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Empty threats to sue to stop it, and this has the New York Times raises questions about obstruction of justice. It says the president personally urged the white House Counsel to stop sessions from recusing himself in the russia investigation. We will get to why in just a moment. And questions abound in the book after the world learned about donald trump, jr. s meeting with the russians, and wolff rights, it was about adoption policy, and even though it was likely, if not certain, that the times had the incriminating email chain and its quite possible they knew the times had the email chain. For the first time we are hearing from the author of the book himself, Michael Wolff, answering questions about how fit the people closest to the president think he is for this job. One of the overarching themes according to your reporting, everybody around the president , family members, senior advisers, every one of them questions his intelligence and fitness for office. Let me put a marker in the sand here. 100 of the people around him. No ambiguity there. Lets go to the white house. Kaitlan collins joins us. The man that wrote it all is now speaking. What is the white house saying . They are bushing back on so many aspects of the book, john and poppy, but the president specifically pushing back on the idea that Michael Wolff had a lot of access to him specifically and last night he tweeted saying i authorized zero access, and i never spoke to him for the book and its full of lies and sources that dont exist. Look at the guys past and watch what happens to him and sloppy steve. And Michael Wolff pushed back on that this morning saying he, quote, absolutely spoke to the president , and more specifically he said he spent three hours with President Trump over the course of the campaign and during his time here at the white house. When Savannah Guthrie asked if wolff flattered his way into having access to the west wing, he said he had to do to get access. We can see how many times he was cleared for access on to the grounds of the white house, if the white house releases the visitors logs which is a decision where they decided not to release the visitor logs, and so we dont know how many times Michael Wolff was let into the white house. Another note here, the president s plan to send a cease and desist letter to the publisher backfired, because not only is it being published but four days earlier than originally planned to do so. And we dont think theres a lawsuit right now because of it. The white house just not dealing with the book this morning, but the explosive new report in the New York Times that raises new questions about the obstruction, and the idea that the president ordered the white House Counsel to keep Jeff Sessions from recusing himself. Overnight, it was reported the white house gave instructions to don mcgahn not to tell sessions not to recuse himself. Jeff sessions did end up stepping down from the russia investigation, something that has infuriated the president , and something he tweeted about and said he would not have picked Jeff Sessions for attorney general if he knew he was going to recuse himself, and its something he complains about to this day, and they say this information has crossed the special counsel muellers desk already, so an Interesting Development for a white house that is engulfed in chaos with the release of the new book, john and poppy. Lets talk more about the legal ramifications, and joining us, susan hennesy. Let me read you the quote. President trump gave firm instructions in march to the white house top lawyer, stop the attorney general Jeff Sessions from recusing himself from the Russian Investigation to disrupt the 2016 election. So is this in and of itself, the president giving this order, is this possible obstruction or does it get to the greater issue of a pattern of possible obstruction . Certainly it does add to the body of the broader course of his conduct, what he has done over time. It does raise other questions, right. Everything we have been focused on with the obstruction of justice is focused on the president individually and the firing of james comey personally. What this gets at is there are other individuals and other actions beyond just firing comey that might go to that corrupt purpose or corrupt intent. It really does put in a starker light sort of how broad and how many people and how many different types of activity might actually ultimately bear on the obstruction of justice question. We all remember, of course, john dean testifying against nixon and having the same position as don mcgahn and some of the key difference is don mcgahn is not the president s personal lawyer, hes the white House Counsel, right . Hes responsible to the office of the president and not personally to mr. Trump. Why does that matter here when it comes to potentially coming before congress and testifying publicly and et cetera . It really does put mcgahns conduct and his willingness to go to the attorney general, it raises the importance, right, his obligation is not just to the president individually or to the American People more broadly. If they thinks the president is making this request to throw sand in the gears of the russia investigation, and expect sessions to do things on his behalf to impede the investigation, and mcgahn has a separate obligation to push back on the president or