Department is going to come up with anything responsive on their request for more information about the president s claim of president obamas wiretapping essentially. The reason why is there are a lot of people in washington, even some past and current government officials who said President Trump was incorrect at the very least, including a former director of National Intelligence. On the senate side, senator john mccain is skeptical as well. Listen to what he said. The president has one of two choices, either retract or to provide the information that the American People deserve because, if his predecessor violated the law, president obama violated the law, weve got a serious issue here to say the least. A serious issue indeed. If nothing else, todays deadline certainly will go to the credibility of the president and his tweet on the weekend a couple weeks ago. Back to you, john. Joe johns at the white house. But wait. There is more. While we await evidence from the white house, the president s counselor Kellyanne Conway is suggesting other ways that the campaign could have been kept under close watch. Who knew the president even had a microwave . There are many ways to surveil each other now unfortunately. Do you believe that was there was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, through their certainly through their television sets, any number of different ways, microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera. So we know that that is just a fact of modern life. What the president has asked is for the investigation into surveillance to be included in the on going investigation. We want to bring in mike rogers, hes a Cnn National Security commentator. Mr. Chairman, last week you said you believe these wiretap claims from the president , eviden evidencefree, are feeding the conspiracy parking meter. Did Kellyanne Conway just make a ft. Knoxlike deposit . This makes me scratch my head. They just bought another week of this story that seems an odd place to put their energy and interest. When they have the director of National Intelligence under barack obama for eight years, director clapper came out and said two important things. He said, one, there was no fisa warrant against the campaign or anyone at trump tower or anything like that, which is plausible to me only because theres a pretty high threshold, the government would have to go to a judge and convince them in the middle of a president ial campaign that they had probable cause to believe someone there was committing a crime. I just find that would be hard to swallow. The second piece was that there was no collusion with the russians. The longer they talk about this, the more theyre stretching out this story that doesnt seem to be plausible. What is plausible to me, the former fbi guy, there may have been incidental collection of a wiretap somewhere, meaning they had a fisa warrant on someone else and a person at trump tower may have contacted them, maybe innocent, maybe no criminal intent whatsoever, but that contact would be registered in the way that they collect information and noting. Thats the only thing i can think of right now where they can get confused about there might be a wiretap on trump tower or their phone, but again, i dont get this. I dont know why they dont just stop talking about this, let the investigation do its thing. Let me play you how Kellyanne Conway explained or justified those comments. She was on new day a few minutes ago. Listen to this. I was answering a question about surveillance techniques generally. I was reflecting what people saw on the news last week. Im not inspector gadget. I dont believe people are using the microwave to spy on the Trump Campaign. However, im not in the job of having evidence. Thats what investigations are for. She wasnt answering a question about surveillance. She was asking a question about the president s evidencefree claims about wiretapping on trump tower. Chairman rogers, youre saying it may be more than politically inexpedient if hes charging the former president with a felony. You worked in the Intelligence Committee for a long time. Does it shake the very foundations of the credibility, not just the Intelligence Community, but also the office of the president . Well, he certainly needs to get this corrected if, in fact, there is no criminal act there. Theres two possibilities in this. Three really. If he was right and the president had ordered some kind of surveillance which im not sure how that would work, you would have a conspiracy line that would be a mile long of fbi agents and technical agents and all of the things it would take, i find that not to be plausible. The other thing is, there is a criminal warrant and or a fisa warrant used to intercept thing which means it went through a process, due process and some judge believed it was credible. I dont know how either one of those are a good conversation for this president to be having right now. And i would he needs to correct the record. You cannot i think its wrong for a sitting president to accuse a former president , i dont care what political stripe, o of a criminal activity. I dont think thats right. He ought to correct it and move on. Call it the new guy thing and get about the business of the