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Academy. The farewells will begin in phoenix. Thats where we find Stephanie Elam this morning. Reporter we are looking at several days where the country will remember the senator. We learned he is very instrumental in planning how he wanted these days to progress and proceed. He had a year just over a year where he found out he had brain cancer to when he passed away on saturday afternoon here in arizona to plan it. Just to give you an idea whats going to happen, its going to start here in arizonas capital here in phoenix where he will lay in state here in the Capital Building on wednesday, which would have been his 82nd birthday. On thursday, there will be a Memorial Service at the North Phoenix Baptist Church where according to the Washington Post we understand that former vicepresident joe biden is expected to speak. Then after that, it will be the last time that this senator will leave the state of arizona and he will travel to washington, d. C. Where he will lie in state at the u. S. Capitol. And then on friday, that will happen on friday. On saturday, he will then have a Memorial Service, a Funeral Service at the National Cathedral where we understand former president s george w. Bush and barack obama are expected to eulogize him. This was a man who believed in reaching across the aisle. We see that playing out in how he has asked people to speak for him and his memorial. On sunday, a private memorial as he is laid to rest in annapolis, maryland, as the u. S. Naval academy. When you look at this man, he loved to read. He loved to write. He was a beautiful writer. He has written several books. Sp talked about his love affair with the United States. Whether or not folks agree with what he had to say all the time, it is clear that this man acted out of what he thought was best for the republic. Take a listen to what he had to say. I fell in love with my country when i was a prisoner in someone elses. I loved it not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency, for its faith and the wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. Ive been repaid 1,000 times over with adventures, with good company, with the satisfaction of serving something more important than myself, of being a bit player in the extraordinary story of america. And i am so grateful. Reporter you could argue that any one of the chapters of his life was enough to look back on and be proud of. He had so many things he accomplished in his life. Being a prisoner of war for over five years. He could have had the right to have been bitter. But that was not the case. At the end, all the way through, he loved the United States and always saw it as the best place that it could be and always saw the best in the country as well. Stephanie, thank you. Mccain made it known months ago, he did not want President Trump at his funeral. From every indication, that wish will be honored. Cnn is learning the first lady is not expected to attend any memorial events this week. Athena jones is at white house. We are learning more about this tribute, this statement about john mccain that had been drafted by the white house but never released. What more do we know . Reporter thats right. A person familiar says white house aides drafted whats being described as a full statement for President Trump on the death of senator mccain, that the statement went through the white house internal review process and that several staffers thought it would be released saturday when mccain passed away. That is not what happened. The Washington Post reports that white house chief of staff john kelly, Sarah Sanders and others urged the president to release the statement calling mccain a hero, praising him for his service. The president instead said he wanted to issue a brief tweet. Lets put that tweet up on the screen. He issued the similar statement on his instagram account. My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of senator mccain. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Offering condolences to the family in the brief tweet but saying nothing of mccains decades of service in the military and on capitol hill. I should note that others in the administration or part of the white house put out fuller statements. Melania trump, ivanka trump, jim mattis, all praising senator mccains service. That is not what the president chose to put out. One more thing i should note that is raising eyebrows and questions this morning at the white house, the flag here is at fullstaff. It was raised a couple of minutes after midnight to fullstaff. This even though the flag at the u. S. Capitol is still at halfstaff. We have asked the white house why that is and are still waiting for an answer. When you get that, let us know. I know you will, athena jones at the white house this morning. Joining us rick santorum, former republican senator from pennsylvania, and kurt volker, the executive director of the Mccain Institute at Arizona State university. Good to have both of you with us. Ambassador, let me start with you. When it cop co comes to the leg senator mccain, this is a man who traveled extensively, but he was on a plane a lot internationally, what does his death mean now . In terms of Foreign Policy and representatives of the United States abroad. He leaves a huge gap. First off, because so many people around the world felt touched by him. They felt that he supported their cause of freedom, democracy, security and many of them felt they had some kind of personal experience that had benefitted from his work. So it leaves a huge gap. There isnt anyone else like that right now. He represented the best tradition of combining support for American Values and support for Americans National interests and National Security. Thats a hard thing to bridge as well. I hope that we find new leaders