somehow sort of hes supposed to be managing that relationship, managing that communication with the attorney general and it makes it incumbent upon mcgahn, not to be the messenger for the president but to apply his own legal judgment to ensure the communications between the white house and the Justice Department are legal. Two days after mr. Comeys testimony, an aide to mr. Sessions approached capitol hill, a capitol hill staff member asking whether the staffer had any derogatory information about the fbi director and the attorney general wanted one negative article in the day about comey according to a person with knowledge of that meeting. You read this and what is significant to you . Two things. One of the reasons why the white house sort of put forward as justification for firing jim comey is he lost Public Confidence and confidence in the bureau, and now they are secretly working to undermine that confidence and that undermines the legitimacy of that story, and theres a detail that somethings that maybe Rod Rosenstein was also involved in the effort or had communications with hill staffers at the same time. The Deputy Attorney general is currently overseeing the special counsel investigation, and it raises questions and puts rosenstein in a far more central role in the firing of comey and raises the question of mr. Rosenstein is a witness here. It raises reasonable questions about why rosenstein has not recused himself and whether or not he will need to moving forward. Susan hennesy, stay with us. Joining us is our cnn political analyst, and also a politico reporter. Ron, staying on the Russian Investigation thread here, we are learning more that ties into the reporting from Michael Wolffs book about the conversations that happened on air force one between the president and others following the trump tower meeting. The president insisted the meeting in trump tower was simply about russian adoption policy, and thats what was discussed, period, period, and even though it was not certain that the times had incriminating email chain, and in fact it was quite possible ivanka and jared and the lawyers knew about the times had the email chain. What we know from the New York Times reporting, mueller knows this and is examining this as a false statement. Significance . All of the revelations in the book are in a separate category, because those are going to be pressure tested presumably under oath by the mueller investigation. Michael wolff left a lot of bread crumbs these investigators will follow if they had not been following them already. Thats very significant. The rest of the book, in particular, the questions about the president s competence and fitness for the job that emerge not only in his actions but in the judgments closest to him is a different category, and thats a Cruise Missile aimed at his credibility, and its the hardening sense that 65 of the electorate that he is not equipped to do this job. Dont forget on election day, o onefifth said he was not qualified that voted for him. They are willing to take a chance then and that bet may be looking a little less optimistic for those that took it a year later. We will talk about some of the claims of fitness, and there are maybe bread crumbs. Another excerpt reads, john dean, do you know what john dean did to nixon . Again, these are quotes from people that Michael Wolff says he talked to in the white house right now. It goes to show potentially what Donald Trumps mindset was during this whole time. Right, if he could not get comeys loyalty and comey to promise him not to be investigated, comey had to go. If you look at the original explanation is because of how he handled the clinton investigation. Its kind of comical now, especially when you read the New York Times piece because everything is built around the russia investigation, and the president seemed to be obsessed with comeys testimony before congress, and that weekend before comey was fired he watch add repeat of comeys testimony before congress with Jared Kushner, and i dont think they were looking for Hillary Clinton tidbits in that testimony, and that was focusing on russia and whether or not the president was being investigated. The issue of impeachment, bannon apparently thought impeachment was coming or likely. Bannons tone veered from the desperation to resignation, if he fires mueller it just brings the impeachment quicker, why not, lets do it, what am i going to do . Am i going to save him . Hes donald trump. Thats an appal kocalyptic pn bannons part, and its bullish on bannons part to argue that trump is at risk of impeachment anytime soon, and then the red line Senate Republicans and House Republicans have drawn it, and as long as republicans are control of congress its going to be a very difficult thing to impeach the president. No president has ever had that done by their own party in control of congress. No, its important. We are not talking about a court of law as we go forward. It does need to happen in Congress Going forward. Andrew johnson, and Ron Brownstein covers that. On the issue of steve bannon and the russia investigation, and theres a response drafted on air force one, and steve bannon was really mad about this and called hicks furious and blamed the leaks on her, and he came to see her, 28 years old, and nothing more than a hapless president ial enable lure and poorfish flunky. You take that quote for what it is here, but on the larger