Result. Theyre pleading with the americans to put on a mask, but thats something that the president wont commit to himself. Hes still planning on attending a 4th of July Celebration at mt. Rushmore where thousands are expected to attend. Fears that it will only fuel the spread. First, lets bring in randi kaye in riviera beach, florida. As cases continue to surge in florida what are the next steps that local steps are taking if state officials are not . Well, theyre doing what they can, jim. We saw more than 6,000 new cases in the state of florida yesterday. So theres still no statewide mask mandate, no statewide beach closure from the governor. So local officials, local places like Palm Beach Community are deciding to close the beach for the july 4th holiday. And then in miamidade, the mayor has decided to close restaurants starting at midnight tonight between midnight an 6 00 a. M. Because thats when they turn into nightclubs which he called breeding grounds for that virus. Thats why hes taking that very interesting step. Meanwhile, the governor is still saying that florida is not as bad as new york. Hes criticizing the media still for what he called a partisan narrative saying that the media never should have compared florida to new york. I caught up with him yesterday at a press conference and i asked him given the spike in numbers here, were you wrong to criticize the media and were you wrong to say the media got it wrong . Heres what he said. Were not even close to that. So we went through march, april, people were predicting wed have 400,000 people hospitalized. Never came. We had, you know, very stable numbers all through may and early june. So were very well positioned to be able to handle what comes down the pike. But to compare us what were doing with that, totally apples and oranges. Apples and oranges he says. I tried to follow up with that but his handlers shut me down and moved on to another reporter. Just in miami alone in the last seven days there was 17. 4 was the positivity rate. Much higher than what the governor is quoting. We have seen that in other counties as well. 22 in some areas and also 10,000 new cases in miami in just the last seven days alone. Nearly 50,000 statewide, jim. So certainly not as rosy a picture as the governor is trying to paint. Folks, watch the data. Thanks very much. Gavin newsom is expected to announce hell tighten restrictions as his own state continues to shatter one record after another of new cases. Joining me now from pacific palisades, california, cnns dan simon. So dan, you know, california acted early. They seemed to get a lid on this, they reopened and now cases are coming up again. How aggressively is california acting now . Well, jim, youre right. California earned wide praise for taking that proactive measure with shutting the economy down and it seemed to work. The state seemed to flatten the curve but now theres increasing alarm in terms of the surge of cases that we are now seeing. One leading doctor in the state, dr. Robert wachter, says that californias miracle is essentially over. Over memorial day weekend when the state started to reopen a bit, there was a spirit of complacency that took over and now we are seeing, you know, the surge of cases. What Governor Newsom plans to announce today is critically important in terms of stemming the tide. There is a broad consensus that he has to do something fairly dramatic. I can tell you that the beaches will be closed throughout Los Angeles County over the weekend, over 4th of july weekend. Could that expand to other parts of the state . We shall see. The governor did express concern about family gatherings and the potential for more Community Spread that way. We had 6,300 cases, jim, yesterday. That is the second highest tally that we have seen throughout this pandemic. Jim . Well be speaking to the doctor next hour. Thanks very much. Now to cnns lucy kafanov in houston, texas, where state Health Officials are reporting a record high as well. Nearly 7,000 new cases. Lucy, tell us about the numbers there, but also how officials are reacting in terms of the shutdowns, et cetera . Well, thats right, jim. The numbers are not trending in the good direction here in texas. 6,975 new cases. That tops the previous single day record by almost 1,000. We now have a total of nearly 160,000 cases. Now, we do know that testing is also going up. You can see perhaps behind me the line of cars. This testing facility wont be open for another hour, but people have been lining up overnight. Theyre desperate to get tested, to get access to medical care. One family that my producer spoke to, thisfy was a carpenter. Hes here with his two sons, they came here at midnight to ensure they get a space. One of the coworkers tested positive for covid. The governor admitted that perhaps it was too soon for the state to reopen in the way that it did, especially in terms of bars. Those have been shut since last friday, but we havent seen any new statewide measures. He did extend the suspension of elective surgeries in four counties yesterday, bringing the total to eight. The goal there is to free up more hospital bed space. But