That doesnt include a wall, its dead as 4 00. Let me just also make clear that what the president proposed yesterday, increasing border security, looking at tps, looking at the dreamers, ill use that as a starting point, but youve got to start by opening the government. What we cannot do, and ive actually had republicans as well recognize this, is that we cannot reward the kind of behavior of hostage taking. President trumps proposals already being called dead on arrival by democrats. Hes asking for 5. 7 billion for his border wall. In exchange for three years of extended protection for eligible dreamers and a threeyear extension of temporary protected status for immigrants. It also includes more border agents, immigration judge teams, and money for humanitarian assistance. But with funding for the wall. It doesnt look like democrats will bite. House democrats will propose adding 1 billion in border related spending. The money would go towards additional infrastructure at points of entry and more immigration judges. And as politicians play the blame game, real people are feeling the impacts, caught in the middle of this mess. 800,000 federal workers, most of them still not getting paid, many still working. Theyre struggling to pay bills and feed their families. With me now, elena plott, White House Correspondent for the atlantic, and ron brownstein, Senior Editor for the atlantic. So senator schumer responded earlier to the president s offer. This is what he said. Unfortunately, the president keeps putting forward onesided, ineffective remedies. Theres only one way out, open up the government. Mr. President , open up the government and then democrats and republicans can have a civil discussion and come up with bipartisan solutions. Republican senators could begin voting on the president s proposal as early as tuesday. Democrats say its dead on arrival. So ron, is trump actually offering any incentive for dems to come to the table . I dont think this specific proposal offers an incentive, but i think it does set in motion a process that could lead you somewhere. This proposal itself is, as i like to call it, hostage taking squared. First of all, he has two programs he has unilaterally moved to end, daca and the temporary protection. Then he has closed the government on top of that. He says, well, then ill extend the programs and ill reopen the government that i closed, if you give me the money for something that 60 of the country consistently opposed, which is the border wall. I think for obvious reasons, that isnt very attractive to democrats. But i do think this does require democrats to begin to think about what, if anything, they would accept as the price for a wall. Dont forget that as recently as last february, all but three Democratic Senators voted for a package that would have included funding for the wall in return for a permanent status. For a i think it was much lower, like a million and a half. No, it was actually 25 billion in the senate version. It was a trust fund over an extended period. But that was for permanent a pathway to citizenship for a much broader definition of dreamers, about 2 million people. One last quick point, fred. George bush almost passed Immigration Reform in 2006. House republicans wouldnt take it up. Barack obama passed it through the senate on a bipartisan basis in 2013. House republicans wouldnt take it up. The idea were going to solve this while federal workers are under the point of a gun after really 15 years of stalemate between the parties is really absurd on its face. The notion that this kind of extended debate weve been having in the country, they should be held hostage to that, really doesnt kind of pass the laugh test after we watched how difficult it has been to reach consensus on these underlying issues. So what is the area then where democrats are willing, you know, to budge . Is it an issue of the figure for the wall where theyre malleable, or is it an issue of permanent wall for more permanent path for Daca Recipients but saying a temporary extension versus a permanent wall, you know, theyre not willing to budge . That is the Pressure Point right now, fred. What im hearing from democratic sources in both the house and senate is that if the conversation shifts to permanent protections for Daca Recipients, tps recipients, then thats something they feel they might get on board with. But where republicans are really happy right now is its not so much the substance of trumps proposal theyre rallying around but rather the notion that quite publicly the white house has been the first to try and break this stalemate by way of a very public, you know, theatrical offer. They feel its now on the onus of democrats to take this and either make a counteroffer or sign on with trumps proposal because youve got senator mitt romney, representative mark meadows, two people quite different on the ideological spectrum in the Republican Party saying that they support what the white house is putting forth. So if you cant get seven democrats on board to vote for closu cloture and get this vote on the floor, i think politically this reflects worse on democrats than it does on republicans. And this again is an example of the white house, you know, trying to shape the narrative to say the white house has been willing to make an offer, to make concessions. This is what the Vice President had to say