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Uncertainty about the legitimacy of the upcoming election and whether or not he will accept the results. And at a rally last night, in virginia, he repeated his claims that the only way he will lose is if the vote is rigged. President trump will hold another Campaign Rally moments after announcing his new justice nominee. All of this coming as the u. S. Just surpassed two grim milestones in the pandemic. The number of coronavirus cases now exceeds 7 million. And the death toll is over 200,000. And now Health Experts are warning of another surge in cases in the next few months. Lets begin our coverage with Sarah Westwood at the house. The president keeps trying to sew doubt in this election process. Reporter thats right, fred. Though he provided evidence for none of that last night at his rally in new port news, virginia. Claiming that mailin voting could tip the Election Results. Theres no basis for that. But its part of his efforts to undermine confidence in the Election Results with his supporters as you mentioned hes been claiming that the only scenario in which those results can be tested they reflect a victory for him. That comes after a week in which he stirred considerable controversy by refusing to commit to a peaceful transition of power should he lose the election in november. He was doubling down on that this week despite clear unease from even his republican allies on capitol hill with him taking that election. Last night at the rally the president said he would be amenable to a friendly transfer of power but only if he feels he hasnt been cheated. Thats the only way were going to lose is if theres mischief. Mischief. It will have to be on a big scale. Be careful. We do want a very friendly transition. But we dont want to be cheated and be stupid. Reporter in a cleanup attempt from the white house the white house later said the president would agree to a peaceful transfer of power the election was free and fair. Trump seems intent on deciding what constitutes free and fair in this election, fred. Sarah, what do we know about among the people the president may have interviewed before announcing his nominee later on today . Reporter yeah, fred. A source tells cnn that amy Coney Barrett, the expected nominee for this vacancy was really the only person the president interviewed formally. He did say on monday that he was speaking to several of the candidates for the nominee. Amy Coney Barrett was really the only person who got that one on one facetime. She was the favorite pretty much throughout this entire process, however short it was. Mitch mcconnell expressed his interest in having her be nominated in conversations with trump and conversations with the white House Counsel because she was considered the easiest to get through the confirmation process. Shes a known quantity. Were learning that amy Coney Barrett if she is nominated is expected to be on capitol hill this week, fred, for courtesy calls with senators and with mcconnell. Sarah westwood at the white house. Thanks so much. The expected nomination of amy Coney Barrett kicks off unprecedented scramble by republicans to get her confirmed before the election, which is now just 38 days away. Cnns Jessica Schneider looks at the potential nominee. Reporter people who know 48yearold amy Coney Barrett say her family is her number one priority. And she made sure they were front and center at her 2017 confirmation hearing for the seventh circuit. We have our oldest three daughters with us today. Reporter barrett proudly showcased all seven of her children including vif yen and john who she and her husband adopted from haiti. Vivian is our miracle. Vivian was born in haiti and came home when she was 14 months old. She weighed 11 pounds and she was so weak we were told she might not never walk normally or speak. Today vivian is a track star and assure you she has no trouble talking. Benjamin has special needs and that presents unique challenges for all of us. But i think all you need to know about benjamins place in the family is summed up by the fact that the other children unreservedly identify him as their favorite sibling. Reporter barretts large family is two children shy of matching the late justice sca a scalia. She clerked for him right out of the law school. It was intimidating working for him when he called you in his office, you had to be prepared to go to mat and talk about whatever it was. He was always five steps ahead of you. One of my friends put it this way, he said judge barrett is the kind of person and the kind of judge that you would want to be the judge in a case if you didnt know which side you were going to be on. Reporter carter sneed is part of barretts closeknit group of friends in south bend, indiana. He has an adopted child and bonded with the Barrett Family when it came to kids and cooking. She and her family host extraordinary parties for mardi gras. Shes from new orleans. She cooks kree yol cuisine and makes crawfish. Reporter one issue has come up before for judge barrett, how she balanced her faith and the law. If youre asking whether i take my faith seriously and im a faithful catholic, i am although i would stress that my personal Church Affiliation or my religious belief would not bear on the discharge