emerging in the senate who carry that tradition forward. As a senator, of course, you had a somewhat contentious but professional relationship, we know, rick, with john mccain. Clashing a bit on policy. What do you remember though about john mccain, your colleague john mccain the man . We did clash on several issues. On a lot of issues, we saw eye to eye. National security being one of them. Look, i learned a lot from john mccain on National Security. I served with him on the Armed Services committee for eight years. I will never forget, my first markup of a National Security bill. I was there brandnew, had very little National Security experience when i started in the United States senate. I will never forget, an amendment was offered by john gl glenn. John mccain was against it. The two of them were back and forth. I was sitting there thinking, john glenn and john mccain, this is amazing. I thought glenn had the better of the arguments. While the republicans voted, i was the last and i voted with all the all the republicans voted with mccain. I voted with glenn. The democrats voted with glenn except for Joe Lieberman who voted for mccain. A few minutes after that vote, i got a tap on my shoulder. Theres john mccain. He gets in my face and says, the next time you do Something Like that and you dont tell me what you are going to do he let me have it. I thought, okay, now i know, dont Cross John Mccain unless you give him a heads up what you are doing. Thats the kind of guy he was. After that, we were fine. No problem. He was very passionate about everything that he got involved with. A lot of talk about his passion this morning, understandably. Theres this proposal from senator schumer to rename the Russell Office building after john mccain. Would you agree with that . Would you like to see that happen . I think that would be great. John mccain was a larger than life figure in the United States senate and just as an american. As was said previously, almost any aspect of life, if you look at those aspects, they were larger than life. He was someone who represented the values of the United States senate as someone who was his own man. Thats the one thing about the United States senate, it was said, you have 100 senators who think they should be president. Thats pretty much the case. Every senator goes out and tries to cut their own swath. John mccain represented that. That would be a great tribute to him and an appropriate one. In his book, he lamented where we are as a country politically. Take a listen to some of that. Before i leave, i would like to see our politics begin to return to the purposes and practices that distinguish our history from the history of other nations. I would like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different. Ambassador, is there a chance we can come back to that . Are we past the point of no return . There have been some folks who have said, sadly, this era of john mccain ended before his passing. I dont believe that. I think skron john mccain had af faith in the american and belief in the american people. I think we are still there. We do need to demand more from our leaders to work together, to stand up for values, to try to do whats best for a larger cause, serving a cause greater than ones self as john mccain did. Im optimistic about that. Just curious your thoughts on the statement from the president tweeting out his condolences as we know. This reporting that there was a broader statement that was prepared, rick, that was not released. The president decided not to release it. Some supporters say it would have been torn apart. It was a catch 22. What would you like to see from this president . You know, look, the tweet was a gracious tweet. Could it, should it have been more . Probably. I agree, its a difficult situation. There is certainly a lot of contention between the two men. Frankly, it was very clear that skr john mccain didnt have a lot of respect for President Trump. Thats a hard thing for this president to get over. In my mind, at this moment, he should have. He should have been a little bit more gracious in how he commented on his death. Ambassador, as we hear some people talk about how they look up to john mccain, a lot of those folks are his contemporaries. You say you are hopeful for politics in this country. Do you see a next generation looking up to john mccain and seeing him as the example that his contemporaries do . Honestly, i do. I look at some of the newer members of the senate from both parties and john mccain took them under his wing. He brought them on congressional delegation visits to different countries, different trips, different conferences such as the munich security conference. Theres a new generation of senators that i think is taking up that mantle of concern about National Security and foreign affairs, taking some of the guidance from the legacy of senator mccain. Can i make one comment on this . I think this is important. John mccain and i battled a lot on issues. But john mccain had the courage of his convictions. The reason he is applauded a lot in the media today is because he was willing to buck his own party and including the research base. I didnt agree with him when did he it, but he had the courage do that. I do not see that on the other side of the aisle. I dont see it on our side of the aisle. A degr i agree im hopeful. Dont underestimate the amount of courage it took to do what he did. I dont see that in american politics today. Rick santorum, ambassador volker, thank you. Still to come, the search for a motive. Two people are dead, nine others injured after a person opens fire at a video game competition in jacksonville. We are live with the latest. Lawmakers warning president jump against firing his attorney general Jeff Sessions. One republican senator saying this would be the first domino to fall. We will discuss. Who would have thought, who would have guessed . An Energy Company helping cars emit less. Making cars lighter, its a good place to start, advanced oils for those hardworking parts. Fuels that go further so drivers pump less. Improving efficiency is what we do best. Energy lives here. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. You can barely feel. We really pride ourselves on making it easy for you tech at safelite autoglass, to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace police have searched the baltimore home of a 24yearold man trying to determine why he opened fire at a video game tournament in jacksonville, florida, this weekend. The gunman killing two people, wounding nine more before taking his own life. The tournament was Live Streaming at the time. This is what viewers saw and heard. Its going to be hard. Its a lot. [ gunshot ] rosa flores is live in jacksonville. So many questions this morning. Reporter you are right, there are so many questions. We know very little from authorities. We do know that the alleged shooter is david katz, 24 years of age, from baltimore. He is a known gamer. He was a champion in 2017. We know that atf and fbi have been scrubbing his home, looking for clues. In those situations normally they would look for computer or cell phones, any evidence that would allow Law Enforcement to connect the dots, to figure out a motive. What we know about the time of the shooting is that shots started ringing out at about 1 30 yesterday. At that point in time, as you might imagine, very intense moments. We know that firefighters were doing a drill in this building thats right in front of me behind this camera. And they immediately responded, were told, by the firefighters association, they treated people out here and there is three firefighters who ran inside and started triage. We are hearing from witnesses about those intense moments. Take a listen. I turned around and actually saw the flashes from the gun. At that point, it just went into survival mode. I just wanted to make sure i was out of there. It breaks my heart to see guys i care about as much as i do hurting and see their families grieving. Its really something that i dont want anybody to ever have to deal with. Reporter two lives cut short yesterday. The names, 27yearold Taylor Robertson of West Virginia and 22yearold eli clayton from california. Our prayers with them. They are. Rosa flores with the latest. Thank you. Joining me now, james galleano. As we look at everything thats happening here, undthere are nos many details being released because its an active investigation. What would you look at today . Sure, erica. Police right now are working very closely with the fbi in maryland, obviously, where the shooter was from, trying to put together some type of template to understand the Human Behavior that ended up evolving or devolving into somebody being at a gaming event, a seemingly fun, jo frivolous event where you play video games against other people and what caused this individual to snap. This is more from a criminal justice issue into a Homeland Security issue. Homeland security means threats from the outside in. No. These are threats on the inside. We have to look at what we need to do to either harden soft targets, which this place was. There was no screening or metal detectors. People thought there wouldnt be need for them. Try to figure out a way to keep citizens great. Were not doing a great job of it. We talk about too many of these incidents in the days and weeks afterwards. Governor scott lamenting what is and isnt happening. Here is what of what he had to say. We have to change. We have to stop and say to ourselves, theres something wrong. Why are young men willing to give up their life . Why dont they value somebody elses life . We have to figure this out. You talk about the hardening of softer targets. We talk about security. There is also this other part of it that is its much harder to see, of course, on the outside, which is the Mental Health aspect of it. Theres been a lot made about it. Theres been a lot of talk. Have you seen any proposals that you think would make a difference . Absolutely. Hindsight for every enterprise is always 20 20. We sit back now and we look. I have talked to some Police Sources who said, this individual in particular, he had strange behavior. Part of it was over the twoday course of this event, he wore the same clothes, said some things that struck people again in hindsight as boy, that doesnt sound right. Erica, we talked about this in florida, you and i. We have regulations to protect people and to protect peoples privacy. But we really need to look at what we can do to bring all of these scientists together. Yes, we need to talk about guns. Yes, we need to talk about Mental Health. Unfortunately, yes, we need to talk about hardening soft targets. We treasure and cherish the freedoms and the Civil Liberties we have here in the United States of america. But we cant keep sending kids to school and sending folks to events where they think theyre safe, they are seemingly safe and somebody is able to secrete a pistol, come in and kill two people. Its a shame. We have to come together and coalesce around this issue. Part of what they will look at will obviously be this digital footprint. We could be talking about interaction with other gamers. How important will they be in this investigation . Sure. I have heard people on social media talking about the violent video imagery and how that desensitizes youth. As the governors point, these are generally speaking disaffected young white men. What is causing that . The access to video games. I understand this was a football tournament. This had nothing to do with call of duty or any of those other violent war games. In many instances, the thing that separates some of the young men from families, from coworkers, from friends is the ability to disappear into their basement, lose themself in a game and kind of just morph out of reality. Do some of the games desensitize youth . Absolutely. Im not a psychologist or sociologist, but absolutely. Again, as you say all the time, its not a one step problem. These are all a lot of things that we have to bring together outside of a vacuum and try to make sense of this and help keep america safer. Always appreciate it, my friend. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Several lawmakers are warning the president not to fire attorney general Jeff Sessions. Others say, you know what . Maybe it is time for the ag to go. This is the feud between the two men. What could happen if the president were to give sessions the boot . We will discuss next. Im not picking it up. You pick it up im not picking it up. Ill pick it up theyre clean cuz my hineys clean. Oh yeah im charmin clean. Charmin ultra strong just cleans better. Enjoy the go with charmin. When we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and home insurance. And still get great coverage for you and your family. 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In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. 30 minutes from now, we are learning the president is set to make an announcement on trade. The u. S. And mexico are reaching a preliminary agreement on key issues. We will bring that to you live. Stay with us for that. The president continuing his attacks on Jeff Sessions over the weekend. Reactions on capitol hill on the possibility of the president firing sessions range from, he has the right to do it to it would amount to political suicide. What would it be a mistake to fire his handpicked ag . Not to mention, Jeff Sessions was one of the president s first supporters. Joining us to discuss, james schultz. Out of the gate as we see all of this from the president , the president even tweeting out over the weekend, big story out, the fbi ignored tens of thousands of crooked hillary emails, many of which are really bad. He talks about all this. We will get to the bottom of this corruption. Ends by saying, at some point i may have to get involved. How do you read that as him getting involved . What could be the implications of this president getting involved . I have no idea what was going through the president s head when he made that statement. I dont know what him getting involved might mean. As it relates to attorney general sessions, clearly senator grassley and senator Lindsey Graham this weekend seemed open to the idea of moving him. The president has a good story to tell right now as it relates to trade. They will make an announcement, jobs, the economy. Every time he dips his toe into these discussions about firing Jeff Sessions, it sends the democrats going wild. Other folks that support Jeff Sessions in the senate going wild. I think in july when grassley said it would be he would not support that, it was clear, everyones heels were dug in. Jeff sessions was a United States senator, certain lly, he has a lot of support. Its going to be tough to do. We see the president lashing out. In person, were told the relationship is different. As recently as this past week whether they we when they were together at the white house, these thing were not said in person to krJeff Sessions. Maybe the president is trying to force him to quit instead of the president having to fire him. Where does it stand now . Why is it such a public lashing and yesterday privately its a little different relationship . I dont understand that. I dont understand the tweets either as it relates to sessions. I dont know what their relationship is privately. The attorney general has been doing a good job in running that agency. That agency has a lot of challenges. Congress is getting frustrated with him for not turning over documents. These are issues Jeff Sessions cant stick his hand into because of his recusal. Lindsey graham tweeting out last week reminding people the attorney general serves at the pleasure of the president. If he were to fire jeff sessi s sessions, could an obstruction of justice case be made in terms of the russia investigation . Relative to no. Its well within the discretion of this president to remove an appointee. Certainly that cannot be c construed as obstruction of justice. Thats something he can not be char charged with obstruction for. We have rosenstein, who we know the president is not happy with. It would seem an interesting choice to get rid of sessions to be left with rosenstein in the interim. Do you think that has been discussed . Yeah. I dont see that slippery slope of where if sessions goes and rosenstein goes, then mueller goes. I just dont see that scenario playing out. I think that would be political suicide at this point in time. Again, i think this is more about the two principles meeting attorney general sessions and the president. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Still to come, what will the halls of capitol hill feel like now without the presence of john mccain . We will ask one of his colleagues about the future of the party and the future of bipartisanship in the senate. Merely preventing your political opponents from doing what they want isnt the most inspiring work. Theres greater satisfaction in respecting our differences but not letting them prevent agreements that dont require abandonment of core principles, agreements made in good faith that help improve lives and protect the american people. New listerine® sensitivity gives you lasting protection from tooth sensitivity. With first of its kind protection, it blocks tooth sensitivity at the source. So instead of your Favorite Foods making you feel like this. Youll enjoy them like this. Bring out the bold. ™ come hok. , babe. Nasty nighttime heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is crying, screaming today is your day. Crush it. Angies boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. Boom i think this is a part of john mccain that a lot of people dont know about, is that he took younger senators under his wing. And in my case, he taught me so much about National Security and Foreign Policy. He was a leader like no other. But i think the moment that people dont always realize about him was just this humor he had, this joy for his work. And thats anyone that worked with him. Senator john mccain being remembered by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle as a maverick and as a mentor. Mccain found time to reach out for anyone willing to learn from his years of experience. One of those people a republican senator from indiana todd young who joins us now. Good to have you with us this morning. Good morning. John mccain was out there tra campaigning with you in your senate bid. What did you learn from him even in those moments . Well, actually, my history with john mccain began even earlier at the Naval Academy. We learn about other graduates. John, he embodied what the Naval Academy is all about. Not self but country is the motto. Early on in my life, i drew inspiration from john mccain. But back in the 2016 campaign, even at a point when it was unclear whether or not he was going to win reelection, he took an entire day out of his own campaign to fly in and support a fellow Naval Academy graduate and connected, not just with me, but this larger than live presence connected with so many hoosiers. That was a very, very special day. You hear about you pile up these special days and special moments. It really this is what built the reputation of john mccain as a great human being as well as a great leader. Those moments that truly make the man and so many people can connect to, even those that never met him. You are seeing this outpouring of love and support for the family and also these remembrances of a man that many have never met. You talk about obviously your shared history at the naval acade academy. He spoke at the graduation in 1993. I want to play a portion of what he had to say on that day. I will go to my grave in gratitude to my creator for allowing me to stand witness to such courage and honor and so will you. My time is slipping by. Yours is fast approaching. You will know where your duty lies. You will know. God bless you, fair winds and following seas. That, of course, back in 1993. I see you smiling just as you are listening to those comments. Well, yeah, so thats classic john mccain. Its why he is so special. It was all about duty for john. It was about, as per his president ial campaign, country first. He inspired so many young people to understand that they have not just a responsibility, not something thats been designated to them in some formal way, but we really have a duty to draw from our god given talents, and we all have them, and serve a cause as john used to say larger than ourself, greater than ourself. He took that to heart. I think his entire professional career just is emblematic of someone dedicated to serving a cause greater than themselves. Its infectious. It inspires not just his colleagues but people across the country. More than anything else, i think its how he will be remembered, as someone who did the right thing for the right reasons at the right times, even when it was difficult to do so. There has been a fair amount made, of course, of the feud or perhaps the lack of relationship, we could call it that, between the president and senator mccain. President trump putting out a tweet on saturday, but as we have since learned, he decided not to put out a more full statement which recognized the many accomplishments of senator mccain. Would you like to hear more from the president . We are here today to salute the service of john mccain. We will be doing so throughout this week. I certainly will be doing so. Its great to have an opportunity to be on this show and talk about some of my reflections on his service and why i think he was such a great man. As you talked about the example he said as well. Sometimes doing things that may be tough. Do you think that was part of the reason we didnt hear more from the president , that it was tough for the president to go there . I think its wonderful that john mccain followed in his grandfather and his fathers footsteps, both admirals, understanding that each of us can make this country a better place. Thats given me inspiration as well. He endowed others with some of his spirit of service. I think thats what we should focus on right now. Thats what i intend to focus on. Rick santorum, earlier today in talking about senator mccains courage to buck his party when needed, to stand up for his convictions, notes he finds this lacking today in both parties in the senate. He would like to see more of it. Quickly before we let you i agree. You agree with him on that point. As we know, senator schumer would like to see the Russell Office building renamed in john mccains honor. Would you . Well, i actually think that skr john mccain earned the respect of republicans, democrats, even the politically nonengaged alike. He is the sort of person we ought to be naming things after in this country to the extent that names are extended. I think skrjohn would also agre that its often the quiet heroes that deserve celebration. John made a real point of his service on the Armed Services committee to travel around the world and personally connect with men and women in uniform, understanding the great sacrifices they had made. I think john would also recognize that we should give due consideration to those silent heroes and perhaps affix their names to major buildings as well. Senator todd young, appreciate you taking the time to join us and share your memories this morning. Thank you. Thank you. North korea accusing the United States of hatching a criminal platt to ot to unleash. How the u. S. Is responding. Thats next. Hi, im joan lunden with a place for mom, the nations largest seniorliving referral service. For the past five years, ive spoken with hundreds of families and visited seniorcare communities around the country. And ive got to tell you, todays seniorliving communities are better than ever. 