In 2016. That washington report reveals there are no detailed reports of trumps five facetoface meetings with putin. The reporter who broke that story spoke to cnn this morning. If you go back to clinton, obama, george w. Bush, george h. W. Bush, ronald reagan, their meetings with their russian counterparts involved senior aides, often multiple aides taking detailed notes. In fact, you can go through the clinton archive and read almost verbatim transcripts of his meetings with bori srkboris yel. Those dont exist for President Trump because hes keeping his aides from watching. Many are uncomfortable about being in the dark about these meetings. In the Washington Post, one said, im quoting now, god only knows what they were going to talk about or agree to, end quote. The white house and President Trump are pushing back on both reports. Here is President Trump answering on his favorite tv network when directly asked are you now or have you ever worked for russia . I think its the most insulting thing ive ever been asked. I think its the most insulting article ive ever had written. And if you read the article, youd see they found absolutely nothing. Lets check in now with cnns White House Correspondent bo rirksboris sanchez. What are you hearing from the white house . Not worthy of a response is how some in the administration are responding to these two backtoback reports in the New York Times and the Washington Post. The president himself dismissed both of these reports. Sarah sanders put out replies about these that are eerily similar. Listen to what she had to say about a story in the New York Times. She calls it absurd and later goes on to say trump has been tough on russia. On the Washington Post story, she says, the Washington Post story is so outrageously inaccurate it doesnt even warrant a response. The liberal media has wasted two years trying to manufacture a fake collusion scandal instead of reporting the fact that unlike president obama, who let russia and other foreign adversaries push america around, President Trump has actually been tough on russia. Using almost the same language on both occasions, saying trump has been especially tougher despite the fact there are multiple occasions of trump being quite friendly to russian officials, including Vladimir Putin. You recall that press conference in helsinke where trump failed to address Russian Election meddling in 2016, and we dont know what they are like in public in the vein of that report. And democrats are reacting that they fear the president could be working on behalf of russia. What has been said . Reporter responses have fallen mostly along party lines. The president was defended on both counts saying some of the deep state in the fbi had merit, and in terms of the Washington Post report, he made the argument that some of the president s other conversations with World Leaders had previously leaked and perhaps the president was trying to defend himself from future leaks by keeping some of these conversations with Vladimir Putin private. We also heard from senator mark warner this morning on state of the union. He suggested that both of these reports reveal there are still Unanswered Questions about the issue of collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. Listen now to this. Do you think the president of the United States ever worked on behalf of the russians against american interests . Well, jake, thats the defining question of our investigation and the mueller investigation. Was there collusion . I do think its curious that throughout that whole summer when these investigations started, you had Vladimir Putin policies almost being parroted by donald trump. You had trump say only nice things about putin. He never spoke ill about russia. The Republican Campaign doctrines softened on russia and decreased their willingness to defend ukraine. There was a series of outside actions. Top democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee Also said it was pathetic that u. S. Officials dont know exactly what Vladimir Putin and President Trump talked about in private, fred. Boris sanchez at a very snowy white house, thank you so much. Its important to keep in mind that we are talking about russia, the country that meddled in the 2016 u. S. Election, the country thats at the center of the special counsel Robert Muellers investigation. And now were learning of the glaring gap in records of the private conversations between President Trump and putin. All officials have to go off of the president s word of what happened at those meetings. We had direct open and deeply productive dialogue. It went very well. Our relationship has never been worse than it is now. However, that changed as of about four hours ago. I really believe that. President putin and i have been discussing various things, and i think its going very well. We had some very, very good talks. Were going to have a talk now, and obviously that will continue. But we look forward to a lot of very positive things happening, for russia, for the United States, and for everybody concerned. Vaguery is then, vaguery is now. Joining me now, shawn turner, former director for National Intelligence and former adviser phil mudd. Good to see both of you. Shawn, you first. What could be a reasonable explanation for the president s approach here . Why wouldnt he want documentation or witnesses as protection at the very least . Fred, to be candid, i dont think there is a good reason for not wanting some sort of documentation for what happened in