of my duties aed a judge. Senator Dianne Feinstein drew criticism with her sharp questions about barretts religion in 2017. You have a long history of believing that your religious beliefs should prevail. The dogma lives loudly within you. Reporter as barrett emerged as the frontrunner this week, her association with a multidenomination Christian Group called people of praise began drawing attention. The groups board of governors is all male and has referred to women as hand maids in the past. A term that has sense been dropped by the group. A spokesman for people of praise tells cnn christian leadership in no way involves superiority or domination among shouss but we have chosen to rely on male leadership based on our desire to be a family of families. We follow the new testament teaching that the husband is the head of the family and we have patterned our community on this new testament approach to family life. Putting aside barretts potential past or present membership judge barrett has made clear she leaves her religion out of her judicial opinions. Its never appropriate for a judge to impose that judges personal convictions whether they derive from faith or anywhere else on the law. Reporter Jessica Schneider, cnn washington. Lets get more perspective on the president S Supreme Court announcement coming up in just a few hours from now. Joining me right now melanie sa know that, congressional reporter at politico author of the huddle newsletter and julian, good to see all of you also. Julian is a cnn political analyst. Julian, you first. While its not official, you know, all signs point to President Trump naming amy Coney Barrett as hiS Supreme Court nominee. You say her confirmation would finish a historic right ward shift that started with reagan and will help justify republicans support for President Trump. But you also say it could help both sides politically. How so . Well, look this finishes a process that started with the rain kwis court starting in 1986 under reagan and solidifies a conservative block if this goes through and shes appointee. A 63 conservative block. So for republicans, this is very exciting. President trump is delivering on a Supreme Court that will have great influence on key rulings on every issue from regulation to Voting Rights but for democrats it will also be energizing because once again the stakes of two terms of President Trump will become very clear. So i think both parties will see exactly why this is a very historic moment and the implications in the election. Melanie, you wrote a piece about how democrats are debating scorched earth tactics versus restraint in the Supreme Court confirmation battle. We know theres virtually nothing democrats can do to stop the president s pick from being confirmed. And instead it appears democrats are appealing to voters by underscoring all thats at stake on the bench from Affordable Health care to lgbtq rights and affirmative action in colleges and universities . Thats right. Theres a real debate in the Democratic Party right now about what their strategy should be if they win back the senate and if the gop rams this nominee through. On the one hand you have progressives who say we need to fight fire with fire. They want to expand the Supreme Court. They want to end the legislative filibuster and feel like the other side hasnt been playing by the rules so why should they. On the other side, you have some of these moderate democrats, including Party Leadership and joe biden, who called for a more restrained response. They say lets keep the message focussed on health care and whats at stake and a lot of these moderate democrats that i talked to this week are worried about the extreme calls backfiring and being used against them in attack ads on november 3rd. The flip side you have progressives who say this could alienate the base and its a mistake to not sort of galvanize the base and the grass root heers. This is going to be a heated debate Going Forward if the democrats win back both the senate and the white house. More to your point, julian, seems republicans have fallen right in line with what the president is trying to encourage that a confirmation will actually happen even before election day from Mitch Mcconnell to lindsey graham. So, even if republicans have grimaced, you know, at the president saying the election is rigged if he doesnt win, they are on board with getting this confirmation done quickly. Absolutely. We often talk about trump base, but the real story is broad republican support for the president which continues. And important reason it continues is he delivers on key issues. He delivered on tax cuts. Hes delivered on deregulation. And the courts he delivered big with federal courts in a shift we have seen right ward. Now the Supreme Court, as we said, will be a solid conservative block. So i expect to hear very little from Congressional Republicans with Senate Republicans trying to push this as fast as possible so that this is all lined up and theres no risk come 2021 about this nomination. Melanie, if it is indeed amy Coney Barrett who is indeed announced later this afternoon and many republicans said outloud and those like mitt romney who some were thinking might be a little ret sant with the hurry up with the nominee, no, it follows precedent. What