Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20161018

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Corruption. Today, hes campaigning in colorado. His running mate mike pence is in North Carolina. Clintons running mate stumps in michigan. While bill clinton visits pennsylvania and surrogate Bernie Sanders is in arizona. In the meantime, trump is ripping fellow republicans who bulk at his claims of a fixed election just three weeks before the americans head to the polls. Is paul ryan hurting you or helping you . Well, i dont want to be knocking paul ryan. I think he could be more supportive to the republican nominee. Were doing well. I think were going to win the election. Do you think he wants you to win . Maybe not because maybe he wants to win in four years or maybe he doesnt know how to win. Melania trump talks to anderson cooper. She downplays her husbands lewd and sexually aggressive comments caught on tape. They were kind of a boy talk. And he was lead on, like, egg on, from the host, to say dirty and bad stuff. Were following all the angles for you this morning. Cnns manu raju is covering trumps claims and Brianna Keilar breaks down the latest controversy for the clinton campaign. Manu, kick us off. Good morning, carol. Donald trump for days trying to paint himself as the victim of an unrelenting political and media establishment, trying to go after him, trying to paint a broad brush, saying this election is filled with voter fraught and state after state. A message that is riling up his supporters and a message that he delivered in green bay, wisconsin, last night. They even want to try to rig the election at the polling booths. You ever hear these people, saying theres nothing going on . People that have died ten years ago are still voting. Where are the street smarts of some of these politicians . They dont have anybody is right. This claim is also being rejected by Republican Leaders on the state level and on the federal level, including House Speaker paul ryan, spokeswoman over the weekend saying the speaker believes the election will be carried out fairly. Carol, one person weve not heard from is the speaker himself. Since last week when he said he would no longer defend paul ryan, defend donald trump in the private Conference Call with House Republicans, web have not seen paul ryan answer questions about that publicly. All part of an effort by the House Speaker, i am told, to go underground, if you will, not answer questions, not engage in a back and forth over donald trump. Believing this actually will not body well for the republicans as they try to keep the house majority, but donald trump not letting this go, also causing a lot of concerns within republican, within republican circles, this could hurt their chances of keeping control of congress, carol. Manu raju, reporting from vegas. Her final 35 hours of debate trump, more turbulent than her campaign hoped for. New questions surfacing about her emails. Did a state Department Ol try to strike a deal with the fbi to protect clinton . Our senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar is on the tarmac in white plains, new york, where clinton is be expected momentarily. Republicans are seizing on this issue. They say hi there, they say that republicans are seizing on this, saying that it backs up their criticism about fbi director comey and not bringing charges against Hillary Clinton when it comes to her private server and private email she used while she was secretary of state. We have part of these fbi interview notes in the clinton investigation and an fbi official says in exchange for making the email unclassified, state would reciprocate by allowing the fbi to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. There was a perception by this fbi official that the state department was essentially doing Hillary Clintons bidding. Trying to minimize the negativity, the negative effects in the emails, having them look at an email that was classified secret and trying to get it downgraded. There is another fbi official who says while the state department sought this, sought this out, there was also the fbi bringing up the personnel issue, not actually the state department. So now you have the fbi saying in the end the classification was not downgraded and the state department is also pushing back. Heres what the Spokesman John Kirby said. Not only is there no proof, its absolutely not true, completely false allegation. It just didnt happen that way. Now what did happen, hatlf of what you said is right, kennedy did call the fbi and try to get an understanding why they wanted one particular email classified secret. The fbi held firm to their position. The email remained classified. That email, redacted, is on our website. There was no bargain sought by the fbi. There was no bargain rendered. Now, theres certainly been some tension between the state department and the Intelligence Community about classified documents. The state department saying that they feel some things have been overclassified when it comes to Hillary Clintons email. Thats something shes really held on to, carol. The question is, do voters really care . Does this affect how they see Hillary Clinton . Or does it just reinforce the opinions they have about her and some of those folks around her since this was a state Department Official who, while Hillary Clinton was no longer in the state department, had served under Hillary Clinton, so there could have been some allegiance there. Thats really the question, carol. All right, Brianna Keilar reporting live from white plains, new york. With me ron brownstein, cnn political onlyive and editor for the atlantic. And asma khalid is a political reporter for npr. This alleged quid pro quo is sure to come up at wednesdays debate so how might clinton respond . As brianna laid out, its a complicated story. With the state department, one email suggesting the state department began one conversation, one email suggesting the fbi began the conversation. You know, look, shes got in all likelihood, shes going to do what we saw john kirby do, deny the trade was ever offered. But it does kind of underscore what kind of a monumental mess she created for herself with this decision several years ago. Its astounding how much it has continued to shadow the president ial race all the way through. I think the biggest questions it raises is about kind of the insul larty of the circle around her, the inability to raise doubts and whether those can get to her. It is largely baked in the cake. We have an historic number of americans saying they dont believe shes honest. Yet the concerns about donald trump, about his temperament, his qualification, his attitude towards women and minorities, literally are trumping those concerns as we head into the final days the race. Asma, i know you were just in the state of ohio, is this issue of clintons emails resonating there . I cant agree more with ron, i mean, i think its something thats already baked in, and so i spent all of last week speaking with undecided or conflicted female voters. These are suburban women in ohio. Many of them were undecided a couple months ago. I went back and revisited them. I kept hearing from them that they are reluctantly supporting Hillary Clinton. That was probably the most Common Thread i heard from them. Some of them, you know, mentioned a Third Party Candidate or still being on the fence. But what i think is interesting is in the last couple of months, not one woman came back to me and said donald trump has improved his standing in the last couple of months or that hes done himself any favors since when i last spoke to them. Interesting. Okay, lets talk about donald trump for just a second because Melania Trump sat down with anderson cooper, she dismissed the talk aboard the bus with billy bush as just boy talk. She has two little boys in her house, her husband and her 11yearold son, does that make it go away . No, the interview was kind of a nonevent. You obviously have to feel for the spouse being put in such a difficult position. But i dont think she said anything in the course of that interview that would change the mind of anyone upset by or put off by Donald Trumps words and behavior. I mean, there really wasnt much of a sustained argument there, other than boys will be boys and the media is out to get me. You know, like i said, theres a lot of stability, theres a lot of baked in, in this race. Six national, Major National polls in the last week or so. Donald trump is at 37 to 39 in all of them except the abc Washington Post. He was having trouble getting above 32 even before this happened. Since weve had the revelations, the tape, the New York Times revelations on the taxes, everything thats happened in the debates, hes been stuck somewhere in the ballpark of 37 to 39 with only three weeks to go. It would be an historic reversal to get to the level you need to win. Ill be in ohio on friday. Asma, you were there too. So just the state of ohio and these comments trump made about women, they dont seem to be really resonating as negatively there as other states. The latest cnn orc poll, trump and clinton reason virtually tied among women. Thats true, but i would caution and say that prior to those comments, donald trump seemed to have a bit of an edge in ohio. I spent a lot time looking at demographics, im sure ron does as well, and dem graphically, ohio is a state that ought to be trending well for donald trump. Its not as highly educated as some of the other battleground states. That seems to play in Donald Trumps favor. Theres a Large Manufacturing base still in the state. Again, something that you would think would play in Donald Trumps favor. So i mean for me when i went back and specifically met with women i had previously met in may and june, to hear these women, and some of them are lifelong republicans, tell me they are troubled by Donald Trumps vulgar language. One woman said that she couldnt watch some of this on tv with her daughter. And that was sort of the Tipping Point for her. I would again say i dont think donald trump has curried really any favor with the undecided independent voters that he needs in order to grow his base. I found that too with undecided voters. I want to center a little bit on the debate. So the debate is wednesday. So, ron, will this topic come up or will the candidates, asp voters, as many voters told me, will they focus on the issues . Yes, i think they pretty well exhausted the trump tape in the last debate. I mean, really, the question for me is what is Donald Trumps orientation and kind of strategy in this debate because as we said he was look at a ceiling of around 42 before all this happened. Now hes struggling to get to 40 . And yet what he has been doing in the last few weeks with these increasingly outlandish claims of the election being rigged or the New York Times being against them because theyre serving the interest of a mexican billionaire. What hes basically doing is doubling down on that, you know, that 40 that he has and seems to be focused more on changing the composition of the electorate by massing turnout among those type of voters rather than persuading the electorate that is more likely to actually show up. If that is the posture in the third debate, i think youre going to have a lot of republicans really nervous about what that will mean for control of senate and possibly even the house. Asma, i always wonder, you know, because the first debate got 80 Million People, the second debate didnt i mean, still a sizable number, but not as many. Do you think people will be interested in watching on