these meetings. To be clear, every president has the right to meet one on one with World Leaders. Previous president s have done it, and while i think for President Trump its illadvised considering everything thats going on with the russia investigation, its his right to do that. But what the president has to be concerned about here and what everyone has to be concerned about is there is an optic here that there are secrets between the president of the United States and Vladimir Putin. The president s top advisers, his dni, and certainly not the American People are privy to those secrets. So the question we have to ask here is are we okay with secrets between these two men regarding everything in the president s sphere being in contact with the russians before the election . And the Washington Post was told this. It handicaps the u. S. Government. The experts and advisers and cabinet officers who are there to serve the president , and it certainly gives putin much more scope to manipulate trump. He also said that this defies historical standards and is outrageous. So, phil, how do you assess all this . If youre looking for a reasonable answer, i cant give you one, but let me try to answer, anyway. Number one, this is about the president s ego. He told us months ago in a public interview that he was the center of policy making in the United States and they didnt have to fill a lot of government positions because he can make those decisions. I can see him saying, why do i need to sit around in a meeting with Vladimir Putin . Im the one that makes the decisions, anyway. He then said, why donwas asked,u want people to know what you asked Vladimir Putin so they can execute the positive points you had with the russian leader . The only conclusion that i can draw is there was something said there that the president doesnt want revealed because its potentially embarrassing. So its a combination of ego and whatever the substance was that he doesnt want out there, but the bottom line, and i agree with shawn, typically you want people in there, because whatever you decide, they walk out and say, ill deliver on that promise to you. What youre saying is tantamount to one serving themselves and not serving the American People with that approach. Yes. So when trump was directly asked on his Favorite Television network if he ever worked for russia, he said thats insulting. Shawn, why not just say flat out, no . What do you read in that kind of response that he gave . I think the president actually should have flat out said no. I dont believe that the president ever put himself in a situation where he was directly taking orders, knowingly and willfully taking orders from Vladimir Putin or from russia. But that doesnt really matter because weve seen the president behave in ways that he clearly feels some deference to Vladimir Putin and to russia, and we still dont know why thats the case. On this whole issue of the meetings and the president not sharing information, look, you know, fred, there is an immense amount of intelligence value in understanding the conversations between Vladimir Putin and the president so that in the Intelligence Community, we can compare what Vladimir Putin said to President Trump with what were seeing and hearing in our intelligence collections activities. We can understand their intent. What the president has taken away from not just the Intelligence Community and his National Security team but from the American People is the ability to really understand the intent of a country thats clearly an adversary to the United States. So is it your gut feeling that what were publicly learning about this stuff given the way intelligence agencies work that maybe they know more about what behavior there may be with the president and russia or of Vladimir Putin than any of us publicly really know . Sort of. But let me echo what shawn says. They know half of the story. If youre looking at russian intelligence and russian diplomatic sources in moscow, for example, theyve got to be talking presumably, maybe in secret meetings, maybe in conversations with american officials, what was discussed between putin and the president. But the problem, to echo what shawn said, is if you go into that conversation between the president and the russian leadership and, for example, the russian leader putin says something about russias involvement in syria, how does the president get advice on whether what putin says is accurate or not if no one knows what putin said . If putin said its a lie, how do you advise him . Thats what the problem is here, fred. Its not just the president s response thats very evasive. Listen to what mike pompeo said when the fbi feared the president was working on behalf of russia. Im not going to comment on New York Times stories, but ill certainly say this, that the notion that President Trump is a threat to american National Security is absolutely ludicrous. Just to clarify since you were cia director, did you have any idea that this investigation was happening . Margaret, margaret, ive answered this question repeatedly, indeed, on your show. The idea thats contained in the New York Times story that President Trump was a threat to american National Security is silly on its face and not worthy of a response. So, shawn, was that an ominous response to you . This is really interesting, because this is an opportunity for the secretary to simply say, these stories are not true. The president did not do these things. But instead he says the idea that he was a threat to