Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20200624

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Thats the governor of texas. And as hospitals in south florida continue to deal with the surge in patients the miami herald is reporting that many of the beds are being taken up by younger people who seem less sick. Again, watch the numbers. Watching closely as all of this unfolds is the European Union. They are now considering their own travel ban. Whos the target . The u. S. Could be on a list of countries barred from entering europe. Were covering all the angles. Lets begin with lucy kavanaugh. Its a big deal that greg abbott is saying this. It is a big deal. The coronavirus cases are surging across 26 states as you point out including right here in texas. President trumps top Health Advisers describing this as something thats bringing america to its knees. Dr. Anthony fauci describing this as a disturbing surge in cases. Hes expressing concern at the aggressive openings championed by the president and that the next few weeks are going to be critical. This and other top officials said they havent spoken to the president about the epidemic in 2 1 2 weeks. Here in texas, we have seen a spike of more than 5,000 new cases. This is a very large number. Hospitalizations as well are surging by more than 10 . Theres concern about hospital bed capacity. This varies region to region and in houston the concern is so strong that the texas Childrens Hospital is making room for adult patients. Now, despite all of this, the governor here in texas says that the that were not going to see another economic lockdown. Schools for example are still reopening during the summer as planned. He is urging folks to stay home. Theres growing concern about public gatherings, Mass Gatherings especially in light of the upcoming 4th of july holiday. Some new small riestrictions hes putting into place to restrict the number of gatherings of 100 or more and the previous threshold was 5. Lucy, thank you. Lets go to miami and rosa flores, the governor is resisting any sort of back tracking on closures and resisting a statewide order to mandate masks despite, you know, a record daily number of cases there. Youre absolutely right, poppy. As jim just mentioned moments ago, if you read the newspaper youll read that area hospitals are seeing a rise in younger patients as well. Look, we have talked about this for a while now. Governor ron desantis has said hes not going to shut down the economy, or require masks statewide despite the number of hospitalizations rising. Look at miamidade alone this is the epicenter here in the state of florida. We looked at the numbers that were released by the Mayors Office just yesterday was a bit of a record. 25 of the tests that were posted tested positive for covid19. Thats a quarter of the tests. Two weeks ago, that number was 9 . The number of hospitalizations are also up by 42 . If we look at the numbers released by Jackson Health which is one of the Largest Health systems in the state of florida, in the past 15 days they have seen a 101 increase in the number of covid19 patients. Thats why multiple mayors here in miamidade where i am and our neighboring county of palm beach, they are requiring masks to be worn all the time, to be worn in public because of this increase. Now, Governor Desantis like we mentioned is not requiring masks statewide, but hes sending out inspectors to make sure the businesses are follow the rules and one business in orlando was shut down because 13 employees and 28 customers tested positive there for covid19. Listen, more people are getting sick and that just fights this notion that its just about increased testing. Watch the numbers of the hospital admissions. Rosa flores, thanks very much. Although Health Experts agree that face coverings help prevent by a lot the spread of the corona, not all states on the same page. Lets go to Elizabeth Cohen who joins us with more. What more can you tell us . We just heard from rosa and lucy about whats happening in the hot spots, the terrible surges in florida and texas and one way to mitigate is to require that people wear masks but unfortunately were not on the same page. Our policies are all over the map about what to do for masks and lets actually take a look at that map and you will see exactly what i mean. The states in yellow do have statewide requirements for masks but thats far less than half the states. The states that are in orange sometimes have policies, sometimes dont. Just depends on the county, depends on the group of people. The ones in red, they have no statewide policies on masks. That is 19 states that have no statewide policies on masks. And theres no reason for that. Why would you not want to do that . Masks can help protect you, even more they can help protect the other person. When you dont wear a mask, what youre saying to the people around you, i dont care if i get you sick. Any of us could have covid. 