Athe athena, yesterday the president spoke to paul ryan and they say their relationship is stronger than ever. And they spoke again today . Reporter the conversation today has some interesting background. Thats because the president yesterday morning tweeted out a promo for a fox news show that was coming on yesterday night, a judge shapiro show. All day trump was airing promos that there would be some new wiretapping evidence. But judge Jeanine Shapiro called on paul ryan to step down as House Speaker because of his failure to secure the votes in that Health Care Repeal effort. The fact that she raised that question, wondering what the president meant, did he know that was coming. So my colleague said that the House Speaker and the president spoke again today, and the president was clear his tweet did not have anything to do with the speaker. They are both eager to get back to work on the agenda. And, fred, that is essentially, the message question are we theyre blaming the House Freedom caucus, that conservative group of House Republicans for blocking the repeal effort. The chief of staff Reince Priebus talked about the way forward legislatively and how the president , the white houses legislative strategy my change going forward. This was on fox news this morning, watch. I think its more or less a warning shot that were willing to talk to anyone, we always have been, and i think more so now than ever, its time for both parties to come together and get to real reforms in this country, whether it be taxes, whether it be health care, immigration, whether it be infrastructure, this president is ready to lead. And sort of over with the games in the legislature. So there you heard him say the president is ready to lead, theyre willing to talk to anyone, work with both parties. The problem is, when it comes to the games in the legislature, part of governing is dealing with the legislature, whether you call it games or not, the white house and the leadership has to learn to work with republican leadership, also democrats, and but the problem is that while you have the president in tweets and in comments bashing democrats that doesnt necessarily make democrats eager to come to the table. So i think the white house is still looking for the path forward when it comes to working with all sorts of parts of capitol hill. President trump saying lots of lessons learned, that might be one of them. Lets discuss all this with my panel. Joining me again, a historian and from fess sorry at prinston university, and a cnn Senior Reporter for media and politics. Welcome back to all of you on a lovely sunday. I want to begin with this tweet that the president said yesterday to urge his followers to watch a show on fox news and when they did tune in, they called for the host call for speaker ryan to step down. The president has told speaker ryan, that thats not the sentiment that he was trying to convey. This is what was said. Paul ryan needs to step down as speaker of the house. The reason . He failed to deliver the votes on his Health Care Bill. Okay, so, conservative websites are really running away with this, even though we have heard through athenas reporting and otherwise that the president says this is not my sentiment. So dylan, what are you learning about the back story of this tweet, the fallout, the whole sequence of events . The sources in the white house i have spoken with is that this is not at all trying to impugn ryan, if you remember from yesterday that countdown clock on fox news was actually advertising new details, new developments on this notion that donald trump had been under surveillance while he was president elect. So i think that may very likely have been what he was referring to when he sent out his tweet. I will say its highly possible, you know, it ultimately looks good for trump if more of the responsibility for the Health Care Legislation is offloaded off to ryan. That said, he needs ryan and this white house has decided while they dont want to bear any of that blame, they would like to continue to work with ryan because they have alienated the Freedom Caucus, they have alienated democrats and if they want to be successful going forward, i think athenas reporting is spot on and we have to take the president at his words. Lay out the landscape, the president has been quoted as saying, i dont need anybody, ill go it alone, he really does need to work with the Freedom Caucus or the more moderate republican groups, and even democrats, so what sort of homework would you assign to the president in terms of how to negotiate, how the make deals when it comes to working with capitol hill . The problems that he faces with the Freedom Caucus, he can just study what happened under obama. The Freedom Caucus has enough numbers to cause problems on almost any bill in the house, but their proposals dont draw support from democrats or even the more moderate republicans. A coalition of moderate republicans, few Freedom Caucus members and if he could get any democrats that are vulnerable, thats the only coalition that will work. This is a republican problem that hes facing. They have moved far to the right, this caucus since 2010 and its very hard to form a coalition or a compromise with there being a big presence in the caucus. The president has, you know, placed a lot of blame, he talked about blaming the democrats and in his tweet he did blame conservative groups like the Freedom Caucus. This is the chairman of that caucus this morning. Well, i mean, at this particular point, i can tell you no one has been more selfcritiquing than me. I can tell you as i have looked at all of this, i said, could i have spent a little bit more time, should i have spent more time with the tuesday group, more time with democrats to find