wednesday . I hear such an appetite from voters. Particularly people in battleground states who are still somewhat conflicted. In terms of that audience, i think there will be an appetite for both candidates to make their case. But you know what im really curious to see is a topic we have not yet seen explored in the debates and thats immigration. Donald trumps immigration policy is hugely popular among members of his Republican Base who supported him. But they are out of step with what we see. The Pugh Research center has been polling on immigration policies for years and they have found a majority of the American Public now support some pathway towards some sort of legalization. And ill be very curious to see how both candidates discuss immigration. Its a policy in which i think donald trump tends to trend more right than where a number of independent or conflicted voters may be at this point. Well, thats supposed to be a topic at wednesdays debate, so im sure it will come up and i hope they talk about it at length. Thanks to both of you for being with me this morning. Ron brownstein, asma khalid. After the year of trump, what will the future of the gop look like . Ever since you touched my i whand i knew ou, i love you, i love you, i love you. Where you go ill follow, ill follow, ill follow. Youll always be my true love, my true love, my true love, forever perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. No matter what the outcome next month, its probably fair to say the Republican Party will never be the same. The gop is divided. If you take a moment to listen to some voters in green bay, wisconsin, mr. Trumps latest round of attacks on paul ryan, the House Speaker and the establishment are senking in. Paul ryan, speaker of the house, wyisconsin congressman, doesnt like him so much anymore. What do you think . I dont like him either. Paul ryan . Paul ryan, yep. Did you used to like him . I did, but not anymore. Hes not backing up trump and he should. You say paul ryan is a traitor. Why do you spell it like that . Because im an uneducated White American catholic deplorable hillbilly from wisconsin, thats why. Hes a trader to the gop. Paul ryans a trader to not only the Republican Party but hes a traitor to the United States american citizen. Harsh, right . Those republicans who support mr. Trump. My next guest took his never trump sentiment all the way to an independent run for president. Former cheech poief policy direr the House Republican congress. Welcome, sir. So you heard what those voters said about paul ryan, hes a traitor, they dont like him anymore, hes not patriotic. They might be saying the same things about you. Well, they can go ahead and do that. Only about 9 of the american electoral voted for Hillary Clinton and donald trump. These are the two most unpopular candidates in modern times from the two major parties. Weve got to have better in this country. Millions of americans are already supporting my campaign with mindy finn and were only two months into this thing. Obviously for us, its a shorter run. Its a lot shorter, right . Let me go back to that. Even in the worst poll you see, hes got 31 from republican voters. I would hardly call myself an establishment republican given i left my role with the Republican Party and launched an independent bid. I am advocating for a movement and a new generation of leadership in our country. Youre no longer a republican . I havent been a republican for many years. Ive been a registered independent for as long as i can remember. Im a conservative. Im an american first. Then im a conservative. Then i think about party. The Republican Party has left conservativism. The very principles upon which our great nation was founded. The principles that made it the most powerful open ear fuful on. The truth that all of us are created equal. If the Republican Party isnt going to be committed to the fact we are all equal and we should have liberty it would not be a place for conservatives like me so that said, that said, after this election, what might the Republican Party look like . Youve long split, right. You have other never trump people who consider themselves republican. Then you have those who support mr. Trump who still call themselves republican. So what will the Republican Party look like after this election . I want to make it clear were opposed to Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Its not just the media, and i understand, likes to attach this never trump name to us, and i get that, but were opposed to Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Hillary for the usual reasons. Donald trump for reasons that weve explained quite a bit. What happens to the Republican Party i think is not probably very good for it. I dont believe that its going to be able to make the reforms. Or i tend to believe its not going to be able to make the reforms it needs to to survive as a political entity that can offer leadership to this country. Now, ive left the door open a little bit for that. We saw this in 2012 in less challenging circumstances. Theyre not going to let the Republican Party likely make the changings it needs to make. So would you say those republicans, very conservative republicans who support trump, have destroyed the Republican Party . I wouldnt describe them as very conservative. A true conservative just my core question, have they destroyed the Republican Party . They have participated in doing Severe Damage to the Republican Party. Really the Republican Leaders are the ones who bear responsibility ultimately. For years, the Republican Leaders should have stood up to bigotry and misogyny among some parts of the party. There are plenty of republicans who are not ma sage nichts but there is a part of the Republican Base that is that. Its not easy for us to say those of us who