day of america. Theres plenty of those issues to deal with. Well see if, in fact, that happens. The house Intelligence Committee has asked for evidence by today from the department of justice. You ran this committee. What happens, by the end of today, if this evidence isnt handed over . Theres lots of ways the committee can get that information. This contempt charge, you can do that. You can take it to the house floor. Its a longer process. Actually eric holder was voted to be in contempt by congress by withholding information. The real way the Intelligence Committee has power is by withholding funds. They can stop they can start drying up certain funds as a way to get compliance. I imagine all of those things are being considered. Certainly as chairman, thats where my head would be because i think its a quicker way to get what they need. The department of justice should absolutely coordinator raperate investigation. Unless theres a legitimate reason they cant give it to you today, but they ought to be talking to the investigators on the committee to make sure theyre in compliance. Its a separate but equal branch. The department of justice does not have the right not to comply with these kinds of investigations. Barring a legitimate reason, whatever that may be, would the department of justice be in contempt if it does not turn over that evidence today . They could ask for a contempt to go through the house process. In order for them to be in contempt, theres two ways to do it. They would refer to the Justice Department, you can know where that is going, or stake it to the house floor and have an official vote to hold the attorney general in contempt which certainly would be kind of a big and ugly process. I hope it never gets that far. Again, they should just comply both by courtesy and by law. Chairman mike rogers, always good to have you with us, thanks so much for your help on this. Thanks, john. Its a jampacked morning here. Any moment we could get the price tag of the Republican Health care overhaul from the conditioningal budget office. Were already seeing prophylactic medicine from Republican Leaders saying this anticipated important estimate should not be so anticipated or important. Listen. The one thing im certain will happen is cbo will say, gosh, not as many people will get coverage. You know why . This isnt a government mandate. Sometimes we ask them to do stuff theyre not capable of doing. Estimating a bill of this size probably isnt the best use of their time. It is exactly what the Congressional Budget Office does, though, however. Cnns Suzanne Malveaux joining us from capitol hill. Suzanne. Reporter as you know, theres a big fight ahead. Ever o one is waiting for the cbo score. House republicans are trying to push this through congress. I believe the score will slow down the process, it will reveal the impact on the premiums, also reveal the cost and the estimate number of americans impacted by this legislation. It is estimated, john, it could be at least 15 Million People over the course of ten years who lose their Health Care Insurance under this new plan. Now, this is something that many republicans are anticipating. They are trying to play it down, as you saw House Speaker paul ryan. There are also senators weighing in, republicans who are panning that argument. One of them rand paul essentially saying President Trump as many as House Republicans are not living up to their bargain. If we get what weve got from ryan, obamacare light, he will not have the votes. We have to get to that point before true negotiations begin. Right now theres a Charm Offensive going on, everybody being nice to everybody because they want us to vote for this. Were not going to vote for it. Reporter john, people will start taking off the gloves. What rand paul and others are expecting is they possibly have an ally in President Trump in terms of negotiating at least on one point. That is the speed of rolling back the medicaid expansion, conservatives want that to happen faster than some of the moderates. Thats something President Trump is very much aware of. Tomorrow is when hell be hosting a group of 40plus of the House Republicans to the white house for a pizza and Bowling Party to try to woo them to figure out how they can work that out. This is also something that the presidencies as quite flexible tomorrow not tomorrow, but actually wednesday. Whats going to happen is the House Budget Committee is going to take a look at this bill and see what can be worked out and whether or not there is any point of negotiation as the president believes, john. All right, Suzanne Malveaux, ten minutes after 9 00. We are waiting for those new cbo numbers. Well come back to you if we get this em this hour. There is a backlash this morning after republican congressman tweeted we cannot restore our civilization with somebody elses babies. What does that mean . This morning he responded. Plus this. The fact that russia is being demonized in that sense comes very strange to us, and we are really sorry about that. Russia says nothing to see here when it comes to charges of campaign spying. Senator jain says theohn mccain a centipede on the loose. Who needs flowers and leaves and grass this spring . By the way, what spring . Tens of millions of people on the path of the severe storm getting ready to hit the northeast. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhhhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it. Just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. Are you sure . Positive. Huh, so i guess i could just check my credit score then. Oh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. I was answering a question about surveillance techniques generally. I was reflecting what people saw on the news last week. Im not inspector gadget. I dont believe people are using the microwave to spy on the Trump Campaign. However, im not in the job of having evidence. Thats what investigations are for. Shes not inspector gadget. Kellyanne conway, counselor no the president explaining to chris cuomo why she sug jefted to an interview that what wikileaks released last week about spying methods from the cia including cameras and cell phones and microwaves and spying that way, why she linked that in the interview to the president s evidencefree claims he was spied on by president obama. Joining me julian zelizer, rebecca berg from realclearpolitics and patrick healey, cnn political analyst and deputy culture editor for the new york times. Rebecca, i want to start with you. Kellyanne conway said she was answering about surveillance techniques in general. Let me read you the question she was responding to. One of the things that seem to be dogging him this week is the allegations about wiretaps. Do you know whether trump tower was wiretapped. That doesnt seem to be the question about microwaves. She brought up microwaves. Why do you think she was trying to drop that implication bomb. It doesnt make a lot of sense from a strategic standpoint, there isnt a lot of incentive from Kellyanne Conway or anyone in the Trump Administration to be bringing up this issue. Weight it leads to are further questions about russia, about any ties about the Trump Campaign or some of its allies might have had with russia. It really doesnt do them a lot of good. Mike rogers earlier in your show this morning said a similar thing. Why are they raising this issue, this is going to be another week where were talking about russia and a potential investigation into the Trump Campaign. It doesnt make a lot of sense insomuch as this is potentially a strategy. The only reason that i can think that they would be bringing this up is to assign some sort of political motivation to anything that the Intelligence Community uncovers about the Trump Administration or the Trump Campaign. So far we dont know what the Intelligence Community will find, what the Senate Intel Committee will find in their investigation, and so its really unclear why at this stage they continue to raise this issue while they are producing no evidence to back up their claims. She didnt just introduce the wiretap issue to be fair. She was asked about wiretaps. What she introduced was the idea that perhaps theres at least at a minimum, rhetorical linkage about the wiretap claims and the wikileak dump about surveillance methods. John mccain no fan of the Trump Administration right now essentially said its time to put up or shut up. Either provide the evidence or retract your claim. We know john mccain is no big fan of the president. How much of a problem is it if senior members of your own party are starting to doubt you in public like this . Its a big problem. The Trump Administration has relied on one thing so far as a firewall, and thats the republican congress. And when you have republicans starting to come after the president and to raise these kinds of questions, either with the russian investigation, but more immediately with this wiretap accusation that the president has made, it could be a problem because mccain and other republicans actually have clout on capitol hill, unlike the democrats. They can launch investigations. They can create pressure on the administration. Thats why this raises a lot of red flags for the white house. So pat healey, i want to come to you. Roger stone, a longtime political operative who over the weekend admitted to a Twitter Exchange with guccifer 2. 0, the hacker cho who claims he broke into the dnc, also bragging about a back channel with wikileaks. That happened. Roger stone doesnt dispute either of these things. I want you to explain to our audience exactly what roger stones connection is to donald tru trump. Its a major connection. Roger stone goes back in politics to president nixons 1972 reelection campaign. Hes the kind of republican consultant who learned not only the details but also the value of kind of the dark arts of politics, how youre not just effective when youre sitting at a table negotiating policy, but youre maneuvering behind the scenes to try to advance your president or principals agenda. By that i mean during the 2016 Campaign Roger Stone was someone who was involved and quoted in the National Enquirers reports about ted cruzs father and whether ted cruzs father played a role during the jfk assassination. He organized very aggressively against republicans who might be stealing the nomination from then donald trump, candidate trump. In this case, john, he basically has now admitted hes become sort of the first person