earlier why about who has been involved in the president s latest proposal. What the president directed us to do, our negotiation team, was to reach out with rank and file democrats in the house and in the senate. What the president presented yesterday really is an effort to bring together ideas from both political parties. All right. So you heard the Vice President say rank and file democrats have been invited to the table. Congressman Benny Thompson earl y ier said you have to reach out to the leadership. So where are we seeing the art of the deal, the president being the great negotiator . Were not seeing that on behalf of this president at all. One reason i was told democrats were unilaterally opposed out of the gate on this offer from the white house was that they werent consulted at all. This is not something that Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi were huddling with Vice President pence and Jared Kushner on. Rather, what they had been told over the last two, three weeks is that the president wouldnt entertain anything related to daca when it comes to finding a compromise to reopen the government and solve what he believes is a humanitarian crisis at the border. In many ways, they were caught flat footed when earlier this week Vice President pence told reporters the president is not interested in making daca part of these talks to suddenly seeing donald trump at the podium saying this is part of his, you know, grand bargain. So ron, does it appear as though the president is more willing, however, to be influenced by conservative commentators, say republican congressman steve king, who have tweeted their criticisms about his latest offer . Right, look, i think the answer is yes in that the president and everyone in the white house, i think, recognizes that if there is going to be any conversation with democrats about accepting money for a wall, that the minimum on his side is going to be a permanent solution for the dreamers. Some pathway toward legal status or citizenship. The president today in response to the criticism on the right made clear thats not on his agenda and that theres only so far that he can go. I kind of go back to the point from before, which is this is why we have been fighting about this issue almost nonstop for nearly 15 years. The thought that youre going to make 800,000 federal employees go without pay and all of these Critical Services face escalating strain on the idea youre going to solve it suddenly in three weeks after 15 years, just seems to me, you know, completely irresponsible and almost a separate point from the underlying substance of how far you go on the dreamers verse how much money you give objen t wall. Why is the president not responsive to that . Isnt that federal workers saying where is the empathy . Why are you using us as pawns . Look, there are two reasons. One, because hes a president who does not accept the norms of president ial behavior. But i think even more important is this is what happens when you have a president who abandons even the aspiration of representing a majority of the country. His view has always been that so long as he keeps his core supporters with him, hes fine politically. Hes evinced very little interest in the needs of voters outside of his coalition. I think this is a reminder, this whole episode, where 60 of the country opposes the wall and roughly 60 opposes the shutdown, how quickly a president can drift and more than half blaming president for the shutdown. Yeah, yeah. If you dont even have the goal of maintaining majority support, you can get pretty far off track pretty fast, and i think this shutdown has showed us that. All right. Well leave it there for now. Thanks so much to both of you. Appreciate it. So this shutdown has real impacts for thousands of people. Pilots warning of security risks. Tsa workers who keep our airports safe are calling out sick. Attorneys are warning of slowing crime investigations. Federal workers say theyre entering survival mode. And prison workers say this is a recipe for disaster. Joining me right now, a furloughed federal subcontractor for nasa. Hes an electrician and also the Vice President of his local union. Thank you so much for joining me. How has the past 30 days before for you . It has been very difficult, not only for myself but for the other 700 workers that i work with down there. But i want america to understand that when they shut the gates at nasa, there was over 8,000 people affected. Its not only just workers. Its scientists. Its support staff. Its vendors. Its across the board afblfecti the community in the bra vaarea. And talk to me about some scientists who are working on projects, have experiments, and how the interruption of government being shut down, how that really sets back very vital work. Yes, it does. And we have basically skeleton crews down there that are doing what they deem as essential work. So probably 98 of the staff down there that we work with is out on furlough, many of them are husband and wife. So they are affected. Their children are affected. I mean, across the board. This really is very unnecessary. So then when you heard the president s address yesterday, his major announcement on here is an idea to get government up and running again, were you encouraged, or are you further discouraged . Well, i think all sides of the aisle, both democrats and