40 of transmission is by people who are asymptomatic, so it could be you. If you dont wear a mask youre basically saying you dont care about other people. Poppy . What did dr. Fauci in his testimony yesterday for people who didnt see it, what did he have have to say about Wearing Masks and also how critical the next few weeks are going to be . So he laid it out very plainly. He said plan a, dont go out into the crowd. Plan b, if you go do go out into the crowd, wear a mask. He said that when he goes out in public, he always wears a mask. What he means by the next few weeks being critical is that the were seeing a really steep growth in some areas. This growth is exponential. It is not linear. And so every day youre getting more and more and more. At a certain point, it gets very its already hard to stop, at a certain point it gets even harder to stop. Our hope now is for a vaccine. Dr. Fauci told congress yesterday that he says there is a reasonable chance we could have a vaccine by the beginning of next year. Some people think hes being too optimistic. Poppy . Okay. Elizabeth, thank you very much for that. Jim . What joining us now dr. Carlos del rio, Infectious Diseases infection and associate dean at the Emery University school of medical in atlanta. Always good to have you on. Theres something going on when you listen to the comments of the experts. Dr. Fauci talking about a critical next couple of weeks as he looks at the numbers. Sanjay gupta, very concerned about where these numbers are pointing. Do you share that sense of urgency . I absolutely share that sense of urgency and im also i would tell you somewhat disappointed because a lot of the things that we had gained, we were really slowing down transmission in the country. Its all going back up and that to me is incredibly disappointing. I see some states like new york that are still coming down in the number of cases, still doing the right thing, but i see other states like florida, you know, texas, california, you name it, arizona, even here in georgia where i see cases going up and i think its because people the population has basically started to ignore that theres still a virus out there. I think we need to remind people that the pandemic is not over. The president continues to claim the numbers are only going up because were testing more. Now, you and i and every exporter knows thats false because whats also happening is that the Positivity Rate i think we have some graphics to show this, that the percentage of people who test positive is rising. You can see it rising there at the bottom. Explain to people why just in the laymans terms why this is not just about increased testing. So they understand why the claim that the president is making doesnt match with the facts. Well, you know, testing doesnt cause disease. Theres disease out there, what testing does is diagnoses disease and the more disease out there in the population, the Positivity Rate is going up. Theres no more new york state, they have a low Positivity Rate right now, about 3 . Compare that to texas which is testing maybe 20,000 people a day but theyre showing a Positivity Rate of 15 to 17 . So very clearly as you test and theres disease, youre going to find more positive individuals. What you want is to test a lot of people and really not find infection. That means, you know, because theres a lot of asymptomatic transmission, because theres a lot of people who are asymptomatic, if you just are testing those who are asymptomatic youll have a high Positivity Rate. If you find a low Positivity Rate that means theres no transmission. The percent positive correlates with thats what testing is supposed to do. Lets talk about another shift were discovering here. This is something you have focused on. A shift in the demographics of this. Including more young people, not just testing positive but also getting sick and going to the hospital. Tell us what youre seeing and why thats concerning. I think were seeing two things. I think as you say, were seeing a shifting demographics. In other words, the people in the first wave in the hospitals were primarily older individuals, nursing home residents. Close to 60 of deaths were in people over the age of 65. So again, we were seeing, you know, disease in people who were nursing home residents, who were older. Now what were seeing is a lot more disease in younger people. What were seeing as a result of that is hospitalizations going up, but icu utilization not going up as much. Those who come to the hospital, not as many end up in the icu. Even though some do. I tell you, you know, if youre obese, if youre hyper tensive, if you have diabetes i dont care how young you are, you can have a tough time, including dying from this virus. So my main advice to people, dont get infected. Final question. Should states such as new york that you mentioned that have through rigorous testing but also rigorous stay at home orders for a period of time, should they consider now putting restrictions on travel to those states from states with spiking infection rates like a florida, like a texas . You know, you can certainly do that, but at the end of the day thats going to be very hard to implement and work out. If you say everybody has to wear a mask, i go back to what elizabeth showed. I want to see more states that have really mandated mask utilization. This is a simple strategy if you implement, i dont care where youre coming from. If you have a mask when you get off the plane and you wear it all the time youre in public, youre not going to transmit to others. Rather than restricting it by having people not to come, which is hard to implement, we saw that over and over, implement masks. Make masks mandatory. We really have to all right. Its simple advice. Doesnt take a lot, folks. Listen to the doctors on this, wear the masks. Dr. Del rio, thank you. Thank you, jim. Well, bill gates, he warned of a pandemic just like coronavirus. Now he weighs in on the rising number of cases and what needs to be done to stop them. Join anderson cooper, dr. Sanjay gupta for a new cnn town hall, coronavirus, facts and fears live, tomorrow night on cnn. Still to come, battle on capitol hill. Senate democrats say theyll block even debate over the Republican Police reform bill. Why . Plus, as