to be linked between guccifer and wikileaks and donald trump. This is a guy who has been an offandon adviser to donald trump for decades. Hes someone who, even when hes been formally let go or expelled from Donald Trumps inner circle, is still someone who talks to donald trump, certainly did during the campaign. Its someone who very much has a lot of history with the president. To be clear, stone claims there was no collusion, no proof of collusion between roger stone right now and any russians or hackers over the hacking and the dumps during the campaign. But there is the contact which you can bet democrats will want to look into. I want to shift topics. Congressman steve king of iowa raised a lot of eyebrows over the weekend whoen he tweeted wilders understands we cant restore our sive san diego with somebody elses babies. Wilders is a politician in the netherlands running for office. What caught our eye, demographics are our defendant nay. Do we have the sound of him responding on new day . Lets play what he told chris cuomo. I said the same thing as far as ten years ago to the german people and any population of people that is a declining population that doesnt isnt willing to have enough babies to row produce themselves. Ive said you cannot rebuild your sive civilization with somebody elses babies. You have to keep your birth rate up and you need to teach your children your values. In doing so, you can grow your population and strengthen your culture, strengthen your way of life. Thats a clear message that we need to get our birth rates up or europe will be entirely transformed within a half century or a little more. It was interesting, rebecca, when chris cuomo pressed him whether a Muslim American is as american as a german american, steve king sort of paused and didnt seem to answer that question at least directly. This appears to be steve king talking. I dont think he speaks for one party or another. But it is alarming to a lot of people to hear an elected leader talk like this. It is. Thats exactly why, john, youve seen some republicans since steve king initially tweeted this, seen republicans coming out, some of his colleagues in congress and saying we completely reject this argument and condemn this argument. Congressman Carlos Curbelo was one of the first. You really dont see support in the party for this sort of idea. So for now it really is just steve king talking, but you have heard similar ideas in the past from steve bannon, the president s chief strategist, from stephen miller, his senior policy adviser. There is this idea that there might be some support in the administration for these ideas, maybe not quite as intense or extreme as what steve king expressed. Certainly we are seeing a rise of this sort of sentiment in europe with wilders, and i think that is significant. It may not be the last we hear. Professor zelizer, rebecca, patrick, thanks so much. The news site once run by the president s chief strategist, suggested the president s chief architect of hb reform just committed the lie of the year. What what did he say and what are the implications of this . Thats next. Hello, my name is w. I am helping 8 million taxpayers get the largest refund they deserve. One Million People can benefit from precision cancer care. 197 million passengers can fly with less turbulence. I am on my way to working with one billion people. I look forward to working with you. I am on my way to working with one billion people. I just had to push one button wto join. S thing is crazy. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Introducing intuitive, one touch video calling from vonage. Call now and get amazon chime at no additional cost. How do you become americas bestselling brand . You make it detect what they dont. Stop, stop, stop sorry. You make it sense whats coming. Watch, watch, watch mom. Relax im relaxed. You make it for 16year olds. Whoawhoawhoa and the parents who worry about them. You saw him, right . Going further to help make drivers, better drivers. Dont freak out on me. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. This morning dissension in the conservative ranks, breitbart calling this a contender for the lie of the year. I firmly believe nobody will be worse off financially in the process that were going through, understanding theyll have choices that they can select the kind of coverage that they want for themselves and their family, not the Government Forces them to buy. Remember breitbart was the site run by steve bannon. This as we await report from the Congressional Budget Office on the price tag of the new republican bill. Joining us u Austan Goolsbee from university of chicago under president obama. Steven moore, distinguished visiting fellow at the heritage foundation. Steven advised President Trump when he was a candidate and sometime after. Nop one will be worse off financially under this plan. Are those problematic comments. There are tens of millions of americans worse off under obamacare. Its led to skyrocketing costs of health care. 22 increases across the country in terms of premiums which is a huge pinch on american families. I was in arizona a week or two ago. In arizona premiums have doubled. Its hard for republicans to do anything worse i do understand