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The latest news from around the world with hosts John Berman and Poppy Harlow. To its the same thing as an indictment. The prosecutors just didnt have to go through getting a grand jury to sit. The information doesnt have this language about the president. Michael cohen, of course, in his allocution to his guilty plea stood up and stated he did these Campaign Finance law violations at the best of the president. But you think its notable its not included on paper . I do. Theres the buzzword unindicted coconspirator. The president is not technically an unindicted coconspirator. Hes not mentioned in the information so i think that was a real move on the part of the prosecutors not to go one step deeper. It would have been different if they named him in the information. What do you think they didnt, paul . Its an interesting set of charges against cohen. The charge essentially is that the payment to stormy daniels and Karen Mcdougal were Campaign Contributions that were unreported and they were corporate Campaign Contributions. Right. Now the idea here is that cohen clearly is guilty of this, hes admitted it but if the president was using cohen to make the contribution its an entirely different thing because the president has the right to contribute to his own campaign. But he has to disclose it. He has to disclose it. And we know it wasnt disclosed . Thats right. So the only thing the president would be guilty of is a failure to report it whereas the theory against cohen is more serious and elaborate. Can we talk about cooperation. So many headlines this morning and last night were oh, and cohen isnt cooperating. Thats not totally the case. There is a bargain that says in return for pleading guilty the sdny wont bring charges but i think its interesting that thats only the sdny or the tax division. It doesnt include the doj or the Special Counsel here. Thats the leverage they have in their tool kit. The commentary is correct that the usual course in terms of procedurally you would enter the Cooperation Agreement. However that by no means means a Cooperation Agreement is excluded. Some of you have gone so far to think that theres an agreement under seal. I dont tend to agree with that but there could be cooperation down the road. Why wouldnt Michael Cohen if hes already pleaded guilty, why wouldnt he cooperate to get less prison time . I think he would be eager to cooperate and i think that cohen will supply ultimately a possible road to imkrit nate the president in a far more serious way than what were talking about today. Which is what . Can we play lanny davis Michael Cohens lawyer said as much. Lets listen to him. But to answer your question, i do know that Michael Cohen has information that would be of interest to mr. Mueller in his probe of a conspiracy to Corrupt American Democracy very similar to the indictment of the 12 russians. I believe mr. Cohen would be able to provide information useful to the Special Counsel. I wont call it smoking gun information, somebody else will have to judge that. Don lemon then asked him are you talking about the trump tower meeting with the russians and he said no, its something else. Well, this may be something entirely off the radar that people dont know about, lanny davis does obviously but ive always thought Michael Cohen is the Achilles Heel of donald trump because for so long he was the guy who for the trump organization solved the difficult problems in whatever way he had to and in that Business World my suspicion is if you push on cohen, youre going to find that donald trump may have been involved in Business Transactions or Family Members of the trumps were involved in Business Transactions that will create liability and exposure for them. So thats probably a greater problem for mr. Trump than this case. Quickly, i would say that perhaps the only reason cohen may not cooperate would be if he thinks he would some way get a pardon for the president. Clearly the president doesnt like him very much. And lanny davis says hes not looking for that. But it was just a few months ago the president Pardoned Dinesh Di Souza for Campaign Finance violations. And his defense was that it was a vindictive prosecution. That was a clear signal. I think one of the things people arent considering is maybe the Southern District prosecutors dont want or need Michael Cohens cooperation. They may not think hes a credible enough witness. And that credibility is so important. Thank you both. Extrump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort also found guilty on eight charges. A win for the mueller team. What does it mean moving forward . Next, a former watergate prosecutor who was texting with rudy giuliani, the president s lawyer, yesterday in all this chaos will join me. What he heard from the president s lawyer. Also, hes a Founding Member of the trump caucus. One of the president s first supporters in congress. Now republican congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife have been indicted, accused of using Campaign Funds to pay for a lavish lifestyle. And in iowa, a small town is grieving a great loss and an autopsy is said if the body believed to be molly tibbetts, an undocumented immigrant charged with her murder. Gotcha ah nooooo. Noooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. Ahoy laughing bounty, the quicker picker upper. Introducing e trade personalized investments professionally managed portfolios customized to help meet your financial