European Union nations move to reopen their borders after coronavirus shutdowns, are they going to block the travelers from the United States . They might. And nascar driver Bubba Wallace hes speaking out this morning, this after the fbi says that a noose found in his garage was simply a misunderstanding. If your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Can i find an Investment Firm with a truly longterm view thats been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years . With capital group, i can. Talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information. Welcome back. In just hours there will be a stunning rebuke of the attorney general william barr under oath and on capitol hill. Two federal prosecutors are set to testify that barr and the Justice Department have politicized explicitly politicized recent investigations. Manu raju is standing by. There is direct political evidence against roger stone. Yeah, the democrats are looking at a pattern of this happening at the Justice Department, interference in trying to help the president. Now, this coming from Aaron Zelensky who served on the mueller team and also prosecuted the case against roger stone. Youll recall that the Justice Department came in and asked for a lighter sentence for roger stone, lighter than what the prosecutors had wanted, and what this prosecutor will allege, zelensky, is that essentially the president , that this was done as a favor for the president. To try to give try to give roger stone a lighter sentence simply because of his close ties to the president. He is going to say according to his written testimony released yesterday. I was told that the u. S. Attorney was giving stone unprecedented treatment because he was afraid of the president. Another witness, john ely yas, hes going to allege or say that he witnessed the attorney general going after cannabis suppliers because the attorney generals own personal concerns and distaste for marijuana industry. Hes going to say essentially that the Justice Department opened up an investigation into those matters because barr did not like the way that industry was proceeding. Also hes going to allege that the that california emissions standards a deal cut between the emissions standards and california the investigation was opened into that simply because the president tweeted his opposition to the deal. So this is all part of that overarching concern that the democrats have been raising about what barr is coming and this comes in the aftermath of the attorney general firing geoffrey berman, whose office is investigating the president s associates. Expect that topic to come up as the democrats continue to push forward on this probe. Jim . Its going to be remarkable testimony. Manu raju, thank you. Also happening an apparent stalemate on police reform. The Senate Republicans are expected to block the debate and the democrats are pushing forward with their own plan in the house. The mandates versus incentives, the republican plan blocks money from those that dont ban the chokeholds and qualified immunity. The democratic mandate would make it easier to sue the police in civil court. We have the assistant professor of criminal justice at quinnipiac and a former Police Officer. Good to have you here. Its good to be here. Im stunned were at a moment that this was getting accelerated and something might happen on a bipartisan level and now you have democrats saying this isnt going anywhere. Its woefully inadequate. You have john cornyn saying its completely insane not to debate this, and hes saying that, you know, this is like dealing with hostage takers. Is this thing dead in the water . No, this is the typical process of our United States congress where we try to hash out sides. Im still hopeful. The fact that the Republican Party established their justice act and the Democratic Party established their justice in policing act, as well as the president sort of executive order says that we all recognize at least sort of executive and congressional level, legislative level that theres a problem. So im still hopeful that were going to come to some amenable solution. I was intrigued by Michael Harringtons piece in the root. He wrote, quote as someone whos not a huge fan of the Republican Party or the tactics, it might pain to hear some this, but the the republican plan is probably more likely to stop cops from killing black people. Thats going to do the same thing, which is the point that tim scott said. Reef Police Department needs that funding and yes, the democratic bill bans chokeholds on a federal level, but on the state and local level it essentially does the same thing by withholding funding as the republican bill, does it not . Well, i tend to disagree. If you take a look at minneapolis for an example, this is one of the you know, after Philando Castiles murder, they mandated that warrior training cant be part of the training. But it was sir cup vented and they were to take the training. In new york just recently, we had another officer engage in a chokehold. So you have to literally sort of mandate and establish it as law that this is, you know, outside of the bounds of policing. How significant is it that the Minneapolis Police chief not the union chief, but the police chief of the Minneapolis Police force just said and let me quote this, George Floyds tragic death was not due to the lack of training. The training was there, chauvin knew what he was doing. The officers knew what was happening. One intentionally caused it, the others failed to prevent it. This is murder. This is the troubling part of what happened to george