do it on their own. My state as you said, if youre going to be out of town, you can mail in, so it can certainly be done right. I would also say there needs to be precautions. For example, in california, they allow ballot harvesting. Someone with go through a Homeless Community and literally do this, and ask them to fill in a ballot and submit it, thats actually fraudulent which they would not allow you to do in North Carolina. Jim, let me finish, they would not allow who is actually they did ballot harvesting. So for whatever reason pelosi objected to North Carolina doing it, but she applauds it in california, if youre going to have mailin balloting, you have to be concerned about the fraud. The president though as you know hes attacking it across the board, right, in a way that is it is just it is just a different argument. Senator bill cassidy, i appreciate you taking the time this morning. Youre always welcome on the broadcast. Thank you, jim. Well be right back. Introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel available overthecounter. New voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. And theyre actually pulling out the minerals from the enamel. I like to recommend pronamel to my patients. Pronamel will help push the minerals back into the enamel, to keep the enamel strong. I know it works. And i hear nothing but great things from my patients that have switched to it. I know it works. And i hear nothing but great things puts its customers a wiin charge . Rier well, the good news gets shared. And it gets rated 1 for customer satisfaction. But dont just take our word for it. Take theirs. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Call, click or visit a store today

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