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Thank you. Now that is an Incredible Christmas miracle story. Our thanks to that sergeant and our best wishes to that little boy and his family. Its the top of the hour. Good morning, everyone. I am poppy harlow. John berman has the day off. And doug jones will be certifiedfied for the open senate seat, and thats despite the lawsuit filed overnight by the republican candidate, roy moore. Hes calling for an investigation. What about all the Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault claims against him . He says he took a polygraph test and that proves hes innocent. John merrill was a supporter of roy moore and he just came on cnn and said, look, nothing changes. Thats right, poppy. This was a last gasp hail mary attempt to delay the certification of the results of the special election in alabama dating back to december 12th. In this affidavit filed last night he demands either a new special election or a thorough investigation of what he claims was voter fraud. Lets break down the affidavits. He cites 20 precincts in Jefferson County in alabama, this is an area with a high africanamerican population, and according to the affidavit, the experts say turnout was unusually high and irregular, and so much so it makes the results in Jefferson County suspicious, and theres a claim people from out of state were bussed into alabama to vote for doug jones, and he won the election by more than 20,000 votes. These integrity experts are raising eyebrows, and one of them has a colorful past, and he has pushed conspiracy theories about the former assassination of kennedy, and the most surprising thing about the affidavit has to be the admission from roy moore that he took a polygraph test answering questions about the allegations against him that he inappropriate inappropriately courted teenagers. He writes the results of the examination reflected that i did not know nor had i had any sexual contact with any of these individuals and he goes on to call the allegations false and malicious attacks on my character, and he pushed for supporters to call the secretary of States Office to demand the certification of the results be delayed, but the secretary of state of alabama said by 2 00 p. M. , he, the attorney general and the governor of alabama would certificate the results in favor of doug jones, rendering the lastditch effort by roy moore a failure. Indeed. Thank you for the reporting in washington today. Thank you. Meantime the president is winding down his first year in office. He is touting his accomplishments. Listen to what he said late yesterday. One of the things people dont understand, we have signed more legislation than anybody, and we have broke the record of harry truman. Except thats not true. The fact is President Trump signed fewer bills in office dating all the way back to eisenhower. He accomplished a lot on other fronts so its odd hes touting the number of bills when its factually not the case. Its possible what he was trying to refer to was some of the regulatory pieces he rolled back, but thats not the same thing as signing a bill into law. Take a look at where trump is in the list of recent president s. He almost all the way near the bottom of that list. He signed 96 bills into law since taking office, and other president s going all the way back to eisenhower, 514 bills into law, and john f. Kennedy, and barack obama, 118. George w. Bush, 102. The president is far off the mark on this one. But yesterdays trip to the firehouse was really all about talking about what hes accomplished in the first year, and hes very proud of the tax bill that he called the legislation of all of legislations. Listen to some of the comments he made to the firemen yesterday. The stocks are good now, and a lot of companies coming back into the country, and they are coming back into the country that we love, which is what we care about. Even before the tax cuts, and i will tell you that tax cut bill is something. So the president clearly very proud of what he accomplished in the last couple of weeks. Hes down here in south florida at his maralago row soeresort. A couple minutes ago he left to the Trump International golf course where he has been for the last three days, and we have not had much else on the agenda other than the visit to the golf resort and the impromptu stop at the firehouse yesterday. Thank you. With me a Political National reporter for the post, and lynn sweet. Lynn, help me understand why the president would not have instead said i got a Supreme Court pick and all the lower court picks and a partial Obamacare Repeal and by the way i got the first tax reform in three decades. Why not tout all of those, which are big, big accomplishments for his base and conservatives . Well, and some of this is best luck to psychologists, this is what people who are serial liars and embellishers do, they cant distinguish between facts and the need and craving that President Trump has just to declare himself in any category the best, the biggest, the smartest. Now every one knows all legislation is not the same, poppy, a bill renaming a post office is not the same as a consequential sweeping overhaul of the bill, and many of the things are worth bragging about that President Trump did accomplish, and the naming alone of a Supreme Court justice who you thinks carries out your values is a consequential achievement, and the fact that President Trump keeps framing and cant stop this compulsive need to atkpwrapb dies himself and be better than anybody, and and the comparing to other president s, its again the total answer is psychological but the political answer is he thinks this keeps his base, and i am extrapolating, that he truly believes that this is a little bit its everything you think it is when somebody totally disregards the facts, even on something as simple as bills signed. Phillip, here is a fact, and that is the republican secretary of state of alabama this morning saying on our air that, indeed, doug