are the potential obstacles that there may be for amy Coney Barrett among republicans who have said, okay, lets go ahead and get this nominee. Lets get the confirmation process going. But theres still a dot dot dot about whether they would confirm her. Right, of course. They have to evaluate the nominee. This is going to be a battle on capitol hill. Democrats are going to try to land some blows at the confirmation hearing. The things were hearing that theyre going to try to make an issue is theyre going to press her on whether or not she could recuse herself from any Court Challenges related to the election especially since trump this week said explicitly i want that ninth justice there to break a tie. Theyre also going to raise issues about health care, roe versus wade will be back in the spotlight. But i think something to keep in mind here is that she has strong support among conservatives and on the right and considered really a slam dunk pick for conservatives. So barring really some sort of big revelation or some big bomb shell in the next few weeks the thinking here is that shes going to get through on capitol hill. Julian, President Trump continues to cast doubt on the integrity of the election. You know, hes still making false claims about mailin voting and he wont commit to a peaceful transition of power if he loses. Do you think concerns about the potential of a peaceful or lack thereof transfer of power, you know, are overblown . No. I think its totally legitimate to be very worry md ied. The president is not being subtle about different threats hes making. He made statements about a peaceful transfer of power. I think the real risk right now is not to take what hes saying seriously. That will also feed into concerns about the appointment and nomination of the Supreme Court happening right now where he explicitly has connected this to the election. So, its fair to be worried. Yeah. And despite that the president continues to make those threats its extraordinary you would have this resolution on the hill to try and shore lay fears of the general louse populus, indeed there will be a peaceful transfer of power but wont that really kind of be up to the president . All right. Melanie, julian, lets leave it there for now. Thanks so much. Thank you. Thanks. All right, the most anticipated moment of the election is here. Donald trump, joe biden facing off in the first president ial event. Watch it all play out live on cnn with special coverage tuesday starting at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Straight ahead, floridas governor reopening bars and restaurants as the number of coronavirus cases and deaths continue to rise in that state. Were live. Plus, the family of Breonna Taylor with a clear demand for the Kentucky Attorney general. Release the grand jury transcripts. I never had faith in Daniel Cameron to begin with. I knew he was too inexperienced to deal with a job of this caliber. And, strong winds and a drought out west threatening to fan the flames of wild fires ripping through the west coast. Is now a good time for a flareup . Enough, crohns. For adults with moderate to severe crohns or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. You, getting on that flight . Back off, uc. Stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, flulike symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. Rpls, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. Some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. Lasting remission can start with stelara®. If youve been financially impacted by covid19, janssen may be able to help. Tonight, ill be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes. [hard a] tonight. Ill be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. Careful, hamill. Daddys not here to save you. Oh i am my daddy. Wait, what . What are you talking about . For over 25 years, home instead has helped seniors stay at home. Recently, thats taken on a new meaning. Staying home has become essential. But some cant do it alone. If you care for others, you already have what it takes. Seniors need help to stay home and stay safe. They need us and we need you. Home instead. Apply today. Home instead. When it comes to the quality of our cars the highest. Its why only 1 in 10 cars we look at qualify to sell on our site. If its been in a reported accident, we wont sell it. And at our stateoftheart facilities our ase certified mechanics roll up their sleeves and get to it. Inspecting, dialingin, and fine tuning every single car inside and out, bringing all of it up to our high standards. By the time were done, our cars are beyond certified. Theyre carvana certified. So whether you have it delivered or pick it up, we do it all so you can rest easy. All right. New numbers out of florida, the state recorded 2,791 new coronavirus cases friday. This as Governor Ron Desantis lifts statewide restrictions on bars and restaurants saying the industry cant afford to wait any longer. You have some people say, well, you can never do, you know, full what you want to do until theres a vaccine. Well, we dont know hopefully. But now people are saying hey, even if theres a vaccine, its still going to take another year before you can operate appropriately. And i dont think thats viable. I dont think that is acceptable. Cnn