National Security, you know, is crazy. Well, what hes doing there is hes saying, look, i know what things are that are threats to National Security, and what i can tell you what i know of, whats happening behind the scenes, is not a threat to National Security. Thats a real concern for me because these denials are not unequivocal. These denials are kind of bouncing all over the place. I think that the president and his senior advisers really need to take a step back and determine whether or not they want to come out and say affirmatively that these things did not happen. So far, fred, i just havent seen that, and thats what causes me some concern. Phil, quickly, the response . Just simply that its ludicrous . I think there is a different way to look at this, and that is that im not sure that mike pompeo or the secretary of state would know everything the department of justice or the fbi is doing. For him to say there is no investigation, the president never did anything to investigate whats that . When he was cia director, though . He hasnt been director for a while, and the cia director doesnt know every investigation that the fbi undertakes, so i could see him saying, im not going to answer questions on investigation, but on the question of President Trumps operation with russia, he doesnt buy it. I could see that, conceivably. Good to talk with both of you. Still ahead, while the president points the finger at democrats for the government shutdown, Many Americans feel President Trump is to blame. Is the border wall funding hurting his Approval Rating . One hour pickup order . Got it. Ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. And 2 boxes of twizzlers. Yeah, uh. For the team. The team . Gooo team. Order online pickup in an hour. And, now save 250 on a lenovo 2in1 flex. At office depot officemax. And, now save 250 on a lenovo 2in1 flex. [[clap, clap]] hey, jen, which tie says, trustworthy but also fun . Gold down, oil up. Oil down, gold up. This is too busy. We need to make sure people can actually use this stuff. Which one says, hours of free Live Streaming coverage without cable or subscription fees . Aluminum, aluminum . You ready, zack . Oh, were ready. Welcome to the show. Lets make finance make sense. Part of the government ground to a halt almost three weeks ago, and Democratic Leaders have blamed the president , while the white house have chosen to pin this on nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer. We now know who america feels is at fault. A new cnn poll shows 55 believe trump is responsible, 32 say democrats, 9 say both are to blame. President trump is still targeting democrats and tweeted earlier, im in the white house waiting. The democrats are everywhere but washington as people await their pay. They are having fun and not even talking. But democrats dispute that. I think history will show that donald trump, a supposed great dealmaker, and im working on a piece on this, that Business Schools and Management Consultants will look back for years and say this was the most inept negotiation. He boxed himself in a corner. He didnt empower his negotiators like the Vice President or Lindsey Graham or mitch mcconnell. In an interview with fox news, the president reiterated his position on possibly declaring a National Emergency to fund his border wall. Well, i have the absolute right to call a National Emergency. Other president s have called Many National emergencies for things of lesser importance, frankly, than this, and i have a right to do it. I would like to see democrats come back from their vacation and act. Theyre not acting, and theyre the ones holding it up. This all comes as the president s disApproval Rating has climbed five points since last month to 57 . Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of federal workers are not getting paid. The impacts are being felt. The Miami International airport has closed a concourse early. Half day its working because tsa workers are calling out sick in droves. The fda has filed for unemployment. Sandy works in a federal prison in minnesota and has been working without pay due to the shutdown. Sandy, thanks for being with me. So you and other employees will not get your paychecks tomorrow, thats usually your payday. What kind of impact has it already made in your life . Its going to have a very large impact, not only on myself but Community Businesses and all of the staff that work with me. Everybody is extremely worried not knowing when their next mortgage payment will be made and if they can put gas in their car just to get to work. So if this shutdown drags on for works or perhaps even months, youre still expected to go to work without pay. How will you make ends meet . How will you cope . How will you continue to bring the same amount of, you know, enthusiasm and focus to your job knowing that youre there and youre not going to be getting a paycheck . Well, were going to rely on each other like we do every day. When you work in a prison setting, you work with the most dangerous criminals across this nation. We have each others backs and thats what we have to do. We have lots of Community Support coming out, and hopefully theyll keep coming out and helping us, making sure we have food on our table and gas in our cars to get to work. But we dont have a choice. If we dont show up for work, our nations country is at risk. We work with inmates. We cant just release them to the streets. Hence, why i ask about the focus. You have to be focused all the time on what it is youre doing