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Not racists, not big oughbigots. You know, florida just keeps on giving. A little bit of drama coming out overnight. But as were looking at what is shaping up in this gubernatorialer thattorial race, we are also looking at two extremes, larry, where does that leave folks in the middle . It leaves them trying to find a candidate, erica. Look, florida is the largest, most important swing state by a mile. Yes, california is bigger, no, is bicker, but theyre one party, essentially. Texas is the same way, more or less. This race really matters because both the right and the left have put down markers here. Theyve said for years, give us our kind of candidates. Well stir the base. Well get them out in large numbers in midterms and well shock you. Because we can elect a candidate on the right or on the left. Well, now they got florida as their ultimate test case and theyre going to have to try to produce. One side will him one side wont. Just from a practical standpoint, how nasty is this going to get in the next ten weeks . You know, we have to get an entirely few grading scale on nastiness. The old nasty now is considered mild mannered. Id say very, very nasty. Will there be contests that are nastier . Sure. The 2020 president ial company. Thats what we can have to look forward to there. This one will be exception ally nasty because you can already see all of the different dividing streams in american politics coming together, from party and ideology, to race and class. Its all going to be present in this cauldron called florida. So all of that is precedent, especially with each candidate. Theyre appealing to the folks who help get them to where they are today. Yet as we started off talking about, there will be a reach for those folks in the middle. How much do you see that coming from both of these candidates and where can they reach out in a genuine way to try to bring some of those folks over to the side . Its amusing, in a way. They campaigned very hard on the right or the left during the entire primary company. Their interviews last night and this morning, i saw the gillum interview on cnn, their interviews have tried to reap out to the senator. Suddenly, Andrew Gillum is telling, yeah, yeah, im a sandsers progressive. He came in, supporting me, John Stineman is for me, george sore ross. Hey, i was not for Bernie Sanders, on ron desantis side, hes talking bread and butter issues, rather than ideological mileposting. Both tried to do it. They have something called a record. That always weighs you down. You have digital now. There is something to show. And im sure we will be seeing a lot of that pulled out of the ugly digital archives if you will. Lets quickly test on arizona, because mcsally obviously beating her two more far right candidates there in the primary. The big question, of course, what happens now, moving into november for her . Arizona is one of those states, like georgia, that is gradually changing and becoming more democratic. There are states becoming more republican, like minnesota and main. But in arizona, this is also going to be fascinating. You got two women running. The first woman will be elected to the u. S. Senate. Arizona has women governors. Mcsally really performed well. She got an absolute majority against two candidates of the far right. So she starts out in a stronger position than expected, but the democrat, kyrsten cinema has been leading in the polls. I think it will go down to the wire and keep us on our toes. Always busy. Thank you. Joining me to discuss the seats from Vice President vanity fair. Good to have you both with us. There was a lot of focus on these states, obviously, moving in, and on to this point, when you look at what we saw coming out of it and even just the reaction from the white house this morning, not entirely surprising. How much focus do we expect from President Trump, especially in florida, moving into november . Yeah, erica, larry said it pretty well when he said florida is the biggest swing state in the country. Its probably the most important swing state as we look towards 2020. President trump is a parttime resident of florida. He cares a lot about what happens in that state. Not only personally but his political future. Democrats are trying to pull off what has not been done for the last 20 years, which is win as a democratic, have a democrat win in the governors race there, full disclosure, i happen to be from tallahassee, mayor gillum was my hometown mayor. So President Trump saying there is a bunch of crime and horeb things happening in tallahassee is reflective of what President Trump will try to do. He will spend a lot of time campaigning for ron desantis, trying to make sure they keep the governorship in that state. There will be a number of high ranking heavy hitter democrats who are looking towards 2020 as well. We already saw Bernie Sanders go down there. You will see a large number of people trying to help mayor gillum with inthat race, pull off something the democrats have not been able do and look towards 2020 and potentially have that swing state go back into the column for swing states. Even than the normal ones of choice. Really quickly, too, i want to check out what you said from being from tallahassee. What have you heard from folks an deck dotally in terms of anecdotally in terms of where they are ending up . Andrew gillum was able to tell on the campaign trail being the son of a bus driver and rising through the ranks of being this young