s randi kaye joining me from palm beach county. What more are you learning there . Reporter fred, as you said, the governor is lifting all restrictions on businesses here in the state of florida, phase 3 is officially under way. We are 100 open, according to the governor here in the state of florida. That includes restaurants, which will now be allowed to open to 100 capacity. Theres still people sitting outside here at the restaurant behind me but inside you can fill it up, according to the governor. Bars and nightclubs can also open to 100 capacity. There will be some limited social distancing protocols inside there as well. But also if the county does want to keep a restaurant closed just a little bit, say 50 to 100 capacity, they have to justify that move to the state and they have to get approval for that. So, the governor really wants to see the state get back under way in terms of business and economic recovery here. Also, fred, regarding masks, the governor says that local counties and municipalities they will not be able to fine people for not wearing these anymore. A lot of counties around the state have mask mandates in place to get fined inside certainly without a mask. Thats off the table. You can no longer fine people. A lot of this caught a lot of the local officials by surprise. The Orange County mayor said he learned about this new opening and new phase 3 position from the governor from a bar owner. Here is what else he had to say. I have to say that in some ways im disappointed about that because as we deal with this pandemic everything happens at a local level. This is where the rubber meets the road. In order for us to be effective at dealing with the virus, we have to have Good Communications across the state. Reporter now, the governor really believes despite the new numbers coming in that the threat has eased here in the state of florida so much so, fred, that hes planning on a super bowl that is taking place in tampa bay in february at full capacity. He wants those stadium seats filled. Tampa bay right now isnt allowing any fans at their games. So that would be a remarkable turn if that stadium is, indeed full for the super bowl. Lets just look at some of the numbers just across the country in terms of the threat. Right now Johns Hopkins university is saying that the highest number of new cases was reported on friday. That is since mid august. More than 55,000 new cases across the country on friday. This virus certainly hasnt gone away. This chart, tens of thousands of new cases every single day. The sevenday average for new cases reported was more than 44,000. So the governor certainly putting a positive spin on this, but well see what happens if there is indeed a spike, he says, the state of florida is prepared. Fred, back to you. All right, randi kaye, thank you so much. Joining me right now to discuss dr. Matthew a primary care physician and Public Health specialist. Good to see you, doctor. So are you comfortable with the Florida Governor allowing bars and restaurants to open at 100 and barring mask fines . Fred, good day to you. Im absolutely shocked. I think that is probably the most common sentence i say online along with the other doctors. If you look at every statistic, right, 100 deaths everyday, over 2,000 new cases in florida everyday, and get this, fred, the Positivity Rate is 11 . If you look at that play book of rules designed by the task force to designed how to go throughcrs we should open to phase 3. Unfortunately a lot of people will die. A lot of people will get sick. That really makes me sad. The governor is rosy about the future. He goes as far as saying the nfl super bowl which is scheduled to be played in february, tampa bay, february 7th, the governor says he expects the state to host a full super bowl. So what would it take for an event like of that magnitude to be held safely just over four months from now . I dont want to be an alarmist, fred, i see no way that would be possible. Reporter just mentioned we have over 40,000 cases in the United States. We have to look at the big picture and then you have to look at the picture in florida. Remember, we dont live in bubbles. People will be coming from so many different states and so many different cities. I worry about the two ps in closed spaces. That is proximity and prolonged contact. If you group in a lot of different people in a tight space, how are you going to be able to socially distance . You could possibly leave every two seats empty, but the Florida Governor is talking about packing these stadiums. You have to think about the closed ventilation where the virus can definitely transmit in the air. I think its a very dangerous move. You know, then back to the whole issue of the governor saying, you know, all those localities that were fining people for not wearing masks, thats out the window. How concerned are you that that incentivized some people to actually wear a mask to keep themselves and everybody else safe . Right. The other day i was thinking as a doctor i always talk to my patients and side effects of certain medications i give them, Blood Pressure medicines or Heart Failure medicines and tell them the risks and benefits. When i look at the risk and benefits of wearing a mask, there are no risks. There are all benefit. You can protect yourself. You can protect your grandmother from dying. You can protect yourself from becoming a long hauler. Ultimately what we need to tell everybody, the state of florida, all states in the United States is that masks need to be mandated. They save lives. 