and really try to block out your personal life or any kind of, you know, personal, you know, difficulties when youre on the job. Do you feel like thats being made a little bit more of a greater challenge for you right now . Its very difficult and its very stressful. A stressful correctional officer, a stressful worker, and a tired correctional officer is dangerous with the inmates. The inmates know were not getting paid, they know were tired and they know were stressed. This is when theyll be taxing us even more. Pressing your buttons a little more, too, potentially. So what would you want to say to the president . He is often watching all the time. This is your moment to directly make a plea or help him understand where youre coming from and other federal workers, contractor contractors, and where family members are coming from. Its time for them to stop the political pawns and whatever game theyre playing. Its time to stop using us as his pawn. Sandy parr, we wish you the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your personal experiences and thoughts. Appreciate it. Lets talk further now. With me now is cnn politics digital directly zach wolf and nathan gonzalez, editor and publisher of inside elections, a platform that provides nonpartisan analysis of campaigns. Good to see both of you. Lets start with americans. 55 blaming the president , according to the latest polling, for the shutdown. Zach, the president said he would own this shutdown. He even said he is proud of it. Is he soon to be at all moved, you know, by how many people are hurting as a result . Well, please dont make me go inside his head to figure out whats going to move him, because thats what we all are doing on a regular basis, but whats your best thought . At some point you would think a president or any Public Servant would be listening to the American People. Weve got lots of folks from sandy to others who have been expressing their hardships. Whats your expectation of how these personal accounts might in some way penetrate the president s thinking . Well, yeah. Kind of the thing behind those numbers is he probably still has a lot of support among republicans, among his base of people. And he has said before that those are the people he is essentially governing for. I think as pressure mounts nationwide on senators, on congressmen, they can kind of bring that back to him, that frustration. I think thats the kind of thing ultimately that will have to move him is the pain of the shutdown sort of reaching home and trickling up into his whatever he sees every day. Something that does seem to get the president s attention on a fairly regular basis would be Approval Ratings, that kind of thing. And his Approval Rating is down to 37 . 57 , according to this new polling, disapprove, and according to cnn polling, the increase in disapproval comes primarily among whites without college degrees. And a lot of polling has demonstrated that that represents a good part of his base. So this marks the first time Approval Rating with this group has been underwater in cnn polling since 2018. So, nathan, would this help the president listen . Might it impact his Decision Making . Potentially. I mean, when i first saw these numbers, a couple things stuck out to me. One, is this the blurb or a trend of a downward slope of his Approval Ratings and disrespect of his base. In a Washington Post poll that came out, there was a gap between unregistered voters and registered voters. I try to look at this through an electoral prism that even when we get to washington with those uneducated voters who might be unwavering in their support, theyll have to make a choice. Are they so disinfected theyll choose kabul harris or Elizabeth Warren over the president . I dont think things have gotten that bad among his base. Listen to what the president said to fox news about making a deal with House Speaker nancy pelosi and other democrats. So when nancy pelosi won, you very warmly in november congratulated her. Are you still confident you can get a deal done with her, or has that ship sailed . No idea. No idea. So for the last time, given that they dont seem to want to come to the table, that you have done all of the negotiating, why not declare . That might happen, but i want to give them a chance to see if they can act responsibly. So, zach, both dems and republicans have made concessions, have presented bills where they both say that they made some adjustments, but its the president who has yet to be satisfied. So who is more dug in here . I think whats kind of the most amazing thing so far about this shutdown to me, now the longest in american history, is it doesnt feel like anyone is really trying to end it right now. There are no closed door meetings approximate. Theyre essentially still in the lets do chicken phase and there doesnt seem to be an end in sichght and someone starts t move, will it be Chuck Schumer or nancy pelosi . Until someone blinks a little bit, there is no telling what will happen. If there is no fu the two sides cant even agree on what the problem is. Democrats are trying to end the government shutdown. Republicans are trying to find money to build a wall. Those are two very Different Things meaning initially it was about a spending bill, keeping government moving. But then the wall funding got attached to that, and so you say there is some real disparity over whats the priority . Right, each party has different priorities, and i still believe the president values deal making, but in this particular