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That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair®. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. It is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo doobidoo scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Progressive helps keep you out there. New this morning, the u. S. Military is not aware of any military drills being conducted in japan, after the Washington Post reported that north korea is accusing u. S. Forces of performing military forces aimed at invading pyongyang. This comes days after President Trump canceled his secretary of states diplomatic trip to north korea. Lets get to Barbara Starr who has the latest. Good morning. Good morning. North korean media going back to the last years heavy rhetoric against the u. S. , suggesting that a criminal plot is being hatched to invade north korea from military drills that you said are being run in japan. U. S. Military spokesmen in japan says theyre not aware of any such thing and saying the following. Let me read a quote. In general, u. S. Aircraft and ships operate from japan every day in support of our commitments to our allies and partners in the region and in the interests of Regional Peace and security. The North Koreans getting very excitable in their language. A lot to read behind the scenes and what that rhetoric may really mean. Also, anything we could read into the timing here, of course, after President Trump we hear secretary pompeo is going to north korea and then all of a sudden everything changes the next day. I think thats a Fair Assessment of why the North Koreans may be reacting exactly this way. There is no invasion of pyongyang planned. The world would see that coming. You can bet. Thats really just rhetoric. And they are obviously responding somewhat to the president s action to put secretary pompeos announced trip to north korea on the back burner. The president delaying that he said because he felt china was not supportive enough of the effort to get north korea to denuclearize. The north korea has done nothing to denuclearize. U. S. Intelligence and International Arms inspectors detailing a number of north korean actions that indicate they are continuing much of their nuclear activity, especially in making and manufacturing nuclear fuel. All that was very worrisome that they are building up their stockpile instead of taking it down. Barbara starr, always appreciate it. Thank you. Moments from now, President Trump will make an announcement on trade. That coming from the oval office. This as cnn learns the United States and mexico are resolving key trade issues. We will bring that to you live. In the past societys conception about what a woman could and couldnt do revolves around homemaking. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was working for the Social Security administration discovered she was pregnant. She got demoted. In 1973, banks could still decline a womans application for credit unless a man, preferably, her husband cosigned. Rbg led efforts to give women power over their bodies and their work. Her work secured womens ability to work and receive benefits through pregnancy and chi childbirth. She used her time on the Supreme Court to continue protecting equal rights for all genders. She proved equality contributes to a successful partnership. When theres a sharing of responsibility, thats the day that women will be truly liberated. Watch rbg on monday, september 3, at 9 00 p. M. On cnn. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and home insurance. And still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ayep, and my teeth are yellow. . Time for whitestrips. Crest glamorous White Whitestrips are the only adaaccepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. And they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Pope francis is remaining silent as a former archbishop calls on him to resign over handling of sexual abuse allegations against a prominent cardinal. He says he told the pope about allegations of sexual abuse against a high profile cardinal five years ago. The says the pontiff did nothing. Pope francis said, read the statement carefully and make your own judgment. I will not say a single word on this. I believe the statement speaks for itself. All of this comes amid child sex abuse scandals surfacing at catholic churches around the world, including the grand jury report detailing 300 socall ee predator priests in pennsylvania, abuse documented dating back more than 70 years. That report also talked about the coverup. Im erica hill in for poppy harlow. At this hour starts right now. Im ryan nobles in today for kate bolduan. We begin with breaking news. At any moment, President Trump set to make an announcement from the oval office. We are told it will focus on trade with mexico. A source familiar with the negotiations telling cnn, the u. S. And mexico have reached a preliminary agreement resolving key bilateral trade issues. The president tweeting just a short time ago, quote, a big deal looking good with mexico. Lets get straight to athena jones live at the white house for the latest developments. What are we expecting from the president in the next few minutes . Reporter we expect him to announce this preliminary agreement the u. S. Reached with

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