goals. Youll know what youre invested in and how its performing. So you can spend more Time Floating about on your inflatable swan. [ding] its a major victory for Special Counsel mueller. Paufrlt who ran the president s campaign for five months convicted on eight counts, facing eight years in prison. The president still, though, after that guilty verdict came down calling him a good man, thises after he was convicted of eight different counts of financial crimes and its not over yet. Another big trial looks ahead in a few weeks. Jessica schneider is in washington and joins me now. What a day, watching you live, jess. As this news was coming out of the court, it was quite a day. What can you tell us . It was a whirlwind day. Every minute there was something happening. The president talked about Paul Manafort and when he did it he referenced paufrtds previous political work for other president s including ronald reagan, interestingly, thats something manaforts defense team did in closing arguments and that Didnt Work Out so well given the conviction on those eight counts. When the president spoke about this as well, he tried to distance himself from Paul Manafort despite the fact that manafort was his Campaign Chairman. Take a listen. Manaforts a good man. He was with ronald reagan. He was with a lot of different people over the years and i feel very sad about that. It doesnt involve me but i still feel, you know, its a very sad thing that happened. This started as russian collusion. This has absolutely nothing to do. This is a witchhunt and its a disgrace. So the president trying to stress there that Paul Manaforts conviction had nothing to do with him and, of course, the 12 member jury they did find Paul Manafort guilty on eight of the 18 charges. They were all related to financial fraud. The judge declared a mistrial on the remaining ten counts because the jury couldnt come to a unanimous agreement so you see there what manafort has been convicted of. Five counts of tax fraud, one count of hiding a foreign bank account. So those last two counts of bank fraud carry up to 30 years in prison each and now prosecutors will have to decide whether or not to bring a retrail for those remaining ten counts of bank fraud and failing to file reports for foreign bank accounts. Whats different and why he wasnt convicted, perhaps, on all of those counts is because even though they were similar they span different years and they involve different banks here so poppy, prosecutors now have to decide by one week from today whether they will bring a retra retrial for those other ten counts and then Paul Manafort is scheduled to go to trial on washington, d. C. For separate counts. We many is john sale, a criminal defense lawyer. Hes also a former Assistant Special Prosecutor in the watergate case and a close friend of rudy giuliani. Nice to have you. Thanks, poppy, nice to be with you. I know you were texting with giuliani yesterday, hes on vacation . Hes on vacation. I which i could make Breaking News and headlines but the question was how are you enjoying his vacation . And his response was its great. A very difficult news cycle for him and the president so let me get you on Paul Manafort. The president said hes a good guy, this has nothing to do with me or russia or my campaign. Heres the thing, though. When you read the dates on the counts he was convicted guilty of. Counts 25 and 27 are about proud lent issues with banks, bnk loans and they extend into march of 2016, thats when he started with the trump campaign. Problematic . Significant . I think theyre still personal Financial Issues of mr. Manafort. The real issue for manafort is everyone is saying they dont know why he didnt make a deal earlier, now its inevitable he will make a deal. The problem with that is nobody knows if hes inclined what he would say and everybody is assuming hes in the position to hurt the president if he wants to testify against the president. Well maybe he is, but maybe he isnt because we have no indication of what he would say if he wanted to make a deal but hes in a difficult situation. Im in miami and i woke up to see the miami herald, the headline said president suffers onetwo punch. My reaction was that is a catchy headline but what came to my mind is rocky balboa who suffered more than that and remained standing so we dont know. All right, stick with me for this. We just heard from the president on both manafort and cohen so let me read it to you hear. I feel very badly for manafort and his wonderful family, the president writes. Justice, in quotes, took a 12yearold tax case among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him, unlike Michael Cohen he being Paul Manafort refused to break, make up stories in order to get a deal. Such respect for a brave man. You just told me you think it is inevitab inevitable that manafort makes a deal with muellers team and we hear the president calling him a brave man. What do you make of the president and the white house strategy . If i said that i dont think its inevitable. I said some people think its inevitable. I do not because we dont know what he would say and the lead into this piece, the reporter said hes facing 30 years in prison. Thats not realistic because under the sentencing guidelines, hes facing much less. But hes 69 years old so hes facing a lot of time so theres a lot of pressure on him to socalled flip but we dont know if he would, if he wants to or hes in inclined to. We dont know what he would say. But of course there is