case, were talking about a Campaign Promise that he deals. Were on tv, were supposed to know everything and have all the answers, but i dont know how this ends because hes dug in his heels on his Campaign Promise. Is that how that works, were supposed to know everything . Thank you. Up next, outrageous and unacceptable strong new words from secretary of state mike pompeo on the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Heres what he vows to tell the Saudi Crown Prince at a facetoface meeting in saudi arabia. You control your blood sugar around the clock. And with a 0 copay, thats something to groove about. Lets groove tonight. Toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. It contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. Dont use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if youre allergic to insulin. Get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. Dont reuse needles, or share insulin pens. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be lifethreatening. It may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. 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It rather exists already, frankly, in terms of gulf nations against iran. Bound into that united front is, of course, israel, and that is an opportunity for diplomatic movement, if you like. Behind the scenes israel is slowly coming in from the cold in its reelationship with the gulf nations and thats the sort of thing mr. Pompeo would like to focus on, not the issue of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But he is relentlessly pressed on this and has been throughout his tour in the region, and once again today he was asked what he was going to say. And this is what the secretary of states response was, fred. What we have said consistently, americas position both privately and publicly is the same. This was an outrageous act, an unacceptable murder. Those who are responsible will be held accountable by the United States of america. Were determined to do that. Were determined to get to the facts just as quickly and comprehensively as we can. We have had a policy that has been remarkably consistent with respect to this week. We, like the rest of the world, vow to have human rights across the world and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was outrageous. And all the support they provide to keep americans in kansas, california and washington, d. C. Safe. Now, it is the case that saudi arabia is an important intelligence ally, fred, to the United States. They are very deeply bound together. As i say, theyre bound together in this almost obsession from the Trump Administration with regard to iran. But holding all of those accountable for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, that may be difficult given the cia conclusion with a strong sense of certainty that mbs, mohammad bin salman, the crown prince, was involved. The British Government shares in this, and many other nations around the world. I doubt the secretary will really get to the bottom of who dun it in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and they are trying to move things on, certainly in the white house perspective, into e rekindling the importance of this relationship. Fred . Thank you so much. Theyve just discovered another secret tunnel leading from mexico into the United States. Details on that smuggling route, next. To Severe Plaque Psoriasis get clearer. And stay clearer. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. Tremfya®. Stay clearer. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. 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Kids . Papa, papa [ laughs ] you didnt tell me your friends were coming. Oh, yeah. This one is tiny like a child. Yeah, she is. Oh, but seriously, its good to be surrounded by what matters most a home and auto bundle from progressive. Oh, sweetie, please, play for us. Oh, no, i couldnt. Please. Okay. [ singing in spanish ] he was detained by Security Officials and later released. The stunning move coming just days after juan widot said he was ready to step into the nations presidency temporarily to replace maduro. The party called the intention a kidnapping. Maduro was inaugerated on friday for a second term amid an economic crisis that has seen millions of venezuelans fleeing the country. He has been rejected in most countries, including the western hemisphere, and his own country calls his victory illegitimate. We know hes been released, but what has this done . Really unusual and this happened just a few hours ago, fred. He was stopped on a highway by government intelligence agents. The contention was confirmed by both his party and the authorities. He was driving to attend a political rally. He was briefly questioned and then freed. Tensions were heightened on friday when madura was elected in. The party was not a part of the process due to fairness and transparency concerns. On friday he said at a political rally that he was prepared to temporarily assume the presidency as allowed by the constitution when a president is disqualified from office and called for fair elections. As for why he was detained, this is the interesting part, fred, a top Government Official said the situation has been resolved, adding that the agents involving wido widots detention is legitimate. They will join about a dozen countries in the region who do not consider maduras presidency legitimate. I mentioned at the top that millions have left largely because of hunger . Thats true. People have been voting with their feet because they cannot go in a fairway li way like in places. 