again, no statewide initiatives and that puts local counties and cities in the awkward position of trying to get a handle on the virus. Harris county where were extending the disaster covid19 disaster, state of disaster, until august 17th, that means all employees and patrons have to wear masks until late august. Lucy kafanov there, thanks very much. Lets speak now to the mayor of austin, texas, steve adler. Mayor, thanks for taking the time this morning. Good to be with you. So texas, one of the states experiencing one of the bigger spikes in cases following reopening. Listen, i know these decisions to reopen are difficult. Everyone wants to get Economic Activity going again, but as you see a new daily record on tuesday, did texas reopen too soon, too quickly . I think so. I think there were three things that texas did that the rest of the country could learn from. The first is that we moved out too fast before we had testing and tracing fully in place. We didnt really wait for the gating standards, the number of days with decreases before we started. The second thing is that while we opened in phases we went from one phase to the next phase to the next phase too quickly so we werent able to see the data after each opening to game what it was doing. The third thing we opened in a way that looked like how we were back in january and february. And i think that the real learned experience from texas in may and june is that when we reopened the economy, we have to do it very differently than the economy was opened before. Everyone has to wear masks. Everybody has to social distance. Thats a big difference. I want to play you comments from the Lieutenant Governor of your state, dan patrick, who commented last night about shutdowns and took particular aim at dr. Fauci. I want to get your reaction. Locking down doesnt work. If it did, those two states would be doing better than texas. Fauci said today that hes concerned about states like texas that skipped over certain things. He doesnt know what hes talking about. We havent skipped over anything. The only thing im skipping over is listening to him. I dont have to tell you dr. Anthony fauci, his experience in handling pandemics and outbreaks. Whats your reaction to hear the Lieutenant Governor of texas say hes going to stop listening to the expert here . You know, its that kind of messaging, its the messaging also coming out of washington thats really making for one of our most significant challenges and problems. You know, i think we have a chance around the country to be able to open the economy, but only if we adapt and innovate. Only if we open in ways that are different, that accommodate people masking, that accommodate social distancing in ways we have never done before and are still not doing now. But the messaging coming from our Lieutenant Governor and from washington is that there isnt a problem. That we shouldnt be Wearing Masks, that it creates a confused message for my community and thats what were dealing with. You know, im now in my community saying we have literally two weeks, if that, to be able to change a trajectory were on or were going to be at a place that overwhelms our hospitals and we cant do anything about it, because its a lagging indicator. And in this there has to be clarity of message. Everybody has to be focused on the same outcome which is trying to preserve the opening of the economy. Which we are not going to be able to do if half of my community is treating this as if theres not a problem. Yeah. Thats our biggest concern. This messaging war that were on right now is not helpful. Yeah, is it as simple to say that its more than mixed messaging, false messaging on simple things like Wearing Masks coming from washington and that that endangers lives . It is clearly wrong messaging. You know, down here in texas, i have brought not only the studies from cambridge but fortunately texas a m i think issued one of the most recent studies. Texas a m again said like so many other studies that masking is critical important. The study said its the most important thing that we can be doing. The fact that when i walk around in my city i dont see it is as much as we should is a real problem. You know, we back in march and april we mandated masking. More and more people started to do it. You start to see more people around you and that encouraged you to do it too. We then lost the ability we were preempted and we lost the ability to be able to mandate and enforce masking. When we did that, people stopped doing it and then when you go out so many people if they see everyone around them not Wearing Masks they wont put on masks. I mean, it is absolutely contrary to science. Peer pressure works on. That i think people follow each others examples and its not that hard to do. Just wear a mask, not that hard. Mayor stephen adler, we wish you the best of luck as austin works to get a handle on this. Thank you very much. Still to come, just how effective do doctors and experts believe a potential Coronavirus Vaccine will be . You might be surprised. Plus the gang of eight as its known will be briefed tomorrow now on intelligence regarding