republicans, and the white house need to put aside this issue, reopen the government, get these federal employees back to work. These are Vital Services from the bureau of prisons to the fbi to nasa. This is far reaching. I dont think america understands how far reaching this is. When you take and furlough all these people, all these subcontractors, all these vendors and so on and so forth, its far reaching. This is true trickledown economics. When you dont have any money, youre not going and putting gas in the car. You dont have money for rent. You dont have money for food. Its far reaching. So stephen, express to me how confusing it is to hear that while the president and lawmakers are saying were going to try and deal with this immigration issue, why youre not hearing that government is going to reopen while separately this argument can be made this budget can be, you know, settled while government is up and running. Absolutely. I think anybody that works in the federal sector would tell you, lets go ahead and reopen this government and then push on with the discussion. I dont think anybody in america doesnt realize that we do have Immigration Reform that needs to be spoken and talked about. Thats the way our government has worked for 220 years whether youre on one side of the aisle or the other. You come together, you make your ways and means known, and you sit there and negotiate and go forward with what is best for america as a whole. All we see now is this stagnati stagnation and federal workers and subcontractors being held hostage. Who are you blaming for this stagnation . I really dont want to get into the political realm. I, as a voice, am trying to sit there and be a voice of reason to both sides to sit there and say, hey, lets get together. We know what we have to do. Lets go ahead, reopen the government, get these people back to work, and then have this discussion. Thats the way america and the government is supposed to work. Stephen ching, thank you so much. Of course, were grateful for your public and civil service. Thank you. Were wishing you and everyone the best who want things to get up and running again. All right. Still ahead, President Trumps attorney opening up. New scrutiny after revealing trump may have talked to his former fixer, Michael Cohen, about his testimony to congress. Will that amount to obstruction of justice . Well discuss next. 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Rudy giuliani refuting reports the president instructed Michael Cohen to lie to congress but also admitting the president may have talked with cohen in detail about what exactly he was planning to say in the testimony. Giuliani spoke at length with our jake tapper on cnns state of the union. Did President Trump or anyone on the trump team talk to Michael Cohen about his congressional testimony before he gave congressional testimony or after he gave congressional testimony . I can tell you first of all, i wasnt the lawyer at the time. Right. Michael cohens lawyers reviewed his testimony with him. But did President Trump or anyone no, let me answer the question. Okay. As far as i know President Trump did not have discussions with him, certainly had no discussions with him in which he told him or counseled him to lie. If he had any discussions with him, theyd be about the version of the events that Michael Cohen gave then, which they all believe was true. I believed it was true. I still believe it may be true because unlike these people who want to just believe him, i believe Michael Cohen is a serial liar. You just acknowledged that its possible that President Trump talked to Michael Cohen about his testimony. Which would be perfectly normal. So its possible that happened, that President Trump talked to Michael Cohen. I dont know if it happened or didnt happen. It might Attorney Client privilege where i cant acknowledge. I have no knowledge he spoke to him. Its not significant because the version he gave but one of the things he pleaded guilty to, i believe, is lying to congress about the trump tower deal. Which time . Which time . You can pick your time. Right, but about the trump tower deal. Hes pleading guilty to get a reduced sentence, which means hes saying what the prosecutor wants him to say. You just acknowledged that President Trump might have talked to him about his testimony. And so what if he talked to him about it . Is it not possible that Michael Cohen had that conversation and im just asking you for what happened or didnt happen. Its not possible. Michael cohen left the conversation thinking, well, this is what the boss wants me to say. The boss wants me not possible. The guy driving this testimony was Michael Cohen. In other words, you and i are in a deal together. Youre the guy running it. Im the guy thats sitting back there doing 50 over things. When it comes time to remember what happens, i go to you and you tell me what happened. I dont tell you what happened. So Michael Cohen was telling people what happened. I dont know if the president was briefed by him or wasnt. He certainly was briefed by his lawyers, all Attorney Client privilege. I can tell you this, Michael Cohens lawyers believed him at the time. Why wouldnt the president believe him . In his written answers and he knew what happened. He, Michael Cohen, was the guy in charge of this. I emphasize that. Right. President trump was running