jones will be certified as the winner of the special senate election, and this is him saying roy moore with his claim of voter fraud holds no water. There are things that are similar to roy moore to the President Trump playbook. Claim voter fraud, and say all the women that come out with allegations against you are liars. Is this the trump playbook going sour for roy moore . I think the voter fraud in particular goes way beyond Donald Trumps, and he seized on it, and trump started talking about this issue of voter fraud. This has been something republicans have isolated as an issue for sometime in part to be able to advocate for voter i. D. Laws that have the net effect as spr suppressing democrat votes. Theres little in person voter fraud, and alabama is a state with voter i. D. , and so all of that said i dont know that this is specific to donald trump, this issue of voter fraud, but there continues to be parallels with the candidacy of roy moore and donald trump. It raises the question, if donald trump had have lost would it be something similar to this, would he continue to fight. And the stock market, although half of americans dont have a penny in the market, but its great for folks in the market, and its not in unique to the president and in your new piece you say its not unique to Global Markets right now period. Thats right. So trump, as you said, he likes to tout the stock market and he likes to talk about particular numbers, and its important to note that along with the dow in the Standard Poors index, we have seen increases in germany and japan, and at the same time if you look at the first year of Barack Obamas presidency, if you look at the first year of Franklin Roosevelts presidency, you saw greater increases in the dow president bush. Yes, exactly. This is an example of Donald Trumps seizing on a number that he thinks portrays him well. Lynn, another note aside, but steve bannon, his former chief strategist and his platform, breitbart, breaking up with a controversial candidate running against House Speaker paul ryan, and thats paul knee learn, and he touted reading this book as being seen as antisemitic, and i dont know why this guy is the line for breitbart and bannon to come out and say we are not behind him anymore. I dont know what triggered the final cutting between them, but the real question is why would you go with this candidate to begin with . All anybody has to do is look at his last 20 tweets to know that this is somebody who is a white nationalists and putting out antisemitic tweets. This is not somebody who any decent person should stand behind. Its interesting that this s the one. You wonder if theres an alabama lesson in this. I dont know. At least they are trying to cut their losses, and this is a district where paul ryan is popular, and so the chance of this this is not an open seat like it was in alabama. Whatever issues they have with paul ryan, they were not going to solve them by getting a french candidate. Thank you. Nice to have you both. Appreciate it. A lot ahead in this hour, and a new report raising fears about north korea. Plus, putting the rocky year behind them . The top diplomat is the president s feare president s fiercest behind them. Israels plans for the president , ahead. It can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It. Is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats designed for your data. Ai ready. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for business. Yours. Secretary of state, rex tillerson, said americans should be encouraged by the progress the state department made this year. He also writes about russia saying, quote, there are no illusions about the russia regime and he adds the u. S. Has poor relations. Russia quick to respond this morning calling that opinion piece confrontational and in their words, fake news. Lets discuss that with general marks, and david rhodes. I was struck by a number of things in the tillerson opt ed, and he goes so much further than the president did even in his address last week when he laid out the National Security strategy . The tone is very different. I agree with you. It may have been signed off by staff at the white house, but the question always is, is it the president himself . The President Trump has been critical of tillerson, and the tone is different towards moscow. Trump continues to praise putin and see russia as a tremendous influence around the world, which i dont see, personally, at least. How do you see it . Well, our relationship with russia has been defined previously, obviously through the soviet union, and we have to be able to determine where we want to cooperate with russia. As a matter of routine, we compete. We compete very, very well. But what we need to be able to do is define narrowly areas where we could cooperate. I would hope the president sees that as a possibility, but i am happy to see the secretary of state being cautious about what that approach needs to look like. When he writes about north korea, the language that stood out to me is this. He said a door to dialogue remains open but we made it clear the regime must earn its way back to the negotiating table. Earn its way back to the negotiating table. This after the president tweeted in october save your energy, rex tillerson, dont worry about negotiating with the kim regime. Clearly north korea has been incredibly provocative, but they are doing what they do. Theres no surprise. We understand the arc of what this regime has been like, and there are no bumps in the road in terms of their Movement Toward achieving this capability. I think the United States would be wise to declare north korea a nuclear power, and that would put kim in a far more precarious position and that would lead to a freeze of what his development has achieved so far, and there are other elements of weapons of mass destruction with chemicals and bio, and thats how you earn your way back. The impossession of sanctions can take hold. We need to get china onboard