95 of americans wear masks, we can save over 100,000 lives by january. Dr. Matthew, well leave it there for now. Thank you so much. Be safe and well. Still ahead, the family of Breonna Taylor now demanding a special prosecutor and the release of grand jury transcripts. The president of the naacp joining me next. When i came to the u. S. , i was fifteen years old. My family was really poor. Now, ive got fifty employees. When the pandemic hit, i was really scared about losing my business. But osmar, my Financial Advisor from northwestern mutual, he told me, brother we got your back. His Financial Planning helped to save my business. If i could talk to my younger self, i would say, youre going to be proud of yourself. Voila, rewarded withg guacamole and a side of quiet. Grubhub gives you rewards for rewarding yourself, with food. doorbell rings grubhub locating your parked car with the touch of a button might seem. Excessive. Unless. Getting lost is the whole point. 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And cant wait until you are too. Buy now and get two days free at the parks. Restrictions apply. Now to louisville, kentucky, where protests calling for justice in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor were mostly peaceful last night. Police did throw out some flashbang devices when a group refused to move on to the sidewalk. At least 22 people were arrested. This following wednesdays grand jury decision to not charge any officers as it relates to taylors death. And now her family and supporters are demanding the transcripts of those proceedings be made public after the grand jury decision was announced, Breonna Taylors aunt read a note on behalf of breonnas mother. You didnt just rob me of my and my family, you robbed the world of a queen. A queen willing to do a job that most of us could never stomach to do. A queen willing to build up Anyone Around her. A queen who was starting to pave her path. I hope you never have to know the pain of knowing your child is in need and help and youre not able to give it. I hope you never hear the sounds of hearing someone cry and beg for your child to get help. And she never receives help. Those cries was ignored. I hope you never know the pain of your child being murdered 191 days in a row. I want to discuss these developments with president of the naacp derek johnson. Good to see you. So your thoughts on the decision. It was wednesday, but it is still a lot for people to digest over the last few days. What has been on your mind . You know, its unfortunate the one officer that was indicted was indicted for a bullet that went into a neighbors wall, not the bullet that went into Breonna Taylors body. We have to value the lives of individuals in the africanamerican community. Black lives matter. Thats a factual statement. But what just took place was a travesty of justice and an erosion of the confidence in a criminal Justice System for africanamericans. We have to get a criminal Justice System thats just for our community because we have not seen justice in too many situations. Listening to one of the lawyers for Breonna Taylors family after the kentucky ag, Daniel Cameron, made his announcement. I do want to say one more thing to Daniel Cameron. If you, in fact, did not say Breonna Taylors name to the grand jury, if in fact, you did not present any charges on behalf of Breonna Taylor, to the grand jury, we demand you appoint a special prosecutor to present charges on behalf of Breonna Taylor to a grand jury because its not too late. We still demand full justice for Breonna Taylor. And she put it like that, derrick, because it was said that, you know, the ag, cameron, never said her name Breonna Taylor when making the statement about what was proceeding. And so this attorney was wondering, how about to the grand jury . What did they hear . What is the likelihood, in your view, that the transcript of the grand jury proceedings will actually be made public . The problem with the grand jury system is archaic. It should not exist. It allows for elected officials to go behind closed doors and present anything uncontested and the public not even know whats been presented. We dont know how vigorously this state attorney who has Strong Political aspirations aligned with donald trump, what he presented. We dont know what type of framing he put on the arguments in front of the grand jury and how the grand jury was led down the course that may not have had anything to do with the fact that Breonna Taylor was sleeping in her bed when someone kicked in her door and she was murdered. At some point we have to reform the criminal Justice System. We have to reform the mechanism by which we hold Police Officers accountable. Reform this alignment between district attorneys and state ags, where Law Enforcement ags against the public. We have to do this differently. What if it was your loved one that was impacted . How would you feel . And thats what i ask for individuals outside of the africanamerican community. What if it was you and your