some consensus, so as we look at this today, this is not the end of the debate, this is like i had one of my friends call me the other day, he said its like saying that tom brady lost at halftime. We may be in overtime, but i can tell you at the end of the day the most valuable player will be President Trump on this because hes committed to the American People, and were committed to helping him get there. So, brian, is it kumbaya . It has to get closer to kumbaya. Because there are so many problems with the existing Health Care System that it seems to be unsustainable and going without a fix seems to be an impossible option or just not even an option at all. I think the question, if youre not going to have ryan as speaker, and i think you will continue to have ryan as speaker. Who else is going to do that job . The job of speaker, i compare it to herding cats, as soon as you have one on board, the other darts under the bed after a mouse. Its hard to keep everybody on board long enough to pass a bill, and you have to ask is there someone better at uniting the caucus . Is there someone better at running the white house . And its hard to find a more unifying figure than ryan at in point. They need to get on the same page and fix this thing, is there anyone better to do it . Probably not. And the battle for health care, help reveal the skiz ms and zwidivides are very great. What its like for the president pulling up to that vote. And in one meeting held with moderate republicans, reportedly lawmakers went around the room and answered where they stood on the bill, and when charlie dent said he was a know, trump said why am i even talking to you . That kind of tactic may have worked in real estate deals but it doesnt appear to be that effective as it pertains to politics, does it . It can be. I dont think the threat itself is, if they are feeling from the right or the center that they are going to lose in the primary going into 2018, that will get them to move. But just and empty rhetorical threat doesnt move members of congress, it never has, it wont right now and i think he a has to learn that. He has to really think about how to change their consensus and how to keep their job. Donald trump, it all comes down to him. He comes to washington and he expresses surprise that theres a congress there. I understand that hes a businessman, but you would expect some level of engagement of the political system. It turns out, i guess, being a Real Estate Developer maybe isnt such a good training for this job and maybe the apprentice idea is more his view of the presidency, not a television show. That same reporting of dana and jim acosta, who talked to people who had some familiarity of what happened in that room and one caucus member described trumps approach to this Health Care Bill by saying he wanted to talk about the big picture. But according to more than one person in the room, he didnt seem to know the specifics of the deal, so it was difficult to persuade anybody if hes not able to sell it by knowing the product. Thats absolutely right. Thats when were starting to see the inexperience starting to see real world ramifications. White House Press Secretary sean spicer said more than once that he had left it all on the field, that he had done everything in his power to get this passed. The mohammad left it aed ali le the field. Trump did not leave it all on the field. This is not the fight that you have seen from past president s when they really want to push legislation through. I think its waking up to a harsh reality for the president to understand that getting things done politically is enough different than getting things done in the world of business. It does not seem as if he wants to change his style very much, but is this an occasion where hes got to be reflective, and say maybe its time for a whole new ball game and a new strategy is afoot . I these his negotiations are a powerful tool. I think just directing it differently, finding the members that are gettable and finding that policy thats going to have a big effect on their district, going to the district, landing in air force one and giving a speech on that. Maybe getting a little bit more granular in his applying of pressure, may be the way forward. Its been contentious trying to get this bill through, but we have also seen in some pro trump rallies that its gotten contentious at some of these rallies. At least one pro trump supporter was beaten for waving a made in america sign. How does this division and lack of unity fall on the president , julian, or if it didnt fall on him, how important is it to address whats happening or unfolding in certain pockets of the country . Whether his problems, the violence at a protest sorer or failure on clirl, hes got to tooirk some of the blame. Part of it is distraction in issues that the gop doesnt want to focus on right now and eroding the good will of his party right now. While he would like to blame others, he has to take a look at how this is caused by his own rhetoric and his own strategies. I would add one piece to julians list there, is he really needs to learn this in detail. If you listen to the congressmen who said over and over again, he didnt know the details of the bill, he couldnt make an argument for it. You cant convince somebody to love something that they hate unless you can make a specific argument. Next time around, whether its tax reform, or whatever, he should know the issue better. Dont you think that he would know that . You would hope he would know that. But i want to point to some of the videos youve been showing of the violence going on. The president has been presiding over trying to pass legislation through executive orders, things of that nature, its also about the tone of the country, its also how americans feel about themselves and feel about the society they live in. What leads me to believe that none of that is going to change, is that so much of trumps rhetoric throughout the 18month slog that was the 2016 president ial campaign sort of lent itself to some of this anger and frustration were seeing and thats really, that started boiling over during the course of the campaign and if were seeing it boiling over now, theres nothing that says hes going to become more president ial and try and tone down that rhetoric. Just in the same way hes antagonizing both the Freedom Caucus and the democrats at the same time, which like i said earlier, hes going to need one of those groups to pass legislation through. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you. Straight ahead, new details on the formal investigation that iraqi civilians in west mosul were allegedly killed by air strikes, thats next. D. Finally, theres a roundup made just for your lawn, so you can put unwelcome lawn weeds to rest. Draw the line. With roundup for lawns, there is no better way to kill lawn weeds to the root without harming a single blade of grass. Its a great day to be a lawn. Draw the line with roundup for lawns. And for weeds in other spaces, turn to roundup weed grass killer products. Why are you checking your credit score . You dont want to drive old blue forever, do you . [brakes squeak] credit karma, huh . Yep, its free. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. In my johnsonville commercial we open up in the forest. Hi. Im jeff. Im eating my breakfast and all of a sudden a raccoon come up and ask me, what are you eating . I told him johnsonville breakfast sausage, fully cooked. Porcupine comes in and he says, does that come in patties . 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Central command released a statement and has said that investigators have looked at the strikes in the area and found one on the 17th of march that corresponds to the neighborhood that some of these reports of civilian casualties are coming from. They believed they were attacking isis secondary local reports, expected to take some time. And whats the reaction to the air strikes and the ongoing battle for mosul . Reporter well, according to the local iraq commander, the Counter Terrorism forces commander in the area where one of these strikes took place, he said they did call it in, but that the target was an isis suicide truck bomber and the force of the explosion that was then generated is what caused these houses to collapse and an an eyewitness who lives a few doors down said that he could hear people screaming from underneath the rubble, please safe us, were alive. It did take Civil Defense units a few days to get in because of the intensity of the fighting. Theres a lot of anger, understandable. And theres also a lot of sorrow. The losses that people have suffered in these strikes and in the ongoing violence is insurmountable, its indescribable and its a disgust ing view these are troops from the 82nd Airborne Division and theyll be coming in as advisers on whats call an aadvise and assist, as they push into this older portion of mosul, much more older, more narrow streets, so its going to give iraqi fighters some support. Under siege in raqqa as well, is there a feeling that theyre almost done as a force to be reckoned with in that region . Reporter i think we need to look to history to begin to answer that question, fredericka, if one takes into account the fact that isis has had newspaper roumerous, previo incarnations, and they have only then managed to put themselves back together, reemerge stronger, more sophisticated and more powerful than before and the concern amongst a lot of people when you speak to them is not necessarily the defeat of isis in terms of physical territory that it controls, but it is actually what is going to be coming next, if theres one thing that is to be learned from all of this and that is that an entity like this should never be underestimated. Back in this country, with Health Care Reform dead in the water, what does that signal for one of the president s other major promises . Were talking about tax reform and whether or not republicans can deliver. Stay with us. It is a big decision for us. Lets take the 1000 in cash back. 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Which we could have done earlier, but this would have worked out better if we had had some democrat support. Remember we had no democrat support, so now were going to go for tax reform which i have always liked. This does make tax reform more difficult, but it does not in any way make it impossible. We will proceed with tax reform, we will continue with tax reform. Were going to go fix the rest of the tax code. Were going to roll our sleeves up and were going to cut taxes across the board, for working families, Small Businesses and family farms. Working with this congress, President Trump is going to pass the largest tax cut since the days of Ronald Reagan and were going to get this American Economy moving again. Joining me now is grover norquist, he is the president for americans for tax reform. Good to see you. Good to be with you. Do you think its possible for tax reform, the biggest one since Ronald Reagan to quote the Vice President , to be passed . The answer is yes, by undermining the president s Health Care Reforms, it takes a trillion dollars of taxes that should have been gone. The Freedom Caucus owes the American People a trillion dollars by undermining the president s Health Care Bill. Now youre looking at a strong tax reform commitment both by the republican and the democratic caucus, theyre taking the correspondeporate ras the highest in the world, at 45 s so all new investment