floyd and all of those involved, which is the american people. That is you cant train bad officers. Officers who come into the profession with different intents, right . Intents that maybe more in line with the sort of the maintenance of sort of structural or racial inequality, you cant train that away. You know, so, you know first thing i thought was what was the training record, was that sort of a position or asphyxiation consistent with their training but i doubt it. So again, this was a very pro reform Police Department and still you had this unfortunate death. Yeah. I want your reaction to this. You talk about the structural inequity and the inequality that exists in minneapolis and across this country. Listen to this from jon stewart on the Breakfast Club talk about red lining all of the injustices we have seen for so long and a potential solution to help. Listen. I think black people have had to fight so hard for equality while white people were building equity. Maybe this plays into what reparations could be, which is call it project equity. A Marshall Plan to build black ownership because you cant negotiate equality from a subservient position. So our generational challenge is to help build black equity. What do you think . Absolutely. I mean, really eloquent way of stating it. I would push further and say its not just advantage versus disadvantage, but its the accumulation of wealth, while the dispossession of wealth. So this sort of gets this a little bit more of the intentionality. You know, a Marshall Plan which was established in 1948 by the 80th congress and under president truman was the sort of lone aid after world war ii to help europe. It was a u. S. Program, by the way. To help europe sort of recover from, you know, a war that lasted what, five or more years. Here were talking about and what jon stewart is getting to, is a history of structural violence. Beginning with the enslavement, through black jim crow sort of reverse the reconstruction, black incarceration. Were talking about a disadvantage that sort of benefits structural inequality and benefits white society. Absolutely. Great to have you. Thank you. Well, could the European Union block americans from visiting eu countries as a result of this countrys handling of the coronavirus . They are thinking about it. Well have more. ve had. Ive been on and off oral steroids to manage my asthma. Does that sound normal to you . Its time for a nunormal with nucala. My nunormal fewer asthma attacks. My nunormal less oral steroids. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. It targets and reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. 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As coronavirus cases are surging here in the United States, the European Union is now considering keeping americans out which jim, would be remarkable. It is remarkable. I mean, basically the u. S. In a category now with brazil and russia in terms of its response. Cnn Business Editor at large Richard Quest joins us now. So richard, can the eu do this and how would they do it . They can absolutely do it, in the same way that the United States bans travel from europe at the middle of march. So yes, they have the power to do it. Will they do it . The latest thinking is yes, they will. And the reason is because of the numbers. The eu is using the trend of new cases, the 14day trend of new cases. And countries have to be at the same level as the eu or better. Now, if you as you look at that chart, according to diplomats, the eu has roughly six to eight per hundred thousand population and the United States has over 100 per 100,000 at the population and as the chart makes clear, its actually rising in the u. S. So the eu is basically saying, why would we let travelers from the United States come to europe when we know that the situation in the u. S. Is getting worse, not better . Will some European Countries like spain or italy or greece and france that have largescale u. S. Tourism, they might negotiate around this. But the eu has suffered too much pain over this to simply fritter it away, is my understanding and theyll hold firm. It seems to be the u. S. Will be told that its not on the list of countries eligible to travel to the eu, but it will be reviewed every 14 days. Thats truly remarkable. Listen, theyre not doing it punitively, but theyre doing it because they dont want to have it spike back up in their own countries. Richard quest, thanks very much. Well, beijing is reporting its lowest number of new coronavirus cases since it shut down a food market linked to the outbreak earlier this month. Just seven new infections were reported in chinas capital on tuesday. A dozen across the main land. I mean, minuscule numbers although china has had questions about how well they report their numbers in the past. For sure. This comes as china says its conducted over 90 million tests for covid since it started. David culver shows us one of the biggest testing sites. Here in china, youre looking at one of many mass testing sites that have been set up particularly within beijing. This is following the wholesale food cluster outbreak that happened more than a week ago. They say its now under control but theyre continuing testing in massive numbers. You have got here 19 rows set up. This is for 19 different communities that feed into this one mass testing site. Theyre taken across this way here into these lines. Its like getting into rides at an amusement park. Getting in there line there, if you will. This is where the actual testing is done. It takes about 30 seconds. Youve got about 100 Staff Members that work on