a russian plot to pay taliban militants to kill u. S. Soldiers in afghanistan and the white house is blaming the Intelligence Agency for leaking that information. And dr. Fauci said the goal is to get kids back in school. Can that be done safely and how with the rising numbers were seeing . Were going to talk about it. Youre first. First to respond. First to put others lives before your own. And in an emergency, you need a network that puts you first. That connects you to technology to each other and to other agencies. Built with and for first responders. Firstnet. The only officially authorized Wireless Network for first responders. Because putting you first is our job. Special fortieth anniversary presentation of a capitoly fourthfourth s for a with your hosts john stamos and Vanessa Williams and performances from coast to coast. Featuring patti labelle, john fogerty, the temptations, andy grammer yolanda adams, renee fleming, trace adkins brian stokes mitchell, chrissy metz, mandy gonzalez, and a tribute to our frontline workers. Its the fortieth anniversary of a capitol fourth. Saturday july fourth, eight seven central. Only on pbs. And get way more. Ith wso you can bring yours vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams. Spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair today. The fda with an update on vaccines as the race to find a Coronavirus Vaccine moving very quickly, unusually quickly. Officials saying in order for approval, the vaccine must work 50 better than a placebo. Cnn medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joins me now. I believe dr. Fauci in an interview with you talked about aiming for 75 effectiveness here. Is 50 above a placebo, is that a standard level for judging the effectiveness of a vaccine or is it being lowered given the outbreak . No, you can see you can see me shaking he head no, thats not the standard. Dr. Fauci said hed settle for 70 or 75 effective, and it appears that the fda would settle for 50 effective. Youre absolutely right. That is not a very high number. If we get a vaccine thats 50 effective and we know from polling that about a third of americans say they dont want to get it, thats not going to go well. A vaccine thats 50 effective being given to only 70 of the population will that help, sure. Its better than nothing. Is that great, absolutely not. Look at measles, measles is 97 to 98 effective. The vaccine for measles. The vaccine for chickenpox and polio, those are more than 50 effective. I did speak with the expert who is involve in this, he said it will be better than 50 . I certainly hope hes right. Speaking of vaccines, novio has come out with the phase one trials. This is one of the contenders for the covid vaccine. They tried it out in 36 people and they not an overall immune response in 34 of the people. 34 out of the 36. You will note two things here. One, these are small numbers, just 36 people. Number two, they didnt really give any details about what exactly what those responses were. This was a press release, not a study. Theyre coming out with the superficial press releases and not publishing the actual data. We havent seen a shred of data published and thats disappointing to a lot of experts. The studies need to test on thousands of people to get that kind of level of confidence, so listen, long way to go. Elizabeth cohen, good to have you on the story. With me now is Infectious Disease expert and from emery hospital, dr. Eileen kraft. Thank you. Since we were talking with elizabeth about vaccines there, theres an enormous amount of effort going here. Also for speed, and also for whats known as atrisk development in other words, youre manufacturing the vaccine as youre testing it. If it works out, then you have a supply of it. Give us your view of where we stand on this and how hopeful people can be that as soon as the end of this year, maybe early next year as dr. Fauci has said this could be available. Right this the fastest we have ever made a vaccine so i think well learn a lot of lessons going through this. I think what you were just saying with elizabeth is that we are going to be, you know, pushing the efficacy as high as we can. And i think theres just a lot of concern that, you know, we want to do this right, we want to do this quickly. But one has to you know, i think that doing it right is going to have to take precedence over doing it quickly. And so we may be farther out than we want to be, but i think its important to make sure that we do and we have a good efficacious vaccine. Okay. Lets talk about faucis view yesterday. I mean, it caught a lot of attention for him to say, we as a country could go up to 100,000 new infections per day and just when you look at the graph of this in this country, i mean, were almost alone in the world in terms of having this kind of rise here, not being able forget about flatting it, we cant stop it from looking like a ski slope. What needs to be done now to change that . So i dont know what more i mean, i guess it needs to affect everybody individually for people to change their behavior. We must wear masks. We must hand sanitize. We absolutely should