goes into immediately expense, rather than over a longer period of time, it takes the individual rates down to three rates, it increases the family and death exemptions, it gets rid of the emt. Its stronger pro growth policies stronger than reagan in 1980 and more than 2 growth which is what we have right now. Congressman Chuck Schumer had this to say about President Trumps bill. They need to get rid of repeal, and work with us to improve it. One of the things that european nig unites the republicans is tax reform. Tax reform doesnt mean you have to pay for all of your tax cuts. If you analyze what went wrong with the aca, the president exhibited two traits that are not very helpful, and if he repeats them in tax reform, and that is you cant tweet your wie through it, you cant threaten and intimidate and say ill walk away, its more complicated. But even more important, the president campaigned as a populist against the democrat and republican candidates. Trumpcare gave overwhelming tax cuts to the rich. If the majority of tax cuts go to rich americans, theyll lose again. What are your thoughts on that, because those are a couple of points he made on lack of comp teps, you cant intimidate people and he accused the president of appealing to the really hard right wealthy. Heres the problem that Chuck Schumer has with the modern democratic party, its moved so far to the left, it shrunk into the biggest cities, it wasnt a National Party as it once was, this is a they spent ag years defending all of his mistakes, bill clinton who doesnt have too run for office said it was crazy, he was able to spooerk the truth about obamacare, which the Insurance Companies lobbed when they wrote it. Those are the guys who are not happy at all about getting rid of all the special subsidies that obamacare had. Those all go away when we finally get rid of obamacare, on tax reform, there isnt a single vote on the democrat size that solves the problems we have in being noncompetitive. We had six years where obama kept saying he was willing to do something on tax reform and the only thing he ever did was demand. 6 trillion in higher tax. Tax reform will pass, i think its better to make it permanent, which means you put it in a situation inside the reconciliation package so that its deficit neutral in the outyears. You can do it the way bush did it, which is a tax cut, but it only lasts ten years. The reason it was important to do Health Care First is that was a trillion dollars in tax cuts, a trillion dollars in spending restraint. It makes fundamental tax reform much more possible. The people who stabbed the president in the back and undermined Health Care Reform did tremendous damage to the effort to get tax reform. It may not be dead, but they damaged it. And thats where we need to get it fixed. But wont it take building some kind of Common Ground with some of the very people that the president accused of not being on board with health care . Conservatives . There are no democrat votes for cutting taxes there are democrat votes for raising taxes thats what obama wanted. Theres no republican where the president wiz on health care, some people thought they could have negotiated a different zedeal, turnts out th couldnt. You dont see that as a blueprint in terms of tax reform or even an infrastructure bill. First of all, tax reform, because the democrats have moved so far left be a republican only bill, but the votes are there for it. You also have every Small Businessman in every Congressional District knows exactly how important tax reform is to the grocer and the butcher and every selfemployed person and every Small Business in those districts. No congressman is going to be able to do to his constituents right in front of him what they did to trump on Health Care Reform. I believe theyll come back and fix Health Care Reform, but we will certainly get a very strong tax reform package, that will happen. Well leave it right there, grover for kwis. An update on the hunt to find escaped mexican prisoners. Why are you checking i want to see if it changed. 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So police havent been able to catch up with, what, half of the inmates . But then theyre still searching for the others . Reporter since the last time we spoke, authorities have announced yet another capture, so a captured, 14 remain on the run. Lets talk about what has happened since thats cape on thursday. On thursday, 29 escaped through a tunnel, one of those escapees ended up carjacking a car in the city. When authorities went in to search some of those cells, trying to regain control, reestablish order, a prison riot broke out. They actually set things on fire, three of those inmates were stabbed to death, and one still remains in the hospital with injuries. And so how long is it expected those inmates or someone must have taken in order to dig that tunnel . Reporter yeah, you Better Believe that will be a key question of the investigation. When i called the prison this morning, they actually were not answering our questions, citing security, but what we know about that tunnel, it was about 15 feet deep, about 130 feet long, and what it really speaks to, fredericka, is sort of the power of the mexican drug cartels, not only inside, but outside of the prisons. And lets take it back a little bit. Just this month, the son of a well known Cartel Leader escaped from a prison. And lets go back a little further, go back to 2015, el chapo, you made that reference, escaped from a tunnel as well. So i think often times when we think about a u. S. Prison versus a mexican prison what the difference is that power and that influence of the cartels that allow them to do such a thing, to build a tunnel that allows 29 inmates to escape. All right, layla