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Thank you for joining me. Im fredricka whitfield. Happy mothers day. We begin with the world attempting to get back to normal in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. More than a million cases confirmed globally and over 281,000 deaths. Those numbers expected to rise. One of the key models used by the white house projects 137,000 u. S. Deaths by august. Thats 3,000 more deaths than the previous projection. The revised number due to what researchers call, quoting now, an explosive increase in mobility, among americans in states that have reopened. Meanwhile, several top u. S. Medical officials may have been exposed to the virus. Dr. Anthony fauci. Cdc director dr. Robert redfield, and fda commissioner dr. Stephen hahn all going under quarantine after coming into contact with white house staffer or staffers, who have recently tested positive for coronavirus. And today president trumps economic adviser says everyone in the white house knows the risks theyre taking. I knew when i was going back in i would be taking risks, that id be safer sitting at home at my house than going into a west wing even with all the testing in the world and the best medical team on earth is a relatively cramped place. We set up a big data operation in the basement when i got there and we were interacting constantly with people going to and from fema, right at the beginning had there, there were people too caught covid at fema. Weve all been exposing ourselves to risks under the best guidance we could possibly have to keep us chance but willing to take that chance because we love our country. Start our coverage at the white house. Cnns Jeremy Diamond joining me. How will the quarantines affect the daytoday operations of that Coronavirus Task force . Reporter certainly is a big question. Look, these are three of the very prominent doctors on this Coronavirus Task force. You have dr. Robert redfield, head of centers for Disease Control and prevention, and you have D Stephen Hahn head of the food and Drug Administration and dr. Anthony fauci, of course, has become one of the most public faces of this task force, ought endering some type of quarantine the next weeks. Some working from home. Willing to go to the white house if necessary, but they would take all precautions including wearing a mask on the grounds of the white house. We have not yet heard from the white house about any other officials who are entering quarantine. You would think there might be others. Particularly because these three doctors, were learning theyre going in selfquarantine about 24 hours after katie miller, spokeswoman for the Vice President and also for this Coronavirus Task force, after she tested positive. There are many more white house officials and Administration Official whose would have come into close contact with her beyond these three doctors on the task force. One big question that remains, for example is whether dr. Deborah birx, the white house coordinator, whether or not she will enter some form of selfquarantine. So far the white house is not confirming that. Again, keep in mind at the white house, this is, these are tight quarters. Officials are working in some pretty Small Office Spaces at times. The white house, though, is now encouraging officials to telework from home if at all possible. Of course when talking about the west wing and those cramped quarters you see on your screen now, those are officials who are deemed essential, and typically would have to come in to the white house including to meet with the president. We know, though, the white house is taking steps, precautions, including ramping up the testing. Prevently once a week. After a military valet tested positive earlier this week she since mo, they moved it to once a day. Precautions taken and the three doctors entering selfquarantine were set to testify on capitol hill in a couple of days, now will testify and video screen. And theres also been reporting that some folk wos come to work there at the white house Wearing Masks that they would take them off while in the close quarters of the white house. What do you know about that reporting . We do know that much of the staff has made their own decisions as to whether or not to wear a mask. Most of the white house staff based on our report hag not been Wearing Masks when they are inside the white house. Some officials, for example, of the National Security council including the deputy National Security adviser Matt Pottinger wearing a mask, but were starting to notice some changes. Just yesterday we noticed when the president was meeting with military leaders, none of them were Wearing Masks. The white house says thats because they were all tested before going into that meeting, but we know the secret Service Agents in that room, they were Wearing Masks for the first time. The day before we actually had seen them in several moments with the president not Wearing Masks. Certainly some changes appear to be taking hold. Jeremy diamond at the white house, thank you. Also, in washington, recent steps take ton hold the economy afloat may not be enough. It comes as the u. S. Sees its highest Unemployment Rate since the Great Depression. On friday we learned more than 20 Million People lost their jobs in april. The white house top economic advisers say a fourth system lik package for taxpayers and Small Businesses may be a bit premature. What the president and i are now saying is, we spent a lot of money. A lot of this money is not even into the economy yet. Lets take the next few weeks, im having discussions with both the republicans and the democrats, to understand these issues. The