issue of steve bannon commenting on the issues, which may be part of the Robert Mueller investigation, does he become a potentially important witness, susan . Hes talking about hearsay things, and whether or not mueller feels like hes going to need to get bannons personal statement, who knows . What it does raise the issue of and is bread crumbs for muellers team, the divergence between statements being made to the public and the reality. Its not a crime for the president to lie to the American People or to a New York Times reporter but its a crime for the president or his staff to lie to the fbi or congressional investigators, so i think what this shows is the difference between the truth and what they were saying and it begs the question, hey, what were they saying to the fbi, what were they saying in the moments in which they were being interviewed where a lie would be c consequential. These are lies that have been out there for months, and in an interview with 60 minutes said the firing of comey was the worst political move in modern history. This is something he had been forecasting for months prior to the book coming out. We have a lot more to discuss. Ron brownstein brought up the issue of fitness, calling the president s fitness for office directly, and he said hes not alone, saying 100 of the people around the president feel the same way. Stocks, well, what a week. Rocking the week, a new jobs report certainly helping things this morning. Likely will the streak continue . Thats all ahead. With adt, you can feel safe for only 49. 00. That includes security panel, keypad, key fob, entry and motion sensors and for a limited time, get a camera included and installed at no additional cost. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. 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I absolutely spoke to the president , whether he realized it was an interview or not i dont know, but it certainly was not off the record. Our panel is back with us. Lets listen, guys, to a little more of what stood out from the interview that savannah did with Michael Wolff. Lets play it. One of the overarching themes according to your reporting, everybody around the president , family members, senior advisers, every single one of them questions his intelligence and fitness for office . Let me put a marker in the sand here, 100 of the people around him. He also went on to say that includes Jared Kushner and ivanka trump. Theres a certain right of passage of a new administration facing this kind of book, and its something that many go through. Look, i think you as i said, what Michael Wolff is doing is aiming a Cruise Missile at what has been trumps greatest vulnerability. Go back to the election on election day, one quarter of the people that voted for him did not think he had the temperament to succeed but they were willing to take a chance and the events of the past year rather than softening or dissolving those doubts deepened, and up to the third thirds of the country questioning whether he has the temperament to succeed. The last 24 hours between the russia story and the book, it shows the turmoil and one other piece of the puzzle we have not talked about, yesterday while all of this was going on the administration moved to open all of the coastal waters of the United States to offshore drilling, thats the force on the other side of the book end. Thats what keeps the machine moving forward despite all of these challenges, which is that the administration, in many ways without any kind of compromise or mediation is advancing the goals of the conservative ends to the Republican Party on the tax bill and environment and et cetera, and thats why they rally around him despite the doubts about his fitness for the job. Its interesting you brought up to the environment, and a big part of the book shows the battle between the forces of steve bannon and Jared Kutcher and ivanka trump, and steve bannon with the paris accord says this, it was like wide the move ivanka trump campaigned hardest against in the white house, score, said bannon, the bitch is dead. Steve bannon has no problem in the book, a mouthing off abo the president and the president s family and aides. We know from reporting and everybody else who was able to gain access to the white house there has been a huge feud and a power struggle. Thats one of the reasons john kelly was brought in as chief of staff to try and quell some of the massive infighting that takes away from a good point ron made which is the white houses ability to roll back obama regulations and appease the base. Bannon is in trouble for mouthing off against the president himself, so he says what he wants and it has gotten him in trouble. Continuing on that theme and the use of the words death match between them, let me just read this. Part of the now deep animosity between the family. This was not in other words merely an internal policy war, it was a death match for bannon to live, kutcher would have to be wholly discredited and jailed. It speaks to the president s argument that i am outraged about the book because you cant go after my family, and he has been going after his family for about a year now, and it raises the question is it the russia investigation, the reason bannon called that meeting treasonous, and is that why trump reacted the way he has. I think the president could come out looking a bit better amonths Establishment Republicans if