pardon out there when the president s words like that that he feels sorry for him. I dont know if there will be a pardon or not but thats something that the Manafort Team has to be thinking about. But hes going into a much more difficult trial in washington. You are in your own words very good friends with rudy giuliani, close to him. Whats your read on a potential pardon for manafort . I dont talk to rudy about anything involving what might be privileged information so i have nor does the president. So i dont know. I just think that as a citizen when the president is saying good man, i feel sorry for him, loyal, those are pardontype words. I dont know if hes going to pardon him or not and i dont know if its proeptd or not. But pardontype words in your words. Let me ask you about Michael Cohen. The fact he said in court under oath yesterday that the president of the United States ordered him in coordination with and at the direction of the president of the United States to pay off a porn star and former playboy playmate to mislead the American People in the days before the election. How much of a world of hurt do you think that presideuts the president . That, if true, is a crime. Its a crime. It could find its way into mr. Muellers report and be characterized as a crime. Its also potentially a quote high crime and misdemeanor for the Congress However everybody is overlooking, it may be true, it may not be true but by mr. Cohen saying it its an accusation on the part of mr. Cohen. Im not saying its false. Its just an accusation but i want to say one thing if i may. Please. Its unusual that he does not have a Cooperation Deal and it may very well be that neither the Special Prosecutor nor the Southern District of new york needs him and i was surprised that lanny davis is going all over television saying he has information of interest to mr. Mueller. The reason im surprise at that is if it were me representing mr. Cohen, i would not be peddling that type of information trying to get mr. Muellers attention. The only person we dont see on television is mr. Mueller and im certain if hes interested in mr. Cohens testimony they will obtain in the the proper way but it wont be, in my opinion, from one of his lawyers trying to sell it on television. That suggests to me they dont need it. And that could be read as being concerning to the white house . Absolutely. John sale important information, thank you for joining me. Thank you for having me. 14,000 vacations. 11,000 runs to costco. Heres the problem a republican congressman and his wife allegedly used Campaign Money to pay for it. Details about their indictment ah ahead. Rvivor of alzheimers disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. With tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. New fixodent ultramax hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. So now you can eat tough food without worry. Fixodent and forget it. More Breaking News. A republican congressman and his wife indicted on charges that they funded a lavish lifestyle with campaign donations. According to prosecutors, congressman Duncan Hunter of california and his wife margaret lived large, enjoying look at this a 14,000 thanksgiving vacation to italy, a 6,500 hawaiian vacation, over 11,000 in personal purchases at costco, 5700 spent on themselves and kids at walmart, 2,000 on tickets for a Family Member to go to a steelers game and the list goes on. This is despite warnings from the congressmans own treasurer to stop the personal Campaign Spending with campaign donations. Hunter was a Founding Member of the trump caucus during the 2016 campaign. How is he responding this morning . What happens now . Lets go to Suzanne Malveaux who joins me on the hill. A while ago when this started percolating before the indictment was unsealed he told a local tv station in san diego, yes, there was wrong Campaign Spending but it wasnt done by me so now what do we know. We know that hes part of this trump caucus. Now he joins this exclusive club. It was Chris Collins of new york recently facing federal charges. Now hung can hunter and his wife are facing massive charges. I want to go through these. Youre talking about wire fraud and conspiracy. Campaign violations as well as numerous other charges for that lavish spending, the lifestyle you talked about all using the Campaign Funds for these personal expenses and also trying to hide them in reporting. One example is that they went to a golf course and bought personal clothing at this golf course instead saying these were golf balls were purchasing for the Veterans Group wounded warriors. Now so far what he has done in his response is through a spokesman say look, this is all a politically motivated, thats very close to the midterm elections. They point to a letter give on the Rod Rosenstein saying two prosecutors attended a Hillary Clinton fundraiser and should be recused. That was thrown out. It should also be noted it was a u. S. Attorney appointed by Jeff Sessions who brought about this indictment so there is the back and forth over whether or not this is politically motivate bud he is facing a crisis situation here. The arraignment and its too late, according to california, to take him off the ballot so democrats are looking at that seat carefully as potentially one they will be able to target. In a pretty safe district, california 50, but who knows given these charges. Suzanne, appreciate the reporting. Thank you. Shades of watergate . Will the manafort and cohen guilty plea and verdict be enough for republicans to turn on the president . Well dive into the politics ahead. Quote, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to two counts of Campaign Finance violation that are not a crime. President obama had a big Campaign Finance violation and it was easily settled. Marveg . Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of new york thought otherwise that it was a crime that Michael Cohen engaged in Hush Payments to help trumps campaign. Thats a fact and what were seeing from President Trump seems to be hes sending a message to Paul Manafort in his tweets of support and understanding. But manafort hasnt worked with federal prosecutors. He refuses to cooperate. Michael cohen has decided to cooperate. H thats bad for donald trump. He just said what Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to is not a crime. If it were not a crime Michael Cohen would not be facing years in prison so theres that. Theres there that which is reality challenged. But if you ascribe to the precedent that a sitting president cant be indicted this is for the president a political matter so has the appetite among any republicans for any articles of impeachment if they deem it worthy changed . Theyre playing duckandcover to date. Theres not a ton more they need to get red in. We know as of yesterday that the heads of the Bipartisan Senate intel committee, warner and burr said were going to talk to cohen again and he and his attorney have said there is more information to be had so that could be a direct connection to the russia investigation. What we know is he named the president. He said he committed a Campaign Finance violation with the intent of affecting the outcome of the election with the now president s direction. There thats a big deal. Only one other president has been named an unindicted cofor or the and thats richard nixon. Clearly hes floating the possibility of a pardon but the fact that cohen says he has no interest, that as mark said is bad news no matter how much true you try to spin it. What about to my question about republicans and the appetite and if anything has changed in their calculus, republicans in congress in the last 24 hours. Were reminded of senator Lindsey Graham back in 1999. Here he was. The point im trying to make is you dont even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. If this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office. Mark . And john. Mark first. Classic. Well, a couple things, one is in many ways i dont agree with everything Lindsey Graham said but he is right if donald trump or any president were to be impeached by the House Of Representatives the senate could convict and the president is out. But as far as how republicans are dealing with this at this time its not even been 24 ho s hours. Its been 17 hours since these cases have crashed into one another and shaken up the political world but to put in the perspective, they want nothing to do with it. Republicans want to step away. There is no loyalty in politics. They are focussed on the midterm elections. What they say now could be different than what happens after november. Thats possible and mark says theres no loyalty in politics but there is fear and that has kept republicans corralled because theyve been afraid of their base which is lopsided support of donald trump almost whatever he does but what happened yesterday is unprecedented. For a Campaign Chairman and president s lawyer to become convicted felons within a matter of minutes is unprecedented. The reason i think Lindsey Grahams quote is useful is that it pushes back on this tide of situational ethics we deal with. Imagine for one second that Hillary Clinton was in the same position. Every republican would be standing from the roof tops shouting for convictions and impeachment and youd like to think theres enough shred of decency in our elected representatives that theyd hold politicians of different parties to the same standard. Guys, drudge, conservative web site drudge. Let me pull up how its playing this because i think its telling. The headline trumps held hour. I keep coming back to this question of did the last 17 hours change anything . If helsinki, Access Hollywood tape, whatever, nothing has moved the needle, does this or no . Well, you know when this happened yesterday ive been so desensitized to it all i just brushed it off. It took me about a half our to absorb what was happening and happening to our country. Will it move the needle . I go back to something that i was saying about a year ago is that this is just another straw on the camels back. This just happens to be a heavy one and its putting congress in a position where they have to do more than investigate. They have to go a little further than where they are now. What do you think, john . If were sitting a month from now were sitting here, whats different . I think the Legal Process is moving forward. A month from now Paul Manaforts second trial begins in a federal court. The gears of justice are working their way and theyre impervious to Public Opinion and a lot of the strategy has been benefitting from polar sags and the artificial comfort that can give to folks who are nationally unpopular. But the Legal Process will move forward and thats why Paul Manafort hasnt been speaking. Is impeachment ultimately a political process . Yes. But the standards put out this is not a Campaign Finance violation. This is a Campaign Finance violation that the person who pled guilty said was done with