president and i are having conversations with outside people with business. We just want to make sure that before we jump back in and spend another few trillion of taxpayers money that we do it carefully. I do think there are issues here, and there are probably going to be agreements and disagreements. Each side has its own positions. So its not that were not talking. We are. Its just informal at this stage, and really after all this assistance, lets have a look at what the impact is and at least in the next couple of weeks for the economy. This is the biggest negative shock to an economy wevin seen in our life times. And it hit an economy in january was about the strongest economy wed ever seen. So when youve got two giant forces like that colliding, any economist tells you they know exactly whats going to happen, you know, is feeding you a line. The fact, though, is that with all of the aggressive bipartisan action to toss maybe as much as 9 trillion at this sort of bridge to the other side, that we see things like in the jobs report on friday, almost everybody who declared themselves unem ployed expect t go back to work in the next six months. Cnns Sarah Westwood joins me. We heard the economic adviser larry kudlow talk about formal talks about a fourth stimulus. Where do things actually stand . Reporter president , right now white house economic advisers appear to be take a wait and see approach. You heard tkevin hassett saying on jake tapper, they are waiting to see the stimulus money passed in march would be disbursed saying enormity of that package should be enough to hold the economy over until they can come up with what they need to have in the next recovery package. Larry kudlow also has been collecting ideas from a b bipartisan group. Another plans for monday, but that far behind where democrats are. Theyre beyond the stage are collecting ideas. House speaker nancy pelosi, for example, yesterday sort of laid out what House Democrats are looking to have in the c. A. R. E. S. 2 package. Increased funding for testing, more support for state and local governments for costs laid out in lost revenues. They want food stamps, for example. More direct payments for americans. Really far ahead where the congress and white house appears to be now. Hassett suggested perhaps there may be openness among republicans in the white house to having more support for state and local governments. Something republicans have been fighting over. Fred, with that april jobs report, 14. 7 unemployment numbers, its really going to be a lot of pressure other than the white house and republicans to get something done. Its not clear that reluctance is a tenable position meoving forward. Thank you. Last hour Boris Johnson announcing in a primetime address a longterm road map for the gradual relaxation of his countrys lockdown. It includes moving to what he is calling a stay alert plan, and introducing a covid19 alert system. Bringing back sn cnns max foster outside downing street, the prime ministers headquarters. What exactly are the changes . Reporter three stages to the plan. First one immediate, which is asking food work, manufacturing and construction to get back to w back to work as soon as possible but avoid public transport and that leads into schools opening next month and starting in july, hospitality as well. This is conditional on the infection rate staying down. If it starts rising again they will slow that whole timetable down, Boris Johnson says. Some confusion about the messaging as there has been throughout this whole strategy seems here. At 10 downing street. As you say, Boris Johnson now asking people to stay alert. Moving messages away from stayathome. Have a listen to this part of address he gave last hour, fredricka. And thanks to you we protected our nhs and saved many thousands of lives. And so i know, you know that it will be madness now to throw away that achievement by allowing a second spike. We must stay alert. We must continue to control the virus and save lives. And yet we must also recognize that this campaign against the virus has come at colossal cost to our way of life. Reporter so the stay alert messages is being called puzzling by the opposition parties. Interestingly, scotland and wales havent signed up to it. Stayathome. Some divisions in the union appearing there. Boris johnson also saying that hes going to enforce a 14day quarantine for anyone flying into the uk. Not clear why thats starting now as opposed to before. France, though, exempt. Interestingly, that followed a call from macron saying any quarantines have to be reciprocal and seems Boris Johnson backed down eed down. A day trip to france. 28 days quarantine didnt see palatable to the french president. All right. Max foster, thank you, from london. Coming up, businesses, families and local governments struggling. So whats needed to get the economy back on track after the worst jobs report in u. S. History . Love them, hate their laundry, protection. Lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Detergent alone cant. Lysol. What it takes to protect. ® theres no better story than your story. And ancestry can help you discover it. You could find new details in minutes. See photos from your familys past. Maybe even uncover something you never expected. You might just find the more you learn about your Family History the more youll want to know for an everyday item to become dangerous. Tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. Heres the thing about managing for your business. 