premiums have gone up and arizona is one of the worst places. If youre saying no one will be worse off financially, the cbo could come out and say 5 Million People will lose their insurance, ten Million People will lose their insurance. If youre losing your medical insurance, arent you worse off financially . I think republicans need to take that off the table and say were going to cover everybody who is covered under obamacare but were going to do it in a way that reduces their costs and does it in a way that increases competition and allows people to keep their own doctor and health care provider. You do that through a competitive Free Enterprise model. Austan, youve been smiling. Lets wipe the smile off your face. Hes working, hes not smiling. When candidate obama and then president obama was trying to pass obamacare, he promised repeatedly, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. That did not turn out to be true for everyone. On this issue of promise and deliveries, a little da gentleman view today austan . The deja vu part, the irony here is that declaration that republicans love to go over, he lied because you can keep your plan, only 2 of people were affected that could not keep their plan. It was only a sliver of the individual market. What theyre saying here is literally going to apply to tens of millions of people. The reason why they wont get up and say what steve moore wanted them to say, everyone will be covered and theyll do it in a way that saves costs, they cant say that. The cbo is going to put out a number today thats going to make completely clear that millions of people are going to lose their insurance. The cost is going to be higher. Premiums are going to skyrocket even more than they would have skyrocketed without this, and its going to cost the government money. That is why were less than two months in. They have developed a lifethreatening fact allergy in the administration. You see them saying dont trust anything the cbo tells you, dont trust the kbur row of labor statistics. Its embarrassing what theyre doi doing. Steven, your response. The Health Insurance market right now is in a death spiral. Austan, i disagree with you. I think whats happening is the costs are exploding at such an accelerating rate, if we stay with the Current System, were going to see more and more millions of americans losing their Health Insurance because they cant afford to pay for it. I know a lot of families personally who say if these cost escalations happen, im going to drop my Health Care Insurance and go naked without health care. We cannot stay on the course were on. Is the republican plan perfect . No. There are a lot of things that need to be fixed. But to stay with the Current System is a train wreck. I do think, look, how can you say its going to cost more, for example, if you allow people to buy insurance across state lines. I live in virginia. I have Auto Insurance in iowa. Why do i need to have my Health Insurance in the state i live in . Lets have much more competit n competition. Youre a great economist. I learned it from you, when you have competition, prices fall. Austan . Look, we want competition, but the two things to emphasize are, number one, steve moores description of the Health Insurance industry is completely factually not correct. He just said he learned it from you. If you look at the cost of health care delivery, look at the cost of health care over the last six years, the costs have risen in the slowest rate in the last half century. Where there are problems are on the exchanges in republican states where they have done everything they can to try to undermine and blow up obamacare. So fine, in those states, they need to address various problems. Thats not what the republican plan is doing. The cbo is going to make that completely clear. Millions of people are going to lose their insurance and what tom price said, he was actually parsing his words because theyre trying to set the stage that, if you lose your insurance, hes going to say youre financially better off because you dont have to pay for insurance now because you arent able to get it. Thats why i was smiling, because thats ridiculous. Let me make one point about this that i think a lot of people dont understand. All under almost all these republican plans, whether what the House Republicans want, what obama wants, what conservatives want, all say you have a two or threeyear phasein. For the first two or three years people can stay with the insurance they have right now. Okay, and then they lose it. Then you have a new insurance system that lowers costs if you look at the insurance market, its true that costs have are not accelerating, that they were ten or 15 or 20 years ago, thats because the overall rate of inflation in the American Economy has fallen. Health insurance is rising at twice the cost of Everything Else in the economy. Why is that . Austan goolsbee, stephen moore, that is a question for another time. We will get to that next. Great discussion. We always have a good time. All right. Russia hitting back after senator mccain tells cnn theres a lot of shoes to drop when it comes to the investigation of u. S. Russia ties or ties between russia and the Trump Campaign alleged during the election season. Why the kremlin calls the senators remarks absurd. Bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. But theyre different. D kind its nice to remove artificial ingredients. Kind never had to. Weve used real ingredients, whole nuts, and Natural Flavors from the very beginning. Give kind a try. 