be concerned about the transmission of this disease. I dont spend a lot of time outside of the hospital or my house. But when i am in public, im very shocked to see the people are not taking this seriously. This is a life threatening disease. This going to crush our Health Care Systems and you yourself will be affected by this if you dont take very personal responsibility to just wear a mask. Yeah. Listen to the doctors, folks. We say it. Lets look at what happens when you close down and reopen, everybody wants, right, they want to be able to go back to work, they want their company to reopen, they dont want them shut down forever. Look at california, they acted early. They had enormous effect in holding it back, they reopened, it came back again. What did we learn from californias experience here . Well, we learned a lot, jim. I think this has to do with, you know, its about what you said earlier which is innovation and creativity. We could go back to our economy being open if people wear masks and are creative about how they protect themselves. To me this isnt anything more than logic, its not political. But we are american dreamers. We are supposed to be innovative and out in the forefront and i think were just collapsing in on ourselves and we honestly we have no one to blame but ourselves. To your point about masks we have a graphic up about the difference be how far a cough travels without a mask and various masks. Just because you cant see this, no mask, eight feet. A bandanna, 3. 6 feet. A folded handkerchief, 1. 25. A cone mask, just eight inches and a stitched mask 2. 5 inches. That struck me because i thought the cone masks like the n95s were the gold standard. But a stitched mask is better. Regardless, dr. Kraft, the numbers speak for themselves. Right. Again, i think, you know, you and i are obviously on the same page. This isnt rocket science. But we somehow view this as not sort of real logic and so the best thing we can do is just cover our cover our nose and mouth so that were not spreading anything and then when everybody does that we can go back to our normal lives. But we must, must be Wearing Masks. If you dont want to wear a mask whats your alternative strategy for preventing transmission . Im not sure how we can do anything other than wearing a mask. Its not hard. Listen to the doctors, folks. Dr. Kraft, thanks so much. Thank you. Well, the White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany says the president is quote the most informed person on planet earth when it comes to threats to this countryS National Security. So why wasnt he briefed on intelligence russians were plotting to kill u. S. Troops . Intelligence the u. S. 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The socalled gang of eight, the leaders of relevant committees on capitol hill will be briefed tomorrow on intelligence related to russian bounties for attacks deadly attacks on u. S. Troops in afghanistan. That briefing was initially scheduled for today, but the Trump Administration says the president was not briefed because the information was not fully corroborated. Now taking aim at the Intelligence Community, the president S National Security adviser is saying it may now become impossible ever to get to the bottom of this, to get to the truth of the matter. And thats one of the very sad things. We were working very hard on this matter. It may be entirely impossible to get to the bottom of it, because decided to leak to hurt the president rather than uphold their obligations to the american people. Im joined by mike rogers and shawn Turner Former director of communication for u. S. Office of the director of national intelligence, also long time official in the Intelligence Community. Thanks to both of you. Shawn, if i can begin with you, because you were involved in developing briefings for multiple president s. You heard this from multiple white house Officials Say this information was not briefed or relayed to the president even though the cnn said it was in the written briefing book, because it was not corroborated. Is that a credible explanation . Is all of the intelligence that reaches the president s level have to be agreed upon by everyone before it gets to his ears . Well, no, jim. Actually, its the case that when you know, every president is different with regard to how they take briefs. And so for president trump, you know, it may have been the case that for him that he took the brief orally and that there was some written material left over. But with regard to this issue of corroboration, look, you know the intelligence brief contains a lot of different types of intelligence. Not all of that intelligence is going to be intelligence that has been looked at and corroborated by all of the 17 intelligence agencies and components. What were talking about here is intelligence that was significant enough that intelligence briefers believe it was worthy to be in front of the president and even if there was an agency that said that, you know, theyd look at the intelligence, they dont necessarily agree that this is exactly what another agency says that doesnt mean that it wouldnt go to