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Available 24 7 at tracfone. Com Tracfone Wireless. Now youre in control. More than 20 million americans lost their jobs in april. Unemployment a devastating number. We havent seen this since the Great Depression. The president s top economic officials downplayed the need for another stimulus package for now. What the president and i are now saying is, we spent a lot of money. A lot of this money is not even into the economy yet. We just want to make sure that before we jump back in and spend another few trillion of taxpaye taxpayers money that we do it carefully, i think that many people would like to just pause for a moment and take a look at the Economic Impact of this massive assistance program. The fact, though, is with all of the aggressive bipartisan action to toss maybe at much as 9 trillion at this sort of bridge to the other side that we see things like, the jobs report friday, almost everybody who declayed themselves unemployed said they expect go back to work in the next six months. A lot of hope out there weve done enough to make it so when we get to the other side we can get going again and you have a transition back to a great economy. Mark sandy, chief economist for moodys analytics. Mark good to see you. Do you agree that its best to wait and see how the money from the stimulus package impacts the economy before even considering yet another one . No. I think that would be a mistake. As you pointed out we lost over 20 million jobs so far and on track to lose a couple more million jobs this month, in the month of may. Unemployment is as high as its been since the Great Depression and will rise further in the month of may. Well over 1 trillion of the sport that support provided is already in the economy. We are seeing the strongest boost from the support currently right now. When were losing these millions of jobs. Even, get a bounce this summer as businesses reopen. On the other side of that, in all likelihood, back in the quicksand ba i don quicksand, because i dont see how this virus will play out, when we have a vaccine or therapy. Of course i could be wrong. Maybe things would, will turn out hopefully better than im anticipating, but one thing weve learned in this crisis and in the financial crisis ten years ago, is that its better to err on the side of being too aggressive than too meek in the response. We should respond strongly and quickly. Sure. This comes as governors across country are facing big budget shortfalls and worried they will have a very difficult time funding things, such as education, emergency services, without some help from the federal government. Can states sit, wait and hope for the economy to make a quick bounceback, or do they need federal help . They need federal help. Theres an example, a really good example, where help is needed immediately. You can see that in the jobs numbers. On friday. We saw that state and local governments laid off a Million People. A million jobs lost in state and local government, and they employ 20 Million People typically. Gives you a sense of the stress theyre under. Jobs we need, police, fire, emergency responders, social services, teachers and middlepaying jobs. If state and local governments dont get that help immediately, theyre going to be cutting more in may, june and july, just when the economy is starting to get going. Hmm. Talking about nearly 21 million americans losing their jobs in one month. April. 47 states partially reopened this weekend. How slowly are these economies going to be able to rov jecover . A lot of Business Owners worried if being partially open is really sustainable or if customers will even have the money to spend. Yeah. Great point. We will see a bounce in economic activity. B by memorial day, going to june and july as businesses start to reopen theyre hire back some of their people, and the economy will feel a bit better. But its hard to imagine with the virus out there and all the uncertainty that this is creating that you and i as consumers will do what we typically do. Were just not. Businesses cant do what they typically do. There will be all kinds of social distancing measures theyre going to have to employ and engage with and think about it from a business persons perspective. Would you make a big Investment Decision with all of this uncertainty out there . In all likelihood, the economy will feel better in the next couple of months. And struggling businesses. Prepare for it now. Lawmakers and those in the Trump Administration should be working on now. Maybe we can wait and see a little bit, but while were waiting and seeing, we should be planning for the real possibility that this economy needs more help. Mark zandi good to see you. Thank you so much. Sure thing. Coming up, a battle over coronavirus checkpoints in south dakota. The governor giving two sioux tribes an ultimatum. Were live with the latest. Y memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Only roomba uses 2 multisurface rubber brushes to clean all your floors. And with patented dirt detect technology, roomba finds dirt throughout your home. If its not from irobot, its not a roomba. Confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. Find yours at letsmakeaplan. Org. Daddy, i found you le with a cfp® professional. Good job. 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If covid19 were to get into the tribal areas, they simply do not have the resources to deal with a major outbreak, and standing next to me happens to be chairman Harold Frazier of the Cheyenne River sioux tribe. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate you coming out on this windy and chilly day. Can you tell me why you put these checkpoints up in the first place . You know, the whole purpose is to monitor and try to track this virus should it ever come in. Were doing this to, the main goal of these checkpoints and also to, we know that this virus does not travel. Its the people with the virus that travel. We want to ensure that people are coming in highly, from hot spots or highly infected areas that we ask them to go around our land. Reporter im going to read a little what the governor has said. She sent a letter march 8th, and basically said, look, i am requesting that the tribe immediately cease what she called interfering of regulating traffic on u. S. And state highways and remove all of the checkpoints. She wants it done in 48 hours. And what is your response to that . Are you going to remove these checkpoints . It is now basically 48 hours since that letter was sent . Yeah. Well, right now you know, again, our main thing is to save lives, and ensure good health of all the residents on this reservation, and were just going to keep going. You know, a lot of times in south dakota at this time of the year, and the summer, Road Construction and a lot of time theres is checkpoints. Where you have pilot car and places like that, and so were kind of used to it here in south dakota. I dont know where theyre really coming from, that were interfering with any traffic. Reporter are you going to take them down as she requested or are you going to stay put . Well, were going to stay put. You know, this is right now, with lack of resources that we have medically. This is our best tool we have right now is to try to prevent. And i believe that this is a good, a good practice, and if we should ever get it, you know, again, its a good way for us to isolate as quick as we can, the virus reporter is your biggest concern . You talked about the fact that the virus, if it comes into the tribal areas, what would happen . Would you have the resources to actually deal with an outbreak of covid19 . No. Not on the reservation. We do not. The Critical Care is three hours away from where we live. We just dont have it to deal with any of the potential should it come. Reporter how many hospital beds do you have and do you have an icu in case someone needs to be treated . We only have an eightbed facility and we do not have an icu. Reporter for 12,000 people that live on the reservation . Yes. Only eight beds. Reporter thank you so much. Its been a difficult time for you all and i know the governor also is pressing to try and get these opened. One last thing. Are you stopping everyone from being able to come on reservation land . How is this working . No. You know, a lot of were definitely allowing what we determine central travel, commercial. We need supplies. We need medical help. You know . So basically the only thing that we are, we do ask everybody who stops, Health Questionnaire and so forth. Other than that, nobodys really stopped. Just if theres a car coming from a hot spot that, just traveling, just coming through with nonessentials, then they will be turned around and asked to go around us. Reporter vast majority let through. Nonessential tourists, say, not let through in case they were from a hot spot or may have contracted the coronavirus. Thank you for being there. Appreciate it. Road blocks and tough restrictions and an emergency lockdown just expired in the city of gallup, new mexico. Was it successful in stopping the spread of coronavirus there . Ill ask the mayor, next. For People Living with hiv, keep being you. 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Well were hoping it still will show up in the, on the in future days, put it that way, but right now were very disappointed that our numbers are still getting higher and higher on a daily basis. Hmm. And why do you think that is . Well, our next step basically is to encourage everybody to wear masks. You know, maybe just not doing the five or six feet apart. You know, all we can do it get peel to follow the wears. The next thing were going to do, ask that everybody wear masks definitely in essential businesses. Supermarkets and stuff, but were doing everything we can basically to cut those numbers down. And one of the reasons you requested this lockdown in your first days in office was to prevent people from surrounding areas coming in to gallup to shop. Do you think gallup is ready to begin reopening . Are you ready to have those visitors again . Well, at this point we have no choice. I can give you the background as to the reason why woe decided e to it. We have two hospitals that be full. We have a high school a New High School basically now converted into a hospital. Our numbers keep getting higher and higher, and so we just, we were at desperation. We didnt know what to do and the conversation with the governor, only thing she could come up with was, lets lock it down. You could use the economic boost that would come with shoppers but certainly dont need any further setbacks because of potential spread. Right. We considered, at this point were considering gallup to be the hot spot and our concern is, you know, were in the middle of five indian reservations. On pay weekends, the first month, and i dont want to say pay weekends, but for some reason its the day majority of people come into town and we get anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 people coming in to our community. Thats one of the reasons why, first of the month, we got to do something, because we dont want to give the people that are busy in our community the virus so they take it home to their families. We definitely didnt want that. Wow. So thats why we ended up with a crackdown. Right. A significant number of people coming in. So the Group Doctors without borders has sent at least two teams to new mexico to help