the intention of affecting the outcome of the election at the direction of the man who is president. Thats an allegation by someone who has credibility issues, so well see where that goes. And hes pled guilty. Mark and john, nice to have you. Ahead, a very important and sad story out of iowa that were following. How did Mollie Tibbetts die . Investigators hope they will get answers one day after aen undocumented immigrant was charged in her murder. ford chime its the Ford Summer Sales event and now is the best time to buy. You ready for this, junior . Yeah, i think i can handle it. No pressure. Thats just my favorite boat. Boom. laughs make summer go right with ford, americas bestselling brand. And get our best deal of the summer zero percent financing for sixty months on f150. Get zero percent financing for 60 months plus 2,800 bonus cash on a 2018 f150 xlt equipped with 2. 7l ecoboost. The doctor just for a shot. With Neulasta Onpro patients get their day back. To be with family, or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. 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Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Itreat them all as if, they are hot and energized. Stay away from any downed wire, call 911 and call pg e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. Today, lifechanging technology from abbott is helping hunt them down at their source. Because the faster we can identify new viruses, the faster we can get to stopping them. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. One call 811 before you dig. Ings you can do is to make sure you calling 811 can get your lines marked. Its free, its easy, we come out and mark your lines. We provide you the information so you will dig safely. An Iowa Community is grieving this morning after the body of what is believed to be 20yearold mollitibbetts was found in a corn field. Authorities spent one month searching for her. They have yet to confirm the body is hers, Police Arrested looking for her. She was studying psychology at the University Of Iowa and has been missing since she left on july 18th for a run in the evening from her boyfriends house. Ryan young is in iowa following this this morning. What can you tell us about what the authorities are saying and just how that community is responding . Reporter poppy, this is so very tough. We talked about this last night. You can see the reaction throughout this community. We met a young lady last night. She went to take a poster down and she started crying with us saying she cant believe mollie is gone. The headline sums it up for a lot of people here. Just says the word here murder. You can understand the pains. She used to run crosscountry. According to investigators, they got video from a homeowner. The video was detailed enough for them to watch some of this happen. They went back and thats how they developed the suspect 37 from what we are told that homeowners video had the black car go by, molhe was riding alongside, then was running alongside of her. She said she was going to call 911. He tells investigators that he blacked out and from there know he ended up putting her in the trunk. Were not sure what happened next after that but we do know he eventually took her for a corn field where he put corn stalks on top of her to try to conceal the body. There are so many questions in this area because they want to know what happened to her, why would he attack her. We want to know the motive. Watch this video. This was yesterday at the News Conference where we saw Friends Gathering here who were very upset. This is a painful moment because you could hear people sobbing as investigators were talking about the details of this case, the idea that this young lady could be running and someone just attack her and that big question is just why, why would someone, according to investigators, attack this woman and of course, at this point there are so many questions. There is a Court Appearance today at 1 00, as well. As we wait for that and as we look at the pain on the faces of all of those who loved her, who knew her in this small community, were learning some new details about who employed rivera. Right . He was an undocumented immigrant and who hired him . That is a good point there. He apparently worked at a dairy farm. Investigators say hes been in this area for four to seven years. He kept a very small footprint. But he was employed. A lot of people are trying to figure out what happens next and what was the documentation . Lot of questions in this community. I think he said he cleared through the government everify system but a lot of questions about how that could happen. Ryan, thank you. Well talk to you next hour for more. Ahead for us the white houses new strategy to discredit the man who once said he would take a bullet for the president , this just hours after Michael Cohen implicates the president in federal court. We are following all of it. To your healthy routine and see how activia yogurt with its billions of live and active probiotics may help support your Digestive Health so you can take on your day. Start the activia probiotic challenge today. It works or its free residents in hawaii right now are bracing as this category 5 hurricane is making its way towards the hawaiian islands. It is called Hurricane Lane and it is packing sustained winds of 160 miles an hour. Officials say the Big Island Of Hawaii could start to feel the effects of the storm later today. 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