to include an approach that looks like its working, and the United States and south korea can make progress on the peninsula. It would start with a freeze. David, clearly tillerson is well aware of the controversy within his own state department, the number of departures and the ambassadors who have spoken out against him and what has been done at the state department, he addresses that somewhat, and he says challenges must address root problems, and we are giving our people more opportunities to spend more time confronting the global problems they have dedicated their careers to solving. What do you make of that . Every current and former diplomat i have spoke to, its 100 top if 100 top generals left the pentagon under a democratic administration, that would be seen as an outcry. I kreucredit him with north kor and thats the appropriate route, but he has not done a good job running the state department. Its a deny tkpwraeugs. He ran exxonmobil for so long. There are only four elements of power, and as david indicated, diplomatic power is primary among all the others which are information, military and economic, and if you dont have a robust diplomatic effort you have to build more Weapons Systems for solutions. Thats an important point. New fears that north korea is developing biological weapons, and the soldier that defected has anthrax in his system and that indicates he was vaccinated against anthrax or exposed to it at some point. Also this morning, new signs north korea could be preparing for another missile launch. Lets go to Barbara Starr with more on that front. What are those signs showing us . As your panel was discussing, is north korea preparing for another provocation. Sources are telling us, u. S. Government sources are telling us there are preliminary indications that north korea may be, once again, moving equipment around, including potentially vehicles that could be indications of preliminary activity for either another Ballistic Missile test or possibly the launch of a satellite and either of those would be provocative, because the south korean olympics are coming up after the new year and everybody is focussed on trying to keep the peninsula very calm and very much a steady state in the region during those Olympic Games, and so something the u. S. Is watching closely, preliminary signs, no conclusions yet but are watching around the clock. One of the other developments you are reporting on in the last 12 or so hours, the Trump Administration made a strategic decision, and that is to be more quiet, in other words, more discreet about talking about the military operations. Why . Quiet for now. Again, look at the calendar. The olympics are coming up, and north korea has always very publicly objected to u. S. War games in the region, and china is sensitive about it. It starts, at least, with the idea keep the peninsula quiet and stable during the runup to the Olympic Games and through the games. There were u. S. Military exercises scheduled and the pentagon wont say if they are still scheduled, because you want to talk about your training and war game and exercises because you dont want your adversaries to interpret that perhaps real military operations may be under way and you want everybody to understand the difference between operations and simply training. The pentagon may be a little nervous about this strategy of not talking about it, but, of course, the big unknown in the coming weeks is what will President Trump do. He may be looking at this and not talking about it very much or we could see him once again on twitter with very assertive language about north korea. We will see if he tweets about it in his words, little rocket man. Thank you. More than two dozen republican lawmakers are calling it quits this year. One republican on his way out says washington is in worse shape than when he got there. Congre congressman charlie dent is with me. And then looking at the opening bell, and once again the dow inching closer and closer to that 25,000 milestone mark. Were keeping an eye on the bell. Stay with us. Lets begin. Yes or no . Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . What about a dedicated service team of trading specialists . Did you say yes . Good, then its time for power e trade. The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Looks like we have a couple seconds left. Lets do some card twirling twirling cards e trade. The original place to invest online. Wifiso if you cant live without it. T it. 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I had been thinking about leaving Congress Since 2013, and since the shutdown i thought it might be time to move on, and those are part of my reasons. We are in a challenging midterm environment. The party and the president , typically loses 32 seats in a situation like this. Of course, donald trump, you know, he complicates that because hes a polarizing figure, and i suspect our challenges will be even greater just because of that. Challenges even greater because of the president than just because of what history has shown us. At the same time, you know, hes done some big things that have been big wins for his conservatives, tax reform, first time in three decades getting that done, and also neil gorsuch appointed to the Supreme Court, and those are big wins for your party. Are they worth the damage, what you call the dysfunction that also has come with that . Well, i think the wins are, like you said, they are very significant on the Supreme Court and tax reform. Whether or not those legislative victories will translate into political success is another matter. One of the challenges i notice, whether its on Regulatory Reform or tax reform, whatever the case may be. Sometimes because he has become such a lightning rod and a polarizing figure himself, and people will oppose a policy because the president supports it, and thats the environment we live in right now. When i disagree with the president , there are people loyal to the president that call you a sellout