native american populations fight the coronavirus. The Organization Says the Navajo Nation has historically not received the same attention and resources as other communities. In the u. S. Are people in the Navajo Nation getting resources that they need . Well, were hoping so. I know the federal government is doing what they can, and our State Government definitely is doing what we can. But its the navajo reservation is by large, is the largest reservation in the united states, and it extends into four states for that matter. So its a large area to cover and im hoping we get at much coverage as we can so we can get the numbers down. Uhhuh. Mayor louis bonaguidi. Best of luck. Stay well and stay safe. Appreciaty. Thank you. Coming up, a man lost his father to coronavirus and then the morgue lost his remains. A dire situation, ecuador a dire situation, ecuador compared to a war zone. Hate tr laundry, protection. Lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Detergent alone cant. Lysol. What it takes to protect. ® guys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Wuhan, madrid, new york and guic hill. Ecuador lived through one of the worst local outbreaks of coronavirus anywhere in the world. The virus death toll there could be 17 times higher than official data suggests, and that staggering death toll ravaged the city roughly the size of chicago. Cnns matt rivers spoke to one young man who tells us first he lost his father to the disease and then the morgue lost his remains. Now a strong warning to our viewers, that the video we are about to show you is graphic and very difficult to watch, but we choose to air it, because it is the stark reality of this outbreak in that area. Heres our story. Reporter these are bodies stacked in open shipping containers outside a hospital in ecuador. In the countrys second largest city. The person who shot this city shared it with cnn. Arturo ram moowes looked throug himself looking for his father. Truly devastating. Reporter march 31st his dad fabio couldnt breathe and turned away at ten different hospitals because they were full, his dad finally admitted to the 11th. Placed in a wheelchair and taken to a room with no bed. There were two dead bodies inside, like a war zone. A war zone. A lot of people dieing and nobodys taking care of them. Reporter fabio died the next day. On his death certificate it says he died of acute respiratory failure likely due to covid19. Like so many others, he was never tested because the Health Care System has all but collapsed. The hospital wouldnt comment about his fathers case but cnno say hospitals citywide buckled over the weight of the pandemic, their facilities overwhelmed almost immediately doomed by a lack of supplies and staff. The government apologized saying they werent ready for an outbreak with a staggering death toll. Based on government data, three different ecuador epidemiologists told cnn the covid19related death toll could be higher than 9,000 in march and april combined. The government acknowledged the virus death toll is far higher than they officially report but say its lack of ability to test more means well never know the exact figure. When arturo went to collect his father the remains hospital officials couldnt find them saying he had to search on his own both in the morgue and in the shipping containers. After five days looking through hundreds of bodies, ramos says he never found his dad. I congo anymore. Mentally, i wasnt 100 . Reporter many families are still missing dead loved ones. Last month the attorney general launched and investigation into the mismanagement of remains a the hospital morgues, and anyone can go to this government website and type in the deceased name to see if theres any news. More than a month after he died, a search for this man ends in no results found. And the things, as if things couldnt get worse for arturo ramos, he told us last week he himself tested positive for the coronavirus. Again, cant grieve with his dad with his family because hes separated for their own safety. The ecuadorian government says now they have a better handle on the investigation and as a result slowly lifting quarantine measures put in place. You cant blame people, when they talk to us and tell us, look, we dont trust the government to open things back up correctly, and if they dont do it correctly, theyre scared things could go back to the way they were so terribly back in march and april. Fred . Wow. Hoping the best for him. Matt rivers, thank you for that exceptional reporting. Appreciate it. Were back in a moment. First, this weeks Global Energy challenge. Reporter more than 50,000 ships crisscross the globe bringing us the goods we need to survive. Accounting for about 80 of global trade by volume, but the fuel of these giant of the seas burn, made it one of the largest polluters of the year. Since the start of the year that oversee this have come into force. International maritime rules prohibit ships from using fuels containing more than. 5 sulphur. By reducing by 75 sulphur emissions from shipping, we have seen studies that pointed out reduction of pollution in the air immediately after the reduction of the requirement by over half a million premature deaths. Reporter john deaf tea tear cancer wont wait. It wont wait for a convenient time or for hospitals to get back to normal again. Thats why, at Cancer Treatment centers of america, we arent waiting. Were right here, still focused on the only thing we do, providing worldclass cancer care, all under one roof. Because cancer isnt just what we do, its all we do. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Call now for an appointment. Unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Only roomba uses 2 multisurface rubber brushes to clean all your floors. And with patented dirt detect technology, roomba finds dirt throughout your home. If its not from irobot, its not a roomba. Hi. Uh, can you tell me how to get to i70, please . Ookay, are you ah, yes. Thank you. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. Welcome back. Happy mothers day to all of you moms out there, caring, teaching, leading, and loving. And i know youll agree, mothers are so often selfless, the ultimate in multitaskers and juggl jugglers, and that includes my mom, nola jane whitfield. 87 and fabulous. Mom, i know youre watching. So this message to you. You are my inspiration and a model of all things great. Smart, loving, compassionate, both kind and fierce and endlessly elegant. As a mom of three, grandmother of eight and greatgrandmother of five, i thank you for being the embodiment of independence, courage and class. And a dazzling apple from the tree, my sister nina, mother of four and grandmother of five. You are a rock and a true sweetheart. I salute these moms and join my colleagues in this tribute to their mothers and wyomings. Happy mothers day. Happy mothers day. Happy mothers day. Happy mothers day, mom. Happy mothers day. On this mothers day i want to give a huge shout out to all the sleep deprived mothers, all the mothers who are home schooling, all the mothers who are just trying to get through this tough time. And in particular to my old dear friend dr. Melanie malloy, attending physician at mount sinai Brooklyn Hospital in new york, but also a mother of three incredible children. Your love for your children are a constant source of inspiration. I love you. Youre amazing. Happy mothers day. Smile big because were giving special love to all the new mommies celebrating their first mothers day, like this one. Hi and to all the new grandmas quarantined away from their little grand babies. Our hearts go out to you like nana sheryl up in toronto, who is knitting enough swag to outfit a baby army and grandma judy on the oregon coast and all of you out there celebrating gray the kids you love. We love you. I want everyone to know that mothers day and my Moms Birthday fall on the same day this year. So its a really special day. You started your life as a refugee on the other side of the world, and you became one of the strongest women i know. We really wish we could be there with you. We know we cant this year. Im going send you these instead, and well be with you soon. Happy mothers day, and mom, thank you for being my mom for 40 years, but especially recently when i was so, so sick with coronavirus. Of course, my husband was taking amazing care of me, but at the end of the day, i was just a girl who needed her mom. And even though i was far away, i felt you. You reached out the my husband a few times, and i appreciate that too. And thank you for careing, and love you very much. So happy mothers day and thank you for finally learning how to facetime i usual lly spend this time year with my mother because i bring her up to new york city so i can spend mothers day with her and we go around and garden and see all the beautiful plants and flowers, and we get to experience it together. I cant do it this year, because we are social distancing. So i want to say happy mothers day to all the mothers and continue to socially distance for all the mothers, many of them who are older and have preexisting conditions. So do it for the moms. This is my mom. I get from my mommy sense of moral compass, my sense of adventure, and my sense of fortitude. So i guess everything i learned from her is helping me in this lockdown. But what i miss so much, like so many of us is actually seeing my mom, who is now nearly 87. And of course we have to stay away to keep her safe. And thats what we have to do. Its hard, but one day well get out of this. To my wife jamie, thank you for keeping us all healthy and sane over these past couple of months. Before the pandemic struck, i thought i had a pretty good grasp of everything you did for our kids, keeping our house running, but i didnt know the half of it. Now that were all at home together, i see it even more clearly. Everything from all the amazon deliveries to bath time with the kids. So thank you, thank you, thank you. Hi, mom. You are the queen of small acts of kindness. You are the epitome of courage and compassion and fun. And i just want you to know how much i appreciate you and aspire to be more like you. I am so blessed to have you as my mom, and i know maria and jack are extra lucky to have you as their grandmother. Well love you to the moon and back. On this special mothers day, id like to salute all the wonderful mothers of our special heros who are risking their own lives to save other lives, the mothers of the doctors, the nurses, the health care professionals, the first responders. I can only imagine how nervous those mothers must be. So i want to thank them for what theyre going through and for raising such wonderful children. Again, happy mothers day. And these amazing moms and moms to be coming up. Three doctors, all expecting, on the front lines of the coronavirus. Theyll join me live. Hello again, everyone, and thank you so much for joining me and happy mothers day. Im fredricka whitfield. We begin with the new staggering numbers in the global coronavirus pandemic. Right now there are more than four million confirmed cases around the world, and over 281,000 deaths. New projections forecast a much deadlier outbreak in the u. S. One of the key models used by the white house now predicts

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