the president. Whats really important here is that that information was in there. And if the president had an opportunity to see that information, whether it was orally briefed or whether it was written, its extremely significant information. What we call decision intelligence and so there should have been some sort of feedback from the president , some sort of questions from the president about that information even if it wasnt fully corroborated by all of the intelligence agencies. So mike rogers, lets say youre in your old position as the chairman of the intelligence committee, you saw intelligence like this. First of all, would you want to know and by the way, we should note the u. S. Did share that intelligence with partners, with troops deployed in afghanistan as well as was commanders on the ground. Oh, absolutely. And, by the way, dissent is important in intelligence pieces that are presented both to policymakers and the president s daily brief. And remember, the whole 178 17 agencies, shawn alluded to this, alluded to the fact that this is a great cooperative efforts and the reason it was established was to get a handle and make sure you had all sources of intelligence included in the president s daily brief. So after all of that process, it made it into the president s daily brief. Today, the National Security adviser and it was a head scratcher for me, said, well, a briefer decided not to do that not to brief. Well, a single point of failure is never a good idea. I just i find that just absolutely not credible honestly. That one person made this decision and yes, they need to know. Ill tell you why they need to know quickly. Youre negotiating the release and putting pressure on a foreign government, the afghani government to release 2 thousand taliban fighters. You were suggesting that putin should be freed from some of the sanctions and be included in the g7. And youre trying to negotiate a Peace Process that is always dangerous with the taliban and these are the same folks who are closing down girls schools in the eastern provinces still today. That is still happening. Yes, you need to know this and if its important for the brits, it was important for our policymakers. Well talk about intelligence, intelligence is not a verdict, its evidence. Yeah. Youre piecing together different information, very rarely will someone say, i know this to be 1,000 true. As is often the part of the administration, theyre saying they did this solely to damage the president. I want to ask your given the years of service you had in the Intelligence Community your reaction to that charge. Yeah, you know, it completely discounts the substance of what were talking about here. Look, you know, i can remember times when i was in the Intelligence Community when there would be a piece of information, some intelligence that would be put in a product to go to the president , to go to lawmakers and wed wait for the decision because we understood how significant that piece of intelligence was. This is the kind of intelligence that we where people would have been waiting for the president to say one of two things. He would have said, look, i have got questions about this, go back and get me more information or he would have said to the National Security team i want you to put together three or four different courses of action so i have some way to address this. I want to go back to one other thing that congressman rogers made an important point with regard to the presidency. Its called the president s Daily Briefing but its the case that theres several other people in the inner circle who see the book as we call it. So even if the president himself somehow missed this information, maybe it wasnt briefed or maybe that was a day when he didnt read the brief there would have been other people on hiS National Security team, other people in the circle who would have seen this intelligence and certainly someone on that National Security team would have raised to this to the president s attention, you need to Pay Attention to this, we cant let this one go. If theyre not reading the brief theyre not doing the job. Lets be clear. What should the options be for the president now to respond to this threat in your view . Well, first of all, they need to continue digging. I would like to see a little bit better consensus on the evidence that they have. By the way, the committees can help with this and we have in the past that used to happen. They can draw this information out and get people hiding behind their in boxes, if you will. I think they ought to play that role. Once thats done and if they have that determination, then this is a time for public obviously its in the public, and by the way, i dont like leaks is not how we should have come to this conclusion, by the way. And i think shawn would agree with that now. Its here now, so we have to deal with it. So they should publicly push back on russia, we should coordinate with our allies. The reason theyre doing this, by the way, is to discredit the United States and nato so we need to push back on them for that. Then i would look at other Intelligence Options that we certainly