they have to choose to side with bannon or donald trump, and Mitch Mcconnell has not been a great friend to bannon and not fondly of him and this may reinforce the support for the president. I think in the longterm, though, this book is not going to be a bestseller here, and its going to sell overseas, and a lot of those are trying to figure out what is going on in the president s head, and hearing his top aides calling him names does not bode well for the superpower of the world, and we are seeing responses where countries are going around us when it comes to dealing with their own issues, and i think there are longterm implications for what is coming out of the book. And i dont think we have time to go through the whole quote and Michael Wolff claims why somebody was trying to rationalize why somebody would be the kkk member half of the country say they think he is they felt they still could not afford to be seen as next to him as part of his brand and thats at the core, the question of his values and temperament is the core and the pullback the republicans are seeing that has been at the root of the democratic successes, and electorally, its the biggest threat to them in 2018. Thank you so much for being with us. Guys, a lot to digest today. And into tonight, i should say, be sure to watch the special report, the trump russia investigation that airs at 10 00 eastern only on cnn. Meantime, theres a bright spot for the president this morning. There is. Its about to hit in two minutes when the opening bell rings. The dow hit a major milestone yesterday and a new jobs report is out and its strong and were on it next. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. When i met my team at ctca, they put together a comprehensive plan, that gave me an opportunity to accomplish my goals, and my dreams. Learn more at cancercenter. Com were going to take a look at what happens to the stock market. The economy added 148,000 jobs in december, and that brings the total to 2 million jobs added last year. Lets get to christine romans. A good year, and 2 million is nothing to sneeze at and it shows an economy growing, and we saw 148,000 new jobs, so robust hiring but cooler at the end of the year than what we thought. Thats the slowest pace of hiring since september, and the Unemployment Rate lingering here at a 17year low. 4. 1 . This is what economists call nearing full employment, and full employment could be a brick wall, right. A 9yearold expansion with full employment. Health care, another solid month. Construction, again, a solid month. Manufacturing, too. Retail stalled. A few things happening, a retail apocalypse happening with brick and mortar stores, and many states are raising minimum wages and retailers are cautious about adding new workers. How does it stack up with previous years . About 2. 05 million net new jobs, and round it up to 2. 1 million, and its on track with last year and slower than the hot years of 2014 and 2015. I always say president s get too much credit or too much blame for the economy and numbers like this, and President Trump likes to take credit for numbers like this so i wanted to put that in there for perspective, and this is an economy rolling on its own momentum here, and nine years into an expansion, this is what it looks like. The sad part of the black unemployment, its a number that is going down. All the talk this morning, the stunning new book that calls the president s fitness for office into question, and also the stunning reporting of the New York Times that he asked the white House Counsel to stop the attorney general Jeff Sessions from recusing himself from the russia investigation. Joining us now, democratic senator of hawaii, and thank you for being with us. You sit on the Senate Judiciary committee, so you have a key interest in the New York Times which is that the president asked the white House Counsel, don mcgahn, to tell Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the russia investigation. Your reaction to that news this morning . This is another instance where the president has been very, very focused on trying to derail the russia investigation and his campaign ties to what the russians were trying to do during this last election. Its continuing to add factual information about obstruction of justice by this president and administration. Again, senator, given the fact that you sit on a very important Senate Judiciary committee, do you think white House Counsel don mcgahn should come testify before your committee and if he claimed executive privilege, what would you say . I would welcome don mcgahn to testify before the committee, and theres a huge question as to whether or not he can claim executive privilege, but i would welcome the opportunity to ask him questions. What do you want to learn from him at this point given what has been reported about what he was asked . By the way, he has already spoken to the special counsels investigation . Let me just make very clear that the special counsels investigation has got to continue because that is a criminal investigation, that is very different from what the house and Senate Committees are doing. We have our role to play. What i we can like to hear from don mcgahn or anybody in the administration, is what do they know and when did they know it and what role did they play in interfering with the Russian Investigation. The president tweeted moments ago, the gist of it is