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In a oneonone interview a kremlin Spokesman Says the u. S. Is humiliating itself by admitting another country could have manipulated the election process. I want to bring in Cnn Senior International correspondent frederik pleitgen. It sounds like victim blaming. Thats exactly what the russians are doing. Its really interesting to hear some of the frustration of the political dialogue going on in the ichlt s. Right now, and also some of the allegations coming forward as well. Over the weekend, on sunday, you had senator john mccain here on cnn, on state of the union saying he believed there could be new things that could come to light. That is something that really angered the russians even more. Lets take a listen to what senator mccain said on state of the union. Theres a lot of aspects of this whole relationship with russia and Vladimir Putin that requires further scrutiny. So far i dont think the American People have gotten all the answers. In fact, i think theres a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede. Shoes dropping from the centipede. Hes obviously saying he believes there could be new revelations in the future. We were on a call earlier today with dim met tri peskov, the spokesman for Vladimir Putin. He says the russians are sick and tired of hearing allegations and negative remarks. He singled out senator mccain calling those remarks we just heard there absurd and accusing senator mccain of being biased against russia. Of course, all of this in this big complex as the russians are very critical of some of the things being said in the u. S. As you say, peskov was on Fareed Zakaria yesterday and said russia is being demonized. It was in response to a question as to whether or not russia was involved in hacking around the u. S. Election. Lets listen to what Dimitri Peskov said. Answer is very simple, no. The answer is very simple, no. The fact that russia is being demonized in that sense comes very strange to us. We are really sorry about that because the whole situation takes us from takes us away from the perspective of getting our relationship to a better condition. So all of this, john, keeping with the russian narrative weve been hearing since a lot of these allegations started, saying whats going on in the u. S. Is hysteria as Dmitry Peskov put it in another video, saying russia had nothing to do with hacking in the u. S. Elections in november. May not be quite as simple as he suggests. Frederik pleitgen, thank you so much. Tonight on kn we have a documentary that explores the question of whether Vladimir Putin used his power to elect donald trump. It airs tonight at 9 00 eastern on cnn. A powerful federal prosecutor firing off after he says he was fired by donald trump. What exactly did his intriguing tweet mean . You know who likes to be in control . This guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. I just had to push one button wto join. S thing is crazy. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Introducing intuitive, one touch video calling from vonage. Call now and get amazon chime at no additional cost. Itbut one i think with quesa simple answer. We have this need to peek over our neighbors fence. And once we do, we see wonder waiting. Every step you take, narrows the influence of narrow minds. Bridges continents and brings this world one step closer. So, the question you asked me. What is the key . Its you. Everything in one place, so you can travel the world better. New questions this morning after 46 federal prosecutors were asked to resign by the Trump Administration. One of those attorneys, manhattan prosecutor Preet Bharara, says he was fired after he refused to resign over the weekend. Barrera out against his own wishes. Now the question is what happens to all these questions. So there are career prosecutors all over the country that will take on the torch here and carry through with those investigations. But bharara is not going away quietly, john. Yesterday he tweeted out, by the way, i know now what the Moreland Commission must have felt like. The Moreland Commission was set up in 2013, as you might remember, and abruptly disbanded. It was investigating new york state politics. Thats right, public corruption. Was barrera indicating his firing was somehow political . He hasnt said anything in a followup tweet, at least not yet. Well have to wait and see. Remember, Preet Bharara was asked to stay on by donald trump, then president elect trump, during the transition, he was asked to stay on. He was asked to go out and announce hes staying on. So Preet Bharara has a little bit of whiplash, i think. Thats exactly right, the rug was pulled out from underneath him. A lot of the u. S. Attorneys, our sources tell us, felt that way, they didnt have any notice. They were blindsided on friday. Even though previous administrations have done it, president clinton did it, but its the speed thats