are affiliated with the party before but weve seen it, and you see it playing out with the trump here. To change that i think is a generational challenge that america doesnt have time for. We need something new. So i want to ask you about the leadership. Because you brought that up. Paul ripe. Hes kind of gone underground. We havent heard from him. He says hes not going to defend trump anymore. But he hasnt withdrawn his endorsement. Is that for the the good of the Republican Party or is that cowardly . I think paul ryan is a statesman. Hes trying to protect the republican majority in the house. I understand that. Theres a bigger thing happening, the empowerment of a white supremist that is enormously destructive to party. When he tries to save the house, and i hope that he will, it also allows for other things that are maybe on a bigger problems to move forward, but its not underpaul ryan, i mean, its priebus, its so much others. Its republican members of congress across the board. Not all of them. Some of them have spoken out against trump. Few of them however have said what theyre for. If not for trump, who are they for. Few have fought for that. Thats what im talking about. Going back to the White Nationalist thing. Do you feel that White Nationalists have infiltrated the Republican Party . Well, donald trump has certainly empowered the movement, absolutely. Hes brought them into the Republican Base. Not as organized and not as overtly but he identified it and was able to capitalize on it. Thats why im coupalling on Republican Leaders. Youve seen the truth about donald trump. Now p nows the time to stand up and repudiate this. Repudiate his misogyny and bigotry. If you cant do that now before november 8th, then what business really do you have leading this country . Thank you so much for joining me this morning. Thank you. Still to come in the newsroom, just call him campaigner in chief. President obama isnt just making the case for Hillary Clinton, it appears hes making the case for himself too. Jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. Our mission at clover is to highest Quality Dairy products. Clover has relationships with 27 different family farms. The environment is who clover is. Without it, were nothing. Pg es been a great partner. Theyre the energy experts, were the milk guys. Pg e worked with clover on a number of Energy Efficiency projects to save energy every month. If youre part of the fabric of the community, youve got to ensure that you do things right, environment included. Learn how you can save at pge. Com save together, were building a better california. And good morning, im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. The Donald Trump Campaign has been in damage control mode trying to downplay his lewd and sexually aggressive comments. The latest to tamp down the outrage, Melania Trump broke her silence with cnns anderson cooper. Is that language you have heard him use before . No, no, thats why i was surprised because i said, like, i dont know that person that would talk that way. He described it as locker room talk. You sort of alluded to that as well, is that what it is to you, just locker room talk . Yes, its kind of two teenage boys. Actually, they should behave better, right . Correct. And sometimes i said i have two boys at home, i have my young son and i have my husband. Melania trump says her husband has apologized for his crass remarks and she has forgiven him. The only thing better than touting your own credentials have having a sitting president do it for you. President obama has been work hard to get Hillary Clinton into the white house. Hes been working hard at shaping his own legacy. The Washington Post writes this morning, quote, obama has started earlier and seems more publicly strategic than his predecessors about framing his legacy. Hes determined to get the jump on his critics about how his presidency is preserved for prosperity. Take a look at this web ad from the clinton campaign. If i hear anybody saying their vote does not matter, that it doesnt matter who we elect, read up on you were history, it matters. Weve got to get people to vote. In fact, if you want to give michelle and me a good sendoff, get people registered to vote. If you care about our legacy, realize everything we stand for is at stake. On the progress weve made in the stakes in this election. Our name may not be on the ballot but our progress is on the ballot. I dont know about you, but that felt like the president was actually campaigning for himself. Hillary clinton was nowhere in that. Shes at the very, very end, thats it. With me now to talk about this is brian balow, history professor at the university of virginia and cohost of the radio show back story with the American History guys. Also lillian cunningham, the creator of the Washington Post president ial podcast. Welcome to both of you. Morning. Im a big fan of both your pod casts. So lillian, i want to start with you. Sure. Your podcast is about how history views our president s. Mr. Obama seems to be doing the work for you. Did other president s do that . Well, i mean, theres a long history in the american presidency of president s trying to shape their legacy while theyre in office. And its not uncommon that when a president is close to ending his term, he will go out and campaign for his successor because thats a big part of securing a legacy, is, you know, making sure that the person who follows you in office is going to continue the policies that you put forward. Interesting. Its not surprising. Its not surprising. Brian, do historians take into account a president s own assessment of his performance . Not over the long run. I think that, you know, the first history is usually written by journalists. All president s try to take a crack at that themselves. Then