twohour shifts. And there they do the throat swab. They then take that sample and put it in the refrigerator. And then move on to the next person. Usually it takes just a few days time to get the results back and most people are only notified if they have a positive result. You can see over here this is where the staff will take off all of their ppe. All of their protective equipment and theyll throw it away. Its kept in a safe, separate area. The other staff that are about ready to come on shift, they get changed, suited up and go through a sanitation procedure in a separate facility to then keep this going from 9 00 in the morning until 10 00 at night. In ten days time, they have done about 20,000 tests. This was built overnight, so they will keep it going for as long as they need to within beijing and they say as of now, they feel like theyre on a good path and keeping this most recent cluster outbreak under control. But they are saying complacency is what theyre trying to avoid with all of this. David culver, cnn, beijing. David, thank you very much. A democratic congressman who has served for more than 30 years is facing a fresh challenge. Could a political newcomer oust eliot engel . Were live with that story next. Five dollar five dollar footlong piled high with veggies theyre back. Any footlong is a 5 footlong when you buy two. For a limited time. Subway. Eat fresh. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. 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I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. No uh uh, no way come on, no no nnnnono only discover has no annual fee on any card. Its the day after primary day in some key states and some races to be called. New york and kentucky, including mailin ballots yet to be counted. New yorks eliot engel. He is fighting for his future against a progressive newcomer. Perhaps, poppy, a sign of the times. Totally. The recent protests surrounding Police Brutality shook up the race in kentucky. Lets bring in our Political Correspondent mj lee and jeff zeleny. Mj, engel, fighting for his political career. Thats right. And you know if engel does end up losing to Jamaal Bowman i think the big narrative coming out of the race is going to be that the new yorkers in the 16th congressional direct wanted to vote for change. You know, i spent some time with congressman engel and Jamaal Bowman last week as they were doing their campaigning and spending time with bowman, he often said its time for a change. Congressman engel has been in congress for 31 years. He is in his 16th term right now. He is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee so obvious he has a lot of seniority and experience. However, what hes gotten heat for recently is the fact that he wasnt in his home district particularly when covid19 was really ravaging his district. Remember, his district includes new rochelle. This is where we is saw the first hot spot in new york and when i asked him last week why did you spend that time in your maryland home instead of being home in new york, he said you know, this is a phony issue. Why does it matter where i am . I was quarantining in my maryland home because its bigger and because this is where my wife and i could quarantine together. Voters dont care about this. Well, actually, it turns out some voters do care about where their congressman is and just feeling like they dont take their seat for granted and feeling like theyre very engaged. I think this is why we have seen some parallels being made in this race to alexandria ocasiocortez and when she ousted congressman joe crowley. She said at the time when she was running against him, he is more washington than new york. All right, jeff zeleny in kentucky, this is a remarkable rate, right, because the Democratic Party highly recruited amy mcgrath specifically to challenge Mitch Mcconnell. Thought they had everything they wanted, needed there. Raised 14 million as you noted yesterday. And now you have representative Charles Booker, i mean, running neck and neck the day after the primary vote. What happened there and where does it stand . Well, its not that its too close to call. We dont know that yet. The ballots are still being counted and the race like the one mj talked about in new york deeply influenced by the coronavirus. Had this election been under way on may 19th when it was scheduled, mcgrath almost certainly would have won, but this race has changed dramatically in the last month because of protests. And we have seen nationwide protests, but here in louisville a Police Officer was fired overnight because of the killing of breonna taylor. It is something that Charles Booker talked about again and again and amy mcgrath was the hand picked favorite of the establishment. She still is, but she stumbled over her reaction to protests. So what we have now is mcgrath is leading with the votes that were counted so far, but those are largely in rural kentucky. So the cities here in louisville, as well as in lexington, that is what is going to be key here in terms of absentee and vote by mail. So we may not know the results of this election until next week. One thing is clear Mitch Mcconnell the Republican Senate majority leader, he won handily last night. Trying to win his seventh seat. What he doesnt know this morning who hell be running against. Yeah. And before we go, id be remiss not to mention, mj, North Carolina and the newcomer mad can cawthorn defeating Lynda Bennett. Someone who had been endorsed not only by the president , but by mark meadows as well. Tell us about him. He has a remarkable story. He does. And as you said, you