there was no collusion and they need to look into Hillary Clinton, et cetera. On that note of look into others, you have got two republican members of congress, mark meadows and jim jordan who called yesterday for sessions to step down and part of the beef with sessions is he has not called for the Second Special counsel to look into Hillary Clinton. Do you think sessions should be attorney general . I did not vote for him, but one thing he did was recuse himself with anything relating to the russia investigation, and this whole thing, what the House Republicans are trying to do is derail muellers investigation, it reminds me of watergate a. Lot of the obstruction of justice reminds me of watergate, and somebody said we are hunting for bears, and we should not be side tracked going after rabbits. Going after Hillary Clinton, once again, its chasing rabbits. We should keep our eye on the bear, khwhich is the russia investigation. Some critics of the investigation pointed out, they suggest the president is within his rights, he can fire the fbi director, and he has the authority to do that, so how is performing something that is within his duties, how would that constitute obstruction . Obstruction of justice is what derailed nixon, so nobody is above the law, including the president of the United States. He can claim that the president can do anything, and thats very wrong, nobody is above the law. On north korea, representing the people of hawaii you are in some ways geographically on the front lines of this, right . We have seen progress, a lot of potential progress this week, and north korea and south korea talking facetoface next week, and the president said a lot of this is because of the rhetoric he has used. Do you give the president any credit on that front or do you believe thats misguided . I think its misguided. What we should be doing is pursuing serious diplomatic avenues to really stabilize what is going on with north korea, and the president does take credit for every good thing that happens and blames everybody else for bad things, but the fact is that the talks between north and south korea, thats a good thing and has not happened in the last number of years, and especially for south korea going into the Winter Olympics, making sure the owe lilympics go witho hitch and security is there is critical and therefore they certainly have their incentives to open the discussions with north korea and stabilize the situation there. We will talk about that a lot more ahead. Senator, we appreciate your time. Thank you. Aloha. I like that. Reason alone to have her. There you go. First, they began by talking on the phone earlier this week but as we said, north korea and south korea will talk facetoface. What will be discussed and how does it impact the future of diplomacy and deescalation from south korea ahead . The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Miracleear, your mornings can come to life with sound. Call the number below so that your day can start just like this. Today can be the day you join millions of americans who have already started hearing better days with miracleear. If you do happen to have hearing loss, miracleear can help keep you more connected to the world around you and the people who matter most. Nows the time to pick up the phone and schedule your free noobligation hearing evaluation. 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Reporter the meetings are going to be held very close to the dividing line between north and south korea, and this is the place you often see on pictures of the demilitarized zone, the blue buildings that straddle the north and the south. These meetings will be to the south of those blue buildings on the south korean side. On tuesday north korean officials will cross over in roughly the same area where a north korean soldier defected late last year and only this time they will walk in an official capacity to sit down and discuss sitting a north korean delegation to the Winter Olympics in pyeongchang. It seemed toward the end of last year that the north was opening up to the idea and of course when the north korean leader, kim jongun, spoke about it in his new years address, it clearly seems like the north koreans are seizing this as an opening and its chance for a win for both sides. Kim jongun can say his athletes are marching on a global stage and due to his policies, the United States and south korea have agreed to delay joint military drills that were supposed to kick off during the par paralympics. They are fulfilling a promise to increase dialogue with north korea. What they will talk about number one on their agenda list on tuesday, logistics. Trying to figure out what needs to happen. There are permissions that need to get from the International Olympic committee because north korea missed the deadline to r participate, and so they are trying to send a pair of figure skaters that we could see compete in south korea. The question is going to be what happens after the olympics . Will this be the end of it or will there be other discussions, or will they talk about the issues, and the north Korean Nuclear program is the contention here, and they far apart on north Koreas Nuclear program, and kim jongun said he would continue to develop Nuclear Weapons in 2018, and will the talks lead to diplomacy or a compromise on the Nuclear Issue or will the two sides that continue to be far apart with the