loved ones, how would you feel . Emotions have been bubbling over the top on this case and even of course since wednesday. Now i want to get your reaction to what was said involving conversation between nbas Charles Barkley and Shaquille Oneal on tnts pregame coverage thursday. Tnt is owned by the same company as cnn. Listen. Its bad that this young lady lost her life, but you know, we do have to take into account that her boyfriend did shoot at the cops and shot a cop. And so the conversation was about that and then largely, you know a lot of folks on social media were on fire. What are your viewpoints on that discussion . You know, to react to the reporting of an account from a reaction is too far down the road of hypothetical conversation. We have to come back to the fact that this case but also look forward, this election cycle is most important. In order for us to change the system we must overwhelm the systems on election day so we can reform the criminal Justice System overall. It is important for celebrities and athletes and commentators to use their platform for social justice, but they must be informed with the facts. And unfortunately there are too many accounts being speculated about in the media because we dont know what happened in the grand jury proceedings. We dont know what evidence were presented. We have no concept of what the facts are. Thats why its important for the transcript to be released so everyone can understand what happened based on the evidence thats thats in hand. All right. Derrick johnson of the naacp president of such, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. 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You have more that are a bit more widespread on that map. But again, the question really becomes how what does this do in compared to other years . So when we take a look at that youll notice that the total u. S. Fires so far to date are just about 44,000. The normal tenyear average about 46,000. So we are below in the total number of fires. But here is the thing what that doesnt tell you is the scope of the size. Because the fires that weve had this year have been much larger than in past years. And you can see that here because the total acres burned has been about 7. 1 million acres. The tenyear average is six. So were talking over a million more acres than usual and its because the fires themselves have been so large. How big . Lets take a look. Here is the list for california specifically. Their top ten largest wild fires in history. Youll notice five of them are from this year, september of this year to be exact. So youre not just talking a lot of little fires here and there, these are massive, complex fires. Now lets get to the forecast because this is really the concerning part Going Forward. Youll notice these orange areas here. This is the elevated fire risk. That is expected to spread over the next several days especially into next week which is not good news because you have 73 of the west under Drought Conditions right now. In addition to there being dry conditions, fred, its also the temperatures. You have places like reading, sacramento, bakersfield all likely to get into the triple digits next week. Thats not just bad for the fires themselves but for the firefighters trying to battle those blazes. Yeah. All right. So much at stake. Allison chinchar, thanks so much. Coming up, a remarkable look into how viral disinformation campaigns on social media are actually impacting the 2020 election. A cnn investigation next. Tonight, ill be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes. [hard a] tonight. Ill be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. Careful, hamill. Daddys not here to save you. Oh i am my daddy. Wait, what . What are you talking about . [joe biden] why in this nation do black americans wake up knowing that they can lose their life in the course of just living their life . [kamala harris] part of the point of freedom is to be free from brutality, from injustice, from racism in all of its manifestations. [joe biden] we have to let people know that we not only understand their struggle, but they understand the fact that they deserve to be treated with dignity. Theyve got to know were listening. [kamala harris] reforming policing in this country means creating a National Standard on use of force and conditioning federal funds for Police Departments on adoption of that standard. Its about reining in qualified immunity. We hold Police Officers accountable. [joe biden] we cant turn away. Now is the time for racial justice. I believe with every fiber in my being, we have such an opportunity now to change peoples lives for the better. Its about who we are, what we believe, and maybe most importantly, who we want to be. Im joe biden and i approve this message. President trumps social media feeds and those of his allies have been repeatedly flagged for spreading misinformation and manipulated videos about the election and democrat joe biden. The president s campaign claims those doctored videos, its just humor. But cnns doney osullivan found that even trumps supporters arent in on the joke. Four more years four more years weve come to a trump rally in minnesota today to ask Trump Supporters what they see when they open their facebook feeds. No one has been wrong