dynamic progressive in the story that is really attuned to the times and the democrats are looking for someone who can bring out vote worries havent normally turned out during midterm elections. The last two governors races were won by 1 . Republicans were able to squeak through. Part of that was that deflated democratic base, people were not turning out. Theyre hoping Andrew Gillum can put together a toelgs e coalition of the bernie voters the hillary voters. It will be touvgs you have President Trump putting a lot of focus on this race. Theyre thinking they may be able pull this off. The president is meeting earlier with evangelical leaders. We are learning he warned about the upcoming election, the midterms. He warned about democrats taking the house and the violence that would come with it. And that there would be a violent reaction. Its an interesting message for the president. Is it one, though, that could actually work . Well, i think its interesting. I think as he noted when he is discussing tallahassee, he is relying on a similar tactic and sort of riling people up in terms of praying on their fears. We definitely saw that during the campaign. Whether it will work during the midterms is a different question, though. When you look at the ways in which he was appealing to evangelical leaders, he used a similar language, large promises that he would appoint a conservative Supreme Court justices who immediately overturn roe v. Wade. I think one of the interesting things you see now is his rhetoric in that meeting was really focused on look at what ive achieved so far. We have to make sure thats not taken away from us. That were not robbed of those. All of this could be overturned immediately. Its somewhat ironic. Yes, it could. Lot of tension can be overturned. They can be overturned when somebody else gets the white house as we saw with President Trump. Its fascinating, though, that this message, i wonder how public it will become . Because this was meeting with evangelical leaders behind closed doors here. Could it be that direct, though, on the cane trail . You know, i think one of the interesting things about donald trump, when you watch him at Different Company rallies, he sort of tests these line, right . He dangles something out there to see if there is a response. I think in this audience among evangelical leaders, there was likely one of those responses that suggests it might be something he returns to. Whether it will be sort of as strong in terms of his language and in terms of his red rick remains to be seen. I certainly think this is a strategy or line we will see resurfaced. We will see if it gets picked up by others as well. Another big topic in walk, Jeff Sessions. It is no secret the president would like Jeff Sessions to leave his post as attorney general. Kelly anne conway was asked if the president still had confidence in the ag. She didnt answer that question on the white house lawn this morning. We are seeing a shift in terms of what we are hearing from some republican senators. What are you hearing . Where do things stands for Jeff Sessions . When i talk to sources in the white house, they make it clear even though jeff sexes is pushing for the agenda, every time the president hears the name of Jeff Sessions, or sees him, he thinks about the recusal and the Russian Investigation and blames him for the cloud hanging over this administration with this ongoing mueller probe. He cant see past that. Republicans have been trying to get the president not to take own actions before the midterms, because they know how explosive this would be. They are starting to basically real a iz the president is likely to make this decision at some point, so theyre trying to massage the messaging around it and say the president deserves to have someone he has confidence n. And this is not a permanent post and a lot dont stay through the post. You hear some laying the ground for President Trump getting rid of tear former colleague Jeff Sessions. But there are a number of people saying mr. Sessions is doing a good job and no reason he should be oupsed from his possted from. Still to come, ill speak for the evangelical leader in the room where he warns of the vial mej. A memorial for john mccain begins in hours, ahead, much more on how the late senator is being remembered by some of his closest friends. Gain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Number one trusted. Number one awarded. Its got to be tide now tmobile has unlimited for the rest of us unlimited for you for them for all right now, get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at tmobile can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. 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This is truecar. crying, screaming today is your day. Crush it. Angies boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. Boom President Trump trying to rally his base, rather, at a dinner with evangelical supporters this week. At that event he painted a stark message for republicans saying quote they, meaning democrats, will overturn everything weve done and will do it quickly and violently. There is violence he said when you look at antifa, these are violent people. Someone in the room, andrew perkins. You were in that meeting. Thank you. The president gave those comments, his stark warning coming out of his touting a number of accomplishments for convservative christians, warnig things will turn violent if republicans were not successful . Well, thanks for the question. I know there has