wont talk about today that will have an impact on their ability to do their kinds of things in afghanistan and maybe even other places. All of those should be options on the table and they should be aggressive. We should have a public rebuke of them offering money to kill americans in afghanistan. We should all be outraged by this. Yeah. Yep. You expect unanimity on Something Like that. Great to have the years of experience together on the show this morning. Thanks, jim. Thanks, jim. Dr. Anthony fauci says the goal should be to get children back to school this fall. School officials all over now working on how to do that safely. Lots of different plans out there. Where does it all stand . I know parents are listening to this, with just weeks to go. You cant predict the future. 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As parents around the country im sure some of you wonder when or if their kids will be able to return to school in the fall, the nations top Infectious Disease expert, dr. Anthony fauci, said the schools reopening would depend on the dynamics of the outbreak in a particular area. In effect, no one size fits all. The basic fundamental goal would be as you possibly can to get the children back to school, and to use the Public Health efforts as a tool to help get children back to school. Cnn Senior Global Affairs columnist Bianna Golodryga joins us now. It sounds like a mix, right . Of in person and at Home Learning is going to be the way forward here. Hi, jim, or staggered, thats right. The goal all experts say is to get as many kids back into school as possible. Its really telling that despite all of the Health Consequences that experts still believe getting the children back into school is more beneficial than keeping them at home. Of course we have schools opening in some parts of the country in a few weeks and you have a lot of parents and teachers concerned. But if we want to open this economy, keep in mind you wont be able to do that until schools have children back in the classroom. In what could be described as a countrys most ambitious mobilization effort in recent history, School Districts across the country issuing plans for how more than 50 million k12 students will be returning to school. Some just weeks away. Officials in marietta, georgia, and nashville, tennessee, has given parents two options. In person or distance learning. The Denver Public School District announced a return to full inperson instruction august 17th. With Health Screenings provided for all students, teachers and staff prior to arrival. Well continue to monitor. So well be ready for either scenario, in person or staying in distance learning. Reporter california currently experiencing a spike in cases say the 10,000 schools will have a plan in place in time for late august and september reopenings in the northeast the governors of those hit hardest by covid19, but now seeing a decline in cases, are hopeful that that trend will continue and classes can resume in the fall. We have every expectation our kids will return to their schools come september. Continued isolation poses very real risks to our kids mental and physical health. Reporter even states experiencing the brunt of the virus now like texas and florida are still planning for an august return to the classroom. Theres not going to be a substitute for that inperson instruction. Reporter experts agree. We have seen massive consequences to the school closures. We cannot afford as a country to keep our schools locked down for another year. Reporter joseph allen is the lead author of a new report on Risk Reduction strategies for reopening schools. Among them distance, hygiene, mask wearing and proper ventilation. We know these Risk Reduction strategies work. Even with a full load of kids in the class. Theyre at lower risk of getting this virus, at lower risk of adverse consequences and lower risk of transmitting to adults. Reporter that may not be enough to convince many parents and teachers that returning will be safe. One jurisdiction gets under 5 and another jurisdiction hits another 80 or more of parents who intend to keep their Children Home so its difficult to do a statewide plan when even from community to community, people have such varying ideas about how they want school to look. I think well be in a hybrid situation, some children will be in the school some of the time, all children will be learning virtually some of the time as well. Reporter with some states issuing guidelines and others recommendations. Much of the Decision Making is left to local officials. Im so glad im not in that seat right now. Theres pressure from the community or the staff for the plans to be released, again, but releasing plans at this point with so many unknowns is what makes it such a difficult process. And jim, the one area of consensus that i have heard from experts that i have spoken to is that it didnt have to be this way. We didnt have to wait just weeks until schools open to give answers to parents about what they can expect and where their students will be, either at home or the classroom. The federal government on down should have been