causing the backlash. Usually theyre given a little bit of notice and allowed to leave when a new one is appointed. This was, pack up the boxes and go. Thats right. Thanks very much. The man who jumped the white house fence and nearly made it into the executive residence is in federal court today, making his First Court Appearance over the weekend. Secret Service Officers found tran on friday with a backpack with mace inside. President trump was inside the white house at the time. At least five Jewish Community centers reported bomb threats over the weekend. No devices were found, no arrests made. Authorities believe this weekends acts could be part of a larger trend. There were other Centers Across the country that at the same time also received threats in a similar manner, by email. We do believe that this is part of, as i mentioned on tuesday, a larger picture. The national trend. Jewish centers in indianapolis, milwaukee, and vancouver were also targeted, making over 150 incidents reported in the u. S. And abroad since january. The good news is spring is around the corner. The bad news is theres a giant blizzard in your face before you get to that corner. The forecast is next. Isjust wanna see ifa again . My score changed. You wanna check yours . Scores dont change that much. I havent changed. Oh, really . Its girls night they said business casual. I love summer weddings oh no. Yeah, maybe it is time. Maybe i should check my credit score. Try credit karma. Its free. Oh woah. Thats different. Check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Brace yourselves. An epic and unwelcome blizzard about to hit 95 million of us in the northeast. New york and boston and philadelphia, washington, all anticipating fierce winds and maybe more than a foot of snow. Meteorologist chad myers is here. Chad, thanks a lot, pal. I know, theres always something. You never invite me for sunshine, john. John . Invite me for something nice once in a while, would you . Its going to be an ugly couple of days here, from boston to dc. Our big story is the storm comes in from the south, brings up moisture from a warm atlantic ocean. Relatively warm. A few degrees warmer than it should be, in the 40s and 50s. Thats like a lakeeffect snow event, but its an ocean eventual. Think about lake erie compared to the size of the ocean. There comes the snow. Its heavy tomorrow, 8 00 in the morning in new york, noon for boston, already snowing in dc by morning rush. So get ready for that. Winter storm watchings, warnings, advisories, blizzard warnings, for 95 million americans across the northeastern part of the united states. By wednesday its completely over. Here are some of the numbers that Weather Services are putting out across the country. The minimum that the National Weather Service Figures in new york city is going to be 11. The most that could possibly happen, a scary 23 inches of snow. Thats the most, thats the outside, if everything goes very, very wrong. The most youre going to get in boston, somewhere around the same, 20something. The minimum, nine. Even if it misses, john, this is still a major storm. People say, you guys always talk about this, you always think its going to be bad and it never is. The minimum, philadelphia seven, maximum 19 to 23 inches possible. It depends on where the track of the low goes. We wont get mixing over the cities, no rainsnow mix. It will pile up as deep as you can possibly imagine. Then the winds will blow 45 miles per hour. Thats why there are the blizzard warnings out there for today. The storm goes on by, its completely over by sunday into monday of next week, and everything melts. For now, its not melting. And this house, john, i have pictures of it, near rochester, is not going to melt until august. Thats what happens when you get an 82mileperhour wind blowing over lake ontario, blowing off the sea there, off the lake and onto this guys property. A chisel. This reminds me of the deadliest catch where theyre chiselling ice off the deck of the boat, trying to get the boat not to sink. This will take a while to melt. Looks like the fortress of solitude, thats seniormuperman porch. This does stick around. It does stick around. We wont see a lot of sunshine to melt it. If you get 20 inches of snow on the ground, it will take a long time to melt off. Thanks for nothing, pal. Sorry. Next hour of newsroom begins right now. Good morning, im john berman, thanks so much for joining me this morning. I will see your Conspiracy Theory and raise you a microwave. The house Intelligence Committee set a deadline today for the Justice Department to provide the facts for President Trumps claim that he was wiretapped by president obama. John mccain says absent these facts, the president should retract his claim. And on the subject of fantasy, Kellyanne Conway went on tv, providing a rhetorical link to president obamas claims and new cia surveillance methods revealed by wikileaks. Again again, she provided evidence. This morning on cnn she said that is not what she said or meant even though if you read the interview, it is what she said. White house correspondent joe johns is at the white house. Reporter good morning, john. As you said, president ial

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