been some audio out there kind of a little snippet of what the president had to say. I think it is important to the know what she said in the context of what he said. He did go through a list of whats been accomplished under this administration as it pertains to religious freedom and the freedom of religious expression. He talked about the Johnson Amendment, which is in many ways symbolic. He talked about the Johnson Amendment the mandate for nuns forces have contraceptive. Thats gone. He talked about the freedom of religion in the military, those are important to the eadvantage gel cals. He said, look, this is not a time to be complacent. I think that was the message received by those in the room, dont think this is going to continue. The there is a turn joseph in the house, the elections, they all have consequences, we know that this stuff could ends. It could be overturned quickly, dont think it could trickle out. Because we see the energy on the other side. He made a reference to an tifa which in many ways has become the face of the left. Most democrats and political candidates, im going to stop you for a second there, its a reach to say antifa is now the face of the left. I think that would be a bit of a stretch. Well, i think well, i dont know. You talk about violence, violence is on the left. An tifa. You dont see evangelicals rising, bumping cars. The far right and what we have seen in charlottesville and other places, there is a lot of violence there. I will tell you this evangelicals dont embrace them or want anything to do with them. That is the base of the president n. Terms of violence. In terms of silencing those who want to engage in the political process, we denounce that. We believe everybody in america should have a right to be in the process. When you suppress people and their views, thats when have you violence. You see the violence on the left coming forth. Look, the president is the one who says both sides, hes the one that said both sides. So it is there is not and i question lent there. I do want to move on. Let me be very clear, erica, we dont believe there is any room for violence in our republic when it comes to shaping the future of our country. I think Many Americans will appreciate you saying that, hearing that from you. I do want to peck up on something you said as well, though, you talkled at the president talking about the Johnson Amendment. He did in lesting that, talking about his gains, talking about getting oshd of the jof the joh administration from endorsing president ial candidates. He did not get rid of that law. It is still on the books. That is there. That has not changed. What he did by executive order, he suspended the implementation or the enforcement of the johnson act. Really, we actually talked about this at the dinner monday night the Tax Exemption for churches and nonprofits is really symbolic. That should not keep us from speaking out on the issues, speaking out on the direction of our ku7b9. Its really much like the issue of merry christmas. It is symbolic. Its deep in its symbolism. It means a lot to evangelicals. It represents an effort to silence the church in hits i its voice in our culture and our country. You are right, its not gone. Congress is working on it. I think it will come back in the next tax reform bill. Its still there being discussed. Right. I think the president should be committed fortune indicating on it. Hes committing a message to religious americans. He should, that message should be accurate, should it not, this president on multiple occasions has a challenge when it comes to fact. In terms of his credible moving forward. Well, erica he got rid of a law that is actually still there would you agree . Well, from a stand point of it being enforced today and churches being silenced by the irs, its not happening. It is gone for now. Well, thats why he went on to sea all this can be gone, all the can be overturned. Let me peck up on that then. This president has done a lot of that. It is the power of the president. We saw so many things he overtuvened by executive order. Thats what we get in any election, right . Some people will be happy. Some will not. But, do you believe that it was a smart message for the president to equate changes because of a an election and politics will all ally lead to violence . That is a dire message is that something you want to bring back no, thats not what i heard. Is that the image you want to bring back . He did use the word violence and more than once. Was that smart on his point to go that dark in. Erie ka, as a former reporter, i defended the media. I know you are work whack you have. That snippet of what was said. In the broader connext e text what he said, he said, look, i believe the vast majority the hundred of us in the room, this is what we heard, this is not a time to be complacent. There is this energy on the left. Its being manifested in violence. I did not hear him say that an election is going to lead to violence. I think what he was drawing on was the fact that there is this there is this vengeance, there is this effort on the other side thats not mediocre. It is very clear. Its very strong and dont think that this election is just going to unfold on its own. So i think that was the message being communicated. I did not hear him, i did not interpret him to say that the outcome of the election is going to leave violence in the streets and the churches. I did not interpret it as that. So you didnt interpret it that way. He did, in fact i think let me pittsburgh