santiago, mexico city. Thanks so much. As President Trump follows through on his Campaign Promise to reform immigration, the victims of Domestic Violence are becoming afraid to report abuse due to fear of deportation. Heres the story of a survivor facing that dilemma. Reporter this mother says she was a victim of Domestic Violence for 12 years, she says that in addition to fearing her husband, she was afraid of being deported and separated from her children. Translator my husband would always tell me that he was going to call immigration authorities and that they would take my children away. Reporter cracking down on illegal immigration was one of President Trumps main Campaign Promises. We have put in place the first steps in our imgrargs plan, ordering the immediate construction on the border wall and putting an end to catch and release. Reporter but president Donald Trumps policies are having an unintended effect, Domestic Violence are fearing going to police. Translator neDomestic Violence reporter in the first weeks of the trump presidency, immigration authorities carried out what they called routine raids throughout the country, deporting hundreds of undocumented immigrants. The targeting of immigrant families are deeply upsetting, cruel and designed to spread fear. Reporter organizerings of groups for Domestic Violence say many immigrants who are abused dont know they can get help and support regardless of their immigration status. The u. S. Government also offers the u visa, for victims of mental or physical abuse who are willing to cooperate with police. For this undocumented mother, the u visa was the answer. It gave me hope that i would not be separated from my children. But in this polarizing environment where antimuslim rhetoric is ram rafael romo, cnn. Hundreds of russians arrested today for speaking out against their government, next, what sparks these protests . Nobody does unlimited like tmobile. 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Big rallies in cities across russia demonstrated a Russian Police called the protests illegal. Cnns Senior International correspondent Matthew Chance joining us live from moscow, so these protests are about allegations focused on the russian prime minister. What is he accused of doing . Dmitry medvedev is his name, and hes accused of being corrupt, accused by the main opposition of controlling a sort of vast property empire, of having vineyards, of having yachts, one of the properties hes said to own has a special house thats been built for his pet duck. So its sort of classic, sort of corruption, Eastern Europe type of allegations against his spoegszman for the record categorically denies these allegations. But thousands of people came out all across the country to voice their demand for him to resign or for him to be thrown out of office. I understand one of those detained is a prominent rush shachb who has announced his intention to run for president next area . Yes, this is alexi know valley, hes the main opposition figure in russia, hes the man who called these protests, he was detained as soon as he reached central mooscow and has been kept in custody overnight. Hes a controversial figure, in the sense that hes been accused of affinities with ultranationalists so hes somebody that doesnt necessarily unite the antiputin opposition in this country, but hes got a brilliant way of cutting through social media of getting people out into the streets and again, here, really tapping into this sense of injustice in this country about the level of corruption in russia. So does this at all reflect the popularity of president Vladimir Putin . Reporter well, i think from putins point of view, its pretty worrying to see thousands of people out on the streets, although at the same time, this is a country of 140 million people. Putins popularity ratings are about 84 , according to the last opinion polls that i have seen. So hes in a pretty much unassailable position, it seems. But these public protests, the kremlin is very sensitive about it it doesnt like any of its population is upset about corruption. So well be watching whether these protests develop very closely indeed. Matthew chance, thank you so much, reporting from moscow, appreciate it. Here now is a look at this weeks cnn hero. She spent more than 30 years helping people struggling on a native american reservation, meet linda myers. You find others without food, many dont have Running Water or plumbing. One of our main goals is to keep the elders warm through the winter. It can get down to zero here at night. Thank you. Youre welcome. They need fires going all the time. And if they dont, then theres a greater chance that they could freeze to death. See how linda is helping the navajo nation. Go to cnnheroes. Com and nominate someone you think should be a 2017 cnn hero. So much more straight ahead in the newsroom with anna cabrera. vo love. 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For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24 7. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. The president used the word wiretapping, quote. Top of the hour, its 5 00 here in new york, 2 00 in the afternoon out in the west. Im ana cabrera. Inside the beltway, were dealing with the fallout from the gop Health Care Bill, the president applauding his own party. And in mosul, iraq, the pentagon calls the loss of dozens of civilians a terrible tragedy, this as more u. S. Troops are being sent to mosul to help iraqi forces. President trump may be a little bit short on the ladder right now and his Early Morning tweet might be sewing deeper divisions inside his own party. The president writes, cats are smiling in d. C. That the freedom

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