more often than biden. The november 3rd election result may not be appropriately determined. Is there any label or fact check on there . They have a little thing at the bottom that says voting by mail has a long history of trustworthiness in the u. S. Are you a Facebook User . I use facebook. What sort of pages do you follow on there . Anybody that agrees with me. Only people that agree with you . Thats right. That would be a republican and antiabortion guy and a progun and probeer. But youre not thinking it would be good to follow some pages of people that you disagree with . No. They call me ignorant, stupid. Why would i follow people that throw rocks at me because they dont agree with me. Ive got tens of thousands of people that do. A lot of Senior Republicans over the past several weeks have been sharing doctored and manipulated videos on social media. The Trump Campaign and Trump Supporters will often say theyre clearly jokes. They are memes, people know theyre memes. People know theyre fake. When they say, well, this is factchecked. Its wrong because its taken out of context. Like when joe biden fell asleep during a live interview on television. A claim that he fell asleep. I think that was an edited one, right . I didnt think it was. It looked pretty live to me. No cuts in it. Live this morning from new york. Good morning. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Okay. This is your wakeup call. Is this the video that youre talking about . Could be, yeah. Can i watch it really quick . The washington post. So an article there is saying that it was faked, but it looked real, right . It looked real. Well, i mean i definitely wouldnt doubt that it would happen. Even if it is fake, does it change your opinion of biden . God, no. You have to sift through it. I missed that one, but it was a good laugh. It was a really good laugh, and, like i said, i wouldnt doubt it. Reporter a lot of people we spoke to are sharing posts on facebook that later get factchecked by facebooks third party factcheckers. Anything i put on there about our president is generally only on for a few minutes and then theyre factchecking me saying this, that and the other thing which i know is not true. Their factchecker is wrong. Theyll right away go to the conservative site and say thats wrong and they pull it. And theyre not going to the liberal sites. And them are the real lies. They are the real liars out there. Also circulating online, more insidious forms of misinformation, including baseless claims about Vice President joe biden being a pedophile. Do you guys seriously think that joe biden is a pedophile . Yes, i do. But thats just my opinion. I feel he is. I feel hes part of the game. That baseless, fabricated claim abouted bien is circulating among supporters of qanon, a Conspiracy Theory that the fbi says is a potential domestic terrorism threat. Some of these false claims have been amplified by the president himself. The fbi is saying qanon is a dangerous Conspiracy Theory. Does that make you think, hang on, i should be following this thing . No, because qanon is bringing up the bad things about the fbi. Thats why theyre saying it. Thats why theyre afraid of them. Donie osullivan bringing us a variety of sentiments there. Coming up, President Trump once again baselessly casting doubt on the election and in just hours, hell announce his pick to replace Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Live Team Coverage next. But first, go inside the incredible story of the boy from troy turned civil rights icon. Here is a preview of the cnn film john lewis good trouble. If john lewis wasnt doing what he did, i would not be here today. Congressman lewis gave us the blueprint. Its to organize. Its to mobilize. And it is to legislate. This was a country that had a hard time loving people like john lewis. John lewis beat back numerous attempts over his career. People trying to alter Voting Rights. No one can win the war. Im going to mention representative john lewis. We came here to do our job. We came here to work. We must say, wake up, america. Wake up his voice and his example are needed now as much as theyve ever been. Hes probably the most courageous person i ever met. A lot of guys wouldnt have taken what he took. You only pass this way once. You have to give it all you have. John lewis good trouble tomorrow at 9 00 eastern. Nooooo. Noooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, so you can use less. Ahoy laughing bounty, the quicker picker upper. You cant always stop for a fingerstick. 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Without andrea, my Financial Advisor from northwestern mutual, it didnt feel possible. She really put me at ease. Andrea has my best interests at heart. She protected my dream. Hello again, everyone. Thank you for joining me. Im fredricka whitfield. Just a few hours away from President Trump announcing his u. S. Supreme court nominee. Sources tell cnn the president intends to choose amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. With just 38 days until voters head to the polls, the president is making the case that a new justice is needed before the election to decide any disputes over the final vote. The nomination announcement comes as the

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