up on that, you say how you interpreted it. Right. I was in the room. I was there for the whole conference. Thats why i want to talk to you and how you interpret it. Thats how you intrpt it. This is a message the president gave out. Obviously, one would imagine he is hoping it gets back to, you know, folks who you interact with every day, the congregation of those evangelical leaders. Is this a message that can unite the country . I think the message was this, this is not a time to be complacent. If you are happy with the direction of this nation and are you right, not everybody is. Okay. Not everybody was happy under barack obama. I was senate happy with his policies a and the vath majority of evangelicals were not happy. If you happy with the revival of the first amendment, this is not a time to be complacent. Those on the other side when they take control are not going to be,er that fought going to be unfocused. Theyre going to be focused if overturning what has been accomplished in the last two years, that was the message and that is the message across churches in america. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Have a great day. You too. Still to come, it seems the gop senators cant agree when it comes to the fate, the future of attorney general Jeff Sessions. Notorious. Mixed messages this morning from capitol hill over the future of attorney general Jeff Sessions, the man the president has of course publicly bashed on twitter repeatedly and privately talked about firing. Sessions is getting support from republican senators, most notably, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. I am totally confidence in the attorney general. I think he ought to stay where he is. This comes after sending an about face from colleague Lindsey Graham who opened the door to getting rid of session, saying the attorney generals relationship with the president is in his words beyond repair. Joining me to discuss john hogan from north dakota. Good to have you with us today. Do you support attorney general Jeff Sessions . I do. I think at this time it would be difficult to make a change. So he has a good rapport obviously with the congress, with the senate. We know him and so, yes, i do. You know, Lindsay Graham in speaking yesterday about senator session in what he thinks has changed, he did say if there were to be confirmation hearings for a new attorney general, he doesnt see the senate would confirm anybody who would not support to pledge Robert Mueller and to leave that investigation alone. Do you believe that the president would have the support, the president would support a nominee who would pledge that . I think with the Mueller Investigation going on right now it would be a difficult time to change. Down the lean you can see how things go after the midterms, that kind of thing. It may be a different story. Its not uncommon in any administration to make changes in the cabinet as you go. We will see what the president wants to do and attorney general sessions wants to do down the line. That will be after the midterm. I think thats what Lindsey Graham was referring to. Are there any more rumblings we should know about in the halls there, where the attorney general stands and whether others a waiving a little bit . No, i dont think so. I havent heard any more than you just described. You know, we need to focus on getting work done. Thats what we need to be spending our time on. A lot of americans would like that, they would likely agree with you there. Lets talk about some of the work here. Exactly. We were just talking about this meeting that President Trump had with evangelical leaders earlier this week and in touting his accomplishments, he was warning people in the work there they need to show up, they need to vote. All this could go away. He used the word violent multiple times the violence that could come if, in fact, republicans were not vectorious come november. Is that the right message from the president . I this i the message for both sides is you want to get your vision and philosophy out there to appeal not only your base and independents. In this country, theres always been difference. Obviously the way we address those is through persuasion, free speech and the ballot box. So then back to what the president had to say, that message persuasive . Is that appealing to americans you think to warn of violence . I think he believes, we all believe in civil discourse in putting our vision forward. Were a nation of free speech, also a nation of law and order. I think the president very much believes in law and order. So that people can express their opinions. What is the best message to run on then . Your vision. Your vision. Right. This is a president who could easily, he was touting some of his accomplishments for the conservative christians in the room there, the president can talk about a robust mentality, it looks great the president delivered on a number of campaign promises. You know, if you were talking with the president , would that be a better message to one on, look at what we did . Thats absolute will i the message. The americans feel it in their pocketbooks. When you talk about regulatory relief, tax relief, this growing economy, more jobs, 3. 