for president. So when this comes down and everybodys in a joint defense agreement, you go to Michael Cohen, say, michael, what happened . Michael is going to remember a lot better what happened than donald trump where this was like this big in his recollection and its this big in michaels. Right. But let me ask you a question and what youre doing is so unfair. This part you were the lawyer for. In his written answers, President Trumps written answers to special counsel Robert Muellers questions, what did President Trump have to say about the trump moscow project . He acknowledged they had conversations about it throughout 2015, 2016. Through november 2016 . He answered right . Thats what you said before. He answered those questions fully, and i think to the satisfaction of the special counsel. So im not at all concerned about that. He gave a full and complete answer. I cant share the whole thing with you, but i can share the conclusion, which is he has conversations with Michael Cohen, but it was Michael Cohen driving the project. As of course anybody whos being fair minded would understand. He was running, i emphasize, for president of the united states, tied up 18 hours a day with that. Right. If he could devote a minute a day to this, it would be a lot. So it would be a minute here, a minute there, a minute here. Your recollection of that is not going to be that strong. The guy running the deal is going to remember it. All right. Joining me now from washington is Washington Post columnist josh rogan and michael zeldin, former special assistant to Robert Mueller at the department of justice. Good to see you both. Michael, you first. What do you make of Rudy Giulianis argument and admission that the president may have spoken with Michael Cohen about his testimony and that would be normal . Well, first, Rudy Giuliani should not be on television. This story would not be something wed be talking about today had he not showed up with jake tapper this morning. So what hes doing strategically is a mystery to me. Secondly, with respect to the substance of it is he is saying that the conversations between the president and cohen extended beyond january possibly. The president doesnt remember it, he says, but possibly it did. If it did, it doesnt make a difference. And he also says that the president may have talked to him about the testimony that he gave, which also he says it no big deal. So if its completely benign, its no big deal. If you believe that there was some influence that was brought to bear on Michael Cohens testimony or there was a wink and a nod agreement between the president and Michael Cohen about the nature of that testimony, then its problematic legally, yes. So josh, this pattern is rather familiar, is it not . Whether it be from the president or his attorney, first a denial, it never happened, then so what if it did . Then theres the hypothetical of if it did, it wouldnt be a big problem. Giuliani said this discussion or the trump tower moscow deal wasnt really a deal if it was just a plan. I mean, what do you make of all this confusion or the changing of the stories . It seems to make matters worse. Its bizarre to try to pick through the rantings of Rudy Giuliani to figure out what hes trying to say and what he actually knows and what hes actually saying the president is trying to say. So first we had jakes interview. Then an interview on another network. Then just a couple hours ago, the New York Times put up another interview with giuliani where he further clarifies that the president acknowledges that his discussions with Michael Cohen lasted until election day. The quote, according to Rudy Giuliani, from the president is, it was all going from the day i announced to the day i won. Okay. Thats another clarification of the clarification of the clarification. Just put aside the testimony for a second. Heres the president and his lawyer acknowledging that they were working with mike come hhe. He knew about the trump tower negotiations until election day. That means he knew about it not only until january, but through the debates, through the puppet, no puppet stuff. And while he was telling the American People he had nothing to do with russia, no dealings in russia. I urge everyone to go online real quick and take a look at that 17page letter of intent that President Trump signed in october 2015 that started all of this. Apparently, according to trump, it went through election day. Are they really going to claim this is no business deal wgs russ dealings with russia . It was very, very specific, detailed work. It didnt work out, so if youre saying, oh, well, the conflict of interest didnt succeed, i guess they can retreat to that position, but theres a basic issue here. Conflict of interest while hes running for the job to represent american interests and secretly, covertly working to advance his own financial interests and that of the trump organization, thats the essence of the corruption. And then after the election, we can talk about the coverup and what did he know about the coverup. On that, Rudy Giuliani really doesnt seem to know much at all. So michael, giuliani is a former prosecutor. He knows that the Mueller Probe is ongoing and all of these versions of events, the changing of the story, why wouldnt he think this only gives more ammunition, more material in which to broaden the scope of the