know, the reason that this sort of is a national fascinating story is because Lynda Bennett had gotten President Trumps endorsement. Mark meadows endorsement. But he has a compelling personal story. He was in a serious car accident a few years ago. He is paralyzed from the waist down. Hes in a wheelchair and hes incredibly young. He is only going to be 25 years old at the time that he takes office, if he does win. And this is going to be interesting nationally because President Trump so far had a very good track record in the candidates that he endorsed, winning in this cycle. So in this case, that was not that was not what we saw last night. Mj lee, jeff zeleny, thanks to both of you. Another story were following, nascar driver Bubba Wallace. He has spoken to cnn, this after the fbi said that the noose found in his garage stall this weekend was not actually left for him. Brush you may have ging. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Can i find an Investment Firm with a truly longterm view thats been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years . With capital group, i can. Talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information. So the fbi investigated. They determined that Bubba Wallace was not the target of a hate crime and now the nascar driver is speaking out. Yeah. Powerful interview from him this morning. Federal investigators said while the rope found in the stall they thought was a noose. It was not a noose. They say it was there for months and it was used as a garage pull. Lets go live. He joins us from talladega in lincoln, alabama. I do think its notable because there have been a lot of people weighing in with an opinion and it was the head of nascar who said this, and said we found this and the facts based there. Bubba wallace says in his own words that hes pissed. Some in the American Public were questioning his integrity and the doj and fbi said no hate crime occurred, but Bubba Wallace released a statement only after the nascar president told him that he was the victim of a hate crime and we should be clear with this interview this morning that he never saw the noose and it was a member of his team and was so concerned that they brought it to the attention of nascar. I have never seen a noose personally in my life. Ive seen a lot of garage pulls. Weve had a lot of garages growing up, racing out of and we simply had a tiny knot at the bottom of it to pull and nowadays you just press a button and the garage goes down, but yes, it was in fact a noose as a garage pull. So there are two sides of it and both are true and correct. Video posted on youtube in 2019 shows the noose described by Bubba Wallace. Theres no way anyone could have known that there was no way anyone could have used that garage number four when he showed up at talladega to race. That nascar has been criticized for what people say are jumping the gun in this hypercharged environment and theyre speaking out as well saying theyre committed to providing an inclusive environment and not just for their fans and also for their drivers. Jim . Poppy . The boys of summer will Start Playing this summer. Major League Baseball sayss a shortened season will begin. Still lingering questions if theres another outbreak on a team or number of teams. Also, how are your mets going to do . 221 odds. Thank you. Minnesota twin, 151. Thank you. Baseball back, but yes, players, jim and poppy set to return to camp by july 1st. Many seem to be very excited about this. Mlb and the players organization, for a return to pay plan last night. Those include things like pitchers carrying wet rags so they dont have to lick their fingers and no spitting on the field and a separate coronavirus injured list for players who test positive and will there be there will be just 60 regular season games and theyll start as poppy mentioned july 23rd or 24th according to League Commissioner rob manfred with ten to make the playoffs. Thats not like the 162 they get to reach playoff form. Keep in mind, the champion Washington Nationals had the third worst record in the National League after just 60 games, but the threat of coronavirus still remains. To jims point, the phillies saying two more players and two more Staff Members have tested positive for coronavirus bringing the total number of positive tests to 12. Two more players testing positive for the coronavirus last week according to multiple reports. Several rocky players were taking batting practice this month according to the denver post. Yes. Fans have baseball set to return and can it contain positive cases to prevent an outbreak . Remember the orlando pride announced theyre withdrawing for the tournament after too many of the members on their team tested positive for coronavirus. Yeah. And to some athletes its not worth the risk and they sit out the season. We hope they lay and we hope the twins and the mets are in the world searies. No doubt about who would win that one. Coming up. States across the country, Anthony Fauci says the next two weeks are critical. Next. So, for a second time were giving members a credit on their auto insurance. Because its the right thing to do. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. Like weve done together, so many times before. Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. 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Dr. Anthony fauci called the rise of infections disturbing warning that the next two weeks in particular would be critical to stopping it, but the president s action is doing nothing to prevent the opposite

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