9 unemployment rate, starts there, goes to strong support for our military. You know the things we talked about a minute ago, law and order so people feel safe at home and abroad, thats the message you bet not just for the republicans but all republicans. We will see if the message changes. Shifting gears, we are run onin out of time. We talk acted trade talks with mexi mexico, canada rushing down. This is important in your state of north dakota. What are you hearing in terms of canada coming to the table or for your state . Yes, thank you, this is something i have been working on, i have been advocating. The negotiations are going well with mexico. Lets get a deal with them. Lets put pressure on canada to get into the negotiation, time matters here. We want them in place as soon as possible. Thats a positive development. I hope we can get canada to agree as with el. We will watch to see what happens there. Before we let you go, as you know, senator schumer among others sunged renaming the Russell Office building for senator mccain. Do you support that . What we will do is the leaders said they will set up the right type of memorial for senator mccain. Thats get something we can all agree on. Well see what that is. We dont know what that is yet. Can i get a yes or no, do you agree thats a good option to rename it in his honor . We will look at a number of options. We will decide what the best option is, im not forecloseing any possibilities at this point. A nonanswer, thank you, appreciate your time, sir, thank you. Thank you. We are following breaking news out of the white house. President trump feat tweeting about white House Counsel don mcghan. 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Reporter hi, erica the president is confirming news that cnn previously reported that don mcgahn, white House Counsel will be leaving in the fall. Tweet the president posted a few minutes ago, it says white House Counsel don mcgahn will be leaving his position in the fall, hopefully elect Brett Kavanaugh to the occupation stream court. I have worked with don for a long time and truly appreciate his service. Of course, this news comes a few weeks, in the last couple of weeks, weve reported that mcgahn had extensive series of interviews with special counsel Robert Mueller and did not provide trumps lawyers with a full debriefing of what he discussed in those interviews. I can tell you mcgahn was a longtime Republican Campaign finance lawyer. He served at one point on the federal election commission. He is playing an Important Role in confirming a series of concerted judges to the bench. This is something that trump has hailed and his supporters have hailed among his accomplishments in these 31st couple of years in office. This is important news, now the president confirming what we have been reporting and what was reported earlier this morning. Erica. As were looking at this, too, saying we would imagine for some consistency, programs, for that short period of time, as we are dealing with the fresh appointment of Brett Kavanaugh . Reporter thats right. Hes hoping mcgahn can push through at least one more nomination this one to the Supreme Court. Then hell take his leave. We should know whoever ends up succeeding mcdawn, that person would potentially be in charge of feeling a flood of requests, subpoena, do you mean requests, should democrats take control of the house in the fall. That next white House Counsel would have to deal with the investigations the democrats already said they wanted to launch. Athena jones with the latest for us on this news from the president , via twitter. Thank you. Family and friends set to pay tribute to john mccain today in his home state of arizona him well take a closer look at his life and legacy when we are joined by a fellow p. O. W. Just after the break. Stay with us. Breaking news, involving Paul Manafort. We are learning Paul Manafort asked once again to move his upcoming criminal trial to roanoke, virginia. This trial set to begin next month in washington, d. C. If it sounds familiar, it should. He asked to move his first trial to roanoke as well, citing similar reasons. He worries about the politicized media factory environment from the washington, d. C. Area. Will you recall the judge if virginia did not agree to move the trial, saying he didnt need to. The court was, of course, able find 12 jurors who said they could weighing the Court Without bias. This court in washington says she believes the d. C. Court could find a jury when dealing with a high profile case. On what would have been his 82nd birthday, senator john mccain will lie in state at the Arizona State capital today. A ceremony will be held there for family and friends. They too can pay their respects. From will be another Memorial Service in arizona tomorrow before his body is flown to washington, where it will lie in state at the u. S. Capitol building. Joining me now, a man arc fellow prisoner of war a manner Fighter Pilot shot down in enemy territory, he too, enjoyed, brutal torture at the hasnnoi hilton. Thank you for taking out time to remember your dear friend. Thank you very much. Weve heard so much both from senator mccain and others about the tapping that was used between prisoners. You told a story, too, that when you finally met john mccain, he wasnt how you had imagined him after all of that tapping back and forth. What was different . What did you think he might be like . Well, i think we all suffered from the same problem. We often, were tapping through the walls for years to someone we had never seen and i had been told a little of john and that he was a relatively short guy and his father was a short guy and i forgot his grandfather, when i met him, he looked just about the way i thought he would look. This is a bond we can all hear about and learn