and trader, and then the people opposing the president , people say you are a tough guy and great guy and stand up, and then this is what you deal with, and people are just so polarized. This is part of why you are leaving washington, clearly, and you are not leaving your party or beliefs or conservative roots, and you are worried about the future of your party. You said you were absolutely concerned the Republican Party is alienating hispanic voters, female voters, Younger Voters if something does not change. What does your party look like in ten years . Well, one of the challenges our party faces, we have a much Stronger Base with older voters, and white voters, aobviously. We have to do a job reaching out to constituencies for our party. The under 50 crowd, as i like to say, we have to do a better job with. Does anything tell you thats happen stphg are y happen . Are you seeing that . At the moment, no. Reince priebus, when he was rnc chair he made a lot of good recommendations at the time about reaching out to hispanics in particular, and we have gone in the wrong direction on that score. The president s campaign was directed more as solidifying the base, and appealing more to older white voters. You alienate a lot of hispanic voters with his comments on mexicans and latinos and the charlottesville situation, and there are comments about muslims, and so i think that has hurt us that were not expanding the base. I always said politics and getting elected is an exercise in inclusion and not exclusion and addition and not subtraction. This is not a club where you want to keep people out but there is where you try to get people into the tent and not put them out. But it worked for the president , right . It worked for the president to win the Electoral College this time around, however when you look forward to 2020 theres a fascinating analysis in the Washington Post by Jennifer Ruben, and she wrote this, if democrats go far left lining up behind senator Bernie Sanders the void in the middle of the political spectrum will be enticing to strong on defense practical rightcenter candidate who earned credibility by opposing trump from the get go. And she names a few names, and she goes on. Do you think thats a possibility . I actually do. I had not read her piece but i think i understand what Jennifer Ruben is saying. If the Democratic Party goes full bernie, hard left, and the Republican Party stays where it is, that opens up a lot the space in the senate. I noticed this for sometime that there are many people in both Political Parties who are, you know, who want to go about their lives and are not obsessed with politics and they are working and doing their best and they want to see their government function, and they are not ideology augz, but they are practical people. I think both parties are in a bad place because it seems to me that the Political Parties are realigning right now, and nobody is sure how it is going to sort itself out. I mean, its going to take a cycle or two to understand it, and my party faces another challenge that is demographic. We can continue to play to the base, sure. We show the growing numbers of minorities, and texas could change quite a bit between cycles and if we lose texas that would be a major blow to the coalition, and i will say the big 10 states may be trending more to the republican advantage right now. Big problems for both parties, and that is your prediction as you are on the way out. Nice to have you here. Thanks so much and happy holidays. Thanks, poppy. Great to be with you. Happy new year. You as well. Isis, claiming responsibility for the attack in kabul. Dozens killed. Thats next. Been jimmys longest. Jimmy shouting james hes survived record rain and a supplier that went belly up. So while hes proud to have helped put a roof over the heads of hundreds of families, hes most proud of the one hes kept over his own. Brand vo get the most out of your money, whether youre using quickbooks smart invoicing to get paid twice as fast or automatically tracking your mileage. Smarter Business Tools for the worlds hardest workers. 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They were marking the russian invasion of afghanistan, and this suicide bomber managed to infiltrate the gathering and then detonated the explosives. This was then followed by two other smaller explosions. Given the space where the attack took place, that presumably is one of the leading reasons why the casualty, the death and toll and that of those wounded is so high. Isis has claimed responsibility at this stage. Its worth noting that the attacks in afghanistan, whether its in the capital or elsewhere, whether its against the civilian population or the afgh Afghan Security forces has really been on the rise since the attack in kabul over the summer that killed around 150 people. Of course, what is especially devastating to the afghan population is not just the lost of live, the impact these attacks have on those wounded and their families, and its also the psychological impact, people in afghanistan are exhausted, they are tired of burying the dead. At this stage it seems like isis and the balantaliban, many will you they are growing incapacity. Thank you very much. In the meantime, israel officials are so happy with President Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel they are showing their gratitude to the president by putting his name on the new western wall train station. What is the reaction on the ground to this . Obviously not everybody is happy to see it . Reporter of course this is phreut, as it so often is between the israeli and palestinian conflict. President trump is nothing short of a hero. They plan to take a highspeed rail station into old jerusalem, and name that after President Trump. It will be just a few feet away from the western wall. Trump when he visited in may made history because he was the first sitting u. S. President to visit the western wall, and that thrilled israelis. But his statement a few