3. 6 Million People left venezuela last year alone due to the collapsing economy. Secretary of state mike pompeo says the administration estimates that this year alone, an additional 1 Million People will leave venezuela because of the same circumstances, and the economy is not Getting Better at all, fred. Extraordinary circumstances. Thank you so much, rafael. Good to see you. Appreciate it. Discovery at the border. Mexican authorities uncover another secret tunnel leading right in to the u. S. What they found, next. But also a stroll upchur ch street to really get a feel for the colonial part of old charleston. Just walking the streets, experiencing the neighborhoods and hearing the Church Bells Ring is an experience second to none. One of the newly preserved architecture in charleston, the city market. 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Mechani Mexican Federal police have released this video showing a smuggling tunnel they found from mexico going to the border town of arizona. Cnn correspondent Paulo Sandoval is live for us along the southern border. Paulo, what more can you tell us about this discovery . Reporter fred, its really just the latest in hundreds of these kinds of tunnels, some of them manmade, obviously, that authorities have located. Mexican federal police tweeting this video where you can see an officer crawling through that space. Investigators in mexico believe it was being used to move not just drugs but also people into the United States illegally. It was a concerned citizen who called mexican police, and thats exactly how that happened. But a key question as to what is actually happening on other parts of the border, including here in south texas, for example. I can personally tell you that according to what Authorities Say on the ground, these are the kinds of operations by drug cartels on the mexican side that have been going on for years. A little while ago i just got off the phone with a local Police Officer here in hidalgo, texas, basically the last city you stop by before going over the international bridge to the city in mexico across the river. The Police Officer basically telling me they have been struggling to really catch up with these kinds of operations. For example, for the last ten years, police here in hidalgo say they are aware of these drug smugglers basically using the citys own drainage system and the network of pipes underground to basically smuggle these drugs. If you look, youll see that is mainly marijuana, not the harder drugs that have been mentioned specifically by President Trump, but marijuana does continue to be smuggled into the United States according to local police, using the citys own system of drains, and that includes the ones that go literally right under the border wall, which is what im standing on right now. Its basically a large levee where you can see the wall is actually meant to stop some of the foot traffic. But it really just goes to show you that even though this particular barrier was built in 2008, Authorities Say thats when they began to notice that different trend of smugglers basically going underground try to get their drugs up north. All right, Paulo Sandoval, thank you so much. Next, a stunning new report accusing President Trump of hiding details of his conversations with russian president Vladimir Putin. Is this a National Security concern . Well discuss, coming up. Whoa. This looks worse than i thought. Mike and jen doyle . Yeah. Time for medicare, huh. I have no idea how were going to get through this. Follow me. Choosing a plan can be supercomplicated. But it doesnt have to be. Unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. Including the only plans with the aarp name. Well that wasnt so bad at all. Thats how we like it. Aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. When it comes to President Trumps most prominent policy position, he says the only way is best. President trump agrees a wall is n is a medieval idea. It worked then and it works now. There are other ideas the president may want to try out. Something for those sniffles we heard the other night. Maybe a border moat. Its tremendous amounts of water. The president has long used medieval themes. He used the medieval tv show the game the game of thrones. We should also note that it features ice zombies and dragons. Also, spoil era letteer alert, wall holding ice zombies fell in the last season. Not since Medieval Times has anything happened like this. We should note that president s embrace of Medieval Times, whether real or fiction, does capture the times of this era. If you think this hasnt been happening, you havent been paying attention. They say the wall is medieval. So is a wheel. A wheel is older than a wall. A wheel works and a wall works. Hello again, everyone. Thank you so much for being with me this sunday. Im fredricka whitfield. We start with an alarming report describing the extraordinary lengths President Trump has gone to in order to keep his details of his meetings with russian president Vladimir Putin a secret. The Washington Post reports in one instance, the president even took possession of notes, telling the leader not to discuss it with officials. The fbi started investigating whether President Trump was secretly working on behalf of russia back in may of 2017. And now the Washington Post reveals there are no detailed reports of trumps five

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