u. S. And south korea and japan and other allies wanting pyongyang to get rid of its nukes. And after the peaceful time after the olympic games, could this be a turning point and see further diplomacy, and thats what we need to watch starting on tuesday and the weeks and months coming ahead. Yeah, important developments in the days ahead will be crucial. Will ripley, thank you for being with us. Appreciate it. And u. S. Ambassador nikki haley praised the antigovernment protesters. This is the third day of the pro government protest that are under way across iran. Lets go to michelle. This is a meeting that nikki haley talked about, and finally this afternoon we are seeing this discussion about what is the stance of the rest of the world regarding these protests . The u. S. Has been extremely and at times surprisingly vocal in supporting the antigovernment protests in iran. In president ial tweets, almost seeming to say that they are looking for regime change and now, but the language has been more vague than that. I think what has been interesting is when you see the u. S. And its allies talking about working together on this, we know for days that the u. S. , france, germany and the uk are going to put out a joint statement condemning the iranian governments reaction to the protest, but they could not reach a consensus on what that statement should even be, so either the u. S. Likes to say that it is in step with u. S. Allies on the stance towards these protests, and towards how iran has handled the protest, but they couldnt even come together on a joint statement. Today we heard nikki haley warning other countries that, you know, saying it would be telling if anybody tries to interfere with the discussion at the u. N. Today even happening. We did see russia react to the fact that this is coming out, and not really a surprising statement by them, but they are saying for the u. S. To be condemning, you know, this action surrounding the protest in conjunction with the u. S. s stance on the iran nuclear deal, russ russia called that undignified, and thats a sneak preview on some of the rhetoric we are likely to hear today. Michelle, thank you very much. David. Top republicans will meet with the president. What will come from it . Field trip. Today might be a good day to leave the white house for the president. He is, he and top republicans, speaker paul ryan, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell heading to camp david today. Holding talks on the agenda and how they make it to the midterm elections. Ryan nobles with the latest on that. Whats supposed to go down here, ryan . John and poppy, good morning from a chilly and quiet capitol hill and youre right, all eyes focused on this big, highstakes meeting set to take place at camp david between the president and the leaders of the Republican Party in both the house and senate. This is really going to be an opportunity for the republicans to prioritize their goals for 2018. Do they talk about perhaps a new replacement for obamacare, a big infrastructure plan, maybe even entitlement reform. These are all important agenda items for the republicans. Before they even get to what theyre talking about in the future, they really need to clean up some of the mess that was left behind in 2017 and the first thing on that list is coming up with a spending plan that gets them passed the january 19th deadline where the government will run out of money. There seems to be progress towards that goal. Republicans do not appear to have an appetite to allow the government to shut down, but theres a chance that, unlike what happened at the end of 2017, that democrats may be more inclined to play a little bit of hardball. Do they tie a fix for daca and d. R. E. A. M. Ers to this spending plan or do they come up with some sort of consensus that both sides can agree upon . This will be, perhaps, the most important thing that these leaders talk about during this weekend retreat. So much of this is against the backdrop of what happens in the 2018 midterm elections. Right now republicans see polls that show that that election could be bleak for them. Do they come up with a plan to turn those things around. Both republicans, the leadership here on the house and in the senate and the president , appear to be on the same page in that direction, but john and poppy, as weve seen, that doesnt always translate into action. This meeting could be the start of what could be a very important year for republicans. For sure. Ryan nobles, thank you. Appreciate the reporting there from capitol hill. So, so many questions this morning coming from the new book fire and fury the expose about the president in the west wing and new reporting from the New York Times that could be damaging to the administration. What the president reportedly asked his white House Counsel to do. Does it add up to obstruction of justice . Were on it. All right. Good morning, everyone. Im john berman. Im poppy harlow. It is pretty clear that first week of the new year will end like so many weeks of the first year of the trump administration, almost entirely engulfed in revelations and controversies from russia and the russia investigation to a chaotic west wing. Today the explosive tellall that President Trump calls phony and full of lies, well, it has been on sale everywhere and i mean everywhere now for an hour. Days ahead of

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