you look at the memoirs of people from the administration that start coming out. And then you get down to more serious historians. Ill add that leadership drops off precipitously as soon as serious historians get our hands on things. Maybe thats why hes out there trying to shape his own legacy. You bet. Lillian, i just listened to your podcast about bill clinton. He had a buy ographer on. He said the same forces that drove clinton for the better also drove him for the worst. Listen. Clinton is ive always said hes an exaggeration of all of us. Hes sort of chaos theory. Theres a lot of good and bad in him. Is he good or bad. The obvious became obvious. Which was that hes both. That theyre inseparable. That the same forces that drove clinton for the better also drove him for the worse. You couldnt separate the two. His presidency is sort of like that. Its a grab bag of good and bad. All right, so we lost lillians ifb so she cant hear me now, so ill pose this question to you, brian, its interesting, could you say the same about all president ial candidates, that their best traits are also their worst traits . Oh, dont know if i would agree with that. I think of somebody like a great president by all accounts, Franklin Delano roosevelt, who was a terrific communicator. And i find very little to criticize about that. Some people might not agree with the objectives of what he was communicating. Id say the same about ron reagan, who was seen as a great communicator. Thats an incredible talent that i dont particularly see any downside to. Could you say that about donald trump . Some people might say his brashness is a bad quality. Others say its his best quality. Thats what we need in this country to evoke change. So in that sense could you apply that logic to somebody like donald trump . Well, certainly Donald Trumps brashness has gotten him a lot of attention. But i think the problem with trump is that he strays very far from reality sometimes. And i think thats a real problem and a candidate, a more serious problem in a president. So when i wish we could get lillian back but were having problems and i apologize, lillian, but ill pose this question to you, brian. When this election is all said and done and its over do you already think about how you might teach your students about what happened during the election of 2016 and what would you say . Well, ill speak for myself. Were teaching our students about the election in real time. Ive devoted certainly two or three classes this term already to placing donald trump in historical perspective. Something thats not terribly easy to do. I think if we look to after the election, we have to see who wins, but win or lose, i think trump does fit fairly neatly into a longstanding populist tradition, and there have been pop lifts on the left and pop lifts on the right. Trump is the latter. Sadly, trump also fits into a long tradition of misogyny and of bigotry in the United States. Thats another framework for considering donald trump. So lillian, ive listened to every single one of your pod casts and what ive discovered in listening to the descriptions of each president is america really has had a lot really bad president s. And i ask you about that because people are worried this year that whoever they put in office, he or she will be a bad president. So offer them comfort. Weve been down this road before in america, havent we . We have. I mean, really great president s have been the exception in our history more than the rule. And, you know, you could see it as discouraging that we have had a lot of, you know, equally v t vitriolic campaigns. Some very bad president s. But its also reassuring to know over the course of American History the arc has been, you know, slanting toward progress, and we see that as a nation were very resilient and weve been through extremely dark times and to date have always found a way not just to get through them but to actually get to a better place on the other side. So i think theres some hope. Yes, there is. Theres always someone who comes out the woodwork, right, as a great leader. Brian, lillian, thanks to both of you. Iraqi forces closing in on isis last stronghold in iraq but the pentagon warns u. S. Troops will be in harms way. Its your tv, take it with you. With directv and at t, watch all your live channels, on your devices, datafree. Switch to directv and lock in your price for 2 years, offer starting at 50 month. 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Carol, as you said, we saw yesterday, as the first peshmerga convoy moved over the barriers they had separating them from isis towards the main road behind me here, now actually enveloped in a pretty thick cloud of black smoke. Were not sure what its from. Maybe an oil fire, an air strike. Always hard to tell. As that peshmerga convoy moved down the road, it was pretty clear there were foreign troops with them. We saw vehicles distinctly associated with the American Armed forces. They were part of that convoy. They disappeared into the front ranks. So its unclear quite what their role was. They may well have been involved in helping some of the air power here thats being coordinated. Very effective against isis so far. Helping the peshmerga take that territory. Moving in other villages around here as well. Turkey, though one of the many different powers here trying to make their claim on this offensive has put a bit of a bombshell out today, saying its jets were involved in the air strikes weve been hearing recently. Thats controversial because baghdad and Iraqi Government has said stay out of this offensive. Turkey said well get involved because we need to protect some of the sunnis who live the sunni sect here of islam in the middle east, that they need to protect them, as theyre much of the population in the city of mosul. A lot here happening. Were only in the second day of the offensive. We heard from the iraqi commander today telling cnn it could last as long as two months. The resistance isis is putting up, pretty intense. Carol. All right, nick patonwalsh reporting live from inside iraq. It is a make or break faceoff for both candidates at tomorrow nights debate. What are the keys to victory for both sidings . [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . 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Joining us now is jacob thompson, hes the coach and director of the university of nevada, las vegas awardwinning debate team, welcome, sir. Hi, thanks for having me. Thanks for being here. So, so much has come out in the public before this next big debate. Hillary clinton, you know, with those notes from the fbi alleging that there might be quid pro quo between the state department and the fbi and then donald trump and all of these women coming forward saying that donald trump groped them. How quickly do you think those topics will be addressed on the stage in las vegas on wednesday . Well, im not sure it will come up in the debate. President ial leadership will be one of the topics, so im sure it will come up and im sure it wont be pretty. The voters ive been talking with, they say theyre over this stuff. They just want to hear how candidates are going to help them in their own lives. Is that possible at this point . Its going to be very tough. Ive experienced the same thing in several debates. The last debate when the question came up, can you say one nice thing about each other, you know, there was this palatable sense of relief and the audience applauded when that happened. I think the audience is ready to hear more about policy details. I hope the candidates can focus on that in the last debate. So most people thought donald trump did not win that last debate, so what does he need to do on that stage to win . Right, well, you know, as a debate coach, i tell my debaters there are three keys to success, prepare, prepare, and prepare. I think that trump needs to work hard to prepare for this debate. He needs to outline a positive vision for how he can move America Forward and connect to the middle class. And if he could do those two things, he would be more likely to succeed. Im not sure well see that happen though. Well, he did have one shining moment in the last debate, right, when he was criticizing Hillary Clinton for saying one thing in private and another publicly. She responded with the abe lincoln thing. Now shes blaming the lie on the late great Abraham Lincoln, thats one that i havent okay. Honest abe, honest abe never lied, thats the good thing, thats the big difference between Abraham Lincoln and you, thats a big, big difference were talking about some difference. Okay, so that was right off the top of his head, he took advantage of the moment. Good, right . Yes, that was one of his best moments in the debate i thought. You know, he is a great off the cuff speaker and can often once in a while at least strike gold. But really the key to success and debate is preparation. Had he done more in debate number two, there would be a lot more moments like that i suspect. So the rub against Hillary Clinton is she overprepares while donald trump underprepares. There was a moment from the last debate where she addressed the sex talk by evoking Michelle Obama. Lets listen. When i hear Something Like that, im reminded of what my friend Michelle Obama advised us all. When they go low, you go high. Okay, but the rest of the debate wasnt exactly like that, right . No, there was not much going high for the entire debate unfortunately. But, you know, that was a great moment for her. The key to success one of the keys to success in a president ial debate is having a president ial sounding character and tone and really being above the fray is a great way to capture that. Okay, so well be watching. Im sure youll be watching too. Well check back. Jacob thompson, thanks. Our special coverage leading up to the debate starts tomorrow. Ill be right back. Replace the e of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. 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He says officers have sometimes been the face of oppression and says police much work with communities to rebuild trust. Police in North Carolina tell cnn they do not think democrats were being targeted in a graffiti incident over the weekend. A Democratic Campaign office was spray painted with the words hang the capitalists. Police say there has been similar graffiti in the area for years and they dont think its related to the firebombing of a Campaign Office in hillsborough. President obama welcomed italys Prime Minister mateo rensey to the white house with a grand ceremony on the south lawn. President obama hosts the final state dinner of his presidency tonight. The celebrity chef mario batali will whip up a sweet potato pasta dish and singer gwen stefani will perform. And dont forget special coverage of wednesday nights debate. The third and final. Well have special coverage all day long. Thank you very much for joining me today. Im carol costello. At this hour with berman and bouldan starts now. I have Great Respect for women. I have tremendous respect for women. My husband is real. Hes raw. He tells it as it is. We should take a drug test. I have two boys at home. I have my young son and i have my husband. Pressured the fbi to declassify an email. This is felony corruption. The state department offered a quid pro quo to the fbi. There was no quid pro quo. Fires raging overnight with isis militants attacking iraqi tanks. The number of suicide car bombs directed at Iraqi Security forces. 1. 2 Million People potentially caught in the cross fire

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