weeks ago where he recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel, and it has not made everybody happy here. A senior muslim cleric says the train station, the highspeed rail, naming it after trump, none of that changes jerusalem as an occupied territory. Poppy, this is not the only project that is to be named after trump. As you pointed out, theres a park in northern israel, and they are building a park starting construction next month that will be named donald trump park, and the mayor is considering inviting the president to the opening of the park in april, and then in southern israel, they are considered naming streets of President Trump, and you get a sense of how happy israelis are and how angry palestinians are. Yes, we do. Thank you. Now a moment of unity. Thats what we are going to bring you. A family of voters from kentucky has a dream. Take a look. Yeah, he said that since we have been married, we will go to the grand canyon one day. That was their dream and it came true thanks to a rich democrat. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It. Is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats designed for your data. Ai ready. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for business. Yours. I just finished months of chemo. But i dont want to talk about months. I want to talk about years. Treatments have gotten better, so. Im hoping for good years ahead. Thats thanks to Research Funded by the american cancer society. The same folks giving me free rides to treatment, insurance advice,and a place to stay during chemo. I need that stuff like you dont know. And now that you do, please give at cancer. Org we may not have seen a lot of unity in washington this year but across the country its a different story. Last year, we visited families in kentucky at a town where 81 of the population voted for President Trump. We went back this year to see if the voters feel like the president has lived up to his promises for them. And while we were there we found one family who received help from a very unexpected place. Look at this. We interviewed you for this story an it airs on cnn and at the end, you say, we just want our first vacation in ten years. Ten years, yeah. I said, where would you go . You guys both said the grand canyon. Yeah. He said that since were married. A beautiful thing happened after you last visited. You got a call out of the blue from a rich democrat in new york city. Right. Is that right . Yeah. He sent us a beautiful letter that has never been read by anybody but us and with an itinerary for a trip to the grand canyon. He said, nobodys ever to know my name. I dont want any recognition. Please call if you will accept this. And after a couple of days, you know, it is like, i have to call because i cant believe this. And was absolutely one of the nicest people that you could ever talk to. He was so funny and within probably three weeks i guess we were on a plane to the grand canyon and he said, i dont want you to even buy a cup of coffee with your money. And it was wonderful. It was wonderful. We are just i told him, i said, i feel so blessed. You know . He said, i am blessed and i want others to be blessed, as well. How do you know hes a democrat . He told me. We talked and laughed about everything. He said he came in from work and sat up on the couch and that was airing at this time. This is beattyville, kentucky. And that his wife had wanted to go to the grand canyon and he said, no, i do the beach and thats all im doing and a joke to him but he listened and he said, within just a minute he knew that Hillary Clinton would never know where beatyville, kentucky, was. He said this is a clinton supporter. Absolutely. Yeah. He said, i voted for her but he said i can completely understand why you could not vote for her. I understand. He said, it would have never done you any good. I know that. You know that. He said i didnt understand until i saw this. What did you think, harold . I couldnt believe it. I wont believe it until were on the plane going. Then you were there. Exactly. There was a bigger message here. Look at that unity. Oh, yes. Rich democrat from new york. You guys republicans in beatyville, kentucky, coming together over a common humanity. There whats funny is there are people here in the town right now thats never spoken to me since that aired because i voted for trump. Really . Yes. The backlash you got. Absolutely. From your own friends . Yes, yes. You guys found a common humanity. Sure. It seems like that is lacking in washington. Absolutely. Nobodys nice. Nobody wants to play nice. I mean, just to be a human being and be considerate, thats whats lacking. Nobodys considerate. Civility in washington . Absolutely. Hmm. A lesson on being considerate and civility from the shouse family if not from the lawmakers these days. We are so happy for them. Ahead, Roy Moore Says the Alabama Senate race was tainted by what hes calling systemic voter fraud and suing trying to delay the certification. Moments ago the competitor, the winner of the race weighed in what he is saying and how its all playing out this morning. Fast moving developments ahead. , pain from chest congestion can make this. Feel like this. Allinone cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. Tylenol®. Hi, im the internet you knoarmless bowling. Lt . Ahhhhhhhh you know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. Youve spent a lifetime saving so that you could afford to spend your later years the way you want. 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Hes calling for an investigation. Thats not all. He say that is he took a polygraph test that proves he is innocent. When it comes to the Sexual Misconduct allegations feagains him. Boris johnson joins me from washington. You have the democrat responding in all of this and the republican secretary of state who was a supporter of roy moore saying essentially the claims are baseless. Thats right,op

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