focusing on this as soon as the pandemic hit. We have seen this happen in other countries, and instead of focusing on reopening bars, the real focus should have been on reopening schools and to do that is to contain the coronavirus as much as you can and not reopen soon, the way some of the states have. No national plan. Its a consistent feature. Bianna golodryga, thanks so much for following this. Tragedy in tulsa. Oklahoma officer killed and another critically hurt during a traffic stop. More on this story next. You can find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. A partner who makes sure every step is clear, wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. Like way more vanities perfect for you. Nice. Way more unique fixtures and tiles. Pairing. Nice. Way more top brands in sinks and faucets. Way more ways to rule your renovation. Nice on any budget, with free shipping. Wayfair. Way more than furniture. A Tulsa Police Officer is dead after a traffic stop shooting earlier this week. Police say that officers Craig Johnson and arash czarkesh an were shot after they pulled a car over. Johnson was hit several times. He went through surgery, but he did not survive. The other officer still in critical condition. Now two suspects are in custody. Lets bring in National Correspondent brynn gingras. What do we know about how this happened and who is responsible . Sergeant Craig Johnson, lets start there, he was a 15year veteran of the tulsa police department, a father of two boys and a husband. He was part of this routine traffic stop with the other officaraf czarkeshan and some sort of scuffle ensued with the suspect who was driving the car and several shots were fired and those shots hit sargence johnson and the other officer. Both were hit in the head. Johnson underwent surgery, but his prognosis wasnt good and he died yesterday. The other officer, there is hope there and responding to doctors so he is doing better. This talks to the fact of the volatile climate that we are in right now with police, and it is a devastating reminder of the risk that these officers are still taking and the tulsa police chief talked about that when speaking about that when speaking about Sergeant Johnson. Take a listen. Inside of this uniform is just a regular person. We are just like you, and i am just like you. The only difference is we did a different job than what you do so for us, were just as much a part of the community as you are. And that police chief awarded Sergeant Johnson the purple heart from the department. As far as the suspect, his name is david ware, 32 years old and he was arrested by police after he fled the scene that morning. He has been charged with murder and other felony charges and there is another alleged accomplice who also has been charged that the hour, jim, but again, devastating story there out of tulsa this morning. No question, brynn gingras. To seattle. The police are moving to remove chop, the organized protest zone formed after George Floyds killing. 14 people have been arrested following an order from the mayor of seattle, jenny durkinan emergency order, and that order put in place due to ongoing violence. Anyone who stays in the area will also be arrested. The new York City Council is cutting 1 billion from the budget for the new york police department. The Council Voted to approve those cuts yesterday which is believed to be a first for the department. The cuts include reducing the force by nearly 1200 officers and it cuts the overtime budget by over 300 million. Crossing guards and School Safety officers will no longer be under the nypd purview. Another story were following today, cases surging across the country and reopenings pause in a dozen states and new data on a particular vaccine. We will have that for you. All of the news coming up next. I know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that thats the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. I might be crazy but im not stupid. Having an annuity tells me that im protected. During turbulent times, consider protected Lifetime Income from an annuity as part of your retirement plan. This can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. Good morning to you. Im jim sciutto. Just days away from another major Holiday Weekend during this outbreak. Have we, as a country, learned our lesson . The data is disturbing. 37 states are now seeing a rise in coronavirus cases. 19 states, as a result, are pausing or rolling back their reopening plans. We saw an alarming spike after the memorial day weekend. Many americans shook off social distancing measures, large gatherings, few Wearing Masks showed up in the numbers and now top Health Officials are pleading with americans to learn from that experience. If not, they warn things could get much worse. Dr. Anthony fauci is predicting that if the country stays on the course it is currently on, we as a country, could be facing up to 100,000 new infections every day, but first this just in to cnn. Pharmaceutical giant pfizer is reporting early data on its candidate for a vaccine for coronavirus

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