about, obviously, something no one can fully understand who didnt go through what you and senator mccain and your fellow p. O. W. S did. The two of you were singled out from 25 for being bad actors. You were moved at that point. That really brought you two towing, as i understand it . Right. We were in a group of a couple dozen guys who supposedly, allegedly by the vietnamese were bad and we were under the command of a medal of honor recipient after we came home and we were no different, others were no different from us. They just showed a stick on us. Anyway, they moved us out of the main stream aspects of the prisoner environment and we were isolated and its at that point that i started talking beyond voice communications. After two or three months of that they moved us all back into the main camp and john and i slept sidebyside for i think it was 18 months before we came home. You two, obviously, stayed in close contact as i understand it for years ago youd meet up in walk at a veeietnamese restaura . Im sorry, say that again. I understand that obviously you two remain close but for years, too, you would if washington meet up at a vietnamese restaurant, which pay have caught some people ears, we know senator mccain was intent on moving forward for both these countries . Well, you know, he certainly was a part of the reconciliation of the relationship with vietnam and i didnt have a problem with that, in platform but when john and i would have the chance to get together often with other pou pou friends, which was an voormt he was not properly inclined or able be in very often, we would often gather at a restaurant over in arlington. The family that owns it are very close to me and many of us. And we endured great fun, telling johns stories and having great vietnamese food. It may be the best restaurant in arlington. We only have a short time left. But how would you like your dear friend, senator john mccain, to be remembered . Well, id leak him remembered as he was. He was a great statesman. I think he was a great senator. I didnt always agree with him. We had our arguments over the years, that was our relationship and strength of our friendship, we could disagree. He was a great lawyer. He served incredibly honorably in hanoi. He was a fun and gregarious guy. We should remember him in that light. Thank you for helping us to remember him today. Thank you for your service, sir. [ music playing ] yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Now save 150 on this dell notebook at office depot officemax. Now tmobile has unlimited for the rest of us unlimited ways to be you. Unlimited ways to share with others. Unlimited ways to live for the moment all for as low as 30 bucks a line unlimited for you for them for all right now, get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at tmobile i never thought id say this but i found bladder leak underwear thats actually pretty. Always discreet boutique. Hidden inside is a super absorbent core that quickly turns liquid to gel. So i feel protected and pretty. Always discreet boutique. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. 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The heat index got up to 107 out there on the court. This weeks sports brought to you by ford going further so you can. Because of the extreme temperatures, the United States Tennis Association releasing an extreme heat policy, they receive a tenminute break before the 3rd and fourth set. No coaching is permitted. Players are allowed to take bathroom showers and cool down. Novak djokovic made their preak. We were naked in the ice box it was a wonderful feeling, battling with a guys, you havent finished the match, are you naked in the ice bath. It was a quite a magnificent feeling i must say. Sounds awesome on a hot day. He went on to win in four sets the shot debuting last night shows meant to give a glimpse at lebron off the basketball court. He is unfiltered in an open way, in the first episode, lebron shows why he started to speak out on social issues. I want the satisfaction, not for myself, for everybody else. I was raised onp snoop and pac and jay and biggy. Now i get an opportunity to be the inspiration around what all these kids are looking up to an for me to sit back and not say [ bleep ] when a lot of my peers didnt say [ bleep ]. They didnt feel right. He drew a walk and put his bat down to 1st. It was a strike. Check out the bat dog, she when to the relooef treef it. I still need it. Lulu is like this is my job. Went in for the second effort and erica, poor lulu had to go back to the dugout without the bat. She sure did give a great effort. I love lulu. Thats her job. Lulu is amazing shes also really stinking cute and shes good at her job, too. Even should have a bat dog. You are rights andy scholes, good to see you. Thank you all for joining me, im erica hill in for poppy harlow. At this hour starts right now. Hello, im ryan nobles in for kate baldwin. We begin this hour with breaking news, just minutes ago, President Trump announced the department cure of a key physical in the west wing. His tweet, white House Counsel don mcgahn will be leaving his position in the fall shortly after the confirmation hopefully of judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. I have worked with don a long time and truly appreciate his systems. Sarah westwood is at the white house, this probably doesnt come too much of a surprise that don mcgahn is leaving. This is someone that had

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