investigation or perhaps narrow scopes of investigation . Well, thats the great question. I dont understand what giuliani is doing from a Public Relations or legal representation standpoint, going on television and making all of these mistakes. If i were giuliani, what i would be wondering is why was it that mueller chose to indict Michael Cohen for lying to congress . He could have indicted Michael Cohen for lying to him because he repeated the same lies to mueller when he first came in for the interview. Why did he choose to charge cohen with lying to congress . Was it because he wanted to have a predicate for other people having coordinated with him with those lies . If you remember in the statement that mueller issued to the judge in support of the sentencing of Michael Cohen, he says, and ill read it to you, the information provided by cohen about the moscow project in these sessions is consistent with and corroborated by other information obtained in the course of the special counsel investigation. So it would seem possibly that if i were giuliani, what id be much more worried about is why did they charge him with lying to congress, and is there truth to the proposition that cohen may have, if you will, rigged his false testimony in coordination with others, either the president or President Trump Organization People . Thats what i would worry about. Josh . I think the most plausible theory about why rudy is doing all this is because hes trying to muddy the waters. Hes drawing us all into what we call the liars paradox. Mike cohens a lawyer. President trumps a lawyer. Rudy giuliani is a liar. So who are you going to believe . Thats why i think michaels very correctly focusing on what is the corroborating evidence. Thats why were talking about this, not because rudy went on tv. Buzzfeed published that huge story thats in so much discussion about alleging theres actually corroborated evidence that the president specifically directed Michael Cohen to lie to congress, which would be, if proven, an impeachable offense. Eventually well find out if thats true. Even if we never get that far, the fact that in order to muddy the waters about that, he had to admit to the basic corruption is stunning. Muddies the waters or adds fuel to the fire. Pick your poison here. Either. Josh rogan, michael zeldin, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Still ahead, a disturbing viral video of an encounter between a group of teenagers and a native american elder. The story and fallout behind the video that has everyone talking and outraged, next. I dont keep track of regrets. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. 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Toujeo®, ask your doctor. Lets groove tonight. That can lead to death. Unstopand its strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. Which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. Well almost anything. Leave no room behind with xfi pods. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click or visit a retail store today. A viral video of a standoff between a native american elder and Catholic School teens at the Lincoln Memorial is sparking 24 hours of outrage online. As with any viral video, there is more truth than what you see in a clip on twitter. Cnns sarah sidner is digging deeper. Sarah . Reporter thats right, fred. When a video from a moment in time goes viral, there is often more to tell. As we reported this story out, we found video that started a full hour before the native american elder and a Catholic School student came face to face. Well show you why and how they came together and why some arent only condemning the students behavior but the adults around them. New video emerges in a story thats gone viral between Catholic School students and a native american elder named Nathaniel Phillips. Phillips found himself surrounded by students, one staring him down, the others chanting around him as phillips says he was trying to create calm between two groups at odds. I realized i had put myself in a really dangerous situation, you know. It was like, heres a group of people who were angry at somebody else, and i put myself in front of that and all of a sudden im the one whos all that anger and all that wanting to have the freedom to just rip me apart. Reporter this video shows what happened long before phillips shows up. You can see a group of about five black men who identify as hebrew israelites preaching. They start taunting people of all colors, other black visitors, natives, and a catholic priest. Lets make America Great again a bunch of child molesters [ bleep ] this is the moment that Group Becomes aware of the students, some wearing make America Great again hats. You got these pompous bastards come down here in the middle of a native rally with they dirty ass hat on. Reporter at first, the Catholic School students are there in small numbers, but more and more students begin to gather, watching with few weighing in. The small group of men continues taunting them. A bunch of incest babies this is what america make America Great looks like. Reporter the students begin to react but do not approach the men. The black israelites continue to condemn the kids. You worship blasphemy we got angels for us reporter then one of the students takes off his shirt, and the group begins chanting. Two minutes later, you hear a drum beat. That is phillips and another native american drummer. He says it was an attempt to thwart potential violence. The kids danced to it, and some begin chanting along with the native song. But for those who think they were enjoying each others company, phillips says that is not at all how it felt, especially because of the student standing before him. Fear, not for myself, but fear for the next generations, fear where this countrys going, fear for those youth, fear for their future, fear for their souls, their spirit, what theyre going to do to this country. Reporter now, the covington Catholic School students were in washington from kentucky, taking part in the right to life march. The kat like diocese that oversees the school has condemned the students behavior toward Nathaniel Phillips and native americans in general. They say theyre investigating. There is something very clear that was happening in this video. Basically, that hour and a half video that went out, that we were able to view kind of all things that happened before all this and some of what happened afterwards, the black men who call themselves the hebrew israelites were really the ones spewing hate initially and causing all this tension. Fred . Sarah sidner, very complicated. Thank you for bringing it to us. Appreciate it. All right. The stage is set for another highstakes meeting between President Trump and north Korean Leader kim jongun. Next, what were learning about the plans for a second summit and what it could mean for tensions between the two countries. The marriage was builyou are so awesome. But the house was built too small. This is kind of awesome . How long are we here . For one year, sparks will fly. This is not awesome. I just want to make an omlete oh, are you kidding me . The drama will be real, but it wont save you any money on car insurance. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. 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The meeting that took place this week confirmed there will be a second summit, and at that summit, well be laying out our expectation for north korea to take concrete steps to begin to make real the denuclearization that kim jongun committed to. Cnns National Security reporter kylie atwood joins us now with more on this. Kylie, any indication where this summit would take place . Well, we know that vietnam is a leading contender. Its the closest to north korea of the three locations that the white house sent scouting teams to, to check out. We know that it was hanoi, hawaii, and bangkok that white house officials scoured and tried to see which one they would like. But the president has not made official the exact location. What he did say after his meetings on friday with these north korean diplomats who were in town was at the end of february, as you noted earlier, is going to be when this second summit will take place. He met with the north korean diplomats for an hour and a half in the oval office on friday. Thats a long amount of time. Its also important to note that it was the first time in 18 years that north korean officials spent the night here in washington. They spent two nights here, and its clear that the u. S. Is trying to grease the wheel for positive engagement with the north koreans as both sides are very hopeful for the second summit. And kylie, the president sent out a tweet saying the media is not giving us credit for the tremendous progress we have made in north korea. Think of where we are at the end of the Obama Administration compared to now. Great meeting this week with top reps. Looking forward to meeting with chairman kim at the end of february. So what are the accomplishments that the white house wants to underscore . Well, the accomplishments that Vice President pence noted in an interview earlier today was that north korea is no longer testing its Nuclear Weapons or launching missiles. They havent done so as theyve been interacting with the u. S. Officials on diplomacy that would lead, hopefully, the u. S. Hopes, toward complete, irreversible denuclearization of north korea. But of course, just because theyre not testing them doesnt mean theyre not working on them. U. S. Intelligence reports say that they are indeed still working on their nuclear program, which should be preventive, some say, from continuing to have these talks. Just last week, the pentagons Defense Missile strategy demonstrated came out and said that north korea is still an extraordinary threat to the u. S. So as they go into these meetings, pence said that they are going to be, indeed, requesting from them concrete steps that they have to take towards denuclearization to make everyone feel like theres some progress, its not just talks. All right. Kylie atwood, thank you so much. And well be right back. Mom hes blinking too loud. Sorry, is that too loud . You dont need any more hormones in your house. Thats why you chose kraft natural cheese. Made with fresh milk without the added hormone rbst. Its cheese as it should be. Hey, darryl. Would you choose the network rated 1 in the nation by the experts, or the one awarded by the people . Uh. Correct you dont have to choose, cause, uh. Oh vo switch to the Network Awarded by rootmetrics and j. D. Power. Buy one of our best phones, get one on us. Theres brushing. And theres oralb power brushing. Oralb just cleans better. Even my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada. Oralb. Brush like a pro. And i dont add trup the years. S. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. A newly released draft memo shows that as early as 2017, the Trump Administration had a plan to separate Migrant Children from their families at the u. S. mexico border. Another watchdog reports that the Trump Administration has no idea how many kids were separated, but its thousands more than previously admitted. Heres cnns nick valencia. Reporter the report is stunning. The hhs office of the Inspector General found that the Trump Administration has no idea how many children were separated from their parents or guardians, but what is clear is that its potentially thousands more than the number that was previously reported of 2,737. Part of this report indicates that the reason they dont know how many children were separated was that there wasnt a proper Data Collection system in place. Not only did we learn that headline, but also that more children are being held for a longer period of time in u. S. Custody than the public is aware. If you remember, it was last summer that a federal judge ruled that there must be a unification, reunification deadline. Cnn previously reported that children were still being separated after that deadline passed, but what we learned on thursday from this oig report is that there was a total of at least 118 children that were separated. They say mostly because of a criminal history with a parent or guardian. Now, this report was part of a twoweek factfinding mission, a collection of data where these inspectors visited a total of 45 sites. Heres what hhs is saying in response. The effort undertaken by hhs was complex, fast moving, and resource sensitive. The oigs report provides a window into the herculean work of the hhs career staff to rapidly identify children in orr care who had been separated from their parents and reyuan unify. And the death toll is climbing following a deadlie pipeline explosion in central mexico. At least 79 people are now dead and dozens more hurt after friday nights explosion. It happened about 65 miles north of mexico city. Mexico Authorities Say the preliminary belief is the explosion was caused by static electricity from the clothing of people around the pipeline. And Prince Philip has been caught on camera breaking the law. These pictures show the duke of ed edinburg driving without a seat belt. This happened just two days after he crashed into a car with two women and a baby inside. The prince was not hurt, but the two women suffered minor injuries. A Buckingham Palace source tells cnn Prince Philip passed a police eyesight test. As for the photographs showing the prince behind the wheel without a belt, police say they have given him, quote, suitable words of advice, end quote. Buckingham palace has not yet responded. And be sure to catch an all new episode of american style tonight on cnn. Heres a preview. Grunge is an extension of the hippie movement. It was the anticonformist fashion niche, but it was also about fairly minimal clothes. We have a tshirt, a pair of jeans, a ratty old holy sweater. People wore something they didnt have to think about. It looked as though in the case of kurt cobain, he did his shopping at secondhand stores. That was the beginning of vintage becoming popular and then in todays world, vintage becoming expensive. Its about coming into stores like this and finding your favorite thing and just putting it all together. These guys werent trying to create a fashion trend. They had poured all their heart and soul into their music. They didnt have noun buy stuff. They were thrifting. Eventually, because of the power of their music, it transformed from what was not intended to be a Fashion Movement to truly a worldwide sensation. American style airs tonight, 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Thanks so much for joining me this sunday. Im fredricka whitfield. The news continues with ana cabrera after this. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Around the clock. And with a 0 copay, thats something to groove about. Lets groove tonight. Toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. It contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. Dont use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if youre allergic to insulin. Get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. Dont reuse needles, or share insulin pens. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be lifethreatening. It may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. Check your blood sugar levels daily. Injection site reactions may occur. Dont change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. Tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. Check insulin label each time you inject. Taking tzds with insulins like toujeo® may cause Heart Failure that can lead to death. Toujeo®, ask your doctor. Lets groove tonight. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Im ana cabrera in new york. Its 5 00 eastern, 2 00 in the afternoon out west. We begin with a significant admission from President Trumps attorney this morning here on cnn. Rudy giuliani revealed that the president may have talked with cohen about his congressional testimony. Were talking about mike come h cohen lying to congress. Hes now

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